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The Oshawa Times, 9 Jun 1959, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 9, 1959 PORT HOPE PLANS Merchants Lose To Belleville COBOURG Belleville Bob-|way. Only batter in the game to To Celebrate * Royal V 181t cats stopped Cobourg Merchants| garner more than one safety was {cold over the weekend and swept Cobourg's Scotty MeSporran who PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Port|ple a few days relaxation in the both ends of a home-and-home singled twice, Hope citizens will meet at ® a.m, | midst of their tour of Canada. [series to take over first place in RH E Wednesd to sid local] Early reports indicate only the Belleville District Softhall Cobourg 020 000 000-2 6 1 celebrations in honor of the visit|four people are certain of mec! |League. |Bobeats 200 100 00x--3 4 3 here in July of Queen Flizabeth|ing. the Queen, H, M. Elizabeth,| Friday night in Belleville, the. Umpires: Shud Fthler, nlate; and Prince Philip, and Prince Philip, These will Bobcats won a 3-2 squeaker and Tim Willlams. bases, Belleville, Reported to num' be the rector and church ward: returned to bang out a 52 win at MERCHANTS HE! pecial ittee 1 ens at St. Mark's, and Mayor | Cobourg Saturday, Both games In Cobourg Saturday night, how best to express the town's|W. N, Moore of Port Hope. {were witnessed by large crowds lefty Bob Green silenced the Co. loyalty during the four-day visit| Announcement of the special |bourg bat again, He handcuffed at Batterwood House, home of committee meeting was made] real the Mérchants on four hits, the Governor-General near here|to council Monday night by pitcher's duel between the! Rolly Campbell nitehed a fine in Hope township, Deputy-Reeve Mike Wladvka. league's top two hurlers, Bob game in defeat but again, loose Only three occasions for pub-| Mr, Wladyka also announced|Hull, famed hockey star for the| defensive nlay wasted a good lic celebrations are indicated in|that the town bandshell had heen Chicago Black Hawks of the NHL (pitching effort, the official tour description, repaired, repainted and redec-'and Jim "Slecoy" Dawe, hooked! The lineup of the Bobcats In. These will he the arrival of the orated and that it would be in yp and battled for nine thrilling cluded five hockey players of the royal party, Saturday, July 25, use June 11 election night, as innings, Hull gained the nod, al- world champion Belleville Me. fo" ' dooavtuee Tuesday,|a returns centre, provided to|though outpitched by his Cobourg|Marlands, loyd Crawford, July 28, and the attendance at 8t, |allow all candidates to address|mound opponent, | Wiener Brown, Flori an, Mark's Anglican church Sunday.|voters after polls close, Hull doled out six base hits but Smrke and J, P. Lamirande, There will be no other public| Pret Hope Legion Pipe Band|kept them well scattered, He|along with NHL'er Bob Hull occasions, as the visit here Is|will play during the evening, it passed just one and struck out/proved they're not onlv good Sporran's groundout, Cobourg had two men on base in the ninth|Bobeats in a comeback bid, but the rally |Cobourg . 