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The Oshawa Times, 6 Jun 1959, p. 6

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6. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdoy, June 6, 1959 . Airwoman Doreen Ogden of | comely Miss was a recent back- RCAF Station Trenton tries on | stage visitor at the RCAF's Gol. a Jet pilot's headgear 'just for | den Hawks Aerobatic Display size'. The results make a good | at Trenton where the team pleture in anyone's book. The | gave the opening performance Resignation | Is Accepted PORT HOPE (Buaff)--The res Port Hope-Cobourg branch, Navy League of Canada, { 14, Boddison would have com pleted two years as commanding officer next September. Accept- ing the resignation, retiring pres- ident Alex Johnston sald the lieutenant had not disclosed his reasons, but thal the pressure of work in recent months had been increasing. No definite successor has been named, but it ls believed this will be the present "'Skeena' executive officer, Sub Lt. Char- les McCaw, It is not known who would replace Sub Lt, MeCaw as executive officer, The announcement by Mr, Johnston was included in his presidential report to the dinner, and immediately preceded elec. tion of new officers for the Navy League branch and its Women's Auxiliary, | New branch president is Jack | Koyl, Other members of the exe: cutive are vice-president Bruce Smart; secretary, Bob Alkens; treasurer, Derick Kershaw; pub- {Melty chairman, Alex Johneton, nd Bea Cadet committee, F. L, | Barr, Women's Auxiliary president is Mrs, F, L, Barr, re-elected by acclamation, Vice-president Is [Mrs, Mille Cole, with treasurer, | {Mrs, Agnes Burns; secretary, |Mrs, Evelyn McCaw, and social | convener, Mrs, Clare Paedon, Doreen | Oshawa Club Takes Team Golf Prize The first of the season's Mid. | land Golf Teague tournaments was played at Lindsay, 107 golf. ers participating from Oshawa, Cobourg, Port Hope, Peterbor-| { 'ough and Lindsay, nationwide tour daughter of H, Ogden, Bowmanville, (Nat Defence Photo) on A is the Mrs, 8 street The annual Fair drow an estimated 3000 ersons in the first two days, fetured above is the army ex. | cones from the Nike as well a DEPOT DISPLAY POPULAR A Rotary Trude | as several other missiles and planes, shown is one of man's first means of defence and attack, hibit which displayed rocket | the bow and arrow, The falr | has 70 booths Wm the arena as | radio controlled Also | well as a fa | Cobourg | Friday night T TRADE FAIR shion =-Oshawa Times Photo, Officials Puzzle Psychiatry Pickering Reev PICKERING VILLAGE (Stati) uudertaking would be a Reeve Cycil Morley and the 'f In good golfing weather the council of Pickering Village are § plavers found the tricky course) a frustrated body of men, Mr, inanelal burden, Another feature which disturbs Is that Morley the Depart OTTAWA psychiatric e Treatment wv Spread Thin (cP) treatment show. The fair, under the sponsorship of | eat Bi Rotary Club, ended | 8--Twilight Theatre Canadian Is spread New Marina To Be Opened PORT HOPE (Staff) -- A new| Mr, Koyl sad the decision to : Ontario "Marina" will be|bulld the marina had. been made opened at Port Hope this sum-| following a survey conducted last mer, and will be staffed by sea summer w Navy Thue Xu cadets from RCSCC "'Skeena' in ber Alex Johnston, pres. an effort to raiee funds to offset ident, On the basis of that survev, the marina is expected to at a corps deficit Jack Koyl, new president of Port Hope Cobourg branch, | tract an average of 10 to 12 boats [Navy Lougw 2 Sada sid per night during the summer, {negotiations n conducted po. ih an average, during the winter with a com-| ofits alone would remove Surplus funds will