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The Oshawa Times, 6 Jun 1959, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 6, 1959 32--Legel Notices B3--Legel Notiew | THE LIBRARY WORLD closer than 50 feet to any other lot or per CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SEL Science Fiction e) comply with all 2 provisions of the . BF a wr i wwe | Fan Thriller CHESTERFIELD. wine, 'o real sud FANG. in new eustiton wort aiter, onTAme such Sroisiers - a 123 esondition, 5-369. fi - - " nt pair "width floral SAXOPHONE alto, a good horn, $95 IN THE MATTER OF P0nsisten with The following reviews were to Switzerland is a glorious ad- one rangette. Good eoudiiton, or best offer, Phone RA 383%. 12% Section 270 of THE provisions of this written by a member of the venture for Ann, and the most ex- reasonable prices. MO 3.4634 108 | sED tires, $5, ap. Terms Domision| pl ANNING ACT, 1955 tion staff of the Children's Depart- citing adventure of all awaits her - ' ' 3) In determining ment of the McLaughlin Pub- when she arrives al her aunt's DON'T miss Ed Wilson's furniture [Tire Store, 48 Bond Strest West | sale; S-piece chrome suite, | - a ta--" he He Mroenior xy swivel chair. of | WE pay highest prices 1 the city for .and-- the HEIGHT of e | lic Library. home, Besides the thrilling plot set of three arborite living room tables, | used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni.| COMMUNAL TELE DANNY DUNN AND THE ANTI. [the book contains many delight aniy 99 cents with the purehate of any ture Store. RA 3.9271. 4f Simeos South | |, Tip MATTER OF VISION AERIAL |"GRAVITY PAINT, by Jay Wi|ful descriptions of the scenery : 28¢ | ATTENTION restaurant, lunch eounte : TOWER for the | THE SPETTECAKE WOLIDAY, 20 Cuteh See! 128t| ATER owners for immediate sale, an application of The | TOWER fer We aur- |. Yaw, HE: SOVTTECARE YOU break them, we fix them! At Bill modern curvetype booths and tables, ation of the City = d ' This book, a mew addition to Wo FOr LC TE Moring's Garage, 1373 Simcoe Sireet| uric . restaurant equipment, Apply orpor any foundation or |" iae is an exciting and rs, Unnerstad is one of the North. {315 Hillside or dia! RA 3.704 f hawa for approv- building upon which | : bib most popular writers in Sweden o Pp amusing story suitable for OR DE ava, a) Lhd i EL) 'ece p Holgersson award for "The AWNINGS, pisin, Y HIGHEST prices pald for used furm.| al of its Restricted the tower is erected |. "siotion fans between the stripes, "| ture, also Sell and exchange. Contact By-law 3623 shall be deemed 10 be Jones Teton Jas ween em 4 f Ds es Spettecake Holiday" Mrs Unnerstad, whose work includes mates, Order i ab " Areo ' g| Community Furniture Store, 4 Prince t of the to Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412) lilo, "na 8.1131 passed the 4th doy of port of wey Danny, the hero of story dN f this y is widowed mothe live in San 8 by-lgv and his widowed mot] books for both children and Simcoe North, naa Ube wa 4 E20 feet long 10° 10° wide " fi SELLING furniture? We'll buy Call RA 57725 1338 May, 1959. shall come into foie without [the home of Professor Ballfinch,| where his mother is the house.|Adults, is the author of firee frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc, For top cash offer, con: HIGH back kitchen eink and taps the approval of the Ontario Be! nar children's hooks. available tact 1 | Prince Street. Phone RA sl suitable for summa ooltage also APPOINTMENT Municipal Board but subject keeper Danny has grown up in o! . rk n on avat; ? FRIGIDIARE Sele, i hig. two day-beds, Phone RA 5-3422. 13 -- | thereto this by-law shall take 'an atmosphere of test tubes and 4 Jnglisy = he Samcepan ef. , only hod NOI25 HP FElto electric, new 1858 mode! ) op : af urs a, | JOUTTIE) Ll ne / J money down. Kelly Appliances. RA|pii warranty, $495 Cy Preece Gar FOR HEARING effect os from the date of ifs experiments and naturally be- 29! 