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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jun 1959, p. 16

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16 THE Oonawa vimm, sewroey, June 37, 1999 ww THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [#55 8---Building Trades 8--Building Trades 13--Gardening & Supplies | 14--Household Repairs 19--Personal 22--Radio and T.V. Repairs 28--Summer Resorts YOFING and siding. eav You'll | -- Housekeeping Please Note | D RATES ROOFING and siding, eavestroughing, WANTED digging basements, aon WANT sod? You' 1l be misting a food york local ¢ SH. "oe fins FOUR people vant ride to Toronto, TV TOWERS completely installed, o R fei Housekeeping LA SIFIED A chimney repairs, new and old and backfilling, Phone S| you don't ¢ Pais - iE or Mee i i Dead! fact. for J CLAS RA 56831 ___ (BASEMENTS dug, and back-filied, ex. We deilver or sell in field. RA 8-0948. GO to the Dulch lady, fortune-teller, fr 5.9. eae ee) A" a | Hughes, RR 4, Picotn, Ont. adiines now in effe r I I I | | . & Main Street, Orono. Phone 1732. 25 words or lem [igo bing "and heating supplies. cavating, etc. RA 3.3898 or RA 8.0623. SOD, 30c square yard, nest 72° 3 - _Pho wo housekeeping coiager on Hay this column: Cash Charge IT 53521, Harold R. gy | pang ste, BA 1m 0a quality. Roto-tilling. MO 8.3015 Whitby. CHESTERFIELDS and old gigi HYPNOSIS can help relieve your ten- ; 4|GENERAL work Jos Cyr. Phone BA g, wood| covered like new. Get the best for less! "yoo, 'and anxieties, Lose weight WwW "s Col Ray ARIF, i fl i ? SERTIONS © Bimeoe. Street South oor 15%/5.4335 atter § p.m. TREE removal rimming, wood | JPN C6 rm Uphoistering, 92615 Simcoe 3ions, seit nypoosis| 23-- Women's Column and running water. Ideal fishing, Births, Memorioms, Cards of INSERTIONS 2.25 248 Simcoe Street South timates. RA |2! 1 p quickly and permanently. yPDO ng T, 3 Fhanks 6 CONSECUTIVE ti ER im. |LAURIER MCKENNA for expert paper |" With hain saw, {ree estimates. RA geet North, Call RA 8.6451 for a free |uickly a you self discipline, gain confi-| SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $6.50; | per week. Available June 98 to Juiy pd AA i pig hi > : timat dct i tion and con- Page Hairdressing. | August 8 to September Mrs, hangi ting, gyptexing, plastic, . : dence, improve concentra! cold wave, $6.00, ge 8! 9 AM. SAME DAY INSERTIONS 375 4.02 , kitchen cabinets, custom work ipo Wg ig RA 5.2851. Estimates GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled, made BOB'S ELECTRICAL REPAIN, Free trol emotions. For appointment phone 396 pine Avenue. RA 5.5363. Dwight Elliott, RR 3, Napanee, Ontario, DEATHS | If not paid within 7 days the [nd repairs. eed, BA SITS All ry ready for spring planting, or seeding. IAL EA Tv iL ution, Yor appoisiment pine Dwigtis Eliot aio, Charge rate will apply. work guarante -- Call RA 5-8985 radio and all appliances. Repairs guar-|pogis, 11 Ontario Street, Oshawa. RA 24--Market Basket 11 AM. SAME DAY Above rates apply only to original GENERAL contractors, | RIO HAY and weed mowing, specializing in|anteed. 14A Church Street, RA 8-058L.15.0171. Hours: daily 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. 28a--Trailers a ONTA CABIN iriller. 20 fF. lumina, for. . .m. 3 s DIAL RA 3-3492 orders for consecutive insertions, ||cement work and r indusirial. A .W. Powel and Sons, RA |Bob Hele, Saturdays 10 am, - 1 p.m STRAWBERRIES for sale, order: es pm in TI bo -9197 -|taken, MArket 3-2035, Bowmanville. Subsequent insertions .ordered at a LDOZING and exs 3-2062 or RA 59197, -- |ALL over town thousands turn fo the | WITNESSES: Will anyone who wit-|taken, M nished, refrigerator, propane gas later date constitutes a new original RA 50831 Free estimates FLOOR S/ \NDE RS {SOD -- broken lawns and gardens hed columns daily. Get their at-|,, coq the accident between an auto-|SoMF 5000 Danish Ball head cabbage and heater, fotlet, Apply 351 King Street order Brothers, 26 }Hilleourt - Drive, Whitby. 1194 KING ST. E made perfect. No job too small or 100 (tention for your offer by dialing RA ie and a motorcycle May 26, at plants for sale. East, Osh 1408 | Prof: | and Bi list Soy |large. Reasonable rates. RA 5-4342|3.3492, William and Division Streets, Oshawa, pp 4 Tel. MA 3-200. 