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The Oshawa Times, 30 May 1959, p. 6

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© TUE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, Mey 30, 1959 % RETA % THE ANCIENT SCHOOLHOUSE --A % The old schoolhouse at Brougham, in picture at left has been a landmark for 100 years on Highway No. 7. The old elms which surround it iD SI | SUCCESSOR be regret at its passing. On the right is the $40,000 two-room school which will be completed shortly, It will house many more students, but according were probably mere saplings whén it was first erected at a total cost of a little more than $500. It has turned out some notable people and there will § | to the old timers, it cannot do a better job of producing scho- lars, Pictures by John Mills. Society Meets At Brooklin By MRS. MABEL ELLIOTT BROOKLIN Monthlv meet. ing of Brooklin Horticultural So- ciety was held Monday prior to the first flower show of the sea- President Mrs. Norman Alves was in the chair when it was re. ported a grant had been receiv. ed from the township of Whitby. Date of the Iris Show was set for Monday, June 8, in the United Church Sunday School room, Committee in charge will be Mrs, C. Davies, Mrs. W. A, Her- on, Mrs, Les Hall and Mrs, Mabel Richardson. Mrs. W. A. Heron, Mrs. Les Hall and Mrs. Mabel Richardson. List of Floraculture exhibits for Brooklin Spring Fair were detailed by Mrs. Arthur Elliott, who also read the rules for the essay competition of the Ontario Horticultural Society. Mrs. Tom Bailey, program con- vener, introduced Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Lockhart, of Toronto, who showed color slides of flow- ers at Dale Nurseries, Bramp- ton, as well as scenes in Holland showing thousends of tulips in [and Velma; George, Susie; Good. |Ploom. |fellow, Joyce; Greenley, Audrey, | Joan, Lorraine; Hobbs, Janet and Diane; Hunter, Edna; Johnson, | Vernon; Hanter, Milton and Eu- nice, Kennard, Wayne, Larry Kathleen; Koellner, Freddie; |Leslie, Letty and Billy: Kuspre, Harry and Gerard; Lafontain, SEIZE TOWN HALL " BARI, Italy (Reuters)--Police clashed with demonstrators at and |Glovinazzo near here Friday after 200 unemployed had taken the town hall by storm. Demand. ing work, the crowd rushed the Old Schoolhouse Wil Celebrate Centennial DEBT PAID OFF old schoolhouse. Tt is impossible Curtis and Ramon; Middleton, [town hall, overpowering the hand. 1860, the new schoolhouse to say how many pupils were James ful of policemen on guard. Seven had been in operation a full year, taught over the, 100 years. Many| Miller, Donald; Montague, Vic-'#amonctrators were arrested. met, not without some trepida- and according to: the records of have left the district, but many tor: Moore, Edith; Mullen, Edna' tion, to plan the building of a Thomas Peacock, was debt-free. others established homes and Middlebrook. Shirley. Joyce an new school. There was an old He wrote in his records: "Re- businesses in or around the com- Kathleen; McMaster, Margaret, | TIMES BUREAUS John Mills Ajax 426 47 3 school, the *"'Blockhouse," which ceived at different times, the full munity. Hugh and Isabel. inna: it i. das, they contemplated selling Injamount of three hundred and, Many former teachers and Nicholls, Walter; Pitts, Winni- Rae Hopkins Ma, 3-7282 BROUGHAM (Staff) -- Exactly 100 years ago, in the hamlet of Brougham, a little group of men 3 = pounds, shillings and pence for fiiteen dollars being the full sum pupils are being sought by the fred; Purdy, Ivan and Erwin; se 1 the equivalent of $101.75. Possibly of construction on new school- | committee set up to plan the Rattan, Roy; Smith, Kenneth, There's little doubt that, school = 7" cS e ooing rate of ster- house from trustees of Section centennial celebrations w hic h|Lillian and Ethel; Stratton, John; [trustees and the taxpayer would, ji "oy ohange would amount to 10.' take place June 20. Tripp, Shirley; Titus, Charlie, {ruefully, agree. {about 20 pounds Thomas, apparently, was the Chairman Ross Knox and trus- Ben, Andrew, Annie and Alfred; | Bowmanville is still mindful.