'WEATHER REPORT Bunday sunny with eloudy per' fods and eool, winds light, east. erly. THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other cads ....... RA 3-3474 The Oshavon Times ed Daa mens. Oona SIXTY-EIGHT PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA NURSING CLASS GRADUATION OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1959 ik VOL. 88--No. 132 / tmosphere In eneva 'Good' LOVE AND FACTS OF LIFE | Rj: px | Big 4 Talks E Move Ahead LONGHIRST DRIFT, Eng, But paying for lodgings didn't (AP) -- Love and the economic | jeave much out of £0.a week. Four, a #| facts of live drove Bernard | Bowey up a tree, So Bernard moved to the trees, "Saving for marriage out of | He lives 12 feet up in a plaster- less than £9 a week is tough," | board hut eight feet long, four sighed jyey BoweY. "hat g feet wide and four feet high. way lm Cling In Wis ITee. | ye eats at a nearby canteen Bowey, 25, plans to remain in o te tree until he has saved ae wosties and shaves at the enough money to buy an air . ticket for his Malayan sweet- | And he saves £7 a week. heart, Tsui Fanang. But Bowey is afrald Tsui's mother may not approve of her leaving Malaya to marry and They met when Bowey was in the army in the Far East, When gir 2 de 0 live in England--up a tree or anywhere else. he came back to England and civilian life, he vowed to send "That," he says, "would leave me right out on a Hmh,"" GENEVA (CP)--The foreign ministers today two-hour private meeting agreed to hold another one Mon- day afternoon, A British spokesman said the|Gromyko proba foreign ministers had "moved forward" in their talks on Berlin, Germany and European security, The atmosphere, he said, was "good." The restricted meeting at Brit- ish Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd's town residence wound up the fourth week of the conference. Monday's private talks will be held in the Soviet villa. There will be no formal session Monday. The 15th formal session or the conference was held Fri- lay. No progress has been made in the formal sessions but there have been indications of a pos- sible agreement in the restricted meetings. Asked about today's meeting, the British spokesman said: "I would go along with the Soviet spokesman's statement at a briefing a few days ago that Siistors moved forward, not o " | new instructions for hi 18-year-old fiance a , y nw 5 18-vear- d Y N18 ] a ncee 5 CONSULTATION LIKEL soon as he saved the fare, "DIAGNOSTIC PROBLEM' Doctors Fear For Nurses Heart Tumor "You are not just graduating,|11,800 patients entered your hos-|tumor, a medical enigma, is|said most cases of heart tumors © you are stepping out of the door-|pital . . . There were more than |difficult to diagnose and remove. are found during autopsies. kward. way into the world." {2,200 babies born in your hospi-|Like cancer, its origin is un-| Dr. Lucien Campeau of the] Western officials earlier were This was the word picture paint-{tal , . . There were more than|known. Montreal Institute of Cardiology ed for the 1959 graduating class 2,300 major operations in your| But the condition is rave, heart|said one of the main problems in of the Oshawa General Hospital| hospital and more than lists at the Canadian Heart heart tumor surgery is the diffi- graduating clase Friday night in|5600 minor operations to say|Association's annual me e tin g/culty in removing all the tumor. the OCVI auditorium by Miss nothing of the thousand and one|were told Friday, Its roots may still be imbedded Alma Reid, BA, RN, of Me-| ther services received in var. Three medical scientists de-|in the heart wall afier an opera- § Master University, Hamilton. Anljous degrees of emergency. ribed their experiences with tion, he said, and the tumor may all-time record crowd packed the ppg mo POPULATION {heart tumors, which may de-|grow again, F I S ] possible | mit i i auditorium. rrr : pi " {velop to such a size as to occupy 'Miss Reid, an associote profes:| It is a recognized fact that |. nietely ple? vg Lond iA Aiother_stieutifle WASHINGTON (AP)--The Sa- from a Libyan for # hara desert has a mys- h : Hy sor in the McMaster School of SVer¥. hospital should strive My fe described a g wy iy Lyon of Kingston hi Re. B. y said tumors, usually of 2 ave from "a > They ave often +h < Nursing, extended her have a bed for every 125 people, d of I to the congral B of Osh s_Xapid and disease. as early as 1 Sloss aud stated_she Bad a flrmiLoten, Be ar beh . tecls its be to the . does heart been able to up, and. ; rdlar Bak ; a Id n this y