WERTHER REPORT Mostly sunny and pleasant Tues- day with little change in tem- perature and light winds. THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls .+.. RA 3-3474 he Osha Times Authorized As Second Class Meil Post Office Department, Ottawe TWENTY PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 20, 1959 Continuing Talks On Berlin Offered T-- | Germans Would ~ Act As Advisers partition of Germany," Herter said in a speech to the big four in a formal session He thén made the Western counter-proposal, whieh would re. tain direct big power responsibil. ity for German unification and a VOL. 88---No. Crowd Argues GENEVA (AP)--In an effort to find a way to end the Berlin crisis, the West proposed to Rus- sia today the creation of a con- |tinuing conference of foreign min- iisters, with East and West Ger- {man advisers, to negotiate a German peace settlement. |peace treaty but would specifi- U.S. State Secretary Christian|cally provide for increasing con- A. Herter presented the Western |a0tg between West Germany and compromise offer, after rejecting |communist East Germany. a proposal by Soviet Foreign Min- . GENEVA (AP)--The Western ister Andrei A. Gromyko for for- | mation of an all-German commit-|foreign ministers prepared today tee to negotiate unification and a|to reject Russia's demand for all peace trealy during an 18-month|German negotiations on reunifica. Berlin truce. {tion. Instead-the West will pro. | pose negotiations by the Big Four "The purpose of the Soviets in putting forward the proposal is|with the East and West Germans helping as "advisers." |all too clearly to perpetuate the | The Western counter-proposal iwas reported to contain a provi- {sion that could provide for the direct German talks that Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko {demanded as one part of his price {for a truce in Berlin. Under the Western plan the Big Peasants Flock To Back Castro [wives (AP) -- Thousands out his policies while he devotes|a subcommittee to discuss spe xcited crowd, anxious to help!get the motion so he could take ve the life of a boy after helover when I got tired. Z |was pulled from a nearby lake| "But people kept milling around 7 | Sunday. pushed away a man try- saying I wasn't doing the right| ing to breathe life into the boy thing and pullin g at the boy's ! nd hampered the efforts of alegs. After about five minutes | ; young lifeguard. got off and told Frank fo con While the crowd milled and ar-|tinue the way I had shown him." ued over the best method of arti-| The crowd kept yelling at Mr. ficial respiration, David Laur, 8,/Samon to 'blow in the boy's /# of Toronto, died on the shore of mouth and started grabbing at his| 7 Shadow Lake six miles north of|legs and arms trying to stimulate _ this village and 14 north of Tor-|circulation. Finally Frank started onto to blow into the boy's mouth," | Frank Samon Jr. of Toronto, CLR 2 # who tried breathing into David's| KEPT TURNING BOY i # 4 | mouth to revive him, said, *"If| Tlie lifeguard said I told them 7% |(was an awful mess. I started to| to leave him in one position but . ' use the mouth-to-mouth method! they were shaking him up and - FIDEL CASTRO and the kid seemed to come down. They had him on his back, around a bit then his stomach and his back "Then 15 or 20 people started again J pushing me away. They were, He said that eventually "people pulling the boy's arms and legs had to form a human wall by| ji NE , holding hands to keep the others| of the displays put on by a | Emmett Shundoff of Toronto, Pack." during her visit to Namaimo, | foam like soap. Sugar is added B.C. The berries are crushed | and beating continues until and beaten by hands until they | mixture hardens, It was one an| survived by his| Patricia Diane QUEEN ELIZABETH exam- | | ines an Indian delicacy being | Nanaimo Indian band |15-year-old lifeguard at thie pri-| When Mr Samon began breath-| HAVANA ( e Sub € made from 'soap berries" | (Nanaimo Free Press Photo) |vately-owned Shadow Lake Park, (ing in the boy's mouth, Shundoff of straw-hatted, machete-carrying{most of his time to the land re-|cific items assigned by the parent A - said it was "like a backyard|said, "his eyes opened once and|jeasants are arriving early for a|distribution program. But in amy| commission. But any decision still Q R 0 h M {squabble with everybody pulling|f€ seemed to be moving and|jemonstration next Sunday in/case he clearly will continue to would rest with the Big Four. Crushed In lost. T just couldn't dot | |awarded a bronze medallion last any more." imi i 1 i stro's first un- y h ---------- =~ might not take back the premier- (celebration of Castro's first un: month by the Royal Life Saving successful attack July 26, 1953, on |Society. | He said, *'] started the Holger-| 3 Gordon Cameron told early Sunday morning. { : ee Gee the Sunday iors repobtens Sa WSNEa" Vor '| Hugh Soho (Jack) Torrance, AIDA THRIVES | oa SA 8 ¢ a in g press - conference announce-|10yal plane's arrival: "Up this | 26. 