150a BIRTHS $7.5 7 'ver month for 3 "lines Gall. PLASTERING, a ot por Tile ond Hardwood Laid {from 10-12 and 47 E please call RAndolph 8-5135. 149b IRE Toots RE ET SEE THE Each additional line " 4871. nd Refinished |LEN Bowlers' landscaping and garden. AL aiting, parking lot, shop daily at Gle- month. Ge Ih DP --§ Floors Sanded ao 1= Bowles Bas varied. soled, fer. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOM! i hess L pation LR hi hong a Supermarket Ritson South. open] CANADIAN EXPLORER Each initial letter, abbreviation, and heating pipes, 4 CALL RA 3-7251 tilized, gardens and lawns ploughed, WITH $2. e and address, nightly till 10 pom. 5 The Family Food B Trail CRAIG -- A fixtures, new and used, changing from your nami % Ty ot Camp and Boat railers very happy to Ea ot "pirth of | AR Wn Toe, addinonel © [septic tank to sewer a speciaty. In- Don't hang up, let it ring. [rototilled. Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs, brine Durham Press, Tyrone, On Market. Ask for free premium thei bl . -- . ee ee. | Everything for your garden, RA 8-5753 145¢ ljogues. : from $150-$395 ir son. Scott, on Wednesday, June|l " A) Classified Adverti at rates. Infor. Y UREN sec ies tribe Joo00, N d Used Trailers for 24, at Ajax General Hospital, A bro- || MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of mation and estimates free on any type | HYGIENIC supplies (rubber gi a and Livestock ew an se raile! ther for Jean and Al publication. Office hours: Daily 8-5, [|of Pumbing. Dial RA 3.441, J. Foley. NEW OIL G R ; V F L INSIDE AND OUT Mailed post paid in plain sealed enve- | 25--Pets every purpose. sian dopey with Trine SW il Order |PART German Shepherd Highland Col. AJAX MARINE VALUE OF ts; 24 samples $1.00, Mai GERROW FUNERAL REGULATIONS es sholl not: be riieak ing FURNACES Also RA Er TO 40% Dept, Aci, Nov Rubber Co., Box 91, Hg! I da oa sl 4 A PRING CH APEL shaw imes shal responsible for errors in advertise -- Tha heend Ajox--1266 : herbal dies, LOVELY Fi \ ments submitted otherwise than in Buy it wholesale and have it | S T 0 N E ! SAVE KEEP HEALTHY _herba (miniature Collies er. P . lements. RA 3-3096. The finest service at writing, nor for more than one W. B. Bennett Paving installec 'by experts. Easy ON HEATING BILLS fooy wv pple. ST jiest pets. Phot Rewer . Te COOK'S ro , comple moderate prices. incorrect insertion of ony sdver. Ltd. terms. Fuel oil, oil burners, : | ON HOME MAINTENANCE ELECTROLYSIS HOLIDAY bird boarding, p) furnaces. All Sizes COSTS supplies, Sportsman Corner, 105 Byron harged f | ti f RA 8-6226 he aaversemeny Ole ibid P.O. BOX 305 FURNACE CLEANOUT SERVICE Street South, Whitby. TRAILER SALES Long, narrow, Roman style R | ot superfluous hoir. |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for || occurs. And also reserves the right o 132 M Ig e i olors, Guar- move a : |training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, 3% Kiric syReey west [IR Sr.snions sedi' RASS | A Sire | LOA | anteed for 20 years. Morie Murduff will be in [SAUDE (LEE SRs ARP East on Highway 2 ef Coun In the case of display advertise- | Clip and Mail--No Obligation Oshawa, July 7 and 8. Phone |guivFoL baby budgies, Teady for tice. Dealers for Glendale Va- a ! , talking strain. App MEMORIAL BRONZE i er wil ore Jed PLASTERING _RA 3-3443, Nights RA 3-7944 BE SATISFIED | Genosha Hotel on these dates | Broad. 4 "Elgin Street' cation Trailers and Mobile | for appointment. BLACK Labrador puppies for sale, that in which the actual error : Permanent dignfied memor- | gecupies, The publishers endeavour New ond repairs, cement S T O N E Ady ee eee | (lent. dogs for children or hunting.| Homes. Contractors Field Of- 0 produce al ti AL | seer y i ials on display at Mount || Correctiv hat Cas cvertising matter plastering, water proofing, Dia RA 5. 