000 fizzled out as Green fanned Jim| Umpires: Paul Johns, Hart to end the game. Nell Cane, bases, " TALKS STRAIGHT TALK AND FEELS REAL FEELINGS 0 groping veo the grasping ves the grips of thelk , 27, the [in perfect, balmy weather, Friday's game was a SOPHIA LOREN ANTHONY QUINN mn J HON og IA by OO ToDAY par) 0 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ROCKY GRAZIANO . . . " : Somebody Up There 9LUS ACTION FROM THE ROARING 20's "BABY FACE NELSON" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- JOIN OUR BUMPER CLUB NOW & SAVE § -- WILL WORSHIP s0 that the crowd can take part in the service. Tickets for the chuich for this service will be limited to the most regular attenders among the parishions ~Times Staff Photo, WHERE ROYALTY The little white church of 8$t. | Governor-General Vincent Ma Mcrks, Port Hope where HM | sey. The church seats only 300, the Queen and Prince Phillip and the expected overflow con- will attend divine service dur gregation will be seated around Ing the rest period to be spent | the church on the lawns, where | at the nearby family home of | loudspeakers will be installed | Port Hope To Raise Speeds PORT HOPE (Staff)--A 40 seek and obtain necessary gov- mph speed zone east. of Port ernment approval of the change MINOR BASEBALL Bantams Take Six Straight | [traffic jams, will be a one-side parking street, ending specula {tion that this also would become |scholastic; Robin Russel for ex-| Belleville jumped into & 2-0{duel for seven innings with Belle COBOURG Following are Graves 1A, 1E; Peter Gray 1A: went into right field and McSror. [This unnerved Campbell and he| McDonald, George Osborne and 1E: Judith Lewis 1E: Winston run that stood up the rest of the Harnden's infield single, and Mc- tra curricular, Linda Mitchell 2A: Tan Munro intended to allow the royal cou- was also reported, [ten over the route, Dawe lost alhockey players, but also fine solt- - heartbreaker. He permitted just|/ball performers, - CDCI AWARDS four hits, walked one and fanned] Campbell took the loss, He lead in the first when Floyd ville nursing a narrow 1-0 edge. Crawford doubled and "Wiener" Then the roof caved In on Mer- nn aw ess Brown corked a two-run homer, chants, Merchants evened the count in| Bob Green reached base on an the second, Scotty McSporran error, Then Bert Faulkner lofted {singled to right. Rex McGahan|an ordinary ball into right centre] Leat out an infield rap. When but the Cobourg fielders couldn't Jrown threw wildly at second decide which one would take it the students who received awards | Elizabeth Greaves 1A, 1E; Roger ran came around to score, Mc. was touched for a single and af at the Cobourg District Colleg- Harp 1A: Pamela Harris 1A: El [Gahan stonping at second, Bryan clroult clout hy Dennis Hayden ney aa) SEH of the veut 2 IE J BE oarjorie Hog? Hart promhtiy singled him home|in the same frame, which put onday, : «A, 15; June vay LE: MATY with the equalizer |Bobeatls In front 5-0, Ann Lawless o 15 was the Houston 1A; Bernard Hughes) The big break in the game, Merchants fought back gamely {only student io » RB He cove! will iL earner R 2 5 45 "on came In the fourth, Bob Hull lagh-|in their half, Jim Hart got a life] {honor r hg earring pay os aA. 1m; | @ double to left field, and the on a wild heave, Dick turpin won 8 Buhr, 8 harris, Section 4 -- atsy Kerr 2A, LN pa) rolled between Bryant Hart's|nlated him with a single and] Susan Sine, Marsden 1A; Margnret May 1A; iB Winners of divisional crests Marcy Mazurek 1A: Jane Me: | |were Donna Dodge and Ann Law-|Caig 58, 3A, 2E; Eleanor Me- {less for scholastic: Lois Buhr, Clelland 1E; David McCollum John Bull, Dave Ewart, Lols Har- 2A: Gail MeDonald 2A; Judy| rls, Pam