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The Oshawa Times, 15 Jul 1959, p. 8

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 15, 1959 Pat A. Snelgrove Brian P. Logeman Exchange Vows At St. Gregomy's Roman Ca- tholic Church recently Patricia {Anne Snelgrove and Brian Paul Logeman, both of Oshawa, were united in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mr, Arthur L. Snelgrove of Orono and the late Mrs. Snel grove, 'and the bridegroom is the [son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Loge- man Jr. Oshawa. The Reverend L. T. McGough lofficiated. The wedding music| was played by Mr. Jack Driscoll and Mr, Gilmore Harkness sang. sang. Given fu marriage by her father the bride wore a full. length white net gown trimmed {50th Anniversary with gold and pearls and topped with a lace jacket. A pearl Double-Ring Ceremony Unites | pawns For Pair Th Marilyn Twine, Emest Galloway Married in Belfast je cari 2 sme 5 rw | 1 e who The coming weekend will be, Mrs. Donald Snelgrove an exciting one for Mr. and/was matron-of-honor, wore a MR. AND MRS. ERNEST H. RIDGE Calvary Baptist Church was|dress of iridescent powder blue the scene of a wedding on Satur-|satin brocade. Self material fash- a take place in the chapel of Christ Memorial Church, Oshawa, en t Saturday, August 8, 1959. s. E i § [three-quarter length dress of te ee ot wetlng on Sen, cat, So te. Sr lo, Madi lyse Jnl' ti, Jf arily icla Tw .|trimmed hat, and deep pink roses| Finance oh. complemented with a back bow. | ty and Mrs. G & o Fg ¢|comprised her corsage. Assisting home to their friends and neigh-|GORPICRCC Ue fe igen li of Tova, oe united se was the bridegroom's mother| BPS and on ay 2 famly| Marlene Stroud and Joy Hark- marriage with Ernest George/Who chose champagne beige silk Ylaner panty , 18 their mess, were in pink styled iden- Galloway, son of Mr. and Mrs. organza over taffeta. Folds of the id Mill, Toronto, to nat heir tically to that of the matron-of- G " Gallow. f Brooklin, (material accented the short. 50th wedding anniversary. [honor, All wore pink accessories| One The Reverend Niven sleeved bodice. She wore a small] The couple were married In| i : | Altken 'performed the d oublel/pink hat, matching accessories Belfast, Northern Ireland July ring ceremony. Miss Ruth Skinner|and a petal pink rose corsage. |20, 1909, and the bride, Miss Ger: SOCIAL NOTICES played the wedding music and| For the honeymoon trip the trude Ridge, became Mrs, Ernest| accompanied Miss Patricia Bar- bride donned an ivory beige Ridge. : ron who sang "The Lord's Pray. sheath ress o silk Lig oA with id Ridge Juve) with he Im-| ENGAGEMENT " Tha Wedd ser" and|bolero. jacket of orange peria rmy (Army Service| bor WO ing ae haves trimmed hat of natural Corps) in Egypt and the Sudan il ld a, Ri a Smith. : straw. Pink sweetheart rosebuds during World War 1 and came to|Knoc oy A ment of theft Given in marriage by her fa-|and white stephanotis comprised Toronto in 1920 with his family. | BOROHS he Sgager to Mr. Mal- ther, the bride wore a full-length her corsage, On their return the} A grocer by trade he worked (daug Aer, ay Aun, fo gown of gardenia white satin|couple will reside in Oshawa. la¢ Food Industries and elsewhere| COM ons Yaaet, of Oshawa brocade. The scalloped V neck-| Out of town guests were pres-|,,u joining the Corps of Com. Stanley F. Fraser, av: wf e line of the long - sleeved bodice/ent from Hamilton Ottawa, | iccionaires at Ajax during and the late Mr. Fraser. was accented with crystal bead Kemptville, North Bay, Myrtle, wong war 11 At the war's close, marriage is to take place on embroidery. Worn over crino- Port Perty, Toronto, Windsor, the couple moved to Os h a w a| Saturday, August 1, 199. » lines, the billowing skirt featured Sutherland Sontane) and Sa Nt where Mr. Ridge was transfer. Northminster Unit ure. panniers, bustle 2 8 slight (Jo n, New