5 Acres CONFIDENTIAL Avy 497 Annapolis Avenue. RA| ficos Industrial. and Commer- k : = if any inaccuracies in any form stucco. ~~ id rari ------------------ : i Lown Pork Direct represen of "advertisement ore 'eontoled T NE | meri m-------- City INVESTIGATION BOARDING, trimming, bathing, de:| cial Units. $995 up Low tatives, || therein payments available. wOOQD'S PLASTERING TOWN SOD BUREAU fleeing, Waubena Kennels, RA 5-6321. Down. Payment. Pho RA RA 3.2633 | RA 8-1311 STONE CROSS Jou RISI STONE All types of Investigations |26--Farmer's Column 8-0887 i RA 395%, service sind : 1--Accountants ---------- | For rugged rustic beauty MFG. CO. 110 King St. E., Oshawa |HAY in the field for sale. Apply F. G. Open_Every Evening |WERGER GRANKEL AND Co 2c. HENDERSON CONCRETE | use natural MARBO A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut 92. HADDINGTON AVE. RA 8-0891 Brooklin 605R2. 149¢ 79 Summer Properties CEvirvares Sot [seas aug otis 18% king) PRODUCTS LIMITED | STONE for your'! home. tresh daily. Delivered or laid. TORONTO FOR SALE -- Standing crop of hay P! e sti " 101 Quebec Street, Phone RA 5-131 For Sale or W nted FLOWERS | MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL AND| Concrete, cinder, Haydite | Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana, Free estimates. Prompt deliv HU 8-4743 SWIMMING e 1231 after five. KI] ; LAKEFRONT cottage on L Scug {Co., Chartered Accountants, licensed| blocks, CHIMNEY BLOCKS. Kingst redit Vi ory, Plene RA 8.8848 i 's ti i Cig on meme A S30, one: [ Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To. | | Kingston, Cred alley [= -- 15--Instruction Ontario's finest filtered pool. (BEAD faum stock picked up brompLy:| nearly new, furnished, electric. pump: Ph | 1089 Nelson St. $2,000 down, Marvin Nesbitt, Phone ronto; Hon. J. W. Monteith, FCA, MP: 5 ' Natural stone does not COURTIC tds ee] 6 ily from 2-9:30 will Fur Farm, ne. oc RA 8.6211 -- RA 8-6212 A. B. Monteith, B. Comm.. CA; G. W | Corner Wellington RTICE PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, pen daily fr Margwill Fur Fa Tyrone Blackstock '44R11 Nestleton, Riehl, CA, RIA; R. F. Li need a 10 or 20 year 15 years' experience. Appointment] p.m. 25c per person. Cater- SUMMER resort property, n in ¥ 24° King Sr. gon Dshawe | George W. Trethewey A Ro | RA 3- 4412 RA > 7041 guarantee. If it's natural | LANDSCAPING only. Can RA 51054, ing to organized picnics. |27--Fuel Wood i croft, 210 acres, % Ee at "ot (2 doors from Karn's Drug [135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa: |__ | . Weed treated, field nursery pe ---- Trail riding by reservation. |FIREWOOD for sale, hardwood cut (lake frontage on two lakes. Sacrifice [Whitby MO 8-573 4 it' las fetime. I. Com- : 4875. |for quick sale. R. Di Bolton 62W i Store), | a B3tsl, ES it lasts a lifetime oe Rp Soil, Dovel. ry: DON'T THINK Atour Im! LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH, |tings, good load delivered. RA 5.4875. or Shelton Deges. Reyman, Bolton 62W EVERLASTING sor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 5-9592 er | CLIFF BROWN IF IT'S STONE Free Estimates DO IT N " Harmony Rd. N., RA 5-2737. SUMMER store or snack bar with gas dence, RA 8-0264 WE Vv | Learn to play the guitar, 28--Summer Resorts pumps, all year living quarters, on new BRONZE MEMORIALS ; | GRAVEL & SAND Wave oT ED KNOWLTON re d through road, at view Lake on YALE. FRIEDLANDER, HONTE Special 10-week course, FURNISHED cottage on Lake St, Peter | PAY® ON GRANITE BASES al Accountants and auditors, oR a! LOAM | MARBO STONE RA 5-6047 per lesson. Classes of two CHILD FOR Fe aan ure. so5|Lake Scugog. Priced to sell at $6200, Small down payment. Look this over, Trustee in Bankruptcy, 54 King Street | of four -- Bring your friends. per week including boat, Phone 15 Fay hone Available for all Cemeteries |East, Oshawa; B, L. Yale, CA: F Pew, Waterford, Ontario. P! } | Professional tuition, Any ADOPTION BrOokUN mcrae SHI 5770 TRULY PERMANENT Er ora om: ou Prompt Delivery CO. LTD. LANDSCAPING hg apponimEnt call LS dad all inside conveniences, |3§--Articl Fi R TERMS IF REQUIRED [Public PRINS dnd. RON MA 8-8951 1437 King E RA 5-3189 GARDENING ALTO MUSIC TIMMY -- has been in en |three-bedroom, Onv! si |2 I--Articles For Rent ood beach, July 25 to Augu 3 Augu EL coll DI ---------------------- |9--Building Materials __RA 5.1501 institution for oll his fou |8008 beach: July 35 to August bs August Coro -- : i giving, Thirty-|tors, tents, stoves, : ; BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Account