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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jul 1959, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 27, 1959 |'BRISTLING, CONFIDENT' TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS Nasser Talks War TORONTO TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Excha (Quotations in cents unless m Odd lot, xd Ex-dividend rights, sw--Fy.w Industrials Sales High Low 11 ». 175 720 125 AX] 1100 160 450 2 600 Mock Abitibi Acad. Af Acad-Atl A Alta Gas Alg Cen Algoma Alumini Argus Argus 240 pr Atlas Steel Alito Elec Bank Cl Bank N§ Bell Phone Br Cord A 1 $10% 10% $28 10% 19% 28% $1 $36 $30% $87 $28 £31 $62'% $824 $434 $5 $37 $484 851 $17 s17 $37% 480 890% $3314 10% Can Cem ¢ Bank Com ( Brew « Alum CBAL B wis Cdn Can A Cdn Celan € Chem Collieries dge D Fndry Dom Stores Dom Tar Dom Text Fleet Mig 1225 2100 00 Imp Im Ind $418 Al's $1844 18% $13% 18% nge Cr «Hers Pembina P Pipe Mig Q N Gas Reichold 420 410 $10% 18% 37% 7 Roe AV € 10% 10% Roval Bank 01% 9 StL Corp 225 SIE 18% St Maurice 130 130 Sulada S n $13 13% Salada wis 920 Shawin $31% Simpsons Slater Steel Can Steinbg A § Propane Tor Dom Bk T Fin A 60 Tr Can PL 150 Trans-Mt 8 300 Un Gas U Fuel B Un Telef Walk GW West A wis Wood J A Wdwrd A Wdwrd A wis 1 Curh Pap Ine MacLaren Price Br Zeller's Int Lot ) $137 186 100 $44 Ho" 100 $36%4 36% 36 July 21 » 10% 10% 2% $2004 20 20 Bales Oils Sales High Low 11 00 128 128 128 Sock Stanigh wis 40 1000 03 1000 1500 1100 #00 Starratt Steep R Sturgeon Sud Cont Sullivan Sylvanite Teck H Territory Tombill Towag Prin Chib Sock Asamera Balley 8 A Bralsa Britalta C Chieftn Cdn Dev C Husky 300 arked § 2000 ar--Es 104 524 Net m. Oh'ge -W Mill City N Cont o Curb 1 Pend Ore Sales to 11 » MONTREAL Provo Gas Royalite Triad Of) Un Of) 1300 Wespac 5300 W Cdn OGwis 100 Mines 7 1000 500 100 MONTREAL By The Montreal Stoc (Quotations In r--Odd lot, xd rights, xw-- Ex-v Industrials Algom Am Larder Barnat Bevcon Bibis Boymar Brunswick Camp Chib Can-Erin Can-Met Casslar Chester Crime Coch Will Coldstrm Conjagas C Beta G 3 C Denison 485 C Den wis 64% Disevry 275 380 Con Gillies 2540 4 Ac] C Hallwell 1200 6 Con M and 8 835 ou C Morrison 5000 0% ! Morrison 44000 n : Bnk Com C Red Pop 1000 10 10 1 Brew Cop Corp f B i Coprand Coulee Crestaur Mock Sale Abitibi 2 Cem pr Ce hem Cell Hydrocar I Faleon Frobisher Geco Mines Gold Eagle Uran 3 D Stores G hich 15 A D Tar H of Lakes 2000 % A D Text | 000 Dupont 120 Foundation % I'raser xa Gatineau 381 H Smith 00 1d, Bay ne Imp Bank 2500 Imp Oil 200 Imp Tob Jave Expl imp Tob Jonsmith 19 Imp Tob Kerr Add Inland € i 2 2 23 Int Nickel Sh y y % Int Pape Fa 5 325 325 325 Interproy PI Lyndhst Glassps Jacobus 10 Wo New Hosco f N Kelore Newlund N Man N Mylama 7 1 184 1 1 Noranda 0 52 T an Pipe Norlartie } 4 Walk GW 4 Normetal Zellers M Norsyne Ca Shawin Shawin 4 pr z) Steel Can w-Dom Bk 40 My ( N Goldert N Rank orvalie Ope Orenada Stock A] Anglo Nfld urns O Dom Sug 200 Cons Paper 5( Crain RI x Inland ochem 2 MacLaren 3 240 Pronto Que Cop Radiore Moore Rayrock 0 37 N West Ind Rio Rup Prem Steel 3 Rockwin 1 } 3 St Maurice 100 Sand Riv Shop Save 200 Sherritt Trans Mt 12 "+ Sigma Utd Pr Prop 80 RACIAL MELTING POT Sudbury Company With Rhondda Valley LONDON (CP)--A story on the last stages of the Royal Tour draws a comparison between Sud bury and the villages of the Rhondda Valley in Wales Sars The Times in a Toronto dispatch "Sudbury is a curious mixture of 'comfortable living and pov erty, with gleaming ets cheek by jowl with dingy lit tle wooden houses. It reminds Red Lockout In Vienna Youth Meet VIENNA (AP Non-Commu nist particivants in the seventh World Youth Festival charged to- day that the Reds are locking them out of numerous discussion seminars where the main politi cal activity of the 10-day