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The Oshawa Times, 9 Jun 1959, p. 1

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Qa THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other eails ......, RA 3-3474 She Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Sunny and hot on Wednesday, eurrent heat wave to confinue Winds southwest. TWEN Tv PAGES VOL. 88--No. 134 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per OSHAWA:WHITBY, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1959 As Second Post Office Department, Ottawa 1 AT MRA MEETING | IN NICARAGUA Rebels To Surrender | MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP)- Nicaragua's commander in- chief today called on rebels| Asked But he said, "I consider mili- tarily these people (the rebels) are liquidated." He reported the OSHAWA BUS PROPOSA VOTED DOWN BY 2T0 1 Orchestra Aid Plan Defeated The electors of Oshawa, who visited the polls Monday to voice their opinion on the granting by city council of a franchise to J. J. Dickson, of Windsor, to operate the bu" system in the city, voted slightly more than two to one against such a move. At the same time the property owners cast their ballots almost bd - - » ¢ . officers and poll clerks. 'The first poll reported to City Clerk L.,R. Barrand six minutes after the close of voting and within 13 minutes 15 polls had reported. An hour after the clos~ of the polls 65 polls of the 97 polls had been heard from and the final results were compiled by the city clerk's staff shortly before i against his family's government, rebel force, which came by plane Senator James Gladstone, | hathatu responsible for 200,000 | Assembly at Otsu, Japan. Sen [to surrender and claimed they|from neighboring Costa Rica, guly indian in Canada's Senate, | Buddhist monks in Thailand, at | ator 'Gladstone is in Indian cos- had been knocked out in the re- Jw numbered about 75 men. (centre), lord abbot of Wat. Ma. | the Moral Re-Armament Asian | tume. --(CP Wirephoto) [peliion s first major battle. |Many of them were believed to ' yen. Anastasio Somoza, brother be sons of prominent Nicaraguan Police Comb Island five to one against the making of a grant to the Oshawa Sym- phony Orchestra. The vote on the bus franchise was 2319 in favor and 4727 against; while the vote on the ™ |grant to the orchestra was 1007 to 4919. The vote, which was one of the smallest on record in Oshawa, was only 23.98 per cent of those eligible to vote on the bus franchise. MAYOR'S COMMENT 9 pm. It is interesting to mote that the bus franchise was accorded a majority in only eight of the polling subdivisions. A tie vote was recorded in three other polls. The polls in which the franch- ise received a majority were No, Monday which, he claimed,| marked a decisive turn in the re-| volt that began 11 days ago. | A Nicaraguan rebel radio broadcast heard in neighboring) Honduras reported, however, that the insurgents apparently ran out of ammunition in a bloody battle| i: | Goodrich Co. Men Reach polls were as follows: No. 20, 481 Masson St., 62 to 17; No. 21, For Hurt Gunman AMHERSTBURG (CP) -- Po-| Police had been waiting in the|with their guns in his back made Agustin Torres Lazo, first sec- lice armed with shotguns are| combing the wooded amusement the gunmen appeared. They were park on nearbu Bob-lo Island for tipped off to the holdup by a a wounded gunman today. phone call. home. Police described the gunman |they believe is still on the island the anti-Somoza fact civil resistance to the Somoza regime was increasing. OFFICIAL QUITS washroom for three hours before/him lead them to the manager's retary of the Nicaraguan Em-| bassy in Washington, resigned | Monday and aligned himself with ion led from ' Agreement | CANTON, Ohio (AP) -- The |United Rubber Workers and the |B. F. Goodrich company today TRAGIC Commenting on the result of Monday's balloting on the pro- 4 | posal to enter into an agreement CLIMAX with J. J. Dickson, of Windsor, for the operation of the Oshawa bus system, Mayor Lyman A. Gifford said: "The voters have voted not to bo 76 Elgin St. E., 36 to 28; No. 24, 85 Hillcroft St., 69 to 66; No. 36, 70 Celina St., 10 to 7; No. 66B, 1067 Mohawk St., 65 to 30; No. 80, Simcoe St. N. School, 77 to 2: 82, 994 King St. E., 4, There was not a single poll in {reached agreement to end a [strike of 14,000 Goodrich workers aDprove 'of gfanting a fronclice to J. J. Dickson but I do not feel that in any way has the vote - indicated the city should purchase and operate the bus lines as a public utility for not which the bylaw to make a grant to the O-hawa