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The Oshawa Times, 21 Jul 1959, p. 5

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é Fee Bustling with activity through | Photographs above show 4 ou ll HU 4 part the week, the D"Hillier Park is | of the activity that goes on in a mecca for children from the ages of 6-12 who attend summer day camp there, The camp, sponsored by the IODE, was opened last week to boys in the area, and now it's the girls' turn. Over 80 girls attended on Monday, the opening day for them at the new summer camp. | the camp, which is open Mon- day to Friday. Top left photo- graph shows Counsellor Connie George, 16, 601 Dundas street east, showing Marilyn Maxwell, 8, 337 Rosedale drive, how to model an elephant out of clay. Top right shows a group of the girls swimming in the creek. o] The girls at the summer day camp also enjoy playing vol- leyball, and the photograph at the bottom shows a group of players up for a game. The camp will continue two weeks for the girls, with four coun- | sellors and a director to look | after them. | --Photos by A. McCulloch WHITBY And DISTRICT {the IODE Summer Day Camp is! Susan Reed Wed In Guelph Church Decorated with white chrysan the camjyp at anytime and themums, St. George's Church, see for themseives the ideal loca- Guelph, was the setting for the tion and how much it is enjoyed. marriage of Susan Reed, daugh- music was plaved by Mr. Ralph ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Reed, Kidd. |Guelph, tormerly of Whitby, to! The bride was given in mar- {Mr. Robert Beeteson. son of Mr [riage by her father. She wore a Bernard Beeteson white ballerina length nylon The Reverend Walsh officiated gown with Chantilly lace top and at the ceremony. The weddingilong sleeves. She ried a bou quet of white chrysanthemums visit and red roses The bridesmaids. Miss Karen Edwards and Miss Dianne Beete- son. were dressed alike in pink nylon ballerina length gown and | - white accessories. They carried ay amp bouquets of white 'mums a Mr. Gien Beeteson acted as hest man and the ushers were The boys' two weeks at Sum- yi jim Reed and Mr. Bill Bill mer Dai© Camp came to a close. last Friday The camp director The reception was held at Mrs. J. C. M. Kirk, reported a Royal Hotel, Guelph, and the very pleasant and successful pe-|yrije's mother received the riod with a daily average of about|;, ois wearing a navy blue suit 70 in attendance {with matching accessories. She Each Thursday a wiener roast|y as assisted by the grandmother is held, Friday is sports day,|.s g races, etc., taking place. Visiting Gross with matching accessories IODE members took special After the reception, the couple {penis of watermelons and jeff for their honeymoon trip tc rd {St. Lawrence Seaway The bride Indian villages, windmills and|jonned a taffeta light blue dress. other crafts were made. Theln, their return Mr and Mrs. parting salute was "See you next/peotason will reside at 50 Dublin year." This week the girls take Guelph over for two weeks. Aecording to] ne i-- extra application forms asked of co-convener, Mrs. R. Langford,| street, 40 YEARS WITH FIRM TORONTO (CP) -- J. Howard a must for the month of July Mulloy, 59, manager of refining Mr. Roxbourg of the Faith|sales for Imperial Oil Limited Baptist Church: is in charge of|died Friday in Kenmore, N.Y opening exercises this week. Par-|Born in Elmira, he had been Certificates Are | H.S. Meeting At 'Mitchell's ents and friends are invited to with Imperial Oil for 40 years. Couple Celebrate the groom who chose a pink M (ONO Club Meets At Blackstock By MRS. R. C. HILL BLACKSTOCK The ONO club met at the home of Norma Van Camp Wednesday evening with 20 girls present. President Shirley Turner newly returned -|from girl guide camp, conducted the meeting. Final arrangements were made for the picnic July 28 at Community Park, Caesarea. It was reported that Roy Tur- ner and Dorothy Forder are re- pairing the signs at each end of the village. The club was asked to cater for a wedding in September. Norma Van Camp presided for a portrait game. Camp songs were sung follow- ed by lunch. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mount- joy made a motor trip to Min- den, Thursday. Roy Bradburn, Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Janet- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bradburn and daughter, Toron- to; Earl Donald, Ivan, Ray and Ronald Bradburn were Wednes- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 27, 1959 § WHITBY SPORTS SPOTLIGHT By WREN A. BLAIR WITH GERRY BLAIR PINCH-HITTING There is a considerable amount of controversy circulating throughout many of the larger hockey centres in Ontario regard. ing the newly formed Eastern Professional Hockey League at present embraces Hull-Ottawa, Kingston, Sudbury, Mon and Three Rivers. Reports out of Kitchener are that a sional hockey club has offered Pete Palangio, manager of North Bay hockey 'club, ten hockey players and will offset operating costs accumulated by the team. Those responsible supposedly Eddie Shore and his Springfield Indians of the can Hockey League. Withut them in the league alongside bury in the north it is felt that travelling could prove very to some of the clubs, especially the Quebec entries. However. is not the opinion of Mr, Paul Patton, sports editor for the bury Daily. He feels that the league will be a great success, also seems to think that this league will be run in a more cient manner than was the senior leagues of Ontario. Says Patton, Quote: "Pro hockey is a tough racket, but at least its on a business-like basis. In amateur hockey, things are so py, it's silly. The OHA-NOHA couldn't even run a pool When Kitchener and Chatham had finished their semi-fi was suddenly discovered that a week too much had been ted for the play-offs. So the teams had to rush through a THE et £ CLE H oH g day evening dinner guests of Mr, |and Mrs. Will Forder. Mrs. John Scott is visiting in Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston § [returned home from Belleville Thursday. wimpy Storm Clouds PERSONALS (Gather Around 'UK. Minister Miss Mary Madden, daughter of Mr. 2 Mrs } o tbr Huth hig LONDON (AP)--Storm clouds [Scotland for a three-week vaca. gathered around Colonial Secre- tion where she will be visiting|tary Alan Lennox-Boyd Monday relatives. 4 as the Opposition drew a bead : on his policies in troubled Afri- can terriories, Prime Minister Macmillan held a cabinet meeting to draw up |strategy to meet the Labor party N attack expected this week. liss Linda Huxter spent the| The attack is likely to weekend in Bowmanville as the] y 4 |on thre ints: guest of Miss Sandra Johnson. on A judicial committee report Wayne Plowright, of Thursday, it is reported, will Port Hope, is spending a month|criticize Lennox-Boyd's handling |visiting his grandparents, Mr,|of the nationalist uprising in the and Mrs. C. E. Hyderman, of/central African protectorate of Athol street. 4 |Nyasaland last February and ; . {March. The report is expected to Miss Claudia Jackson, of Dove-/gay that the colonial secretary dale drive, is spending the sum-|exaggerated allegations that Afri- mer months in Montreal as thecans were planning a massacre |guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. jn Nyasaland. and Mrs. Jack Mackenzie, 2. The government will be asked this week to say what it is My. and Mrs. Herman Huxter and their sons Jim, Ewan and Glyn spent the weekend at Mink Lake on Lake St. Peter. centre Master ' | Miss Mary James and Miss| |Linda Barnes have returned| | from a two-week vacation spent| |in Hagersville where they visited {Mr. and Mrs. James Vann. Hola detention camp in Kenya, {beaten to death' by guards. Miss Paddy Vann is vacation-| 3. The government ing with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lear, of Burns street. Guests who attended the Beete-| {son-Reed wedding at St. George's {Church, Guelph, were: Mr. and {Mrs. M. Halpenny, Mr. Glen Hal- |penny, Mr. and Mrs. A. Reed, Mr. A. Edwards, Edwards, Mr. Ron Bilida, of | |Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. R. |Anthony, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. {J. Reed, Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ventry, Mr, Wayne Ven- try, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Billings, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Billings, Mr.