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The Oshawa Times, 9 Jun 1959, p. 18

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18 ; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 9, 1959 for wre 51161 0 or "Rk 85-1182. 48--Automobiles Wanted 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale 52--Legal Notices JASESHORS Auto Wreckers want cars | pyyg . piece chrome sets, $64.95 value, Assorted Higa prices paid. RA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) WANTED Bio Pad on aver now -, $44.88. colors. While they last! Terrific value. Easy terms. Barons' Home Furnishings. 44 Sim- coe Street South. in sash Private buyer. Please phone RA T= tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B, F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543. TENDER OPENING NO. 45 7 45--eol Estate For Sale |47--Automobiles For Sale 7% OLDSMOBILE super, hardtop, fly and half, Lg finished . |equipped. Phone 134¢ 1314 57 CHEV., good condition, priced at accept trade - | $1550 or bes} offer. Will in. Phone RA 8-5605. 42 CHEV. 34on, van body. Bow- manville, MA 3-3745 after 6 p.m. 134b .|'58 CHEVROLET, six cylinder, auto- matic, four door sedan, two tone, good condition, 7300, private owner. RA 2607. 134b ET "S84 or "56 station good B. F. GOODRICH Stores tires, batter wagon. Must be in RA 3-9886. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. §. RA 3.9421 3- '58 STUDEBAKER Coamplon, $495 cash. Phone Pickering 79 134¢ 's4 SUPER Oldsmobile, aT con- dition, low mileage, auto. transmission. Can be financed. RA 8-6530 after 6 p.m, 133¢ OWNER built, resale, brick ranch bun- galow, two years old, on Cunningham Avenue (North West). Three lovely bedrooms, spacious and well planned kitchen, complete ad very desirable home on a quiet street safe for chil. dren. All schools close by. $14,400 list price. Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA 5-9670, 1814ACRES close to high school, pub- He school, bus service. Phone Port Perry. YU. 52646 after 6.30 p.m. 130f BEAUTIFUL three-bedroom brick bun- galow, with attached garage, close to - l, '50 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe model, with radio, white walls, leather trim, offer. Can finance. RA 8-6891. 53 MERCURY half-ton pickup, ei Elgin Street West. 51 FORD convertible, excellent Co RA 5-5442. BUCK"S BODY SHOP Expert eollision work Welding, Painting, Towing ond Storage. Cars bought ond sold, H. MARLYN, Prop. 361 BLOOR ST. E. RA 5-4513 or RA 5-7456 $2800 down, Fad] full price. »1 treet. RA 8-5440. SOLID brick ranch eh home, Jarge lot, landscaped, six rooms, bath. Locat ed on quiet residential street. 9 Freder. lok Aves, Phone Bowmanville MA |, tion. 133 Mill St. LINCOLN portable welder; 55 -- cury pickup. RA 5-3430 after 6 p.m, 128f 53 FORD automatic, tutone blue, white all tires, radio, very clean. Best MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean ears. WATERWORKS INTAKE TEN. foot "frig also dresser and lamps Reasonable. Phone Whitby MO 8-5979 or 720 Dunlop Street West, Apt. 4. 130f AND LOW LEVEL PUMP HOUSE ONTARIO TRAINING AINT, interior, exterior, at colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osh: awa Hardware and Eelectric, 8 Street. RA 3-7624. JUNE BRIDES! ! Take advantage of these s during our liquidation sale. "Three rooms of furni- ture, uy $295, consisting of a beauti- ful suite,' box- $258 sallon, |} Chureh | 2% SCHOOL FOR GIRLS PORT BOLSTER, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- COMPLETE hot watet fupniace with all tank, Also with spring nd mattress, gorgeous Serta living room suite, five-piece iisohen Shrome Sot. Al All three rooms only $295. See the; 31d many more at Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. ADMIRAL air coins 3% hp, clear- ERS will be received in the office of the Tenders Secret- ary, Room 6630, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, until 3:30 p.m. E. D. Time on i) without rads. pe Phi 209 Simcoe Street North, 133¢ RANGETTES, oven control, $15; single ll mington ma- chine. R ance, $169. Parkwi Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3043. USED washer parts % hp motors, $5 up. Repairs to all wringer-type wash- BOAT 3 £t., 30 horsepower motor, Teenee trailer, medium size, all acces. jocies, batiery upholstery, etc., excel RA 8-6545. 133¢ THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1959 ers. Paddy's Market, Hampton, Ma 3-2055 Bowmanvill oe pair of double width floral |drapes; fo 'prices. MO Sood eonatitod: for the Supply and Laying of Vo wiie cabin trailer, 22 feet, Boy's racing bicycle. 