AR OI JY a, ptf, TA ON STI, Wh ~+7' SLIMMER SUMMER 3 A Size Smaller By IDA JEAN KAIN | lideal for taking slimming action. /% [There is a freedom about this out-of-door season that gives life a lift. Countless reducers credit ; |a summer series for providing the 1 [start that helped them to get out lof the fat lady class. Overweights take hope from this promise: Get on the right course this summer {and yon can in due time reach {ideal weight -- regarless of how {many excess pounds you have to |lose. | Recall the voung woman who wrote: '"'Hurray--it's finally got-| [ten through to me that will power lisn't what I lack--it's a goal I | need." Right. Harness the will to la goal, and you have set yourself {on a course of action. The goal: jaim to be a full size slimmer by {Labor Day. How do you "set" your mind? Recognize that mental set is a part of will power. The will ex- erts itself when you "will" in ad- |vance how you want to act. | | For example: If you are a fast| eater and for this reason over-| |eat at mealtime, "set" yourself in| {advance to savoring all food for {aver Instead of eating for full | ness, aim to get satisfaction froia| ! ltaste. This can be a new taste this newspaper Omelet with parsley y : Set Your Goal To Become By Labor Day dressed envelope for leaflets en-| 4 The good old summer time is|titled Take Your Measure and |Your nose to the proverbial grind Perfect Dress Size Chart. Address, ple Kain, care of! Post card re-/FOR THE BIRTHDAY request to Ida Jean quests can not be answered. SUMMER SLIMMING MENU TUESDAY Breakfast Dry cereal, (% cup) with sliced banana (%2) or fresh berries (2-3 cup) Sugar (1 rounded tsp.) Whole Milk, % cup Coffee, black Pick-up Tomato juice, 4 oz., with envelope of gelatine Luncheon 1 egg, 1 tbsp. milk, 3 tsp fat Canadian style bacon, grilled (smali slice) Toasted triscuits or rve wafers (2) Crisp celery sticks Cantaloupe, % melon Tea, iced or hot 235 Late-Day Pick-Up Glass of skim milk or butter- milk Dinner Calories ness and success You have a fine 100 mind, are practical and endowed 45|with great tenacity of purpose. 25/should 'see you through the next 80|two months when, for the sake of O|future gain, it will be necessary 250|to be diligent and realistic in 50! period in which to make plans 115/even though results are not im- 35 however, vou should see fine re 40|ber--along with chances to make 10/further strides forward in De- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 21, 1959 How To Give Your Garden That Desired Spacious Look By ELEANOR ROSS wall, it is best to use a similar This is the time of year when|texture stone for your garden we're out in the yard much of the|walls, although hues that com- time and it's only natural for the|plement or blend, can. be used proud home owner to survey the|with artistry. For patio floors, territory and wonder how it can|pool borders and walks, slate, be improved and beautified. bluestone, travertine, Well, even if the grounds sur.|granite, limestone and marble rounding your home are handker- may be used effectively. chief-size, a low stone wall, set-| Yes, the garden wall can be- ting apart the gardening area,|come quite interesting and in can be a prime decorative asset |triguing when creatéd by one's and helps give the garden a|own hands! spacious air. LIGHTWEIGHT STONE A wide variety of lightweight stone material in muted hues is available in neighborhood stone yards, so it is easy to plan walls that will comvlement or blend ® attractively with shrubbery and flowers. i Popular stone hues range from pale rose and muted yellow to | blue tones to charcoal beige and | purplish hues--a wide spectrum | : sure to intrigue the eye of any fod lady with a flair for decorating. Designing a garden wall that | will give an air of distinction and THE STARS SAY Ry ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Planetary restrictions, where personal relationships are con- cerned, continue somewhat, so be circumspect in al! dealings--both in business and with family. Keep istone, and youll keep out of If tomorrow is your birthday, your chart shows many fine as- sets which, rightly used, cdn help |you far along the path to happi- These last jw traits especially, ROSY TOES Toenails and fingernails re- spond eagerly to consistent care. Once drab and lifeless toenails can become bright and gay with pedicure. {making the best use of your skills and talents. This will be a {for job and financial security, | mediately forthcoming. By taking |advantage of opportunities now, sults from your efforts in Octo- cember, and early 1960. During August, October and De- | cember, personal matters will