| They had a site, near contractor. The difference be-itees Austin Pearce, George Dun-| Wilkins, Gertrude and Margarite; To keep things in proper per-inow known as Highway No. 7, tween the( sum and the estimated|can, and Mrs. Olive Pearce are| Wilkinson, Lee; Young, Uriah spective, it holds a monthly coun-|which they had bought from one cost' possibly took care of such anxious to contact as many of and Marshall. | cil meeting, which undoubtedly Thomas Hubbard, an early set- things as a stove and various them as possible. The secretary,|- | is open to anyone, It is never|tler in the district, for $20, or its furnishings {Robert Masters, would be pleased OLD DENMARK | boring. It is businesslike. Matters equivalent. He owned 200 acres yey little is known of the to hear from any of them as Roskilde, ¢a ital of Denmark are expedited by the simple ex-|which he had bought in 1792. The ina q paid the schoolmaster be- arly as possible. i » Capi | beadi " 114 3 y Fifth|g 4 until 1443, has a cathedral dating | pedient of clearing all extraneous|land stretced between te fore he took over his duties in| A list of those not heard from from the 1lth century [things like debate at the meet-|and Sixth concessions the new building. However, helto date, because their addresses : f ings of the Board of Public| The expenditure for a new... aid $400 per apnum until he/are unknown, has been issued. | f Works schoolhouse needed careful con-|,, in 1867 pre he was Anyone knowing addresses for sideration by the th Ss COMMU; aid from is not certain, because these names can communicate {nity, and it was with a sense Olly). trustees raised the sum of with W. C. Willson, Brougham, |great responsibility that it toldigs,g on annum by assessment, Ontario. Telephone Pickering FOR MISSED If you have not received your Times by 7 p.m. call it 80|the thee appointed trustees to 80 . neeted by a Mr. Burdon for the 413J1. AJAX TAXI |ahead with the project. Chairman p, in oly salary of $7.50. Undoubt- mos cHERS PHONE |S. H. Stevenson, trustee Dr. i.aiy he felt this was a little low, Miss Estelle Welsh, Miss Mc: Freel and secretary - treasurerifo. jn 1862 the trustees paid him! ' r , robal 4 tio Bia 4 _ Pherson, Miss Young, Miss William Hubbard, - probably a 59.00 for the job. Probably par | Moore, Miss Scott, Miss McPhad- All cells must be placed before 7:30 p.m, ALONG THE LAKESHORE | May Split Durham High School District ANGUS GORDON District Editor The Durham county high school problem is apparently getting nearer to a solution. At least from the point of view that the fssue may be settled within the pext month or two. Whether will be settled to the satisfaction of everyone concerned is another matter From what we hear, the com- mittee set up to confer with the various municipal councils in volved in the dispute over high school areas, has been told that the municipalities would like to make a three-way split of the district Originally, the Durham district what is SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you have not received your Times, phone your carrier boy first, If you ere unable to con tact him by 7:00 p.m. | sl req We might add that all mem- program hers of council are members of in 100/the board, which makes official changed for the have By 20 mph at times. In their fun|school they cut in and roared past oth Prices cars, They finally disappeared in|years the direction of Peterboroug One driver stopped in Hope to report the incident police office in the town hall locked. An inquiry at the clerk's office resulted in ti ser "Go find 'em. We've nothing t with them. Anyway, the highway has nothing to do with the town." Port The imuch simpler. J\ative i Pp i thelante