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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jun 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Edge Stoutfville 14-12 14-Dis wer To Lead League 5 Pts. Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. Wes! Manager: Lloyd Robertson ~~] avy SCHOOL IS OUT -- tninking more of swimming, | of the Colborne Street School in Whitby throw their books and papers in than the three "R's" students | the ai they emerge from the Millers Bow To Petes Penalty-Ridden Game Lacrosse fans who journeyed begin with, turned into a mass of game down to the Whitby arean on flying arms and legs when Del Thursday night probobly ' came parlano, of the Petes, and home disappointed at the show. Tran, scrappy Miller forwar not because it cause: ing of the Whitby Millers who| suddenly took a violent dislike the Millers' defeat by any stretch were dumped 14-4 but there was for each other, When the dust had|cf the imagination, but no question but what they had settled, each was banished from|glaring inconsistancies resulted their share of excitement in the the game with a match miscon-|in the game's blowing wide open penalty-filled affair, duct penalty. which means The game, which erupted in/automatic one-game suspension the second period when a fight This outbreak was the on the floor continued in the pen-| point of feeling which were rising majority come to cee a lacrosse alty box, saw 94 minutes and two|in temperature right from the game and, in large part, it is the match misconducts handed out by|opening whistle. On the score-|offciating which either keeps a officials Scoop Hayes, of Mimico!sheeet the Petes outplayed the game under control or lets it and Ken Giles, of Brampton. |Millers for a 9-2 score which slide into donnybrook. The Millers, in dropping their| cemented the game for the visit-' . " third game of the year to Peter- ors, SUMMERY borough, showed obvious faults] When the third period rolled|First Period: which plauged them earlier in|around, the players apparently] 1. Peterborough, Grant the year. Their shooting was! had lost their desire for any more| 2. Peterborough, Drummond horrible as time and again they nonsense and only three sentences Rutten 7:08 either missed the net or shot|were handed out. Here, again Peterborough, Drummond straight at goalie Connors in the/the Petes dominated the play, 10:40 Pete's net. The Millers also re-|outscoring the Millers 4-2 turned to their pussyfoot type of, Brian Gibson and Glen Lotton play in showing lack of hitting added their efforts to Ken Ross' and hard checking, tally of the second and Lotton's The Petes, who were reported first goal for a four-goal count to in trobule a couple of week: INRR ago, because of player troubles NO EXCUSES and dissension in the squad, were The Millers: culd make no ex- a well-oiled machine on Thursday|Cuses for this one. They were at 6 night as they took command right| full strength, with the exceptior at the start, built themselves a 4-1/0f Herb Tran, and were simply| 7 edge at the end of the opener outplayed in every department! 8 and a 9-2 mark at the end of the except goal-tending where Matt Public | school building. With school out gleefully | until September 8, Whitby Po- lice Chief George Rankin warned drivers to be extra baseball and outdoor activities J Y league-leading Club offici against the Brampton Exclsiors ,| officiating {out of seeing a flare-un, such a 2:11 Peterborough, Grant, Connor Whitby, Lotton 17:3 Penalties: B. Campbell, Vit eff, B. Gibson, Curtis Rutten, Grandy, Perry (misconduct), B Gibson Second Period: 5. Peterborough, 12:08 1 Drummond Peterborough, Ruttan Peterborough, Drummond Whitby, Ross, Davis NOW FOR THE SWIMMING Paul|ls wre highly displeased with the because an|Although a lot of fans get a bang boiling|occurred on Thursday, the greater A accident which occurred as Grillsisengers. By TED MUNNS [Irene Kehoe came through The local ladies' softball club|ber third hit of the night. /|travelled to Stouffville on Wed. next batter, Gwen Ei nesday night and defeated {homesters in the yest game 0 jaar When Shey i ey second tie up the game with a double to |wiz i» two nights against the/left field. |Stouffville