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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jun 1959, p. 9

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Priest and King in Judah son of King Ahazia, from his home with his a wicked woman sought He was hidden in the the Lord for six years --- was Jehoiada, the priest, the child to them. He fully armed soldiers as that no harm came to fetched soldiers to the House of the Lord and Serge! Kinge: ne, showed then set the guards to see Joash. -- II people eried, Then Jehoiada brought forth the sev- en-year-old boy, put the crown up- on him and gave him mony, anointing him king. All the "God save the king." mn SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Then Jé¢hoiada made a covenant be- tween Lord and the king and the people, that they should be the Lord's people, and the people rejoiced II Kings 11:17-20, the testi GOLDEN TEXT ll [gates of Samaria." THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, June 27, 1959 © Two Big Lessons From Prophecies By R. BARCLAY WARREN From 2 Kings 7:1-20, we lean two important lessons, First, we see the penalty of unbelief. Elisha said, "Thus saith the Lord, tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be iisold for a shekel, and two meas- ure of barley for a shekel, in the A lord on whose hand the king leaned, said, ead, if the Lord would make windowé in heaven, might this thing be?" Elisha predicted, "thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shall not eat thereof." The next day when it was learned the that the Syrians had fled from some mischef will come upon us; now therefore come, that we may go and tell the king's house. hold." If we do not share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who sit in darkness, some mischief will come upon us. Re- cently 1 heard Rev. John Schlos- ser who spent his early days in China where his parents by ries. J work of his parents. When he had to leave China, he went to Formosa. There he continues to work among the Chinese. He | emphasized the need of sharing the Gospel, lest we perish. For many millions of the world it is MEMORY VERSE--Joshua 24:18. F OR BETTER HEALTH Increase Salt Intake During Summer's Heat HERMAN N. BU NDESEN, MD day HERE ARE some tips to help However -- and this is impor- vou beat the heat tant -- don't drink a lot of water, el] Those most likely to be seri-|rapidly when you have been| 1 suggest that you ously affected by extremely sweating profusely. This will re-/food more than usual |warm weather are the very fai, Place the water that has been doctor hasn't limited alcoholics and persons suffering sweated away, but it won't re- intake and take from any ceneral disease place the salt that has heen lost PROPER DOSAGE. ut evers we of s shoul Profuse sweating, You see, FR DOSAGE Wg a -- oe ay takes large amounts of salt from| Adding a 1j-grain salt tablet water you drink as long as you|Falment, Thes they gi "We do i Pot i Oe to keep up our general health your body Heat exhaustion and|to a quart of water will give work under high temperature (10: wi are a ™ Sone by Y JEL Cr during the warm summer heat cramps are generally caus-(you a solution that is about as conditions. dings, and we hold our pea as so y q months ed by a great loss of salt, Thus - --- [if we tarry till the morning light, in 1534. SWEATING DESIRABLE you must increase vour salt in-| | { Sweating, you must understand, take duringt he summer 17 ERIE ST DIAL RA 5.3872 REV. R, E, DARGAN, Pastor of the vear, particularly for any- I'm sure Many gauories ad HARMONY WESTMOUNT one working in the summer heat. |offices even provide salt tablets) Sweating or perspiring, if you|for their employees UNITED CHURCH dan Firs Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A. B.D. { retaining a normal temper- swallowing many hese tab-| Minister 4 Sure lets. Such concentrated doses of Ross Metcalf, ARC.T Minister: Rev. Wm. A. Gibb N t aintain adequate pro Organist: MR. €. M. McCOY OW 10 nanuaip as ind, your gastrointestinal tract. Some AMP MEETING at PINE ORCHARD hil of you might even develop pains | JUNE 26 to JULY 5 and nausea after swallowing un- . 