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The Oshawa Times, 6 Jun 1959, p. 8

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Hy Final plass were made for | GROUPS, CLUBS sierioe to tae 75 dinner '30 AUXILIARIES = Juve meeting wil be held exandra street, on June 16 and will be in the form of a pot luck JOY GROUP supper. Weather permitting, ft | The regular meeting of the Joy/¥ill be held on the lawn | Group of Joy Group of Refreshments were served by the WA of Northminster United the hostess and her committee, Church was held recently at the - a home of Mrs, Frank Baker, Hill leroft street. Mrs. Wilfred An. \thony, the president, led in the E (devotional period. © The secre- [tary s report was given by Mrs. | William Wendt and the treasur ler's Teport by Mrs. Ross Jones See all the Kodok and Brownie Movie Cameras here! MONDAY MORNING LL ey SE oI vy AMONG PRIZE WINNERS AT LAST NIGHT'S GRADUATION EXERCISES Th 8 Gas... wr | EARLY BIRD Special prizes in the inler above are, left to right, Miss | Fraleig Blooinfleld, Ontario. | Tor highest stapling in nurs 7 \ 4 71 a i / ' mediate and junior years were | Barbara Taylor, Rexdale, On the Business and Professional | Ing proficiency Mise Annie g 4 MT A ) iis ny. y " the Award Certificale Women's Club of Oshawa prize Barnett, Oshawa, the OGH Al ' 3 y / ] awarded at last night's grad tario uation of the Class of 1959, Osh The Canadian Nurse, for sed for highest standing in theory unnae Association prize for ave, Cours Toial' Sctool | sna vighent wuting i sever. | Nou Non yur, Rowson, pound stolieney: es Piito Be (@ Lo TH oo Ms 4 1 singin : Ee Ng Fy 2 i : mio 10.00 gpowmeTumet Movie Graduation Exercises At OCVI 'eo _ NSE) vid RR al 2 26,00| camera Scopesight £/1.9 ¢ : @® Py ib ; 1 ELECTRIC 11.00 Built-in meter in this N CONSOLE turret movie-maker! Crown Efforts Of 22 Nurses 3 4 5% 34 4 warcuny rour. garg "re meviemker! Twenty-two members of the sa 1958 graduate and last ye: J wh { On Movie Camera and graduating class of 198 of the) winner Li p & ' Joh } 1 MONARCH PORT. 16 Wowie gid world of movie ' ABLE ELECTRIC 00 P moking sureness and simplicity. Oshawa General Hospital Schoo!| The Dr. G. L. Bird prize for # / hy - I of Nursing saw the happy cul-[surgicel nursing, Miss Wilma t x IN THE F MILY TRADITION 1 ELITE N mination of their three vears of Davis, Ferri presented by In #4 > pei yin dey 75.00 Built-in meter has 9 poinjer viv training last evening when Mrs [R. J. Kimmerl) : 251 . Mrs. Donald Houlden, Som- | winner of the Adelaide Me- | ated in 1925, and in the family ible in the viewfinder. Turn ® C. D. Russell, president, Wo The Dr. W. H, Stanley prize J HIN erville avenue, the former yaughlin prize at last night's | tradition, they haic a cousin, | 1 DAMASCUS ELEC 49 00 dial to center iy Paintet and men's Hospital Auxiliary, assist [for obstetrical nursing, Miss Gis. [2 : ? a Margaret Redpath, who on 4 ' oy ly ks Sr TRIC PORTABLE M exposure's sel avlomaticelly ed by Mr. W. A. Holand, super-|ecla Mayr, Oshaws, presented by ; Vi y the Mazo Williams Memorial graduation. The sisters are the Ma, Bernice ob Harper of Y NECCHI PORTABLE ELEC Camera is completely equipped intendent, Oshawa General Hos (Mrs W. H. Stanley 74, i 7 prize when she graduated