squad and put the | Whitby team in a five-point |in league standings. This was {fourth meeting of the two clubs [ is i r gals chalking| this season with our gals Bl ning. The Stouffville squad man- the|ground ball by Virginia Brown and the locals had the lead for the! § up three wins to date. | Joan Nicholson was on the| {mound for the visiting Whitby club and came up with her third | win against one defeat as she out- lasted her opponent Jean Hal-| stead. Joan gave up 15 hits as failed to score. for the night in | mates. | |three for six with the aforemen-|ship bid. |, The local club played a Very(i;neq triple and had five runs| {loose galte dor the in? Jew an batted in nings and twice saw a lead dis- 4 r membel R appear and tien lost it for the _ However, every me mber on the |remainder of the game but came back strongly in the last inning and rallied for five runs after two| were retired to win the contest 14 to 12, The local club scored once in the first on three hits and two ? errors. The home club came right {back with a single tally to tie|' the game, HOMESTERS TAKE LEAD The Whitby club carried on in " the second where they left off in the first and scored two runs on? one hit and two errors, but ti lead was short lived as the Stouff-| ville squad came right back with four tallies of their own to take a lead that held until the ninth in- ning. Five errors, along with i two base hits accounted for the scoring. ¢ Stouffville added four more / runs in the third on five hits and ? tyo iocal miscues. Whitby added? single tallies in the fourth, fifth? and sixth, the last two on home f {runs by Gwen Campbell and)? | Nancy Campbell. The home team kept pace with the visitors as they in turn added singles in the fifth and sixth, BIG TRIPLE The seventh inning proved to be the turning point in the game, for the «local club as both the| |batting and fielding started to click and they scored three runs) 3} to bring the score to eleven to|¥ nine in favor of the home team.| weman will be the A single, a double and a walk Bu st of the RCAF in Ottawa on|lpaded the bases with two out | Tuesday, June 30, when she will when Irene Kehoe came to bat. attend the unveiling of a mem:|and drilled a three-bagger into| orial plaque by Queen Elizabeth. |centre field to clear the bases. Mrs. Arthur Wigston, of 300|prvE RUN RALLY Centre Street N., will travel to} , i Ottawa by train where will The home team added a single be met by other wo Willlrun to their total in the eighth \ r women who have the catcher, Doreen Jarvis, | lost their sons in the service of fed off with a home run to make | their country. An Oltawa mem- ihe 'score read 12 to nine. The ber of the Silver Wings Associa-|yerchants displaying some ter- | tion, which Mrs. Wigston belongs rific "never-say-die" spirit, came| to, will act as hostess for several|to pat in the top of the ninth days to the group who will 'ar.|ywith every determination and it| rive on Tuesday from Windsor,|pai B-vear i i Whitby, Leamington, Kingston paid oft. two batters were re- Fi Jyesrold Whithy Suge and several other towns in south-|tired with little effort and it ire beth p Monday when Her ern Ontario. |seemed that it was all over when |y ave OH or maronto tor 8 The Silver Wings Association|Bev of na picked up her first| Majesty aha Bc 0) f Byron of which Mrs. Wigston is a mem- hit of the night and it seemed | YiSit: isan SS of the co ber is founded of women who|to lift the locals. Nancy Camp | Street who 1s Boicen Oo re have lost their sons or husbands bell followed with another single | Veted Gold Cord, bid ! #1 = Sens in the service of the air force.'and the first run scored when ed in High Park where the Queen a -- a - ------ will be making a tour. The gold cord award, Which is highly prized and extremely dif- ficult to receive, is an award which any guide would be proud to receive. To attain such an award, a lot of studying and de- votion is required for the many tests which Susan Cuddy re ceived. ; It is a planned program from SS SESE careful of the children now that the summer holidays have started McCulloch Mother To Attend Plague Unveiling A Whitby Photo by A GUIDE SUS she To Meet By TED MUNNS Youth Acquitted Impaired Driving A Whitby youth has won an|Grills had not been drinking on acquittal on an impaired driving the day. of the accident charge heard in Campbel'ford] McCoy admitted drinking but the beginning of the Guide's police court this week. Ronald said that the odor of liquor which|work in Ww hich her captain Grills, 18, of 306 Chestnut St. W., the officers detected may have | watches her train right from the appeared before Magistrate R.