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The Oshawa Times, 6 Jun 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3703 SPOTLIGHT By WREN A. BLAIR WEEK-END CHATTER . , . , Whitby Ladies' Merchants got off to a high scoring win in their opening game against Stouffville here this week. Pitchers were a bit rusty but this condition will improve as the season progresses. Next home attraction will be Tuesday night coming at Centennial Park . . . The Brooklin Inter- mediate Lacrosse club opens up tonight with an exhibition game at home against the Whitby Millers Juniors. Report has it that the "Brooks" have a powerful club again this season . , . The Bramp. ton Excelsiors 1958 Canadian Junior Lacrosse champions, belted Whitby Juniors 16-5 here at the arena Thursday night, The "Mil lers" host St. Catharines next Thursday evening still looking for their first win . , . Local sports fans may be interested tp learn that Eddie Redmond, formerly with the Whitby Dunlops, has been named manager of the Peterborough Petes Senior Lacrosse club . +» The Eastern Senior "A" hockey group held a meeting here in Whitby Tuesday night, with many problems being discussed. Corn wall reported that their was some doubt that they would operate next season, after a bad year financially. Belleville was represent. ed by Arena chairman Claude Tice, who says Belleville will con- tinue in Semior "A" hockey next season under a new executive, Whitby and Hull both reported ready to go, while Kingston is faced with a deficit to the league pool, which must be paid if they are | | | 'WHITBY SPORTS Two New Schools Ready By Fall Both of the new public schools, Earl F airman, Supervising i Whithy wil be reds 10 open Principal of Whitby Public 'S L] |e) y Sept. 2, it was s tated Thursday Schools, Eivlalned that there are by an official of the Wilkinson even rooms in each school as Construction Company, general well as a gymnasium, which will contractors for both the Kathleen accommodate a large number of Rowe and Palmerston Street Pub-| students, Planning Bd. Balks On Dwelling Plan The Whitby Planning Board The policy was in regard to any passed a resolution Wednesday major residential eveniug at their meeting, to the effect that they would only con-|this policy would be reconsider- the application for a subdivision dev not be considered before Nov, 20,(08 Monday, June 1, with a re. 1959. This action was taken in ac- { cordance with draw later vision id " vel pre- mature Nov. 1, 1950 when A. W. King of Leaseby Ltd, had residential | PPProached the Whitby town!' could [council at their regular meeting quest thet his company's applica. This request had been turned over to the subdivision committee of the Whitby Planning Board and it was their recommendation that the application be divided THE OSHAWA TIMES. Setwrdey, June 6, 1959 § DAY-BY-DAY ROTARY GUESTS A Knight, Liber; riding, Visitors to the Whitby Rotary Ron Did You Know Thot NU-WAY RUG 174 Mary Street is having a GIGANTIC RUG SALE? hE meet with the. approval of A, W, King, the policy was m up on Nov, 20, I and confirmed on May 20, 1969. lic Schools. in Kathleen The floors Rowe school are almgst complete. one floor ly poured, with onl SPECIAL! left to be laid, It was stated that | | I all the outside work will be fin-| 10% OFF ished very shortly and that as) rooms is finished, the terior work will begin, I "Roughly speaking,' the offi-| should all Model Craft i cmd ower] Beige The Palmerston Street School, | Aeroplanes, Boats, Cars | ' ' Rigler's ALL clal stated, 'the work soon as the last floor in the class. | I i I it was stated, would have been finished long ago, except for the fact that there is still some frost in the ground up there and that| the contractor does not want to| to be accepted next season. A meeting was set for July 7, in Hull, at which time entries must be made. The Whitby club has also made it clear that Kingston must meet the league pool deficit at| that time, otherwise they will pursue suggestions that they join Kitchener, Chatham and Windsor Senior "A" clubs, Of course it could be that there will be only one OHA Senior "A" group next season to include, Windsor, Chatham, Kitchener, Whitby, Belleville and Kingston, OHA territory ends at Kingston, and if Cornwall fold-| ed, then Sammy Pollock reports that Hull would likely join the Quebec league, These items will likely clear themselves shortly + + + The softball game between the NHL All-Stars and the Whitby | Dunlop Hockey club is definitely on, but the date will now or Friday, June 19 at Centennial Park. Admission will be 50c for adults and 25¢ for children. The All-Stars played in Richmond Hill this week with over 3,000 fans on hand, The Dunlops start ball practices Monday evening in preparation for the big game , . . There is plenty of softball activity in the South Ont, County league this year with a number of teams entered including teams from Oshawa: Competition is keen in most games and may be just the answer towards putting softball back on its feet in these parts + + +» Meanwhile baseball is lagging this year with no over-age| clubs in the district. | Librarian Tours New Buildings From May 20 - 22, Mrs. H. (which are now used by some Bracey and Mrs. R. Fowler at-|libraries to supplement hard tended the 57th annual conference covered books); pamphlet and| of the Ontario Library Assoc. gov ent document material] at Windsor and Detroit, Sharing/in the small library; two con-| in the international co-operation|temporary Canadian authors; the pour any floors until the frost is| completely out, | It was further pointed out that the work on the schools would have been completed by now if it hadn't been for the weather conditions that prevailed last win-| Store (F200 BROCK SOUTH, WHIT PH. MO 8-9022 J "If you have not received your Times, ohone your carrier boy first, It vou are unable te con- tact him by 7.00 p.m. TIMES SUBSCRIBERS IN WHITBY FOR MISSED PAPERS AND WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE BELL TAXI MO_8-3111 , ids PHONE BELL TAXI || JOHN W. TOWN D.DS, St. Andrew's Presbyterian BUILDING . Church Welcomes JOHN W. TOWN Born in Brockville, On. 