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The Oshawa Times, 6 Jun 1959, p. 14

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anada fe 'Marine |a haversack and gasoline tan k in(that he had seen the gun fall. agara Falls by send'. g in win. One wrote: "Niagara Falls 's not Yortiey tu © or Nou laswc|a haves Dr. Pelleticr testified that his|ning postcards to the Niagara|for honeymooners only, Grand. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, June 6, 1959 | Underwriters, members of a boat his father was rowing. His nn . merase per---------------------------------------- BALSAM -MT. ZION oC or e S |Lioyd's of London, contested the|father asked him fo straighten|head was turned when the gun regional development committee. mas love it too." |action, seeking proof that the|the motor and in doing so the|discharged and that his memory § i eeT-- AT BROOKLIN | By MRS. LORNE JONES $100 000 |shooting was accidental, in ul, Te oom sald Je tried fojof events afterward was vague. A 3 | | went . BALSAM AND MT. ZION --| v The doctor held insurance poli- SMART POSTCARDS cies with the two companies pro-| Despite extensive iy KITCHENER, Ont. (CP)--Two By 1 et Lec afiem home| Yiding for payiaeu of $300,000 lor vation the boy sHUcK to bia SOY | np sete wou rte tips to Ni ; May Meeting of Mrs. Lloyd Wilson. Out Of Court os im Popular Deman d Mrs, L. F. Richardson of Whit-| The incident occurred on Rice by will be the guest speaker. | TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. Gerald Lake, near Peterborough, last WI He The Young Peoples' Union en-| Pelletier was awarded an out-of- Oct, 4. During the trail the doc- joyed a picnic and game of base-|court settlement of $100,000 Fri-\tor's son Richard, 11, testified he TOP BAND 5 {ball with the Unions of the Osh-day by two insurance companies had placed a 12-gauge shotgun on MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT |(was." The affirmative was taken awa Presbytery on Saturday at against whom he had sought A -- The May meet-|by Mrs. Norman Alves and Mrs. the Oshawa Park. ($350,000 for loss of a leg. fog of the Brooklin Women's In.|Gordon Hunter, the negative Those visiting with Mr. and Tye 38-year-old physician from| Te Th stitute was held on Wednesday |side, by Mrs, F. M. Holliday and Mrs. Llovd Wilson on Monday gupyrhan" Rexdale brought suit | y ° [] afternoon Mrs. Arthur Elliott, were Mrs. Thomas Galbraith, | onine the companies for loss of The president, Mrs, C. De-| This entitled lively discussions Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lumsden and 3gninst be pn, below the| : > T P RECORDS Jonge, conducted business, and | between opposing sides and Heather and Mrs. Frank Smith| oo after a shotgun blast hit his | . called meeting to order with the/humorous recollections of life in of Toronto. left ankle. f Recital a BAYVIEW WI Ode and Collect in unison, |grandmother's day in comparison ge Jones of Toronto spent, London and Lancashire Guar-| | 1 9" B or ? : Mrs. Wm. Heron gave a three-|to_ modern times. od Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lome sniee and Accident Company REPEAT at the 7; ¥ minute comment on the Motto] Mrs. Wm. Heron commented; "ang family. [Canada and R. C. Stevens, at-| Will remain open for , "Nothing will ever be|on the debate, and congratulated an | for May, "N a ible ob-|debaters on interesting and live-| Mr. and Mrs. J. Willows and PERFORMANCE ju! vx dpon Sections ov nlly i t forth, Decision children of Brockville spent the Jections must first be overcome. I swcussion PIL Oh. present weekend with their aunt and a ATT. ur Elliott, rea nutes .{in favor ri Fol-|cle, rT. I's timer i Arthur E tt ) in f of t i [el M and Mrs. Elmer Wil ON 11 d minutes, cor: V he affirmative. Fol » . | | ' {lowing this entertaining program son. [ MONDAY, JUNE 8 respondence and financial state- -- ment . a i {an enjoyable buffet lunch was|----------"""""" | 0.C.C.I. Simcoe South--8.00 p.m. VY vi [ | 4 ¢ 'ANG , | ((ADULT ENTERTAINMENT MM \ [| "777 SAT. NIGHT report on district an. STved by the COMMIS I ------ TICKETS 75c and S0c AT DOOR A mal meting hed a Claremont Shards tale; complete. with mi. NCE TONIGHT FE ,. for res. rvations phone Whitby MO 8-3191 Was given by Mrs. Fred Halll yer tea service and bouquets of COME and DA 4 | | | day, district director. > pt ... , flowers, denoting '"'Spring", a . PER COUPLE The leader of the 4H Girls new idea to be followed through. | to Old Time | ¢ $3.00 Club reported on Achievement|, i ho year, with arrangements i h I 1 ; ki' | | Day held at Cannington on Sat jenicting month or season, to be aleskl's nd Modern I % urday. Brooklin group showed ,.apz6d by the committee chos- M le e a f A PANIC iM work on the eb Corton Ac. en for each month. Orchestra to : 3 Ex SOY Ton The 5 oe fall will bel , Next meeting will be held Wed- Toronto's Fabulous § 8:30 - 12:00 P.M. Pr) A