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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jun 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls coos RA 3-3474 dhe Osha Fines WEATHER REPORT Partly cloudy, hot and humid, with a few scattered shunder- showers. VOL 88--No. 150 OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, JU Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy Agthorvnd AS Stepn Clots Mal TWENTY PAGES NE 27, 1959 RITE UNION HEADS DISCUSS STEEL DISPUTE MOVES 'Guards Seal Off | Air Crash Area MILAN, Italy (AP) l mored-car regiment dreds of police today seaied off! a three-mile zone of scattered % wreckage that may hold the se- | ity just 17 minutes before, It cret behind the crash of an Amer {New north toward the Swiss Alps {ican airliner in a furious summer |and into the storm. It was headed 4 | thunderstorm. All 68 aboard were for Paris and then a non-stop % Killed light to Chicago : a Bits of the giant Constellation {| Witnesses said they saw light-| were scattered in a { ining strike the four-engined Con- trail along the ground among the i [stellation Friday. Aviation ex-\opowded villages north of Milan. perts said it was more likely that ge Cuisago bound Trans saw the lightning bolt hit over 4 pieces by the violence of the|Castellanza. All reported the # | storm y {plane then turned into a fireball, " It continued aloft with its gas | Some people on the ground said oqo exploding, they said, then # {they heard the plane explode Mbit ground near Maranate, 15 | the alr There Was also the lure (miles north of here in the shadow sibility that mechanical failure| oo Alpine resort country {was Lhe cause of Italy's worst| air disaster. BREAKS IN THREE The plane Experts began their inquiry to-| day. Investigators came from |ie0es, The fuselage slammed |into the ground only 25 yards U.S. and Italian government air safety agencies and TWA from a farm building where 20 GUARD WRECKAGE members of four families were £ wraps vestizat huddled out of the driving rain Wo glu Bg gn I of |A wing fell Ji the yoods, A Diez ing e » sheared off a high- the victims will be allowed near on hog My Be Pang Do, the tangle of blackened alu- over a wide area The included cans, French, An ar- minum, all that remained of the hun-/plane that plunged into a field north of here The plane had taken off from Malpensa airport in this indusirial and a in SEAWAY PASSAGE Queen Elizabeth, with Pre ident | standing behind her, watches Eisenhower on her left and | scene ashore the Roya Prime Minister Diefenbaker ' Yacht Britannia moves through ! Yacht Carries Along Historic . a Journalists Get By ARCH MacKENZIE Included on the list of partici determination and also of Cana Canadian Press Staff Writer pants were Vice-President Rich-|dian-U.S, continuing co-operation, | Strike Warnin MONTREAL (CP) -- The regal ard Nixon of the U.S, Premier| qhe president agreed but added | g baptismal of the St. Lawrence(Frost of Ontario and Governor | that it also stands as an example, LONDON (Reuters)--The pow- Seaway accomplished, the Queen Rockefeller of New York State-- iy the free world of what democ- erful National Union of Journal- pressed deeper into the North encompassing the co-operation in-lraoies can achieve by such co-|ists Friday entered the nation. continent today along|volved in the huge mbses-Saun- ' {wide priniing dispute to American a wi that watery highway. ders hydro project. Seaway towns! When i y | - Bisnis ; were te isi " ing en il was | , the crowd | members nol work on pul 3 mixed with a pieote ii.[ Were to be visited before. ending o aod fils the crond tions if it ig clear thal "blac overnor | Brockville {blue eyes twinkling behind his|(scab) labor is assisting in pro-| I 0 prevailed Friday as the day with & half-hour call ati The presidential party was met |Slasses -- grinned at the Queen |duction." mosphere the Queen and President Eisen oer Inet Sor the first Yime on Friday morning at St, Huber{ Air land glanced around, shaking his| The Nu said that an increas | . Base, a North American air de-| head as if glad that was over. |ing minority of newspaper own- | In the eight-hour presidential fence station, by the royal couple| The president and his wife, es-\ers were resorting to "jungle visit, a ceremonial spectacular .g the Diefenbakers., Then the ¢orted by the Diefenbakers, quit| warfare" in the nine-day print-| laid official blessing on the sea- oyoun moved back to the 30-acre the yacht at Beayharnois lock in|ing dispute. A demand by 200,000| way already operating for (wo ceremonial site for the speech-|the late afternoon and flew byiprinters for a 10-per-cent pay in-| months, making helicoper back to St. Hubert to|crease and a 40-hour week has| COVINGTON, La. (AP Vio- Prime Minister Diefenbaker and The Queen, her dignity a con |Poard the Columbine II for{shut down about 1,100 newspapers, ti ppl "overnor Earl K his wife were among scores of trast with the unstudied amiabil.