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 AM, BEGINNERS CLASS AND JUNIOR CONGREGATION BYRON ST, §, AT ST. JOHN $7, EMMANUEL REFORMED . CHURCH REV, GERRIT REZELMAN, $rd Concession West of BroskN. 11 am--Dutch Service 11 e.m~Sunday School in. , English A 7 p.m ~=English Service Everyone ls Heartily Welcomed tario, Dr, Town attended the University of Toronto from which he graduated with the degree of Doce tor of Dental Surgery. FAITH BAPTIST 42) BROCK ST, N., WHITBY Pastor: Rev, E, C, Corbett, B.Th, Dr, r. Yown has taken up Assistant. Mr, R, Roxburg residence in Whitby, 9:15 AM, RADIO BROADCAST 9:45 CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN 7.7:30 P.M. ONLY | ter, keeping the workmen from performing their various duties on many occasions, The road into the Kathleen Rowe school was also impassable for some time during the winter. Buy Drapes For School Windows New bamboo drapes will be purchased for five rooms on the west side of the Whitby District High School, it was announced at the regular meeting of the Whit-| by District High School Board, | Wednesday evening. The drapes are to be purchased for an esti-| mated cost of $225. | The decision to purchase new drapes was made by the board, following a report by the chair-| man of the Property Committee, Wilson, in which he recom- mended that new drapes be pur-| Com ARR, ROLLER SKATING | 2 Tues. & Thurs. "Live Organ Music" Every The First Instalment 8 P.M. | TOWN OF WHITBY TAXES SECOND INSTALMENT Due Monday, June 15th, 1959 fore the Second will be accepted. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, ALL TAXES ARE PAYABLE AT ANY WHITBY BANK, 45 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR 11' AM. end 7 PM, Speaker MR, R. ROXBURG Guest Soloist MR. ARTHUR POWELL WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev, John Smith, B.A, B.D, Minister Mrs, J, Beaton, ARC.T, Organist must be paid be- 11 AM, MORNING WORSHIP Whitby PAY NOW SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 AM, Girls and Boys 9 years and over 1AM AVOID 6% PENALTY munity Arena F. N. McEWAN, Girls and boys under 9 years Tax Collector, AN Infant Care == Junior Worship PENTECOSTAL CHURCH BROCK ST. N. 307 3 WHITBY 11am. and 7 p.m. PASTOR J. RODGER OF NORWOOD in charge Whitby Baptist Church Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W, E, Summers,' AT.CM, 10 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM MORNING 'SERVICE COMMUNION 7 PM, EVENING WORSHIP chased to replace the old ones) which had become faded and dis-| which is a feature of the Windsor- music and records department of ¢ Detroit area, the 400 or more|the Toronto Public Library, With comm cnn of au on the went delegates attended lectures and| projection of colored slides for il-| visited Mbraries for two days in|lustration; provincial grants; and Windsor, and the third day in|pension plans, Detroit, One of the most useful features |ency to fade the drapes and that |a neutral color be selected. side of the building had a tend. Some of the discussion topics|of the convention was the display ;: chil-lof some 600 new books, of all 5 mys. selected by Outario librar- paper . This is | WHITBY REFRESHMENT "PERSONALS Paint Contract Ar Let For WDHS Other visit to ing of new films suitable for public libraries; and a bus) |street east, will be entertaining items of interest were a the members of St, the Historical Museum; Church Young Women's Grou supper, Mrs. Glen Blair, of Montreal, Mrs, Don Wilson, of Dundas Refreshment Booth and Change of Whitby at the Lokeshore. Tenders should state what Andrew's | on | Monday at 6.30 p.m. at a pot luck| will be in charge. CHANGE HOUSE at LAKE Tenders will be received until the hour of five o'clock p.m. . on Monday, June 15th, 1959, for the operation of the TENDERS WANTED BOOTH and House owned by the Town rent they are prepared to pay, what services will be available to the public, at what hour the Booth and Change House will be open, and who BY the librarians of The Whitby District High School Board of Windsor's large industrial |was a recent visitor at the home W. H. McEWAN jes with book selection| approved a tender 3 of her brotherdn-law and sister, it TOUR NEW LIBRARIES Mr. and Mrs. Noel Edey, of Gil- Ali As Whitby is making plans for bert street west, a new library building, the most| Private Gerald Thorne, station-| interesting feature of the Conven- (ed at Ipperwash, was last week | tion was the tour of new libraries end guest of Mr, and Mrs. A. J.