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The Oshawa Times, 6 Jun 1959, p. 56

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o a pr A St _-- r---- --~ ih a Sn ---- - F------ 36 N THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 6, 1959 MEAT AND VEGETABLE DINNER To cook vegetables with roasts like the lamb shoulder pictured above, parboil vege- tables 10 to 15 minutes in salt water to cover. Drain, coat with fat and put into roaster 45 to 60 minutes before meat is cooked. Baste several times. Looking for Something Different? Explore Ways With Avocados So you think avocados are something new. In a way you're right, since they've only been grown and marketed on a large scale in recent years. But the very ancient Aztecs, Incas and Mayans enjoved avocados thou- sands of years ago. One of the re- doubtable Cortez' men described avocados like this: "It is like but. ter and is of marvelous flavor", a statement that can hardly be improved upon today. Here's a salad that is the ex- ception to the rule not to serve mayonnaise with avocados. But it's worth breaking rules for: FLUFFY AVOCADO SALAD Halve small avocados scoop out the pulp, leaving the shell whole. Mash the pulp with a fork until smooth. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and onion juice. Whip with cream cheese and mayon- naise until fluffy, then stir in crumbled crisp bacon. Heap back into the shells and serve on let- tuce with french dressing, plain or with sliced stuffed olives added. ; Cream cheese dip for potato chips is as popular as frosty drinks at parties. This dip is dif- ferent enough to show you have a mind of your own, and de- licious enough to prove you know a good thing when you taste it. AVOCADO DIP FOR POTATO CHIPS Push very ripe avocados through a sieve. Blend in salt, pepper, garlic salt or juice, and onion juice. Now add a little wor- cestershire, and a faint trace of mustard. Beat until fluffv .Serve very cold with potato chips or crackers. : Bright red apples and golden grapefruit are back with us. Time to serve them in a salad with the tang of the first fall day and mel- low as the last day of summer, thanks to the avocado. INDIAN SUMMER SALAD On crisp salad greens alternate slices of unpeeled red apple, grapefruit sections and avocado slices. Serve with lemon juice french dressing. Like pears and bananas, avo- cados are much better to eat when ripened off the tree. So don't pass them up at your grocer's if they're too firm. You can ripen them perfectly in your own Kkitcken, and won't have bruised fruit from someone else's pinches. Just tuck them in your fruit bowl at room temperature until they yield to gentle pressure in your hand. For Witching Hour Have Ready 13 Herb Hamburger Stutfed Buns All Hallow's Eve is a time for costume parties, lively games and simple refreshments. On such occasions the big question of course is what to serve. If you're looking for something easy to make and tasty to eat, some- thing that goes a long way to- ward satisfying those hearty late- October appetites, Herb Hambur- ger Buns are the answer. The ad- dition of savory, onion salt and celery seed to the buns is a sur- prise touch that's sure to win great acclaim. You can build your menu around the buns. They're the sort of thing teen-agers particularly go for in a big way. They can be served with whatever filling suits your fancy -- ham, egg or chicken salad, with a hamburger stuffing or with generous helpings of hot barbecued beef. Just add a tossed green salad, cake, fruit and hot or cold drinks and you've got party fare that's bewitching anytime! HERB HAMBURGER BUNS 1% cup milk, scalded ; 1; cup butter or margarine 1 tablespoon granulated sugar 1% teaspoons salt 1 cup lukewarm water 1 teaspoon granulated sugar 1 envelope active dry yeast 1 egg, lightly beaten 1, teaspoon savory 1, teaspoon onion salt 1, teaspoon celery seeds cups sifted all-purpose flour Combine in a large bowl the alded milk, butter or margar- , 1 tablespoon granulated sugar salt. Mix together well and to lukewarm. Meanwhile, in ly dissolve 1 teaspoon granulated sugar. Sprinkle yeast on top of water. Let stand 10 minutes. Then stir well, and blend into luke- warm milk