! orectly \ i 1 | - tario bo New | i ! a --_--_-- C--O --_-- =a -- a -- ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. ¥, J, Dickson of Armsirong, British Columbia, an nounce the engagement of thelr danghier, Ind Lieenant Belly Ann Dickson (8.A) to 2nd Lien. tenant George Robert Bell (S.A), sol of My. amd Mrs. George Bell, Oshiawa. The wedding is to take place Monday, June 2. at 20 pm. in Bt Andrew's Préshyler jan Choreh, Armstrong, B.C with Captain Johm Harding offi claling ENGAGEMENT John H, Goodwin to annoithes the engagement of their daughter, Flizabeth Ami, to. Mr. James J. Sabayan, son of Mr, and Mrs James Rabyan, Oshawa The marriage will take place in St John the Evangelist Roman Cath olie Church, Whitby, on Saturday Jime 18, 1959, M10 Am Vii. and Mrs Brooklin, wish Of St EAA, s CPTA 81. Christopher's CPTA met ve- be at work the next few dently in the school auditerium!fo be ready to presént a new lo hold is May meeting rs. | slate of officers next month, Miss Max Coleman presided and open Margaret Corrigan's room was ed the meeting with praver. The winner of the class comm president welcomed all those! business of the meeting had come present and most expecially fo an end, sveryone was Asked "Dad." as this was "Fathers [to vise and join in singing "0 Night." Miss Pauline Boyle vead Canada." the secretary's veport, due 10 the] spo. fi Robsché 8s convener absence of the secretary, Mrs of (he May meeting proceaded fo! Leonard Weeks, The (Feasurer. igen gyer the evening's program Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, vend the, hushand, My. C1i4fl financial report this being "Fathers! | IH was amounced that the Mr, Hoesche called non Grade 8 Graduation Banguel will foseph Walsh of (he Dy take place on June 25, AnyonelF Donevan Collegiate Insti having unwanted "U1 was re<itute teaching staff, who in tinn guested to send i to the sehool, introduced the viee-principal of fe iH was hadly needed in the OCVI. Dr, GG. B, Maher, who wis area of the school grounds the speaker for the evening where thé sehool rink has bees' ne yaher's minated and where there Is quite great interest to those a depression at one. énd children attending high schoo! A nominating committee head: and most especially fo parents of od hy Mrs. Russell Jubenvitle wll' Grade 9 pupils, The speaker stat od hat a pupil's most frases weeks her Roesch Night." My P f address was of having CELEBRATE 25TH ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs. Ra) \ Roman Division street, held open house Church, Lindsay recently to lived in Oshawa lor Hive years during which time they have silver wedding anniversary made many friends in the om married in munity Catholic and have mond Scott Jo Aldwinckle, THE OSAHWA TIMES, thell Ihe St celebrate eouple were Women Women's Editor Monday, ing vear wus Grade 9. This was hecaiuse of the great physical and mental change he anderivent Al Mis time. The parénfe were asked to bé very patient with their child during this périod Ax paves they should sel up a good environment, beeatisé home was still the primary sotiree of adocation. Childven were some thes apt to hécame dishonest at Ms time in seh wavs as changing repovt cards and hand Int in Inlsé notes Purents were also urged to he on guard as ta thé company their ehildren werd keeping and also to] know their whereghoits, Distrac Dial RA 3-347 June 1, 1959 Fashions and Home Making Displayed By Girls of Bowmanville High School "The Oriental Touch was the were responsible theme for the Fashion Show pre. backgrommd music the sented in