LAWNS SERVICED years. He is Romon Catholic, [August | to Thanks ly Robert |et 9' Tudor Si NS Wl MOE Sees Services offer complete oS | Brick Work, Block [UANTITY of good bine Tamber, rans. TREES REMOVED LEA ARN TO DRIVE IVE | of Itolian porentoge, has dark 308 IGS (0% Soin" Brome 30RIA [carers hoor Siceet Aax 697, e usiness. "© a ' ree reg Renee uh Tas ottice RA 5.0397; | and Cement Work too [thousand feet. Newcastle 3876, ws JOHN KNOX AND SON SCHNEIDER' S flashing nes block air eng Jukes "Camp. Matawaichan ~ House ELNA voptals. RA SHI STF aTgnt Head Office: : : RA 5-9727 health is good and he is an Good fishin, beautiful scenery. In the Stitch and zig zag. 110 GREEN STREET, | 2--Barristers DRIVING SCHOOL alert, intelligent youngster, [Land o'Lakes. WEBBING'S WHITBY, | GREER, Murph M y inclined to be serious and |ARDEN -- housekeeping cottages on ONT. rphy and MacDonald, Bar- leul . |saws, etc., sharpened now at B. Reid L RANT 71 Albert St.,, Oshawa, Ont. ' M b Kennebee Lake. Good fishing . and RENTAL SERVICE risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public,| rates we calculate. [Sharpening Service, Watson Street C RA 8.5315 withdrawn. His confidence in | tnner Breen vi i " restored by : | {6 King Street East, RA 5-4717 Russell | East. Pick up and delivery. Phone MO le can be TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT {J Murphy and mes A. MacDonald. RA S5- 2204 8 01, Whitby { i peop e n Saar IN MEMORIAM z= ssuvins_ oa. sussisier sei | * a TOS NE. FOR SOD | affectionate and understand: | GorraGEs ar Tasings, Telrgerso FOR RENT | | For Funeral Flower An A-1 job guaranteed for you. Estimates free Call us ond see what reasonable, |HAVE your lawn mowers, shears, {10--Sharpening Service lawn shears, For Fun, Popularity and Success ing adoptive parents and boats, rent by week or weekend. , etc, 13% Simcoe Street North 3 saws, etc., sharpened now at B. Red's / no . : i McQUAID ~ Ip 1 Office, RA 5.3741; residence, RA 5-5542. FRAME AND Sharpening Service, Watson Street FINEST QUALITY TRY DANCING ¥ vou would like Yo provide a RAS TACT TI 282 King Street West 3 -- In TRA - # William Clayton McQuaid, Nd w BRUCE / AFFLECK. BA, Barrister permanent home for Timmy, Ee Lake. Good fishing and RA 3-4873 away June 27, 1947. Olicitor. Phones: Ottis; Usx- please write to: " |beach, hydro, screen verandahs. Ample Parking . 5-1763, TRIMMING Fag. Jeion from Dunlop Tire Co, DELIVERED OR LAID You. Con Actually eisai maki eat as GO DANCIN . : a HAVE your lawn mower sharpened ESTIMATES FREE Alterations, kitchen cup BT sas Eclizens, knives, etc, Percy After One Lesson At boards and general repairs. Neil, 102 Highland, RA 8-8363. ARTHUR MURRAY THE MINISTER OF SE ETTITINR TE USED nd ¥ MO 8 3015 Lake Dalrymple. Elec- Custom built homes. For free -- co a - winterized, on 3 POWER d h I harp- | i ; Heat. (2 Passed away Tine anet Rorison, who North. RA 5-336, Charles C. McGibbon,| estimates phone Christensen POWER 200 ning lawn mowers TE DANCE STUDIOS PUBLIC WELFARE, file #idve, and, Felgen SEWING MACHINES passed away June 27, 1937. | QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, fireplace, small boat, spacious And while she sleeps . Bastedo, QC. Const., RA 5-6328. or RA 8.6906 after hours. WHITBY 11% Simcoe St. S., RA 8-1681 PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, [later fireplace, aman boat pa roe Portables -- Consoles In peaceful sleep, | HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Ba Ta | POWER and hand mowers, Yo--TInsurance TORONTO. hunting in the fall. Phone RA 8-8131. Treadles ler memory I shall v s, Solicitors; umphreys, QC; . 1ssor: te., ecision sharpen: shal Aways keep. | G Rich Loam scissors, etc preci 147¢ 150a rerio ---- d ~-Always remembered, E. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, Work fully guaranteed. Pick-up and WwW UMMER cottag rected on your Guaranteed by-- LLB, 6 King Street West, Phones: delivery, For satisfaction and a sharp- HA A ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up SUMMER cottages ei . : ¢ 10 days from SINGER SEWING CENTER y --- > Office, |to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For own lot, delivery within si ma Eli Rm 2 WA Mo et ih hi | Top Soil, Gravel th! fy 1 Bde 5 bret SRS folk" 55/20--Cartage i % 'tor S| RSS Ds Oompa away June 27, Borin, who" passed Fa loan, ; h Bil Sen sire STEELS minima SOD SUPPLY RA 57413 LOCKWOOD Moving and Storage, rea-|hundreds to choose from within easy --Loved and . JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, Soiiei.