from daughters of the late Mrs, Hul- 14 urg, 3 men; her of the OGH i - for wide-angle, telephoto, reg: pital, presented each one with! The Dr F I' Rundle prize fol ¢ ; } | OGH School of Nursing in 1950 dah Redpath who was also a | Alumnae / 380¢ iation who grad- TRIG 1] 00 lar movies. Built-in fiters, fea / \ winner of the Adelaide Me. | Aled in 1933 I . bd ' her diploma at the graduation surgical technique, Miss Mary 8 congratulates her er | ' Redpath, Class of 1959, ' Laughlin prize when she gradu Oshawa Times Photo exercises held at the OCVI Terwillegar, Oshawa presented ? f Dorothy Following the invocation by the|by Dr. E. J Rundle > SPECIAL Completely lens-equiped Reverend CC. D. Cross, an open: | INTERMEDIATE YEAR 4 drid y ) ; ; ' KA) 7 y ge, Mrs. BE. Markle, all of Vork from June 7 « 11: Mr, ing addr vas given by M The Supervisor's pri e for higl p . y OGH 1959 Grads Bowmanville and Mrs. Cyril Schofield, Mr. MODIL-- OPEN ARM 4 Mrs. Bruce Lelynan, Brooklin; i Mrs. Stewart Alger, Mr. and 129.00 Reg. 209.00 Ll T. I. Wilson, chairman of the est standing in nursing profi i 4 _ b t y sided | sncy 4 mn ke, King : ch BAAR 14 8. who presided | en Misé¢ Norma Dy Kit G Guests At Tea Mrs. Leslie Smith, Ottawa: Mrs, Mrs. William Alger, Mr, and Mrs, hospital board : y F (t) Ja i resented by y . Mis Worship Mayor Lyman Gif-|ston, Jamaica presented ) 3 Irvin Porter, Yarmouth, N ov a/Walter Branch, Mr, and Mrs. ford brought greeiings fo (helps R I. Guilive 1s50Ciate Ere 2 4 4 Ns The nursing staff of the Osh 8 ha r y z ' y 4 en i . Scotia: Mrs. William Williams, Frank Grindley, Mr. and Mrs. Betustes on be halt o Hie So Sires of Surdiog Services. 4 - ' ih oA awa Fonery! Hospital Enteviain London; Mrs. A. L. Fillmore, 'ames Skinner, Dr. and Mrs. ELNA hawa and expre 1 he Business ang S10né ed at a tea on sdav after . 3 . 5 : " oe wishes for their fudure Women's Club of Oshawa prize Ww { McLaughlin Hall in honor Miss Betty Lon Fillmore Co D. E. Sturgis, Mr, and Mrs, El- | 4% 1 [noon a cLat é bourg: Mrs, A. C. Kerr, Mrs, 0, don Southwell and Mr. and Mrs, | LX 0) | Oshawa gi graduating were for highest standing n "O01 A "A { the members of the gradual ek John 1 v | ra " " -- al Orr, Mrs. R. H. Davis, Mrs, H,|Jobn Lowry. w - ing class of 1959 and their fri iends. , ; | SEWING. CENTRE I (@\ IV] [6 R JAN A J Le y UJ , the Misses Dorothy Gaye Ander: Miss Dorothy Fraleigh Buck | « LD Mr son, Frances Darleen Barr, Bev. ifield, presenied by Mrs J HARMONY WEDDING Receiving were Mrs. George nl pidge urrent ire MOSTLY ASIAN RA §5-2591 STL ! erlev Agnes Bear, Barbara Bul- Wilson, B and PWC president Telford. director of nursing, Mrs N Charl \ . teri], Mary Lo JUNIOR YEAR Married recently at Harmon lor of Me and Mrs. 1 sonard R. J. Gulliver, associate direc Fiiig Shnrien Marin. eg n Turkey's territory in Asia is|| OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Silay, Marie | Yio R Geel "The Alumnae Association, Os Mrs, Keith Armond Roger and Matin. ps a ay me pride for of nursing services, and Miss frp "\pl np TChar Ajax. | 285,000 square miles compared to) 28 KING ST. I y yrothy Toren: al ; / \elth oge Kroo ! 