Symphony Orch estra was given a majority. Russ Deputy To Visit Us. | |as extremely dangerous with a Costa Rica bv Dr. Enrique La- Ts wiefS0 SSS IF rims of Solent lage Yast figures|In_elght_cities I Demme) Ervin | ME oot patos aul The. tors k of a hostage who let| e is still armed and is familiar] Gen. Somoza gave no figures . i | 4 t She back a spray oF Loallefs when|was armed with a revolver, was |with the island. they said. lon casualties--either for the id Mir agreement, subject to rat-| ended in tragedy jor Fath father, John Monoco, of New they walked into a police trap on(surprised by the gunmen as he| A powerful swimmer, he is|als or the National Guard--in the|lfication by local unions, followed| Monoco (left : Syed id be- K Pa., the island early this morning. fas making his Sounds of the known to have swam back and|jyo . hour battle on a rain- (An all-night negotiating session| mentary school, pi when Ne | ye youth as police take him for The hostage, Norman Paisley, amusement park. They bound his forth from the mainland to the | 4renched hill known as Cerro de here. picked up a rifle at an iS xpusl. soning. superintendent of the park, fell/hands and took his revolver, then!island. lla Guna about 120 miles north-| The strike hegan 55 days ago.| tion show and ally Eiri No details of the settlement] Mrs. Mamie Alice Peniman, 38, strike against Firestone Tire and Rubber Public Bus [i iets oo DOOR STILL OPEN ynership # Reds Mark Time- Proposed In Geneva Talks The gunman was one of two HOSTAGE BOUND masked men with their pistols in| Superintendent Paisley, --AP Wirephoto floor when the shooting | : Liberace Admits expec (hasten an end to the URW's ne we personality ever to melt the TV airways. Still no sex-appeal?" "Neo. I consider sex-appeal as Mirror and {Neil Connor read a |London newspaper criticisms of |the American pianist. SICKENED CRITICS An evening news critic was quoted as saying a movie in something ssed posse: by n and Brigitte Bardot. 1 certainly do not put' myself in class." BRINGS HOUSE DOWN "Do you use scent or scented day. Courtroom spectators laughed. This comes as an aftermath O:hawa City Council will be Monday night, it was learned to-| of yesterday's 2-1 vote against of at a press conference a notice-|said. today, she will make a mo- lotion?" "I ase after shaving lotions and underarm deodorants." "And they are scented?" "Yes." "When you come into a room| |transferring the CNR franchise| |to a Windsor operator. The finz! vote was 2319 in favor and 4727 |against. Alderman = Christine Thomas able odor comes with you?" |tion that the city take over the "I would not say it is an odor.|bus service if the motion is not I would sap it is a scent of good made by the Civic Transporta- FISHERMEN'S TALES TOLD ENCE BAY, N.S. (CP) Two five-ton fish, each 35- feet long, which veteran fish- ermen said were a cross be- tween a whale and shark two hours to land after en- tangling in the nets of herring fishermen Harold Ryan and John Bartlett, both fishing not far from shore. grooming, that I smell clean apd tion committee. fresh. I always smell clean and] "The vote against giving the Veteran fisherman James Little said he had never seen GENEVA (AP)--Western for- eign ministers were reported deeply concerned today gver the possibility that their cobference in failure soon without agreement ference, U.S. State Secretary Christian A. Herter and French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Mur- down greater tham does Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd of Brit- ain, highly-placed authorities said. All three still hope that Soviet with the Russians may collapse] end either on Berlin or a summit con- ville rate the danger of a break- this respect in view of statements made by Soviet Premier Nikita A. Khrushchev in an interview published in Hungary last week- "The Soviet Union," Khrush- chev said, "will not under any kind of pressure make an agree- ment which would perpetuate the Due to the small number of a ballots cast the counting of the hierarchy, is due to arrive in vote was a comparatively easy|York June 25 to open: task for the deputy returninginational exhibition, Canadian Firms Secupation regime in West Ber- Khrushchev's interview became an official part of the conference record when Herter asked Gro- myko Monday if Gromyko had a copy of the text. Invited To Bid BEVERLEY HILLS, Calif. Canadian department of defence (CP)--The Northrop Corporation production and 16 of these were 35 Canadian|visited. fresh. I have noticed the smell buses to a private operator can| anything like it. The jet-black