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The Oshawa Times, 15 Jul 1959, p. 3

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UNION ROD AND GUN oud OPENS of East Whitby Township, north- the the camera as the started, from Members of the Union Rod and Gun Club Tuesday opened their new skeet shooting range ocsted on the third concession west of Caught by club activities 2 AGENTS SHARE The City of Oshawa carries The health insuranee for the many insurance policies to pro- tect its buildings, vehicles and health of its employees According to a statement of in- surance for the vear ending Dec 31, 1958 sased from the city treasurer's department, city buildings and contents are insur- ed for $2,281,425 Other policies are for sed vehicles, $200,000 ability $20 to $40,000; As ance Co. of Can- Alex S. Ross, Sun Life ada with representative untary. but a new join without taking examination. The policy for 50 per cent by the city and 50 per cent by the employee unlicen- " DIVISION OF COVERAGE public 1li- property. The Oshawa District Insurance city properties: | Agents' Association i spiats one| 268 Park t Oshawa Airport. | employees of the city is with the awa's the local the White The policy is vol- per cent employee can sions and the balance is turned a medical over to the is paid sociation SKEET left, are: W. Welsh, president of the Union Rod and - Gun Club; Doug. Smith, assistant chairman of the skeet commit- Jibb Families Hold Reunion The third re-union of the Jibb families was held Sunday, July} | 12, at the Beach Gardens, ew| Liskeard, with 121 a a! of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph | IM. Jivh of Cold Springs. attend- | ing; Of their family of eight sons | and two daughters only three | sons are living, Norman of New | | Liskeard, Herman of Baltimore, | land Wallace of Cold Springs. i These three members were pres-| |ent Out of town relations present were Mrs. Charles Jibb, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jibb, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jibb and family, Balti- | more; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace |Jibb, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jibb {land family, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil! i (girls, Port Hope; Mr, | Jibh and family, Cold Springs; (Mrs. Warren Buttars, Bewdley; Mrs. Orville McClelland and, and Mrs. |Willard Jibb and family, Cam. | |borne; Mr. and Mrs, Douglas | | Redpath and Bill, Mr. and Mrs, * | Donald Houlden and family, Osh- 7 (awa; Mr, and Mrs Scarboro; Max Dickin- | son and family, Mr. # land Mrs. Dalton Beach and boys, | RANGE tee; Doug. Branton, chairman of the club's shooting committee and Jiggs Harlock, winners of the 1958 club championship. --Oshawa Times Photo Apartment Insurance Coverage Block Plan By City Extensive In the case of the City of DA insurance where W White Ltd. was appointed agent, company of the gross commis- The as- October association decides in which agents in the balance of the | sions FOUR -POINT BASIS Participation is based on four : a has to be in commis- | agent to and 3% Louisa St. $5000. For example, W. CT 11d. The airport buildings are insur-|handles the Corporation of the od for $19050; public liability, | City of Oshawa's insurance, and property damage, $500,000, Schofield"s 14d handles the $200,000 and $100,000; surveying ? 3 A instruments. $4215 ron-owed Board of Education insur auto, $200,000 lifeboat, $3500: ance business, Boyd Pea- boiler and machinery $100.000: '|cock Ltd. handles the Boy Scout . comprehensive dshonesty within| Association insurance and Har- a M old Roughley Ltd. handles the aa: ii Ag Sutside the Oshawa General Hospital insur the insurance business for three] years; tions; pay Oshawa business tax| and attend at least 80 per cent| of the association meetings | There were 21 members of the association who were eligible for) these commissions in 1958. They| were J Oakley Crawford, Edward L. Dis-| B. to rezone retains 20| are to participate A. Bickell, Bradley Bros., [we would be filling a need Approved Applications from William Rei Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jibb| and family, Deep River; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper, Sudbuty. In all 10 cars made the week- | end trip to New Liskeard from Southern Ontario. The sports events of the after- noon were won by the following: | Boys race, 4 years and under: | Edson Jibb, Ralph Jibb. Girls 4 years and under: Jibb, Trudy Jibb rac Gail i Clarence Boys race, 8 years and under: Dawson Jibb, Charlie Jibb. Girls race, 8 years and under: Janice Jibb, Judy Jibb Boys race, 10 years and under: Danny Jibb, Dawson Jibb Girls race, 10 years and under: | {Susan Wadge, Dianne Jibb Boys race, 12 years and under: Fraser Jibb, Murray Jibb. Girls race, 12 years and under: | Carol Jibb, Linda Wadge. Married Women's Race: Jibb, Mrs Beach. Married Men's Race: Allen | Jibb, Cecil Jibb. Ladies' shoe kicking: Mrs. pal-| ton Beach. Tug of war, Tie. Oldest lady {Charles Jibb. Oldest man member: Jibh. Mr. and Mrs. Jibb Mystery | race: Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Jibb, Mr. and Mrs. other than in] | tying contest: Mr. and Mrs Max! Dickinson Lunch was served at 5 p.m. | with a downpour of rain bringing a fast scramble for the cars but| | otherwise it was a successful and | enjoyable day. The next reunion to be the second Sunday in July in Southern Ontario. Officers are: president, Robert Jibb, Cold Springs; gecretary] treasurer, Allen Jibb, Baltimore; | sports convener, Mrs. Willard! South vs North: | | member: Mrs | Norman | \ held 1961 | {Jibb, Camborne. Concert Features Barber Shoppers | The Oshawa Barber Shop Chap- | {ter Chorus and the Chord Londs| Quartet will be featured artists |' when the band of the Ontario| | Regiment presents another in its series of band concerts at the Mc- Laughlin Bandshell, in Memorial! | Park, this Thursday night. | The chapter chorus will be di-| {rected br Douglas Chute. Mem-| {bers of the Chord Lord Quartet | lare Norman Skinner, lead; Jack |Hiscocks, baritone; Bill Corbett, | tenor and Don Henderson, bass. | The band will be directed by Lit. IF. J. Francis and George A.! d|Fletcher will be the master of and Robert Hann and Nick King, |ceremonies land, between and Westmount St., Par] Rd to per mit 40 proposed a»artment build- by Oshawa Planning Board Tuesday ings were viewed favorably night It was the decision of \board to have the city Hi Mortgage and Housin mented they had {CMHC with an unofficial pla has to be a member of| and, as far as the company was the local and Ontario associa-| concerned, it was a feasible proj-| Mr. Hann said all the build-! |ings would not be built at once, the need arose, perhaps |ect. {but as [three at a time "IT don't think we would be ing out on a limb," Hann, 'and at the same time, "H sai evervthing they said Mr. The program for the concert .| follows: Regimental Siow March, "Men Harlech,' Traditional March, "Blaze Away,' ma k v * A. Holz- Overture, "The Barber of gl Seville, * Rossini \director contact the manager of] | Central Corporation to get the mortgage! company's views on the project. Messrs. Reid and Hann com- approached g No Sug gestion Pressure Off 'Vice Jungle' TORONTO (CP) -- A senior po- lice officer says there never has been any suggestion of taking the " heat off Toronto's vice jungle Inspector Harold Adamson tes- | tified Tuesday before the Metro-! © politan Toronto licensing com-| n Oshawa Chapter Chorus, "The | Old Songs, "Yona from Arizona, 'After Dark," "Tell Me Why." Two dances from the "Rebel |Maid," "Gavotte" and 'Jig,' M. Phillips. The Chord Lords Quart "Coney Island Babe' and |Song Medley." Selection, "Minstrel ries," W. Rimmer Osha "hapter Chorus, "Susie| |{Brown," 'Lonesome That's All" {and "Here's to You, Old Timer,' Morceau, "The Turkish Patrol," | T. Mechaelis Egyptian Serenade Paul Lincke March Pot-Pourri, Glory," A. Winter. Hymns by Chorus and Band, "Now the Day is Over" and "Abide with Me" (two verses) Regimental March, "John Peel. Memo- "Amina," "Steps of CELEBRATING 'BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth. days today: Michael Brady ave, north; Nassau Peters Bobby street; 94 Cadillac Craig Wilson, 21 street; Carol Anne 103 Thomas. street; Dawson, 156 Gibbons T. 1. |{to consider "| Estates, |tial zone at the north - east corner| |roads. "oul THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 15, 1959 3 VETERAN GM EMPLOYEE HONORED tired recently and was present- | Eder, Chief Inspector ed with a gift on behalf of his GM Photo fellow _employees by Charlie | Frank Sturch, right,: an in- spector in General Motors' wir- ing harness department, re | Plan Public Hearing On Shopping Centre will Gif afraid it Mayor I'm stated "Yes, but boomerang," |ford. HEARING NECESSARY Mr, McGibbon told Mr, Ste. |phenson that if he decided to go ahead with the rezoning applica- {tion, a public hearing would have » held and the entire proce. hearing will be held: "It was not a case of passing the application of the buck," he said Stephenson, of Rosslynn , : AY for the extension of TWO ALTERNATIVES Stephenson proposes Mr, to | commercial zoning into a residen-| g build a shopping centre on this| land, comprised of a large super- market and 12 other stores. He| y planning board This was decided at a meeting 28 '0 P% DIE, or seks os Toe Saves ce of he board attended by with the property owners of land dure woul ake seven or eigh snhe sel. | bert 1g Bagi yg further north, already zoned com-| "mye hoard received a letter mercial, or proceed with the pub {from five residents who live on The same application was turn-|jjc hearing BT or Tro ed down by the Committee of Mayor Lyman A. Gifford com toe would he affected. registers {Adjustment last week. At the mented he did not think the board i." an" ohiection to the applica *| committee of adjustment meet- |gave Mr. Stephenson the WEONE| jo, ing, Louis S. Hyman, QC, chair- advice to go to the committee of {man, was quoted as saying the|adjustment, but he did not think | planning board was *'passing the!the board gave strong emough| buck." advice . Charles C McGibbon QC, "We are in a tougher position chairman of the planning board,|to make a decision now, said {came to the board's defence, stat-'the mayor ing that Mr. Stephenson went to "We have more [the committee of adjustment on|now," commented {his own members Seek Permission 'Reduce Lot Sizes | It was decided, at a year and if they did in that lof the Oshawa Planning Board|time, he would be responsible, | | Tuesday night, that Planning Dir-|"If anything is going to go} ector Bert Wandless and the wrong, it should happen in a medical officer of health, form a/year," he said. committee to study an applica The lots in question front Ram.) {tion of W. T. Lamson of Beach|sey Dr., Stone St., Cedar St. and Acres Developments Lid. to re- Lakeview Ave "We have been duce the half acre lot sizes on turning out housing in that area| |his registered plan that people can afford. We must A letter from the board of turn out a low-price home, or it] A public Cecil and Stevenson's lof Rossland information | one of the, meeting a | Firestone 11:44 14: 1d {47.18 and cemetery ance business property, $2000 | Re BOARD OF WORKS studied by the insurance commit- The Oshawa Board of Works tee of the association, consisting equipment is insured for $382 of the executive committee and with public Hability and prope two outside members. In this damage on city cars and trucks|way, the association is able to re- amounting to $200,000. Fire and|view the policies in order to see theft insurance is the actual cash!that the assured is getting the value and collision is $100 deduc- best possible coverage at the tible lowest rate Wilson, 119 Col- borne street east; Forbes Fisher, Taunton; Alvin Fish- er, Taunton; Robert Johnson, RR -4, Oshawa; Walter Tre. hern, 83 Park road south; Wayne Vennor, 333 Pine ave- nue; Gordon Brown, Cour- tice; Darlene Fraser, 272 Taunton Toad west; C. B, Gay, 126 William street east. The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The had ever mission after a parade of con- i € | as at stake in this proj-\fesced prostitutes and drug ad-| Gray, McCallum Insurance, Mec- ect dicts described a bustling heroin| Murtry Insurance, Oshawa In-| Ald Walter R Branch noted|{rade in the midtown Jarvis- surance Agencies, Peacdck-Boyd, |that an important aspect was the Dundas streets district Donald M. Polson, A. S. Ross, H.|inadequacy of schools in this| Several said they had "not too G. Roughley, Schofield Insur-|area ance, Lt.