55121. M hours daily age, Gliddon Avenue and Verdun Road : passing comes very interested in science Palle-Goran is very upset when RANGETTES, oYen conirol, "ss single 3 THE ONTARIO MUNICIP By-law read a first time this and space travel iz interest eat I Tia Toy morier hed, spring fil mattress; Remin| |LARGE size Frigioamre in excelloni AL BOARD hereby eppoints 4th doy of May, 1959 science is so great that it inter-/™ p Ee hewyiier; Smith Corons siding ma oonditien, pan) Jor carn mar aottags Thursday, the 18th day of By-low read @ second time feres with his school work, and is very 3 aw » i hve io spend EE - - our of / s the cause of much friction be./MANY WEEKS 08 188 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, [RIS -- New bloom, roots: guitar, as June, 1959, ot the hour this 4th day of May, 1959 i the als v and his school never been away from his mother parts, attachments, brushes. EUATAD-|new book and extra strings: massager, 'ten o'clock in the forenoon By-low read o third time ond [tween Danm ! . |hefore and dreads being parted teed Tebuilt machines. Estimates ree. |Niggara. hand unit. good condition Loca! Time) at the -Council finolly passed this 4th day teacher. One day when Danny is) o I "oi decided that Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser-igp 5.419) 1%0¢| Chambers, Oshowe, Ontark of May, 1959 in the laboratory with the Pro-|['rom her 18 decid W vice. RA 81081 anytime dd v: : Pelle-Goran will go and live with RoE 0 VTE week ef Hine SIX - yard dump body for sale. Phone hy hearing of oll por fessor he accidentally knocks over| oA nolbe Stubbs DEDERED Mo y ; RA 301) | ties intérested in support of LYMAN A GIFFORG a bottle of liquid that had been|Ms grandmother on wha furniture, Take advantage of the {abu : oo , " ha ra : : Sk lous bargains: S-piece kitchen chrome ANTENNA for sale, $20 Apply 2% West or opposing this application Mayor invented as an insulating paint Farm. Before he goes the doctor Moreland. Avenus Soe the experiment had|58Ys to him, "I understand they suite, or famous Restonic box spring) n nto this However and mattress, or genuine Lane cedar ONE double bed size slat spring. child's DATED ot Tore " L. R. BARRAND, make delicious spettecake down Wrst day ef June, 1959 Clerk gone wrong and the liquid now where vour grandmother lives, If any bedroom suite, Wilson's Furniture 5.1 R CHAPMAN 3 by ¥ oY ZF 3 sig 0 Chureh Street 2 TRIC ranges, all makes, com h : : 20 gestroving the power of gravity |! promise lo make your motiier THE Duteh Merchant. Used TV's and pletely reconditioned. 50-day warranty dacretory They find that anything coatec . Goran looked him straight in the INNEN Pi 1 brand new, 1b: HP motor 369: portable air | 2673 . hn 1 ) SUNNEN Pin Role grindes bran Ne Hef BON ur a BY LAW NUMBER 362 vaint Danny and his friends have | ®Y and shook hands on it. What RA 35-4010 131¢ com y, $34: Fo wr rae | a wonderful holiday it turns out '55, push-button. $20: electric greasing OF many strange and exciting ad.|¥ © / to. make store alterations, Many items < p NE n IPNTIRY below cost. Parkway Television, 918|TeAsonable fli PR ag look THE CITY OF OSHAWA ANN ALPINE ADVENTURE. [\0-. wim home he is reluctant avafy 4v pply 397 y M, E, an, { p a 0 leave all his new playmates -] model, door lock. inch fibre glass in. JUNE BRIDES! Take advantage of gmend "The Zoning By-law ts main attrac : ho s main attractions. Most of the promise to the doctor, and the lation. Swear warranty, $249.95. Kelly [these tremendous savings during our n oe its m r é . RA S51 lquidation sale, Three rooms of furn of the City of Osha AND LOW LEVEL PUMP action takes place in a beautiful gpetiecake his grandmother «5 . HOUSE little village in the Swiss Alps. (bakes turns out to be the finest « iid ui . ! nsed, guaranteed vacuums Nu-Way pring and mattres gorgeous Seria ' + i Sa to 8p! J . sirable to amend Zoning By Rug Sales and Sorvies in ; living room suite, five.piece kitchen (gy 3415 as amended by by ONTARIO TRAINING School were all looking forward LIBRARY BRIEFS EEN 'M sets and children's slides, priced chrome sel, All three rooms on 205 , . to their summer holidays, all ex The o : + . from $7.95 up. Dominion Tire Store. 