be in the celestial spotlight, and your 85 social and domestic life should prove highly stimulating. If you are single, new romance and-or extra spaciousness to your home| is an easy do-it-yourself proposl-| tion for the home owner now: marriage is indicated during the adays, thanks to modern tech. | | Broiled chicken (no added fat) 200|same months. Avoid anxiety and niques of processing natural stone | LIGHT FOOD, SPARKLING DRINKS MAKE ENTERTAINING EASY "Think cool and easy" when you plan lunch for guests in the summer time. Pretty to look MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL lexperience. |PSYCHOLOGY HELPS | | Also, apply this psychology. In| your imagination, see yourself de-| (liberately pulling in your belt, ! |and walking away from the table, | before you have eaten to satiety. | | Put this into actual practice, and vou will know for sure that 20 to| 30 minutes after the meal, you| will feel content and in control. | It is vitally important for you to visualize in your mind how| vou want to look and feel. Get a new concept of yourself. See! | jee-cold fresh fruit that guests | of six sparkling drinks each | made from a tablet. A scoop of | sherbet adds an extra cooling salads. With it, serve a variety | and flavorful touch. | at and simple to make is a frosted melon scooped out to can put on their cottage cheese hold a colorfu' assortment of not choose to explore. In a sense she is hiding from the truth as Worried At Mother's Marriage To Man In Early Twenties Dear Mary Haworth: 1 am an man worthy of her; but she didn't only child in my early 20s, hap- pily married, with four small chil- dren, My father died years ago| Alfred and my mother and I shared a very close relationship until re- cently. Although she disapproved my early marriage and finds fault with my husband, she has been devoted to her grandchildren, and generous in buying clothes for them. She has a good job, is self- supporting and always said she enjoyed living her own life. She|sible. and was divorced for this|Alfred may squander. This kind| is in her late forties. I encour-| aged her to date more often, and to marry again #f she found a seem interested. All was vell until she met I'll call him), a young man in his early twenties, who swept her into marriage, six % of 2 Ib. broiler Asparagus, 6 spears Choice: Corn-on-cob, 1 ear 5" long Butter, ¥% pat (%" thick) or Brown rice cooked in bouillon, % cup, (65 cal.) Wedge of lettuce with Thousand Island dressing (1 tsp, mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. Chili sauce, lemon juice) xButterscotch pndding made with skim milk Coffee or tea Total calories for day (Clip and Save) Pattern for lunch to carry | Sandwich--2 thin slices bread 100 {Filling of lean meat (2 oz.) or cheese (1% oz.) or chicken (2 slices). Use mustard plus thin spread of mayonnaise No Butter 1 Wax wrap celery sticks, rad- ishes, cucumbers, or carrot sticks Fresh fruit 85 25 15 45 54 444 village that none will take part ot x--Low calorie D-Zerta Pudding 95 making off with jewels and elec- suggest using the same type of 20 75 320 and Mrs. Walter James received extravazance iv November; also|so that it is lightweight and aval)- | next March. |able in easy-to-use shapes. | A child born on this day will be| Among the generally available] competent and resourceful, but|types of quarried stone that make | may have to curb tendencies to-|decorative garden walls are lime | ward the morbidly superstitious. stone, granite, bluestone, traver-| tine, quartzite, marble and sand NEWS BRIEFS | stone. These all come in pre-cut | TEMPT SHY GIRLS sizes designed for easy laying in| BRANDON, England (CP)--|(where the finished grade 0 Girls are so shy in this Suffolk lighter on one side than on the| her). | in a carnival queen contest. An| If the stones are flat, and fit organizer said "we shall trv to|tightly 'together, a dry construc. |W {tempt them with the promise of tion is practical. If they are ir-| a free hair-do." | regular, cement mortar should be used to bind each stone securely. ME A lite Co-ordination is the key to suc-| srg : $ _-- cessful landscape decoration, Just| |took a woman into custody who| |they said averaged three robber. | 28 it is to interior decoration. tes a week in two years, hiring PATIO FLOORS DRUGS out as a new housemaid and| Generally speaking, architects] 28 KING ST. E. OSHAWA RA 3-4621 |trical appliances at the first op-| . |portunity. She has five Caniren, 2iote lor standing walk 5 > plant MARRIED 70 YEARS |trasting stones for patio floors, READING, England (CP)--Mr, pool borders and walks. I If your house has a split stone! yourself free from