| come from a bottle of beer which tenderfoot class up through Sec- B. Baxter on Thursday was broken in the crash, scat-lond Class Guide to the First The charge arose out of an|tering its contents over the pas-|Class Guide tests A Guide has to be of excepgional quality to witness, Mrs. | pass all the tests which are given was leaving the village of Wark-| An independent | with team came through with a big| The |hit at one point of the game or Campbell, |another the| walked to load the bases and set team effort always pays off for |the scene for the very reliable the team was somewhat short- {local catcher, Isobel Eyman, to handed with two of the regular infielders missing. spirit along with the fine pitching Both these runners scored when |of Joan Nicholson was completely lead |the shortstop booted a hard hit responsible for the win. Mavis Trunk and Doreen Jarvis first time since the second in- with three hits apiece. aged to get one runner on base point lead over the second place in their half of the inning but Stouffville squad. The next home game will be Tuesday evening al The locals had two big batters! the town park against the fourth Nancy Campbell|place East York Billets. Game {and Irene Kehoe. Nancy had five time 8.15, so why nok come out|letter boxes or 0 |for five including a homer run and show the girls that you are against 16 collected by her 1647" and had three rbi's. Irene was|behind them in their champion- Gold Cord Guide second. Campbell came through with al 9 fi is 3 sr CAMPBELL TOPS ine display right to the bitter end For the Millers, Matt Campbell] If the Millers hope to win more deserves a pat on the back for|ball game: they have to sharpen the terrific chore he did in the up their shooting and more im- nets, 48 shots is a big night's portantly, they have to start to work for any goaltender and hit again. No team is going to Campbell who is just about the score 14 goals if the players best netminder in lacrosse any. know that every time they come where, was responsible for thelinto the Whitby zone they are go score not being higher as he turn-|ing to get knocked on their pants. ed aside shot after shot which was| There's no need for illegal play labelled all the way to do this, just good clean bump. The Pete's built up a 4-0 lead ing that keeps a player's head up 'on goals by Grant and Drummond when he comes over the blue line each with a pair, before Glen! Until the Millers resume the Lotton got .the Millers on the hard-hitting type of play that let score sheet, with an unassisted! the Long Branch Monarchs know effort at 17:34 they were in a lacrosse game and There were indications of what not at a garden party , they will was to come in the opening period | continue to lose games. : as six minors and one miscon.| \ 2 OW duct penalty were handed out. CRACK THE WHIP WILD PERIOD Coach Jim Cherry has a pract- scheduled for Monday at the The second was a wild affair arena and it's a sure bet that the which threatened to get out of|fiery freshman coach will be hand late in the period. The pen- cracking the whip to get his team alty box filled to capacity to tuned up for next Thursday's BROC NOW PLAYIN THE ise WHITBY Phone MO 8-3618 EVENING SHOWS 7 & 9 P.M. FEATURE STARTS AT 7:15 & 9:40 LAUGH OF YOUR LIFETIME! All the rowdy romance and hi-jinx of thé boisterous best-seller are on the screen! DONT GO NEAR THE WATER |, M-G-M presents it in CinemaScope and METROCOLOR os GLENN FORD GIA SCALA EARL HOLLIMAN - ANNE FRANCIS ra KEENAN WYNN- FRED CLARK EVA GABOR RUSS TAMBLYN JEFF RICHARDS SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS AT 1:30 oy 4 10 11. Pel Vit Peterborough, Cannon erborough, Cannon eff 12. Peterborough, Knox Pena Anthony, C son, Delp pararo Rutten, P. Tran, Ruttan, B Gib- ro, Stephenson, Del- Y P. Tran (match). Ities Third Period: 13. Whitby 14. Pet B. Gibson, Ross 1:34 erborough 4 Cannon 1 14. Peterborough, Cannon .. 