ted to bid on| Based on the study of the which Liberace appeared 8.4 a | of the press many times." |only be interpreted as a vote in| LONDON (AP) -- A jet air liner bringing West German vice- chancellor Ludwig Erhard from New York landed safely at Lon- don airport today after a '"'full troversy involving Konrad Aden- auer's future as West German chancellor. His visit to the United States was pre- return from a|Cy lighted his fans and sick | A Daily Herald reviewer as- serted that Liberace's "leers and |dimples make me heave." Another Evening News article said the pianist's smile "had a mildly emetic effect on me." In response to a direct ques- tion from his lawver Monday, Liberace denied that he was a homosexual. The newspaper and nnor tend that the col ist's criticism of the American UIC Charge | 9 Members favor of public ownership," said| Alderman Thomas. Mrs. Thomas, along with Al- derman John Brady, opposed the bus franchise transfer in Council. The vote in Council was 11-2. Mayor Lyman Gifford was un- able to agree with Alderman Thomas: "I do not helieve yesterday's an indication people at large light vote--less than 24 pe.--is| fish had two sets of fins, a four - foot wide mouth and putt-noses. "We couldr't boat it, be- cause it was bigger than the boat," said Mr. Ryan. myko will get instructions from | | tod Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- THOUGHT FOR TODAY Sous ul beri or Sao Moscow in a few days enabling him to make last-minute conces- sions. But Herter particularly now is said to be much less hopeful in When two egotists get to- gether and set in blowing their horns, it's an I for and I and a toot for a toot. Northrop decided to approve 35 for bids, he said. 4 "We found the companies ited to be very high in quali and in some cases to have cap- abilities which are difficult to find in the United States." Bolen said his team visited (companies in Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City and Nova Scotia. The survey was conducted on the same standards that Northrop applies to its U.S. industrial con- ap and eq to be produced for the United States defence department, The firms were not named. Northrop said the potential contracts total 'many millions of dollars." The Canadian firms were selected during a visit to Canada by a Northrop survey team in May. R. D. Bolden, who headed the survey team, said today the com- Of Local 222 Five members of Local |want public ownership," he said. e 222 UAW ol" must confess ¥ am slightly will appear in Magistrate S| confused. 1 "t Rust wey Court here June 12 on charges of . imaking false statements in un.|this vote does mean." Campaign Barrels pany received the names of 35 Canadian companies from the 'tractors. dicted as setting off a decisive entertainer contained - no such Sian! in he, political durin over | suggestion. Adenauer's decision to stay on as head of government. DRAWS GOOD CRO Fire engines lined the runway as the plane app hed the air- port. [the Te Pan-American Boeing 707 of standees lined the walls seemed to bounce heavily as it|scores of disappointed teen-agers landed, but there was no outward milled around in the hall outside. sign of any trouble. | After spending nearly three A Pan-American spokesman hours in the witness box Monday, said the primary braking system Liberace made a stage appear- failed because of a hydrauliclance in suburban Finsbury Park. fault. The plane is equipped with] Full of energy despite his court an emergency braking system. |ordeal, he played and cracked] {Jokes for half an hour over his [scheduled time, before an audi- D lence that filled three-quarters of| aps un ry [the theatre. | | "I've had such a marvelous |time out here that I'm ashamed Near Toronto | fg or mose.. be cracks TORONTO (CP)-Taps ran dry| today in parts of suburban East at the end of the show. "But I will." York, Leaside and in Trafalgar Township near Oakville. Metropolitan Toronto officials said consumption of water Mon- day was a record 262,500,000 gal- lons. The previous record set last summer was 244,000,000 gallons. Monday's temperature was a rec- ord 93, exceeding the old record for the date of 88, set in 1861. In Trafalgar Township, resi- dents hope to have a new 24-inch main supplying them in two months to replace the present six- inch line "The only one in our house who has had a bath for a week is our canary," said township resident Gordon Johnson CONTRASTING STYLES In the courtroom he wore a dark business suit, white shirt and quiet tie, But for his appearance donned his lame dinver {jacket, black trous- ers and eather pumps. Spotting