| |and Mrs. C. Sayer, Mr. and| |Mrs. R. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Billings, Mr. and Mrs. W. Deane, | with Nyasaland. that Dr. Hastings Banda, Scot member of the commission. Federation. PM Delaving doing about ar incident at the where 11 members of the terror- list Mau Mau organization were will be asked to detail its views on the proposed commission to consider in constitutional changes in the Central African Federation of Southern and Northern Rhodesia The Labor party likely will ask i ; tish-educated leader of African Miss Karen nationalists in Nyasaland, be a But Dr. Banda is not accept- able to Sir Roy Welensky, prime minister of the Central African Awarded Dancers Figures were released on re-|Teachers. Results of the examin-| sults of the dance examinations|ation are as follows Primary | for the British Primary Certi-|Exams., Tap: George Warman, ficate and bronze medal, by|Beth McEachern, Bobby 3 Whithy students, who attended|Duncan, Linda Moyle, Jane Hal-! under Margaret Connelly, BATD |lett, Corners MITCHELL'S CORNERS Kay| The regular meeting of Mitchell's Corners' Home and School Asso-|by vellow tea roses graced the children, with table as Mr. and Mrs, Alexander ciation was held recently in Toronto, Sunday. Examiner was Miss Sadie|Beverly Primary Exams, Highland | Mrs. William Nemis presiding. Rodman, Simpson of Scotland, a member |ders. the British Association of U.S. Government's |, of Primary Certificate for {land Dancing: Beverly {Myrna Saunders Primary Certificate for |Linda Moyle, George Warman. Myrna Saun-| Mrs. Arthur Peeling, recording secretary, read the minutes and High-| Mrs, Harry Dyler gave the treas- Rodman, urer's report. Mrs. Guy Chamberlin's class Tap|won the banner for having the ancing: Beth McEachern, Jane most parents present. |Hallett, Bobby Kav Duncan,| Brenda Stewart entertained with selections on the guitar Golden Wedding Gold and white tapers flanked Mrs. Carl (Eileen) of Welland, Mrs. Rob- % ert Ramsay (Verniece), Hamil- Townson celebrated their golden ton, John F. Townson, of Whitby, wedding anniversary today, in Charles D. Townson, Barry's Whitby. Bay, and Mrs. Donald G. Dutton The former Eleta Mae Carr, (Gloria). Guelph. There are 12 daughter of the iate John Henry grandchildren. Carr and Mary Alice Haviland, The occasion was marked by a of the United impire Loyalists family dinner on Sunday and a was united in marriage at New reception was held at their home, Liskeard on July 21, 1909, to|121 Byron St. N., on Tuesday. Messages of congratulations Miss J. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. R. Billings, all of Guelph. | Gerry, son of Mr. and Mrs, {Murray Hicks, of Dunlop street json a family diner was ar-| ranged y | Mrs. Fred Drew, of Euclid street, and her sister, Miss Hazel Rogers, have returned after spending a two-week vacation in {Western Canada. While in Cal- |gary they attended the Stampede| jon the same day that the Queen| land Prince Philip also attended. [They also visited Banff, Lake {Prime Minister Diefenbaker has Holiday Trip OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition Leader Pearson is heading for a combined business and holiday Of 'the union were born five West, celebrated his 13th birth-itrip to Europe. CCF House Lafferty/day on Monday. For the occa-|Leader Hazen Argue already has left with his family for his farm home at Kayville, Sask. But no immediate plans for holidays. That was the situation Monday for political party heads in the wake of the weekend completion of the parliamentary session. Mr. Pearson's office said the Liberal party leader and his wife will sail for England Sunday. He is scheduled to attend a seminar 3 73 ries and by the time Kitchener emerged winners they were ad, it was (as usual) easy pickings for well-rested Whitby. {of Quote. This may be frve in some cases, but it is our belief that the |main downfall for most of the clubs in the various senior leagues, was the outrageous salaries paid for senior hockey players, prob- ably the reason for Kingston not paying their share. They wanted ito be treated on a professional basis, all play and no work. When you consider the comparison in crowds to those of Whitby's, and look