be [pany to secure gay and oll serv-| Ll eos for the marina, used {0 build a new boat house, be installed this week, at the site, located on the east pler of Port ind io use he ¢ Maia have Leen dver Ontario and New Wy York lak ; Officials hope thelr $656 oper- moved by revenues from the new service contre. TIMES BUREAUS able at shore berths, and ice will be stored in a boathouse on the A, McCulloch FR. 2-9218 Two "Skoena"" cadets other a "Skeona" officer of [qin Macdonald TU. 5-5787 WKBW.TV Channel 7-=Buffale WROC.TV Channel Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2----Butfale WEEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale Two B00-gallon gas lanky Will| po 0 0 ug pleasure cruls- Hope harbor on the Ganaraska '00 along the ating deficit In 1958 will be re Beside gas and oll, water and power connections will be avail: | COBOURG property, and PORT HOPE Navy League member duty at times, CHCHALY Channel 11--Aamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6~Toronte 7--Pantomime Quis S=Feature Movie 8.8-1t Could Be Vou 4~Baseball Search tor lomowew noo pu, was PM 1=The Christophers | (1.Au Star Theatre Sem r Mag ie hee um 1--Tontival of Faith gr 11Fontiy a v whl 7--Music Binge ! 6-<Matines on Canisius Forum or | | 1e=Contury Stories a "M, oA ent Mid dur Maines | 13--Movie Matinee T~Early Show 6~Panic No Warning Taras hassiin 190 PM, | T=For The Ladies | 8-Dick Clark A= Wren Lf / 2 he World (urns | 1 SATURDAY EVE. 6-Country Calendar 5100 P.M. Li=Popeye 78% | NM PM, {1.6--Rin Tin Tin | 8=Three BSlooges "ee PM { 11=Cowboy Theatre 6 Astronom 4100 P.M, I==Bowling 620th Century 8----Bengal Lancers "ilo PM, " Roberts ng Re vous Room | PM, { 11=Tannesses Ernie Mr, Fixit S--Lawrence Walk id PM 7100 2.00 P.M, thay In Count 1 M, fo" Dean ofoN. § mn "4 awa: Shorts Helen Neville 1=Rifleman G=Ivanhoe 4=U of B Round Table S~African Patrol Ts PM, | 3100 ? 13=Century Stories 6-~News Magazine | 7-Paul Winchell d=Home Couking ¥ isdLEey perplexed by the men! of Highways, through the too thin in qualified doctors, time ,, of oulside county road committee is waiting | and money, a panel discussion in 3 {to reconsiruct and pa Chureh [dicated Friday hig street in Pickering as a part of) The problem is similar to the The delay dilemma of the surgeon asked to $20,000 operate on more patients than he |11,6.5.8--Perry Come can handle, it was suggested, | Youdtibtles SAA The question is whether the y A. surgeon operates 'a little on each | -Wanted~Dend or The Vise Dick Clark §+NBC Feature 4-Face The Nation "M difficult though the greens and confused and fairways were very good leontrols and directive Top honors in Flight 1 went to bureaus and ommissions H MoMagter ol, Dubay with A Reeve Morley admitied fine 74, while Kawartha goller|. ion in a stater: 1 to the the Baseline projec Malcolm Robertson took second a Is Justified in that some ; oa village vatepavers Thursday and ' Ju nm shot by virtue of a 78, D, Graham will be spent and tc » Reov \ advocates calling a public meet I a ) use Reew playing with a 13 handicap took | Morley' , ords. *'1 p Ein fieht ing to lay the whole problem orley's own words t would w nel in th before his people. |be ridiculous to pave this street | =H | 8 E. i wo. 14--Bob Cummings T---Sergeant Preston p---Meat The Press Col, Flack 'oss went to Toss went t ie PM : y -- MINISTER OF HEALTH, Dr Matt B. Dymond, paid a spe cial tribute to Mrs, Tom Wheel: er at an election meeting at | area over Dr. M. B. Dymond At Brougham BROUGHAM (Staff)--About 78/to x<ay inmates on admission Brougham on Friday night for her work with the handicapped and crippled children of the the past several North Pickering electors gathers|and cases ave