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The Oshawa Times, 21 Jul 1959, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 21, 1959 J TODAY'S TORONTO, TORONTO The Canadian Press roomy Stock Exchange--July 31 unless marked §, 504d lot, Israeli, French, British, Pakis-| The major lines are using the tani--ships of all nations and| initial year to find out costs, des many sizes have tried the sea-|lays and cargo i way route, Toronto never has had | Rates are still on sea. so many ships from so many far|way traffic until cost factor away places. is evident, MONTREAL STOCKS [BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT : .., | Drop In Foreign Ef 2:44" | Ships Expected ] +1 Canuba 2300 8 | n Cent Del Rio 200 4 | Chib Cop 500 1 Ned Sales High Low 11 a.m, Oh'ge Sock Stock Sales Q Metal Bateman 1300 Qunston Beatrice 31500 Bnyville 3000 Net Sales np Low UM a.m. Ch'ge 1000 n 1500 600 Hock Curb Anglo Nfid Asbest B Am Bank C Paper 220 43% Dupont 20 $20% Int Pap 30 $120 Int Ut M6 5% Oils 0 Wh % 81% +" % MW -1 3 in oents - zd ~ Ex-dividend, 2 2 sights. swEx-warrsnis.) Industrials y ROBERT RICE said the spokesman. "But une Canadian Press Staff Writer |less shipping rates get really low MONTREAL (CP) -- Shipping|and competition for business officials eset 3 jevelling ot in| really stiff, it looks as if some of foreign freighter traffic heading pe , into the Great Lakes next year. ge tramp Ships won't come back The opening of the St. Lawr- year, ence Seaway sparked a bigger| One of the reasons for the big shipping boom than generally an- rush into the seaway after its ticipated this summer. The sud.|late-April opening was low rates den influx of ships tested inland|for world shipping. Some ships port facilities and, for a while, shopped for business--and the in- AIR-CONDITIONED taxed the new waterway itself. |land ports were as good as any One top shipping expert said|other place to try to drum up|---- the seaway's total tonnage may| cargoes. There was the added ex- Valor Lith 2000 i 0 oh remain fairly constant next year,|perience of navigating the sea- Wendell 20000 FT PE but the number of ships--par-|Wway's seven locks to Lake On- Sales to 11:30 a.m.: Industrials 27,000 ticular smaller tramp freighters|tario and--for some--continuing Mines 191,900 --may show a drop. into Lake Erie through the Wel- "The lines with regular calls|land Canal, JAMES CAGNEY DON Muray DANA WYNTER GLYNIS JOHNS M Chipman 2000 ns Cleveland ~~ 3000 4 Carbec 2000 Dome #50 mp Of 1000 Fundy #500 Gaspe Oll 7300 Gold Age 2000 Kontiki 2000 Mcintyre 100 Mid Chib 2500 N Santiago 2500 N A Rare M 4700 Opem Exp 27500 Orchan 500 Paudash 9200 Portage wis 1000 5 Que Cibalt 200 d 165 Tache 500 13% 13% 13% Titan 12400 5 7" 7% SHAKE HANDS WITH THE [Evi i i i: Am Leduc 2300 Bailey § A 900 Basco 4000 Cal Ed % 2% -- % Calvert 19% 19% - % C8 Pete 0 0m +8 C Chieftn "0% 40% Cdn Dev BY WY C Husky "wh Cdn WO 6% Cent Del Charter Ol Com Pete C Allenbee C Mic Mac C West Pete Dev-Pal » =» S18% 18% 18% + 3 35 35 ~~ 186 185 Ed Hi Ventures Violam will Yale Lena Yk Bear Young HG 600 1 Sales to 1) am. MONTREAL Montreal Stock Exchange--July 21 in » , x4 -- Ex-di rights. sw~Ex-warrants.) Industrials LL E53 1000 500 500 500 500 300 780 200 2100 300 1450 300 00 400 20 1000 200 333333474 Fe i Es i Had The Next Kinsmen - tL] 51% CPT EEE EE FE HE Midcon Provo Gas Mill City 11:30 Net tock Sales Bh low a ih Medical Tools and set routes will keep on using the seaway to the Great Lakes,' Shipping lines now offer--par- ticularly in newspaper advertise- ments--cargo space on vessels SUPER CAR BINGO Ld n Abitibi 301 $3 22% 22 i = 3 . s N Superior Pac Pete 3 Provo Gas 8 79 g2gegesn : heading almost anywheré in the world from Montreal and Tor- g 5 i = iB | ig FRIDAY, fo % Left In Bodies | THEATRE GUIDE |: JULY 24th " 50 $40 40 - | Wh Secur Free "0 100 $31% 3 L { H 8:30 p.m. sharp in the zh Stanwell Atlas Steel 10 $27 EDINBURGH (Reuters)--A Ca- German, Japanese, Norwegian, g an Bb Triad Of Banue CN. 1 |nadian doctor said today that a | Biltmore -- "Floods of Fury" 1.00 $12% 12% U Canso vt 3 ) 14.05, 7.15, 10.30 p.m. also "Virgin | { PETERBOROUGH | "staggering number" of instru- Island' 2.25, 5.35, 8.45 p.m, | oY 290 290 Bie "in "hy i . 