1300 Mi a Waterworks Intake Line YOU break them, we fix them! At Bill ond the Construction of o 1373 Simcoe Street By MRS. M. E. LAVERTY votions at the joint meet! week. It was decided to have baying and miscellaneous oe joint Tavting. -lons to destroy the E Germans Without Hope Under Yoke Of Sc Soviet State Associated Press correspond- ent Michael Goldsmith Poo | with a group of 10 Western cor- respondents on a two-day trip from Geneva to East Germany at the invitation of the Com- hatted capitalist holding an atomic bomb. She Conunwiia, 1a Bo the school huge, modern pioned he lie i's efor on ] fear--fear of the capitalist war- mongers piling up nuclear weap- "socialist camp of peace-loving nations." i ! ] iA 1 g i ih HH E i ] 18 £1" £ 3 = 58 iz i : H : 8 i i = » f J i i : gs 8 § 2 Hi fae 3 & Stalinstadt is the pride of the uipped. Sommerville Avenue. Motions Garage. THE Dutch Merchant. Used 'TV's |offer. 121 High Street, Bowmanville, 3-2706. 132¢ 39 CHEV. good running order, $50. RA 8-0327. _ 1322 "PLYMOUTH coupe, good running $70, or best offer. MO 8-3446. 132f '52 PONTIAC deluxe eoach, custom Low Level Pump House at the Ontario Training School for Girls at Port Bolster, Ont- ario. Tenders will be opened in public in the office of the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630 ot 3:30 p.m. E. D. Time on Thursday, "June 25th, 1959. A Bid Bond made payable to the Honourable the Prov- incial Treasurer of Ontario in the amout of $4,000.00 must accompany the tender. Pay off liens. Sell on consign- ment. Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 [19--Automobils Repoirs DKW & FIAT SALES & SERVICE ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W.--RA 3.7132. East German regime Its vast 'liron smelting combine on the *|Oder-Neisse border with Pojand] x grew from a sandy waste in less +8 C1Ub NerTs Homemaking than a year. Now it turns out Club met at the home of the| ore than 1,000,000 tons of pig , Mary Budal, with Mrs. |I'00 2 Yealo Ron Brooks in charge, Thi 6,000 work offi The girls practised making| e foundry's te tario salads, which were later served|live in the new state-built, state: as refrtshments. Next meeting|0Wned and state-operated city {from the St. ve will be held Thursday, June 11.2400 inhabitants. project to try to prevent inter- All material conditions are ii ent interruptions of service to PERSONALS {there for comforts above the Vermont. a on gto oo Bo Secitics wile Engineers To Honor - room brick ranch style bunga- = with attached garage, landscaped, aluminum storms and screens. For further particulars call RA 5.1782. 128f 5% SUPER Oldsmoble, excellent condition, low mileage, auto transmis- sion. Can financed. RA 8.6530 atte 639 p20, 1 radio, windshield washer, white wall ONE lot for sale, 110° by 200° on Ed-| tires, automatic transmission, oil filter, ward Road near Garrard and Ross. (turn signals. Excellent mechanical con- land. Phone RA 3-3629. 132f | dition. Sacrifice. RA 3-4233. 132¢ $1950 DOWN _ PAYMENT, Rossland and |*49 PONTIAC, 4-door torpedo body, Stephenson area. Three-bedroom brick custom radio, back up lights, direction bungalow with California kitchen. Hard-| signals, etc. Good condition, $225. Apply wood floers and stained trim. One + oi {150 Burk Street. 131 gage at 6 percent for the balance |'53 PONTIAC, low mileage, one owner. monthly and full price oly. $33,800. Jo "ICan arrange finance or take older car seph Bosco. Realtor RA 5 [in trade. RA 8-801. 1314 WHY wait? Its easy to trade the home |; 54 MONARCH, good ondition, $850. Joa Have for one that will give YOU|wpihy, "MO 8:5603. 906 Centre Street room you need and can have. no op" 1316 Worm the buyers and all types of loan money to make your deal work. '58 BSA 650-twin, 710,000 miles. Must 8-01 al ay Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA 'sell, lost license. RA 5-970. '51 PONTIAC sedan, excellent lent "cond. 141. SEYEN rooms, brick. Here is an ex- |tion, $375. Phone RA 57 and | AWNINGS plain, colors, or ga appliances. 171 Bond Sereet East. RA h Rin A Loy y 8-6051. We buy and sel Adar 8, Order now for early delivery. PIANO, | in new coin best offer. | (Chate and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 A 3-7656 after 6 p.m. |Simcoe North. eid alto, & good horn, 55 SELLING furniture' We'll buy it. Re TV's, stoves, etc, For top Fhon offer, con- or best offer. Phone RA 8-8555. USED tires, $3, up. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 'Bond Street West. [tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131. hie ay vy highest prices in the city fol {VACUUM cleaner "repairs, all m , 7 : Pretty 's Used Farnl. parts, attachments, brushes, 3 a Store. RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South, jeed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. entals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- ATTENTION restaurant, lunch counter | vice. "RA 81081 anytime. and resort owners for immedijate sale, | modern curve-type booths and tables, | TWO Toll "space heaters various restaurant equipment. Apply | 5-78 315 Hillside or dial RA 37984. FREGZER "chest, big 420 Tb. new 3 | mGHEST "prices paid for used furni.