| Brick Sand, C €ap Fill |HAVE your lawn mower precision sonable rates, fully insured. RA 5-2831. | driving distance of Oshawa. Phone for 32--Articles W d and a remembered always, Alex tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street | sharpened, free pick up and delivery. 17--Money to Loan GALT Cartage, furniture and appliance appointment and literature. MA 3% rticles ante % East. RA 3.2269. NHA and private] Levelling or back filling lots. 1.0 5-4360. No. 1 cultivated, field Adal i | ving, age a rates, fully insur.| Bowmanville, BOY'S 20-inch bicycle, in good condi ROBISON -- In loving. memory of MoI FARES arranged |11--Business C Opportunities : ' ; CLIENTS monies WANE Gr, 'iret ed. Call day or might, RA 5-443. CRYSTAL SPRINGS LODGE. Bonfield, ti tion. Call Saturday, RA 50347, 150a Jessie Rorison who passed away June GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, RA 5-2156 | s and nursery grown sod. |and second mortgag purchased. Apply ROY LOVELESS apartment moving, Ont. Phone Sherwood S423, ONSCICRR" | Gor ving furniture, We'll buy If, Rew Solicitors, Ye 7% Simcoe Street South. FREE catalog Contains hundreds of Fertilized weed treated M. E. Swartz, Barrister and Notary reasonable rates, fully insured. RA |IDE cottages, safe sal frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, And while she lies in peaceful sleep Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones: businesses, farms and income properties ' * |Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA y lent fishing. stoves, etc, For top cash offer, contact hemor y we wil always keep." ed Ly Gress iA ae Ra S00: a HAYNES throughout Canada. Specify type and lo- 12 yeors experience. [Phe %% Rug g 28515. Sp 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 8-1131. a » » oh " ' - of i -- as ------------------------------ . -- family, puncan R. Phillips, B. Comm. RA(BUILDING CONTRACTOR Breer Monthly 17 10 aver] Special contract rates. MO? available for first mortgages. |21--Personal Service PINE RIDGE PIANOS suitable for church or hall. 74 and 3 y, comm g t, Oshawa. 147f Will pay cash, State yake and price. y Odean wie, 'Janmy omiemory, of (RALPH 8.30 and Thomas Floor experts Old Moors Oo. er tea] Free estimates pc Pu "on Hirsh | SE 0, poAchile TOPAIr and ae) Why do so many people pre- |write"Box 49. Oshaw es way tr, Smet Rorison, who | 51" Greer, Associate Barristers and So- made like. new. Hardwood | FOR RENT = Service ation on Clik oney oF os to all makes Elna. 5-25! fer it for their vacation? Wh WANTED -- Animal a Er e 1, 3,3, Loving and kind in all her ways, (hCHOrS, 130 King Street East. RA| or tiling. Carpenter work al- aT oe RA 8-8639 of sale purchased. NHA mortgages DRESSMARING, indies EX, do they return each year? |g or larger, in very good condition. C Upright and just to the end of her 06216. Mortgage loans available. terations. Kitchen cabinets [to be made, Apply P.O. 68 Port Hope. arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan Tea, wedding g . We can't take any credit for [at 4 Celina Street after 6 p.m. day YOU'LL do even better with your " -- and Murdoch. : 3 enic Gull. (WIRTE = 25 ood cance; 14 or 18 fis Sincere and kind in her heart and Classified Ad, if you ask one oro our specialty BACK hoe and loader, septic tanks,| our location on sc Ww. Li 3 mind, trained Advisers tor suggesting: ma| CALL RA 3.7196 |13--Gardening & Supplies BEVERWYCK 1st ond 2nd drains, ditching. MArket 32661. | Loke, God mace it beautiful. fiberglass preferred. RA 3.8418 What, A beautiful memory she left |3-3492 --_-- | GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled, Aver- Maybe its becouse we serve LLOYD convertible baby carriage, In in ehind ood X 149 e size, $3. Apply Glen Munro, 414 | an good condition. Phone RA 3.9122, A faithial. wit, one