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The Oshawa Times, 6 Jun 1959, p. 24

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ir dun ee Lr surround the mold with lettuce 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 6, 1959 : | MACARONI RING Garnish with egg slices. cups cooked elbow macaroni | CHEESE BAKE hard-cooked eggs, chopped 1-3 cup finely chopped onion tablespoons chopped pimiento cup chopped green pepper 5 cup diced green pepper tablespoons: butter or ; : cup thinly sliced celéry Bhs eke cup chopped sweet pickles % cup chopped parsley tablespoon finely chopped teaspoons salt onion Dash of pepper 5 Ib. pasteurized process 8-0z. pkg. old natural cheddar cheddar cheese, diced cheese, shredded Salt and pepper oggs, beaten cup salad dressing 2% cup milk Lettuce ; i | Saute the onion and green pep- hard-cooked eggs, sliced per-in the butter or margarine, | Combine the macaroni, chop- Combine with the rice, parsley, ped eggs, pimiento, green pepper, | salt, pepper and cheese, Mix celery, pickles: onion, and cheese, | lightly. Combine the eggs and Season to taste. Add the salad {milk and fold into the rice mix. dressing and toss lightly. Pack ture. Pour into a 1%-quart into a greased two-quart ring | greased baking dish. bake in a meld, Chill. Unmold on a large | slow oven; 325 degiees, for one chop plate. Fill the centre and | hour, ou cee can carry your CHICKEN 'N' CHEESE SOUFFLE ~~ | aie pedis wishes You don't have to be a French| The family wilh highly approve | slightly; add gradr-lly fo a la : chef or a culinary artist to turn if you serve this magnificent dish | king mixture, Beat egz wiles anywhere, anv time out a high and handsome cheese | with sauteed tomatoes and mush- | until stiff; fold in a la king mix- souffle! If souffle making has you |r oom s, asparagus vinaigrette. [ture. Pour into an ungreased Send flowers to make baffled try this never-fail recipe good and crusty French bread. !two-quart cassercl'e. Bake in a o wad a 4 that's light, fluffy and moist . . .|fruit and coffee. Here's ow the slow oven (300 deg. F.) for 1 to 4 any special occasion a joy to behold, and to eat. | recipe goes: frre or nell sonffle 1s golden more so! Across town or The preparation is half done | CHICKEN "N' CHEESE brown. Serve immediately. Sis before you start so you just can't SOUFFLE Servings. across the country (by go wrong. A can of creamy, rich-|1 can (10-oimce size) frozen P.S.: Like your souffle to wens wire), you can be sure flavored, frozen chicken a la king chicken a la king a 'top hat"? RBeiore baking ' serves as the basic sauce for the 1 eup shredded mild process make a line with a teaspoon they " get there on souffle, eliminating the need for cheese about one inch deep and ~hout time . . . even if sent making a white sauce, Cheese 6 ez2gs, separated or inch from the edge of the " . ' and eggs are added, and presio, Heat a la king as directed on | casserole. This cresse eon a ot the lost minute"! your souffle is ready to pop in the can; add cheese and heai until "top hat' to form on the souffle oven! melted; cool. B Jeat egg yolks when it's baked. ; LW a ES Tr pe R. B. REED & SONS A Mouth-Watering Sauce Turns | si sme Bares evernoo : FLORISTS lar play 'Peter Ps first performed in London in 1904. AJAY SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 1040 P lain Fish Into a Fancy Dish 1 rE 1042 KING ST. WEST PHONE RA 5-113) FLOWER CENTRE OSHAWA It's a rare cook who isn't con- | such recipes. They con transform wa in Be glum x Cantirie tinvally searching for intriguing !an ordirary dish inte a "Gour a Ee rawers, ex- new ways of serving fish. This is | met's delight'. ft reg a Over Surope. the time of year when there is a | : : | special emphasis on fish dishes. | SAUCES FOR And what better way of accessor-| BROILED FISH FILLETS | oa ing a basic fish recipe than by | ; ' . { topping it with a pepny sauce! | Tomato-Rarebit Sauce | F E L T B R 0 S The sauce can be as simvle or| '2 pound Cheddar Cheese, from " elegant as you desire, and it can | grated (2 cups) be interchanged with many dif-|1 10-ounce can condensed ferent types of fich. Best of all, | tomato soup the busy homemaker or career |i tablespoon minced onion girl will find she can whip a 2 tasty meal in next to no time. tablespoons ketchup 12 teaspoon Worcestershire Fresh or frozen fish fillets may sauce be used. Thewv should be broiled | : a in a preheated broiler or oven! Ya ieaspoas dry marstard only a few inches from the source | ot It 1 sik ee of heat. Gauge the fime by the | i and: pepper J thickness of the fish. Allow about | 2 Slices tomato (if desired) ten minutes per inch thickness for| Melt cheese in top of double fresh or thawed fish, and double | boiler. Add soup, onion, ketchup the time ior fish that is still in | Worcestershire sauce and mus- the frozen state. Before taking |tard. Cook, stirring constantly. | fish out of the broiler. test it with [until 'heated through. Add mix- | a fork. When the fillets are done | ture, little at a time, to beaten | they will flake easily. The sauce | egg. Return to top of double boil- | recipes given can easily be varied | er and cook, stirring constantly. f by substituting the odd ingredient | for 5 minutes. Serve over fish. If | to suit your fancy. It's a good | desired. garnish with tomato idea to build up a collection of slices. Makes about 2 cups sauce. | i Lobster Sauce | tablespoons butter tablespoon flow Get Your Molasses In Bread Pudding ] i Hai sre in sed Poster, cut in small pieces can, | is i 7- S$). This is a new stvle hread pud- app. 7-ounces S 2 > ih Salt, cayenne pepper ding. Whole wheat flakes cereal |, 4 has been substituted for tradi- Pel peaien pi yolks, tor tional bread crumbs. And a happy 1 tablespoon lemon juice and variation it is, too. The cereal 1 tablespoon water) adds crisp texture and far more Melt _ butter in top part of distinctive flavor than the more | 4 ble boiler. Remove from heat usual bread. This dessert is a|.n4 plend in flour. Gradually add rich, spicy pudding requiring |.peam and return to heat. Cook, about 1% hours baking time. | ctirring until sauce is thick and PEP PUDDING smooth, but do not boil. Add lob 3 ; ster. Add salt and cayenne pep- 3 esgs, slightly beaten per to taste. To two well-beaten 4 cup sugar egg yolks, add a little of the hot % teaspoon salt sauce, then stir the mixture into ¥a -teaspoon ginger {the sauce. Cook over boiling Ys teaspoon cinnamon water for 3 minutes. Add sherry For new and forever . . . the most dis- _ % cup molasses (or lemon juice and water). tinguished gift of all . . . Silver from 3} Cups TE Makes about 2% cups sauce. Felt Bros. a part of tradition since easpoon va : 3 cups whole wheat flakes Pimiento Sauce 1886. 3 tablespoons butter Combine eggs. sugar, salt, Juice of half a lemon spi nd 1 s, mix well.| 1 salt spices and molasses. mix well: | 3 igaspoon sak FELT BROS. Jewellers wheat flakes. Pour into fated One canned pimiento, ewt in 1% quart casserole. Bake in slow strips oven (300 DEG. F.) about 1%2| Melt butter, add lemon and 12 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH hours or until set. seasonings. Add strips of pimien- Yield: 6-7 servings. to. Makes about 2 cup sauce,

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