| model, door lock, 4-incl re glass in- ure, also Sell Ss io Bly A farsi | model, ¢ 5-year warranty, $249.95. Kelly | |TV. RA »i2l. |24" BEAVER jigsaw with a powerful % HP motor. Seldom used and in tip I ara Furniture Store, 19 Prince [Street. Phone RA 8- 1131. top shape. Original price $150. Will sell for $65. Phone RA 5-202. 120 HIGH back kitchen sink and d taps, | suitable for summer cottage, also two day: beds, Phone RA 3-2751, 132¢ wedi i» We Ello ess, "new 1958 model, LUMBER and house doors; also build James Brayley, Mrs. Pierre and Mrs. Steve Doyle. Kd order, Weak aid Zuests of Mr. and Mrs.| lity completes an engineering Mrs. and Mrs. Cecil Mills ac-| jstaty of the relay sysiem fist | nied Mr. and Mrs. W. E.| jeonnents he various power compa: r. a led by the St. Lawrence groups Begley, Enniskillen, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Jennings, Acton, to visit These include the New York A Performance. Bond made out by an approved Guaranty Company on the Department of Public Work form in the amount of 100% of the nally good, clean home, close 10:4 CHEVROLET sedan, good Tia No. 401 highway, has garage, oil fur-|order, trade for half ton pick up. RA nace, asphalt driveway, closed Kod 18-8515, 129f - > Yerandah Sout. ry '51 DODGE station wagon, radio and my evant, To mrad esl JAC eee Oe ond leby at RA 5-6544. John A, J. Bola. Ber, Orpwoot | d Bgod Lid, Ritrs. 134b ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent. Sixomonths to pay. For personal service at your home call 5-2802. 6 MERCURY, |sion. Take over FULL PRICE $6,900 + B room bungalow, with gar- automatic _transmis- payments. RA 8-0445 130f six cylinder, and '56 Ford '55 International cab and chassis, '50 Ford 2-tom, 51 Ford 5 DODGE, & V-8, "51 Monarch, BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford Service and parts. Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment. half-ton, '54 Ford one-ton, Eight truck tires, fifth wheel for tractors, also Allis Chalmer garden tractor. Bowmanville MA 3-5756. | aoe ond one quarter acre. | Oi#heating. Tile floors, 3-pce. bah, Spotlessly clean. Just cesses. | 4 . + {lent + [50--Articles For Sale PIANO, Heintzman upright in exc cel. | = Very reason-|1%: HP motor, new, $69: portable air | down. This includes chesterfield, tone. 58 CHEV., fi radio, two-tone, priced for quick sal scl Lubuid MO 8-2384. 130f dump, excellent con- K Fae "Adax 431, ouside city -- For informa- « tidh. eoll. CAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 re 8egd ation' hid METE four oor, (377s. " Aa 8- ot | MUST sacrifice, '59 Chevrolet, miles, also '52 Cadillac, very clean. Will oo [accept trade. 581 Howard Street. 1: 30k si "49 AUSTIN, g good "mechanical co sell, | in Ly |also buffet; - or | tress « ): OF, t, good | mechanically, , 800d [table : a3 Rew, radio, priced 130f| without obligation at 1136 Ritson 1600 | South after 5:30. - | sale. PGRN Suite, table and four chairs, 14" x 40" occasional 38" wooden table; All good condition and may be seen| Rd. | x 64" VE are now wrecking house 0d mene Street North. Everythin, . Calhoun and Sons. "239 | for | Th rguayd 134c/|tion. $90. Dial RA 3-701. ee =|" $2 '(98" OLDS. hydramatic, ! S§acre farm, insul brick MO 8-3262, Whitby TAPE recorders for rent, $5 for two power | days, also all sizes of recording tape steering, radio, ete, Immaculate condi-|for sale. Also television sets for rent. tion, $600 or nearest offer. Can finance. | [Meagness, LH] King Street West. RA | + house, oil furnace with two 1 large barns with pressure wiiker system, drive shed; this" Is a good farm, fairly 4000 miles. | M1 5 % PONTIAC four door, 0. 134 to le for old car. RA 3-797 06 William East. TIAC deluxe, 56 174 Heather Court. RA 5-9495. 134b | | below 51 Ford coach, parts * Tage Simcoe "two door, radio. | WINE Wilton rug, 69" UST clear all TV's, radios and Hi-Fi's make store alterations. Many items . Parkway J SiSvigton, 918 et North. RA 3 -3043. by . Phone after 3 p.m. RA 3.3634. 134a va Priced $5,000 down-- 420 00 full About 22 ul gies. Mogul BUYING OR SELLING WASHING 'machine, suite, new single bed, RA 38-0792 after $5 p.m. rangette, kitchen tri-lamp. Phone | ~three only, {full $495. Cy Preece Gar- age, Sliddon verve and Verdun Road. 132f CLEARANCE of good used all channel TV aerials, suitable a Names, -t tages and trailers, drop i354 our selection. Oshawa TV, 361 Gibbon | Street, RA 8-8180. $PIECE -- dining room suite, good condition, Phone RA 8.8209. 134f LARGE size Frigidaire in excellent condition, ideal for summer cottage |or home. Dial RA 5-0507. 