bal ! ] relative of the man who sold the! paid some sort of a fee. HR id TELEVISION LO Gat: ins fit: CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto| would cost rll of $581.51. WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester, -- WGR-TV Channel 2---Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo 7 " 'has SATURDAY EVE 2:00 P.M, | 7~Pantomime Quiz We agree, but we do think a 5:00 P.M 7--Understanding | 8.3---It Could Be You the questioner could have heen 11 6---Junior Magazine 4~S8earch for 1omorrow told where to find the OPP of 2:30 P.M, 12.45 P.M, or put in touch by 'phone ie thay ving World Hal Star Theatre Feature Movie Music Luekily, there have been few 7--Canisins Forum Guiding Light cases of the old United State | 3:00 P.M 1.00 P.M, highway game of 'chicken 31 Sheaking of | 7-=Music Binge high school board suggested practiced mostly by teen-agers | 6--Matinee building three new high schools until it was brought to public. at- Movie vas Mr. Jackson was the forerun-|p affyv ner of 47 schoolmasters and mis. Eerguson, John Mahatfy tresses in the 100 years which| . vos. | have elapsed since he first took |p "Riot, Kenneth, E01 h over ii 1950, __ |Ross, Carol; Bryant, William: It is recorded that Dr. F. N. Brown, Wanda; Badgero, Flor Tomlinson, of Claremont, medi-/ence: Biglow, Penny; Burk Sh cal officer of health from 1934 Lorne, Dick and Albert: Connag- | ower - ow anil he health 4 took ore han, Margaret; Coombs, Ray ! . (such duties in , was the : Deckert, Stephen and | By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT |ic;cher for some years. [fhoud; ren 2 1 4 BROOKLIN -- Over 100 entries| any other prominent men and Elva; Devitt, Verna and Percy. | were received at the Spring show women have passed through the! Edwards, Earl; Fraser, Mae! {of the Brooklin Horticultural So-| ---- as ciety Monday in the Sunday {School room of the United |Church. | A large collection of tulips of| |all varieties provided a wealth of {color | | The entries received for ar-| |rangements classes were much! larger than usual but competition {was keen in all classes. Judges Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Horne, of Whitby, comment- ed favorably on the exhibits and congratulated the society on the {number of entries and the splen- it town 1e an- to do Big Entry For Theatre m Bowie Three Stooges 2-Twilight Theatre . 5:30 P.M 11.6~Rin Tin Tin 8:00 P.M TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7-7:30 p.m. only Pets 1l--Century Stories 7-Early Show OSHAWA BUSINESSMAN STATES... % 8 Omni 7, 1257 Bik" is 2 | % | 11.6 5 4-=Face 2---Water § 11-~Lassie 7--~Lone Ranger 6--Maritime Renais- "The following are but a few of the points that make me happy to be a Buick owner: 1. The instant acceleration and excellent performance of the motor; 2. The efficiency of the smooth changing Twin Turbine transmission; 3. The luxurious ride and road handling ability." such driv war- er Port costs date ) ] form which enjoy wa east ded harta OSHAWA, ONT. PM, SEE EO RJ 2 n 11-6-4-2 Sports 7--Playhouse 5--Rescue & 11:15 P.M Late Show 6--Juliette Ju "0 er 11-~Family Theatre 6--Follow Me 5--Playhouse 4-Fun To Learn 3--Three Stooges 5.18 P.M, 6--~Chjldren's Newsreel | 4~Cartoon Storybook | 530 P.M. 7-6--Mickey Mouse Blues LEE ELE mixed colors, 7 to 9 Mrs. Cecil Jones: | 2-Ca 38. Mrs LR BB A Young 7 5 Detective LS PM 5 Words 6.80 P. a 5-4-2-- Weather Line 6.45 P News 3--Christophers | 4--~Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Church Invitation 10:30 AM Industry om Uncle Jerry 2-Morning Gospel 10:45 AM 5--Look at Congress 3-Faith of Israel 11:00 AM. 3-Children's Corner 4-Eyve on New York which 2--Industry on Parade 1:15 AM 7--The Living Word 2-Sacred Heart 11:30 AM, 7--Command Perform ; ance more; s_Kit Carson more 4--Camera Three at 2--Wes Round-UP 12:00 'Noon 11-This Is The 7-Bishop Pike S--Space Ranger 4-News: Weather 12:18 6--Test TY" = 5 Parade CL BAR J 6~Camera Three MONDAY 11-6--Millionaire 8.00 AM 7-<Public Demand 5-2-Restless Gun 4-The Texan 830 P.M. | 11.6--Hit Parade 7--Bold Journey 4---Father Knows Best 5,2~Wells Fargo 9.00 P.M 8, 2-Today 4-~News: Roundup 8.15 AM +-Captain Kangaroo 0.00 AM. 1 a 7~Test Pattern | 5--Burns and Allan | i Popeye's Play. house 7--Volce of Firestons | 3--Coffee Break 5. 