of the best, Hid M. RUNDLE. | Barriste Fo Specializing in 30" concrete Park "Road "South "RA 57887 GARDENS MORTGAGES JANE BLACK Slenderizing good meals othe Niciesome ay grant her eternal rest, ' : i - tmosphere = ~Sadly missed by her husband. Street - Phone RA 8-1763 tile. on Highway 12 Studio, Slenderizing, Reduc hoppy @ P CEDARDALE A 3 and 4 Mas- onable rates. Come and see RORISON -- In loving memory of a a ED Ehei Seet Ron J. MOORE A.L CRAWFORD North of Whitby AGREEMENTS OF SALE ing, Steam Both end Nos sourself Ron and Ev. SCRAP dear mother and grandmother, who Phone RA 8.8511. Wi Sage. 45] Simcoe Street Wood, Miners Bay, Ont. Bats on fase, paspeq (CREIGHTON. FIARER, DRYNAN 355 WELL DIGGING GRAVEL wn LOAM =P. a ci LYNDEWOOD South, RA 5-9602 for ap- | phone Coboconk 148R4. IRON METAL LTD. » pi MURDOCH, B ters, . he | \ .m.- . Sin 2 om hn PRR 1 Pa, BA Commer ange] EARTH BORING | Tp 5.3756 INVESTMENTS poiriment, Cpe 10. em IRON : : METALS And took from us a shining light 5 Simcoe Street North RA 3.3446; T. Newmarket Ontario : 10 pm. LONE MAPLE PAPERS : : RAGS Ww isn Hh 1 v |Creighton, QC: N. C. Fraser, QC; G. Pho TWi 5.4258 JOHN COX Prop BROOKLIN 303 AY ter Tock lace Bryon cua fl, DIVA GL, Miran RA mort| "PO TWINS SATE or | oo pr pr very 600 MAPLE ST. WHITBY O. OLAN CAMP i ed Down here we mourn but not in vain, |EAE€S arranged. | MONEY AVAILABLE Housekeepi I RA ping cottages, a and grandsons Tom ey Marg, Earl Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Aso] DODD & SOUTER | AJAX SOD SUPPLY PHONE MO 8.4184 TO HOME OWNERS [LAWNMOWER & ENGINE | sonvenlences, We sk ends RESIDENCE ~- RA 5.4159 a randsons Tom, Bob an c B V. M ne. % se : : iste. "Brvee V. stream "a Henry PAINTS -- WALLPAPER Sod delivered and laid, Top- NURSERY STOCK, . roses Up 10-$3,000 lor uriv. good SALES & SERVICE i Bi or Phone 100 ANNIS STREET : n memory Mrs. | Residence, dial RA 3-4029 PAINTING & DECORATING | ---- evergreens, shrubs, hedges, p to , r any : : ' REE PICK- Janes (Jesuie) {vison Se? Passed | SONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister | CONTRACTQRS il.) Prone igi gold leat, etc. purpose, including down poy- Authorized Shino, oS 2usn 45122. a FREe PICKUP ert (Bob) Rorison, lost at sea July 11, (3nd solicitor, 26 King Street East.| | PICKERING 889 GLADIOLI, new varieties ment on home, payment of and Power Product Services, 1945 Te lephone: Business, RA 5.5501; Resi: Bare MO 8.6257 | E A 431 dahlia roots, strawberry and existing mortgage, consolida- new and used lawnmowers. + MILFORD MANOR SHAW --Alwa) nembered ence, - | vening jax A | FoMlways remembered by Edith and JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, EVENINGS RA 5.7426 enings Ajox 431 raspberry plants, box plants, tion of debts or purchases of 81 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. S. MILFORD BAY, MUSKOKA AUTO WRECKING CO Solicitor. Money to loan, Office, ie: seeds, grass seeds. any kind. No penalty for pre- io & TV : One of Muskoka's largest Wants cars for wrecking, also RORISON -- In loving memory of King Street East, Oshawa. RA 8.8232; 107 Byron St. S,, Whitby STONEWORK FLAGSTONE loam, manure, payment, no bonus. 22--Radio & Repairs Resorts, featuring Orchestra scrap iron and metals, ete. Janet Rorison who passed away June Residence, RA 5.3405 toss, fertil t TV serv. i Wi re h peatmass, fertilizer, . : A DAY OR NIGHT -- Promp se Dancing, Free Golf, Water bought. Open Saturday ail : or fast friendly service coll [ic phone RA 8.5286, Oshawa Elec. a vib --~Ever remembered by Lou Dionne : Custom Built Homes Color patio SPRING DISPLAY of flower ce. Phone h Skiing, All Sports facilities, day. Phone : 4--Dentists SRR Steps -- Sidewalk bulbs, crocus, narcisssus, hv- SEABOARD sonics Red. VIE Organized Entertainment. For RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E RORISON -- In loving memory of DR, FRED ALLEN, 172 King Street Additions, Alterations, Stone planter acinths, tulips. Cut flowers AERIALS, rotars, towers. For all your ive literature Or reser = . my aunt, Mrs. Janet Rorison, who t. Hours 9 : Done p 4 ? DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD. [antenna needs, the best at the lowest| descriptive literature