discovered early ed in the town hal lhere on Fri-|before the disease can infec day night Minister of | others." Health Dr. Matt B. Dymond ap. Speaking of the London San yout for continued Sipport ftorium, Dr. Dymond sald this the" Frost governme 500-bed institution was to be en: Dy. Dymond reviewed briefly| So i' "900 heds elght years the government record over the ago, but today there are only past ten years. Fe made tittle 75 patients reference to any opposition and gave his audience a talk on two| "We now have other plans for of Dis favorite subjects, mental the London San, it is to become health and the progress made in| Canada's first research centre reducing the incidence of tuber: into the problem of mental re- | tardation We are aware that culosis The speaker paid tribute tolour knowledge of this condition the TB associations fn the pro-|{s almost nil, but we are going vinde which had made such alto try and discover more about valuable contrbution in the early|/it, We do know that drugs and case finding of victims of TB./medicines are not required but "Their work, he sal "has/one thing we do know Is that played a large part in our fight) these patients respond to tender against oneof man's oldest dis-|loving care and we hope to eases or public, in industry and now| those afflicted and help them to most of our jails are equippedia fuller life." AT KEDRON June Meeting Turnout Good at the home of Mrs. R. Lee The anniversary service for Kedron Sunday School will be on June 21 at 2 pm, when Re R H love, BA. BD, will preach PLAN PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. B. Starr were hosts to the exe of the Werry Picnic on Saturday éven ing. The picnic will be as usual, Saturday, July 18, in Hampton Park, with the main meal at noon and supper for those who can stay Rev. R. Love and Mr. Frank Lee attended the Bay of Quinte Conference in Kingston Coronation Sch the schools represented at the John Dyck led in the religious educat rally n assisted by Mrs. W. Brooklin Township Hall Attend Mrs, G. Stinson, ing the second rally held at Starr as planist Brooklin were the pupils of Max Assisting the hostess, Mrs. | well Heights Schoo Love, were Mrs. W. Woodward, Recent guests at Mrs, H Brown and Mrs. E. home were the Rev Mount joy Miss Lynn Farrow, Port Credit Plans were made to hold a re: |My, and Mrs. A. Werry, Sandra gular § o'clock meeting, July 15, and Sharron, and Frank Lee / to hear MRS. WILLIAM WERRY Correspondent The WA held its June meet. ns Tuesday evening at the mafise with a good attendance Ass Marilyn Scott and Miss Maggaret Pellow of King Street United Church, Oshawa, were introduced by Mrs. Douglas Love Miss Scott tive played several se Jections on her plano accordion, Miss Pellow gave a talk and showed of Western Canada her friends werd the do caravan rk outside Province of Ontario pic She irst tures and to the Helen Van Camp, Osh operated the projector Was amon ava Mrs Wonghip Snowden and with Mrs. B the R R. Love Ma's x-rays for the gen. teach parents how to care for Lee | a In Fligit 2 low & D, Cockburn of host club while low net went to Dunc Bath of Kawartha, Grant Green of Lindsay had low gross in Flight 3 while Frank Finnighan of Ka. wartha had low net, The team prize went to the Oshawa club with a total of 307, Leading winners and scores were: FIRST FLIGHT Low gross, E. McMaster (Osh. # awa) 74: NM, Robertson (K | | wartha) 75; Peter McCaig, (Co. ! bourg) 76:. W. Rowden (Port | Hope) 76, Low net, D, Graham [| (Oshawa) 64: D. James (Osh. awa) 64; H, Heatlle (Lindsay) 68; G. Wallace (Kawartha) 67 SECOND FLIGHT Low gross, D. Cockburn (Lind. say) 82: D, Ferguson (Port Hope) |88: C. Whitfield (Cobourg) 85: F, | Coulson (Lindsay) 86, Low net, D. years. Both Dr, Dymond and Mrs, Wheeler are graduates of Queen's University, Photo by John Mills | |Bath (Kawartha) 67: C. Bedford TEEN TOPICS | (Kawartha) 67; R, Waddell (Osh- lawa) 70; G. Barr (Lindsay) 70 PICKERING For a school [THIRD FLIGHT with an enrollment of only a lta] Low gross, G. Green (Lindsay) tle over 500 students, Pickering ga; A, Whitmore (Lindsay) #1: W, {did fairly well at the OFSAA final [Fell (Kawartha) 91; G. Hendry track and field meet at the OALC| (Kawartha) 9". Low net, F. Fin. last Saturday, | nighan (Kawartha) » E. The final placings of Picker|Gauthler (Kawartha) 62; J, ing's competitors were: Paul Mon Davidson (Lindsay) 63; J. Roy roe third in the 110 high hur | (Port Hope) 63. Team prize, Osh. dles. Paul incidentally scratched awa (McMaster, Graham, James hs entry from the 440.yard runjand Waddell) 307 to give the mile relay team a| The next Midland League tours better chance inament is scheduled for June 20 Eldon Cresswell when the Peterborough club will senior pole vault {play host Stew Craig 5th in the Inter. mediate pole vault | Dave Robertson « 6th in the C 1 M ks open 2-mile un, oup e ar The senior mile relay ran third. | This vear was Plckering's best Anniversary in the track and fleld competition and whereas up to this vear the most finalists that Pickering ) . could quality was two, this year RRL BORE peel.) oy Rh elght athletes wore the Kreen ax {noon and evening "At Home" hite of the Trojans Congratu-| Tuesday as they celebrated their MAC VE \f 2 Todt: the last assembly of Golden Wedding Anniversary, o vear was held. and first thing] MT. and Mrs. Crossley were re. on the agenda was the presenting [CeIVINE their guests in their home of the trophies to the field day(on the McKibbon street farm champion The following won Which was their first home in trophies in these divisions {1908 when they were married. Girls: senior, Eva Hasek, in| Mr, Crossley, now 80, moved to termediate, Ingrid Mearns: jun. [the farm in 1002, and married for, Gail White; bantam, Janet|lsabella Clark at her family Tomlinson {home on Smith street, Port Hope, Rays: senior, Paul Monroe; in. when officlating minister was termediate, Dave Keen and Alan/Rev. McFarland of the Baptist Dawson; junior, Joe Gulliver; Church Rantam, lan Salgo One daugter, Mrs. Cyril Jay, Following these awards, tribute and two grandsons, Ronald, 17, was pad to this year's Students' |and Keith, 12, live on Pine street Council which, said Mr. Richard: port Hope. b Meincinal}. wi son (the | vine pal). was the had Among immediate family mem. tou oil or. hon remember soe. | DOTS Who attended a special iy hat Te FE luncheon served Sunday at Idalia Me Rav Gilchrist, Vere Mr. Crossler's sister, Mrs, than hehlights of Charles Garside, of Scarboro. the initiation] Mrs. Crossley has three dav to exams. Ray then said, |brothers, Rev, C. A, Clark of Bal. off the cuff. that he felt that/timore, Md.; Walter, of Graven. everyone who had served on this/hurst, whe founded the Ontario) vear's. on or any other vear's.|Secondary Teachers Federation, Students' Council would benefit|and Harold, of St. Thomas. from and remember the experi: The farm is smaller now, says ence as a highlight of his Hie [Mr, Crossley, than it was when Next Mc vw Grade 12 starts Mrs. Crossley moved there as a its final exams and a week lateribride in 1908. The ninety acres the 9's. 10's and 11's begin theirs, which yielded good mixed farm. ling then have now been chopped in two by highway 401 4th in the th President reviewed the hig school vear from and Mrs. R. Lee were re cent supper guests of Mr. and "i "ui Wn 'YVew TIMES BUREAUS AJAX were weekend jesis of Mr. ar John Mills