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The Oshawa Times, 9 Jun 1959, p. 10

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FO THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 9, 1959 TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS . 11:30 Net - TORONTO Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Lowll a.m. Coe Stock es High Low icing Cn ae By Mor Iron A m5 $23 WB Genex wo BB 1B 18 BC Power $30% 20 39 ry » Tor Star pr 10 $58% 356% 58% Geo Scien 1000 120 120 120 --& Gan Cem MPN 2 = (Quotations in cents unless marked §. T Fin A "5s S37% 31 I --% Gnt Masct 1000 24 24 2% 1 = $31% 1% 31% = #044 lot, 3d -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- T Fin B A 50 $36% 36% % -- YW Gold Eagle 1000 13 13 13 --1 --_-- $49 49. #9 + 4 = ¥ights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Tr Can PL 1009 $27% 21% 27% -- % -androy 500 18 18 18 C Bank Com iis 862% 62% 62% -- % -in Trans Mt n 310 $i3% 13% 13% -- % Granduc 100 155 155 155 --1 C Brew $42 42 - . Un Acc 2 pr 200 $12 11% 11% -- % Greyhk 20000 4% A% 4% Chm 12% --1% - Industrials Un Gas 210 $16% 16% 16% + % Gulch RE el le ge C Chem Cel 25 $11% 11% Il} - Un Telef 1125 285 2/5 275 --3 Gunnar 790 $13% 13% 13% C Cotton pr 210 $17 17 17 Net Walk GW 1280 34% UN + W Gunnar wis 220 310 310 310 +8 CIL 7110 $17 16% 16% Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge West C Br 155 $324 32% 32% Hard Rock 5000 12 12 12 C oil 720 § 29% 29% Abitibi 21S $35% 38% 36% Weston B 100 $41 41 41 Har-Min 3000 15% 15% 15% -- % CPR 900 $28% 28% 28% -- % Alta Dist 700 205 295 295 White 1 pr 25 $29 20 o Headway 2000 42 40 42 2 C Pet pr 25 $14 4 1 dAlta Dist 700 150 1 White Pass 400 $8 3 8 Hollinger 615 $31 31 31 ---% m Ent 425 $12% 12% 12% "Alta Gas 380 $24% 34% 24% Wiwrd A 25 $83 2B 2B --% Hoyle 300 460 "0 --15 Con M and § 560 20% 20% --W Alg Cpr z15 366 v Zenith 800 206 280 ud Bay 1200 $54% 53 3 -- Crown Cork 50 $62 62 62 A oma 8 $7 ON --% Curb Int*Nickel 615 $90 89% 90 + % Dist Seag 310 $32% 32% 32% -- % Alumini 868 $30% 30 30% + Yu Asbestos 25 $28% 28% 2% -- % Int Ran 2000 26% 26 26 1% D Fndry $47% 4% ATs -- % 3365 $7% T% TH -- % C Cottons 180 $15 15 15 +41 Irish Cop 3200 260 255 255 --6 D Glass 25 387% 87% 87a -- Va bi 4 200 $37% 3714 INA CG Inv 25 $37 ITU ITN + % Jacobus 700 20 230 230 --8 D Tar ns $17 16% 17 Atlas Steel 103 $25% 25 25% + % D Glass 25 $87% 87% 87% Jellicoe 1000 13% 13% 13% Dow Brew 210 $45 45 4 - k Mont 315 $59% 59% 59% -- 3 Dupont 260 $24 bo UH ---% Joburke 100 14% 14% 14% -- % Du Pont 720 $24% 24% Ye Bk Mtl rts 345 345 345 Int Util 315 $32% 32% 32% + % Jowsey 2000 60 Fndation 305 $14% 14% 14% ~ Bank NS 210 $78 78 78 Kerr Add 600 $20% 20% 20% + % Fraser 55 $313 31% 31% -- % «Beatty 1100 $10 9% 10 + % 0il Ki'"mbe 1000 380 Gatineau 56 $41% 41% 41% -- Y% "Bell Phone 5 $43% 43% 43% 118 Lake Cin 500 16 112 112 --3 Holt Ren 100 $16% 16% 16% -- % ~ "PBrazil 212 $5% 5% 5% L Dufault 1000 95 8 +3 H Smith 50 0 40 --% "~ Br 25 $22% 22% 2% AP Cons 2600 50 50 30 -3 L Osu 25000 31 31 31 +1 Imp Bk 16 70 650 650 BA Of 765 $36% 361% 36% + Alminex Ltd 100 440 440 440 Leitch 200 145 145 14 Imp