1p in of t rector | : I : Mo : D Hy rend | ve a General Hospital School of po. i larlene Charles Rogerson of Newcastle Gladys Hin, a a0 inte direc Mrs, W. FE. Stubbins, Sutton 3250 square miles in Europe LRT Ce AE us Jang § Diane Jane Nursing priz e for gamers Al Pro Martin, the bride is the daugh- + Ont of nursing education West; Miss Muriel Terwillegar ---- lyn Terwillegar an Barne Pouring tea were Mrs. W. D. Columbus Williams i N Ford ime ahi srvisor, and Bar gnaing xg ada is, rete br =r Be SE 8 J a ) i T Jomn Hele : " Whithy The Award Certificate Alymnae of OGH School of Nurs SOCIAL NOTICES TWO M DERN iss Carol tran rowY ee Canadian Nurse for second mg wick Miss Gerda May Crag * landing W genera ron Bowmanville; Miss Wilma Grace of Mi: hy en Jarbara 0 « " Kliza- Davis, Ferris; Miss Laura 4 Rexdale, presented b se Cornish ing The inlerniediate elass pre each of the graduating ENGAGEMENT sented class members with a silver spoon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Philip OPEN present N eaygeon: Miss Maureen Mrs. Fred|Saturday, June 27, 19350, at 7 x: Mist Joan Toulse success in the years to come Aldwi le, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-347 - Mrs. James Anderson ' , mic" Ax: Wes in » well spokesi valedictory Jo ek i ! Mack Mrs. W. W. Howe, Mrs |0'clock in Sf. John's United ; They were addressed by Miss Miss Margaret Kerr of Yi "8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, June 6, 1959 John Hooper, Jr. Mrs Solu} Clch, Brougham, : HOLIDA | LUGGAGE Alma Reid, B.A Rey Na ano Susrent Yb - he ree long Stredwick Lit Bnet ; ENGAGE gore profe ot Schou " ng the class had looked forward t« SV. Ba re Russel 2 pil rd Mr Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cain, Ogh- aste niversits amilton p ( wilh MD 5 president, vrs i T enn nha JR Nawa, announce the engagement of Ontario, the text of whose ad. graduation day Ou behalf of Arts and Crafts low. Presiding ai fhe tea tables|Diek, Mrs. F. Piddu Mrs. \iW4. anno ee the eup I" Taent of GREY AND TOAST TWEED VINYL FABRIC. Tapered dress is given on page | classmates she expressed than) To Be Disol d il be the Toronto past presi-|F. D. Cornish, Mrs, J. B. Reid to the Reverend Hugh contour shape cases, matching vinyl binding. Celan- Prizes and scholarships were '© VTS Leorge 1eford, to the 1splave den Vv W. A Dunes the|Mrs. WR. Archer ys McKer Mr 2 awarded as follows: instrictors and nursing staff, the 0 be play Peterborough president, Mrs. Mrs W. R. Singleton, Mrs Ar . a, Jo ot or se lining and pockets Brass locks and fittings. Flex SENIOR YEAR {aeons of We Womgws Aust py fy oy ian T Cyril Crowe, aud local members, wr Petre, Miss _ Mary-Flle|40d Mrs. Hugh MeKervil of Lon- role post handles. ZELLER'S THRIFT PRICED. fary and the Alunhae ardaern ea Mrs. W. J, Salter 'Mrs. Emerson (petre, Mrs. Arthur Winter, Mrs | 2" The Adelaide 1. McLaughlin, On behalf of the graduading Chant. Mis. Gordon Conant: My lp Yuriohuk. Mrs. William E take place on Saturday, June 27, prize for general proficiency, class little Miss Joan Stanley As Lhe a garden pe of he Norval W : Das dhol A " att ja 3 '0'cloc in St, Andrew's Norval Willson, Miss May Dillon |} Mrs, Gordon Wonnacott, | Miss Dorothy Sudpot, Outawa presented Mrs. Telford with a |vceum Club and Wome: Ari ad Mrs W. Hl Kink 'The dot Evsivn Elliott. Mrs. Harold| {United Church 18" VANITY CASE 12.95 presented by onel Me: bougiet Association, to be held on Tues. yo i cone are Mis. Leo R. Gray Cornish, Mrs. C. Major, Mix. J.