0 proch sitet Joel, was nt i Queen's indisposition -- officially {far nobody ean even spell proto. Stan Phen the ment that she was ill of a slight y ea pell pr ON MIXTURES ROTTERDAM, Netherlands (Reuters)--Aida, an elephant | June 18 might be curtailed orp p. Steele-Perkins, said he had Cathedral--a log structure that is Prongn the Vinge In yushed! even cancelled concluded it was because of the believed to be the only log cathe & 36 Shaws eneral oe These fears, it seems clear, prevailing heat and general wear. dral in the world--flew to Daw- >= > pin ak chunks of bread, 516 gum were groundless. It was an-liness son City, 300 miles north, for a| ™iurcc ankle and snock drops, 814 peppermints, tof- fées and liquorice, 811 bis- cuits, seven ice cream bars, | twee wi 11g fore the Queen and Prince Philip, SIMPLE CEREMONY The Queen spent the day "'up ween Hh; bid farewell to Canada from Hal-| Saturday's welcome to the and about" in the luxurious guest wife. the former i ifax Aug. 1 royal couple by the people of house 'at the airport which had Fulton and a three-year-old Total weight of The Queen and Prince Philip Whitehorse was simple--so much been assigned to the royal couple| ¢. W" | proximately 126 lbs. food--ap- 80 firefighters have already Fire Sweeps Wide Area 'InOregon PORTLAND, Ore. swept over more acres of rural Oregon fanned across timber lands winds by hot Winds up to 15 miles an hour| were forecast for today threatened to further spread the flames. land Al Red Coup Foiled Iraq Chief Says (CP)--Fire| than 30,000) today, | arid range and|y.. courte, 35, of 844 Bessbor- summer control | ship he resigned Friday. Possibly {he might pick someone to carry Plane Crash 'At Bancroft Kills 2 Men An Oshawa man, ough street, was killed Sunday when the light plane in which he | was | Bancroft Frank Grew, {stalled and crashed into Mac-(s kenzie lake hundreds of holidayers Eye-witnesses said that the| plane pulled into a steep climb, stalled about 200 feet up. and 'rashed nose-first into the lake about 200 feet offshore. The im- pace broke off the wings, [jammed the pontoons into the | fuselage The falling plane almost struck {two boys in a skiff, Tom Me. |Gariy, 11, of Niagara Falls, and {his cousin, Carl McGarry. also of | Niagara Falls Rescuers who rushed to the| scene tore frantically at the wreckage of the plane, in an at- tempt to reach Grew. who was trapped underwater by the wreck. | The bodies of the were taken to Bancroft | The pilot was killed instantly. | Van Courte died shortly after| being taken unconscious from the; Cl two men| {water Mr. Van Courte, who was | Fulgencio Batista's forces. {AWAIT CASTRO'S NEXT MOVE {with a standstill waiting to plans to do. But the new presi- |dent, Dr. Osvaldo Dorticos, told |a Boston radio station by tele- Iphone that he considers Casro [still is premier. {that former president Manuel Ur-|f) su i |rutia, whom Castro forced out of|521d "then obviously I will have Kenneth C. office Friday, is in no danger in| Cuba and probably will remain| fu a passenger crashed near treason because he had spoken of a Communist menace in Cuba of North York, after the former chief of the Cu- One fire has covered between pilot of the plane, was also killed/ban air force, Maj. Pedro Luis 20,000 and 30,000 acres of range-|when the Piper Club seaplane Diaz Lanz, told a U.S.. congres- before the eves of|leaders of his government were {Communists. found strong support among the Cuban masses, but in some middle- and upper-class and de sidéred a moderate and the busi- ness community felt his depar- ture had removed a brake on the revolutionary forces. Cuba meanwhile rocked along government, learn what Castro The 40-year-old lawyer also said f the country. Castro accused Urrutia of near ional committee that Castro and 8. Castro's attack on Urrutia the reaction 4 Sy ircles was adverse. The presi- ent, a former judge, was con-|¢ S Election ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--Pre mier Smallwood goes before the legislature today to ask support of a resolution