Oil 205 $39% 39% 39% -- % ws~BCE 4% pr 25 $42 42% 424 Am Leduc 6083 15% 15 14 Lencourt 000 13 13 13 Imp Tob 505 $13% 13% 13% -- % BCE 4% pr 50 87 87 Anchor loo 19 19 Lorado 100 25 25 25 Ind Accep 245 $38 38 38 BC Forest 200 $15% 15% 15% Bata 000 7 7 7 Macassa 100 205 205 295 Int Paper 25 $114 114 114 BC Pow 295 $30 38% 38% -- % Calvert 500 65 6 -] + Ma 1500 31 28 28 --4 Labatt $20% 29% 20% -- % BC Pow 295 $39 38% 38% -- 3% CS Oil wis 730 10 9% + Madsen 4600 340 315 340 +28 b M mss 13.13 --% BC Phone 60 $45% 45% 45% Cs Pete 100 463 480 465 ~--B Malartie 1000 115 113 113 +3 MacMill B50 $39% 39% 39% + % Brown 2 $1214 12% 12% Contin 0 12 12 13 Maralgo 2100 25% 25% 25% -- % Mass Fer 16% 161 16% -- % « Build Prod 210 $36% 36% 36% © Ex Gas na = Maritime ~~ 5100 147 142 1&2 Mass F 5% pr 60 $110% 110% 110% - 301 150 $31% 31% 31% Cin Wo 30 18 15 Is Melntyre 160 369% 88 89% + % Molson A 1 3 B% -- % > CPack A 100 55% 56 C Williston. 100 18 10 10 ~% McKen 8500 32 32 43 Molson B 61 $25 3 + % C Safe dpr 45 88% 88% --1% Cent Del man om McWat 1000 35 35 35 Niag Wire B 230 813% 13% 13% «C Bank Com 360 $62% 62% 62% -- % C Mic Mae 100.375 35 95 = Merrill 500 140 140 130 --8 Noranda 110 $52 Cdn Brew 2 Dev Pal an 121 = Meta Uran 2000 9 9 Pac Pete 100 $13% 13% 13% + % Cdn Brew pr 125 $41% 41% 41% -- % Din Fete 3000 150 153 31 » Milliken 150 156 156 156 +1 Page Hers 100 $30 Cdn Can A 210 $15 15 15 Gen Pet AL 450 30 30 IH =m Min Corp 1400 $14% 14% 14% -- % Powell R 305 $35% 35% 35% -- % Cdn Celan 125 $20% 20% 20% Rowe Of 3 #15 M04 yp Suit Min.Ore 200 16 16 16 Prov Trans 210 $14% 1414 14% T Chem 310 $116 116 11% Home Oll B 135 $L3% "plu Multi-M 600 60 58 60 Que Pow 302 $38% 38% 38% -- % C Collleries 1650 87% 7% 7 --% Medal 1250 » mn Nama Cr 1200 18 18 18 +41 Rolland A™™= 75 $34% 34% 34% -- % CCollipr 1500 8 80 80 1 Midcon x » Nes Lab 400 35 33 32 -3 Royal Bank 382 86 ---% C Dredge 400 $31% 31% 31% MiG I y % Toa N Dicken 300 260 260 260 +1 Royalite 100 800 --15 CF Prod 200 5 390 +10 Cont Sn 2 ARR New Hosco 2700 88 83 8 1 St L Corp 1000 $17% 17% 17% C Hydro Car 400 $11 11 11 --34 N Davies 30 Sh ow we % N Kelore 2500 17 17 17 Sclada 8 200 $14% 14% 1414 CIL $16% 16% 16% -- % Pac Pete FL ult Newlund 4000 35 35 38 Salada § wis 990 910 910 910 +90 CPR 565 $28% 281% 28% + % Permo pr on An a N Mylama 5450 25 21 2 --4 Shawin 341 $30% 30% 30% Cinbam BM 20.34 Petrol * 600 1 18 17 +1 Newnor . "8 "8 Shawin A 75 $33 33 3 C Util pr 50 $02% 92% 92% Petit 400 100 100 100 N Senator 1500 7 7 7 --~W Simpsons 75 $35 35 35 --% CWN Gass 100 $20% 20% 20% -- % Phillipe Foe ET Nickel Ms 500 65 65 65 Std Str 81 500 $10% 10% 10% Con Gas 140 S40% 40 40% + % Place pig i Nisto 500 5% Su 5% Steel Can 130 $78% 8 --% Corby vt 250 $20 20 20 Po Ge A mw Noranda lo 2 ®° 2 --% Steinbg A 575 $33% 334 33% -- % Corby B 255 $18% 18% 18% Royalite a A 3 Norlartie ~~ 9000 36% 35 36% -- % Texaco Can $716 Ti Ti% v Crown Zell 100 $49 49 49 3% Barces 1 7% Wm Tm +3 Norpax 4000 16% 16% 16% + % Tor Dom Bk 175 $62% 62% 62% -- % D Bridge 450 $21% 21% 21% + % South moa LH an N Goldert 1000 35 35 35 Tr Can Pipe 267 zn ~ Dom Elect 2220 $13% 13% 13% Stanwell 5100 