the school avditorium Running all the way Hon the al disenssed oi Thursday night by the Home tractive girlish blouses, skirts Apother Foonomics Dopavimen! of Bow and simmer die 5 of Grades 9{ion to ih § manville High School. With (he 10 1p to the and '\Gradé 12 i Art Department under Mi of Grades 1] the problems tamily living which Helena MeMaster preparing the mo ad slong tothe girls Mn tat Thess in | cdecorative touches the serting vid (riend develop: fejuded finding & Hife partné pms striking in black and kil ' IVIes nancing the prirehase dnd complete with bamboo formiture add detall in Aulehing gin nishing of a hottie WK RAY Te add more ealisan Me Taras ero ini ted Peliting cofldren and fhe omiaf's Miss Roberta | a ht givl modelad ju iance over (he fami Iie 212 commentato how Chin yrowd » And customs god of longevity ( and soup spoons for the soft cetion show and teristics Aetlale. The charac each material were and prices mentioned particularly good adi program " panel diseussion of of of ! i ! | ! i i | i i ! | i i I i 3 i. i i ' ) he dresses and. 12 Indicatin he and suit in hen parent white ot men n fab i fis the ade its de as each ed he A mothe chop I'he brocade nn subtle colors hea me minent alo Ba Varmedilen Daven, Marie Woml. Be ttn dive an biti own the Mere rey nels Kent Bram ted yu Following alle Mi the Home sticks with a Chinese and most bheaubinl loaned by M A. Wit to whom the had been from Orient fil 0 nd a antl nnd mate vine 10 Barbary Arpt of Denarimen the BAUKGROUND Dixie MUSICAL Patsy PERSONALS the any of Fi he Yi min eal 0 ol andl pre nodotied gi 1 pire hie or) B gist section ed Daves pale blue 18 ° Raha a the oollen hid fo } jorie ap Al appl arm sited of wwin Teenagers students Social | pa dye hed 1iitle commen fone, Pla Annie Drove You are wvited be Department to send wn ¢ tome of Mmterprat. News surprise parties, showérs versavies wd comings al [op dothed ings ave always very acceptable (wp AT SUITS and for which there is no charge y Please write or telephone RA he 33474 local 18 Mra. Agnes Martin, Mise Flord Purdie Mrs. Dorothy Haley recently tarred after spending a week Atlantic City, Néw Jerse and New York, where they attended the Grand Chapter Sessions Order of the Eastern Siar Ne Jersey, which were held In Atlas tic City. Mrs. Fithel Martin is the grand representative rem O1 Jersey fu fab re er ul tater vore it grong 0 Song Coinplietin L the 4 ll urate IT on ole Goes Forma vearing evening i pari a une Hire I'he aight gow " Follow Fash nds vas Baibars modelling #8 Bry pare honndstooti vool displa Austrian room Fathers ested in pla 8 ng andl and Ar and Atong ermeitlen sinart ¢ fri lemon vovk he parti mea too) \ ns hom gree ra of in on Barbar toni the 1 nite 8 Queen's and will I a hosen al he 1 Na {nis Kentlo, Virs F The and . tons' Semina maasinm in { oh st Bet wa nie rk hile Tune oad in te Brand ' par his he wel df die \ ol mothe fave Nit red prefer table Home no aile ol ¢ lo vs Oo ne ey p and the o n "he In hores Alargarel Walle fan Mall ed a Jip hay m ra o Depart Arnall and Mh Induairia! Mi €6 AC CERROFINK a de L] an plhment Flsie Du 1" parti wiarly ompiexion man of Hghttul Ing, and rasan! fair sod { I Vix Norma Mi olor o blue cap ateented All these dyes ng profe an Art 0) he th the 0Ck mK | d pla uf LE #s » if itt i ni ¢ fu wed dF Pe and Mrs Raph held a tea at Krnhie their home veste day im honor of Mr. and Mr: Tom Brown, Cavango, Angola Africa, who sail in hwo weeks lo rettern to the leprosartisn there Mr. Brown is a \United Chureh agricultural fidssionary eration with