condemning a fed- eral government bill en special Newfoundland grants. If he doesn't get the House's full support, the jaunty premier o adopt another course of ac- fon." That might mean he would t call a general election, although his governing 32 - man Libera! party's term doesn't expire until 1962. The premier is hopping mad about Ottawa's treatment of Term 29 in Confederation agree ments introduced a bill The Commons last week providing for 36,500,000 in special federal pay- ments to Newfoundland between the years 1957 to 1962. The bill carries a promise that Newfoundland's special financial eeds after 1962 will be consid ered by Ottawa, It is this 1962 utoff that has angered Mr. mallwood who claims the pay- ments should continue until a re. * view and consultation with New- foundlgnd decided otherwise ERR SSR a Keough said the biggest him was not allowed to see him |the anniversary of Kassem's 1958 |overthrow of the Iraqi monarchy, |The entire northeast area was re. A lawyer who wanted to act for| | THOUGHT FOR TODAY tage at nearby spending the weekend at his cot- Baptiste Lake, | Life make it didn't is what youn if so many interfere n sight could people was well known in the Oshawa avtomobile trade, For the past] three vears he has been manager of Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. used] car lot on Bond street west. Prior| to taking this post. he operated, his own car lot in Oshawa He is survived by his wife, the] former Grace Duff, and a 12- vear-old daughter, Penny Mr. Van Courte's body was| | ported to have been almost in a state of civil war Iraq's military governor med Saleh Abdi, declared Baghdad broadcast that there had only been scattered clashes and |that order had been restored. |USES STRONG WORDS | From Baghdad also came an appeal by Kassem to "those who| have strayed to go back to the! being taken to Peterborough to- right road." In the toughest tone| day for autopsy, and later to the ABDEL KASSEM he has yet used, Kassem de-|before the altar of the Roman|McIntosh Funeral Home, Osh- clared: "We will settle accounts | with any and all who attack the Catholic Church of St Baghdad. Mary in|awa No funeral arrangements ' {have been made as yet LATE NEWS FLASHES a hour When Parliament session, probably Tanuary seek|it will face some governme nt leg islation that sidetracked on Saturday, apparently, in order to opens next was CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICF RA 5-1132 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 wanted to help, One woman told| job here for Shundoff who was/me to get was some speculation that he|50,000 to attend the anniversary ach upset Sunday but the Royal/that she was feeling fine though museum. {abutment on Rossland road east | tired. of the 45day tour which began|jater the Queen's surgeon-captain, ic® in Christ Church Anglican 3, Bowmanville, was pulled peanuts, 198 sandwiches, 891 i i orth he bri is sitnated b Ahead lie 13 gruelling days be much of the way not; The fige 1s sisted be and a shoelace, 19, 1933 and lived in Oshawa all functions. and a group of children. singing| program cannot continue as I lai } 1S ( Ol 1SU1 | 1 his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret was taken under police guard 4 |pro-Communist revolt and army their equipment A Dl earl has arr d Thursd; A p.m. Rev. George Telford | Arab dispatches said hundreds pattie persisten eig ours later was moved! wi "ain to check fhe spreading fires, [of the Alexis ana Gilbert Rivers, pearance at West London court United States-('anadian air base OH OR IA os : . ITTAWA (CP Parliament and was never formally intro-|the national debt situation is liberty of the people." a free on a crowded B x beac i i » we ronx beach! A pon.stop push by the Com. that additbonal representations ggg. He asked whether the gov-|Kirkuk, a city of about 70,000, 150 people packed Orchard Beach|mal finish at 12:40 a.m. Sunday tion allowing manyfacturers to But on another point by Mr |DIVISION MUTINIES chelter penditure estimates of the de-|barking upon an increase of|and seized strategic points in and concession to opposition de venue department | his life. On March 21, 1953 he was She looked tired but to report-/God Save the Queen. There were scheduled Bell, of Hamilton; four sisters, N ; et O'Neale of Oshawa; and one| : h {from hospital today and charged | in Iraq's northern oil against forest conduct the service [nter-{of casualties resulted from the ? : Resources Minister W J. [to a hospital where he has heen|ment 'fires he weathern