at the success the Dumlops have had, there has to be some explanation for it. Players such as Bobby Attersley, Ted O'Con- nor, Harry Sinden, Fred Etcher, and Don McBeth, who all hold responsible positions besides playing hockey, just to name a few, play because they love the game. They have proven this over and over with championship clubs the last four years. To top it all off, they are on the whole better 'key players than the omes demanding the larger sums. Mr. Patton also stated that in this league because they were pro "players, they would work harder to get t the top. Look at the offers members of the Dunlops have received. We can't recall too many players from the old Quebec league ever reaching the big time. If pro hockey is so smoothly run, we wonder what happened to the other four clubs in the now defunct QHL, Also missing from this league will be the rivalry of old, which the northern league enjoyed with teams from Sault Michigan, Sault Ontario, Pembroke, North Bay and Sudbury. What kind of rivalry can you develop with a large metropolis lke Montreal a w | TOWN AND COUNTRY... The Whitby Millers Junior lacrosse club, with not even two full forward lines, won over Long Branch by the socer of 12.7 here last Thursday night. Coming on strongly in the second period by scoring seven they took right over, continuing to outplay them and again out. scoring Long Branch 8-1 in the third period, Manager Ivan Davie was more than pleased with the all-out effort produced by the short-handed Millers, which just goes to show you what this elub can do when the chips are down. Leading the team again was Terry Davis with four goals, followed by B. Gibson with three. Next home action for the locals is this Thursday night starting at 8:30, when the league-leading Br ton Excelsiors will be the visitors . . . The front-running ladies' softball team the Merchants, literally trounced their nearest rivals from Stouf! 24-1, in Stouffville last Thursday evening. It was just a much power on the part of the Merchants. Tonight tennial Park they host the East York Kiwanis in what the best game of the season. After suffering that 3-2 defeat hands' of these same Kiwanis gals, revenge will be on the tonight. Game time 8:15 p.m. . . . Terry Sawchuck, goalie Detroit Red Wings has signed for the 1959-60 season. This it his 10th year in the National Hockey League . . . While on the subject of hockey this Friday night in Toronto will be the next meeting for the newly-formed OHA Senior league, providing Corn- wall show their intentions of entering or not . . . Pele Conacher of the world champion Belleville MacFarlands is cwrently recu- perating from an operation on his knee . . . Maybe this will be the year for the Toronto Maple Leafs ball club. Other years they have always been on top or close to it, and come play-off time they have faded rather rapidly. If they have enough incentive for them to take it all . . . Each major league club seems to have its turn in the slump doldrums, and currently ¥ is the favored Mil waukee Braves who lost their sixth straight game on Sunday, when St. Louis batters bombarded Brave pitchers for 16 hits . . . Cleveland and Chicage continue their torrid battle for league leadership in the American league . . . Whitby and Ajax Industrial softball continues this Wednesday night, with a doubleheader starting at 7:00 p.m., Dunlop Gold Seals and Dupont, then at 9.00 finds Al Heffering's Esso against Bathurst Paper. t HHA EC x LJ] The Agency that can give you from personal experience Travel Tips on particulor places and customs, o FREE DELIVERY OF TICKETS o PAY LATER PLAN Deficit Is Record ; Bronze Medal for Tap Dancing: WASHINGTON (AP)--The 20v-Inargo Wilson, Beverly Bassett, ernment announced Monday that|Kay Luscombe, Beverly Hicks, its deficit for the fiscal year 1959,| Barbara Hicks, Gail Clarke, Mar- Lunch was served by Mrs, Alexander Townson, son of the A A : Michael Nemisz and her "Slate Frederick Townson and were received from their many Louise and various other parts.