| Washington and 4,000 printing firms Ein SE don] Wa {way out of a state mental hospi |tal Friday and charged along a vengeance frail against politi-| cians he figures have wronged | (him. The 63-year-old governor, with| {27 days in two mental hospitals) Canadian, American and interna-|ity of Mr. Eisenhower, said in tional dignitaries attending. About her carefully-read speech that the ' 20,000 persons watched the flag- seaway is a magnificent symbol UEEN IKE S FRENCH bedecked yacht Britannia thrust|of Canadian unity, confidence and [] MONTREAL (CP) Presi- | speaking and English-speaking |behind him, savored his freedom dent Eisenhower gallantly tried | audience there was scattered, {less than an hour, then picked smoothly through symbolic Sea way gates and begin the gradual 0 M D d -. -. " 3, 1 In Collision what he called his 'western | hesitant applause. his first victim - Louisiz prairie brand" of French at As the royal yacht Britaunia |state police chief John climb toward the Great Lakes With the finishing of 21 gut lates, fanfares from silver trump ets, flag-trailing fire works and speeches, a more informal tone took. over. BRAMPTON (CP)----One the St. Lawrence Seaway In- | glipped into St. Lambert lock |Brown. | CHAT ON BRIDGE as killed and three others auguration ceremonies Friday. | following the president's speech | In the same hoarse breath, The Queen and Prince njured Friday night when His valiant effort at twisting | came a voice from a bus carry-|Long fired Brown br nan ed} Mr. and Mrs. Eisenhower dump truck collided with his tongue around the single 23- | ing a joint U.S.-Canadian par. [E. P Roy, a former B ale polce Diefenbakers spent a lo cars Highway five miles| word sentence in French in his | liamentary group head, Hs EB it Tow n po 3 4 <f OTe me X RRL ot 4 a p, \ p overnor| chatting on the .royal pe here 575-word speech drew a grin "That was pretty good pra Lice hg at in Ba in| breaking off for a lunch the driver of one from Queen Elizabeth, whose | ne French, Ike." a the sta . menta { 36 guests. Meanwhile 41 Edyand © Brien % : French pronunciation is almost The Queen, Prince Philip, Mund oville, La. annia deftly navigated illlams. Ray Wiliams of) impeccable | Mr. and Mrs. Eisenhower and |, '". ane fiving Georgetown, a passenger in M San " : Siete Th . {hurricane signals are flying, 2 : Nearly half the Prime Minister Diefenbaker all |: c : te said of Long O'Brien's car, and truck driver pi vonoding y ova > 4 informed. source said of Long: | yf dress, preceding Mr chuckled and waved to the bus. |.» y 1 John Lawrynowics, 20, of Toronto " g , . gre He's damn sore about people Droust i ital in this gs, was in French Another ery boomed from the turning their backs on him.' were brought to ospita Ti ng Prince Philip, who is not as | bus: v 8 nhl owh 20 miles west of 1oronto.| giant in French as the Queen, "We all fell in love with the | the its St. Lawrence Seaway after official opening CP Wirephoto) Queen Route | broke into three fin- Ameri British victims Italians, tionalities. | The flight had originated in {Athens but most of the passen- {gers boarded it in Milan. | | man vere a two Phi wud the of time ridge on 7 ol nh Dead | the of of A is eon wit Br car | Glen where political | an| vo locks | yefore Queen's ad- Coteau Eisennow the ies were scheduled the mixed French an { in entrance Hu ( is most is A royalty ¥ e His hometown of Trois-Rivieres in 1 Crease ~lifting her up feet p vacht pushed on | t 4 Today, the yacht pu 0 ) Another source indicated Long Both suffered head injuries applauded the president's ef- | Queen, Ike. wall area where further ceremon rit | 4 q ea i and pleted an uproarious fiscal ses- with severe head and ches! in From waved 'the drain at that session . Canadian labor on the new $f nw " ) slage-managing Even in Canada's biggest city, (of the regiment's steadfast loy- . "e = EA ( > oe : Mr. Justice Samuel H MONTREAL (CP)-- After mdergone a minor trans-|couple