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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jun 1959, p. 6

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i Ea] i -------------------------------------------------------- 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, June 27, 1959 YY 'Rotary Greets 'New President | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- chairmanship of Rotarian Al | President Rex Walters of the Ro-|Strike. He thanked committee tary club, Fridav turned the chairmen, executive and mem- gavel over to president - elect|bers for the support given him George Vice, who will take over|during his term in office. his new duties July 1. In return,| The new president said he has the new president presented Ro-|tried to select as committee {tarian Walters with his past|chairmen members who are not |president's pin. | past-presidents, in order that the According to past president others may '"'get to know the Vales, the Sib has Joes up Workings of Rotarv better". |pumber of changes during Ue giy new members were induct- | past year. He said the one which| 4 into the club during the past "THEATRE GUIDE | Biltmore ~ "Verboten", 12.45, | 3.50, 7.00, 10.15 p.m. "Face of a Fugitive", 2.25, 5.35, 8.50 p.m. Last complete show starts | at 8.40 p.m. i |Brock (Whitby) -- "Don't Go| Near the Water", 7.15 and 9.40 p.m. Last complete show 9.00 | pm. Marks -- "Thunderhead, Son of |meetings was nine, and at the 46 regular meetings the average |attendance was 87.46 per cent, | and 24 members had a perfect at-| tendance record. | ROYAL YACHT IN SEAWAY The Royal Yacht Brittania, | notables is seen starting its | symbolic gate at St carrying H.M. Queen Eliza- | historic voyage up the St. Law- | beth, Prince Philip and man rence Seaway after cutting the | Que. --~CP Wirephoto UNITED COUNTIES COUNCIL Approves $950,000 Cobourg High Schoo the| Golden Meadows Lodge was not pur- acceptable to the council, the matter was left in abeyance. Lambert, COBOURG (Staff) United Kay property and part of Counties council wound up its Fitzhugh property was two-day session with the passing chased for $39,000. of bylaws Friday afternoon. Construction will begin as soon A bylaw to equalize assess-|as possible so that it will be!the whole council stood for two ment for the various municipal ready by September minutes in silence about the time ities in accordance with the as-| Authorization was also given|the funeral was taking place in sessor's report, passed without aifor the borrowing against deben-' Bowmanville of R. O. Jones, 1937| which to warden of the United Counties. protest. tures of $310,000 with school Cobourg's equalized assess- build a new high at! Before the council adjourned, ment for taxes to be levied in Brighton. Warden G. B. Rickard said that 1960 is $11,108,281, a decrease in| A bylaw to provide partial in-/while his plans forthe warden's Jaseasment of $882,902, but tis demnity to farmers for loss of picnic were not definitely settled, is offset by an increase in the horses, cattle, goats, sheep and he asked the members to keep percentage of liability. ~_ |swine from rabies since April 1,| Wednesday July 22, open. The 1960 percentage of liabil-|1959 and to appoint one or more, The council then adjourned jo is set ay [S417 Whereas valuers to apportion loss was and will likely sit again toward ast year it was 15.3677 passed the end of July or the beginning Cobourg bears the biggest Appointed valuers were Reeve of August. share of Habuity among he bh " A Hooton, Cavan; Reeve Di" o-- municipal iit Port Ope 15. ne xt C. Johnston, Haldimand: Reeve hy, aie Pernt 25 Argue, uamers and penis (3 PQICL@ - ' A. + Reeve G. Rickard, Darlington. Jesolo all municipalities is Thev will be paid a fee of $5 "Third reading was given to a Pe' investigation, and 10c per bylaw authorizing the borrowing mile travelling expense against debentures of $950,000 to On provide Cobourg Distriet High property - School board with funds with Charles Johnston, Cobourg tion certificates were. presented which to build a new high school. chairman, the resignation of Mr. 06 rade eight pupils from The new school will be built on and Mrs. Wm. Duncan, superin- ree puatic scheols at the Burn the former Kay property. It will/tendent ana matron of the Home OR ot Scr Thirsday might. have 18 rooms including a gym- for the Aged was accepted. The "° " ; $ ) a pasium, a cafeteria, two general matter of a pension will be friends fil ed he shop rooms, a music and art/given further consideration auditomium - for the event. 