Liat LD 4 " . h] 'she. a . Anwering ber CH wes my hope. andl aay She inked. Ang En ay re hot It wis The Tome of Tri | "Many of them obstrdet the blood flow tirough the heart and block openings in the heart." SHOWS TUMOR FILM Dr, Lyon sald he has investi- gated four cases of tumors found in the atria, upper chambers of the heart, He showed a film of of all, happiness, F, , some-| associates on the hoard that thing 'wortinwhile has besa 'sccom:| when the last wing was com-| plished, a goal which you had pleted that we might have a many years ago has been | period of "no building activities' reached". but this is not to be. That last Miss Reid quoted an old prov- wing was hardly completely | erb, "If you would make human! furnished and in operation be-| beings happy, give them a task|fore we had patients again in and a cause". She said that bythe aisles and the demands on| graduating, the graduates have the hospital services became so made more than themselves great that finally under pressure] happy ~ their parents, teachers, from the medical staff, the nurs-| close friends and relatives. ing staff, and yes, the people SENT generally, the board has auth-| READY Yon PRESEND under the able chairmanship of| Sie pa means is thankful zed its building committee, | "You are thankful that Harold Washington to once more 4 ay plans for another wing. Even| iH 1 1} fe ic, a bar- oh mtn shen 5 | THOUGHT FOR TODAY heartbeat In many of these cases the pa- What passes for tolerance tients were pronounced free of! in many cases is 10 per cent an operation he conducted for re- heart trouble but later suff open-mindedness and 90 per moval of a large tumor. strokes. cent condescension. when this new wing is comvplet-| Dr. Adenauer Ungloves Erba wa aml orb Tron Fist' Regime lus for the present", she said. |of safety. | " i re fi .| "Therefore, 1 submit, Mr, | ns The kind of word we ivi ine, | Mayor, that about next Spring,| BONN (AP) HH] 2 a | 1 3 ° - -~ z - - § ii g = £ : E i gr £ t i i t i i] 1 £ i | Joan |gradua |ness. |there will be no more examina- |tions to write, doctors to please, Mary | Maureen Smith; Ajax; Stubbins, Sutton West; Phyllis Sufton, Oshawa; Mary Ter- willegar, Oshawa; and Diana Williams, Oshawa. Lower pic- THE 1959 class of the Osh- | bara Butterill, Oshawa; awa General Hospital School | Cornish, Oshawa; Gerda Craig, of Nursing observed Gradua- | Bowmanville; Wilma Davis, | tion Day Friday. Top picture | Ferris; Laura Eldridge, Bow- shows the graduates who suc- | manville; Shirley Elliott, Osh- cessfully completed three | awa; Orma Bernice "illmore, | ture shows pretty Joan Stub- year's training: Dorothy And- | Cobourg; Jean Hyde, Kippen; | pine with a sunny smile for erson, Oshawa; Frances Barr, | Mary Kerr, Little Current: | th Ie is framed i Oshawa; Beverley Bear, Osh | Gisela Mayer, Oshawa; Mary | "¢ camera as she Is framed | 8 Sind 0 aka: Joan Bowyer, Whilhy: | Jean Pajterecn. Bobcaygeon: | by bouuets af her classmates ow Dh Rip Tor {we will once again have to appeal | found themselves with a modern Caro] Brown, Keswick: Bar-| Dorothy Redpath, - Oshawa; | --Oshawa Times Photo | "Vite". She said that gradu-|to the citizens of Oshawa for|iron chancellor today. Konrad -------------------- lates should be thankful to their|funds to take care of this addi-|Adenauer ungloved his iron fist BARN-STORMING TRIO [parents for their interest and/tion, and I feel confident that/to show the West German politi. c B tt if ii i : H Bei ges . E E g + i i i ; successor as chancellor and dic- - The Germans also of his own Christian Dem. tate to him from the presidential ocrats. Yi to have won, Three days ago Socialist Fritz Erler said in debate in parlia- ment that Adenauer is trying to perpetuate one-man rule, Little more than 24 hours later Aden- auer helped to give support to Erler's thesis. Adenauer has been the only chancellor West Germany has known since it was organized 10 years ago, There seems little doubt he does not trust anyone else to run the show. He appeared willing to step up to the presidency as long as he thought he could hand-pick his E £ il 8k Fh Ad } 3 But for once in his political ca- reer he found his party followers in rebellion, They refused to accept his choice, Finance Minister Franz Etzel, and rallied behind the wig Erhard, : Adenauer is a man of fixed opinions, But he also is a man of impulse. Popular portraits of him as a cold, calculating figure are not borne out by facts. He agreed in Apri to run for, president, The decision was made i a df; : 2 HS i 