1:45 15. Pet Drummond 16. Whitby, 17. Pet 18. Pet Dru Pena son Piano Results erhorough, Perry, 14:45 17:07 17:56 Lotton erborough, Vitneff erborough, Perry, mmond 19:19 ties: Grant, Platt, B. Gib worth and, in attempting to pa R. Maycock, who resides near another vehicle, his car toppled |the accident scene, also told the down a bank to come to rest 37|court that she had observed the feet from the roadway, causing accused following the accident. | about $1,100 damage She said that he appeared nerv-| Cpl. Eadie and PC Rutherford,ous and shaky as a result of the of the Campbellford Detachment| accident but said that he did not| of the OPP, told the court that| appear to be under the influence | théy smelled a strong odor of|of liquor. alcohol on Grills and both said| In argument, Mr. Kelly claimed| that he was unsteady on his feet. that the accused's condition may| her. A Guide who wishes to qualify for the Gold Ratepayers Call For Council Help Defense counsel Kelly, of Oshav cused and a pas , called the a c-'the accident and that the odor enger in his car|of liquor may have come from ciation, at the time of the accident, James the smashed bottle. McCoy, 26, also of Whitby. They| defense witnesses. would give Grills the benefit of seek relief and two other Albert Hollings, of Whitby, ar the accused's mother, swore th Magistrate Baxter said that he nd any * doubt and dismissed the at'charge. = Frigate Whitby's whitby Students | Royal Welcome The following cessful tions held recently Conservatory ronto ir arrange is a list of suc- candidates in examina by the Rova of Music of To n Whitby. The names are »d in order of merit GRADE V THEORY Harm tory an Harm ony, Counterpoint, His- d Form ony and History: Pass ~-- Lynda Smyth GRADE Harm A. Bus Hasting . IV THEORY Catherine Gloria G ony: Honors -- h. Pass S. GRADE Ili THEORY Harm - Thai Harm Suse zel, B Honors Menzel Diane Uta Me Histor Glennys GRADE First Bloye Maidlow ridge Clapham Allan Joanne Teresa Mary: GRADE Firt ( Croxall; Falby; Stevens (eq ony and History: Honors s MacDonald ony: First Class Honors n Cudav; Gudrun Men- aiba Zelmenis equal). y Menzel; Kate E. Frost; Pass - nzel; Sandra Stanway ry: First Class Honors - Cresswell II THEORY Class Honors Patricia Clayton MacKay Gary Barbara J. Brecken- Jan B. Buttars, Mary G equal); Kathleen Dianne E. Richardson Lindsey: Susan Morison Stiffler (equal Honor in Hardy I THEORY Honors Donna Dowden Beverley Walker. lass Murr ay Diane Terence V.|have been caused as a result of| Port Whitby Ratepayers Asso- long - calling for relief from an aromatic creek to the |cast of their community, now from an aromatic |dump on the opposite flank. At |a meeting of the association in the Brock St. School this week, members decided to appeal to council to solve their problem. Members complained that the sanitary land fill project, now underway along the site of a new street west of Charles St., was ivi but sanitary. They said that it does not comply with If plans progress along the!group which will be on display at|standards of sanitation for such !ilines already drafted by a spe-|the Canadian National Exhibition|work and claimed it was a breed- cial committee of the Chamber|and it comes to Whitby following | ing place for rodents and dis- of Commerce, the toyal Navy frigate Whitby harbor in could well become occasion man of a committee the events for the two-day made a preliminary report to visit Whitby an meeting of the Chamber of Com-|gaid that it is expected that the merce directors . on Thursda evening The with a compl officers and Whitby frigate ment of 200 wil larrive in morning of Sept main here until the morning ¢ th on Sept. 8, over the Labor Day holi- plans for the two-day visit of the day. The frigate is one of men, 6 and will re- welcoming committee had al- Mayor Harry Jermyn reported he had contacted the De- a| Whitby harbor very shortly. He Y | harbor will be dredged to a depth sufficient to allow the Whithy to I*!'tie up in the harbor at the spot used by the oil tankers. €| Mr. Conrad reported that the f iready held a meeting to