67 60 61 --8 N Rank 3100 146 145 145 1 Walk G W 1035 $35% 34% 35% +1% Dom Stires 200 $76 75% 76 -- % Tex Cal AE Norvalle 2500 21 20 20 +1% Webb-Knapp 600 400 Pom Tar 639 $17 16% 17 + % Tidal 2200 2 20 20 Nudul 2065 17, 16% 17 Weston a 215° $413 41% 41% Dow Brew 34 $45 45 48 Tidal Wie. 0 D2 O'Brien rts 4500 14 1% 1% Fed Grain 450 $45 45 45 Yu Otis 50 20 Rr m 150 925 5 925 --18 . Ford US 220 $66 Wayne Cd BR Orchan 30600 134 118 125 Canadian Fndation 300 $14% 14% 14% Wesphe o 8% 8 + Orenada We "9 9 9 - $2 32 5 Wedbuile MN 2 oo & 1 Osisko 60 31 3 3 Abitca 00 6 60 6 41 GS Wares 125 $18% 18% 18% -- % Dw Pato 550 420 420 420 --10 Ang Cdn Pulp 150 842 42 42 %G Mackay A 100 87 7 7 % W_Decalta Pee Expl 500 20 20 Anglo Miia 2100 $6 % 6% 6% GL Paper 25 $37% 37% 37% Curb 000 3 Ww 1 --1 Pitch-Ore 3000 10 9% 9% -- Blue Bonnets 15% sia 10% 10% + % Hard Carpet 100 $13% 131% 13% -- % Dalhousie Portage 1500 80 20 Butterfly 200 Imp Bank 34 873 73 7 +% . Pronto 500 390 3% CD Sug >» A 18% 18% Imp Bk ris 1205 655 650 Mines Que Ascot 2000 54 51 S51 --8 Catelll A % 0 Wo -a Imp Oil 1851 $39% 39% 39% -- % Q Metal 500 80 80 80 Cons Paper 200 39 Jy 3 «Imp Tob $13% 13% 131 + % Acad Uran 3000 10% 10% 10% Qunston 500 24 24 A Grain $22 Ind Accep 410 $38% 38 38% + % Advocate 600 290 %5 --8 Quemont 250 $12 12 12 D E fk WE VERY 1 Ac wis 00 $13 13 13 --% Agnico 1000 68 6 --1 Radiore 10100 89 87 80 +8 Doth ogni n ain Ingersoll A 435 §7% 7% 7% + % Algom 500 $14% 14% 14% Rio Rup 0 11 1 Nn Ford A 1200 $1701 17634 176% ~ inland C pr 175 $21% 21% 21% Ansil 41 39 41 +3 Rowan Cons 500 § 8 8 Joc Ci via 3100 1 -% Inter PL 100 350% 50% 350% Area 100 113 1 um -8 Ryanor 1000 11 11 11 +1 Kelly Doug A 9% Inv Syn A 150 $3416 34% 34% -- % Arjon 1000 13 13 13 --1% Sherritt 1150 340 335 335 TAM Bo Jockey Club 1045 245 240 Aubelle 00 5% 5% 5% --% Siscoe 1000 85 8 8 Moc 760 $38% 38% 38% Jockey B pr 100 $9% 9% 9% + % Aumacho 533 15 Slocan VR 1000 14 14 14 41 Dairies 710 $7% 7% T% Jockey wis 300 46 46 46 Aumaque 000 12 12 13 --M% Stanleigh 3820 62 60 60 --3 Nor West Ind 230 $16 15% 16 +1 Jockey rts 10825 7% 7 7 Avilla 1500 6 6 +4 Stanlgh wits 20 29 29 2 Orange Cr 1 0 9 9 ---% Kelly wis 100 500 500 500 Barnat 2000 171 170 170 2 Starratt Ww 6 6 6 ns 1X a 3 Sa Labatt 25 $204 29% 20% -- WN Base Metal 1000 17 17 17 Steep R 365 $12% 12% 12% -- % Que Ph 5% 200 $108 20% Lakeland 1200 310 310 310 Baska 4500 20 19% 20 +1 Sturgeon 4500 22 2 2A Re Mans 25 $35% 3 %-- % Laura See 125 $25 25 2 B Dug 1000 20% 20 20 Sylvanite 5000 115 114 114 dn ~ Job G B pr 100 $30% 30% 30% Bethim 171 170 170 Teck H 700 220 20 220 --8 T Fin A 50 $37% 3% 3% -- % Lob Co A 160 $34 34 M4 Bevcon 1000 3 28 2B ---1 Thom L 1200 60 50 60 Trans Mt 1260 $13% 13% 13% -- % Job Co B 150 $344 33% M4 Bibis 11000 15 14% 1444 --2 Tombill 530 128 12 123 +8 Union Gas 200 $16% 16% 161% + 14 Lon Hos A 2 $54 5% 3% Bordulae 500 7 7 7 Trans Res 500 19 19 19 MacMill B_ 135 $39% 39% 39% + % Bouzan 0 % 9% 3» --1 Trin Chib 3500 19 19 19 . Leaf 3 $176 17 17 -- Broul Reef 2600 57. 3 57 +3 U Asbestos 200 470 470 470 --10 Mines M Leaf Mpr 70 $9714 97% 97% + 4 Buffad 20000 17% 17 1TH +1 Upp Can 100 118 118 118 Mass F 630 $16% 164 16% -- % Buff RL on 7.7 9 Violam 6515 255 250 2/2 3 Alscope 1200 % 2 | 8 Mass F 3% pr 30 $1103 1104 1104 Camp Chib 800 840 835 80 --10 W Malar 2000 6% 6 6 Arno 0-3 5S 5S +H Merc Chip 5% +8 Cdn Astoria 1000 8 8 3 --W% Wiltsey 1500 15 M4 15 +1 Aull 1000 16 16 16 Mex LP 0% 33 is Can Erin 11716 197 194 195 Yk Bear 700 118 18 18 Baker Tacl 1500 2 2 2 + % Mid-West 40 160 180 Can Met 500 39 3 39 Young HG 2050 110 106 106 --4 Bateman 00 72 68 6 --8 Moore 560 $38% 3814 38% -- W Cassiar 200 $1 11 1 + % Zenmac B00 3% NW A Bellechasse 1000 30 50 50 --1 Nat Drug 10 816% 1614 16% Chester 1000 45 48 Curb Bonnyv 12200 38 38 38 --2 North Star 100 $16 16 16 --% Chib Jae 60 38 38 3% -3 Pend Ore 325 270 365 2308 Bornite 1000 8% 8% 8% -- % N Star wt 86 150 25 25 25 1 Chimo 500 66 66 66 +1 hi Calumet 500 3 3 341 N Star wt 57 100 355 355 355 Cody Reco 2000 13% 13% 13% Sales to 11 a.m.: 600,000. Camp Chi 300 845 845 845 ---20 Page Hers 150 $30% 30% 30% + W Coldstrm 2200 » » > Cartier Que 3500 57 56 56 =I Pembina 00 $9% 9 9% C Blkeno 2000 Cent Del Rio 200 680 675 680 PC Jewel 30 $28% 28% 28% C Callinan 500 1514 15% 15% -- % MONTREAL Cleveland 600 18 18 18 1 R 325 $35% 35% 5% C Denison 650 $13% 13 13% -- % fan P Fab 1000 17 17 1 P Pipe Mig 200 430 430 430 +8 C Den wis 1200 210 210 210 +1 By The Canad an ress Falcon 200 $25 25 % 500 195 195 195 +5 C Discvry 600 390 385 390 +10 Stock - a Fontana 2000 5 4% 4% + % Q N Gas 240 $17 17 17 C Halliwell 23650 67 65 65 --2 (Quotations In cents unless marked §, Fundry 20000 20 19% 20 +1 Roe AVC 60 9% 9% C Marben 2000 35 35 3 --I $--0dd lot, 3d -- Ex-dividend, xr -- Ex- Futurity 1s SI 4 Roe AV 5% 3210 398 98 98 C Marcus 500 8 80 80 --2 rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Gold Age 2000 60 60 60 Royal 135 $86 % --% Con M and 8 155 $20% 20% 20% + % . Gui PorUr 3000 12 12 12 Russell 400 $13 13 13 C Morrison 2500 24 24 2% Industrials Hollinger z150 $31 30% 30% Bt L R10 $17% 17% 17% C Regeourt 3000 19 18 18 Kerr Add 150 $20% 20% 20% + % St Maurice 800 105 Con Sud 120 57 6 7 11:30 Net Kerrill 1600 140 140 140 --5 Salada 8 n 1785 S$14% 14% 14% > 4% Conwest 200 395 395 stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Min Corp 200 $14% 14% 14% + % Salada 9 915 900 915 +10 Cop Man 1000 14% 141% 14% -- % Abitibi 75 $35% 38 3 Monpre 00 HU M4 MN Shawin 170 $30% 30% 30% -- % Coprand 876 210 210 210 Algoma 325 837% 37% 3% + % Montgary 7500 65 65 65 Shawin A 100 $33 33 33 Coulee M0 42 @ Alumin 732 $30% 29% 30% + % N Formaq 3000 2 21 21 -- Sicks 25 $2 2 MW Cournor 1000 11 1 1 +1 Alum 1 pr 235 $21 21 2 Nocana 150 19 18 19 Simpsons 125 533 38 3 Crowpat B00 17H 17 17 --% Ang Tel pr 225 $40% 40% 40% NA Rare M 5100 183 180 180 --3 8t Pav 7 $59 59 39 --WU Daering 3000 RH 22 BR Argus 415 $37% 3% 3% Opemiska 850 930 925 925 41 Stedman 25 $38 338 38 --% D'Aragin 3000 30 30 Asbestos 680 $28% 28 2B -- % Orchan 18500 130 120 127 --8 Steel Can 125 $78 78 78 --% Deer Horn 2000 19 19 19 + % Atlas Steel 50 $25 25 2% Paudash 2500 31 50 S81 Steinbg A 840 $334 33U 34 --3H D'Eldona 1000 124 12% 12% -- % Banque CN 50 $57% 57% 57% + % Porcupine 5000 7 7 7 Pi 225 $I5% 15% 15% Donalda 5000 12 11 11 = Bng CN wis 151 $17% 17% 17% Portage 50.7 TT TH -3 Tancord rt 2642 10 10 10 Duvan B00 B BW BV Bank Mont 580 $591 50% 5014 Que Oil 2000 41% 4% 4% --% Taylor PC 100 319% 19% 19% + % Elder 11650 154 145 152 --8 Bk Mtl rts 2008 345 340 340 --8 Q Smelt rts 8000 1% % % Texaco Can 100 §71% 71% 71% -- % Eidrich 1500 39 38 38 Bank NS 212 $78% 78 78 St L River 2100 410 410 410 Texaco C pr 15 $92 2 Falcon z175 $B% B 0B Bell Phone 475 $43% 43% 43% -- % Steep R z5 $124 124 12% Thorncliffe 600 $11% 11% 11% + % Francoeur 1300 7 Th Th + % Brazil 1418 $5% 5% 5% Tazin 2000 220 19 2 41 Tor Dom Bk 125 $6214 62% 62%; --% sher 1000 261 -1 Oil Z150 $36% 36% 36% Tib Expl 4000 19 18 19 +1 | Tor Elev xd 05 $46% 46% 46% Geco Mines 150 $19% 19% 19% -- % BCE apr BMW 2 @ Titan 150 8 80 8 --1 | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT - White Collar Men Wooed MONTREAL worker in industry. (CP)--Organized| America labor is wooing the white collar gest single union, has already| |served notice that it is going af- (CLO), It is one of the last big fields| ter white collar workers, ! of potential union members still] to be organized. |steelworkers, started in the hot sieel mills of | Philadelphia, was told that the of- technicians and With automation promot: ing some white collar workers-- technologists, technicians and| |fice personnel, skilled, specialized clerks -- into| ther workers are the last major labor |Broup left to sign up. roles of new importance, a union is viewing them with new eag- HAD TO BE WON OVER erness. The Canada's big-|of automation. The policy conference of the that | The steelworkers leaders said vide no worry for the British United Steelworkers of | at the white collar field, closest automobile manufacturer, Sir Sa-| t beceuse of thelville Garner. United Kingdom | for all workers within the steel industry. This kind of union grew | out of the industria, revloution,| complementing and, in some| cases, replacing the old - time | craft unions, which organized the | same kind of worker in amy in-| dustry. Back of the move, say union sources, is the increasing migra- | tion of 'blue collar" workers |into *'white collar' jobs because| UK. Unworri By Small Car | | | MONTREAL (CP)--Small new {North 'American cars should pro-|the industry between us of its work, had to be won| high commissioner to Canada, The steelworkers outfit is an in| Plaints that purchasers here can't |dustrial union, seeking to bargain|8et those fast enough." over to union membership. At its Toronto gathering last week, the 83,000 - member union| announced plans to sign up the|T office staff in mills, mines, foun- constructors' former large mod-| dries and fabricating plants to|€ls. Britain's export market is onyiete its industry-wide cover. centered around the high class said Monday. "The North American car is]! eally in competition with their |, automobile and I still get com- S , STOCK MARKET NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Detroit and Canada Funnel Corporation, 6 mos. ended April - Compani ie Remanded | After Plea TORONTO (CP) -- Five com panies charged with operating a| combine in metal culverts, drain- 421; age products, well curbing, win- dow wells and related products Dec. 31: 30: Tos, wi 377, 30% cents a siiare; $245,537. 34 cents. La ini Bh Oils Ltd. year | ended Jan. 31: 1959, net loss $803,- 1958 net loss $321,863. | Willroy Mines Ltd, year Suded | 1958, net loss $479,84! BACK TO CANNING Heavy Flow Surplus Pork By HAROLD MORRISON Minister aid the the floor would be Bane Canadian Press Staff Writer to $23.65 a h unr edweight effects OTTAWA, (CP) -- The govern-|jve next Oct. ment has such a heavy flow of Surpluses od been stored in surplus pork that it has run out | the form of frozen cuts. But the of storage space for frozen cuts | stockpile. grew so large that or- and has been forced back into the ders recently went out to pork canning business. new offerings in the form of 12- Authorities disclosed Monday lounce cans. The government has that in addition to some 70,000,-| heen paying for this canned pork 000 pounds of frozen cuts, the (at a rate.of about 58 cents a government will have about 25,- 8 000,000 pounds of pork in cans by| Experts figure that within a the end of June. This would rep- few weeks canning will make resent a total federal investment more space available for frozen of some $43,000,000 in surplus outs and canning can be slowed P This is the first federal canning| Jor OF haked. since 1952 when an outbreak of DEFICIENCY PAYMENTS dreaded foot-and-mouth disease] Mr. Harkness also has given shattered foreign markets. Sur- order to his officials to consider plus canned pork was finally turning the pork price. shipped behind the Iron Curtain program into deficiency pay- and sold at a heavy loss. Tents COV She parma - losses ng MAY GO SAME WAY own marketing for all production, Officials said some of the cur- (Contract farming would be elim- rent cans may end up in the inated from federal payments. same way. They had been trying 2 But informants said officials hard to find commercial markets, DROP IN Unemplopment in Canada | dropped off for the third suc- | cessive month in April. The number of persons without jobs | and seeking work declined to | | 445,000 at April 18 from 525,000 | 597. a month earlier. This graph, | based on government figures | hi released in Ottawa, traces un- are finding such a conversion but so far few have turned up. more difficult than at first envis- The disposal outlook was not aged, and little progress has yet bright. been made. figures through | The government has been sup- -- a. The [porting the pork market by buy- 1958 and to date this yecr. April figure for this year was |ing surpluses at the floor price of | Si 77,000 below that of April, 1958. |$25 hundredweight. March | gondola LE BN TY 4 [ ,000 in March, 1958. Unem- Positions VOTERS JOBLESS employment By HAROLD K. MILKS HAVANA (AP) -- Political and economic unrest appears to be growing under Premier Fidel Castro's revolutionary regime. The defection of a seaman from the revolutionary navy and the flight of five Batista soldiers in the same boat to asylum in Key West, Fla., are signs of the times. In addition a captain in have fled to Miami, Political And Economic Unrest Under Castro Up Castro's army is reported to|-- loyment this year hit a winter | Total 86,673 | Be LIBERAL if only for the gh of 538,000 in January. (CP Newsmap) MONTREAL, (CP) -- Short po- day. Thursday, June 11th, sitions on the books of member 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. DS.T. firms of the Montreal and Cana- VOTE and ELECT dian stock exchanges totalled 86,- 673 shares in 53 issues at May 31, 1959, against 116,347 shares in GEORGE DRYNAN 54 issues May 15, 1959, and 176,- F 898 shares in 75 issues May 31, irst on the ballot 1958, the exchanges report. Outstanding issues on the Mon- treal exchange were Abitibi with 1,750 shares, Aluminium with I,- 000 shares and International Nickel with 1,175 shares. Out- standing on the Canadian ex- shooting incident in Ciudad Tru- jillo, Dominican Republic, in which a Cuban exile and a Dom- inican boy were killed, have not calmed the situation here any. Neither has the revolt in Ni- caragua, which Nicaraguan re- ports say was encouraged from has FOR AJAX CARS North: Ajox 567 Centre: Ajax 791 Like Vista: Ajax 1155W Havana. The Cuban regi were with 13,- denied it gave any active assis-|350 shares and New West Amulet tance to the rebels. with 14,300. The tenseness in the political atmosphere here arises largely from two factors: Fears that Communists and their supporters are muscling in on Cuba's armed forces and gov- ernment and the Castro agrarian land program, which critics de- scribe as even more extreme Communist party. DENIALS DISBELIEVED Despite Castro's denials, many here believe that Communists and those who follow the -Com- munist line are moving into posi- tions of power and importance. Reports are heard frequently in Havana that this is especially true in the revolutionary army headed by Raul Castro, the pre- mier's brother. Critics say the theories taught officers and men at an indoctrin- | ation school outside Havana could have come directly out of | the Kremlin, Other factors contributing to/ the unrest are the unsettled eco-| nomic conditions and the re-| ported plan to drop from 15,000 to 20,000 soldiers from the armed | | forces, including about 15,000 for mer Batista troops still carried [on the rolls. |OUTSIDE INCIDENTS | The attempted assassination of |the Cuban ambassador in Port au Prince, Haiti, and the involve- ment of Cuban diplomats in a Western Oil Closes At | , Index Low TORONTO (CP) -- Western ols| Give him shirts, ties, jewelry, shorts, pajamas, sportswear by than that proposed by Cove] | Sos sc ke for gers fo come The vem Pd colle Canada's most popular collar style! Needs wo ironing - ever | Converible cuffs ate doubly useh...wear Lhd of wil links | You're looking leaded uilty Monday before Mr. | 1957 net loss $554,843. | Su i 3 v of a ----------"Iclosed at a 1958-59 index low as| W. Treleaven in the, Supreme Court of Ontario. 