1306 {SIX - Jord dump body for sale. Phone 130f | RA 5-8627. | ELECTRIC Tan ranges, all makes, com- | pletely Jeconditioned, 90-day warranty, | (from $39.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond | ast. e. | ate. Apply 13" Ritson Rd. 8. after compressor, $34: Ford car radio °33-iroom suite, kitchen set ,mattress, cof- 55, push-button, $29: electric greasing { machines, Alemite, with grease: gun, | $60: and many other items at very| Continental bed and mat- | reasonable prices. Come in and look | South. around every evening. Apply 597 Sim. | | coe Street South. RA 5-9216. { PC CRIB OUTFIT -- - Only ed This includes full size crib, spring, {mattress and bumper pads. Unbe- lievable value! Barons' Home Furn-| ishings, 424 Simcoe St. 8. | | BARGAINS of a life time! ! Serta spring-filled mattresses, regular $49. 95 $22.50, Apartment size chrome suites, Arborite table and matching chairs, regular $59.95 --| seven sets only $29.95. Car bed baby carriages, $28.50. Continental beds, single size, complete .50. floor polishers, regular $49.95--slashed to $36.95. Fabulous 8 ne savings d _|tachments open to offers. tender will be required from the successful tenderer, Plans, Specifications with tender form attached and envelope may be obtained on application to the Depart- ment of Public Works, Ont- ario, Room 6436 East Block, Parliament Building, Toronto 2, Ontario, and may be veiw- ed ot Room 6436, and may also be viewed at the Build- ers Exchange, Toronto, Ont- ario, A Deposit of $50.00 will be required per set of Tender Documents token out. This amount will be refunded when documents are return- ed in good condition but will be forfeited if not returned within thirty doys after above closing date. ing for removal. RA 5-1577 between 6 and 8 p.m. MOFFAT cooker, washer, gray Kitchen suite; '51 Ford automatic, new ston, and others. RA 57512. see THOR automatic _ironer, _ duty electric stove, ultable tage. Phone RA 3-2007 STEAM heat burner, ail nd rad for stores or apartments; also face block. Apply job, Gerace's building in Richmond st mext to Hill-Cornish. Ed CHESTERFIELD clearance! pi) floor samples and discontinued lines, reduced 20 per cent to 40 per cent. {While they last! Fantastic |Easy terms. Barons' Home Fu ings, 424 Simcoe Street South. | THREE rooms of brand mew furni- ture -- only $299.95. Pay only $29.95 bed- "also er for cot- 31 fee and step tables, lamps etc. Guar. anteed best value anywhere, Baron's 424 Simcoe Sreet |Home Furnishings, DICTAPHONE E complete Wi with all at- Secretary's desk, typewriter folds in, drawers 'on each side, $50 or best offer. RA 5-6544 or see at 169 Simcoe South anytime from 9 am. to 9 p.m. 134 The lowest or any tender not necessari REPOSSESS and used furniture -- 10 sarilty accepted. be cleared at fraction of cost. Includ- ing chesterfield, chrome set, sofabeds, Coleman spaceheater, dining room suite, complete beds, lamps, tables, etc. While they last! Apply 424 Simcoe Street South before 6 p.m. REFRIGERATOR, large, across top freezer, three: year guarantee, 9, private. RA a u Parliament Building, Toronto 2, Ontario, June 4th, 1959. J. D. Millar, Deputy Minister, Department of Public ve | lquidation sale. Wilson F Church Street. Works, Ontario. 132¢ Bos 20! floor samples Bs discontinued lines, r cent to 40 per cent. HOOVER Sales and Service, new or| used, guaranteed vacuums. Nu Way | Rug Sales and Service. RA 5-1202. | SUNKEN Pin hole grinder brand mew. | | While A last! Unbelievable value! Easy terms. Barons' Home Furnish- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bush, Castleton. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowden, accompanied by Mrs, E. Wilkins, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Aitchison, Blackstock. Mrs. A. F. Spencer has return- ed home after a four-month visit to her daughter, Mrs. Whitney Grose, Wingham. Mac Laverty, Dunnville, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Laverty. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman attend- ed the Bay of Quinte conference in Kingston and visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Manotick. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday, Don and Janice, attended anni- versary services at Eldad Church Sunday and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brome, Solina. Bud Cox won two of the motor cycle races in Lindsay Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William David- son, Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowden, Fri- day. days in Kingston to be ne: mother who is in hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Rime Goins] Mr. and Mrs. R. a all + of Cameron, Mr Sunday guests of Mr. C. Russell. ings, 424 Simcoe Street t South, FOUR - piece double "size bedroom Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rogers and | family, Bowmanville, called on Mrs. H. E. gould yeu 4 lon John Catchpole, Torosts. sere Brigadier TORONTO (CP) -- Past and| present officers of the Corps of| Royal Canadian Engineers will honor Brig. J. L. Melville, their colonel commandant, at a testi monial dinner here Friday Close to 300 guests from Cana- dian centres from Grand Falls, Nfld.,, to Vancouver, and from the Uni States and Cuba are e to be present. Brig. Melville was chief engin- eer of the 1st Canadian Army until 1943 when he returned from overseas to become chairman of the Canadian Pension Commis- sion. He retired from his Ottawa post last November. Brig. Colin A, Campbell of To- ronto is chairman of the reunion committee. Honorary chairman is Maj.-Gen. G. Walsh, quarter- master . general at army head- quarters in Ottawa. 5 Men Accused of Power Corp., and Hydro-Electric Power Comasda- sion. State Power Authority, the state Niagara Mohawk the Ontario Vermont, Pearson To Press For Explanation OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition Leader Pearson indicated Mon- day he plans to press for clarifi- cation of '"'contradictions'" in the case of John Pallett, chief gov- ernment whip whose part in a land expropriation case was com- mented on in an E. are contradictions in this ment about a member of ment and statements made side' the House on the matter by the same member, contradictions which in fairness bd Under Sask. Securities Act REGINA, (CP) -- Five men le TE Salty Prime Minister Diefenbaker, who rejected Mr. Pearson's gestion that a Commons tee investigate the Malton. HAMPTON By M. HORN HAMPTON--Mr. and Mrs. S. Nash and Mavis Nash, and Mr. and Mrs. John Nash, of Detroit, Mrs. Roy Van Camp. spent a week with her sister and About 35 Cubs attended the brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W.|Church parade to Maple Grove Chapman. |Church service Sunday morning Florence Werry is visiting her when Rev. P. Romeril, Black- sister, Mrs. Clarence Rowan, at|Stock. Was guest minister. Charl- Bethany. miles from Oshawa. MARVIN NESBITT RA 131c |suite, matiress and spring: free Flee ONE or "King Waltling Taachine, news [after 8 Sou: Wt if i also Lloyd deluxe carriage, good con- - | dition, reasonable, RA 5.1344. 134¢f | FOUR - piece e crib outfits, s, only ly $26.66. tt -------------- |This includes full-size crib, spring, ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, (Tadrers and bumper pads, Unbeliev- |completely reconditioned. 90-day free |able value! Barons' Home Furnishings, warranty, from $69.50. Irvine Appli-|424 Simcoe Street South. ances, 50 Bond East. whichis detbi ---- |REPAIRS to Sunbeam, USED television sets, 17" and 21" "Schick, Ronson and Philashave electric pletely reconditioned. Free 90-day ar. |razors, cords, cutting heads etc., fast Tanly on labor and parts. Irvine AP-|service, Meaghers 5 King Street 'West. pliance n asi t ers .99 SACRIFICE -- Hot water boller 11-W-30 |b: BYLAND bargains' Strolle Ay be Gurney Dominion 4140 sq, feet. Hot iq oc car beds) $32.88 up; full size water boiler, 9 years old. can be seen .p, i388; Lloyd carriages $39.88 up; THREE burner kerosene oll stove -- oven, good for home or cottage. Phone RA 56067. 134¢ | THE Dutch Merchant. Used TV's and appliances. 171 Bond Street East. RA |i 8-6051. We buy and sell. § TELEVISION 17-in. from $75.; 2l-in. from $100. One year war- ranty, $10 down, $6 month- See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 NESTLETON ne BLACKSTOCK 44 r 11 eal Estate Wanted hl FOUR «oom house, three years old, Oshawa, big lot, $8500; $1000 North "Will trade for land or cottage. 'after 5 p.m., RA 5-9748. 129¢ bk and farms wanted for clients. y+ Ey equity. For quick sale a - - Remington, Me. ad Mis Burton charged in April under the Sas- prigtion tase, said he knows of katchewan Securities Act went on|no contra ons. : } ours. Norman Bg e eter atrial Monday in what may be.| Later, Mr. Pearson fold a re- two week visit with Mr, and Mrs, come one of the longest and most porter he referred to the Judg. y {complicated hearings in the his-| ment of Mr. Justice J. T. Thor- tory of the orovince. |son who said land appraiser J. Charges were laid against the E. S. Clare of Port Credit "ad- Saskatoon stock salesmen, by the |otraesed hi ue Pallets 5a in- securities commission. Defend. | struc m to put as generous SUN EAN ne ER ants are Walter M. Luboff, on|a yaluition as possible on the _|{two charges; John G. Abbot, 27 | properties. es Hester, Bill Laird, Bob Barra EAB nS. Yoon, af SOL said. tiie reference eight charges. was contradicted by Mr. Pallett 140 Simcoe ball and Bert Snowden were the Realtor, 26 Prince MO Oa a RA 3-2512; Whitby Performance & Safety Endurance, Reliability ly. Regent T.V,, Street South. RA 8-6911. in operation. Worth $2100 for $500 or| best offer. Apply W. A. Kilpatrick, --NOW ON DISPLAY -- WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. NONQUON RD. RA 3-4431 CRANFIELD MOTORS USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLERS, METROPOLITAN EVEN TOO house, two bathrooms, and drapes. Call after 6 } Cadillac North. 