| Laughlin Colonel R 8 McLaughtin ad dav afternoon on the Spacious yjyg Glenn Henry, Mrs. W. F.lCole. Mrs. M. Lucas, Miss Fr " The Mazo Williams Memonial ded his ongratilations to the grounds al the ome of Mr. and / PERSONALS | ) 3 Mercer and Mrs, A, W. Amn: melinda Mayr Ld prize for highest standing In| graduating clas Mir Ewart McLaughlin, Simcoe . . 4 strong Mrs. D. Redpath, Mis. D> Houl theor Miss Frances Barr, Osh Mrs. George Fleming phaved street north, approaches, the con rs y i T | awa, presented by Mise Gladys the professional and rece sonal vene are scanning the cathe £ led rons will be convened (den, Mrs. G Campbell, Sutt ; Mrs. Harold Abbott, Colborne 21" WARDROBE CASE 15 95 Mill, associpte director of nurs- arches eports with anxious eve and hop Mrs. E. F, Cutitbert Gn assis | Bilenduke % Mis. MW i ON: |stree!. has as a guest, her moth-| ed by Mrs. A J Parkhill, co |Mrs. G. Furey, Mrs. J. Harvis.ler Mrs, John Faulkner, from ng education A recepiion followed t i a ather, and that , ; " ' b Sheption 'ollowed om. Yue (Dg. 10 het n "convener, Mrs. Fred Roberts,|Mrs. D. McCall, Mrs. Roy Bishop, | Northimptonshire, England. Mrs. 24" PULLMAN CASE 13 95 Ll The class of 1988 prize for lawn of the hospital aleleria the p s good lu ; y M efficiency In bedside nursing, where the mises entertained tine de Mrs. Cleve Fox and Mrs, Walter Mrs. W. Winter, Miss Irene Win-| Faulkner who is 79 vears old, Johnson. The serve Il be Mr |ter, Mrs. R Williams, Mrs. R.|visiting Canada for the ot Miss Beverley out »hawa, thew esis or refrest ¢ ving ¢ Mise Be = Helen Honey Hheis Y 8 al served refry AV telaughdia ud C. D. Wright, Mrs. S. C. Larme IStenhehs Mrs, J. Cameron | time and will also visit her grand- . . | Brown, Mrs. O.] Out of town guests were Mrs | sons, Mr, Dennis Abbott and Mr, : G. Mills, Miss Flossie Coyle, Arnold Poole, Hasting Mrs. | Robert Abbott and grandchildren DOWNTOWN ] SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA WEDDING OF INTEREST Mis. { W. Ferrie M |.IR. KE. Blaize, Mrs. W. C Under-|and great-grandchildren 21 SIMCOE ST. ¢ ZEL RP IEVEnIoN LK Stacey, Mrs. Victor Peacock and hill, Mrs, R. Dewry, Mrs Miller | x PHONE RA 3.2294 . Mrs, A. KE. McKibb AlGway, all of Toronto; Mrs. H.| The following will attend the In- : ' | 1 Rot: ary convention in Mrs. Lacas Peacock and Mrs. Bowyer, Mrs, R. Cole, both of ternationa Ror ave ¢ of 'Whitby: Miss Carol Brown, Mrs. | i : ---- 5 ' i he "Touch and Take" table, Hamilton Brown, Mrs, Peter} d a : oy " ; A -------------- Mrs. W. D. Arnold will display Brown, Mrs. Ted Brown, Mrs if weaving with Mrs. B. M. Vance Pdward Chadwick, Keswick: demonstrating the art at a loom Mrs. Wilbert Craig, Mrs. Doug-| Mis. KE. J. Pinto, in Indian sari, las Reynolds, Mrs. Lynwood El-|2 will show Indian brasses and ¥ Wldridge Bowmanville, : pe rr eiuioice Fillmore Frances Howard, former OGH engraved with the Oshawa 'Gen- of Brougham announce the en- ¥ Gobourg. Miss Jean Helen Dor. Wsircio EE nit Ares. A iinsaree to tore puigbler. Atma WEDNESDAY J : of of tudents, the Misses Audrev VailiCarole, to r. Donald Robert een Hyde, Kippen: Miss Mary Dr. RJ gomerdy, chief ¢ stu TILL é P.M " ( (medical stall, ought greeting and Sheila Manuel, made the pre- |Spencley, son of Mr. and Mrs, | «WA, x Murguret Reet, Jute Cured from the medical staff and wish centations. | Donald F. Spencley of Goodwood. | RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS : ' , were |The marriage will take place on | . Fetelle od "the graduates the utmost Oshawa guests Craflis The hung seine sie of - HIG ANTIC FA the articles in ie varios] SAVINGS booths may be purchased ot § Da R NN The general conveners are 3 \ NAR x MM. Elhoit and Mrs NU-WAY 3 X \ ASA HE FANE W 10e tickets are in the charge RUG Avern Taylor, assisted R. B. Reed 174 MARY CHANNEL. PORY GIGANTIC RUG : : ORY SALE eler Part in ernsey ; Ri OY Ih Phos i \ il wad So Nice To Come Home To has hee n known to fisher- men for centuries, «+ A house or an apartment beautifully decorated with fine quality furniture carefully eccented with custom-made draperies a & « ; > \ and luxurious wall-to-wall broadloom. And if it is done right THE po o ' ) ! it will be done-by Cherney's. And. if you have taken adven tage of Cherney's eonvenient terms you will find it's wo sasy The marriage is to take place graduated from Enmnanuel Col appointed to the Indian Mis #0 St. Andrew's United Church, lege. He was ordained in Cen at Bella Bel B.( | } 8 sion ella-Bella where d ¥ < NR to operate on a budget June 27. of Miss Marilyn Aune tral United Church, Sarnia, on the couple will make their * . \ pb he Win 2 vo fhe . s hy new electric range will produce cooking miracles vou likely Fe : N never thought possible. 'f there is @ switch or 'ea button in A. T Cain, Aberdeen streel and a) : pir flies 5 he ov 9 WM Sg " py SCHOOL OF DANCING ) - a Ny your new appliance, that you are not familiar with give : [ - : . If they sold it, theyll know all about and Mrs. Hugh McKervil of Ch |] London, Ontario. The bride-io El \ ! A x emey's a co be is a graduate of Victoria \ it, and they will gladly explain it again ond again until vou ore sompletely familior with its time saving features College. University of Toronto Daily 9 a.m. te 9 p.m. Presents Its and the prospective bridegroom 3 ig Sundays and Holidays ; ¢ S00 N I you like music you will enjoy { ky > or stereo unit from Chernay's, But if this is one item vou Superfluous Hair ANNUAL RE ITAL ih! : y y i have overicoked why not call in ot Cherney's and arrange te a / 3d hove one delivered. They will include it with the rest of your PERMANENTLY REMOVED furniture on the same easy term By Hlectrolysis and oy \ N . . " \ the newest fasten j , o- Friday June 12th 1959 ; le / afi \ There's Always 80 Much To See . . . Bo Much To Save shortwave, revealing 3), y 3 ; ' ] 1 your true self, tree of wiry and ember W oO 7:30 P.M. shel / Ari NN 3 . reriment FREE Commuitation af ; os CS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS : 4 DRUGS The Key to SMART LIVING the sound of your new Hi-Fi MARIE MURDUFF PROMPT FREE DELIVERY Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute wih be in Oshaws ot the 530 SIMCOE ST. § - Suunbe: Halvt: June 334 PHONE RA 3.2265, OSHAWA PRONE RAS: 354€ ADULTS $0c; CHILDREN 2Se for appointment on these dates a eA aN ' » NARA yn BX

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