or re 2 East. Hours 9 to 6 p.m., including Sat Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cupboards, . J 's TV i i N h passed away June 27, 1957 urdays. RA 8-5171. Tile: ord. Horseood Hor 29% Simcos Street South price. Call any time, Len and Lou's vations write direct or phone Sunshine fades and shadows fall i 1 ; : : . | --lLovingly remembered by Margaret, OPen evenings by appointment, it] HUGH CROSBY But sweet remembrance outlasts all. DR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. Eric, Bob and Bev, Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5.2223 BUILDER TAYLOR -- In loving memory { 5--Nursing Services | bridge 29. Res. -- RA 867 McGIBBON and Bastedo, wer Solicitors, Clients' funds available for! RORISON -- In loving memory of | first mortgages 20 Simcoe Street North. ~Always remembered by a a y daughter For up in heaven we'll meet again. MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, Expert Work Come and see us, open all RA 57844, uml Toronto PL 7-2770, Free Estimates day and evenings. 7 days a RA 5-1121 SPECIALIZED radio and ro WA N T E D = | | = | | | Rockery for sale. | service. All makes, Fred Thompson, 157 SCRAP IRON, POULTRY FIRST AND SECOND [Ela siu Ll BUSSE" 71) SANDY BAY CAMP | Se son, robin ] antenna, $29.50. Best| Rice Lake: housekeeping cot- MORTGAGES Prices or expert" Installation. Call RA tages, electric refrigerators, I. TURNER nd 3-4849. RA 5-4274. full ipped for your com- y - AGREEMENTS OF SALE | wd Ste sand beach and RA 3 2043 PARKWAY TELEVISION good fishing. Write R. Me- (collect) $1,800 to $100,000. Home ELECTROHOME Cracken, R. R. 4, Hastings 35--Employment Wanted owners, residential property TOR. ADMIRAL for folders. poke or ---- summer cottages, suburban RCA VIC ' 4 RESPONSIBLE woman will take care WESTINGHOUSE of children 'n own home, while mother homes, tactories and acreage. LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH ITS: "Transportation pram peed Quotations by phone or mail. The finest in television and 5669. et week. Plenty of parking | OSHAWA wn DOCS. other, Violet 'Taylor, who RA 5-3937 S300, miter; Nines Tavie, wh ----! GARDEN SERVICE GR AVEL Just whew yor yeare as ongttest,; ANDEN NURSING HOME | LIFETIME WROUGHT | NURSERY -- LANDSCAPING | You were called from this world of | | N RD. W. P 90% sto ON of sternal vest iio Ji ig of IRON RAILINGS | 86 TAUNTO D it run 90% stone. Good --Ever remembered by Glenford | ple (Men ond Women). Guarunteed rust-proot | TAYLOR -- In loving memory of a, Nurses ond dieticians in ih Anytime RA 8-0109 Just when your life was brightest sorrow (Licenced) KING ST. WEST | Kingsley, Gary, Joun 3 : convalescent and elderly peo- | RA 3-3222 Jor nud driveway, dear sister, Violet Taylor, who passed BEAUTIFUL ENAMEL FINISH OSHAWA Evenings RA 8-6096 | | away June 27, 1954 attendance Tray service, [ Most Modern Design DAY CAMP essary. Phone RA 8- | Prompt service service. | O happy hours we once enjoyed | radio. T.V. lounge. CONCRETE STAIN-FREE | ACME HAULAGE ATTRACT good workers fo your organ. How sweet thy memory still { LTD ¥ "FOR ization by describing your Jor openingy But death has left a loneliness 6--Optometrists DAILY HARDSAND OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE 913 imece N= al 3043 BOYS and GIRLS & . 14 |! She Classified. Phone RA 3 The world can never fill -] | LANDSCAPING | Vi --Sadly missed by Phyllis, Ronald and C. H. TUCK, RO, optometrist Picase | PHONE RA 5.2063 | ' GRAVEL STONE | { CORP. LTD. Mondays during July and $15 weekly includes, trans- |36--Female Help a Bua A Gd -206 { Power Ruling 12 § August portation, milk, daily riding, |BOOKKEEPING machine operator r g reet, | : . TAYLOR -- In loving memory of a Phone RA 5-4587 Fertilizing 1 imcoe Street North 3 2 | , : | Ph RA 8.8695 | Oshawa swimming, archery, crafts. |and other office duties, for downtown dear daughter, sister and aunt, Violet one after O a Tractor - Roto-Tillin Taylor, who passed away June 27, | | T P SOIL S D | 9 office, company benefits, steady po. FA n 7--Surveyors 6pm _and Saturday a Top Soil = Sod - Manure | Days--RA 5-3568 THIS 2D 15 WORTH 300 Bers sw For. Infor sition. Write Box 103 Oshawa Times. Quietly and suddenly