several agentie the leprosarium. The guests members of Northminster Un Church who are interested in Brown's work aid contributed a fund designed 16 raise $1000 101 the purchase & bialinan bull for bréeding pirpeses Assisting Mrs. Kimmerly ¢ state Mrs Grove of Mont real H A Mello ho poured tea. Mrs lan Dickson, | Sandi Mrs. Fdwin Wells M Robert | and Helen 1 Kelly and Mrs Willan ¢ demonstrated YUH hey Viseigirle should | ¢ anvone ill Helen 1onals Comira Home Feononmics more han and be 0 popile Lelie covers mneh and fothin no nind 1000 aring intere Y oii Won nded Vina sho be am in rations A 0-01 line o-0p ners LLL AL) at . duction msde [Ul] sho ul ents Hately Dil Nieke VAT ene he ner eat nt ted My tere vidi and n ment participants alo Fon sco Lola Pring Home Car nied spevia Grade 10 students comment g N on ioode Jw of ET Sie a) it NOUine Hele a hy 4 i George and Mrs # \ dé Hr 0 danghie Foronto Betty and Miss line ) F \ \ mst ated proper way of making a bed ani saturday ax homo ad A Sandra joined them when the hower given by fhe girls of ber gigwed how to Hi a patient from Sunday School class al he Home the floor mito the bed. Helen dem Mrs Leonard Cobbledick, gnstrated how fu - take pa Flgin street east redaitly NM 1 sinps at and Lander received rein hile ed niscellaneous gifs ditk Was ' art Babcock and! l 4 bride nde Miss Boity Aun FA Mice of Osha in Hoe aig School fo WW veal s al here he LJ As \ fs ol ¢ ents ¢ piles spiration set i active Sandee K tra sefitl dovnonstra Barbara Pat VM sion and @ fabrivs of Mrs Kerr of ncinded the and orlon chrémesoum Iersey and re shu sociation ole: how ta Another vas Ke n f Ww oF a sq made hong \ the an wadian Hem Parent: Teaches Halitax I* Mounce and Sehow Fedevation Mire SOLVER vith the became a Home antl School Association. member im 1929 when she joined Mary Street Association THE Lillian Mae Marah SCHOOL OF DANCING Presents Its ANNUAL RECITAL , June 12th, 1959 7:30 P.M, Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute ADULTS $0¢; tion fn mm Over Queer pla dife Hindl ouned Bowmanville These newer mixes of wool (Viscose and acetate B bo iy » leryiene. orlon and Aro I Fisher Mr. and Mrs of Peterborough B toad Me A I} both of Toramto Mr M. McMillan, Bowman H. Hutchings, Port! Hope: Mrs. S. Cunnington. Van. | conver, B( Mr. and Mrs. Don James, Minden and " 4 Db ad nd Ji on iday held Hons in fie vi Vr. and Mr. and ehildren Viddangh Onl of 4 (ul a hips doves Mre Ray Beach Fdward Beach Keith Chick and and Mrs. Burton daugiver, Reverly Emterkin, all and Mrs. F C. Scott Mys, B Donough and Mrs ville: Mrs Ui ge ver lbng vho Pp ere lias o nl h Viv Mi and executive Federation hr Frida VACUUM CLEANERS an POLISHERS MEAGHER'S #1 SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 3.470) CHILDREN 25¢ tions al home such ax telovigion | should he prevented when the | need arose. In concluding Dy, | Maher stressed the point that! parents should keep in frequent | (contact with the high school fo Keen check on their children's progvess. Al (he close of his ad dress Mr. Ken MeRaé (hanked the epeaker on hehall of very wmeeciative miekignes Mir. Roesehe next called upon the rend Father Norbert give a spiritual talk fo mémbers, This month he spiritual divector fo hetnfil inst rue education fo be im to daughters tove (Hdnac to the un those ame very Hm narted mothers and fathers to sons separate Clusses word held for the moth ers and fnthers, and a record was aed to assist with these instruc Further talks for thé entire hed by Father Gig Hi] um up these instraetions GUEST oF HONOR toes