2--Peter Gunn $15 AM 11-6-4--Danny Thomas | Y=Devotions 030 P.M. 9.30 AM, 7--Romper Room 5--Favorite Story 3-2 P.M 4--Life of Rile + Pattern 10.00 4--Lobk At Congress », 3---Dough Re Mi 4 4-On The Go | 030 AM. | 9=Morning Show 8, 3---Treasure Hunt 4--Sam Levenson 11.00 AM 8, 3~Price Is Right 4-1 Love Lucey a little no is being erected us 8 Nake the change... make the magnificent change now to AM 12:30 P.M 11-The Christophegs JJ. Hopkins File 6--Good Life Theatre Little Rascals 4-- Playhouse 1:00 P.M 11--Brave meg This is th@PRnswer Ray Forrest e Sto BUICK'59 Weather, Sports Sydney Lockyer: 3. Mrs. C. Wick. | : 11.30 AM ns PM Spring Flower Arrangement for! 3 CancenURion Jeep aynOUNE breakfast table -- 1. Mrs. Cyril Vit Davies Mrs. Cecil Jones: 3 12.00 NOON Mm tre Wick Bw of Narcissi o TH 2---Sports Reel Mrs, C ngement Mrs. Cecil Jones nie P.M Arr Show Daffodils -- 1 Mrs. B. Jamieson; 3. Mrs. Les |Hall, } 3:30 PM . . S5--Feature 11--Cowboy Theatre 8--FKErrol Flynn 4 . 4~Meet The Millers to meet an urgent problem of tention by tragedy a couple of 8--Dick Clark 3-Feature Fim 2-Mid-day Matinee overcrowding. The municipalities years ago. A--Wrestling es 600 P.M 115 PM, : 2--Rendezv A 11--Movie | agenda ce Raed; DW low on However, we still have plenty of ended os Room I= Bowing : ne ogg 2 Suge sites for the NeW irresponsible drivers, not always 11--Tennessea Ernie [Seth Cemttury 7~For The Ladies S000 jerable "lobbying" fol. Of teen age, who delight in bait- SMI. Pix clk : ~The World Turns to pb ve th 0 ord ing Tow ing the obvious "family" driver.| * "gis P.M 4 Roberts 2.00 P.M. We rom the gh SChOOl ge is fair game because usually 6-4--News: Sports Slam ° Day 19 Court board, and some countering ac Ah : 7:00 P.M lait o lole 4--Jimmy Dean . he not prepared to make a 5:00 P.M 2-Hel lov! tion by some of the municipali- ae 11--=Rifleman : . elen Neville | i fuss because he has the family News Magazine as | ties. Result was a stalemate, and ' 6--Ivanhoe Winchell 2.30 P.M, : with him, and usually he would! ¢-U of - | a threat by two municipalities 3 B Ruud Table F 11-Babytime AR ii be no match for a gang of hefty 2--African Patrol i~Gale Storm Bowmanville and Darlington to|younos rowdies 7:30 P.M 6--News pull out and set up their own' Polite ave usual wt The Vige 3 Home Cooking AY . i [' ually ready 0 Co 7 Jie Clark ouse arty di i r s : i isplay. board or boards operate, but there is always the 6-Saturday Date 3---Haggis Baggls : ite. vener Mrs. Les OUTSIDE OPINION odd one who is not too anxious to 3¥-People Are Funny 245 P.M | Committee con 18. "5 T tm : Rin ay anxious YO! ¢--Perry. Mason pi Nestomtine Hall announced the prize winners he arguments continued until saddle himself with a chore 8:00 P.M &--College Bowl 6--World of Lif as follows: i was decided to get an outside which might bring him into court ! Como 6:00 P.M 30 Pn Three Red Tulips -- 1. Mrs. M. opinion in the shape of a counties on his off duty time, In Teddies Usa 116-Bob Cummings | 1.6.pgar Phoebe | Richardson; 2. Mrs. Sydn mk . 8! . 