BIKINI! "Cottons may be Smart". Deci- b nt of Township Hall | +* sion was reached to obtain study Pasement of Township terres | | TORNA DOES SHE'S A LIOHT- » kits on 'Etched Aluminum' and POLISH NATIONAL I MUSIC HOUSE KEEPERS "Leather Crafts" as project for C b Sc -------------- CONTINENTAL ' DAUGHTER ember, th th short "oe Soptanbe by Home Eeo| UU S outs UNION HALL Featured on 3 he 3 WHO SeLIEvEy nomics Department | i IN DRESSIN Ave. North Bay T.V. STUDY CRAFTS Plan Meet 168 Baming Av y DNIPRO HALL & LIGHT! The crafts will be studied by FUN FOR ALL! s D Caller 681 EDITH ST. * leaders chosen, and taught to By MRS. ROBERT COOK quare-Llance 'vu RITSON and BLOOR BRICITTE A >t» members wishing to join. courtice -- he 18th group | EYERY SATURDAY BOB FOWLER S One Block East of comer fF BARDOT Suggestions for a bus trip willjof Cubs and Scouts in Courtice| be discussed at June meeting. |have arranged a paper drive for 8:30 - 12. Red Barn oF Everyone Welcome on] BIKINT SEN Dp, oe. McCREA VIRGINIA MAYO day afternoon, June 24, in the at the to FINEST WEEK-END ENTERTAINMENT IN TOWN! Vis y Highlight of the meeting was a Saturday morning, June 6. Sup- debate, "Resolved that the mod-|port the boys by having your 1 ern woman is of more assistance papers bundled and ready when| | . 3 | Mb. iy THE TALL STRANGER to her husband than grandmother'they call at your house. em ------------------------------------ SE : , > : 1 #5 CINEMASCOPE AOR »r ox Lure y . PLUS A SPOOKY LAFF RIOT ! . fr ! > This Summer... follow the panoramic highways of 8) 2 warm, wondertul | | DEAN MARTIN AND JERRY LEWIS IN ig 1 | Pu § movie for the whole » i " " Sram wei ah [f Sones HEE 0 SCARED STIFF "4 J; RS MOTO VL THRILLS THE | | © -- DORIS JACK 7 a SCREEN! JOIN OUR BUMPER CLUB AND SAVE § DAY - LEMMON the SWORD = ERNIE KOVACS i > CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON A COLUMBIA PICTURE + AN ARWIN PRODUCTION gAsTMAN COLOR = . 1:50 - 3:45 5 : | 5:40 - 7:30 | i /to Sun and sea and history! | ml adie y 7" 9:28 pm. Sardit. of ne im vest gl Hor on ey at Cradle of North American History GENOSHA HOTEL | a - | ; ma hig gts proudly presents ih or ore f PTC MUSK Oy ey | ARTHUR MURRAY J ng with: bin wh mess INTRODUCTORY SPRING Pl snd pu tires 0744 U| FLECTRIC ACCORDION [3M : DANCE COURSE ah l= bm saturoay |{ | KINMEN'S STADIUM | br Jas oh P.M. LESSONS by Capt. F. J. Bullock od | Painles Prices: Children 75c--Adults1.50 % PLUS GALA STUDENT PARTY SHIPS Take a 2,000 mile long armchair trip with Capt. Bullock J TECHNICOLOR® | Any Seat In The House--Pay No Mare 8 and on the way learn all the fascinating detail Au . of the Seaway and the radian ly ue will y WATT He HRY CURD Ald 3 AN D THE sail it. A ship watchers' guide and history in one handy rd ADDED THRILL HIT! COLOR } shipshape volume. RQ! : Most Hated Name In The West' SHOW | 31 ® Fully illustrated with over 100 maps and photographs. i wesssrvorsanmmnint M-G-M prescnts sume spp | | & § EAWAY © Coloured end-papers showing flags and funnels § GLENN FORD. SHIRLEY Mac LAINE 30 § | § for only of all major shipping companies STRANGER WITH A GUN... tw lESLIE NIELSEN complete $3.95 DENT (USUAL PRICE $3520) a eerie nn Sl ; ! ! A i -- -- EEL | > p------ ENJOY LIFE Gia .'T7'COOL AS A WOODED GLEN" S Gn - Learn to dance qubehls; EAT OUT MORE OFTEN 2 Hs 95199 4 Gale / bargain by acting now! . . STA # TS moO NDAY | \ ") With the change of a the 27 Arthur Murray Stu ecial Sunday Dinner |§ gis | Li 5} \ to enroll 1,000 new students ~no more. For a limited time only, you can get a course of complete half-hour private SERVED FROM 11:30 AM. TO 8 P.M. is : ; Produced by CLYDE BROS. | : lessons at a fraction of the sc \ bv cost. Is bros Jou b ONSECUTIVE SEASONS IN HAMILTON, | e personal, un at- An a Ns ; " of i f an expert For \) OTTAWA, SAULT STE. MARIE, WINDSOR, er your added pleasure and enjoyment Ea NIAGARA FALLS AND MANY MORE | SaNcing JODrr'y in me gual, | 000 an you Aros your new ancing ability at NOW SHOWING IN OSHAWA FOR Grin Student Party fren Dine by. : il | more than a: | astory THE FIRST ANNUAL APPEARANCE | | cupoued Dance with many partners, gain confidence -- have a "Candlelite" | ceed pl Tm Eman | a story SEs) y 3 AE now -- hore i ore ne C of life) {#5 N 24 ACTS e 127 PEOP Frotustuny Soring Daven FROM 5 P.M. UNTIL 8 PM == SOPHIA © FINEST CIRCUS ACTS IN EXISTENCE OBTAINED | FROM THE PICK OF THE CIRCUS WORLD. | "27 Studios! Choose the one nearest you. © AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PERFORMERS. Open daily 10 AM.-10 P.M. All air-conditioned. GENOSHA HOTEL [§ |= | CLOWNS ARTHUR MURRAY Completely Air-conditioned NS | EL E P H A N T S 112 SIMCOE ST. S. FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE RA 3-464] 'cae AENODS wrRMVAL naDOUGS | Fun For The Young That The Old Will The Maing Game Enjoy. RA 8-1681 i CINEMASCOPE ooron

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