anid he sii ¢ ( Y Iris comer fn) . N a on sex h tion roup were He i 1 sub of all tance Vis on the minds on an the 1 ann ord on to the prie Fede anid cho he Fema ol + al S018 alled to assist ing domghnms and coffee rélros Mr. Joseph of thé dobry pon in A hment fo fishands furthers présent hy thei al a supper evening, in ol Mart of Romian Catlwiie esoniation was (Muhne. on he ation. hy Mr The vad and ie rendered allded greatly event most Fa Wale prize i rimming e \ a flyers i © Cun party on Woine auditor he People Church \ made 1 Father bali of the | Toh the fh wf ne wWinhe Nova Scotia Pair Mark Anniversary On Oshawa Visit Irven HN. Porter N.S. attended a recently WM honor der Cardi al mstrinndm a hy the to a THis Mes od Iie njay able LODGES AND SOCIETIES OAKLEIGH LODGE of LORA Temple Vir. and Mrs Yarmonth family difndy af thelr 50th wadding annive al the First Bantiat Chive, Och F catered by the Women's Ag ociation. Following thé dinner a reception was held al the Home of on. Mr. Ros: Porter and Portier 1] sary Oak wa regulsr No Ora meeting 151 ¢ Ihe 4 woe their n fhe re zy Viany nee ils were received including Now ers, cheques and mn merons cards and lo'sgrams received from friends and tive Viessages werd frown Prime Mimdster John Disfen. | (Hover nor Premier Vi Na deputy ded Va " bride 0 vere | Sister rela rer, as sSeriptaee ead hy Chanlain Hit Mu one hiker ALF siantiekl Nove Scat and the Hon Ohi ah me " of av and Sister ¢ fa QU fi | A special dinner and réceplion Mary Winter, Oshawa her late hunshand were Mis Porter's attendant wedding Ago month, Nova he wedding cake ut In bride and groom, was made and | decorated by their daughter, Mrs | Lynwacd Flaviage, Bowmanville Oi ihe ovening of May friends and neighbors gathered al |e the home of Mr. ang Mrs. Lyn! Wood, Firidge, Bowmanville offer their congratulations aud |! best wishes to Mr and Mes Ir | ven BR Porter. A surprise of (het FVening was a visit from Mr and |) rs. Verncn Sweeney ho. Toren Jo, former Yarmouth, Nova Seo Hu, Iriends Aro and Mrs. Porter have also been viditing their daughter, Mrs Leshe Sivith andl Mr. Smith, Of awa fries 3 I noel vn a1 he 8) 1 vit vith and the Yar present Whe ho Vi al Ll Oste 8 " I 16 is d to: the Moma Henry Hurst and ne pok# an the ith one of he Hrother William Tura ' fhe Hobby fi 8 I the er + Ha had member Heatrive Ri 1 visi VOTES olde Seo Jolinsan fa Ni fact ' m Lhe I report 8) om Witehen the blige announced tha a vould { pi het 1] ida he lu be Jilly A Chireh by Sister Folloy wa he i than 8) the Orange ening. Jie antiual Church beld on Sunday in Albert Me leky | rize Afinie Mitchel the meeting and refreshments the Temple eo » parade morning Street United Vi ing played served bin § hy commiftee charge he next held on in meetivg will June egitlar Thinsday 2A SINGER CLEARANCE SALE Fully Reconditioned Used Singer Machines SINGER TREADLES FROM $10.00 SINGER PORTABLES FROM $39.50 'USO KNOWN MAKES CABINET MODELS FROM $19.95 Limited supply. Come early for best selection Singer Sewing Machine Co. 16 ONTARIO---RA §.5443 As the| § |Mrg [My (Gutde received | fhe General Vineet | David Miche) | jor with | he) to | Mrs. Ceell Found, whe conde ted{to Rophidim where they faced the SuPer a ¥ rose from the dead, and Lok kl linto Heaven. the Holy Spirit was given of a Mrs, Austin Ford closed the | Imeeting with prayer HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL AUX, ty, Chore Achat Macy wi y el uxiliary tra neta inthe "church nail. hel WIFE PRESERVER president, Mrs. Harold porevine] ore ided, 1 was amounced that! Cellophane