134f * | Nga three people happy by * Lfsting your property -- we Sell it. You'll be happy, the buyer will be happy, so | will we, that makes three. BERNEICE The finest Canadian made aluminum combination win- dows and prime windows, self-storing doors. Very low price, only $49.50 installed. Finest aluminum awnings. Remember sold only by your local dealer, ALEX VAJDA, Modern Woodworking Shop, RA 3-985], MORRIS, M.G.,, WOLSELEY, ARMSTRONG RILEY SALES & SERVICE, : REAL ESTATE RA 5-3692 MO 8-3355 © WANTED +... TO BUY NEW OR OLDER LARGE HOME for August 1st occupancy FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSLER PRODUCTS . . . TRY Van Heusen Motors 149 King West RA 5-3557 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. | STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN | SALES and SERVICE 334 RIiTSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. ___TEL: RAndoiph 33461 TWO BARGAINS FOR SOMEBODY 1954 Studebaker Champion Sedon with overdrive. An economical car to drive and in good, clean condition « Purchaser willing to pay high mortgage pay- , ents (up to $150 per ' month) but prefers no ' down payment. ! FIRST CLASS Whitby, 11 EXTRA 1! For a better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair- vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and garages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St.,, RA 5-2431 MO 8.4633 COLONIAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS, DOORS AND AWNINGS Manufactured in our Whitby plant, Before buying come into our show room at 134 Simcoe St. S. and see our display or for a home dem- gnitigtion call Oshawa RA 8-857 vy "ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL ALUMINUM 134 SIMCOE S., OSHAWA and Heating, 276 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville. Ma 3-3613. 129 | SEVEN by twelve sleeper trailer, weighs only 800 lbs., mounted spare, style, 1 lights, clamp on car hitch included, for only 13: $250. Call RA 8.5846. NEW and used order and repairs, complete line of tackle, camping, golf live balt Thursday and Friday, till 9 p.m. Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron Stree § South, Whitby. Fantastic values! Jumpers $9.88, etc. Pe Simcoe Baron's Home Furnishings, 424 |Street South. ji | JUNE BRIDES! Take advantage of these tremendous savings during our liquidation sale, Three rooms of furni- ture, only $295, consisting of a beauti- ful honey bedroom suite, Restonic box spring and mattress, gorgeous Serta living room suite, five-piece kitchen chrome set, All three rooms only $293. See these and many more at Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. 134 Mrs. J. A. Warrack, Toronto, spent a few days with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Doug White. She was accompanied by Lorrene War- rack and Dennis Drew, Toronto. Mrs. S. Rundle and Jean Run-|t dle, Bowmanville, visited Flor- ence Werry. ¢| Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell at- Ad + ar of No. 1 EFTS, DON'T miss Ed Wilson's furniture sale; S5-piece chrome suite, COM tricycle, large size, only one year old, RA 3.7310. 133a RANGETTE good condition. RA 8.5828, 204 Court Street. 134% FOOD & FREEZER PLANT. $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- tion) Phone RA 5-3709. FOR SALE LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN AND ACCESSORIES In Excellent Condition $40.00 or famous Kroehler TV swivel chair, or set of three arborite living room tables, only 99 cents with the purchase of any living room suite. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. 134 5 WP Mercury; 7% HP "Evinrude, ex- St condition. RA 5-3330. 134 3-BURNER heavy duty range, runner, baby tenda, etc. All in condition. RA 5-6945. 