3 i 4 3 [ments and other articles are left | f ORGAN MUSIC MEMORIAL CENTRE Ju 1 . 43 {in patients' bodies after opera- Brock (Whithy)--'"Life Begins at © 1 by Colin Corbett $6,000.00 in Prizes including { sw 4h Abacus tions | 17." 7.00 and 10.10 p.m. "1 Was | Hilton, associate sec- Monty's Double" 8.30 p.m. Last Nightly at the E GENOSHA HOTEL 1,750.00 IN THE SNOWBALL GAMES 600.00 IN REGULAR GAMES 17% 17% Aunor 100 3 N C t Jar Dr. H, B 120 3 : the Canadian Medical complete show 8.20 p.m. 450.00 IN SPECIAL GAMES EB hove am Ag fatary of WY 2 + ov eo 2 Build P Protective Association, said that six years in Canada 15 TENDER SWEET HAMS AS FREE DOOR PRIZES 9 1m Bibls 1000 Cal Pow in the last had left 19 63% 63% ~ Bideop 3500 Can Cem alone su DOORS OPEN AT 7 P.M. i $8nie 88.8 8 J 289 : 28° TB bo) ii 23 x "Stop Over Tokyo" 6.25, 10.10 p.m. also "Strange Lady in Town," 12.45, 4.30, 8.15 p.m. Last complete show at 8.15 p.m. | {Plaza -- "Shake Hands with the I'he NE W evil," 1.2 3.2, 52, 7.22 De oth hy Last omplete underwood | Touch-Waster, IC % i xr Jeons 35 sponges 14% 14% Brunswich 300 Suton 4 Bunker Hill 737 Can Tron 5 , Cable 2500 ' C Bank Com needles, five pairs of Canrin 31850 8 C Brew forceps and 17 miscellaneous ob- oan Tat 900 p on Cell jects in the bodies of patients Cheskirk 13500 Cc oll 65 f during operations heste: 3000 3 k 3 a y ' i ~ Cantor 200 2 2 CPR ' s All "resulted in trouble," he Chron 2 Com Ent v Dosco Coch Will 400 3 3 Con M and 8 fold a joint meeting of the Cana- Dom Stores 7 70% 70% Coldatrm 200 Crown Z A dian and British Medical Associ- Dom Tar f hg Couiagm a D Fndry : 70% ations here Text Jellekeno 500 n 3 a z | Fam Play 8 nv 22% Denison 30 b Biores "The laynran finds it hard to | " " i Fleet Mfg 5000 95 80 80 Digeviy | S00 D Text thin n Regent -- "Hercules" in Techni- Ford US 216 0 70 Halliwell 21200 Done {under tand how forceps could be color shown daily at 1.30, 8.30, Gatineau 75° $40 pid i 0 Mang s 620 Du Pont a % 2% ' left behind inside a body but 5.35. 7.40, 9.45 p.m. Last com- gon Dina = »0 : Morrison 10500 \ 3 be rox there are sever al operations plete show 5 p.m. G Mackay A 100 7 Northind 13900 5 4 5 Enam Pr A where the stomach is packed full em me GL Pow wis 15 8 - tegcourt 3500 15 4 : Frdation of instruments," Hilton said. The number of cases where ar- GN Gas 1100 "iA Bud | a whe 100 Ago GN Gas ticles were lost was small in comparison with the number of 'ast Mal operations Magnes P nd 201s 20% show 9.14 p.m. ---- | Sr aEEs Cal) OSHAWA oo on y 5 IVE-IN ; P e, it's TONIGHT! almost electric! BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00--SHOW STARTS AT DUSK 1 Gatineau H Smith Hud Bay 1400 1 a a Imp Inv A 2000 1 1 Imp In $140 p 4 80% "» 20 Imp OA 13 2000 Ind Accep Inland C pr Int Nickel Int Paper sull 0 In Canada sponge counts were imade in most hospitals by the {operating nursing staff "but |sometimes the surgeon places too con {great a reliance on the staff amps for Ol Durmoies sul) doing the count. + + fast efficient service. "Most surgeons are aware of i a ill 0M 30% Molson B 274% the dangers but a number seem Walmsley & Mag 20 20 0} 7 2% -- Molson pr s to feel this sort of thing could Office Equip. Ltd. M $411: 4 16% + ' 5 A Mil Logo never happen to them---which is 9 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Macvill 8 34 17 Int Nickel ) a very unsafe attitude to take," $17% 17% 17% Hin 1 : é y A ¥ MN Mise lose 13% rian. Oop Pacific Pete 200 81 : he sald Tel. RA 5-3506 } 5% 50 810416 104% 104 7 bus Mot