Harris, Gail Spalding, | McDonald 2A, 2E; Nancy McDon- | | Marjorie Hogg, Ann Lawless, lan ald 1A, 2E; Larry McIntosh 18 {Munro and Margaret Pitts for|1E; Wayne McWeen 1A, a "no parking" street. Students winning bars (8 --[1A 1E; Melinda Nicoll 1E; Ron Reason for allowing ond scholastic; A -- athletic; T. -- parnall 1A; Sandra Pearse 2A; jig By Dlentitul or residents *XLr8 eurriculat) were... Paul Philp 2A: Francis Pitts 24: Section 1 -- an 8 15; * Margaret Pitts 3/ afuse " . ™ z { (use. lye don 1A: Robert Barker 1A; | rgare Richardson ed Shir Yn ONC RG The rampaging Cobourg 301 067 0-17 16 0 | - me | 6 ordon Barton 1A; Beverley Richmond 1E: Donald Robins 1E; | hourg Bantams ave Tun up a Cobourg unleashed a 23-hit bar: |six-game winning streak in the rage Saturday in mauling Kendal Lakeshore Minor Baseball Asso- 21-2 at Kendal, In six games the ciation to open up a wide lead locals have scored the amazing) nine, gave up nine hits, It was a tight Of Li - Top 1st | trying to nip McSporran, the hall and the ball fell for a home run:| Pam Harris, Aun Lawless, Nancy| June Lander 58; Ann Lawless 2A. (joo. "yi racing home with the Turpin in turn scored on Clark Section 5 David Mills 1E; with just half the regular sched-|total of 102 runs, an average of 17 Black 1A; Bill Bowes IE; Helen paul Rowe 1A, 2F: Robin Rus Bovle 18; Robert Brent 1A: John ge) 2R, Brett 1A; Pat Brett 2E: Harvey| gaction 6 Marlene Slater Hope was Monday|in the speed limit bylaw, and Coun. Mrs, Ruth clared her police committee hav-| approved pight by Port Hope council Clarke de- report | then pass an amendment, Also in the police committee were two recommenda- ing surveyed town speed limit|tions for changes in town park- ded ing regulations. | had r requir ts the change. | Mrs. Clarke said that due to| The suggested zone extends heavy truck traffic, Mill street from the Peter street hill at the between Ontario and Walton Urges Lions | Work For '59 Carnival Brown 1A; Randy Brown 1A:l9A: Apna Smith 1E; Ron Smith Lois Buhr 1A, 1E: John Bull 4A, 124; Gail Spalding 3A; Bill Sta | [4E: Barbara Burr 1A. {ples 1A; Louise Stevenson IE, | Section 2 -- Chris Canham 18; Mary Stevenson 2A: Maryse another pair of victories over the John Carnie 1A; Warren Coch-|gyurdt 1A; Gail Taylor 2A: Ken Weekend at the expense of Port {rane 1A; Rodger Cooper 2A; Lor |maylor 1A: lan Thackwray 2A; {Hope and Kendal raine Curtis 1A; Shirley Davey Nancy Tremblay 8A: Jim Ty-| Cobourg made it five straight |1E; Peter Davis 1A, 2E; Susanigon iA: Cam Wallbridge 1A; Friday night here by blasting the |Deyman 2A; Betty Dingman 2A: | wmurray Waller 1A; Karen Wilson Port Hope club into submission ule gone, Lyle Chapin's boys picked up per game, while holding the oppo- CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON sition to 18, Bruce Harp ascended the Co | bourg hill and hurled tight ball [for four innings, giving way to| Dave Weekes who finished up, | They vielded just four safgties | [between them, surrendered three | KINSMEN STADIUM Greenwood Towers motel to the should become a "no parking' 3 y ; : s| i ioh.| BOWMANVILLE (Staff)--Jack| Lesler Downer 2A; Brian Edward(js 1g; Shirley Wilson 1E, by a 17-2 count, Newcomer Dave|free tickets and struck out nine, Proven: town boundary at Gage's sires: uni the Oh enbected "in| Roughiey, chairman of the Lions|1S, 2A; Dave Ewart 1A, E;| y y Weekes, a recent recruit from! Sulch and R. Foster split the A resolution approving the/late fall. |club carnival committee Monday Francis Fisher 2A, 1E; Doug [Camp Borden, handcuffed the flinging chore for Kendal aud change was passed by council, Brown street, scene of many night told the club that every|Francis 1A; Alison Galbraith 1E. ALL INSURED {Hilltowners on two hits over the were touched for } iw, 111 v church time member must work to insure a, Section 3 -- Cheryl Gourlay T T DRIVER [ne inning distance. The left- of them extra base blows. Co- PORT HOPE (Staff)--In Port Hope when an accident WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 10th, 11th 2 Performances Daily 4:16 - 8:16 p.m. a Painless Prices : CHILDREN 75¢ ® ADULTS 1.50 Any Seat--You Can't Pay More! AMERICA'S LARGEST } remains now for council toiSunday morning iy it at the forthcoming July|1E; Hugh Graham 2A; Pat hander walked two and struck out/bourg batters accepted eight 18 Lions club carnival, { sem t----------_-- hd The feature attraction at the o ng ran carnical again this year is the new car draw, Another attraction P PY \ will be a small prize draw for Brings Fines ae' emes smx i Honors Fallen , Roughley announced that a PORT HOPE (Staff)--A wed-|vehicle, following closely behind, dance academy in Oshawa has] COBOURG (Staff)--Over 125 persons marched to three Co- costs two Warkworth men swerved back and forth as it|agreed to supply drum major. rad fines in Port Hope court|rounded Gifford's Corners. ettes and sponsor a na fanatto | bourg cemeteries Sunday during Monday when the groom and a| The friend, Clare Campbell, contest in the carnival parade, |the annual Decoration Day Par- friend were stopped for driving Warkworth, appeared charged In addition to the usual mid. ade of Cobourg Branch 133, Can. 60 mph, as the friend chased with careless driving. The offi- way type booths, a new feature|adian Legion BESL. the groom out of town. cers sald he had been four to|will be a barbecue chicken booth,| The parade started at the Le- Vaughan Inglis, home from his six feet behind the Inglis car, Lions Russ Oke, Fred Cole/§ion Hall on. Orr street, up on| Toronto honeymoon, did not chal-| Campbell was fined $25 and and president-elect Glen Lander, to Hibernia, east on King and lenge testimoney from Const. A.|awarded five demerit points for|who attended the Lions' conven. North on Division streets. The O'Brien, who said that with Sgt.|careless driving. The groom was tion in Windsor last week, re.|parade then progeeded to the R. Smith and Const. V. Lees, he/fined $20 on a reduced charge. ported on their trip Victoria shopping centre where saw accused driving west on the Cpeed in the charge was lowered ---- - --|they entered cars for the ceme- Toronto Toad: [to 55 mph to avoid a demerit fhe a Cemetery was the Arst Cont Gin wa + mentite ~~ Pag Wees On TELEVISION LOG Win Streak | visited where Legion Padre Rev. CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto| (onoine Coboury Pee-| was made to St. Michael's Cem- T. A. Asbell, conducted the ser- vice, Next on the list was St. WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester Wees have fashioned a three-/etery where services were con. WGR-TV Channel 2---Bnuffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale V2™M¢ winning streak. Their latest/ ducted by Father J. Pearson, Cobourg Legion six In an impressive mound walks, Ricky Borthwick cracked debut ' a of home runs in the rout, | Brian Douglas worked for Port thwick continued his torrid Hope till the ' fifth, when Jim Pog a perfect $f 8 Be took over, Cobourg pound-|the plate, Four others chim n od out 16 hits, drew five on|with three blows each, ur were on R ; Cobourg 000 144-21 23 Cobourg wrapped up the tri- Kendal 000 002-- 2 4 {umph with six runs in the fifth -- rr (itamo 40d 2 seven-run burst | ooygrApLE GUILTY the sixth, Paul Mitchell ced the win.