the burden of . |pounds and living an active, Neat Suit | happy life. Here is another prom- she feels it to be: trying to keep lise to hold on to: Each small her eyes shut to the thin ice she's q ] mM |Facenss Ju, vodueing yenews Yous cat hope and lessens the compulsion a - on ; tea S DOW egy EXPECTS DISAPPROY AL ROME (AP) -- Decor tri- To slim down one size, it is Alfred's insane jealousy of her, ecorum ir necessary to reduce 10 to 2 and intent to cut her apart from umphed over dash Saturday as| ;.;q¢ depending on stature friends of former days, is a plain the well-bred suit stole the Rome But what's 10 pounds or 2 once revelation of problem-character fashion spotlight. vou've made up your mind to Thus he indicates his personal! Founding members of the banish the fat and look and feel conviction of shame and guilt and Rome designer group, Fontana|a good 10 years younger! unworthiness, in becoming a among the foremost, showed col-| Tomorrow: A new slant on will leech as her husband. He doesn't lections of quiet refinement, power. | feel fit to stand inspection, in guaranteed not to startle. It was| Send long, stamped, self - ad- months ago--after a few weeks' comparison with tried-and-true a salute to propriety and, most! ---- - courtship that charmed her. Im- friends of hers. He too is in flight viewers thought, a slap at the mediately he quit his job, and from the truth about himself. over-conspicuous. stays home or drives around in| AS for how to help your mother,! Fontana's ladies will be wear- her new car, while she continues He ouly Yay eng the hest Way, ing suits with riding-coat jackets| J rorki after all, is to make clear to her|i, theatre efits as we working to support them both. hat you love her wholeheartedly fo Jen benefits as well as to ? {INSANELY JEALOUS |and forever, in any circumstances| | I have heard through friends|whatsoever. And without regard that he is a loafer and irrespon. for her small inheritance that One model, nearly long enough to be a redingote, had a school- | girl blouse to go with it in well- reason, leaving a small child in|of loyalty should give her cour- Ooh OR ontanc. is re ot 03 his former wife's custody, whom age in dealing with Alfred, if al." g:a 0000) TY) 5 Lore on he will have to support somehow, showdown comes when she needs : ir Jackel | rv = He is insanely jealous of mother,|a backer through thick-and-thin. Teaching ow 19 He hop and} writ permit her to have friends| Don't bother about trying toi" as 'ong as hermuca, SIoTes-| over, and she has alienated her-| "accept" Alfred as a stepfather, Also noted in Fontana's new Sif from us (and her brother |Just acknowledge him as part of autumn - winter collection were| and sister) hecguse we think she the parental situation, when pay- demure first-dance dresses and a| made a mistake. ing tribute primarily to your good|own for the bride's mother with | Y love mother very mush and mother. M.H silvery ribbon and scalloped lace. | |don't feel I've misjudged Alfred, |" a | "Cocktail dresses with slim lines| {who constantly condemns my {had bouffant overskirts in petal usband lof having a large fam- Frozen Custard shapes. One apricot number, |ily on a small 'ncome. But at least . | t my husband works every day; Without Sugar more Serine fan the Pes, had a {and we manage to pay our bills, {prope ler = like bodice, produced | | We are moving to the Coast| So many people can't eat sweet | by high-flying sash. {shortly and I am much con-|dishes for the good of either their cerned about mother's welfare. I health or their waisteline. Here is] can't understand how she could|a frozen dessert made without change so suddenly, and become sugar. a stranger to persons with whom CREAMY FROZEN CUSTARD, she had always been so close. | (Makes 6 servings) | She has a small inheritance that (Each serving contains 72 calor- won't last long, the way Alfred ies; if made with sugar, 169 cal-| spends. How can I accept him as ories) | {my stepfather when I honestly 4 teaspoons cornstarch |feel he married her only for se-| ¥% teaspoon salt curity? I don't want to see her 1% cups skim milk {urt, but what can I do? A.N./2 eggs separated % ' pi 2 teaspoons sucaryl solution {DON'T PASS JUDGMENT a T | Dear AN.: A critical attitude , or 18 tablets, crushed | towards persons we love, for ", teaspoons vant Ia | { making mistakes (from our view) |," teaspoon nutmeg [ simply puts a barrier between 4 drops yellow food coloring one-third cup evaporated If you are wondering what type of gift would please a lady on her birthday or anniversary, An old bowling pin can be {made into an attractive lamp. bs i || after she broke her