134a MATTRESS sale -- Smooth-top, 52 coils, all sizes, $59.95 value. Now only $20.99. Easy terms. Baron's Home Fur. 424 Simcoe Street 51--Swap and Barter [Power m mowers, garden tractor, tiller, outboard motor, pop cooler, | water filter (softener), Seabreeze iron- er, adding machine, typewriter, trail- er, shot gun, pump jack, plumbing sup- plies and piping of all kinds; rent, trade or sell. ninw s, corner of Hi side and Park South. hall 4 PHONE RA 5-4629 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR | FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 throughout. ONLY .. $650, 1958 Ford Sedan in new-car condition, beautiful 2-tone ond deluxe trim, low mile- age. YOURS FOR .. $1850 Both cars being sold by original owner. PHONE RA 5-7804 RAMBLER the SALE SUCCESS SENSATION Drive One and Discover WHY {WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. AUTHORIZED DEALER Nonquon Rd. RA 3-4431 48--Automobles Wanted WANTED private '38 Chevrolet, cylinder, four door, standard REFERENCES GAN BE PROVIDED REPLY BOX 20 OSHAWA TIMES 134c ------ For Sale iC GHEY. deluxe, folly e al lights and spot light. x Fa | 10% DOWN "No CO-SIGNERS NO ENDORSERS 25 CAR SELECTION FRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WLBAK MOTORS "277.137 KING W. a 130f installed, rear seat speaker aerials optional. Easy budget rgd Tire Store, 48 Bond six "shift, * GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms, n evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN ONT. PHONE 87 YOU'VE TRIED THE REST now TRY THE BEST for all your boating needs FROM 12' CAR TOPS to 21' CRUISERS SCOTT OUTBOARD SALES AND SERVICE EXTRA !! For a better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and -gorages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell $t.,, RA 5-243} '2RA 5-0732 het. must be A-1, Will eash, RA 3.3929 after § p.m. - nn' Whitby, MO 8-4633 AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX, ONT. CALL 1266 AJAX RE-POSSESSIONS Must dispose of at once, 1957 Westinghouse refrigerator, 2 hi-fi sets, tape recorder, some T.V. sets, etc. May be seen ot Superior Finance 17 Simcoe St. N. 134b Bomarc May 'Be Dropped If AFlop OTTAWA (CP)--Defence Min- ister Pearkes says Canada will Malton, and 31 Dewinton, Alber- ta, at Malton Friday. They also visited Frank Dewell at Thistle- town and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Williamson, Toronto. Jacqueline Leighton, Niagara Falls, N.Y., is visiting her grand- ood |PATENts, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Reed. Elsie MacMillan, Cornwall, and Mr. and Mrs. Wiggans of Cobourg, were Saturday evening visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Warren, and attended the golden wedding anniversary celebration roto- (for Mr. and Mrs, W. Chapman. Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Adcock. accompanied by W. Harrison and Marjory Harrison, Port Pi ter, Mrs. W. Harrison, Colborne. Roger Farrow number of boy friends on the occasion of his 12th birthday. Mrs, Agnew, of Moncton, N. B., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joe - Gallant. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mount- joy attended the anmiversorv at North Nestleton United Church Sunday and visited Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Sadler. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Petil and family, Cecile Petil, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. A. Faulkner, Alder- wood, visited Mr. and Mrs. Will not go ahead with the B missile if tests of the United States . anti-aircraft missile prove it to be ineffective. Opposition Leader Pearson asked in the Commons Monday whether Mr. Pearkes said in Win- nipeg during the weekend that no final decision has yet been made with regard to use of the Bo- marc. Mr. Pearkes denied making any such statement, adding that all the development is being done in the US. and if tests there prove it ineffective Canada itself would not go on with the missile. He confirmed news reports of last week that a start has been made at North Bay on a Bomare installation and said it takes be- tween 18 months and two years to complete a base. He said the earliest that Can- ada can expect to get the missile from the U.S. is the end of 1961. Mr. Pearson asked whether it wouldn't be better to postpone over the leaders present. Mr. and Mrs. Tom ' McGuirk and family called on Mrs. D. Kean, Whitby, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Les Collacutt at- tended anniversary services at Fidad Church and were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robert- son, Greenwood, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Good-| murphy afd family spent Sun-| day with Mr. apd Mrs. George Rose, Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Les Coliacutt visited her sister, Mrs. Norman Whitton, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Holmes and family, Bowmanville, Mr.