obviously made a deep im-|alty. the whole regiment, in an and sor a bid by the Seafarers' Interna- Tour. evidence is piling up that for Canadians. When enthusiastic and shouted a good-natured wel- | bands nal workers, ordered to be held here evidence, to, that Thursday he leaned from his i Canada might be less enthusias-|young Queen with obvious affec The board had ordered that the (irme friendlier and human|exchanged greetings with the!; avy + ing than the "Vive la Reine" she's had so far. And on his feet, of Railway, Transport and Gen- matters, at least, Prince Philip is| On previous occasions he might | : |monarchy as an integral part of Canadians under the crown out of the Canadian Labor Con- also concluded that the Queen is(Wider and she might have shyly|o cocded by a readiness to ac | d an © neat industrial city interrupt| hoard had not acted in conformity confidence and is more at ease ardor of the demonstrators, Perhaps the Queen set 'the/out and cheer the Queen wher stay of proceedings on the vote 40d beautiful smile as the crowds tny spots in Newfoundland such|Sure the royal yacht ¥ ected her anchoring for the night at yards the / rican section of I k wards the American sectior { would call a special session of| 1s \ 2 Caledon) 3 Py Nelson Lawson, 42, of Csledon| go "while Mrs. Eisenhower gig Again the party on the sion at mid-June. Some of the| juries. He was the driver of the U " Fi ht other ¢ OTTAWA (CP)----A struggle be Lawrence Seaway now hangs BY JACK BRAYLE) : | ~ Y or spotting warmth that needs|which has seen just about every-|alty to the Crown. But leaving of the Ontario t 10 days, 6000 miles nation that makes his ac-|pression. People dropped their unscheduled move, sang O Can. tional Union (Ind.) to block a rep- the monarchy still popular De > N > " mobs stopped the royal motor-|come along the royal route OBVIOUS AFFECTION next Friday by the Canada labor rejations between Queen Eliza . ca \ el t } iliza-| perch on the top of the back seat|,; : English o art ie | {tic than its English counterpart, tion and gave her one of the most| ballot carry the name of only one basis more intimate glimpse crowd while the Queen happily! : PPUY | shouted through Quebec province. he spoke of the "authority eral Workers (CIA bo: have given terse midi x r given terse in structions 10((v, ada's constitutional structure gress for raiding another CLC still as seriously dedicated to her|Withdrawn into the regal ve| | cept the n p y Pt the Queen and her family Mi reparatipns for the important vith the labor code public. Her confidence iu-| This change was first noticable 4 " | right note herself. Firsl she made ever she went Their varm until he makes his judgment a welcome in English/as Deer Lake. Here the Queen di played prominently the Cana At Quebec the mayor Landing past Beayharnois the seaway system In Corn : T x { - whe the legislature, which just com- as taken to hospital in Toronto gled annia's bridge laughed governor's pet bills went down ar tween two umions for control of part on a judge's decision Canadian Press Staff Writes wl a nt recognition, Prince Philip has|thing there is lo see, the royal/no doubt it was 'Canadian' loy- day night 1 od decis 5 is ns h Wa : | Friday night reserved decision on 5.000 handshakes of the Royal ceptance more natural and easy/impersonal and blase approach/ada to accompaniment of massed resentation vote of the 900-odd ca- with canadians " i " " | cade in downtown Montreal > rg o | As for any suggestion French-| Premier Duplessis talked to the relations board beth and the people seem on ajand laughingly shook hands and th k . : oA [there has been no warmer greet-| enjoyabhe dinner conversations union, the Canadian Brotherhood of shows that in mar smiled in obvious amusement. |; {The old formal acceptance of|liberty" of French speaking 0 S v scent \ terans x | the police escol 0 > p pat nd The Seatmrers, recent! OWE Veterans of other tours have e escort to open the pa | ceems definitely to have been union, argued that the ~labor|role as ever but she has greater|serve and perhaps cooled the! 4 ore TSC 1 V8 . M a more personal and homey way. | Jean Baptiste Day: to turn Mr. Justice Hughes ordered a and brings out a wide at the beginning. of the tour in| / : Britannia hearted greeting obviously af or French. There is little sign of and little groups of spectators/dian Ensign a flag certainly he evident on her first tour--in 1951 | been proximity. Here, |the