ankle, a cor-| "LUXURIOUS PRACTICALITY ing square design. Imported from Switzerland, it is guaran- teed to be as accurate as it is #| dreaded selling ties to women be-| | |a telegram of congratulation from {the Queen on their 70th wedding | anniversary. They are 91. WOMEN CLIMBERS TOKYO (AP) Communist China claims eight young women --four Chinese and four Tibetans {between ages 21 and 26--have, bettered the world mountain rec- lord for women by topping 24.388- | feet Mount Muztagh Ata in West Sinkiang. The New China News Agency said 25 men reached the _ [summit with the girls. TIE TASTES IMPROVE LONDON (CP)--Outfitter Cecil "Gee says a few years ago hel Shop WOOLWORTH'S First! VISIT OUR NEW MODERN STORE Air-Conditioned--Self Serve--Saves Time GAVA TEMPLE BIRDS MAKE FINE PETS Complete With Cage 3.77 WITH 2 BIRDS, 5.16 VISIT OUR MODERN LUNCHEONETTE cause men nearly always brought | them back to change. "But women's taste in ties has so im | proved that we now have to| | change only about one in 50." FROWN ON CO-EDS | MEXICO CITY (AP)--The Na: | tional Teachers College is goiny| ightlv co - educational. Mixed! classes will be held only in cer tain orofessional subjects because of Mexico's non-co-ed tradition. | BLOOD CLOT FATAL BIRMINGHAM Eng. (CP)--A| [blood clot killed a police woman | oner was told in this Midlands city. A pathologist said the clot! {moved from her ankle to her) heart. " EVACUATE FAMILIES I GUELPH, Ont (CP)--Twenty- | seven families will be evacuated | here in September as part of | Wellington County civil defence] exercises. | them and us, so that we couldn't |help them if we wanted to--or if they needed our protective aid. So, as you love your mother, don't pass judgment on her ven- ture in marrying Alfred. She feels obliged to withdraw from past intimates who disparage him \ #|and question why she did it, be- SAMPLER STORY |cause she has no confident or log- By ALICE BROOKS ical defence against their skep- For now and future pleasure. |' 3 Embroider this pretty sampler story to delight a new mom. milk {Hollow it out for wiring, sanr it| here's 4 SEG | Ne Put cornstarch and salt in top' and apply protective shellac var-| It's a brand new type of cock of double boiler, Add skim milk; : stir until cornstarch dissolves. nish or wax tall watch made in a contrast: Blend in beaten egg yolks and sucaryl, Cook over hot water until mixture thickens, 6 to 8 min- utes, stirring constantly. Add van. | illa, nutmeg, yellow coloring and evaporated milk. Cool. Fold icism. stiffly beaten egg whites into Indeed, she probably feels con- cooled custard. Pour into freezing strained to keep away from their tray and freeze. When firm, re : d __|censorious attitude, because their| move to chilled mixer bowl and Easiest embroidery; do flower evident misgivings stir answer-| beat on slow speed until creamy | tant is pik Shages Yor 8 &irl. ing uneasiness in herself (in her|Return 'to tray at once. Freeze 3 : ts. a ; Y,. Talerp * |unconscious mind) that she does!until firm i hy X D E transfer of 12 x 16 inch panel; ee ------ on ---------- V4 RR 60 nomes; color chart Sq] 4 : Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (stamps Ladies' Cotton Baby Doll Shorty cannot be accepted) to The Osh- ava Times Household Arts Dept., ® Guaranteed Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN Washable ® Full Cut Hundreds of Other Bargains to Choose From of gold with a red suede strap. --Bv TRACY ADRIAN decorative. This time-piece is | | | [ | Are You Planning A . . . PENNYWORTH'S 21 BOND STREET WEST ATTENTION STUDENTS... THE CANADIAN HEALTH STUDIOS are offering Short Holiday Reducing and Conditioning Courses lovely designs to order: crochet-| ing, knitting, embroidery, quilts, dolls, weaving. A special gift, inj the catalog to keep a child hap- pily occupied -- a cutout doll and clothes to color. Send 25 cents for your copy of the book. REMEMBER . . . EVEN ON VACATION . .. GOOD: GROOMING IS A MUST. Don't wait until the last minute to have your clothes dry LT Why not be slim and trim for school in the Fall. Others are doing it. WHY NOT YOU? COME IN AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE For Further Information At No Obligation Call RA 5-3574 cleaned and your shirts laundered. Phone us right away for FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY or drive in to our store. ACADIAN CLEANERS, PRESSERS and SHIRT LAUNDERERS 299 BLOOR W. Silvikrin SAVE Bsa SHAMPOO > En. NUMBER, Our 19% ALICE BROOKS) SIZES S.M.L. Needlecraft Catalogue has many REGULAR 1.69 HEALTH ST AR -- MITCHELL'S Yon Drug coe SNES an ba RA 8-5141 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE