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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jul 1959, p. 9

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hye Oshavon Ties "VOL. 88--No. 173 TE PAGE NINE Giant Cruiser Shells Boat 'H Probe In UK. : doen Error Comedy hy ill 1 ? wr 4 : Z%2 7 f PENZANCE, Eng. (AP)--Thelpitch into the water within 300 -- = adn 2 Shelter EAS Foti Sarton me aw wove by a ROYALTY MEETS PORT HOPE DIGNITARIES He ~ ivan' comeds that alos urned otner ni 4 21 7% | MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -- Miamy's|into tragedy. "By this time I was shouting Ly 4 | R. Perey | camera) stands Governor-Gen : : # bomb shelter honeymooners| 141%. & few les of thls Set lto the Land's End radio, but they couldn't give me any information abeth: 3 : ve Sunda 'ni pp fe : p sen Eliza- | Philip with Dr Queen Elizabeth and Prince 4 service Sunday morning. Here | Anglican Church Queen Eliza hiliy 1 R a \ "i . p Ov. i , prsatl | rhe id- ral Vincent Massey. t , :~ 'emerged frem their bower 12 feet pn: fhainte Philip greeted dignitaries of | the camera caught the royal | beth is in conversation with | Vivian, MP for Durham Rid- | eral SY a. uy " : Jeon {Pirates of Penzance, Britain's . 3 § Port Hope following chuich | couple after ieaving St. Mark's | Mrs. R. P. Vivian and Prince | ing. At extreme left (back to | --Photo by Tain Macdonald 2 ALTA {und r round bjuking like owls at biggest cruiser almost blew aj except that no naval exercises ree --- . | sunshine they had not seen i; fiching boat out of the water. | : or two weeks It happened Saturday night. The man from Mousehole said delegates who will vote on a final . Pn ; ag . 1 ) 8 Ns a ttocsl nla 4 F 5 : Vir. and Mrs, Melvin Mininson Chief engineer Clifton Pender of|he bellowed into his ship-to-shore Atom Bomb Platform LATIN LOVERS B O ishermen slit % .: [were married July 12 a few min-|the trawler Ironesse told report. radio that he ania to alk to NON-NUCLEAR CLUB . y - ig utes Jive they lintoed owners about ee nightmarish exper. The fat al commander at Ports- One resolution proposes CAUSE WORRIES rd os 13 by 6% fret, *Ihe|him tell the pio © | "Finally," sai¢ Pender, "1 got . cop eral seven by : s i Issue For That the next Labor govern-| gipniNGHAM, En gland | h 1 eate 1 | St | ike LARGEST PROVINCE 9 [honeymoon was a promotion] "Our ship is owned au Hm owe pose Te Foi no ment, if general nuclear arma- ( ters) : . lefunt fo ackvar shelt- manned by our family o : 4 a Reuters Latins mav be mt for backyard bomb shelt A ods trom POOR ASSURANCE ment should prove not immedi-| lousy lovers, but worried Eng- | yANCOUVER (CP British while the tendermen did not. At Premier Benvelt of British fers from Mousenole: uot board.! The engineer said such assur- da or artv ately attainable, should take the lish swains aren't faking any |. 0 utoss gas 000.000 salmon -in-iother operations it was the op. Columbia has made a proposal "Ime first week went by like a here; ive ders were a oard.|| ce Whig ey 7 [initiative in forming a non-nu-| chances. dust ihe province's second |posite to the federal government that |yreeze,' said 26-year-old Mel pdr echt "o're almost being hit by cruiser clear club of mations. excluding) They're taking out insurance |g is to close Wednesday! B.C.'s labor laws prohibit a Would make 'his province Can- "The second week we counted|demly ™ nahi gai nll shells. bl iy ti y Pes But the commander said there wait to get out "I thought at first the propel-|Was a cruiser in the nighborhood. Mininson grew a mustache and ler had hit a shark. |A few minutes later the admir- alty came ou the radio. ON (AP C f A CPSKATY > riet- Uni s Fo A , » t ; SW: ond v ; LONDON AF I'he H-b ynb/ if necessary the Soviet Union and| on girl friends who vacation on when 3.630 canpery workers and strike being called at any plant ti Under his pro- 4h, days and hours. We couldn't will be the dominant issue in the/the United States. whose mem-| the continent just in case they tendermen s where the majority of workers would be ven that forthcoming nationa' conference ber would give up nuclear| fall for those dilated nostrils - cai a ETI I All.