rally takes place The non-Communists, including about two-thirds of the 350 U.S. delegates, charged that the Com munist festival organizers are de- liberately keeping them out of the discussion meetings because they fear free debate on 'Western democracy versus communism." The protesters claimed the Communists were lying to them that all space speaking ap- pointments had been booked. The festival, first of its kind to be held in a capital outside the Iron Curtain, opened Sunday night under heavy police protec: tion but without violent incident. The Communist sponsors said some 16.000 delega from 100 countries are attending. The La and tes MAYTIME TOURIST TIME LONDON (CP)----May was a record month for the British tour ist industry with some 123,000 visitors, eight per cent more than the same month last year. supermark- . one a little of the Rhondda Val- by Don Iddon summing up the ley tour, calls it a major success but 'The city acts as a magnet to makes some minor reservations immigrants looking for work, and, Iddon appeals to Canadians not is one of the biggest racial melt-(to be hyper sensitive to eriti ing pots in Canada, It is remark- cisms able how this city is being welded, "If there have been into a community. If many of its they have been well meant and | citizens still cling to their tradi- think, constructive. Certainly tons and languages, the children none of the Canadian newspaper are intent on becoming 'all men with whom I have lived for Canadian." " the past five weeks has resented The Daily article the suggestions." Charged Millionaire James Hyde criticisms Mail. in an vish opening show attracted . about 45,000 persons to the Die un ad 000-capacity Vienna Sports Stad- fum Booing occurred when a Vienna SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. government representative called (AP)--James Hazen Hyde, 83, re for 'free travel free press and tired executive of the Equitable free speech' in all countries. The Life Assurance Society and son Communists thought this was a of the company's founder, died dig at them Sunday Hyde inherited the multi-mil- lion-dollar insurance holdings of his father, Henry Baldwin Hyde, at the age of 23 and became vice president of the company. He quit the insurance business in 1905 after a sensational insurance investigation The inquiry paved the way the New York governorship the U.S. Supreme Court for 79 Two Mines Plan Merger TORONTO (CP ium Mines Ltd. and Massbery! Lithium Co. Ltd. propose a ger of the two companies under the name of Massva' Mines Ltd Approval of shareholders will be asked at meetings of the com panies, both to be held Aug. 5 Under the proposal. sharehold ers would receive one share of Massval for each four shares held in ob present companie The new would, the At the time of announcement tion, he had a reputation 29.claim copper prospect 'in the man-about-town. One Manitou-Stormv Lak about called him a "gilded 52 miles southwest of Sioux Look- youth infit his position of lout, in return for 500,000 shares. financial pow Valor Lith and the mer investigated the case The youthful Hyde convinced many, including Hughes. that he was being blamed for the mis deeds of and more exper lenced older financier compan the state acquire a en's area scents for 280 Net High Low 1) a.m. Oh'ge 2% 2% 26% Atlas Augustus Bateman Beatrice 0 0 1 C Dome Falcon Hollinger Mid Chib Montgary N Formaq 1 300 N Jack N Pace Coal N santiago Amulet N ARare M Opemisca NW wn Paudash m.: 330,000 Red Cr StL Steep R Tazin 11:80 AM. STOCKS Canadian Press k Exchange--July 27 cents unless marked § Ex-dividend, xr Fx WAYTANLS mine 11:50 Net » High Low a.m. Ch'ge 7 S38 3% 3 3 ' In NEW 100 joint peace talks between indus. and steel strike open here today try the under mediat Joseph F of the | ciliatio: we tlemen likely agn Finnegan