outline al frigate. Suggestions had been made, he said, for a drumhead PERSONALS service at the Centennial Park, a service, he said, which might be under the leader hip' of Mrs. R. M Mr. and Mrs | Byron street Gow, daughter Frank rerth, who is member of St. Andrew's Presby terian Church at Kingston, received invitation t attend the service at United Church on Sunday, when Queen Elizabeth Prince an official Jun Mr. Sam Brett is spending th day will be among the thousand of people who will be Queen Elizabeth and Philip. has party Sydenham | cers and | Whitby residents might Philip will worship with|invite crew members into their|Whitby. Members complained of the congregation in that church. homes for the week end and en. [the condition of the of the an invitation issued by the Whit-|ease. to by Chamber of Commerce. September | historic| that Arthur Conrad, chair-/partment of Public Works and ranging had been advised that dredging visit, | project will be underway in the Several association members reported that rats, coming from the dump, are now invading homes and garages in Port Whit by and that the odor from the the odor from the east, emanat- ing from the creek The association passed a re- solution asking the Ontario Muni- cipal Board's opinion on council's decision to allow a marine office to be built on the south side of Front St. The members claimed that the Zoning By-law design- ates this area as general indus. try and as such, according to the by-law "within general indus. trial zones, no land shall be used and no building shall be erected, altered or used for the purpose Branch 112 of the Canadian of | Legion. Roberts, He said that preliminary plans| al call '"|course, and possibly a garden or similar event, for an 0 informal meeting with the offi-| He said that it had also suggested that interested wish to] e been tertain them individually of human habitation." Members said that there is no personal brief involved but they for a civic welcome, of questioned the decision of council to allow the office to be moved to that site The association will also send a letter to council asking the town to improve the bathing con- ditions at the beach in Port beach and noted that there appeared to be € Mayor Jermyn reported that alan absolute senc y ba weeke Tor . > . ) | . absence of any bath- weekend in Toronto and on Mon- meeting has been arranged next ing facilities. S week for the chamber commit. visit, They noted that school vaca- Seeing tee and Navy officials to draft tion starts this week and child- Prince | further plans for the Whitby's| ren of the town could be expected to descend upon the beach in west is fast becoming a mate for| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, June 27, 1959 § and proved that a real se This team su The home club was led by The win gave the locals a five- department has announced, said, that there will definitely be no mail carrier service until at rvice in Whitby, now finds it- self with another job of per- asion. They have to persuade Whitby citizens to instal letter boxes to allow the service to begin, The problem came up at this week's meeting of the Chamber directorate when they learned, through Mayor Harry Jermyn, that the last survey by postal inspectors per cent showed that only 32 of the households had letter slots. The Ask Residents To Instal Letter Boxes The Whitby Chamber of Com- |merce, which spent considerable effort persuading the postal de- partment to grant home carrier least 80 per cent of the homes have such installations. He suggested that the cham- ber might conduct a door to door visit in which the canvasser checked homes where no box was out and reminded the household- er that his omission was causing a delay in the new mail service. A campaign such as this, it was pointed out, would almost exhaust the limited funds of the chamber although it would prob. ably be the most effective. After further discussion, a mo. tion passed authorizing the secre tary to contact the school prine ciples on Friday to ask them to remind the pupils to see that the he|boxes were installed if not al- ready out. This will be followed up by an advertising campaign LINE SCORE: Whitby 120 111 305 14-16-11 