7-86 Presto . ; ' 4 4 d council committee to review the'cases, the complaining 4~Jack Benny ImStrgeant, Preston i~Beat The Clock Lockyer; 3. Mrs. J. Holdershaw. whole picture and attempt to f nd can always issue a citizen 0 P.M 4~Col, Flach s hh Bl Payott | Three Yellow Tulips -- 1, Mrs. an acceptable solutin The com Despite the fact t} Front WI 2--Tughoat Annie : ou {M. Richardson; 2: Mrs. Cyril mittee has conferred with dollar or two, the : bo bi 8:30 P.M 11-6--0Open Hot Wick: 3. Mrs. Norman Alves » and H Township ¢ awrence Welk 11-6--Father Knows Best Ise LE Minds 4 Hope a Slope owns ip 7) usually gets action Black - Saddle 7--Brave Eagle 5 De. Do You Foust) Three White Tulips -- 1. ih meets rimgton and pos o 9:30 P.M 5--Maverick i 0 se 1800%s i dson; 2. Mrs. Ceci Bowmanville Ww ednesd v at COMMITTEE AT WORK 11-6--Great Movies 420th Century $-The Verdiet -1s y Richary Norman Alves Oror ; = The development of the 5.2--Cimarron City 2-Bishop Sheen ou ov [Somes 'P wo i 1. Mrs. M Yoru val - nent 4--Have Gun, will Trav. 7:00 P.M : Three Pink Tulips -- 1. Mrs. M. It selleved that the cor mmeipal Sovernmen el 11-1 Love Lucy { U--Bugs Bunny Richardson; 2. Mrs. C. Wilson; tee is ahront Sector hot Tain or J : no A A 2 . 000 mM 7---You Asked For Bt Teamarionh Bandwandls Mrs. Cecil Jones. 1 ! . 1 adaptation o e ammy Kaye B~ hy : > Mrs ' e trict should at be 4 which had pig he B ae Gunsmoke pe Bride 52--Truth or Consequen.| Three Mauve or Purple Tulips into north-south areas possihls 3 no Wigs OHRID In wy [RPM n 3-Trouble With Father | . ces {= 1, Mrs. M. Richardson; 3 Mrs. roeway sp eaving Der nt docu-| 7.waiter Winche 1:30 P.M erials Cecil Jones: 3. Mrs. R. V. Young. ton 2 Boy an instrument designed to Pat Boone 11-6--~Showtime | 4.30 Three Tulips, Mixed Colors --| Port Hope from the dictator g; §-Slent Service 7--Maverick 1-Popere | (1. Mrs. J. Hoidershaw: 2. Mrs. | mt} ¥ J 2 - Fligh Alla Howdy Dood: | A ed L A ' and letting the other four small ome measure of frec 11:00 P.M 4=Jacn. Benny Fair [M. Richardson; 3. Mrs. Sydney| er municipalities to. form f the people, had its fault News: Weather: 100 P.M Night Lockyer. th rd ghia: Howe it is still regarded | U--Loretta Young MONDAY EVENING | Three Parrott Tulips, one color MO r COSTLY the symbol of free peoples he Ee ham i [-- 1. Mrs. M. Richardson: 2. Mrs. MORE COSTLY a ha. A Bivis | y Hall: 3. Mrs, Sydney Lock- The suggestion hes brought From it emerged the old parish 11--The Naked City Les Ha ) A AL Sht cng dade. od " "il " n . n, 7--Lawman |v a heads . . councils, to which free men could rr yer. s A much head-shaking from the bE their Corl So Marshall Three Parrott Tulips, Mixed more experienced municipal of F het I 8 0 mic Kelly's | bia . fie th h th , taxes, or any other inequality 11:30 P.M. 9:00 P.M Colors -- 1. Mrs. M. Richardson; cers throughout the country wig h o : hel B=Wrestling 11-6--World's St M Charles Wilson. Most ar ? eo will they imagined might exist. The | orld's Stage 2. Mrs. Charles Most are convinced the move will rn S--Movie 7-Colt' 48 8 |i y colo Ss 8 Three Double Tulips, an r 14 . inniay Council sat in open session and tayh . I > result, first in lower provincial 4--Playhouse 5,2--Chevy Show . hy + P "debated measures of interest to 2--NY Confidential 4G .E Theatre {= 1. Mrs. M. Richardson: 2. Mrs. | grants with a consequent net Joss the: community 12:00 Midnight 0:30 P.M 4-Dinner Date {Charles Wilson; 3. Mrs. Norman to the taxpayer, and secondly, y 2-Late Watch 11.6---G.M Presents 2--Superman {Alves much higher local administration! Only juries debated in secret SUNDAY 7=-Frontier 6.00 P.M, Tulips ue Today's municipal council 8:50 AM. 4--Alfred Hitchcock 7--Early Show (blooms ~~ 1 The critics state that they have might have many more and 4:00 AM | 7 Wadi IS a J 12. Mrs. M. Richardson; had no chance to work out the much more complex problems. j_test Pattern 8.2--Loretta Eira Pd harles Wilson results, but at a casual glance Because of this, some prefer to| 8--Christian Science Private 6--Danger in my Bus Single narcissus, three blooms this would appear to be 'the logi- Ponder them behind closed doors. | 4=Let's Open The Door | = 10:5 ness -- 1. Mrs. Cecil Jones: 2. Mrs. v 3 M. B--Fightin ay > cal conclusion Not uptil council has reached a|g yarn ston T= Dlanrring oi {Les Hall; 3. Mrs. R. V. Young. On the other hand, they point decision