aid "there's not is burning 'some of the most val- and was remanded in custody to that has been threatened bv .fires| has ended its 1959 sess y y 5 ves " : dr py s d its 1959 session with alduced this year worrying and worsening Reports fromi Caire and Da- Sunday. killing four people Re X mons Saturday ending shortly| had been received on the mat-'ernment will launch another cop- miles north of Baghdad, clash a ic aren Sun ears that : i | and the nearby picnic area Sun |after » marathon 12 sit- withhold goods from retailers ¥ Carson that a rising money| mya jocal authorities had almost | partments of finance and health |™Money supply under existing con- around the city A which had sity grants acceptable to the Que | Incidents occured elsewhere in mands said a studied hly bv a|bec government. Some $24,500.000| Iraq, including a fatal attack on finallylis being held in trust for Quebec|one of Kassem's aides in Bagh- pieces universities, who aren't touching dad : it because of Premier Duplessis" Kassem blasted the Kirkuk dis-| Opposition Leader Pearson said| apposition # the grants. orders is an aniversary speech v he joint parlia- been thorou up' House {at the boy and arguing about the Waler was coming out of his nose | gypnort for Fidel Castro and his{lead Cuba. [best metiod to use." A I said. "T guess there|6¥aTian reform program. | The farmers were spilling into| ; JON WINNE ere. met 100 many sesh eke! The revolutionary leader him-|Castro's capital from as far as| Smallwood {MEDALLION 1) si B. he! re Jos. lop many: peop 0lself was in seclusion today, his|500- miles away, answering the It was the third Sunday on t plans still not revealed. There|call of their bearded leader for . [or May Call | ® Y our OINTINUesS Car Mishap | | Neilsen method -- applying pres-| | An Oshawa man is dead and a sure to the boy's back--as soon} WHITEHORSE, Y. T. (CP)--jers' questions about her health ja few introductions then a drive female passenger injured atier]2e 1 got him out of the water, Queen Elizabeth suffered a stom-|official assurances were given|through the town and a visit to a|their car struck a cement bridge|I called to a man I knew only to the heat and tired-|stomach upset. {col let alone pronounce it." fon him. Police believe Torrance Te wought disappointment to At first it was thought officially| Prince Philip filled the Sunday|fell out when the car struck the this Yukon capital Sunday and for|that it might have been due to|eDgagements the Queen was bridge. : Tov Flovd. 2 a time led to fears the remainder| something she had eaten but forced to miss. He attended serv-| 2 Rassenger, Shirley Floyd, 26.1 a4 the 200 here, in a single { day ate without any apparent | ill-effect: 1,706 handfuls of i ' lift nounced Sunday night that Her| pe temperature was 72 in| 2%-hour visit then on to Mayo for hee sed 3 ow puck 0 oa Majesty was "tremendously im-|whitehorse Saturday when the @ short airport stop, returning to crash occurred at the Rossland] 7 1 proved" after a day of rest and royal plane arrived but dropped Whitehorse in the evening. He road east bridge near Wilson road] .. apples. 198 slices of or- that the program would continue. to a refreshing 62 Sunday. piloted the four-engine aircraft : ; : | ange, one meat ball, one 9 leather glove, 16 pieces of pa- per, two small tree branches 1 u ; daughter, Kathleen. He was the| arrived in Whitehorse Saturday|so that the Queen seemed! for their stay. She ate lightly and gang Ne Margaret hii the by plane after three days in Van-|touched by evening was much recov-/late Hugh Torrance SU. couver and Victoria during wi There was no red carpet--just a ered that her physician said he He was born in Oshawa March they participated in 20 official/rug on a small raised platform-- could see 'no reason w hy the le Sooke A married in Whitby. Mr. Torrance 5 1B f A = was an employee of Smith Trans i rie port ppearance Other enrviving relatives are On Murder Charge Irs. Fred Goguen (Margar- spb . LONDON (Reuters) -- Guen-|et), Oshawa; Mrs. Edward Tripp| BEIRUT, Jenson, (AP)--Pre- ther Podola, 30-year-old German, |(Andretta), Oshawa: Miss Bar-/Ther Ad " BESET s Te : "MAM | para Torrance and Miss Margar-|8ime claims it has smashed a Le ; hh ( brother, Andrew, of Oshawa {mutiny ; ST. JOHN'S. Nfld (CP)--Sunny Cahill, Was missing on an aerial with the murder of 43-year-old| The body is resting at the Arm-|fields, but press reports to Cairo skies and high winds were fore- gurvey or was Jeporied to have Detective-Sgt. Raymond Purdy strong Funeral