-Col. R. B. Smith, Frank, The decision of planning board Suey le 2 Picking oe her E. Turney, Ralph Vickery, John|came after a public hearing in|ASKED ABOUT POLICY Wacko, W. R. Westlake, W B. the council chambers. The land Insp. Adamson was asked White and E. L. Whitely |was purchased by the applicants [John Gordon, lawyer |bealth stated that it did not ap-|won't sell," said Mr. Lamson prove of lots less than half an| "What will happen if some: lacre for septic tank installation. thing goes wrong with the septic "It is a matter of density with tank after the year is up," asked in an area," commented Ald, Finley Dafoe. Lamson, He claimed he AL Mr, Lamson stated that this! guarantee nothing would go area zoned for duplex |wrong with the septic tanks for |building with. four units to an lacre. He said that if he wanted Club Plans These insurance accounts are ney, Stanley Everson H. L.|made w I is "adjustment 2. Wheel by | w the pro- ubsequent to the passing of | prietors of two restaurants in the! the zoning bylaw. A notice of the! district, whether it was policy to] hearing was given all property avoid the kind of police pressure | owners within 200 feet of ito and could get the mortgage, | he could build the duplex build- ings, but would rather build the {single family dwellings, Mayor Lyman A. Gifford said | Whitby Bowlers Win Two Games Representatives of the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club Tuesday night won two of their three matches with members of the Oshawa wn Bowling Club, in the Provincial Lawn Bowling As sociation playdowns. on the Osh awa greens The winning ed end Other members of the Whitby rink were 0. C. MacDonald, vice; Harry Lott, second and 3obby Anderson, lead members of the Oshawa were Ron Snowden, vice Stephens second and ( lead Wage Boost Announced another point on the final rink Roy players are ex Jack pected to meet the winners from the eastern and northern sec tions of District No. 14 at Peter- borough this coming weekend The winners in that competition will represent the district in the Fastern Ontario playdowns scheduled for Belleville on Wed- nesdav. July 22 In the single match Dick Adams of Whitby, who had pre viously eliminated the represen- B M t tative of the Bowmanville Club Y 0 OIS won over Sam MacMillan of Osh awa in a well played game. The! Salary increases for approxi- score was 21 to 12 in a game mately 5200 salaried employees! that went 20 ends of the seven General Motors sub-| Jack Hunter and George Jack- |sidiaries in Canada - were an- son of the Oshawa club won the nounced today. The increases will | doubles match from Ward Bick|be effective Aug. 1. and John Bruickle of Whitby by| Salary increases will. apply to a score of 14 to 10. This match|al employees earning less than! was closely contested with the $604 a month. In general, em- Qehswa pair coming through in|ployees will receive increases of t ends. $10.50 or two and one-half Tr In the rinks' game the Whitby cont, whichever is higher, nl representatives, skipped by Don- |ployees earning more than $589.26 id Tutt scored an 18 to 12 win |g month will be raised to $604. ver the Oshawa rink skipped by|™ py co salary increases will Fred Cochrane. The game WAS | fact employees of General Mo- close all the way tors of Canada, Ltd., Oshawa It was tied at 12-all after 15|and Windsor The McKinnon In- ends. At tha! point the Whithy| qustries Ltd., St. Catharines; rink picked up two points and pnigidaire Products of Canada on the 17th end, with Oshawa|;.; Scarboro; General Mote lying shot, Skipp Tutt dragged| G Lv 3 Et iis Dis Just bow] to add) Diesel Ltd., London; General Mo- he jack wi The Whitby rink add.