Prunswic ed to Fittings Ltd. He retired a! ENGAGEMENT sweep. Material from her gown| {few vears ago : asiond hor Grecia baddies | Piling Wales |r aod Sos. Ridse nave two , ie and Mrs Jo Abe Les in. leaf design studded with seed p sons, Roy and Clifford, both of ein daughter, Marietta Thelma pearls, which held her ingesip . |Toronto; seven grandchildren Hel to Mr. James Jackson of yell. and she Sted 2 ibe Nuptials Held {and one great grandchild Odhiaws The marriage will take heart roses and white stephano-! The marriage of June Doris Mrs Ridge S 515te 5 Mrs place at St, George's Memorial . Frank Hutchings of Claremont Anglican Churcn at three o'clock tis. Wales, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|who was a bridesmaid at her ; 15. 1959 Mi ore Take "hu man of Vernon R. Wales, and Edward A wedding will be among the guests 98 Saturday, August 15, 1930. hang Bn styled with|Lhilips, son of Mr Taw Mrs at the family dinner party. ENGAGEMENT a harlequin back panel, cummer-|,w, "yo colemnized on Friday m-- - The engagement is announced bund, and mittens of leaf green. evening, July 10, at Northminster I : Scal jot Eunice Madeline Faith, young. She wore a Grecian headdress of; i104 Chyreh with the Reverend LECANIUM DCale |er daughter TS. M leaf green, and carried a cascade H. A. Mellow officiating |of Rosencath a the late Mr. Cheveanihemame. Miss. doane|p, Given in marriage by ter Attacks Shrubs = |Bety, Yousest son of the Joie Slt vas hetans ima Gal father, the bride was gowned in [Mr 4% Mrs John Beatty of big as of a heh |white brocaded satin styled on Home gardeners ard having an|po. he y were 'wridesmaids wearing petal princess lines. A satin-brimmed especially bad bout this year with| pink ervstal chromspun taffeta coronet held her shoulder-length Lecanium Scale -- those large, with harlequin back panel, cum- veil and she carried a nosegay reddish brown eruptions tha merbund and mittens, with Gre-|°f carnations and stephanotis. [attack many of the most-cherish cian headdress of rose pink and! Miss Dorothy Wales, sister of ed ornamentals they carried cascades of white the bride, was maid-of-honor in| And this pest doesn't stop at a and pink-tinted shasta ehnvsan- blue net and lace and carried pink few victims; Japanese yew, oak, themums. jane While baby Shiysahithemums, White cedar, ash, aim. Faspherry i Mr. Rona illips acted and roses are the favorite resting wim Green perfummed|,; best man for his brother sites. Early indications give en- ering were Mf. Roy Latimer of| Following a reception on the |!0mologists with the Ontario De- Ottawa and Mr. George Twine,|lawn at the bride's parents' home PArtment o Agriculture every the bride's brother, [the couple left for a wedding peason 0 believe that the num- |} reception was held In the trip to points north and on their Pers Will show quite an increase Pi |in 59, Sh nae The bride'siretrn wi In Scarbor| "we height of the trouble willl § shubssivierbitndiidug ero |be around July 15. To save your em | Barden from very unsightly, ugly| | scales, think about preventing i them now -- not when they are 1 an accomplished fact #4 | Provincial Entomologist H. W 7 Goble recommends Malathion as| 4 an excellent chemical weapon ¢ against Lecanium Scale, It comes in two forms for tis purpose: | | {| Twenty-five per cent Malathion| | 4 wettable powder four table- 4 spoons to one gallon of water Fifty per cent Malathion emul- sion two teaspoons to one gal- 4 lon of water # LEflective control calls for good | § BACON-TOMAT Back bacon is just the right size and shape for rye bread like these. With to- soaking of all foliage and twigs. The treatments call for two appli- cations, the first about July 10,! and a repeat of the same in 10] days. | sandwich Roseneath. The marriage f¢ to| and carried white and yellow) flowers. Mr. John Mason acted as best man, Ushering were Messrs. James Logeman and James