48|See these and many more at Wilson's aws 3441 3459, 3480, SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 5 3 Aoigays. 8) oh foflow ing ' film " ll : be ; 8 cept one, Ann's father had been|shown at the Little People's Film Queen Elizabeth watches Ste- | North House School for the | careers exhibition Wm London 21" T.V. Console brand mew picture USED 'friges, ranges, washers, TV ! { . : _ tube. $100, terms. 140 Simcoe Street |gerialy, air conditioners ote, Kelly TV JOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ONTARIO a proper vacation for her. At the|2:30 p.m. Scotland Dances; The writer at the education and Photo) South 1281 (8) King West ENACTED AND IT IS HERE last minute however Ann re-|Pony; Children of Switzerland; | ceived an invitation from her|Candytown lievable value! Barons' Home Furn © howe Db . : ff f the Tenders ef 57 EVINRUDE 7'4 hp outboard motok, 5, 424 Si N h f foll office of the ars Jecre the Swiss mountains, The journey!showcase INR ition. TA 8.0086. 108(|\shings, 424 Simcoe St thereof as " w ary, Room 6630, East' Bloch h 58 mountain journey | showcase . UARGE quantity of good viean 4b-gai [BARGAINS of a life time: ' Serta section 2 of by-law num Parliament Buildings, Toronto drums, Apply Powell Transport, 1376 "Pak FERC MECH i B55 bes 1415 os emended is 2 Ontario, until 3:30 pm IN PARLIAMENT in Simcoe North | rome suites. Arborite fable and] hereby further amended by E. D Time on carriage 2 tinenta! beds A a [) B. F. GOODRICH Stores fires, batter | Coo, [50 50. GE fl LOT in the soid section the 959 LJ * Ramm, rs MT SS hh Be BE (OT i - ion Thirfty budget plan. RA 5.454 $96.95, Fabulous savings during the "commercia district 1 18S 15 HP EVINRUDE sutboard motor, [liquidation sale. Wilson Furniture 20 meens ony C-} 2 or for the Supply end Laying of ts 53 Chev. ear, perfect condition. |warrunty, from $69.50. Irvine tower means e tele 4 « x '£17 " ' 1 ats a a Che fon, [waTWIY: Bo yi EE hy i whi the Ontgrie Training ches) By ARCH MacKENZIE Trans-Canada highway routes t he Chinese Communists have W the #stance to Chinese rule - d tor Girls at Po olste nt . " : , » 8 n ng | m q p " - FOR wale Lioyd carriage. A-1 condi- USED television sets, 17" and 21", com serves buildings located ol r 1, tn Canadian Press Staff Writer : He did not spell the idea out killed an estimated 60,000 Tibet-| '® "The newspaper's Darjeeling put it was learned he apparently ans and 'deported 20,000 more|Chinese there has been an at: oopespondent wrote: "Publie chest, only 99 cents with the purchase of large orib and small crib. Phone RA 10. fiad the property of comnletely j|well again will vou promise to oi t ¥ i v pli y a . bd Pr - lee a9' elle appliances Jn Bond Street Vast RA from $30.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond TENDER OPENING NO. 45 with this liquid just floats off info bri me a spettecake?" Pelle fckuecid » space, Using this miraculon 5 $3.85 per week year round for all yOUF|, Jonine, Alemite, with grease be; in fact when his mother 7 H Ay \ gin | OF entures the depths of space, '? ' MUST clear all TVs, radios and Hi-Fi's | eating Corio ar. toms at vers THE CORPORATION Of ventu in th 16 of spac and father eventually . come to Simcoe Street North. RA 3.3043 coe Street South RA 5.5216 4 FREEZER chest, big 420 1b. new being. e by-law to lurithe WATERWORKS INTAKE The locale of thi story is one of Pelle-Goran doesn't forget his HOOVER 5 d a of ture, only $265 onsisting of a beaut WH REA 1 d / Sales an Service, ew | 1 - 1 t, x | & > 11 15 deemed LJ 1 ful boner bedroom vite. Restonic bo The girls at. Illingborough High she has ever made Bond Street West Furniture, 20 Church Stree 3537, 3572 end 3593 ivr PORT BOLSTER, very ill and was unable to afford Hour on Saturday, June 13, at phen Bastwick-Field, student at | Blind, operate a Braille type: | Woman at right is unidentified cp ADDISON 17" TV console, "orand new (4 PC CRIB OUTFIT Only 926.66 BY ENACTED es a by-law of rn « pieture tube, #75 terms. 