Union Jack dren, talked to her on a subject]! me, and without appearing t00, the villagers had never seen| Then she moved close and with|close to the Quebec heart--|¢ to royal dignity, she is/Tovally and they first treated its reverence and respect io the Ro-|raising families. Then with al-| more ready to smile back, or to|aPpearance almost reverently. man Catholic service of blessing most fatherly affection he tucked "give" in the language of the|/But the royal tourists were easy (the colors, just before she pre-| her into the back seat of her car and informal and the warm re (sented them Tuesday to Can-|for a roaring ovation through the sponse on both sides had an air|ada's crack French regiment--|old streets of the town. It! MINOR TRANSFORMATION of friendly understanding thatithe Royal 22nd--at Quebec. She prompted her to rise to her feet] And one step bebind her in seems in keeping with the times heard the commander tell her|in acknowledgement, something v |protocol but often a jump shead/and the of this soot |emotionelly im be French tongue she shyly avoided the inet time uneasy CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 53-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 This t lose Stage 3 ¥ three-mile | People on the ground said they| and several other European na | | national and tisement in the local newspaper quickly conducting who has|Stores ) ! = oy i id 3 ws nervous shyness that was Were left in what could have/More acceplable to Quebec than pine children and 13 grandchil-|pons with a face value of $1.65 | nounced it would redeem all fooc face value. Canada Safeway Lim alue for the original Dominion hook Method To End Deadlock Sought By NORMAN WALKER [refusal to improve present eel NEW YORK (AP) -- The Steel- (contracts in any manner and Me- {workers Union called its leaders| Donald is insisting hat industry [together today to deal with a(Piviis am product vity Rain # | complete impasse in negotiations Warrant a wage increase plus im- # (for a new contract in the shee] | provements in pension and other od | industry. enetits on With bargaining at a standstill, | ° cDonald has not made publie ? | neither the industry nor the union|the settlement provesals he has i |could agree on how negotiations|Biven the industry. e more "i | gi {should resume ! this morning to "review the en: 2 {larger than ever pointless and only a "farcical fili-| "4 |ing steel firms ons iovited to the official On " by R. Conrad Cooper, executive grets" that they cannot attend {about 1,500 acceptances received, [than 500,000 workers in the basic The industry's top brass in turn |g | vice president of U.S, Steel Corp., | officials of the leutenant-gover. [they said. | Thi t Davi .. | Stee ills e U.S. average | Union President David J. Mc-|steel mills in the U | Donald summoned his 33-man un-| $3.10 an hour by the latest calcu tire situation." | The danger of an economy-crip McDonald balked at continuing| - . |talks with a four-man industry| 1g nner buster." . . Instead, he proposed a meeting! nvitation |flatly rejected McDonald's Pro: | tario government dinner to be The executives said the | held Monday evening for the vis has complete industry backing | pops staff said and authority About - 1,760 invitations have lion executive board into session | ® ions. i pling strike ou Wednesday loomed bargaining team, He said it was| | with executives of the dozen lead-| TORONTO (CP)--Some 250 per- / {four-man industry team head iting royal couple have sent "'re- The industry is sticking to its | peen sent out for the dinner and "WALKING THE DECK | a | | St. Lawrence Fog ». . |said they were going to the open- The Queen's coat flares out ag | the Britannia during passage | Delays Britannia ling of the Stratford Shakespear- she sirides along the deck of | up the St. Lawrence Seaway. | ean Festival that { (CP Wirephoto) » RNWALL (CP) ~ | the St. Lawrence River today be- ONCE SEAMED tween Montreal and this Seaway 4 leity. The start of the Ontario leg jof the Royal Tour was set back h at least two hours. wi was tied up at Coteau Landing|tario rooms at the Royal York {just above the Beauharnois locks Hotel. Officials said all seats have {30 miles east of Cornwall been filled, Now Forgotten R Fill By MURRAY ROSE good idea to knock the other guy eco er 1 S NEW YORK (AP)--By winning out of the ring, but by all means, a the 'world heavyweight boxing|Protect yourself." It has worked championship, Ingemar