| and Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey, Mr. and| Mrs. Steve Doyle and Bh Maple Grove, Mr, and Mi Watson, Toronto, were 1. Joe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowden | nt: spent Sunday with their ar visited Mr. and Mrs. Reg Taylor, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keenan, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuirk Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Oshawa, were weekend guests of Man Freed. Arrested On Charge NORTH OSHAWA By VIOLET KIRBY NORTH OSHAWA--Rev. Har- old Stainton of Courtice United Church, conducted the morning|yay service in St, Stephen's United Church Sunday. Mrs. Harold Stainton was the guest soloist with Mrs, 8. C. Run- dle at the organ. Stephen Saywell conducted the service in Courtice church. The annual congregation picnic will be held at Kiwanis Camp, north of Kedron Wednesday. June 17. The Sunday school anniversary will be held June 14 when a spe- cial service will be held at 11 am, Edward Shemilt was feted by his family and friends on the TORONTO (CP) Wilbert Walker, 32, of Cornwall, who served his sentence on an armed robbery charge and was freed was arrested Monday as a fugi- tive at large. The situation came about this Walker was sentenced April 24 to serve 15 days for a gas station holdup and the sentence was ap- pealed by Deputy Attorney-Gen- eral W. BD Cousin. While appeal process ground slowly forward, Walker served his 15 days and was > \ased from the county jail in The appeal was heard Monday and the sentence increased to three years. A warrant was is- sued for Walker's arrest, charg. ing him with being eyawluly at large while serving a tence." Court officials lah this was a technicality so that Mr. and Mrs. James T. Colliss. |, '| Rosedale Liberal "Association. They were arrested in' connec- J.|tion with stock transactions said to total more than $1,000,000. Luboff is president of Western Bond and Share Corp. The other men are salesmen for the firm. tend over a period of years and affect some 000 Saskatchewan shareholders. All the cases Monday were put {over 'until June 15. Liberals Go Ahead With Stunt TORONTO, (CP) -- A contest |is" being staged by Liberals in the [Toronto St. David riding despite |a that it may be contrary to the Ontario Election Act. The contest invites voters to name the Ontario Progressive Conservative cabinet ministers who resigned because of high- ways and pipeline scandals. The winner, to be chosen toddy, gets | | | { | Montreal. Chief Election Officer Roderick Lewis has sent a letter to the Ontario Liberal Association ad-. vising that "an indignant citizen" pesplained to him about the con- Mr. Lewis said a court might | rule the contest an infraction of | the Election act. He said the issue could be brought to court if a citizen wished to launch a case. Liberal spokesmen said they believe there is nothing illegal about the stunt, ed by the Friday in an Ottawa Citizen Story |that quoted the MP. for Peel,' saying the only instruction he - sued was to "help clean up- the mess.' Mr. Pearson said Mr. Pallett The transactions are said to ex-|did not contradict Mr. Clare's |statement when he appeared be- fore the Exchequer Court. Action On Seaway Urged OTTAWA (CP) -- CCF House Leader Hazen Argue Monday night urged the government to take "extraordinary" action to remove bottlenecks in Lawrence Seaway that he said are cutting down grain shipments the St. from the Lakehead. Mr. Argue said Canadian wheat exports are down this year de- spite an increase in over-all ex- ports of the four major ing countries--the 'U.S., Canada, Australia and Argentina, Agriculture Minister Harkness said Mr. Argue is "just trying te paint a picture of gloom and de- spair as far as the western farm- ers are concerned." three-day expenses-paid 'trip to|-- Hudson Bay Co. Keeps Old Treaty OTTAWA, (CP) -- The presen- tation of two elk heads and two black ee pelts to Sucen 5 Soviet MPs To See Canada OTTAWA, (CP) -- Five mem- bers of the Supreme Soviet--the Russian version of parliament-- are coming to Canada fer a two- week visit, as Sats of Russian Fl Royal Visit rin Winnipeg will ful fill terms of the charter of the Hudson's Bay Company 1670 with King Charles hotls 2 this signed in This was the payment to be made by the company in ex- change for fur trading rights in all that area of Canada drained by Hudson Bay. The heads pelts were to be presented a ever a reigning monarch visited the region. tailed Royal vish Seadguariere, an- Aroutun- jan. They are scheduled to arrive June 11 and will tour Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Niagara Falls, Ont. Informants said they may con- fer with Canadian parliamentar- ians on the possibility. of an ex- building Bomarc bases until the U.S. completes its tests. occasion of his birthday Saturday |the Frank at the home of Mrs. lo * 4 |change visit hy Canadian MPs to Russia. \ program Rody said the: pres- entation will be made by the Favernor of the Hudson's Bay Friday, July 24. FIT in . Park y The payment was made 'only once before, in 1939 when the on id Wane 28 si gS during a meath-long Canadian H

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