Stouffville 144 011 010 12-15- 8, Guaranteed Roofing ® Asphalt Shingle ® Tar & Gravel ® Built Up Asphalt Roofing by men with experience, GET AN ESTIMATE BY PHONING MO .8-3724 C. B. FOSTER & SON PROGRAMME OF SOLO ond ENSEMBLE WORK FOR TWO PIANOS iI be given by pupils of Edith Summer assisted by Margaret Frost, Soprano, MONDAY EVENING JUNE 29th 7:30 p.m. WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH Silver collection for Choir Fund. N CUDDY TIMES SUBSCRIBERS IN WHITBY FOR MISSED PAPERS AND WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE BELL TAXI MO 8-311 If you have not received your Times, ohone your carrier boy first, If you are unable to con- tact him by 7.00 p.m. PHONE BELL TAXI CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN 7-7:30 P.M. ONLY DEVELOPED 24-HOUR SERVICE Do justice to your pictures, make sure they are sharp ond clear, bring them to RIGLER'S STORE 200 BROCK ST. §. MO 8-9022 Queen |years of age before her applica- 'tion is made and completed all |but the "Be Prepared' challenge three months prior to her 17th}. birthday She must be a First Class| Guide an4 hold the "Little House" "Woodecraf 1- blems and the Campers badge, She must be recommended by the 'Court of Honor of her com. pany, her Captain and her Com-| mandment of .a Guide Camp which she has attended during the previous 18 months. The candidates will undertake | | a "Be Prepared Challenge" fol-| lowing reports and recommenda- {| tions, as well as completed ap- plication forms to the Provincial Commissioners, put in by the] Commissioner. This challenge is | arranged by the Guider or a group of guiders appointed by the province. This will test whe- ther the guide can apply her knowledge she has acquired through the past years in Guid- ing, has courtesy and common sense and can act intelligently | | | | There's music and fun 8 P.M. and laughter . .. when skaters get together! Let's waltz . . . let's skate and enjoy ourselves tonight! :| WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA SKATING EVERY TUESDAY AND SATURDAY (great numbers, They will ask council to improve the area for this purpose. | A delegation from the associa- tion will approach the traffic committee of council to seek a !solution for two congested areas, the intersection of Brock and Victoria and the intersection of |Brock and Watson St. Members caid that the congestion which occurrs at these intersections merits some sort of traffic con- trol. Whithy Churches LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY Now You Can Relax | | | ; | Toke Core of EVERYTHING e oo o that can experience places will The from Tips Sobtome 'e FREE DELIVERY OF TICKETS o PAY LATER PLAN ¢ EUROPEAN GROUP TRAVEL | . . | Agency personal on particular give you Travel and {| INDIVIDUALLY ARRANGED TOURS OVERSEAS CONTACTS No Service Charge No Parking Problems DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE | Located at HARRY DONALD LTD. 300 DUNDAS E., WHITBY PHONE MO 8-3304 or RA 5.4831 FAITH BAPTIST 421 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, B.Th. Assistant. Mr, R. Roxburg 9:15 AM, RADIO BROADCAST 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP Speaker: Mr. John Harper, of Africa 7 P.M :00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Our Pastor speaking Guest Musicians Josh and Jean Maffey WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John Smith, B.A, B.D. Minister Mrs, J. Beaton, ARC.T. Organist 11 AM. MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 AM, Girls ond Boys 9 years and over In AM Girls and boys under 9 years 1AM Infant Care --= Junior Worship St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BYRON ST. S. AT ST. JOHN ST, 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 AM. BEGINNERS CLASS AND JUNIOR CONGREGATION EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV, GERRIT REZELMAN 11 e.m~--Dutch Service 11 a.m.--Sunday School in English 7 p.m.--English Service Everyone Is Heartily Welcomed Whitby Baptist Church Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W, E. Summers, AT.CM. 10 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM MORNING SERVICE 7 PM EVENING WORSHIP TERRA

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