Ajax 426 Mrs. T. Smilie, Toronto. Mr BOWMANVILLE Svdney McDonald, Stirling, vis Ma. 3.7282 Mr ited durine the weekend with Ar Werry, Donald and | I Mr. and Mrs Roy Jackson in Lindsay for Sun 'Rae Hopkins (day supper, | and Mrs A] Here is Reeve Morley's com plaint:: "Last year, Ontario Water Resources Commission made a survey and claimed that the village was contaminating Duffin's Creek, After many meot- ing, two course of action were given to ws, (1) To check all septic tank systems, cellar drains, to see if they were leading into the storm sewer system and open drains leading to the creek and |I to have the owners correct same, I or (2) Consider the installation |! of a sanitary sewer system and! a treatment plant," "Questioned on ways of finan. cing the second project, the Ont. ario Water Resources Commis fon made recommendation on what it would provide." FIRM ENGAGED "Acting on the OWRC advice and in what the council consid. ered in the best intevests of the village, the firm of Gore and | Storie, |engaged to prepare estimates of the cost of a sewage system, |" These were forwarded to the OWRC for action" "After a number of meetings | the issue appeared to have been lost and only by percistant ens quiry we were at least advised | that a member of the OWRC and a member of the Ontario Munici- pal Board had had an informal meeting and had decided to let the matter drop as it was too expensive for the village to under take," | Mr Morley stressed his next | point, "Council was not advised of the decision or allowed to| present its up-to-date financial | position." | "It was hot. until after two) months of persistent enquiry that| a meeting was arranged at which) the village clerk and myself were allowed to present the financial | position and also the amount of works to be installed by sub dividers which would have reduc. ed the cost by 25 per cent, We have now heen advited that after a review of the figures, no action fs recommended. 1 believe the people of the village should be given the facts and a vote taken I was advised that a vote would not serve any particular pur PURLIC MEETING | Mr. Morley would hike to see a public meeting, at which the whole problem would be placed before the taxpavers. The reeve does not hide the fact that the Ee --} t To Operate Safety Lane AJAX --- The Safety Lane witl| again be In operation in Alax| from Monday, June 8 to Satur: | day, June 20 | The Lane will be located at the outdoor skating rink on Hunt | street and will be oven Monday | through Friday from 6 to ® pm | Spm A With the ho'lday season almost | heve, the Ajax Safety council is| weing all car owners in Ajax and district to have their cars| checked through the lane. A great deal of voluntary time and effort is put into the Safety Lane by all | the organizations who make up| |the Safety Council The Safety Lane is being oper ated free for the benefit of all So that all may have safe cars a Ajax. and perhaps in a few months dig it up again to instal sev ers down from the homes." Reeve arlo Water jon says that the pollution creeks, storm sewers must be stopped. |e p . TeSammy ¥ can be done in adult and child A patient or concentrates on partie ular cases, The five-member panel was a feature of the three-day meeting _ situation, here of (he Canadian Psychatric | The on umming wp ™ WW. € M./| mm of Mont: i, sanel chair "lman, sald it is evident "that a and| "great deal more than nothing" he middle and all the laterals the sald, esoudee up Morley adjacent ditches The Department of Planning and | psychotherapy. Development say there is to be| But throughout the country w further development unless there are too few trained doctors arge lots or sanitary sewers are for the public services or for pri. nstalled, Large lots ave imprac.