Johans-|--he's unmarked awa Oo ers real-life drama that Hollywood |into the top contender's spot with| TT (CP)--Eo 3 ORD, March wouldn't believe a sensational, first-round knock forma ae Fr ed Wy yours wing ent Nearly seven years ago at Hellou of No. 1 contender, Califor-| given a fillip to the government's! The tax increases provided in sinki, Finland, Johansson, then|nian Eddie Machen, at Goteborg tax collections the April 9 budget apparently had 9, was disqualified for running(last Sept. 14 | Revenues for April and May|little effect on the LY ac- heavyweight final against Cali-jcutier, Johansson invested his {400,000 a year ago, Finance Min- although they showed up in an fornian Eddie Sanders, who later|ring earnings and now is worth|ister Fleming reported Friday|improved condition of the old age died from blows suffered in ($400,000 in a trucking firm and a/night in his monthly statements|security fund from which the professional bout | fishing trawler lon the status of his budget ac-| $55 monthly old age pensions are It was a bitter memory. Few| One of Sweden's best-dressed| counts. paid stigma, Swedish headlines read{model, his hobbies include goif,!sury to enjoy a budgetary sur-iof $5,800,000 in May--the smallest "Ingemar, for shame." |swimming, skiing, fishing flying [Plus of $87,200,000 for the first| monthly deficit since October, That's all forgotten now. Inge-|and driving sports cars. He|!Wo months of the fiscal Ear 1937, his: SoM ; mar is the first Swede to win a| stands cix feel, one-half inch. |Sombared Wh & Surpiis hi $54, 5 For oN Sofmal budgetary = world professional boxing cham-| Ingo was married at 17 but di-| {00 0 in April-Vay 'asi year. coums; du. Senyng repo: > iti ag i 7. ectiohs . "il. o heavyweight champion without al has a daughter Jean. Johansson| So" ALT Wigs during, May, iecione Jor AD Mat 2. defeat His won-lost pro record takes out attractive Birgit Lund-| only $1,400,000 |ago. Corporation income taxes is 2240 | gren but doesn't plan to marry| This gave Mr. Fleming a run | climbed to $183,900,000 from $162,- After victory after victory as alagain imanediately ining start on a fiscal year for|300,000 and sales tax collections pro he won the European crown | marry," he says. '9 budget speech, a deficit of $3983,-1000. chi in 13 rounds Sept. 30 1956, - - more Johansson began to draw inte altention again -- this time favorable. His early career was influenced tude, but now he says "It is a Coupon War N R 1 w Raging LONDON, Ont, (CP) Four opened a free butter war Steinberg's Limited of Mont real. which purchased the Grand Jnion chain, is offering to. give one pound of butter to every cus CO! The royal 4 acht Britannia lay foghound in| esas 0% { ' Ingo's Defeat ed 1 Cle Tan al, ome a te Hot vr son wrote a thrilling climax to a] The 198-pound Swede vaulted) nd not fighting" in the Olympic| The son of a humble stone {jumped to $471,800,000 from 33,- counting reported Friday night, | men could have gone on with the men and a part - time clothes] The increase helped the trea-| The pension fund had a deficit pionship and fourth to become|vorced less than a year later. Hel irtually all of the improved po-irise in person incuine. tag oof i "I don't believe boxers should|which he has forecast, in his April|rose to. $97,400,000 from $83,000, by stopping Italy's Franco Cavic- by his manager's cautious atti- London supermarket chains have tomer purchasing $5 worth of ih "1goods atl its stores and presenting a coupon clipped from ils adver-|§ | h 1% 4 | and Dominion Stores] announced they would] give two pounds of buiter for| Loblaws saw practically everybody in the|every Steinberg newspaper cou-| pon with $5 in goods purchased at} their stores In Edmonton three of the city's argest food chains have been coupon battle for weeks when a booklet a last four started issued he It Dominion | of cou 0 be used in connection with the ppening of a new store Loblaw Groceierias then - an- BEAT IT, Y his opinions about pi e Task a He was found on Scugog Island in | by his master, Allan Andersen, | chain coupons at double thei A BUM! hotograph- 9, of 426 Lous LAM | Po y 1 ted followed with a similar offer Now all three--Dominion, Lob- 'Get out of here with that aw and Safeway give $3.30 t ) re amera I ha y "Jack" the crow screams at the eameraman. Although set ia street Oshawa, little embarassed at his pet's behaviour. Oshawa Times Photo, let,

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