140 Simcoe This ineludes wun vive crib spring The Corporation of The Cit SEALED FIXED i TEND: aunt to go and spend her holi The Oshawa Naturalists Club 'TERROR GENOCIDE' i t uth A natives mper 1 J f i E vill sCel nt ' A street oni [alive Wg bumper ead Hoe f th our 3 Wilt D8 0CelY y days in the aunt's lovely home in{have a display in the main lobby Ld USED tires, most all wizes, $8 up. [matching chairs. regular $58.95 adding immediately follow B, F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5.4543 seven sets only $29.95 Car bed baby ng the definition of CORNE THURSDAY, JUNE 25th good condition, reasomsbly priced for Church Street WR e« Waterworks Intoke Line Sh LE JRE eh ct ain own lo Hon. Green oy ho: Electrohome built-in esr radio ih ovis hal a eommunel television eeriol we I ave ion 3 ; Ld GENEVA (AP A leading There has been a deliberate Standard said Chinese authord 3 x i Lev ump use © Ind lawyer has charged that|yiolation of fundamental human! ties have crushed all Tibetan rev vion, pink and grey, $20 er best offer. pletely reconditioned. Free 90-day war LOTS, sur "elina Street 130¢ \ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap on two or more LUTS OTTAWA (CP Howard me mo taols gu ; Apply 288 Celina Stree a abe: meant projects to follow the com: | gine the first uprisings in Tibet tempt to destroy the national, trials through people's commit rights , on the part pliances, 50 Bond Fast 7 Section 7 of by-law Tenders will be opened In Green, the new external affairs pletion of the trans-C . ' Reasonable. Phone Whitby MO #-5578 or | SACRIFIUE -- Hot water boiler 11.W-30 number 3415 as amended is public in the office of the lr should -- Jat akew Sher Bl ig Canada Mgh three years ago ethical, racial and religious group|tees are being openly held of for 780 Duniop Street West, Apt. 4 130 Gurney Dominich ig "a. lest. Hot 1 oreby further amended by Tenders Secretary, Room yl Some demands ar file tor| He accused the Reds of terror,|©f Tibetans by killing members mer resistors whom the Chinese FOTN Son Sandie ores Tor wale water boiler 8 vears old, can be soon ding. imvmadiotely. Tellowing 6630 ot 3:30 pm. E D tional problems a piece of eake ha i are on iid or genocide and violation of human of the group and by causing ser: authorities consider unsafe : . EA Tare if ie gets the same degree of vo-1% i Amounts 0 a second trans ious bodily and mental harm "Inside Sera and Dr mon. Canada highway Some provinces These acts constitute the crime asteries, Lhasa, all are Phone RA 5-8649 oak hi ben offer Abply Ww A gE natHch subsection (e) thereof the fo) 25¢ 1959 12FT. FIBRE glass to» P| Plumbing an eating, 2% Aberty Sth a uta Wy 3 J Tiles " motor, Phone RA 3.4120 130c| Sireat North, Bowmanville, Ma 1.3613. 'OWIN9 operation that was accorded him could use more than one route Purshottam Trikandas, of genocide." confined to the assembl SPECIAL discount! 25 per sent off to 29} "(hh A COMMUNAL TELE A Bid Bond mode payable In his last major function as min- plus north-south arteries as aides senior advocate 2 liay Su a lowed Ut COME jo y halls builders, apartment er home ewners on|24" BEAVER jig-saw with » powerful] 3 to the Honourable the Pro ister blic work to tourism and natural develop. (preme Court and a member of : ' only Dullin ovens, cooking tops, dishwash-|1 HP motor, Seldom used and in tip| VISION AERIAL ial Trea or fu of public works meu P| te International Commission of 10 New Delhi, the Hindustan/by one to face public trial." «rs ote. Kelly Appliances, §1 King West. top shape. Original