| |tors Acceptance Corporation of three more. The i "|Canada, Ltd., Toronto; Motors COMING EVENTS = # Coo |and Motors Holding of Canada [Ltd Oshawa Avenue |of 164a | ooke All eligible salaried employees the 'companies will also| BINGO Bathe Park Eulalie wvery Thursday at 2 p.m Srl NOVEL - BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Wn $6, $12, $20 y be doubled or tripled $160 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $18 {cost-of-living allowance based on {the Consumer Price Index pub- lished by the Dominion Bureau of| Statistics. The cost-of-living al- lowance for the third quarter of 1959 was based on the Index fig- ure published July 8 and amounts to $40 The other continue to receive a quarterly | 'Medical Men Plan Show Dr. J. O. Ruddy, of Whitby, is one of a group of Ontario medi- cal men who are preparing for Canada's first medical exposition, Mediscope '59. which will be| held Oct. 12 to 17 in the Queen| Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Park, Toronto. The exposition which will occupy an area of 63,000 square feet, plus a 1350! square foot auditorium, will be| the largest show of its kind ever| |presented to the North Ameri- |can public Dr. Struan F Robertson, chair- man of Mediscope '59 and a di-| rector of the sponsoring Ontario| Medical Association, day that construction has started | on more than 50 exhibits which| {will graphically portray every [phase of medical care from the| |birth of a baby to the care of| the aged. "We are prepared to be hosts to more than 250,000 people and [to give them an inside view of {many of the mysteries surround-| {ing medicine. It is the first time| {this kind of exposition has ever| [been attemoted in Canada and we| believe it will be the most com-| Iplete medical show ever sented on this continent," Robertson said Dr. Robertson said members of all sections of the medical profession, health and welfare| organizations, government de-|¢ partment and allied professions | {have been working continuously | for the past six months to final-| | lands concerned Seek Permit For School An applicaticn manuel Chris to erect buffer jcorn | Rds., study" ian School a private zone, at Societ school in was and set over consideration at |meeting of the Oshawa Planting Board Tuesday night The society was represented by Gilbert Murdoch of | Fraser, Drynan and Murdoch. could be built in a buffer without an amendment to zoning bylaw ining board decided that this wa not an institution. A letter from the MOH stated| that septic tanks and a local wa-| ter supply from a well would be| {linking Ontario w providing there is|and New York satisfactory, not more than six rooms Ald. Finley Dafoe said h doumted whether the servie from the Em- the southwest! er of Rossland and Thornton| py; for further| Creighton, | if reported to-| the school was an institution, it zone the| However, the plan- the that would drive the illicit traffic| underground where it would be! 'harder to control "No one has ever that," the inspector said. "I know of no such suggestion. Crime is crime however you look at it." "If you don't keep the heat on there, things get right out of| hand," he said at another point. | The. commission is considering] whether the two restaurants have |become hangouts for prostitutes and drug 'pushers' to the point| where their licences should not! renewed, but in several days |its hearings have amounted to a | full-scale crime inquiry told me y Senate Okays Bridge Bills OTTAWA (CP) -- The Senate S Tuesday gave second reading-- approval in principle -- to two {government bills authorizing con- struction of international bridges ith Minnesota One bill would authorize the| ie Ontario government to sign an| e|agreement - with Minnesota to| woulda be adequate and expressed build a bridge across the Pigeon| ithe fear that they would the Dr. want the city to supply them with water and sewers. The proposed new school would hold 500 pupils and| rooms, | eventually would start with three adding classrooms and dormit ies when the need arose board was told or- the Tity n|River at Pigeon River. at the| western end of Lake Superior. Tt would be a toll-free bridge re- placing one built in the same| area in 1930. The second bill would empower| | Ontario to designate any autho- to construct a toll bridge across the Niagara River from Queenston to Lewiston, N.Y ize material for their exhibits. He reported that business and in- | dustry is co-operating by helping | underwrite the cost of producing] : [these exhibits; some of which| will be 80 feet long and tell com- plete stories of such medical subjects as the heart, cancer, surgery, anaesthesia, mental ill- ness, obstetrics and paediatrics. '"Mediscope '59 is free