10.00 AM verybody Welcome - MORNING WORSHIP is generally desirable at this time Now, most of you know this, | UNITED CHURCH | prefer--is the body's chief means However, | do't want you| {FREE METHODIST CHURCH Sl ms NACI salt might irritate the lining of} Oni nd Chaimaste duction of sweat, you have to dissolved s 11:23. Kings 11:4-8 IT Kngs 11: 2 their camp leaving everything, to be Cuietinuiity or com food was brought in abund i to the gate of Samaria and sold active in Te their Mhind as Elisha had said. unbe- ing. What are you and 1 doing? lieving lord ws 'hppointed to|Some countries as Afghanistan, care of the distribution. The peo-|are closed to missionaries. But ple who had been starving, in|Christian teachers, doctors, their eagerness trampelled on|nurses and people in business him and he died. Elisha's word can enter these lands and while came true. | carrying on their work, bear wit Today people are still doubting ness for Jesus Christ. Some are God's Word. Some scoff at the|doing it. More should enter these word that, "The wicked shall be open doors of service. turned into hell". Others mock Let us turn from our selfish. at the teaching that Jesus will] et We must give the good return again. Well, remember | "58 the unbelieving lord. We ought ie" he word a come obey God's Word. by we have Another important lesson here The is the necessity of sharing. The Whatever they may be, we must {not taken away, and people still {sacrificed in these places. -- II Kings 12:3. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Daughter Of Jordan Kings itech Introduces Baal Worship By NEWMAN CAMPBELL in on the sabbath, with them Athaliah, daughter of Ahab,|that should go out on the sabbath, | king of Jordan, married Jehor am and came 1o Jehoiada the king of Judah. They had a son,|priest."'--II Kings 11:9. Ahaziah, who died. After his| Then the priest gave to the cap- death "she arose and destroyed|tains King David's spears and all the seed royal," apparently to shields that were in the Lord's pave her own way to the throne.|temple. "And he brought forth She also introduced the worship|the king's son, and put the crown of Baal upon him, and gave him the tes- Ahaziah's son, Joash, was res-|timony; and they made him king, cued by his aunt, Jehosheba, withland anointed him; . and they his nurse. "He was with her hid clapped their hands, and said, im the house of the Lord six|God save the king." -- II Kings years And Athliah did r over 11:10-12 the land." 11 Kings 11: Why did Athaliah murder all 'And the seventh year Jehoi-|these innocent little ones? Pos: so, that in the three and) twentieth year of King Jehoash| the priests had not repaired the | breaches of the house However, Jehoiada safeguarded money and so the temple was re- stored.--11 Kings 12:6 We have no space here to te how the king of Syria, Hazael, attacked Jerusalem and how the king sinned by making him gi to all the hallowed treasures of the temple, but the teachers should vead the scripture care- fully and' impart it to their pup- ils Joash repairs the "Will we also serve the Lord; for He is our God."--Joshua salt your|strong as you can drink without | if your feeling discomfort, your salt! Or you can dissolve a smaller additional [tablet five grains -- in a glass of water. You can take your salt this way with each glass of hid some gold, silver | to a sad end; he was killed by his own servants, So ended the life of a man who forsook the Lord's ways Titi was punished. --I1 Kings 12:2 Let us all, parents in Ee home land teachers in the Sunday |school, impress on children the wisdom of obeying the laws of |right as taught in this lesson. Joash came MEMORY VERSE Will we also serve the Lord; for He is our God." M:18 --Joshua rulers sibly, after her son died, she was over hundreds, with the captains insanely jealous of other mothers and the guard, and brought them whose babes were living. She to him into the house of the Lord, may also have inherited the and made a covenant with them, traits of her mother. the wicked and took an oath of them in the|Jezebel. house of the Lord, and shewed them the king's son." --II King ada sent and fetched the - 8 DANGEROUS HABIT drink a great amount of water. WOODSTOCK, Ont (CP)--Fire\p, ing warm days this probably Chief Gordon Tripp has warned o..c about 12 to 15 glasses a service stations not to put gaso -- line into customers 'glass con tainers." Apart from the danger of breakage, they are liable to explode in hot water, he said 11:00 AM, salt : MORNING WORSHIP NDAY AGES A HEARTY AORNING WORSHIP CHRISTIAN CIENCE AER ese de | 64 COLBORNE EAST Christ SCHOOL FOR ALL 9:45 AM CHURCH SCHOOL In our generation, a person who commits such a dreadful deed is "Your Community. Carel)' 11:4 given mental tests to determine if Then Jehoiada set guards to he responsible for his ac- protect the young boy from being tions. In those far-off days they % FIRST C ST of The M of was SUNDAY SCHOOL TI 00 AM UNDAY SERVICE 11 AM SUBJECT "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" 1 meeting at 8:00 o'clock < gh Christian cience { CHURCH EDIFICE attacked. He commanded: "A|did not have our modern meth- The third of part of you that enter in ods of deiermining this. There| on the sabbath shall even be were no psychiatrists to give aid| Christadelph ons keepers of the watch of the king's to such mentally disturbed peo- R TERE house; and a third part shall be ple CHR pa 2:46:50 at the gate of Sur; and a third] "And Jehoash did that which + of 1 = part. at the gate behind the was right in the sight of the Lord Invite seekers after | rut guard: so shall ye keep the all his days wherein Jehoiada the | tO apply for Free Bible broken ol the house, that it be not pie st instructed him."'--I1 Kings|| literature en down | A CATION hod tro parts of all you that BROKE IDOLS NO.08LIGATIO! forth on the sabbath, even| His people 'went into the house He . ey shall keep the watch of the of Baal, and brake it down; his|| CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA Post Office Box 12 Oshawa, Ontario THE SALVATION ARMY | Sp Andrew's United Church AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, D.D. > Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, ATCM HOLINESS MEETING' | i EVANGELISTIC RALLY Music by Citadel Band and Songsters P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES DAY MAJOR ides of healing thr NG ROOM HOURS Monday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 o EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS 11:00 AM.-- 7:00 PM ia) (a A 11 00 AMZ--REV. H. A. MELLOW, B.A. 9:50 A.M.--SENIOR, INTERMEDIATE AND JUNIOR CLASSES 11:00 A.M.--NURSERY BEGINNERS AND PRIMARY CLASSES DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL -- KING ST. CHURCH STARTING JULY 7th m 2:00 house of the Lord about the king.|altars and his images brake they| And ye shall compass the king in pieces thoroughly, and slew | roundabout, every mau with his|Mattan the priest of Baal before) weapons in his hand: and he that|the altars."'--Kings 11:18, | cometh within the ranges, let him| The high places, however, were | TUES ANNUAL HOME LEAGUE PICNIC AT LAKEVIEW PARK BE i Eee uh gla OSHAWA GOSPEL MISSION as he goeth out nad as he com-| | 1221 Simcoe St. S eth in." II Kings 11:5-8 | GRACE | | tvangelistic, Non-Denominational Independent TO ER EAN ar the mk GIBBONS STREET Founder: REV. E. H. ROTHENBUSH Director LUTHERAN BAPTIST GOSPEL DRIVE-IN THEATRE | CHURCH dreds did according to all things | P.M.--REV. ROBT. HARRIS, Bass Baritone Pastor P 150 Albert % Albert Street United Church REV. S. C. H. ATKINSON, Minister MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader 10 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP THE MINISTER WILL PREACH NURSERY AT THIS SERVICE 7 P.M.--BROADCAST CKLB NO SERVICE IN THE CHURCH THE BAHA'T WORLD FAITH The source of all good is trust in 15 15 God, submission to His Command, that Jehoiada the priest com. manded: and they took every) M --"THE JEALOUS HEART" (Concordian) Rev. A G. E Mitchell Pastor: RL: mmm -- man his men that were to come | BIRTH OF A NEW WORLD Carl A. Kartechner (Color, Too and contentment in His Holy Will NEBUCHADNEZZER (Daniel VOCATION BIBLE SCHOOL STARTS PLAN TO ATTEND BYNG AVE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH MORGAN PASTOR DIAL RA 85-1318 DAILY JULY 13th-- and pleasure 9:45 AM y BIBLE SCHOO For Further Information Write:-- OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY 293 Glenview Ave. -- Phone RA 3.3281 SERVICES 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 AM Lutheran Hour: LA Secretary 10 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 AM. &7 PM PASTOR PREACHING WELCOME ey GOSPEL HALL EVANGELISTIC SERVICE | 40 NASSAU ST | CFRB | | | "THIS IS THE LIFE' D.V.B.S. JUNE SUNDA AM.---REMEMBERING THE LORD The Christian and Missionary Alliance Channel 11 4 PM 9:30 AM 5T NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD MINISTER -- REV. H. A. MELLOW, ne) (between Central Park Blvd. and Cadillac NJ) | ORGANIST MR. J. R. ROBERTSO REV. WM. J. NEWELL | SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSIONS -- 9:30 A.M. AND 11:30 AM. 5 11:00 A.M.--REV. GEORGE TELFORD, D.D. --(3) LAXITIES IN THE CHURCH. ly will be guest speaker. ) BABY-SITTING SERVICE BY COME DOUBLE CLUB The Pastor, Rev, Wm. J. Newell will | n i 2:30 P.M.--THE SOD FOR THE NEW WESTMINSTER prese t the third message in this CHURCH WILL BE TURNED challenging series. His final message "" FRIENDLY CHAT AT 9:50 OVER CKLB a COMMUNISM -- ROMAN CATHOLIC hata. > POWER & THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH" 11.00 AM Too om Pentecostal Church on PaiAY: lt eR THE HARD WORK OF ASS A 1 THOMAS WEBB, Formerly of the Mariti BEING A FOOL THE MEANING OF 5. PIERCE, -Ministe 7 0 of the Maritimes -- THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL BAPTISM' 7:00 PM 10.00 AM SUNDAY ey i. Mi ' Transportation number RA 5.4558 'WED, 8 PM. -- MID WEEK PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY EMPTY HEARTS ARE SOON FILLED" 11:00 AM. --"WHEN GOD BROUGHT 29TH 0:30 ALL ARE AND ADULT BIBLE -- 12:18 ¢ SUNDA CH 2 M SUND WCHOOL RICHMOND 7:00 P M.--GOSPEL SERVICE Pastor: PM 4% p Bible $t Wed " id Meeting 7-00 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. PAUL'S (four blocks from King WILSON AND ROGERS Ministe Berek Allen, BA, TCD. Minis 0 445 Beverle RA B-6014 onk Walter. Organist A VERY HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL x Simeoe 3t A n Robert B . David Jenkins Miiro MA Musica The Re Mr. CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A., Minister Mr. R. K. Kellington, Organist and Choir Master 00 AM --REV 10:00 A M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP 'GOD 1S A GUIDE" 9.30 AM. ~--SOUTHMINSTER CHURCH, HOLY COMMUNION A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL SERVICES IN 11:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL NURSERY A GUSHER"" ig 7:00 P.M--"THE OPEN DOOR® ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA me " REVO A 7 RULES ! SUNDAY SERVICES This is ng last Even Summer od on Service fo 1109 CEDAR ST. Sunday South Shox Sunday Church at 79:30 a.m ST GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre and' Bogof Streets D Cross, BA. LTh TRINITY § 9:00 AM --HOLY COMMUNION I 11:00 AM --MORNING PRAYER, REV. C.D. CROSS | 7:00 PM --EVENING PRAYER, REV. P. E. TRANT I Fist BADTIST CHURCH QUEBEC Re Clintor | SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A, Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, LT.CM 11:00 A M."GOD'S VISION FOR CANADA" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9.45 AM. --JUNIOR, INTERMEDIATE, YOUNG PEOPLE 11.00 AM--INFANTS CARED FOR IN MEMORIAL HALL 11.00 AM.--NURSERY, KINDERGARTEN, PRIMARY TARIO ANB | ) : » ) 7, | NEN 2 FORTOP STREET / ' 2 = € N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A JAPTIST GHURCH ||| afkz Lf rome, BA JOHN STREETS ) HIP OF EVANGELICAL ON OF Of Ministe GAIVARY H THE FELLOWS OF CANADA) 00 AM. --THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH NURSERY PRO) --THE COMPANION SHIP OF CHRIST FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL AT 9:45 CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH and Hillcroft Streets H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 5-579% I 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 PM BAPTIST DEC Mary W. NIVEN AITKIN, 110 Keewatin St » The Ven 7-00 P.M ----------------_-------------- ------ ROO AM w= 9. 45 A M. BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 AM.~"GREATER THAN THE ATOM" JHE PASTOR WILL PREACH AT BOTH SERVICES REV. J. M. MacKNIGHT ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH ee WILSON RD SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE 0 -SU! ATTENTION PARENTS AND CHILDREN! 10 AM ARH R.A. Sharp -- FOR TRANSPORTATION neu he RA 5.7064 ANNUAL DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M gi ide i | Daily Mon., June 29-- July 10, 9:00 -- 11:30 AM | During July the Congregation will worship in St. Andrew's Church. The Sunday School and Church will reopen on August 9. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH and Barrie Streets, one block east of Albert GORDON BAKER, Mus, Bac, BD 11:00 AM 7:00 P.M A inn Street United Ghurrl REV. MERVIN A, BURY, MA, B.D., Minister Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist Nursery and Church School Baby Creche 11:00 a.m. 'WHEN YOU HAVE TOQ BIG A LOAD' Service broadcast over Radio Station CKLB Read: | Kings 19: 1-12. *] Walked Today Where Jesus Walked' Mrs. Gordon Hawker ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH RA 5-0318 The Rev Youth Department 10:00 a.m PASTOR PREACHING . : CLASSES FOR ALL AGES NURSERY TO INTERMEDIATES ST. MARK'S CHURCH 11:00 AM. -- ALL CHILDREN ARE WELCOME ALL SERVICES IN MASONIC TEMPLE STEVENSON 3b. NORTH DM sRumLING Ave CEN T T™ Y, J 'ALWAYS A WELCOME AT CALVARY" J CENTRES 476 Beurling Ave JULY 7:30 P.M JUNE JULY OSHAWA SHOPMNINIG R00 AM -- N. LOTHIAN, S.Th - Priest in Charge AUGUST 10:00 AM STARTING Solo (O'Hara) DRIVE-IN CHURCH 5th CENTRE

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