1: ? g g 2 £ i 1 £1 iz i he seaway would have cost $75,000,000 in 1938 compared with its eventual $300,000,000 cost Turning to the CCF, the pre- the Woman's Auxiliary, and all| those who are responsible in any | manner for the high degree of | efficiency for which the Oshawa General Hospital is now recog-| nized. d was thanked by Mr. moral support as well as finan- the people generally who are|cians that at 83 he's still the boss. | cial assistance, {familiar with the wonderful ser-| Ang the inevitable comparison | "You should also be grateful vice rendered by this hospital| was made with the oid iron chan- [to the nursing school which you will again meet their responsi-|cellor of Imperial Germany, Otto {will learn to appreciate more bilities, as they have done S0|yon Bismarck, who coped with {fully as time goes by", said Miss nobly in the past. {high intrigue among the ruling over She also said the graduates 'My friends, may I tell you|ponanchs of Europe, | went before them and those Who there was $1,250,000 in cash and " [built the nursing profession 10! pledges and when the campaign labels are different, but the |what it is today. "If it were not|we "nally brought to a close strength of character and will of (for them, you would not be grad-| ot the last director's meeting|the men seem similar. | uating", she told them. Mr. Holland reported to us that| Politically, there was every- MEANS OPPORTUNITY there was only $4,000 of the total|thing wrong with Adenauer's | Miss Reid warned the gradu-|pledges that were not paid. turnabout from his announced in- By BRUCE LEVETT it was his government which Mackenzie King was low and ates that the real test lies ahead. GRADUATION tention to give up as chancellor Canadian Press Staff Writer spearheaded the St. Lawrence that my Soitical morality is no Graduation mean opportuity , "But, I feel that we should [21d take ove: the ceremonial post Seaway and reminded Liberal better she said. "You have been privil- 0 eful vation |0f President. p A campaign button was used|p 0 UE HOT Rhatier, leged to attend the nursing school show our grateful appreciation as a passport and ghosts of politi- rig 9 in RTileYer that Mitch- "I am sure history will record and now you must pay your debt/to Mrs Telford, director of nurs- NO FINESSE cal greats were raised Friday oh a posed the project that in my day and time I havelto society". ing and her associates forthe) His move lacked any trace of night as Ontario's party leaders jaa" "© ""S'ID€TAl Premier in|contributed to the maintenance of| "Since man is mortal, each suc wonderful effort fhat they (finesse. It was taken against campaigned for the provincial high standards of political life ceeding generation must supply put forward and are Sustal ¥|nearly unanimous disapproval not | & putting forward that the se on only of the opposition parties but! Premier Frost, leader of the "I am glad to be compared to gach brofession 3 fake over. You ors and achievements mig pe ---- --_------ Progressive Conservatives, drove Macdonald and King. I will he must do your part In 3 : | from Toronto to London, then on mier said satisfied if I maintain their stan-|field", said Miss Reid. Gensral Hospital. | - | to Hamilton and back to Torpnto.| cw "yo ther led dards." | She said peace, happiness, love ppoun OF STAFF | | John Wintermever drove e have another leader who land beauty are the things that|® 1 Sle has used all of his energies to, In Rodney, in the heart of On- really count and make life worth As a board, we are proud of | through Rania, Rodney, Chat- say things about me, to say that|tario's tobacco country, Mr. Win. living. "As nurses you can con.{our medical staff, our nursing » | ham and Wallaceburg, Campaign-|; 1.04 a one-man government, | termeyer drew more than 600 |¢ribute to the good in life", she|staff, our administration staff, | yi hard for the Liberal cause. [uti jg 4 dictatorship, that the persons, largest crowd of (said, : 1 e MacDunsle, heaq of the political morality of John A. campaign to date, in the agricul-| "Tod you are.on w of the « 'New Liskeard.' "0° Macdonald and William Ly on/tural hail. Ho enjoying the view, but / : 4 EE Sibu you will only be privileged to re- Mr. Wintermeyer, driving to jo on the if you assume Sarnig from Windsor via the A dnded short route through the United BULLETIN ic "I'd Hike at this time to pay| Dr. H. C. Stevens, city veter- States. A's himselt at the Jor tribute .to my predecessor, Mr. inavian, Friday, made a special in the trunk of his car. picture on the "win with Winter- meyer" button with the face of| the man in the car and waved the vehicle through | CALLS ON HISTORY Premier Frost, speaking in shirtsleeves to about 300 persons in 8 - degree temperature, reached back into history to flay his opponents in the June 11 elec- tion campaign. Speaking in Hamilton, he said POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 those who ing § should be thankful to Who that during the last campaign] The times have changed, te election less than a week away. and morality in this province. |an adequate number of people in come annualy to the Oshawa) The bordér guard compared his HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 |! Canada To Fire Earth Satellite PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. (CP)--Canada will Jaunch an earth satellite in 1961 with the co-operation of the United States, Prime Minister Diefenbaker announced today. He said that Canada is designing a high-altitude rocket "which has every indication of being a highly efficient re- search instrument" and intends to provide instruments for rockets which will be fired by the U.S Officiating at the opening of a new federal radar labora: tory in this, the prime minister's home constituency, Mr. Diefenbaker added "This is another step forward in the course of North Am- erica defence which I announced some 18 months ago. "The creation of a defence against the ballistic missile must continue to have a high priority in defence programs of Canada and the U.S, Research studies have been continued to make the detection of an ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile by radar feasible so that its interception may be achieved by missiles.' T, L. Wilson, chairman of the Oshawa General Hospital Board, for "a most inspiring address". Mr. Wilson spoke on behalf of the board, the graduating class and jall those present. | Said Mr. Wilson: | "No one who has taken the {time to think about it can feel |other' than proud of the various public utilities of this commun. lity. 1 feel that they also are |proud of the wonderful services performed day in and day out, week in and week out, through all kinds of weather by the Oshawa General Hospital and | the people who serve in it. "Did you ever ask yourself what kind of city this would be |g there were no Oshawa Gen: |eral Hospital. 1 am afraid that {sometimes we don't always count | |our blessings". . . we take a lot MeGilvray for his fine work over|appeal fo 'the gitizens of Osh- the years on the board of the to obey the January 22 by-Jaw Oshawa General Hospital and ordering that all dogs in the city latterly as its president. Mr. be kept tied up, MeGilvray will shortly be leav:| The appeal came after the dis- ing to take up residence in Bur- covery that a skunk, killed on lington, and in this instance what|the property of Stephen Kichko, is Ochawa's loss is certainly Fox street, was raided. Burlington's gain . Mac, we] The skunk was sent for ex- can only say 'thank you. lamination at the federal labor. MR. SAM atory after it had attacked and "We, In Oshawa, have bitten Mrs. Kichko's collie dog, 3 : Mrs. Kichko's brother-in- fortunate in having a living ex-| ois ample of unselfnishness in citizen. 18%, Max Sanders, killed the ; MA kunk with a board. ship exemplified by Col. R. s.|¥ an McLaughlin--known to most The dog, who had anti-rabies » 1 |injectionh last year, hag been us as "Mr. Sam". When 1 think | injec ' of the great contribution that Placed under # three-month he ha made tl walks of ie 5 st the dog con oN a {trol has been kept very busy fully Tumble. nd believe that vith stray dogs ever since the the res or pl Jn small art| PY-1aw went into. effect. He said nna ny Win 3 small pa this new case of rabies been fp ippy (of them for granted For vour |information, let me tell you that during the past year more than L 4 . since {has turned up he hoped people (For additional stories and |would co-operate a little more in pictures, turn to page 8) Ipreventing it from spreading. SR MISS TORONTO IN OSHAWA Miss Toronto is a isitor in city streets in a 4-car motor- | feature attraction tonight at Oshawa today as guest of the | cade by Mayor Lyman A. Gif | ¢he carnival, Oshawa Child Oshawa Kinsmen Club Kaorni- | ford. Above the mayor is y Sd > . val. The beauty queen arrived | caught by the camera smil- | "08 Arena. For story turn te. in Oshawa Friday by private | ingly at the side of Miss Tor- | Page 2. plane and was escorted through ' onto. Miss Toronto will be the ~Oshawa Times Phote : f Ny] ¥