Snelgrove, A reception was held at the Pontiac Inn. To receive, Mrs. John Morton, sister of the bride, wore a flowered dress with beige accessories. The bridegroom's mother assisting was in a beige sheath with a pink flowered de- sign. When leaving for the wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Buf- falo the bride was wearing a white sheath sleeveless dress with white accessories and a pink corsage. The couple will live in Oshawa. PERSONALS Among those who have enter- tained at pre-nuptial parties for Mrs. Fdward A. Phillips, the for: mer Miss June Doris Wales, were Mrs. David Merchant and Mrs. Bruce Lonshberry who were co- hostesses at a miscellaneous shower held at the former's home on Nipigon street. The guests were the bride's former asso- ciates of the office staff of the Oshawa General Hospital. Other hostesses were Mrs. Eugene Wales, Grandview avenue, who entertained relatives and friends at an evening party and shower| kin, Somerville avenue, who en- tertained at a linen shower. Mr. Sanford Allen, Bruce street, returned on Monday from |a two-week trip to Yarmouth, {Nova Scotia You are invited by the Social| Department to send in any littl |items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, anni- {versaries and comings and go- ings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone RA 3-3474 local '8. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leslie Bond street east, have returned rom a trip to Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia. | Guests from out of town at the Logeman-Snelgrove wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore |Harkness, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. | {Alvin Lintner, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Etcher, Bowman-| |ville I t i -- ----- CRACKED WHEAT Cracked wheat is made from | cleaned whole wheat grain which has been coarsely cracked into langular pleces during milling. 0 SANDWICHES mato slices and lettuce added, each sandwich becomes prac- tically a meal in iteself. A SPARKLING QUEE fitted bodice is embroidered | with crystals and looped crysta i fle Made and Bottled by . QUEEN | Above is an artist's sketch of . one of the many dazzling evening gowns worn by Her Majesty the Queen to compli ment her Canadian people on | fringe. The artist has included her present tour. Of heavy | an ermine stole and the famous white satin the floor-length | emerald and diamond tiara. BOWMANVILLE TOPS TOPS TOPS LEMON-LIME ORANGE CREAM SODA ROOT BEER GINGER ALE Smite BEVERAGES LTD. in quality in flavour in refreshing | Chapter Holds | Business Meeting | Prior to Picnic {Philip Chapter, Imperial Order i, hor report stated that Mrs. A. airy neckline coolly curved above |bow-effect folds of fabric. Figure. slimming step-in -- ideal for light sheers, cottons. Tomorrow's pat- tern: Women's dress Siz 4 6%, and Miss Sandra Perkin assisted Fred an i by her mother, Mrs. George Per- 35-inch tf cepted) for this pattern. Please print plainly DRESS, STYLE NUMBER elc-0 The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont and enthusiastic applause greeted the first collections, shown by des signers Jane Derby, Donald Daughters of the Empire, wes Women Will Love Brooks, Yves Saint-Laurent aod : | Robert Knox. i Frank Taylor, in the form of a New Fall Fashions ( The mew clothes have. waist | pienic. A short meeting was held | 'And So Will Men lines in the middle, wider shoul- with Mrs. W. F. Mercer, Regent, | presiding. : Mrs. J. E. B. Shortt, Secretary The June meeting of the Princes sarvi i | NEW YORK (AP)--Women will , fit a choice of full 8 of Services at Home and Abroad, |, "=o Foo Te and men|oeTs; easy, St apd will whistle at the new fashions. yano Derby's collection is nots That was the consensus of 200 apie for luxurious fabrics and fe- visiting fashion editors viewing nine styling. the opening fall showings of the Brooks presented fashions in couture group of the New York iw moods--full - skirted, draped |Dress Institute, Sighs of relief) swirled, or military and precise. The Dior New York collection, od|designed by Saint-Laurent, was |most dramatic in the late land evening fashions, {looked wicked, French and excit« | ' {Hambly, Mrs. L. H, Hewson, Mrs. - Harold Tonkin, Mrs. L.