came the call, DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land. | RA 3- -3528 Flagstone Patio Slabs | ON egistered nurse. yo Nights: TED BELOW. mation Dial RA 5-2737 Her sudden death surprised us all Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 56831. | boon ol HE RA 5-1721 RA 5-138 ¥ LIS : Dearer To. memory han words' can wy Ale Strsel. RA 541. | PRE-CAST OS Faz nu | TVs HIT AERIAS REGISTERED The loss of one we loved so well, |tario Land Surveyors, Professional En. GARDEN 14 Houschold Repairs 18--Loan Wanted Associated Services POW-WOW --Ever remembered by Dad, Evelyn, |8ineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ba A ered 1 aa. En Ajax. Phone RA 8-0121 CONCRETE | L Joe, RA 58018 for carpentry, |WE HAVE clients' monie RA 3.3427 Come and enjoy the fun ot NURSES Ee and handyman first and second mortga i i "|8--Building Trades SUPPLIES FURNITURE repaired and re-upho, Chase of agreements of sale EY Dom Kony Bene FN roy Seine Ledge, Louis h -- | wr. |Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh. RA 5-5121 Huntsville. All summer sports, for on Accredited 82-bed Apology Prevents FREE Sstiales Wn) xo 3 baile | SEPTIC TANKS AND link "Bie Daerials for Ie-oover. awa, RA 3-4943. Fowler T.V. .. RA 5-1685 delicious meals. - American Hospital. Salary $255.00 cial and industrial work, foundation WALK SLABS ! RA 37212 [FIRST "and second mortgage sale| Parkway T.V... RA 3-3043 plan, $39-$58 weekly. Write to $295.00 per month, Nasty Incident and crete Work [comblele, Baming CHESTERFIELDS rebuill, recovered Agreements purchased and aid, Bon Pollard Radio .. RA 3-9512 direct or call Huntsville Fourty-hour week ond no and trimmi ull co . : , i. ni J 5 Wr mm Fu gee wl DATIO SLABS BUG de LR NT Cains fn iol [84413 ATRO veson es ying, ses IRYRA ' . 18 - | eed. Matt built, Osh U nterprises - ST. HUBERT, Que. (CP) -- An Path we hint Mis hy STEPS & PORCHES | fe ea ry on |T9--Personal BALA ROYAL LODGE dence and laundry of uni- apology Friday saved a misun- Interior - exterior. Fres estimates. RA KILLERS {Dial RA 5-031 HRP ON winiel In APPLIANCE SERVICE forms provided for $8.00 to derstanding from gaining the 8617 WELL TILE | GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled. Made | SSFORTATION v. LC REE Christie Appliance Service Beautifully situated on Lake $12.00 per month | N ati inn. | FOUNDATIONS plastered th ] ready for spring planting and seeding. > : : status of an international inci-|poie. ane mice, Sed, om CURBING i FOR EVERY NEED Call RA 5.8985, to downtown Oshawa, arriving at 9 RA 5-1179 Muskoka, in Bala, featuring am. RA 52972. 1% | Lodwick Eiectric (Tozer) naturel sand beach, modern WE WILL REFUND COST OF dent. Ralph Gardner, RA 8.1230 147 [= 1 i 4 TRANSPORTATION AFTER hy | RA 5-6369 lodge, cabins, or annex. De- It all happened when the hefty aoa bee Temas hr wx | BROOKLIN | COOPER-SMITH | FURNACE SALES | LEARN HAIRDRESSING | si Repair Sei a SIX MONTHS OF SERVICE. | licious meals, dancing, boat- and very obvious secret service workmanship. RA 5-9168 | Women wanted, greatest RA 5.7743 ing, fishing, archery, water platoon arrived here to guard |ALL types building rr roofing, | { COMPANY | AND SERVICE | opportunity, better pay, Warner Williams Service | skiing (free instruction). TV Apply-- President Eisenhower. They SHiintiess, masonry epuirs, sidewalks | CONCRETE | . M. Mackie Co. Ltd. pleasant work catalogue Centre RA 5-3531 | and tuck shop. For your ideal SUPERINTENDENT OF shoved through RCMP lines and |*™ stoops 0394 | 16 CELINA ST. RA 5 5954 | free. Write: Marvel Hair- Members of Service Opera- | vacation, reserve early. Fold- NURSES, looked as though they were going B.3 oni RRL id an] PRODUCTS LIMITED | wi 5 dressing Schools. - Branches: | tors Association in co-opera- | ers, P.O. Box 30, Bala, or Canora Union 'Hospital, to take over security Organiza- ishing. Phone RA 3.2077. alter business | | fi . . Cleanout Service-- Hamilton, Ottawa Can- tion with the Oshawa Cham- 64 John Street West, Water- Canore, Saskatchewan, tion. | hours. Phone 155 Brooklin | RA 3 2312 $7 laber plus parts oda's National System", ber of Commerce. loo. 1494

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