tape. nr od the annual plenie would be held around castors, will keep at Geneva Park June 13. Tt was|from scoring the floor |decided that materials be pur ------------ {¢hased for new surplices for the choir, Mier much discussion it HOUSEHOLD WINY was mmanimously decided that) Soak clothes spotted with choe the group amalgamate with the olate or cocoa stains in cold WA in September borax walter helore washing io The June meeting of the Church tepid wids, Dry in the sum, School Awxiliary will take fhe form of a dinner and (theatre WINTERSEAL SELF-STORING DOOR . Go pase 1 R82 MIR, CARL (REAVER MRS, J. W. HART Ritson H&S Association Elects New President and Officers The annul meeting of the Wit tary, Mrs, Brie Cooper. The an on Home and Behold Association ial financial report was given by | vith Mrs 4 W Mrs, George Cuthbert, freasiirer Annual were given by Heard presiding commitiee chalrmen, Virs, Gor y | Roll call was answered with a installed the verse abot gardens of the Bible, dom Butler, social convener, and president, | soe William Dart, srogram con. 11 secrétary's report was road | viee-prest: | aner bw Mrs, John Cook and the (reas. | Gillespie and I . urer's report by Mrs, Gordon vcard wo Mire, J, W, Hart presemied Mrs sk Bi Hay with a gif in appreciation of . " Gorge domes: Hon [yar installing the officers Final plans for wedding caer George Cuthbert; con Mrs. dW Tiart Was presented) M8 were Macunced re Mrs: Foluwith hor past president's pin hy The WA plenle was discussed | Tomulak: execlive members, so. Carl Cronmer "and final arrangements will be Mrs, Gordon Butler, Mrs, Dom yp ype Millar thanked MAde af the next meeting. ald Cutler, Mrs, Laverne Devitt, gs votiving execniive It was announced that the Sun. Mas. Willinm Milne, Mes, Wilham oy day school plenie will he held Paynter. Miss Fvelyn Tindall Mes, 4, A, Marshall spoke about June 17 st Kiwanis Camp. Mr, Fark and Mr. J. Cine Home and Schoo) works shop, Members are Invited fo North. Fetterly May 30, st East Courtice School, | WA on Wednesday, June The itis Nefreshiments were served hy 7 ™ 7.0 pm [eeting the exeomtive members, Refreshments were served FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE camo en towers NELIAY, DEARBORN GROUP The Nellie Dearborn growp of | #t. Mephen's United Church met | a the home of Mra, Lloyd Jewell on Tuesday evening The meeting opened with the WA motto, theme and prayer, with the pregidemt, Mre, Carson held recently Hart presiding Mrs, Karl Hay new officers ag fohlo « » Carl Creame Mrs. Carth Korie Cooper relary, Mrs suree, Mra respomviing Wi reports dems FECPOLBY for their of the were read hy lant ania) the sere CASTLE, CH. ALUMNAE T™e Junior Castle Chapter AMumnae met recently sf the home of the president, Miss Doris | Batty, Brookiin After » short business meeting | (#4 social evening was enjoyed The officers elected for the | coming year are as follows: Pres. Miss Doris Batty: vice Mrs, Wilma Camwith; recording secretary, Mrs, Caro. lyn Wilson: corresponding secre. {lary, Mra, Ruth Taylor: treasur. or, Mrs, Elva Smith: program |Gommnittee, Mrs, Befty Brown {and Mise Ann Howden: press reporter, Miss Betty Moffat: as | sistant presse reporter. Mrs. Isobel Fox: fNower convener, Miss May Storie; assistant Nower convener Mrs. Isobel Lym: representative 0 counell, Mrs. Jessie Hillmer: ofreshments, Miss Kay Camp {bell Following a game of court | whist, great ingonuily was dis played In 8 hal making eontes! hie evening came 16 a elose with) [refreshments served by the social! Completely Installed $49.95 LES EVENISS SALES 15 PRINCE = RA 5.4632 andl the prospective bridegroom in the som of Mr, and Mrs, The marriage of 2nd Liewten mt George Bell and 2nd Liew George Bell, Mill street, Osh tenant Beil Aone Dicékaim ie to take place June 22 in Arm. strong, B.C. The bride-to-be is the danghter of Mr. and Mrs J, Dickson of Armstrong awa, The couple gradunied from the Salvation Army Train ing College, Toronto, In June 1057, and will make thelr home in Fort Macleod, Alberta GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES ITH GUIDE AND BROWNIE od a gift on behalf of the group GROUP COMMITTEFR to Mrs. F. FE. Train, whe was May meeting of the 15th Married recently Committee of the Gir) Mans were made for catering Association was held at the 10 & froussean tea and wedding in | home of Mrs. Frank Welch, sim. June, Mes, Roy Terwillegar spoke | ao street north her recent trip to Five Oaks The meeting opened with the Bay of Quinte confer Promise followed hy Lord's Prayer, The minutes of the previous meeting were read by secretary, Mrs, Harry Pearce and the treasurer's report by Mrs Hittcheon, Mrs. Frank vie president Idee Final Come at the Hutcheon Wednes FUR STORAGE Store your Furs and Winter Gar ments in Our Médern Refrigerated Vaults Safe from . FIRE THEFT « MOTHS * STORAGE + CLEANING * SHINERIZING un NING OSHAWA FUR and COLD STORAGE 81 WILLIAM ST, W..OSHAWA-Ph. RA 3.3012 he Group Gude of the for the ence It was decided meeting be a pot luck supper, to be held at the home of Mrs [Douglas Lande Mrs. CE. Quaniril and group served refreshments BAPTIST WMS meeting of the Cal. | WMS opened with | song led by Mrs, Henry Mrs. Jack Dvegan pre that the June her Welsh the pre méeling for the he held David cast Tune busines CALVARY he an made nd me Taunton lay afternoon Vere Ten Mi road regular vary BRaptisf a sing MeGhee sided Prayer was offered of local and missionary Miss Fdith MeArthur Sharrard read. the last mesting Mi A. RR Alloway " ii ble Study from Exodus 17. After people had faced the trial of hunger and seen God wondertully supply the man na for their daily food they came Go to of on 19 hy Refreshments served he hostess on hehall needs by Mrs. Ofte minutes of the Photo Special! This Week at Jury & Lovell s Oshawa Stores Only PROTECTS YOUR EQUIPMENT GADGET BAGS Regular $11.95 FRIENDSHIP he memthly Friendship GROUP nesting King was held recently Mrs Harald jy meeting open Mrs. Perey the 1 the Street of Chroup nited (hureh continued the res fd with angimeid ident Ihe and ntrodaced pre the iding prayer 210 he devotional period and gave an (rial Meresting address Mimites of God he previous meeting weve read vision iy Mrs. CE. Scott, and the (rea report was given hy Mrs Randall Douglas Redpath presemt thirst then showed them His pro-| I'he rock was smitten and | abundance of water came forth. | his is type or picture of Christ being smitten at Calvary and in His death making abun. Ey RS UUW HOME OWNERS ... Stop Worrying! NEED $2,000 «..For Any Purpose? epay Only $35 MONTHLY) We have a limited amount of money on hond now, so thet you pay only $35 monthly which includes both principal and intersest. If you awn a home, we will lend you $2,000 even if you al ready have a mortgage. WHATEVER THE PROBLEM -- DISCUSS IT WITH US! Or your mortgage your mortgage payment' We will either pay off your existing morigoge "ow or even pay. up your back pay. ments. And you only pay back $35.00 monthly including interest, ol a Timer Mrs i" oming due? Are you behind in ~Telephone- Lyndewood Investments Brooklin 303 "Everything la TX