price $150. Will sell} TOWER which eom f ur oo ere The Commons reduced the nor : Jurists, told a press conference - a PAINT interior. exterior $3.95 gallon, for '365. Phone RA 5302 1290 plies with the require in the amout of $4,000.00 ally prolonged study of public, Mr. Green said he hopes it will hs : A ho mit J 2 still. are To all colors Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osh: LUMBER and house doors; alse build ments of Section 14A must accompany the tender works estimates to a single day|De possible to clarify the situa. Friday that Tibetans & v Hardware and Felectric, 8 Church ing for removal, RA 5.1577 between 6 and which, in eddi A Porton Be and even sat 11 minutes over- tion next vear, although no con sisting the Red Chinese regime in t a pln Rebbe Vira Bivant and da ; | tion, is not closer te out ob a made time Friday fo finish them off (ference was anticipated with the eastern Tibet JUN! RIDES! ! Take advantage of MOFFAT cooker, washer. gray Kitchen 1 ' 2 n ow 9 provinces in 1959 . ! these tremendous savings during our|suite: '51 Ford automatic, mew iron any lot line Pon tie Company on the Department Mr. Green, well aware that few ' REPORT TO UN liquidation sale. Three rooms ef furni-(and others. RA 5.7512 1294 minimum SID of Public Work form in th things ave dearer to an MP's OTTAWA-HULL BRIDGE Trikandas read a summary of e, only 5, ng of a beaut ) t \ iti heart ' y jure, on 328. co rl SEWING mac nines electri Jorubies { ecuinement for one amount of 100% of the political Reart than new post of-| He agreed with Alexis Caron|a report on legal aspects of Chin 1 LE ear Ol 1 | pring and mattress, gorgeous Serta |[OTEEIC AI Misia Moi 0 storey - bullgings . tender will be required from fices, wharves and kindred pub-|(L. Hull) that & new bridge is ese action in India's northern Hving room wild, BYGBiee) RA 3.3423 4 126¢ slicotls Hi he 10 he successful tenderer lic buildings, thanked the Com: needed between Hull, Que., and neighbor. The commission of jur chrome sel. All three rooms only $295. . on which such tower mons for its co-operation gree » NEC 7 . 'HE CANADIAN INS el y See these and many more ai Wilson's BEFORE buying any outboard motor wor ie 10 be located Hon Shecificar ! 7 . : Ottawa Agreement would be nec-|igts which has consultative status By THE CANADIAN PRE vod of tie lost hog eks aud Furaiture, 3 Church Strout MFG tin . sgl te Jamous and rovided that tender hd on oS Not at all, replied J. W. Pick-|essary among Ontario, Quebec with the United Nations FEcouo A federal government issue of |g "bill RN a 190 t. ------ MP 1 y n J r ch 8 Twi rer, ; » ) ren . ; X ADMIRAL Si} sonditioners * hp lag} MPG BoB NT bio no _ tower shall envelope may oh eg and i dh a avi Twili pi the federal government, he mic and Social Council, soon will $200,000,000 one - year treasury ay bills averag per cen! ance, 3160. Parkway Television matched stainless steel dies, by the 4 ate), w arty oy sul 4 " " 0 patur he bond 'ket MONEY TIGHT Y : r ) 'OF submit the complete report to the bills featured the bond market MONE t] Simcoe Street North RA 3.3043 makers of the Chevrolet Corvette bods be fro hid application yo Je Depart- |from H. W. Herridge (CCF--| But he declined to go along|UN and other international or-|this week, The offering, dated pay.to-day money tightened TaD ig "wh Ad notes. $5 a a OE se Fd SIDE YARD bP ario, ol) Korero) Rooenay West i Je Commons with Mr. Caron's charge that pre- ganizations June 10 to mature June 10, 1960, drastically from about 3% tn § all w vash- | A an o ) ost Bloc had given detailed study to the mier SS . , , : y ' ) li ers. Guaranted reconditioned washers.