| Irwin, Mrs. A. 8S. Whattam and| Mrs. C. G. Luke, gave their serv- ices at Fairview Lodge on June 19. Further plans were made for the Prince Philip Chapter Tea to|served and Mrs. Mercer thank 8472 be held at the home of Mrs Mrs. Taylor on behalf of the 4842 George Ansley, Bessborough| for her kind hospitality drive, October 7. Mrs. F. J.|also Mrs. Leo Glover, social con Peirce, Ways and Means con. vener, for arranging such a de-|Ing. : vener, distribuied tickets to the|lightful afternoon. Knox, designer for the house of members to be sold. Miss Flossie] The members voted on and Ben Gershel, shows a feminine Coyte, Echoes: convener, read agreed that they would take a collection of basic suits and soaty {some very interesting exerpts block of tickets to be sold for, the kind that will see a work- {from the spring and summer is-| Eatorr's Fashion Show to be held|ing girl smartly through any day- {sue of "Echoes." Picnic fare was in Toronto next March. time occasion, CLEARANCE SALE YOUNG MODERNS Drastic Reductions on all merchandise SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 16 9 AM GRAB-TABLE 2 PRICE SPECIALS! All summer Sportswear Spring 50¢ to 1.00 many exceptional bargoine and Fall Coats, Car Coats ------------ Suits - Jackets Infants Wear FALL SPECIAL 3 pc. Cord Pram Sets Reg. $8.98 5.98 FREE 1 box diaper-liners with each purchase of CHIX DIAPERS " 398 DOZ. 'DRESSES GREATLY REDUCED No exchange or refund on sale merchandise. YOUNG MODERNS BOND ST. WEST RA 3.7428 OPEN FRI. EVE TILL 9 P.M. 14Y:--24% r . | Suh HALF-SIZES By ANNE ADAMS Frame your face softly in an Printed Pattern 4842: Half 18%2, 20%, 22%, | 2 requires 4% yards abire, Printed directions on each pat- ern part. Easier, accurate, Send (FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) n coins (stamps cannot be ac- Girls 2-3x, 4-6x, 7-14, Preteens 8-14x, Boys 2-6x. SIZE, NAME, AD- Send order to ANNE ADAMS Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry Eat, talk, laugh or sneeze without fear of insecure false teeth dropping, slipping or wobbling, FAS H holds plates firmer and more com- fortably. This pleasant powder has no l gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Doesn't cause nausea. It's alkaline (non-acid) Checks "plate odor" (denture breath) Get PASTEETH at any drug counter. 162 WOOLWORT SEAL OF SATISFACTION VALUES SPECIAL Value for our Summer Doll Festival LOOKS LIKE A REAL BABY DRINK 'N WET DOLL ADORABLY DRESSED What little girl wouldn't be de- lighted by this cuddly baby doll of life-like vinyl. She's fully jointed, with movable head and sleeping eyes... and fully dressed, even to her bonnet. Comes complete with bottle. | | | i | Feature value price... 4.88 KNOWN FROM COAST TO COASTH! FAMOUS JAX PANTIES WITH THE PATENTED "Flex-Seat" The panty that fits as no other panty can. White SPECIAL -- LOWEST PRICE EVER! sLIM TRIM BATHROOM SCALES Reliable bathroom scales Sturdy enamel finish with matching platform covered in linen-like weave. Wide selection of colours. : GUARANTEED 5 YEARS Regular Price 5.95 to 6.95 MAGNIFIED DIAL FOR EASY READING. ® GRAPE acetate, with Flex-Seat back panel that stretches for perfect fit. No front or side seams to irritate the skin. Small, Medium, Large. First Quality Regular... .59 SPECIAL Per Pair Quantities are limited. UNBREAKABLE, DRINK AND WET Special DOLL 88: Reg. SALE PRICE 3.99 while they last. SORRY, ONLY ONE PER CUSTOMER. WOOLWORTH'S SPECIAL ON SALE THIS WEEK ol 18 4 With Accessories.

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