does it feel the people 0:30 AM, 5-4--~What's My M. | Three Double Narcissi, or| out that the existing district is should know anything. SThis is the Lite 2-Byline |Daffodils -- 1. Mrs. Cecil Jones: | becoming too unwieldy, and that, When council reaches an im. *~Syrhe YG Near ls 2. Mrs. Les Hall; 8. Mrs, B. Ja-| the partition would have to be passe, it decides to go to the | "sports "| 5-Drama Feature {mieson. : | made at some time in the future people for a plebiscite, which can 8--News Hilites s-Death Valle: Days Narcissi, multiflowered, three if the school population increases be fairly costly depending on the IRL 3-Sclence Theatre |plooms --- 1. Mrs. Cyril Wick. | at the same ratio. This, they circumstances. Somewhere along 6--This Week a Daffodils Trumpet Style, 3| capelude, is a natural conclusion. /the way we appear to have lost | 5--Feature Movie 150 PM, |blooms, 1. Mrs. Charles Wilson; Apropos of all this, they are sight of Magna Charta 9-Late Watch hon Pectin Talks {9 Mrs, Cecil Jones puzzled at the increasing ratio of SCHOOLS DO COST MORE § S2Backskin 10 | Arrangements of pansies, own education costs. They cannot un-| Brougham public school will 4-Name That Tune [foliage -- 1. Mrs. Tom Bailey; derstand why per capita costs celebrate its centennial June 20 8.00 P. M. |2. Mrs. Cyril Wick; 3. Mrs. B.| should not come down, instead|rt is expected that the ancient |Jamieson. ; | of going up, with the increas-| schoolhouse, the site for Early Iris, | spike -- 1. Mrs.| ing school populatior This should was bought in 1859 for the sum Les Hall; 2. Mrs. Cecil Jones. | be natural process, especiallyiof $20, will see many hundreds Lilac, single spike 1 Mrs. | in administration costs, they! of its former pupils that day. Not Kenneth Holliday: 2. Mrs. Nor- far away, its successor little man Alves: 3. Mrs. Cyril Davies. gistrate R. B. Baxter will higger perhaps, a Double Lilac. one spike-- Mrs. | apparently tolerate too much ornate, but certainly Sydney Lockyer: 2. Mrs. Kenneth| horseplay on the h Holliday : | days ago in Bowman Lilac, three spikes, (variety) down heavily on the man who The proud trustees in 1859 an ey {1. Mrs. Kenneth Holliday: 2. Mrs. owned the car, and the driver of nounced that the old school house 7--US. Marshal |Cyril Davies ae | a vehicle which is alleged to have was erected for $580.51. However Theatre | African Violet, ans Solon, ok plaved some form of hide-and-'for some strange reason tr Target |erown - 1. Mrs M. Richa son. seek with another man taking ajtees S. H. Stevenson, Dr. Freel 1- hg Suing | Arey Rich ue. Nariel drive with his family and secretary-treasurer were sat 7---Our Miss Brooks Mrs. M. Richar on 1 Unfortunately, not too many of isfied to collect the sum of $315 in 8 4--Playhouse House plant, i " oor M: these cases can be proved, andi the vear following which was "the i Say S38 Jes Mrs, Sydney Lockyer: a Labi . : . P.M. Tom Bailey; 3. Mrs. N. Alves. more unfortunately, it is hard to full sum of construction ori new 7--People's Cholce House Plant, not in bloom get police, especially in the/schoolhouse ops tL PM 1 ray Norman Alves; 2. Mrs towns, to do anything about it The school revenue at that time 11.7-6.5-4.2-News; A : Myc hy We know of a case where two amounted to $300, and a Mr. Bur y¢ large, heavily laden trucks on|don was paid the sum of $7.50 for highway' 2 played a sort of tag collecting the tax * game ween Newcastle and the ship. Two vears lafer junction of and highwav 2. to ees raised his emolument the discomfiture of other drivers. chore to $9.00 per annum Their speeds at times reached Remarks Flsa Storrv 80 mph. this dropped to less than written a brief history of on the town the tr fo 4) CLIFF MILLS MOTORS 266 KING ST. W,, OSHAWA WHITBY MOTORS ".IMITED WHITBY, ONTARIC 15 FP 0 PM a : ry wh " wh > 4--Playhouse 2 2--Jack Paar Calendar thie

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