to the Log Doctors will. be on hand all exhibits from 10 am. to {10 p.m. every day to answer {questions and explain in terms readily understood by the pub- lic, any complicated procedures or equipment," Dr. Robertson id. RED CROSS WAS BORN IN 1864 Geneva, Switzerland, the birthplace of the Interna- tional Red Cross, formed in 1863. If you've: a problem for which you seek relief, Oshawa is the place and now the exact time to place Classified ads in The Oshawa Times. Call RA 3-3492 for an ad- writer, tell her your want. She helps you fill it in a hurry. was bridge wonld replace one built in| {1896 | Senator Walter Aseltine. gov- {ernment leader, said tolls for "the {Niagara River bridge would be| set hv the board of transport, |commissioners. He did not give Je size or © cost o of either bridge. | FATAL CRASH | LES SABLES DLONNE, | France (Reuters)--An eight-year. old boy was killed and 12 per-| sons badly injured when French | motorcycle champion G e or ges| |Bayle mounted the concrete banking of a stadium and hit several spectators during & race Toes A Regent Theatre, good for a Jour-week period. The current attraction is "Hercules." Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 am. and 10 am. Homemaker | Service Is | Open To All The Oshawa Red Cross Home-| |maker Service is one of the {major projects of the Oshawa Branch of Red Cross. Through the co-operation of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest this service has been in operation for 12 years and is the only super- vised Homemaker Service in the city The service provides capable (homemakers, who will care for the family, while the mother is ill at home or in hospital. She gives help to all in need, regardless of race, color, creed or income and |permits the father to continue with his work, assured the fam- ily is well cared for. The home- maker staff is carefully selected and is distinguished by the blue |uniform bearing the Red Cross crest The justable according to the finan- cial circumstances of the family and the deferred payment plan may . be uses. The homemakers' {hours are from 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. but can be arranged to meet the need of the family. There is a 24-hour telephone serv- ice for Red Cross and all applica- tions are given prompt attention. For further information call RA |House. Be cost of the service is ad-| _ alignment 3. Wheel balance Reg. value up to $20.00 THIS WEEK ONLY... 99s FIRESTONE 190 KING E. RA 5-6566 DO IT NOW AND SAVE! that the board would have tof For Rall have time to decide what would be best for the city When Mr. Lamson had left the | Officers and directors of the meeting, Mayor Gifford com- {Oshawa Kiwanis Club, held their| mented: "We would be worse off imonthly directors' meeting Tues- (if pe put in duplex buildings than | day afternoon. following the|jr he put in the single family| club's weekly luncheon session, (dwellings. held on the lawn at Adelaide With President Ken Smyth al-| named as an ex-officio] the club named {Vice- presidents Ken Jackson and | Ray Weeks, as their official dele- |gates to the annual Ontario-Que bec-Maritime District Conven- tion, being held at Montreal, |Sepi 27 to 30 Assurance that the Oshawa Ki- wanians will be well represented at the 1959 0-Q-M convention was made evident when it was announced, that in addition to the club's two official delegates and | their wives, eight or nine other| club members and their | "Kweens"' plan to attend the] event. HARE OPTICAL JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist 8 BOND ST EAST -- HOURS -- 9 AM. -- 6 P.M. WED, UNTIL 12:30 P.M, SAT. UNTIL 2:30 P.M PHONE RA 3.4811 For an appointment {representative Now, hundreds of people are planning, buying and preparing for better living in the happy atmosphere of Oshawa's finest residential estate--Beau Valley FOR THF LIFT yori LIKE TO Beiich LIVING The spotlight is on design with function. H. Kassinger presents a home to suit you your family and your budget. 3-2933 or RA 37073 GOOD FOOD AIR-CONDITIONED DINING OOM HOTEL LANCASTER peau Valley oon Drop in at our Field Office on Rossland Rd. or Phone RA 5.9121

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