Brick a0 325 925 3% sii 8 5 ja x Bu Kerr Add hi] "d 2 n Kirk Min id ig Prt L Dufault ' h a $173 17% 17% J Stor $13% 13% 13% Lyndhst 450 480 480 Lynx Modsen Magnet Maralgo Maritime Martin McIntyre supply "Custom-made" = NO b 1345 5 Jockey Clul . . y Gunnar wis mo 8 ; Gwillim " H of Lakes 2000 $2014, Heath 1500 r+ Hollinge 855 Molson A Loeb Maemill B Mass Fer Miteh Rib A Try it today C60 Underwood Limited 73 KING ST. E. RA 5-8811 THE JET-HOT $165 16% 220 Nova Sco L-P 400 Placer 2100 A . Powell R 190 % Dr Price Br 190 Prov Trans 225 Roe Av Can 200 Royal Bank 350 St I. Corp 175 Shawin 767 Shawin A 50 Shawin 4 Pr Simpsons 160 Std Str Steel 3500 | Roof Collapse fh, SE P21 | Kills Worker McKen 3 J Tr Can Pipe 215 Milliken 8 5 U Stee) 100 $11% Mt. Wright 50 Webb Knp 100 378 378 Nama Cr Weston A 50 839% 39% Nehlon Weston 4% p 25 $92 ® New Hoseo N Kelore N Hilton suggested that all ponges should have a radio. opaque tag so that they would |show up on x-rays 235737 molt h J ol if REE TY NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) One workman was killed and two | others were injured Monday when the rdof collapsed on the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation sta tion that was wrecked by a rock- | slide three years ago. One man died in the original slide. The workmen .were cutting and clearing steel from the power. house at the bottom of Niagara gorge when a section of the rubble-laden roof fell. Killed was Thomas Hoyes, 32, of pn ur 08 TW, WARE RCE i REY 82098 +o JAGUAR smreres ome on MARTIN RGR + mame wit. AOE o WARNERCOLOR moe WiRNER Bits. PLUS A SUSPENSE-FILLED MYSTERY . , . aL HP LS 4 1 ET 3353 Canadian Abitca 8100 Ang Nfd 400 Cons Paper 220 Feralco 500 Lob Co B 50 Prem Steel 600 Shop Save 400 T Fin A 250 Trans Mt . 100 § Utd Pr Prop 400 330 Waterman 206 Mines =3- L Noranda Norlartie Norpax N Gate N Goldert N Rank North Can Opem Orchan Pamour Pater Patino M Ple Crow 108 05 Placer $118 11% Pronto 2 400 Que Ascot A "0 3 2000 12 1 Que Chib 39 » 5000 WwW 3» 3% + WU Que Cop 21 21 5000 11% 10 11% +1% Que Lith 500 465 450 L Bailey SA 100 770 770 770 +10 ~wors DORIS DAY + LOUIS JOURDAN BARRY SULLIVAN : FRANK LOVEJOY THE MASTERPIECE OF SUSPENSE " ---------- AR M-8:M MOI0050 qu 4 WHAT HAPPENED TO =» wm. w=" ON HER HONEYMOON? TULT ENTERTAINMENT Niagara : Falls | sav. 'Floods Of Fear' & Virgin Island' colon Injured were James Ruff, 24, | : |and Donald de Field, 38, both of { "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" COLOR ACTION HITS! || wrmreremsrmeeemsmmymmrmemrerromm 'StrangeLady inTown' GREER GARSON DANA ANDREWS 99 an AmwiN Production Atlas Augustus Aull GO WEST! Take the Family, save with the FAMILY TRAIN TRAVEL PLAN Dad: Round Trip Fare For the "Head" of the family. Keep Up With Local And National News WHEREVER YOU AR follow your FAVORITE FEATURE ® LOCAL AND WORLD WIDE NEWS ® COMPLETE SPORTS COVERAGE ® FULL PAGE OF COMICS ® POPULAR FEATURES FOR WOMEN Or Tue Womos Forth round rip for chidrn o 8 @® ADVERTISEMENTS : £ i Le, ONLY 45¢ PER WEEK IAL 3-3414 Ard, arene for he Ti She Oshawa Times address. DIRECTED OY WARNERCOLOR Mother: One-Way adult Fare For the round trip, JOSEPH £ LEVIN Sis: presents We) One-Way adult Fare For the round trip. 12 and \ thi under 22 years of age. LJ i 4 | ¢ Junior: MIGHTY SAGA V2 One-Way Fare ® Between Eastern and Western Canada. Between Canada ond Midwestern and Western United States. Between Western Canada and Eastern United States ® Leaving Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays ® Stop-over privileges © Genergus Return Limit * 300 Ibs. Baggage Allowance CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT "PLUTO'S PLAYMATE" NEW COLOR CARTOON AT... 1:30-3:30-5:35-7:40-9:45 HEGEWY A Cconakteonea Complete information ony C.N. or C.P. Ticket Agent. | CANADIAN ; NATIONAL CANADIAN PACIFIC

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