|have voted arainst it » Northwest Territors | of the Labor party. The confer- weapons under suitable interna-| and impassioned looks of for The United } fe i wy snd this - st of the 120th meri- | J of 1 h A lat 4 ence will decide on a platform for tional inspection and control and! eign romeos ied orkers Union (Ind.) set t : r t border be. JJull- set whiskers, aving| "A few minutes later another 2H) t . h: { o kp dos a 1 16 presen yorder be y 1 3 e " . the next generai electior that Britain oe prepared to enter oi tha insurance |PTike deadline Sunday =. tween B.C. and Alberta lies on |Stopped shaving to conserve bang was accompanied by a flash) They ppclogized i much ye. Formal resolutions adopted by such an organization with as| , One aks "that 200 nt ee nions ee th 120th x iq am The tori. [Water jand 1 shouled for those below to Brett Li They sid the F solutions adopted by St é ' wit S| broke orte at 200 young ; irate Tr e LO clan : . oy | sai ender. "Th local Labor party units cal a many nations as are willing to o ad take! ¢ inc COast lumber industry has been tor ch wu be taken The couple reported their chief/come on deck | L ) d party pledge to abolish nuclear join without waiting for all other Tt ae £1 000 %i a He idle since July 6 when 27,000 one r is shown as a shaded area problem Bs ound was ajpozEN SHELLS IN SALVO Eh du weapon tests and end the manu- nations to do so." ses bres 'off the engage. Members of the Int nal obi? To Tit B.C. thalky: eab: opener OZEN SHELLS IN S/ | S 4 ! . Bp 1 sia : nancees break 'off the engage. io 4Coa ec of America (CLO) on this . In' return, 3 Ja Ry Can opener They came just in time to see|us on their radar. They said there facture of such weapons Another resolution proposes' ment and marry a continental. |" : p ' a enge n would » over full mainte oO {a salvo of about a dozen shells' would be a full investigation.' { struck to support demands for a nance of the 600 miles of ti Bax v The party conference is to be that the parts pledge to abolish) premiums are highest for 20-per-cent wage increase in the b Vo of or | 1500-mile a Highway lyin A 1 F within B.C.'s borders. Mr n po ogy or ] ackpool Oct. 5-9 and the existing stocks of nuclear weap- ipl of o " = a p. held in Blackpool Oct. 5-9 and th g stoc aD-| girls between 17 and 25--308 Lacie rate of $1.72 an hour. No next general election may come ons and stop manufacturing and| for £100--and lower for those DR it ai = 2 wit! shortly after ir ends testing them from 25 to 30. Women over 30 | ue hel len " Iganizing nett said he did not know h Inco Bars Press Resolutions drawn up by local + All in all the big party confer-| are considered a safe risk Five thousand maependent sal many square iles the pro- F It R t Labor party councils will come ence will take up 410 resolutions, | mon fi nen tied up g hoats TON (CP)_Tt | posed deal Id add to the al Y epor before the conference of party olus any last-minute additions 2loog i a oo t galinday SRVITON CF ald Hf "al present ire miles of ! y: n they left the joi ac J ' g anadiz 3 ; . oy . \ , ' rE # ¥ mands for price increases rang- union movement during the next B Lc. : i 04 a 2 ice. ! TORONTO ag Torta! At Frood Mine ing from four cents a pound to|10 years will be in its ability to, 2% 5 a Square an nlerviey + oy 2. Thom] hid . 'and' integrate a' *urow.| Miles. is largest On Ss |son in Montreal Thursday night, i ce i pis} : Sha Ane ii OE odictive 412.582 square miles make it The Canadian Press erronedusly| gupBURY (CP) -- Officials of through the hoist room, oo het Yi wi hi 2 ond worker David B Ar Ship second anges! PN noted i Paameoh of saying| he International Nickel Comn-| The reason given by the eom- basic rates of $1 nd $1.67 an dent of the Ontario Federation of £0 Newsmab De oe ris News iin Saturday barred Some {pany os iy hes pie nal hour. . : Labor, said Sunday i Were bad ron {press representatives from enough room jor e natio The tendermen, who take fish; Mr. A sr described the non the unorganized white col- walching some of the Queen's|press corps. There are about 30 from the boats to the canneries,| productive wor as including lar wor and blue collar work Mr. Thomson, Canadian - born; iivijjes at the company's Frood|in this group. to free|Pnblisher who bought control of are secking a one-quarter-cent|thnse in jobs such as time-study. ers are about reads 4 i 3 imine here However, there was more than bonus on all fish handled. They planning and preplanning themselves from their bondage of {the Kemsley newspaper Zoup/ No reporters were permitted | enough room for all press repre- 0 now earn between $315 and $390 a| *'Management has, to a certain being continually subservient to|the Ne before as at do Hime to descend into the mine with| sentatives and Robert Dunn, dep- month. Both groups voted Friday extent. succeeded in convincing|the company organization." {expressed or Impti g! ; 4 rmation officer the i : Ay IY ; wile thay eed ue and. 1 be-/ism of Kemsley operations. the Queen because, company of-uty informa ot Bt Cl rl RRR RR ------ iy f . ce action the<e people tha ware organ- nord : . 4 a ny in favor of strike action. _ |the<e people that they are organ a u : ; ' ficials said, a safety factor wasitour, persuaded the company to | James Sinclair president of the ization men and that their future lieve begin to seek ns ont,| The Canadian Press regrets its involved {change its stand. This was in { Fisheries Association of B.C. said lies in appeasing the company."|we need them just as hadly." hejerror and apologizes for any oat : i § | / ppeas i : ii fr iid OF ANV| At first, only six photographers/time to permit all photographers the picture was confusing be- he told a conference of the Brew: said v will bring a fresh ap-(embarrassment or inconvemence , two reporters were allowed lo lake pictures of the Queen cause at some planis the can- ery Workers' Union (CLC) here.{proach to problems confronting|caused Lord Kemsley and Mr. $ |leaving the cage after 27 minutes nery workers voted to strike] There were signs. however jus." Thomson. |on the company premises to see ih 3 Ihe . ithe Queen enter the cage to go OCErground down the mine and later to walk Only six photographers and --- mm 5, however, were -- 'two reporters, permitted into the hoist room land there was a scuffle outside 0 a ets the building when others tried to their way past company { i | force ; | { police. ie Queen was unaware of the ' er ror incident, which did not involve in | any way the RCMP. provincia! AGE 65 OR OVER? | Libel Suit "== -- without "do. || NEW LOW COST INSURANGE PAYS SURGICAL | rumour wo: UC Missions : Shi = IN-HOSPITAL MEDICAL AND EXCESS To oe, eer +l Secretary Dies HOSPITAL BILLS J led tot he should Dano rer. poh. 1 res as president of the Teams- te United Church bog of over- { 1S exclusive NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION! NO INVESTIGATION J imiliim, | ope, Tics Si Sati ota au 13 Ch questwone. ight OF HEALTH RECORD PAST OR PRESENT! lin 215 years of hearings by the! Dr. Gallagher held pastorates HARRY J. SEED ! " ; g rackets commiitee appeared On (dained in the Presby le rian an actuarially sound This plan is nou avarlable to all residents of Ontario who will be separate television shows. Hoffa Church in 1924, contracted virus tupe of wprolection was 65 or over as of July 29, 1959. on CBS' Face the Nation dealt|pnenmonia last fall. He had been ? recen introduced into the United {mainly with the pending labor orl ing sine ary : 5 inl) : i {working since March but because eh States by a number of the largest ALL THESE BENEFITS Even pays benefits for existing conditions {legislation in Congress. Kennedy, !oi his health had to cancel a visit \ i rance companies iv Americo. Lik ere treatmen egins afte I | o's 3 38 I > isi 4 race e nndis By 4 ent 2 Covers. you. or ali Kinds 'of injuries or Shere iy bie ot begins Stor te {on NBC's Meet the Press, dealt|{; United Church mission fields { A ee good produc ' illnesses While you are in Canada or} € 1 effect six mon {mainly with Hoffa. in Africa planned for this sum: it wes an immediale suce : Comnedv: PeDbiaL pas y Pocifie is proud to be the f the United States Not covered -- loss caused by war, 11 Re hnedy. Tevenied the charges, mer. 2! Surgical operations -- r every where medical or surgical treatment {he made against the Teamsiers'| Gallagher held pastorates type of operation in it | or hospital confinement is provided | president earlier on another tele- at Port Elgin, Lundy's Lane. Sincerely, hospital, $8,00 to $250.00 (according 5 or at a nominal charge by @ {vision program, charges which O4dkville and Toronto. AT BENEFICIAL YOU MUST BE SATISFIED ; ; in policy). Payment government or public health authority, {prompted Hoffa to announce he| He is surved by his wife, two 3 are confined in a rest home, was thinking of suing Kennedy song and a brother, Rev. Dr. J. half. (I le: $ rr valescent home, home for ihe {for libel. | Gallagher, secretary of the. Cana- OR YOUR LOAN COSTS YOU NOTHING! i il -- $7 4 aged or mental institution. ) | Kennedy accused Hoffa of mis- dian Council of a : -- $250.00 for om) {using union funds, putting gangs- Ba : Pays you up to $3.00 a day towards ters in high office in the union. expenses incurred for private or semi. ALL THESE FEATURES making secret deals with em | rivate room in hospital over and above . ¥ . J ™ "a : Hus Pp P 1. Cancellation protection the ployers and continuously be to offer it in Canvda President Now every Beneficial loan carries this British Pacif Crowd Jeers As : 8 benefits paid by govern { spital . trav 1 . . written guarantee: "If you are not com- a 5 Lover! X ns Company cannot cancel, modify traving union members Officer Battles pletely satisfied for any reason, return your 31 days for es isahility raise premium rates unless it does loan within 30 days, and there will be no Pays 32.00 for. wash dastors. vat while. mar, rounity 65 palicies fet ATHERLEY, Out. (CP) A ; . 5 i Joan within 30 dave, and ther 2 h dodlar's. Ontario provincial police constable fought ga soever ONLY in hospital id X 3 250 i N : So anning with two brothers while trying to policy year. Pay nc = NO medical examination the pul them in a police cruiser Sat- Exclusive Protection $4.50 PER MONTH to the doctor on your behalf a ' application vou need is the tes Sol 3 {4 urday night while a erowd of on- ~ a. M 3 n t pital benents y o on s] or v Only at Beneficial can you get this new kind A in N o hospi ® oe Shown open below lockers jeered. of protection . . . service . .. peace of mind. M | E Il t . o restriction to the number of fimes you gp or al Constsble : David. Fenton. ar dl nro men are in the hospital for different causes, 0, Fey 20") oe b : rested Leonard and Henry Shill- r wi i sven if they are separated by only : Only with a Beneficial Guaranteed Loan can eve ey are separated by only a ing of Rama Indian reserve, who you get 30-days free time to decide whether Bla k Toda few dg¥s. Lronfieuient Joy yume 4. Who stands behind this policy? | lare charged with creating a dis- everything is to your liking! n y a by I Rr 0 or Brien Pacific josuralte Company ugges [tui bance : ' separated b) A RB 4 > Con with eighteen branches in centres | dr 0 : No Questions Asked Eirclimiot nist te tos matted ot late: | Constable Fenton was Kicked sidered a new t or sickness. gorges Canada. The Company has TH . ; than July 29, 1959. (Applications will be Paysbenefitjmmediarsly forall accidents. void over 39 oiling or ns | WINDSOR (CP)--A call for the|in the face and required stitches If you are not satisfied, just bring the accepted frum any insurance agent or occurring after policy date and sick- accident and health during the last | establishment of ii Bian Ho close the culs. He said no one loan back and the Manager will cancel your broker or any British Pacific agent) nesses originating after policy date six vears yning cond tees to aid in the e-lin the crowd offered to help. 8 i teal Ro |velopment of park and re-rea'| Two other constables from Or- account at once -- no questions asked! Re- | | tional facilities in several major|illia were called to assist in the member: when you want cash, just say the ATi Copies Was ¥ alr. h word! ..."You'retheboss" at Beneficial, where | SECURITY POLICY BRI | I H Oe as 2 ae jones vou must be satisfied, or you pay nothing! | | Ontario Parks Association'= an-| 2 " : {nual conventio | See Beneficial now---get a Guaranteed Loan INSURANCE COMPANY Vac Hancoch, president of the| Man Charged In for seasonal expenses . . . for cleaning up left- | TET Wn = -- | Canadian Planning Association : . : Look for this seal over bills . . . for any worthwhile purpose! ENROLL NOWI told the 150 delegates that the or! Train Mischief Josh tor tis ses You have nothing to lose-- everything to APPLICATION FOR SECURITY 65 policy |7.5 ganization he heads is the onl¥| COOKSVILLE (CP) Guaranteed Loan Certificate gain! Phone today! Mail this application to. ANIzN on le Ne e -- Police citizens' association of Its kind in|ar ested a man after he flagged 3 a down a CPR freight train near : Sarnia, Fort|ya., Saturday nigh {First Name) (Middle Initial) (Last Nome) ingston as among| "pijice said they found stones HUdson 9-5511 HUdson 9-5286 |cities in the orovince needing|) "0 io avay from bets e Street Address . . {planning committee:, branches off coceral rail ties d bolt : {the nation-wide planning assocla-|p0eq from a hr Piet od City... ot DI very citizen should have an|T2IS after engineer Harold Tilley es A [& Longon pulled the train to a a Name of 36 month contracts on loans over $1500 and up to $5000 SECURITY 65, British Pacific Insurance Company, | Applicant " H sd 02 Eglinton Avenne East, Toronto 12 io, Loans can be Life Insured at Beneficial" 102 Eglinton Ave . Toronto 12, Ontario. I ---- Principal EE UG vndo, unirilo nn 11% SIMCOE STREET, NORTH, 2nd Floor, OSHAWA. Privcival Oe «@ Lowi, Humilion, Winvipe, R 1's Phone: RAndolph 3-4687 « Ask for the YES MAN Regine, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver. "OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT -- PHONE FOR EVENING HOURS Loans made to residents of all surrounding towns Here is the test of our confidence--"1f you are | opportunity to participate in com-| Date of Birth... Fi munity planning," he said. ; : emale........ He fry indvstrial growth) He said the man who flagged [forces us to realize that open the train down would be ques- : not completely satisfied, return your policy within | Applicant's Signature . spaces are absolutely necessary. tioned in connection with the de- Ton often we destrov waterfronts Tailment last week of CNR pas SeNErcAL { ten days and your money will be refunded." Nant TveVER LOANS a Enclosed is $4.50 in Cash Money Order Cheque br indiscriminate expansion and|Senger train im which two women d d FINANCE CO. OF CANADA ---- 1 Tan dr -- ---- w---- ---------- -- J (make a mes: of exnan ian" [Were killed, ----- "Giving whatever is left over] Charged with public mischief |for a park isn't engugh," he and jailed at Brampton was added. {Bryan R. Nelsom, 21, of Simcoe

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