| vate practice, One reason was the| tical due to the high costs of land |relatively inadequate payment in |11.6.49-Newss Weather: and reduced assessment over the contrast with other medical area, National' Housing Act Loans fields |are not [tary {Municipal Board say Wt cannot| un in the next five years." ' recommend the expenditure, To h top this | made a statement at the mayors have retred three small debent- and reeves | Catharines fo May 7 that there debentures will have been paid, S-Wrestlin we waaj WHI a five-year moratorium [off and asses ment would have consulting engineers Wasi, navinents on sewage systems risen from $1025000 to approx. | bullt available without sani. sewers The Ontario qivisions were completely Reeve Morley concluded by say-| the Hon, Mr. Roberts ing that by 1064 the village would | convention at St. [ure debts. two thirds of the water! treatment plants if the subs | imbately £3 milion COSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Barly ins vaders of Spain 8. Twists out of shape 11, Beginning 12, Musie drama 13. Chief Teu. tonic 14. Be noisily festive 18, Support 16. Let it stand (print) 17. Long-eared rodent 19, Twilled fabric 21, Little gir 24. Masurium (abbr) 25. Hereditary factor 26. Poker stakes 28, Taut $9. Heathen CIAO SE TATHIL] [RIAMIT TRERATC IETS] [UIM[BIRIARNS [AT1 162 Spo] 3 Ha a "lary IRIE [ERIS] [BILIEITIPIRICIOIF(S] LO] i Nt | [AIGTHIAIS [YMA PTE IR] J IFTAIRIS IAD GIRIE] (TIRICINIERRUIAIBITS] [SITIO TRF RIE]Y Yestarday's Answer DOWN 1, Biblical kingdom 3 Extra. ordinary person Bones (anat.) German empire Rivers More sick Egyptian goddess Of the clergy 9. Excuse 10, Salt 18. Sun god Ham. mer end Extent of canvas Cireui. tous 3. Resting place Earth ana goddess City train Destructive ant Exclama. tion 3 L} L} LS A 36. Serous fluide 38. Three-hand card game 39. Otherwise 40, Prophet 41, Roman di. vine law and Joan Harmoniges 1 | 1 | S=Western | 11e=Frontier T~Lawrence Welk 6-Naked City 4--Brenner 3-Black 9130 Kaye 0) 10:30 P.M T=Walter Winchell Pat Boone d=Silent Service Fight 1:00 P.M, Sports T=Playhouse . ou ns ry 1l==Late Show 6-TBA $=Just Muse 1110 P, $=Movie 4=Play 1:48 entia) »M, 1100 Stianiam S-=Late Watch $-Simple Science 10100 AM, S=Christophers 4=Lamp Unto My Fest S=Churoh Invitation 10:80 AM, SIndustry on Parade 4 Uneole 5 S-Morning Gospel 10:45 AM, 4=Camera Three Round-Up 1100 Neon 6~Ausical Interlude JSiscp ae S--~8pace Ranger Newnt Weather mun ra Look At Congress Film Feature -Playhouse Hue mM | Alive ! | LN us rm, t~Baseball Leadod nus PM, 1~This Is The Lite 3-Tugboat Annie ile PN | 11.6~Father Knows Best J-Bhave, aid i a 4 20th Century | 4==Bachelor LIL Weloretta Young 64-Ed Sullivan 10 PM, The Naked City T=Lawman 1 M, 114--World's Stage dic " ,8=-Chevy Show 0.8. "Theatre nee PM 11.6-0.M, Presents -Frontier 4=Alfred Hitoheook 10:00 P.M, 1l~-Program In Five S-Fighting Words Playhouse S4=What's My Line 3-Bylin o 110 PN, 6:4-3--News; Weather ad $=News Hilites $~=Drama_ Feature 4-Neath Valles Nags +8 Theatre P.M, Roundup 818 AM, 4~Captain Kangaroe a0 AN votions aM AM T--Romper Room S---Faverite Story Life of Riley " \ Re My 4-0n The Go » 10.5 AM, Morning Show FeTronuy Hunt a ec Dough News Sagiher News: | SUBSCRIBERS | THE TIMES VOTE C.CF. in DURHAM it's ARMSTRONG FOR MISSED PAPERS I you have not received your Times by 7 pom. coll AJAX TAXI PHONE BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND SOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 | TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAX) Colts Accepted Between T-7:30 p.m. only ©

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