|clusive agents now in Canada. Bennett ' y flank Parl B b My i ih hil mier Duplessis of Quebec is a8" puivandas said resistance Was unique in Canada in that itiper cent and helped send bond : i ing . flanking arlioment Building, Toronte works department program while hard to deal with el d \ . Paddy's Market, Hampton. Ma 3.2055 Marine, West Will [ots of parking - 2 on : ment pI ile [hard to deal with as Premier| "he Tibetan capital of Was the first time the Canadian prices down. Bowmanville space. AT 21720 1310 street. 2 gris, ond may be veiw mindful of the heavy responsibili- Khrusheheyv of Russia or Soviet oan A soon | government. has oltered one-vear SEWING machines, portable, two only, THOR automatic iromier, also heavy 3 B,-law number 3415 as : 4 oom £434 jing Do) ties now borne by Mr, Green Foreign Minister Gromyko . asa appears 0 hav € bills Provincial bonds followed the slightly marked, reduced, $60. Built-in duty electric stove suitable for cot. amended is here! further aise be viewed at the uild > RORARY WwW "yp a 4 idem IPPIesse general trend and rose slightly, Nght, darns, mends beautifully, with tage. Phone RA 3.2007 : 1814 n 5 oy eteby ait ers Exchange, Toronto, Oni MAY NEED NEW PACT Sever told Lionel Chevrier "Since the rebel area is moun! The bills were awarded on an i ET Cote Tom A A Sa. 9c GIRLS bicycle, good ae mew, 32 psig on Ming. gl ge adi The new. external atfairs min VIM CET that no-|ainons and dificult terrain for average of 5.49 per cent andipew issues, The Ontario and On: , $1.75 weekly. RA 3. *9¢ Phone RA 13-3600 131b istely o owing action . o ister predicted that a few fed 20d anticipated we tremendous oC pinese) army to operate in, traded around the 5.55 per cent|tapit Hydro 5 per cent latest in MCOLARY stove, combination electric | oo ior opi iri ra for mores, "he seid by-law ollow A Deposit of $50.00 will be eral - provincial financial agree. Changes resulling from the St [large-scale aerial bombing has level a Were trading at 95% to viel and wood, with back and shelf, CTA | or apartments: also face block. Apply ing required per set of Tender ment may le required on roads | lawrence Seaway. Mr. Chevrier, y : 4 sues were trading a "toy and black good condition. $35. RA, job Gerace's building in Richmond . Decumente: tak Toe complementing or am p i { ying|former president of the St. Law been resorted to," Trikandas con-| Markel reaction to the bills about 5.35 per cent 5.4458 |Street next to Hill-Cornish 1914 4A. (1) Notwithstanding _ es sn ot, M I rence Seaway Authority, said the tinued was mixed as corporations and! The City of Ottawa came to the y > 3 ' A - p ir o Y JCGINNESE vba Siler, 3 fot CHESTERFIELD clearance! n ony ay other Rrovision of ee orp an ied government hadn't done as much | SYSTEMATIC TERROR banks adjusted their short gov. market with a $17,000,000, §% per : pt (floor samples and discontinued lines. this by-law, there bi u as it should have toward develop-| wad 4 ernment holdings. At the end of| ge shenture » which . Wi Sommerville Avenue 129 | lediiced 20 per cent to 40 per cent may be erected on a ed in good condition but will \ ho . arom \ F "In the accessible parts venrit- [the ok oy " are d cent debenture 1880 which wa KING range and General TWiectric While they last! Fantastic values! ay 4 be forfeited if not ment of harbors along the sea-| . the week, most issues were down sold on a 5.60 per - cent basis. wirigerator, both 18 months oid and|Easy terms. Barons' Home Furnish LOT in' eny RES! Tb li returned [way |able terror has been let loose on|in price, and trading around Metropolitan Toronto has filed good as knew. Phone Pickering 79W. ings. #4 Simcoe Street South DENTIAL DISTRICT pid adh vs after above Mr. Green said he would con-|the population there has been [their all-time high yields with Securities Exchange Com ann Seca 12%! rive piece chrome sets, $64.93 value or COMMERCIAL date ' sider Mr, Chevrier's suggestion 3 systematic policy of killing,| The usual 91-day treasury bills|misslon a $40,000,000 issue, of me Dutch Ssrehant Bin Fant Evy they oN fe on ig DISTRICT a free The lowest or any tender not out for an economic survey of the imprisonment and deportation of was awarded on an average of which $32,700,000 will be in long ond § ey 4 ~ d ¥ r av | re, ) . hi 22051. We buy and sell Barons' Home Furnishings. 