| VANCOUVER (CP) Con- ning assault with three singles stable John Flaton was found | and a triple in five Fipa. Peter (guilty Mond It Moskaluk and Ivan Kehoe chip: /bodily harm to a one-handed | ped in with" three base knocks man, He was given a one-year | apiece. Kelly and Wilson were the suspended sentence and ordered only Port Hope Batters to hitito post a $300 Magistrate safely. |Douglas Hume said Flaton used RH E| 'excessive force! in arresting Port Hope 000 011 0-2 8 1 [Gordon R May 7 outsid: ne drives at his own risk, 7 At least, this was the case -- until Coun. Bill Heberle drew it to the attention of Port Hope council Monday night, Coun, Heberle sald the ambulance had narrowly es- caped a head-on collision last week. He wanted to know who would have covered ex- penses if the driver had been He suggested making dri. vers town employees, thus making them eligible for workman's compensation for accidents, Watson and Greene Garage now get $60 per week to operate the town ambulance service, The final visit by the parade Joe Carlyle Peter's Cemetery with the ser. vice conducted by Rev. E. Bull, victory was achieved Saturday as| The parade of over 125 was {they opened defence of their East-|led by the Legion Band with Ted 9:00 AM, | "$3 PM, TUESDAY EVENING 5.00 PM 11--Family Thea 6--=Whistie own $--Playhouse 4--Cartoon Storybook 2~Three Stooges 530 P. 7=Disney Time 6-Sky King 4=Dinner Date 2-Woody Woodpecker 6.00 P.M, 7--Early Show 6--News 2--8ky King 615 PM, 6--It's a Great Life 63 P.M §54.2-News; Weather 645 PM. News 00 PM 6 laviod S--Zorro 4 Annie Oakley 2--West Point Tn eM 6-5-4-2 7--~News: Weather 7--Sugarfoot 6--Donna Reed $, 2---Dragnet 4 Whirlybirds 8:00 P.M. 11-6-Front Page lense §, 2-Steve Canyon #& Ann Sothern N80 PM 11:6 Chevy Show 5-2-- Jimmy Rodgers tt. Earp t=Té Teli The (ruth 9:00 PM 7= Rifleman §, 2-Californians 4--Peck's Bad Girl 2:30 P 11-6 Comparisons 7 Naked City 32---Bob Cummings 4--Red Skelton 0:0 P.M (=Alcoa Theatre §-2-David Niven +-=Garry Moore 0:0 PM 4-6 Press Conference 7--Man Without a Gun 5--Tombstone Territory 2-Bold Venture 1:0 PM 11,7,; Weather Sports "na PM, i «Playhouse 6- Viewpoint + -Movie 17:30 PM 11--Late Show 6--Sportsview Chal. « WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM 8.2-- loday 4--~News Roundup 18 AM, 4--Captain Kangaroe | 8--Burns and Allen | 4=Popeye's Playhouse | | 23--Coffee Break. | "13 AM, 7--Devotions 0:30 AM, 7---Romper Room | 5--Favorite Story 4-Life of Riley 10:00 AM, | 4-On The Go | 85,2-Dough Re Mi 10:30 AM, 7--Morning Show 5.2 Ireasure Hunt 4--Sam Levenson 11:00 AM, 5.2 Price Is Right 4-1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM, 4-Top "Dollar 52 Concentration » 12:00 Noon 11--Popeye; Bugs Bunny 7--Across The Board 4-News and Weather 5.2-Tic lac Dough 12:15 P.M 4 Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M, Ho Ne | 7--Pantomime Quiz 5,2--It Could Be You 4 Search amorrow 11-Al Star Theatre | 4&~Guiding Light 100 PM. 7--Music Bingo % Matinee S--Feature Movie | & Meet the Millers 2-Mid Day Matinee 1s PM 11 Movie Matinee 1:30 PM 7--For the Ladies « I'v Worle (urns 2:00 P.M, | 7=Day In Court 4~Jimmy Dean | 2--Helen Neville | 2:30 PM. 7--Gale Storm | 8--News 5--~Home Cooking 'arty Baggls PM, | House 2 Haggis EH { 11--Storytime 6--World of Life | S:0 PM | 3: 116-Our Miss Brooks | 7--Beat The Clock | 852-Doctor Malone Ae Ww ot 1 3:30 PM, | 1,6. Open House | 7-Who Do You Trust 5.2-From These Roots + Verdier Yours $0 PM 11--Bugs Bunny 7--American Bandstand PM Party | $2-Truth or Conse | quences 4--Berials | & Edge | Ll--Popeye 6--~Howdy Doody 5-2-County Fair ont WEDNESDAY PM 5:00 P.M, | H=Family Theatre | | 7--Mickey Mouse | | | 8--News 6~Dancing Storybook 5--Playhouse 4--Cartoon Storybook 3-Three Stooges 3.30 PM 8--Huckleberry Hound 4=Dinner Date 2-Bengal Lancers 6:0 PM, 7-- Early Show « t V € 2--Jet Jackson 61 rm 6- Ray Forrest 6:30 PM, 54.2- News Weather 6:4 PM, News 0 PM 6--Tabloid 5 Rifleman 4----Mackenzie's Raiders | 2-Speclal Agent 7 t | 52-Wagon Train | 11-Ont TH rM 1--News; Weather PM, 7--Summer Night Music 6-Disney Presents i 4&-Union R00 Pacifie Mm ario This Week Keep Talking R00 PM, | 11.6-0ne of a Kind | 11 -Shork | | 11- San Francisco Beat | 4=I've Got a Secret | 7---Roxing | | | | | 7--Playhouse | 6=Viewpoint §-- Feature Movie 11.6-Close Up 11.7.6-5-4-3--- News 1} 6--Feature Film 7--Ossie and Harriet 4--Trackdown §2- Price Is Right "MPM Theatre 7 Donna Reed 6-5.2-Musiec Hal) 4 The Millionaire "PM 7--8an Francisco Beat 4-I've got a secret | 65.2-Bat Masterson | 10:00 P.M, | 6--Unforeseen 52-This Is Your Life Monday for the $125,000 {Belmont Stakes at $5,000. 4-Cirele Theatre 10:80 P.M. S--8pecial agent 2-0ficlal Detective 0:4 PM, 7-Time For Sports 100 PM, Weather: Sports ns PM, J e 1:30 P.M IN The Late Show Theatre M $-Jack Panr Welling up 11 blows, whiffed just three, the | Manassa Landing in the Wood Memorial, worked out a mile in 1:42 2-4 at former tary entry ern Minor League title by dump-|Rollings ing Wellington 95 in Wellington, Cobourg' plays in two leagues, Association and the Eastern Minor League. Bill Ryan go! credit for the Co- They allowed just and Tom and Bob Channell divided the hurling for Welling. on with Lavender. being tagged vith the defeat. Cobourg collect- xd seven safeties and dvew eight RHE 9 74 43 Ewart, free passes. 140 101 2 300 000 2-5 S Li . AT HOME Ontario Training School in Co. 'Cobourg bourg dropped a 15-5 decision to fav ort Hope on their home ing eleten via the strikeout route, McLellan started for OTS with n relief in the fifth, They gave, eight walks and New Entry For Stakes At Belmont | NEW YORK (AP) -- Manassa - added a cost of Trainer Frank Martin delayed nomination after auler, who upset First The colt is named for| heavyweight boxing hampion Jack Dempsey. Dolce paid $10,000 to make| lanassa Mauler a supplemen- for the Preakness fay 16, but the colt finished out| the money. amaica, made he Marshal was Cedric Smith and the Legion Auxiliary was led by {the Lakeshore Minor Baseball president Mrs, G. Waller. included in| Other comrades the parade were Mayor J, D. Burnet of Cobourg and Zone |bourg win with relief from Mur. oo onder Frank Hills of Port ray four hits and four walks claimed six on strikeouts. Lavender Hope, Lions Seek Erect Signs COBOURG (Staff) Town Council shelved a motion Mon- night which would permit Cobourg Lions Club from erect. diamond. Jay fired a four-hitter Ing signs on two streets in the for the win, walking six and get. area, In a letter to council, the Lions Club requested permission to erect signs on Division street |Gallowav and Jackson coming on north on No. 45 highway near the proposed 401 site, and an- other on Burnham street. Connell suggested the Depart. ment of Highways office in Port {Hope should be consulted as one |of the proposed signs would be on Highway 45, ' Parks Meeting In Cobourg | COBOURG (Staff)--A one-day meeting of the Omtario Parks Mauler. owned by the Long Is- Board Regional Association held land restaurant man Emil Dolce, in Cobourg Saturday drew a was made a supplementary entry ¢ large number of delegates from as far west as Windsor and east to Ottawa. The meeting was id in the Cobourg Pavilion, Mayor J. D. Burnet welcomed the visitors, among whom were Gordon Nicholson, one-time care: taker at Cobourg, and now man- ager of Belleville Parks He is | vice-president of the association, Lieutenant Governor of Ontar- fo, Hon. Keiller McKay is hon- orary patron of the association while the Hon, Premier Leslie Frost of Ontario is honorary in command, Parade Heads CDCI Athletics { COBOURG - Joe Carlyle of grade 12B will head the Boys' Athletic Council at Cobourg Dis- trict Collegiate next year. Car Ivle polled 69 votes to take the presidency in a close vote. Vice-president will Phelp, who got 64 votes, Keith Bull secretary-treasurer elect and Dave Ewart will be the representative to the Student| Council, Form 11AC defeated 12BC 746 to win the inter-form softball championship at the school, Bill Staples nitched the upset victory | Murry McLearly receiving, Other players on the winning squad are| Don Brooks, Winston Marsden, | John Crosgrey, Dave Dayle | Louis Surerus, Ray Whitefield and Steve Bates, | Ed Cole was charged with the loss with Joe Carlyle behind the| plate. Members of the losers in- cluded Bob Arnew, Dave Fwart,| Gord Ewart, Bill Smith, Rodger and Ewart were also declared. Joe Carlyle and John Bull emerged as the senior boys champions while Garry Couche and Chris Franke took the junior crown, Mary and Susan Deyman captured girls' title, THEATRE GUIDE BROCK (Whitby) -- "Enchanted Island" 6.55, 10.10, "Merry Andrew" 8.30 pm. Last com. plete show 8.20 p.m. Marks-- 'Girl in the Bikini" 2.00, 4.50, 7.35, 10.30 p.m. "Blood On the Sword" 1230, 3.20, 6.08, 9.00. alst complete show 9.00 p.m, Plaza--"It Happened To Jane" 1:50, 3:45, 5:40, 7:30, 9:25 p.m. "The Black Regent Orchid" 1.30, 3.25, 5.20, 7.20, 9.25. Last| complete teow at 4.08 p.m. be Paull the | { The Reak Grgenization prevents HARDY KRUGER NI{UTENLN RONALD LEWIS BACHELOR OF HEARTS IN EASTMAN COLOUR x "A TOMORROW AIR-CONDITIONED IT HAPPENED TO JANE" i color ™ 0 ZAMM A ASB CTION THOMAS GEORGE COLE TEARY-THOMAS- QEORGE BERNARD BRESSLAW 20 MANY ERIC BARKER - MILES MALLESON [ . { [ LAST #2 DAY: ITH ACADEMY AWARD HINT WINNERS SHOW ! SHOCKED The | wom | (ADULT) HITT in the LOGES! LAST DAY: "HOUSEBOAT" --- PLUS "The Sheepman" 8 1, Greatest array of circus acts ever assembled. Right from the pick of the circus world. ASTONISHING ! THRILLING ! CHILLING! Slide For Life ELEPHANTS -- CLOWNS CAMELS TOURNAMENT OF YMNASTIC AC LLAMAS : x COMPLISHMEN ZEBRAS THE HANGING PERCH DOGS GUNACOS SILVER STRAND HORSES WALKERS AERIAL BEVY OF FLYING TRAPEZE UNICYCLISTS BEAUTIES (In Spangles) IDERS WITH MANY, MANY MORE

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