Home. for service|@nd Damascus say clashes are cast for southern Labrador today a aly Sunday 3) yor Hope! Podola, deported from Canadalin the Chapel, Tuesday, July 21 |continuing. as continued 4 : last year, was arrested Thursday|at 2 will be at Mount Lawnyl!fighting that broke out Wednes- that eaten| Keough said the fires "are the under strict guard ever since Cemetery day, while Iraq was celebrating through 200 square miles of val- worst in living memory." able woodland Mr As weary volunteers prayed for fires, burning behind the estuary Podola made a five-minute ap- a drop uzble timber in Labrador." July 28 Patrol planes Sunday spotted 3 a - six fires burning out of control south of Goose Bay. the big joint U fi J ° Re ne nfinished Business One of the planes. carrying Deputy Resources Minister P. J hd Murray and chief forester Charles S ar 1am ent ( '1o S08 . . Lightning Bolts K | few newl F: ne 7 ™ p © + 3s 5 3 ill 8 Persons N hy : announced govern-, In the closing minutes 'Satur-| Next December, ' he said, the|masc capitals of President| ment policies to think about and day justice Minister Fulton sliced ' Vasser's i NEW YORK (AP) Lightning-- some unfinished business left be- the heart t of me anti-c Sovernment's Short term debi[Nasser's Usited avab Republic, Ee dre rn Ar ik nh ee (arfimished hu fess Je | a o of Some anti-com- maturing in less than two years|gave this account of the trouble: s t nes legislation. He explained|oould 15:: i; = record $5,800,000.-| Local army and police units in About six miles away another before midnight t i f te. 1 M iy » der 3 i he/ters, and further st was a renal ' ) : i= Bolt SIPUCK eat tie Brots Fo Se mang Syre of Ni wre dy Nel) As x version loan plan. with Communist demonstrators injuring four more ora veary : SesSion. De Finance Minister Fleming(!ast Wednesday and 27 persons and senators stayed on until pror- |leted were a prohibition against ade: iract 5 y e ngl ere killed and 150 injured Police estimated that 100,000 ogation ceremonies wrote a for-|misleading advertising and a sec made no direct reply day, seeking relief from the heat ting who persistently use them supply may iead to inflation--the | .acrored order when the 2nd Bri-| Late in the afternoon the sky| its new ledders -- below-cost bar o Minister made a firm reply gade of the 2nd Army Division darkened and thunder rumbled attract customers The Bank of Canada has made |mutinied, killed the deputy divi- The crowd scattered to The Commons Approved the ex- It clear it has "no thought of em-|sion commander. blew up bridges hurry things up and welfare, which after defence|ditions,"" Mr. Fleming said The bodies of at least 15 per- Ce : are the two biggest-spending de-| On another point, he promised sons, including the commander Biggest item is Prime Minister partments. In less than a minute|"a most intensive effort" to find|and local officials, were han Diefenbaker's bill of rights. In alit okayed expenditur mentary comr ee will be set committee, and next session to study it. The bill whipped through 10 minor was Introduced in draft form at|of legislation ithe close of last year's. session! ged | es of the re- a way of making federal univer-|or dragged through the streets. Fraud Attempt Charged Elects Summary Trial Henry Melvin Hopkins 42, of Cambeliford, charged with attempted extortion of $5,000 by threats from H. L. MacMillan, prominent Campbellford storeowner, pleaded not guilty to the charge and elected summary trial at Campbellford July 23 in police court at Cobourg this morning. Magistrate R. B Baxter remanded him in custody. Whyte Trip Called Off Bert Whyte, husband of "Mom Whyte, told the Times today that the projected Whytehaven mission trip to Win nipeg, to allow some of the children to see H.M. Queen has been cancelled. No reasons were given for the decision DOLLAR ber and 500 were drawn PICNIC Seven-year-old Billy Stewart was one of the 500 lucky chil- | dren who received brand-new | silver dollars at the Local 222, UAW picnic. held Saturday at | | Lakeview .Park. Each child at | | the picnic was given a num- | of the numbers and pasted on a large board. Those whose numbers tallied with one on the board received silver dollar KINGSTON (CP A Montreal man, Max Dortman Alias Shapiro, was remanded today to July 27 on a charge of attempted fraud of a Kingston businessman. Bail was set at $4,500. Dortman was arrested in Montreal last week after Kingston police had asked Montreal police to watch for a man In connection with the $4.000 fraud a (Times Photo) ¢