| in Windsor and Detroit. The dele-| Edwards, This week end if tes boarded buses, which took|son, Private George Edwards, ales on a ad bus Bh pi three | so stationed at Ipperwash, will] ------m branch libraries in Detroit. "0 and Mrs. 8. Eckma and| As this city has a continuous son, Ellert, will be spending Sun- building program, 10 branches in/day in Orangeville visiting Mr, | 10 years, it has kept up-to-date in and Mrs. Andy Hienstra. i ideas on library building, This] Mr, William Winter will be en. | tour was under the direction of tertaining at her home on Mon- | the Assoclate Director of the De-|day evening at a picuie Suppt . troit Public Library -- who ex-|the members of Unites hurch bY: hice Pearce, paiter auf plained various features of each| Fireside Evening Auxiliarv| Charles A. Bradley and Son, esti.| branch and spoke on library plan- Group WMS. Anyone wishing mated cost, $1202; M, Hummel, |ning. We also visited Windsor | transportation is asked to be at painting and decorating, esti.| Public library, Windsor Univer. the Church at 6 p.m. Gilbert! mated cost. $1630: W. A. Sud.|sity Library, Wayne University| Mrs. Noel Res of 39 gest bury, painting and decorating|Library, and a new Windsor Strout west, ehierts ned a baby | contractors, estimated cost, $1095, | Branch Library. home 7 Th rly Vio oe and the Modern Decorators, esti-| Our chief impression from the i By of Gilbert street ae | mated cost of $1190. tour of these libraries Is that| Tye guest of honor was showered The board, upon agreeing on while the book collection in the, d and eful | the company to do the Work,|Whitby librar nC with many lovely and useful p y My Mh Bho y library compares very gifts, The hostess served a dainty | Yatstd 3 tion, SI est oe ayorably with those in other junch. | A mivtiny. tenders, [Places of equal size, it is very Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bloye, of Pal- oko Wg the suc. | Poorly housed in au inad te| ace street, have returned to their | On der and the amount | Pulling, which does not provide home after spending a few days| agreed on, along with the names | Proper room for the present book in Montreal. | and specified amounts bid by all| collection, and no room at all for ' i%, iggy ou forento,| "sub. | €xpansion of services S A dl Who sub: EXP fo & fast) Cuest of Mr, and Mrs. William T. Davidson, of Palmerston avenue. | | WHITBY | Phone MO 8-3618 \ | EVENING SHOWS 7 & 9 PM. NOW PLAYING SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 | Always Comfortable end Cool The term of the lease will not extend beyond Sep- tember 30th, 1959. BUILDER FOR OVER 30 YEARS ALEX, F. SCOTT, Chairman, nesday evening. The tender ap- Town Property Committee. ove was in the amount of 1038, The rooms to be painted are: dtchen and store room; cafe- eria, girls' change room, boys' 'hange room, general office, prin- sipal's office, board room, guid- mee room, ladies' lounge room, men's lounge room, and esti- mated cost of $1038 includes every connected with the, above mentioned rooms. Other tenders were submitted POWER INTERRUPTION Sunday, June 7, 1959 Weather permitting, power will be interrupted from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Sunday, June 7, 1959, in thot section of the town from Brock Street ts the easterl limits of the town including John Street to the nort and south to Highway 401, This interruption is necessary in order to change fuse holders at our sub-station and to change @ pole for inner switching. THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION of the TOWN of WHITBY JAS. ROSS. H. C. SIMPSON, Chairman. Secretary-Manager mwuwCOIT Zm=290O muwCOII Zm=I0 French Provincial A symphony in solid brick, over 1700 sq. ft. of living space -- as fine as human hands can make it, Architecture at its superb best. Among the many features are: Large living room with french doors opening on to a creole balcony. Dining room access to rear patio. Family size kitchen with lavishly stained cabinets. 4 Bed- rooms -- 1 }2 bathrooms, ceramic tiled with vanity. Completely finished 18' family room., Oversize attached garage--Decorated and landscaped. | JOHN W. TOWN, D.D.S. | ANNOUNCES LOCATION--The exclusive north-west area of Whitby from Hwy. No. 2 turn north on Cochrane to Walnut, left on Walnut to Lyndview. Turn right in Fairview to the top of the hill. | THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE GENERAL PRACTICE { OF DENTISTRY OFFICES IN THE WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 304 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY, ONTARIO |] Will Toke Core of EVERYTHING LI The Agency that can from personal experience Tips on particular places |] customs. FREE DELIVERY OF TICKETS PAY LATER PLAN These Homes Will Be Capably Presented By . . OLIVE HOWE (Realtor) 130 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY--TEL. MO 8-2527 or AX 3-4205 Toronto give you Travel and . INDIVIDUALLY ARRANGED TO! OVERSEAS CONTACTS No Serviee Charge Neo Parking Problems DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Located ot HARRY DONALD LTD. 300 DUNDAS E, WHITBY PHONE RA 8.3304. or RA 5.4800 REPRESENTATIVES: ® RITA SNOW @® AUDREY MOORE , @ OLIVE HOWE ® MILLIE BILIDA OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND + el {ik 9 OFFICE TELEPHONE PLUS--Jitter Bug House--Undersea Adventure MO 8.518) g OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT

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