1 room, three science laboratories! The recommendation that the the graduates were boys 45 and a library classroom. The name of the home be changed to were girls. They qualify for entry ALONG THE LAKESHORE HS. Board Chairman Warns Municipalities agricultural recommendation of the committee, Reeve . oopouRG (Staff) -- Gradua: Parents and of (RATEPAYERS ACT world's foremost The newly-formed Bowman- countries ville Ratepayers Association is| He has had a long expevgnce i not letting the grass grow under as a registered seed grower and | ia its feet. Council is already won. seed cleaning plant operator. His| tration in Durham county has dering where the new body is| success in the field brought asked for further time to review going to get busy next about his Sjevation to She exacu- its findings. However, it has def-| It has called for a breakdown tye of J i SERN ee) initely stated one fact. It is total- of garbage costs, and some of hing ES ly against Bowmanville and the questions relating to the de- of the Standards Committee of Derlington township setting up| partment would indicate that). executive council over a year hop _ tor Seibel es in High somephe is not too happy about ago, and has received many oc! siness. something onors for his services t Reeve Budge and his commit-| It is in the cards that someone BO a aryce othe tee are apparently not going to will want to know the actual cost jump to any conclusions. They of the Liberty street sewers have apparently considerable Nothing has been mentioned . . sympathy with the high school at least in OPEN council . . board which has attempted to about the project since it started please everyone, and succeeded SAYS OAC RESTRICTED . in, as usual in such cases, pleas-! peter Newell, one of the bet To the Highway ing no one. ter known Durham tobacco farm-' COBOURG (Staff) Bearded By ANGUS GORDON District Editor | The special committee set up| Mariner Takes he considered most important was Rotary year, bringing the pres- and | During the afternoon session, | all at home. Are Graduated the move from the Balmoral|, "on oiment to 49. Secretary Hole bo. the Wiig Delman. ves Stevens said the average at- IRL hb sling Py gina |tendance at monthly director's |charter, lost while still at the|™ SY ~~ | hotel. Bylaws were amended with |the number of attendance meet- | {ings held away from the regular {meeting place decreased. | "Regarding finances, it was certainly not a startling year," | \he said. "Our income was dras- | | tically down, but we managed to| [make a loan of $500 to a deserv- | |{ing student. The big outlay this |year was the $2200 which we) {forwarded to the new crippled | children's centre in Toronto. | The past president stated the hs! th {club set an all time record in the| "he [Easter Seal returns under the DNIPRO HALL i 681 EDITH ST. OBITUARY RITION ord BLOOR $ One Block East of Corner EWIN MORRISON COBOURG (Staff) -- Funeral pf services were held today (Satur-| day) for Edwin (Ed) Morrison, ' RR 1, Cobourg, who died in Tor- onto General Hospital June 25 |at the age of 55. Interment was in | the Congretional Cemetery, Cold Springs. The Rev. H. E. Par-| 8:30 - 12:00 P.M. to MUSIC CONTINENTAL 3 Everyone Welcome bi = | | COME and DANCE { Mitchell Zaleski's "rchesira at the POLISH NATIONAL UNION HALL 168 Banting Ave. FUN FOR ALL! EVERY SATURDAY 8:30 - 12, Flicka", 12.40, p.m. "Garden 5.30, 850 p.m, show 8.40 p.m. { Regent -- "The Sound and the Fury", in CinemaScope and Color, shown daily at 1.30, 3.30, | 5.30, 7.35, 9.35 p.m. Last com- plete show 9.25 p.m. 4.00, 7.15, 10.30 | of Evil", 2.15, | Last complete | f | GERMAN. CATHEDRAL | The cathedral at Worms, one | of the oldest in West Germany, was completed in 1025. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST DANCE SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH Knights of Columbus Hall 184 Bond St. West BERNARD TIERNEY AND HIS ORCHESTRA REFRESHMENTS DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION: 75¢c per person for members $1.00 per person for non-members Sponsored by: Le Club Canadien Francais D'Oshews ARE, DANCE TONIGHT Old Time and Modern to I Toronto's Fabulous TORNADOES Featured on North Bay T.V. I I | | | | Square Dance Caller BOB FOWLER Red Barn |sons, Camborne, conducted the | service. | | Deceased was born in Quebec {and had been employed as de- | partment foreman at General | | Foods before illness overtook him six weeks ago. He spent four| |weeks in Cobourg District Hosp-| ital before being transferred to Toronto General He is survived by his widow, the former Jeannie Curtis, and two daughters, Nadene and Viva | Pupils | to Cobourg District High Schoo! next September. Sponsored by the Home and School Association, the president, | Mrs. Otto J. Curtis, acted a chairman. Only three prizes were present- ed during the evenings, other prizes being presented Friday at the schools. The Kinette awards for general proficiency (hoy and girl) were presented to Frances | Moore and Gary Reading, both of | Central School by Mrs, F. Mun-| roe of the Kinette Club. Hilary Wright, of Central School was awarded a prize for English Literature donated by the Co-| pourg , Business and Professional Women's Club, Dorothy Moon making the presentation. The guest speaker was Ww. H. THE GENOSHA HOTEL [ proudly presents SIM LASH with his ELECTRIC ACCORDION FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS IN THE Starlite ROOM LAST DAY: Carlton, public school inspector,| introduced by Mrs Curtis and thanked by W. L. Christie. Certificates were presented by| pirincipals W. J R. Caldwell BIG 3 UNIT (Central School), and F. § Me-| Bride (Burnham street School), . we ascisted by Mrs, I. Ring, 2a - teacher. | Srasaniy Carol Cooper. a graduate, |thanked the Home and School | Association on behalf of the class. | TIMES BUREAUS RJAX John Mills BOWMANVILLE Rae Hopkins Ma. 3-7282 Ajax 426 COLOR BY oF LUXE CiNemaScoPE -- a "YERBOTEN" plus "FACE OF A FUGITIVE" (Color) | A CN. HOLIDAY MIDNITE G Vion: FAZVIEW UP THE SHIp" _ AeaawoonT ReLense 8 Midnight Only TUESDAY JUNE 30th THEY'RE ALL HERE. LITTLE JOHN... FRIAR TUCK... DES ROCHES... LADY SYLVIA... ALAN ADALE... THE BOY PRINCE... "AIR-CONDITIONED ACTION AND COMEDY SHOW! The EAST SIDE KID LEO BOBBY (el :{a 3 EN Te]:1r).\N] HUNTZ GABRIEL HALL - DELL (¢] AND FOR MORE LAUGHS GOLDEN ACE © COMEDY ""THUNDERHEAD, THE BLACK DUKE! CINEmMAScOPE and COLOR by DELUXE | ® ON THE SAME PROGRAM eo * FUN | "§j FESTIVAL wi BRYNNER 100s WOODWARD suse LEIGHTON Sound = Fury wv WILLIAM FAULKNER'S FAMOUS PLAYERS RE amanthil Allan Strike, chairman of the ors was more than critical of the and travel-stained, a former Ital-| SON OF FLICKA"" high school board, which actual (inefficient farmer, who he ly did not meet with too much|c)aims is getting the better part opposition with its proposals until of an subsidies offered by var Newcastle council threw its jo.¢ levels of government monkey-wrench into the works, He said that more efficient has warned that it may cost the ,., keting methods are weeding municipalities much more if they out the poor operator, but this split the district. type of farmer is still with us In view of the fact that the mainly because of government majority of the municipalities handouts. are principally concerned with] |t js not quite certain that he giving the best higher education hlames to some extent the On- NOTICE] Young People--Parents Summer School at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Open to students from grades Seven, Eight end High hoo! Teen-age typing classes ian sea captain, Guy Macchia, 27, | attracted the curious as he pass- ed through here Thursday after- noon | He left Halifax 36 days ago on| a walking tour to Vancouver,| where he estimates he will ar- rive toward the middle of Sep-| tember. So far he has worn out| two pairs .of shoes covering 1500 | miles. | With a twinkle in his eye he| displayed a bottle of salt water which he declared he obtained from the Atlantic ocean for the purpose of pouring it into the Pacific as a symbolical gesture of friendship between the East and the West He began his journey with tent. A gale blew it away and all he has to show for it is a piece of rope. Since then he has slept out in the open. Walking and sleep- ing in the open would seem to be a good reducing formula. Mac- chia lost eleven pounds since starting from Halifax Souvenir collectors have bought 450 of his pcnnants bear- ing the words "Atlantic to Pa cific' which, he said, finances his walkathon at as low a cost as possible, it!tario Agricultural College, 'which would seem that Mr. Strike's he designated as one of the comments may bear fruit. It .is finest farm colleges on the con- unlikely that he went before tinent council without ascertaining the, He believes the college is re facts. The committee wishes toistricted in its operations because study the economic aspects of of its dependence on the Ontario the proposed two-way split be- government He feels that the in- fore it commits itself on any stitution should be endowed as a course of action. privately operated university en- WILL COST MORE? trey free from political influ- Assuming that Mr. Strike's as- Pe! sumptions are correct, and that Until it is removed from this it will cost the individual 'munic.| Possible sphere of influence, he ipalities more to belong to small- claims, the college will never er administrations, it is safe to attain that degree of confidence d from the farming community assume that the committee Will pion it should be entitled to not go for anything but the pres-| "1," view of the years the col- en set-up. lege has been in successful oper- Mr. Strike also gave the coun- ation, and its progress under the cil a grim reminder of the alleged influence of all types of worsening situation, and stated government including Tory, that over 330 students may find Liberal, and UFO. it does not themselves without a school to appear to have done so badly attend next year. If this happens, WARDEN HONORED and the high school board is still Warden Garnet B. Rickard of operating as it has done since|the United Counties has been 1951. there going to he re- honored again by the Canadian i i Seed Growers' Association. He crimination. : t ected. Vice: ie Someone is going ve has een electe vice president blamed. Certainly - it eaunot bel the body which regarded laid at the doorstep of the volun by the federal and provincial de- aid a . partments of agriculture as one 17Y DRY Senown a We Dutta of the keys to Canada mairtain- | stric 1 $CNOO! Ir rom . 3 t here it appears that the men jng_her place he who compose the body have sac rificed a lot of time, and have displayed remarkable patience and tolerance in their desire tg serve everyone equally. SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 It you have not received your Times, phone your carrier boy first, If yo. ere unable to cone tact him by 7:00 p.m. is re to is as one of TAX CUT FOR FRENCH PARIS (Reuters)--French tax- pavers will get cuts ranging up to 20 per cent under plans pro- posed Friday by Finance Minis. 4 . _ iter Antoine Pinay. If adopted by Counties council, too, appears ino National Assembly this fall, to have picked a good commit-'yaoe earners will pay less tax in tee which has apparently acted 1960. The cuts are part of Pinav's completely impartially in an ar fiscal reform program for duous and ticklish task. France. | TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7-7:30 p.m. only ai Two hours per day FREE BULLETIN | Act Now, Dial 5-3375 | Moke Your Summer Count I, | DANCE YOUR WAY TO POPULARITY | THIS SUMMER A GREAT CHANCE to beconre 8 popular dancer quickly, easily | by acting right now! An Arthur Murray expert will show you in one trial lesson | the way to new fun, new popu. larity. Hur ty in for this great Special Offer-- EAT OUT MORE OFTEN Il Special Sunday Dinner SERVED FROM 11:30 AM. TO 8 PM. --plus-- "GARDEN OF EVIL" your added pleasure and enjoyment Dine by... C l. (({ " FROM 5 PM. UNTIL 8 PM 4 4 Full % he trial lesson 4 [1 Come in now ARTHUR MURRAY 11% SIMCOE 5.--RA 8-168) GENOSHA HOTEL Completely Air-conditioned FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE RA 3-464] | THIS IS IT! NO MORE BUMPER CLUB MEMBER- CMLL LY DRIVE-IN FROM WARNER ros FUNNIGR THAN THE PLAY! HAPPIER THAN THE BOOKI PLUS ACTION! COLOR BY DE LUXE CiINeMmaAScOPE | JOEL MCCREA SHIPS FOR THE 1959 SEASON WILL BE SOLD AFTER SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH, 1959. BUY YOURS TONIGHT. MEMBERSHIP COSTS ONLY $1.00 AND ADMITS CAR AND DRIVER FREE EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY (EXCLUDING HOLIDAYS). POSIT- IVELY NO HOLDOVER OF SALE CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON

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