|o tne Atlantic Treaty Association mittee Clarinda Miller, of Pembroke,|friends and telegrams from| Mrs. Cliff Gordon of Hallett|at Oxford in early August. He is |= --|by the late Rev. William Peer, Prime Minister John Diefen- (avenue, has returned. to her its chairman. o EUROPEAN GROUP TRAVEL o INDIVIDUALLY com- ARRANGED TOURS BY BUS, SHIP, RAIL end AIR which ended June 30, was $12.-|jon Brown, Lilian Greene, Patsy {then minister in the New Lis-'baker and Labor Minister {home from the Oshawa General A spokesman in the prime min- 'Named Head Of Ad Aaenc MONTREAL (CP) - 500,000,000. This is a peacetime] jowell. record. 3 Hot | Treasury Secretary Robert . : Anderson said that preliminary to- TEACHER MISS TORONTO tals at the fiscal year-end showed TORONTO (CPK( A North! receipts of $68,158,000,000 and ex-| York kindergarten teacher, Dar-| penditures of - $80,699,000,000 lene Anderson, 21, (36-23-36) was| keard Baptist Church. WwW. Rf Income was $158,000,000 greater| chosen Miss Toronto from a field (pick) Wright, Canadian National than had been foreseen six|of 43 contestants at the Metro-| ailways' director of public re." months ago, and expenditures politan Toronto Police Games ations" is resigning to become were $172,000,000 less Saturday. _| president in October of McCann, -- | Erickson (Canada) Ltd., an, ad- vertising and public relations BROC Phone MO 8-3618 EVENING SHOWS 7 & 8:20 | canadian NOW PLAYING lond World firm, it was announced Mondav. LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 kk. TEEN-AGE LOVE TRIANGLE! | Mr. Wright, 40, joined the CN in 1954 after serving in several | federal government posts. i After service with the Royal! Navy during the Sec-| War, Mr. Wright was discharged as a lieutendnt com- mander in 1944 and later entered government service. He was ex- ecutive assistant to the defence minister for a period and later assistant secretary the defence departmen' when he resigned to join the CNR. | 0ld Man Charged In Shotaun Death HEARST (CP) -- George Ra- goza, 73, was remanded Monday | for one week on a charge of mur- der in connection with the shot gun-slayving Sunday of Marcel Charrette, 29-year-old father six Charrette, a crane operator,| nearby Wyborn with shotgun wounds in the chest and stom. | ach. The body was not far from| a shack occupied by Ragoza, his neighbor Police said they were called by another neiobhor who heard the she An argirment to have led he shooting Ragoza walked out of the bush |later in the day and gave him- self up. Doubly exciting because it's true! | | | 2 ¥ of | § % % to the cabi-|Z net. He was chief secretary of! % # ¥ was found dead on thé street in| i "HE was believed § IMichael Starr. | Hospital. ister's office said Mr. Diefen- baker will be staying in Ottawa for a while yet, partly to let other cabinet ministers get away on holidays. He may make a vaca- tion trip to Saskatchewan later. Use Lonely Isle For Rocket Check LONDON (Reuters)--The Brit- {ish Army has moved into lonely St. Kilda, Britain's westernmost |i~land 50 miles out in the Atlan- tic For nearly 30 years, St. Kilda's | only population has been birds-- {one of the world's largest colony |of gannets--estimated at 17,000 | pairs, and several hundred thou- sand puffins. Now a group of army observ- ers, reported to number about 20, has moved in to keep tabs on corporal rockets fired from a guided - missile range on the chores of south Uist in the Outer] Hebrides, Scotland. TIMES SUBSCRIBERS IN WHITBY FOR MISSED PAPERS AND WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI $ VICE PHONE BELL TAXI MO 8-31M If you have not received your Times, ohone your carrier boy first. It you are unable to con- tact him bv 7.00 p.m. PHONE BELL TAXI CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN 7-7:30 P.M. ONLY DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS E., WHITBY PHONE MO 8-3304 or RA 5.4831 . © Enjoy a new thrill. Dancing on skates! An evening's skate date is perfect fun and recreation. Whitby Community Arena Skating Every Tues. & Thurs. VACATION SPECIAL For Skiing J? or Pleasure 14' Moulded Plywood Boat COMPLETELY EQUIPPED 25 H.P. Scott Motor WITH CONTROLS PLUS... . Canadian Explorer Boat Trailer For All Only . . $1150 NOTHING EXTRA TO BUY AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HWY. AT AJAX OPEN EVERY EVENING

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