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The Oshawa Times, 6 Jun 1959, p. 12

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4 THR OSHAWA TIMES, Sotwrdey, June 6, 1959 | WEEK IN BUSINESS Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity High Prices By The Canadian Press 406 330 on the to Toronto Stock Excha this week. Issues unchanged totalled 179. Volume for he week was 13,683,000, up from previous week's 13,593,000. Total sales for the year to date 442,084,889. (Quoations in cents unless marked §). WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS Intprov 1215 $12% 12 PL 4251 $52 50 +3 +2% 93114 54731 Cdn WO Dynamie 12% +1% 50% --1% Low 43% 11% % 3 tez3a & [1 Bock € Mic Mac Con Peak C Wes. Pet Cree wt 58 Dev Pal Dome Pete Duvex Dynemic Fargo Gen Pete Gen Pet A Gr Plains Hom 7392 400 375 35 8025 5 4% 5 1215 470 465 455 25 190 192 135 125 126 $10% 10% 10 8 26805 14872 1125 16600 54731 Be. --00 -10 +7 + 3 hed meme THiS W 1959 Sales Wigh low Close Change High low cei TRAE WR emer 1668 Sales Wigh Low Close Ohange High Low 37500 20% ~ 4 18 69900 18 1% 62400 3 » + % 9562 8 --% 3750 15 5 159 +8 27375 Stock Goldale Gol Gulf Lead Gunna: Gunnar wis Gwi Hare ock Har Min Hasaga H of Lakes Headway Heath Heva High Bell Hollinger Hoyle Hud Bay Hugh Pam Ind Lake Inspiration Int Nickel Make News By WALTER BREEDE Jr. | The spring surge iv auto sales | NEW YORK, (AP) -- Rising|Was gaining even more momen- |prices made news this week, tum this week. Dealers sold 530, {Sharply higher manufacturing|000 new cars in May--their best and wholesale costs pointed to|Score since March 1957. Auto in- higher retail prices soon for a|dustry leaders said June would electric light bulbs, kitchen ap- pliances, automobile tires, and ume of ow. sonatraehon out | made of wool. "¥|place in May set a record for that Interest rates were also being pushed up by a surging demand | for credit of all kinds--a demand | spurred by credit-hungry con-| sumers , shopkeepers, manufac- | Grand Union wide range of consumer products. be even better. {dos i aan bennett | CONSTRUCTION BOOMS ty at $4,600,000,000. The 3 compares with $4,200,000,000 a year ago. Freight carloadings in the week ended May 30 topped the same week in 1958 by 4 beat the corresponding week of 1957 for the first time this year. Ollmen attending the fifth World Petroleum Congress pointed with alarm at rising in- ventories of gasoline and other ofl products, They were cheered, though, by predictions that the present oil glut may soon be a thing of the past. World demand for petroleum is expected to double in the next 15 years, Wilkinson Construction Appointment Wayne 3 n¥¥sE ule & geyyesty of Eyal turers and the federal, state and | local governments, Handicapping the federal gov-| ernment in its efforts to borrow money was a 4l-year ceiling on the interest the U.S. Treasury can pay on its newly-issued long- | term bonds. | as |Grand Union Co. will sell its 38 SET IN 1918 |stores in Ontario to Steinberg's, | The ceiling, set by Congress in|Ltd., of Montreal, the two food| 1918, is 4 per cent. President|chains have announced. | Eisenhower indicated this week| Terms of the transaction, to be! that he wants Congress to raise| completed June 13, were not dis-| the ceiling to a point where new |closed. | government bond issues can com.| Steinberg's now runs 70 mar- pete with other securities on the [kets in the Montreal, Quebec and {market. - Some top-rated utility | Ottawa areas. Sales in 1958 total- {company bonds, normally re- ob dg gy HT | |garded as a gilt-edged invest Jansing P. Smad, Grand Unon ment, are currently yielding five | Dhooe stores will provide funds! {per cent or more, which will enable Grand Union to | Sousa Appetite or credit step up its rate of development work. Tae Feooral meen]? Be US. and other ares" | Construction _ Limited, Board reported that consumers| The 70-store Steinberg chain Onnounces the appointment os ig gg Td oad instalment until now has done business only| of May 30, 1959, of Mr. Poul el Al y $423,000,000--the [in the Ottawa-Montreal areas, ice-President of biggest increase for amy month| Grand Union stores are Sutad 8, Jeffery os Vice-Dreside since September, 1955. This|in Southern Ontario between Lon-|thot Company brought the total to pearly $34,- don and Whitey, some 25 miles 500,000,000. east of Toronto. : | FRANCHISE This Week | | TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian motor - vehicle production this week is estimated at 9,836 vehi- cles, compared with 10,887 last week, says the Canadian Auto- mobile Chamber of Commerce, Production consisted of 7,773] cars compared with 8,556, and 12,068 trucks compared with 2,331. Production to date this year is| estimated at 208,080 vehicles com-| |pared with 185,673 in the corres-| {ponding period last year--made up of 172,273 cars compared with | |158,584, and 35,807 trucks com. |pared with 27,089. + 3 » s8und Will Sell Ont. Stores EAST PATERSON, N.J., (AP) C D; 28500 Eider 716061 fad 446300 N Mylama 333105 256 Bev 284815 con Can-Erin 261831 1M Industrials A and B 4873 835% 1260 $24 700 S11 300 s21 uly ulin =F 8 sE¥sEse - Ep BPE 4aLhsl + = a FE = = &£ = " 4 H J § i 8 g g "eB 4 sprasnonenslucy & 2 g 8 oa zausn BsEEn.t . } ¥5 5 Labrador Lake Cin L Dufault Lake Ling L LEE saigid gx 23% 36% 10475 $24% 11359 $37% 556 $21 Aa 535 $67J4 65% 430 800 796 800 a3 "2:¥3358 y Pete Royalite Royalite pr Sapphire 10100 2145 Milt Brick 260 Molson A Sapp} 10 Molson B - Su ph debs Molson pr Sarcee Mon Mort Mont Loco Moore n Nat Drug Nat Groc pr %0 N Hos B 425 475 475 N 8t Car 3755 918% Nia Wire 150 $14% Nia Wire B 200 $14% North Star 3903 $16 Nor Star A 5148 $17 géuln.e Lamaque Leitch Lencourt P. B. JEFFERY J. J. Wilkinson, President, Wil- =8 ES 18341 lp pr 75 $51% 51% 9550 Anthes Imp 458 Hh 42 Anthes pr 45 $99 9 Arcan ME 87% TH Argus 4565 $30 36% Argus 240 pr 570 $85% 81% Argus 250 pr 610 847% 47% Ash Temple 420 Atlan Acc Atlas Steel Auto Elec Bank Mont 7343 $50% 58 «oo 11€50 6076 12200 South" U Snoone. $46 $19% 11911 $4 1210 $16% $27% 21% Stanwell kinson Submarine Tex Cal Tid F3 1 SECT 30 330 375 13% 13% 45 $26% 26! 26% Nor Clone 3649 355 M0 M0 NW Util pr 120 $80 80 80 5 to 8 W Decalta 6950 Maritime : H o W Lease 2400 375 5 S 400 360 Ocean Cem 735 $16% Gla Martin 20 $29 '2 Windfall 5574 Matatch C La Oot Loan Yan Can 17000 Maybrun rh Mcintyre Page Hers Parker sae Mck Pembina 1300 4 Pembina Penmans Penmans PC Jewel Photo Eng Powell R Pow Corp 9 P Pipe Mig 8850 440 Premium 1630 $6 3 Pres Elec 4700 190 185 Q N Gas 5399 s18 17% Rapid Grip 560 $16 15% Reichld 3520 $35% 33 Robertson 300 $18 1. R Little 100 $1436 14% Roe AV Cn 13789 $10% 9% 100 Roe 5%pe 260 $98 9 Russell 840 $14 13 StL Cem A $16 16 Stl, Corp 17655 $18% 17 StL Cp A pr 155 $98% 98 St Maurice 9600 9 23 Lum A 215 $17% 17% 21738 $43% 42% 4400 8205 $934 2797 $30% Dalhousie SW Pete sEuazenunsls g F Abacus 118136 Acad Uran 47725 Advocate 2060 =9 12% 14% $164 534 $17% 3580 $40 38 9 38% 1338 $46 . % 4 587 $13% 12% 260 $13 2 TO THE CITIZENS OF OSHAWA The Oshawa Bus Drivers respectively solicit your support "NO on the BUS PLEBICITE MONDAY JUNE 8. sz Bug.¥ a E33 33 FH ates M Multi M "5 na Cr 16% 12% AN 14% TE + F "3835383 Cal Pow § pr 1155 $95 9 Can Cem 2340 $33 9 3 Can Cem pr 200 $284 28 2% 2% COC Stone 785 $16% ny 124 Can Foil sA 100 $23% Wi 4 1070 $32% TH NK 130 $97% 100% 9 483 $70 76% 68% ® 2» 2 sssSe sex ¥ + ER ER FEB | | 558 BES LN ss. 2838 tS 25.9% ¥ N Man N Mylama 21650 333105 10000 104257 58%..8 4 3 65 20 » 12 63% Sa 2a year in brackets was: | Chrysler 1321 (1,348); | (23,745). Ford 2,206 (2,733)0 82, {600 (44,074). General Motors 4,- | 246 (4,435); 92,002 (89,086). *® 24,083 | a F 1600 16550 000 88 80 gs 2s38ces 3524 4600 M4185 4230 TTT Norgold Norlartie Normetal Norpax 1 Norsyne Pion 3481 - N Glderst 57800 N Rank 7000 i aids 5°55" For transportation to the polls PHONE RA 5-1768 OSHAWA STREET RAILWAY EMPLOYEES UNION LOCAL 1255 annnan 88 e i Bralorn Bro! Teef Brahret R UB BER STAMPpPg "Custom-made" Il purp 'ee p in and discuss your nee . fast efficient service. Walmsley & Magill Office Equip. Ltd. 9 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Tel. RA 5-3506 HAVE YOU READ IT... The Liberal Programme Has Been Mailed To Your Home GO and GET IT NOW! GO and READ IT NOW! YOU have a decision to make Make it on HARD FACTS! Compare the definite Liberal Programme with the vague expectations of the other parties. fi be J 3 sa" Brunswick se Bucesfe mens iii nso ' Buff Ank Puff RI Bunker Hil £ We con 22999 FH supply Nudul i 8 85 = 1100 519% Taylor PC pr 100 99% Obaska O'Brien O'Brien rt $5 wziBalEsnn Cable Sw F 3% $6 425 20% 100 =» » 620 $15% 15% 15% 1315820% 20 20% 30 $47 300 Cockshutt 3 Comb Ent on Conduits 800 o2 $15% $12% SaR.uisacgn T Fin 58 wis 510 825 800 35) Tr Can PL 15794 yn . a 10% ' y a tn 23286 $13: Gon Cg 30 3l0% Trans PPL 775 $21 Con Gas A 100 $106 Tw C Gas 600 35% C Gas B pr 815 3106 100 100% Un Acc 2 pr 525 $12 Corry wt 570 Va 20 19 Un Gas 56500 $164 5 SIA% 18% 8 Un GA pr 20 353% 86 12% 12% 11% U Corp B 1015 $23 $23 20% 17% U Fuel B 325 0 SOW 20% 29 3 » Un Steel 500 $12 82% N% WN 2 52% Un Telef 9325 200 WS Crown's N sai 2 20% Viceroy A 00 ST 7 ist Beag 32% 3% 31 Viceroy B S00 XB WS D Bridge 7% YR 0% 20 Vie G Tr 25 a0 D Coal wm ia 7 Mh Wainwr 020 5 0 D Dairies WN MN Walk GW 13086 $34 Bh Dom Fleet $14 13% Wat Equip 550 500 480 PD Fadry Wo 47% Westeel M0 13% 13% " wm West C Brew 607 $324 32% $10% 10% W Copper 70 % Th "ww 445 1020 360 S10% 19% 1000 soi4 STA THA 20 w 16% 10% "© ne > Paymast Peerless Perron Pickel Or Pitch Ore Placer Portage Pow Roun Preston Pronto Pros Air Purdex Que Ascot Que Chib Que Cop Que Lab Que Lith Q Metal Qunston Quemont diore Rainville Crown Trust Crown Zell EBasgufunnd sep a¥#8xaz. Sus - 535.0 - M0 3 TT CPTT ETT TITTY RS § PIR = F 282 ul = 208 6280 EaxaSzuad avan fzzus Anglo Nfid Asbestos 315 ¥» CD Sug 4335 CG Arrow 3M Can Ving 175 ~ » 8 C Halliwel 107800 a 5 +1 - ae, Con Howey 4740 £ EK 89 Ww bed 62 20% 29% 100 100 ES ? Exyse.s 28sec a.ncn.85 La F on n 114% 114% Int Ul + 0% 2 Lob Inc 150 164 MacLaren 5 = Ld Ogilvie LOBE Price Br 9 M3 2 a Third OG lov 130 $7% 7% 7% 05 6s » » Zellers Oils Sil Miller Si! Stand Siscoe Slocan VR 58% sendy 3222232 A 2Be5¥, 225859 E23 Gat Spe pr 80 Gen Bake 7045 2EF cule F3 100 GS Wares LA Goodyear 110 § Goodyear pr 350 G Mackay A 100 Mackay B 300 Laloephe #5. Safonnsntfingazerans ait oe 2 George Drynan Ajax 5900 > AP Cons 2198 All Rox Am Leduc Anchor 17000 Asamera 16767 Bailey 8 A 4550 Bailey 8 pr 350 Bail § 5% p Banff Basco Bata Braisa Britalta 28s « +14 rT A Sunburst Surf Inlet Sylvanite 15100 6900 FF ss "8s i <=BzuBEe un; FE] 2 B.u8.g5, 55 gs 8 3 LLL 3 SI TLLLLE 5.x "5g ouazses And His Fellow Liberals Are Mak- F gE. Taurcanis Taurcan vt Teck .H Temag Thom gs¥runcls sBissrens BEE, ing Definite Statements Of Things es ESusense 1 F3 > 3 510 1000 TT LTT ~o¥lyy ZnB. un: Tiara Tombin Torbit BAB0O 7500 100 1800 * FS They Want To Do. If You Toe N58 zg Trans Tribag Trin Chib Ult Shaw U Min Res Calalta Cal Ed 2280 Calvert 15150 8 Calvan Con 900 ist pr 200 5 C Oll Las 0 Hard Carpet 11835 C Oll L wits 4700 M3 CS Oil wt 12560 CS Pete C Chieftn Cdn Dev C Ex Gas C High Cr C Homestd 2875 C Husky 8653 C Husky wt 129% Cdn W O 0114 Cent Del 16035 200 19050 ~ Want These Things, VOTE LIBER- ES AL And You Will Get Them. FOR YOUTH!...VIGOR!...IDEAS' VOTE LIBERAL ELECT GEORGE DRYNAN EREBC nN 25.28» Se28unsssen, nile Zuf8ucuacy 17125 400 a 3 E 3 288s ofBuvusuelizo Iban 5.48 F ve BEBE: GuBEE sui nye $2.2 sa:85888 5005 #9. 47. aF=nd¥E B= 1 PN uly 6 juE.zH

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