mixture. Blend in lightly beaten egg, savory, onion salt and celery seeds. When well mixed add flour gradually, mix- ing until dough is well-blended and stiff enough to be easiy handled. Turn out on a lightly floured bowl and knead until smooth and elastic, about 3 minutes. Place in a greased bowl. Cover with a clean cloth and store immediate- ly in the refrigerator for 2 hours or until well chilled. Grease 17 x 11 inch baking sheet. When dough is well chilled roll out to ¥% inch thick- ness and cut with biscuit cutter 3% inches in diameter. Place 8" to 4" apart on greased baking sheet. Cover with a clean cloth and let rise in a warm place free from draft for 1 hour or until doubled in bulk. Meanwhile, preheat oven tn 400 deg. F. (hot). When buns are doubled in bulk, bake in preheated oven 25 min- utes. Makes 14 buns. HEARTY CRAB CHOWDER Cheesed - up mushroom soup with flaked crab sounds like good eating. 'Tis! Especially when all the ingredients come from your favorite friend . . . the pantry shelf. Blend 1 can (1% cups) condensed cream of mushroom soup with 1 soup can water; add 1 cup shredded cheese and heat slowly until cheese is melted. Stir in 1 cup flaked crab can, drained) and 1 tablespoon chopped parsley. Makes 4 brime "Ino! i - as = " cup lukewarm watér thorough- Hud 4 Delicate Flavor Of Fresh Pears Nice Accompaniment Men (and women too) thrive on rivalry. A lower golf score, a bigger dahlia, a flakier pie crust are twice as worthwhile when there's a friendly competition in- volved. Did you know we enjoy much finer pears as a result of such a rivalry? In the middle of the last cen- tury there developed a contest among the French gentry to out- do one another producing finer pears. The fad died out, but we enjoy such luscious pears as Comice, Bosc, Nelis, and Anjou because of it. These "French pears" are so tender, juicy and delicate in fla- vor it seems a shame to cook them. And they're sweet enough for dessert just as they are. Some evening or Sunday soon after a rather heavy meal -- for instance, one featuring pork -- serve this very simple and very pretty dessert: On individual plates arrange a Perfect pear cut in half and cored. On one side of the pear arrange slices of unpeeled red Delicious apple and on the other side slices or a wedge of your favorite cheese. (Gruyere or Camembert is nice, as is plain Canadian). Garnish with a cluster of bright grapes. Sprinkle the cut pears and apples with orange juice to prevent darkening. You might substitute salted nuts for the cheese, if you prefer. The bite of Roquefort cheese combines deliciously with the smooth flavor of pears in a salad. | Slice the pears in half and core. Arrange on salad greens. Add Roquefort cheese to French dressing and fill the centers of the pears. Or to put spring in fall, fil the hollows of cored pears with cream cheese = and mint jelly beaten together. Serve as a garnish with lamb, This one may raise a few eye- brows but it'll delight the taste buds too: Peel and slice ripe fresh pears and cover with warm chocolate sauce. Serve immed- iately. BABY'S HEALTH Infants should be immunized | SERVICE MADE US! "PLUMBING SURVEY With Every Service Call We will check every tap, pipe, plumbing fixture in your house absolutely FREE. A complete list of all repairs and replacements will be made and handed to you on the job. Take advantage of this offer, it could save you a lot of money and an awful lot of trouble and Worry... .ce cco oes against whooping cough, diph- theria, lockjaw and smallpox by | six months of age. FREE PLUMBING ESTIMATES J. FOLEY Plumbing & Heating 319 COLLEGE AVENUE RA 5-424 Tips for smart tippers wil Donald Travel Service WILL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING The Agency that can give you from personal experience Travel Tips on particular places and customs, ® Free Delivery of Tickets Pay Later Plan European Group Travel Individually arran- ged Tours ® Overseas Contacts No Service Charge No Parking Problems Relax and Travel the Donald Way Donald Travel Service Located ot Harry Donald Ltd.--300 Dundas E. Whitby Phone MO 8-3304 or RA 35-4831. AN Airlines Answer. : --

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