a matron in the front stalls with pair of opera glasses ward and asked: "How do I look, "Lovely," she sig The audience, of middle-aged |with delight. NOT SEX-APPEAL ARTIST Liberace told the court he had never considered himself a sex. appeal artist. dar?" hed |trained on him, he learned forts ; division mpased manly insurance applica- Oltions during seasonal layoffs at IGM Oshawa in 1957 and 1958. Charged are: Henry Eewes, RR 3 Bow- manville; Rheal Mayotte, Alderman Brady said he will support Mrs, Thomas in the move to have the city take over the buses. "As far as 1 am concerned, there can be no doubt what is in the people's mind," he declared, | "|gress under 16 years of Progres- sive Conservative administration. Mr. Wintermeyer, taking up an By BEN WARD Canadian Press Staff Writer A skirling pipe band and the discordant notes of Chinese in- Pickering; ¥ lema, 452 Madison avenue, Oshawa; Edgar Lightle, Bag: 'got street, Brooklin; Alex- ander Tlichuk, $28 Rowena street, Oshawa, | » Mot be: located an; | Opposition To CNR Line Ends MAPLE (CP)--Vaughan Town. | ship council will offer no further opposition to the CNR proposal to construct a Metropolitan Tor- onto access line and marshalling yard in the township. Reeve John Perry said Monday night township engineers had con- cluded the plan was part of a na- tional project and the yard could ywhere else. issue introduced by the CCF ear- lier in the campaign, said On- tario civil servants should be given collective bargaining rights and all civil service ts divorced from political patron- age. i CCF Leader Donaid C. Mac- Donald told a shirt-sleeved audi- |ence of 500 in a humid Hamilton auditorium that Energy Minister t ts were g the back- sounds Monday wight as ground the Ontario election campaign th | and the Chinese music came, from the stage of Toronto's Mas- sey Hall where Liberal leader John Wintermeyer spoke. to a didn't follow their lead. Mr. Frost continued to hammer at his theme of Ounlario's pro- LATE NEW ASKS FOR BIG VOTE After the two-mile motorcade S FLASHES | The Mirror's lawyer, Reginald CITY EMERGENCY 0 the. PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 gir] like he »", "That's . sal ; Record Heat Wave "wa| Blankets Area right," Liberace said. grees for the world hea Patterson and I Signing Of Boxing Bout Stopped NEW YORK (AP)--The formal vyweight Dosing vitle of the contract fight between Floyd den was halted today prevent a total gasoline drought shut down materializes. TORONTO (CP)--It was 98 de- in Toronto Monday--the FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 In to the |life-story booklet Gardiner said: HOSPITAL RA 3.3211 ego hoolet Gardine by order of Gen. Melvin L. Krulewitch, chairman of the New York State Athletic Commission. No Gasoline Drought Fereseca TORONTO (CP)--Magistrate Fred Hall today warned that the Metropolitan Toronto licensing commission will step in to Doukhobors Still Plan' Russia Trip TRAIL, B.C. (CP)--A former leader of the Sons of Free Doukhobors without strength in Par- Hament or the legislature," he At Barrie he defended his gov- if a threatened service station Toward Finish Line Mr. Frost said the development of new teacher colleges and po- licies which improved teaching salaries and working conditions had been responsible for avert- ing the teacher shortage. 20 CA NDIDATES JOIN Toronto and York ridings joined Mr. Wintermeyer before the larg- est crowd of Lis campaign tour examples of the "young, vigor. ous and determined" me who would make up a Liberal government, ging the government has in power," the Liheral leader said that at no one time in On- tario history has there heen such a chance to undertake a program of responsible change Error Reported In Account FORT WILLIAM (CP)--Clare Mapledoram, former Ontario lands and forests minister, made a $17,830 profit on 1,210 shares of motion stock 10 disclosed. Investigation of the) company's stock sales t about his resignation from the cabinet Jast year. The Canadian Press errone- 5,700 new teachers had been ac | quired for elementary and sec-|Mapledor: 'ondary schools. (a ously reported Monday in an elec- tion campaign roundup that Mr.| am made $200,000 on the| ! candidates from the 20| to date, He pointed to them as' MISSILE MAIL Postmaster Genera: Arthur E. Summerfield, right, and an unidentified postal employee take the mail from the Regulus I after the Navy guided rocket made the first succesful mis- sile delivery of U.S. mafl at Mayport, Fla. after' it was launched from a submarine at sea. . ~AP Wirephote

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