'N El { 1 ey were remanded for sen- tence until Sept. 14. The indict ew ec ora ment against the companies con- C . ? onstituency! |tends they operated a combine Jn 1925 and July 24, 1957. OTTAWA (CP) -- A bill to The accused companies are |Armeo Drainage and Metal Pro- |the stock market dropped off| {Monday in light trading. | Final volume was 3,113,000 {shares down slightly - from Fri- {day's 3,314,000. In speculatives, "|Elder Mines, lost 25 cents at| $1.55. Radiore was down 15 cents lereate a new electoral constitu- to 84. ency in the Keewatin and Frank-| Industrials had their third suc- ucts of Canada Limited, Cana-|lin districts of the eastern Arctic|cessive loss, though Canadian| |dian Culvert Company Limited, [was introduced in the C | Westi was up 3 at 50. |the Pedlar People Limited, Rosco| Monday. | Changes were less than 2 points. Metal and Roofing Products Lim-| The Erik Niel (PC|A and Argus Cor. each --Yukon) said it would give a vote in federal elections to 8,000] to 10,000 in the region. Mr. Nielsen is the Yukon's sole representative in Parliament. The western Arctic is represented jeg, and Westeel Products Lim- LUNENBURG CHURCH 8t. John's Church at Lunen- burg, N.S., was founded by royal charter in 1754, zie River). by Mervyn Hardie (L--Macken-| | dipped 3;, while % setbacks went to B-A Oil, Dominion Stores, Can- ada Packers B and Steel Co of Canada. In western oils, Calgary and Edmonton was off % at 27% and Pacific Pete lost Jo: a 13% Pem- |bina was down % to SMELTER SITE | Plans have been announced | for a $40,000,000 copper smelter in the rich Highland Valley area near Ashcroft in south- central British Columbia. Map locates the area where Bethle- hem Copper Corporation Limit- ed said it plans open-pit mining, a smelter, a concentrator and a townsite. Secretary-treasurer P. M. Reynolds of the com- pany said the project would em- ploy between 800 and 1,000 men and he forecast a new town on | the shores of Quiltanton Lake | with an eventual population of | » to 6000 The smelter would | be the only one of its kind in | HON. LESLIE M. THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE TEAM to get things done for OSHAWA RIDING FROST For information POLLS ARE OP SIVE CONSERVATIVE or assistance in getting to the polls, call RA 8-6551 * EN9am.to8p .m. (D.S.T. (authorized by Oshawa Al P-C Assn.) BILL NEWMAN Terylene by : | FORSYTH ! i Wash'n'Wear tie $1.50. Mother of Pearl links and tie-bar $7.50--by Forsyth, . ..and one of the great things about it is that its dollars less than you would expect to pay! AVAILABLE NOW---the magnificent new Terylene by Forsyth! Forsyth brings you superb Terylene for superior No-Iron perfor- mance . . . wash, drip-dry or tumble-dry, wearat once . . . stays white, won't shrink or stretch. The new Forsyth Terylene is flawlessly tailored, with famous Forsyth attention to detail and comfort. See, buy the new Terylene--quality-guaranteed by Forsyth. $7.95 at leading men's stores. MOST PERFECT NO-IRON (ff SHIRTS MADE ms08 | CANNING'S LIMITED GENT'S FURNISHINGS 14 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7632 BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR LTD. 74 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-3611 the province. (CP Newsmap) | -- i ae sie Ea Fn

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