4 $im Sanding _ SOMMUN. MESSeriY. accepted da entire seaway, those opposed to the regime 508 per cent, a reversal of the/term 20-year debentures, 1 Street South S ro POWER lawn mowers, name brand | argest discounts in town. Gel your LARGE older piano, $65. MO 3-206 AERIAL TOWER not Parlioment Building pest price then come to the Hilltop, Whitby 131b exceeding 100 feet in Toronto 2, O between Oshawa and Whitby en Hin. | cube 8 irons, two woods, bag) HEIGHT and 24 in Toronto 2 ntario, arg way and cart. RA 3-4773 131b ches in diameter at June 4th, 1959 UPRIGHT '59 food freezer. Big 443-Ib Se arnt : ea Mauer wm. mie 1. Fras THREE seomi Cl brad ten SO any point on the |B Mile, OTTAWA (CP) -- Two Liberal five Year $300 loud policy Kelly TV. Gown. This includes chesterfield, bed: tower proper and Deputy Minister, | MP8 were accused Friday br Jo-| 81 King Wes room suite, kitchen set mattress, which complies with puty 1nister, seph Slogan (PC Springfield) | fee and step tables, lamps ste. Gu ' i woof Bava rtment. of seph Sloge 2 i FOOD & FREEZER PLANT anteed best value anywhere Baron's he requ i iy hs imant 9 Public iyith staging a "melodramatic, . : Home Furnishings. 424 Simcoe Sreet subsection ° LL] Works, Ontario | Russian-type walkout" from the $15.40 o week per family of south section 132¢ Commons mines committee four, includes approximately DICTAPHONE complete with all at p Referring at the afiernocon com ' tachments Op offers, $ tary's 2) A COMMUN > eH Sian ta ite Sieh gid o i mittee session to the morning 90 per cent groceries and go typewriter folds In. drawers on AL TELEVISION d 55 : ithdrau VY! hi + N . ent each wide. $50 or best offer. RA 5.6544 E . withdrawal of Mervyn Hardie (L Yasae! 8 dour: PeYN be wee' at 169 Simeos South -anvilme AERIAL TOWER pe war Mackenzie River) and Armand Taf nlite Ms ! is Dumas (L-- Villeneuve), Mr. Slo ction whe 'gan described their action as non) Phone RA 5.3709 REPOSSESS and used furniture to be cleared at fraction of cost. Imclud : : fia ing chesterfield, chrome set, sofabeds a) be onnected to hildish irresponsible selfish Coleman spaceheater, dining room the buildings which it and publicity-sceking 0 > rete Bot W hig sles serves by under Mr. Hardie lett the commitiee LIONEL Street South before & p.m ground cable only, with the statement 'you can - G large. acer or and stick this committee" after act ELECTRIC TRAIN nevmiormator. tare acom Novelist gli this commitier afer act three. guarantee, $160 AND ACCESSORIES reser Hires year A916 b) be sgonstrucied on : [McQuillan (PC Comox- a LOT, upon which a TORONTO (CP) Colin Mc-| Alberni) suggested he discontinue n Excellent ndition BEDROOM suite clearance -- 23 only : elie = floor samples and discontinued lines esidential or com Dougall of Montreal, who lastla line of questioning reduced 20 per cent to 40 per cent rciol ding of week w " hy . last! Unbelievable _ value mersie) aiding as awarded the Governor: i; [ardie maintained he was While they » ' , " PHONE RA 5-4629 gis term: Barons' Home Furnish he type normally General's Award for the best| oine nrevented from getting in- - ings, 424 Simcoe Street South ising the services of -anadian nova! of 1958, has won formation and left. Mr. Dumas SEE OME APPLIANCES FOUR piece double wie bedroom sich on aerial tower He Beta Sigma Phi award of $1. iso loft, saying the committee H 2 |suite, mattress and wring five-piece s erected or is per Nas 'unfair' to Mr. Hardie +: 21" Philoo TV ; OSHAWA LTD kitchen yet: 21° Philos TV: NA 2:4330 mitted to be erected J. J. Talman, chairman of the| yoo of the opposition mem- < R § " 4 yi Poi : 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR youn ~ piece crib outfits, only $36.66 inder the tems: » Governor - General's Awards |, rc showed up for the afternoon This includes full-size ' crib, spring this by-law, and Board, said the Beta Sigma Phi|_ y hich work was come FRIGIDAIRE 4 u 4 » s for st C ting at which work was 1 mattress and bumper pads. Unbeliev prize is for te best Canadian | i 'thern affairs depart SALES AND SERVIC able value! Barons' Home Furnishings ¢) be maintained and [fines novel of the year | pleted on northern affairs dep \ AM Simcoe Street South wed only during such ment spending estimates Pemestic ond _Commercig REPAIRS fo Sunbeam. Remington period as it is actual Mr. McDougall, 41, is registrar | RA 5.5332 Schick, Ronson and Philashave electric of McGill University. His book razors, cords, cutting heads ete. f 3 ly connec fe and {| Execution, deals with a C oioiy] GOLDIELOCKS 0 E TRIED THE T service. Meaghers 5 King Street West or commerciol build rifle platoon in Sicily during the YOU'V | HE REST motorcycle Harley Davidso i 3 Second World War 4.45. good conditic hig Pe RA 81303, ng located eon the Other avard CLIMBS POPLAR OW 1310 same LOT as the Th i] 3 e University of British Cc AON] . ? Me TRY THE BEST BARYLAND bargains: Strollers $4.90 OMMUNAL TELE iumbia medal for popular Vice TORONTO «cp 3 8 bi m onvert carriages (may al 4 Zia y 8 03 onvertible carriages (may also be VISION AFRIAL raphy to the late R. Macgregor es happy iis cat ls ont of for ell your boating nerds a beds) $32.88 up: full sive \ ¢ « $1888: Lloyd carriages $39.88 up TOWER provided Dawson for volume one of Wil ye Jumpers $9.88, etc. Fantastic 'values however that this Ham Lw Mackenzie Kir FROM 12° CAR TOP Baron's Home Furnishings. 44 Simcoe provision hat! nit a 4 Yoh las on a 3 8 . Street South or to. orerent . The University of Western On apply t pr y h a a) ) . Rk 21' CRUISERS MATTRESS sale smooth-top, 25 wi RIGBY COM tario President's Meda! for short down. For 72 our or ¢ C ERD oils, all sizes, $39.95 value. Now on ction of a LUM. story to Hovard O'Hagan for \ . sy + r r MUNAL TELEVISION ' attracted the local toimcais who 520.99. Easy terms. Baron's Home Fur AL TEL ~ Trees are Lonely Company , nishings. 44 Simcoe Street South AERIAL TOWER on eo y were ruining the neighbor's SCOTT OUTBOARD acant lot or the use The University of Western On-| Jawns as well as their sleep TEN.foot 'frig also dresser and lamps. IITA For appointment (no cblige from % am fo ® pm { neck Goldielocks climbed a 40-fool poplar ad ounldn't come ¢ ara SALES AND SERVICE (33 re nd ere oro tower te ected |i arc te Pierre Eliot Tet | pear wie he swine, oo. © SUPERVISE DAM CONSTRUCTION POWER mowers, garden tractor. roto during the six month ran tiller, outboard motor, Pop cooler period immediately Gea, for Some Obstacles 10] ory couldn't because of a X , . : 3 3 10a mocracy in Quebec I'wo Canadians look over con | project. E. L. Miller (left) o deted next spring, is being | velopment on the Kabul River water filter (softene Seabreeze iron OW rps x T 0 ster E N Y ° ts srectior crowded schedule, The reporte : AJAX MARIN a Sage wachine, : PE and Ag The University of Western On-| coaxed the cat down with a struction on Warsak hvdro Montreal is project engines undertaken by engineers of H. | is 18 miles n 'thwest of Pesha- « tario President's Medal for single] combination of smooth talk dam in West Pakistan, Can and M. F. Rodman, Uxbridge G. Acres and Co. Ltd. of | war, not far from the storied .: NO. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX, ONT plies and piping of | kinds: rent a d to F. RB t for R: Ont, is resident Th N Fall Ont. The $61. Khyber I 1 or sell. Chinn's, corn o HN ) be a» locate on poem A ¥ Sparshot \y { resi engineer \e agara als 1 € \Y p CALL 1066 AMAX Ivide sod Pork South. aiid "a lot shat it w wot the Canal. Ya etic wilstie ada's biggest Colombo Pan | project, expected to be com. | 000,000 hydro and irrigation de n ies ~COPF Phote # : A

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