indicat that el position Heading the negotiations teams today's McDonald for United and R vice - States 4 23% 85% 87 6914 $19! Herald | Purchased LETHBRIDGE Bellechasse Canoramas Cartier Q Monpas 1500 Que Cobalt Que Smelt River Sales to 11:80 a.m.; and olls, 72,200. Joint Talks rning that no early or easy set. Lethbridge 11500 2000 800 $000 3000 270 3000 CAIRO (CP)---President Nasser told a cheering throng Sunday that Arab armies would erase Is- rae) from the map if Israel at- tacked Egypt, 200 23 230 1000 6500 "500 ident spoke at a rally in the Med. iterranean port city of Alexan- dria. In a bristling, confident speech, Nasser said he wanted to reply to what he called menac: ing statements from Moshe Dayan, former Israeli chief of staff. "If Dayan 1s talking about a Ibattle we accept this challenge," Nasser said. "All Arabs want a [showdown battle to wipe out the {crime of 1948"'--a reference to [the creation of Israel "When they (Israel) attacked us in 1956 our orders were not to strike at cities but in the next battle we shall erase Israel,' Nasser declared INSOLENCE SEEN He said Davan was talking "in- solently'"' about a new invasion "We await them and anybody else who may back them." said Nasser Vanishin Returned SHORT HILLS, N.J AP Jacqueline Gay Hart, the vanish ing blonde, slept late today after a four-day flight from. the tur. moll of wedding preparation The father fiance of the 21-year-old Toronto-horn heire flew her Saturday night from Chicago, the final destina tion of an odyssey which had touched off a nationwide hunt Gay disappeared last Tuesday ight at Newark airport after see- ing her fiance, Stanley N off on a brief trip burgh She showed up in Chicago early Friday and told police at first a detalled story of being kidnapped two men, Later, she admitted tale. was a hoax and that she had come to Chi go by bus The FBI exploded" from sion elaborate preparations for 7600 2000 000 500 9600 2300 1000 2000 2000 1300 100 1000 1700 Industrials, 18,700, U.S. Steel YORK (AP)~The first union since the start of the of federal ors auspices Finnegan. directoy federal mediation and con n service, reiterated his t of the strike appears The walkout hegan 13 days said he received no fon during the weekend ther side had changed its talks are David J and president of the Steelworkers of America Conrad Cooper, executive president of the United Steel Corporation, home aines to Pitts the sort of of her girl the ter said the (CP) FP The United Arab Republic pres- planes To 'Erase' Israel He cited the U.A.R.'s new In- Israeli potash, cement and dustrialization program as|marble, hs bee: detrined in port grounds for optimism. He said since last May the U.A.R. soon will produce its| Dayan urged last week that Is- own armored cars, tanks andirae] meet Kgypt "hostility for hostility." In an article in the Jerusalem Post, Dayan said: "1 do not believe we can obtain any concessions from Egypt by diplomatic means Egypt should know that as long as she maintains this policy of hostility "The industrial revolution in our country a rope tightening around Israel's neck," he added, Nasser was speaking at a cere- mony commemorating Egypt's nationalization of the Suez Canal July 26, 1936, Egypt and Syria rg e the U.A.R. in Febru. merged ioto he : toward us, we shall seek and find The U.A.R. today put its naval the right time and occasion to strength on display at Alexandria, strike back where Nasser reviewed the fleet, 0 to wind up the celebrations. {NO FABRICATIONS But Davan, cautioned 1956 DISPUTE | "I do not mean we should pro. Israeli forces invaded the voke an occasion or fabricate an cgyptian Sinal Peninsula Oct. 2, excuse, This must not be done, a week before British and and if it were, it would nol stand French paratroopers struck the the test of practical policy Canal Zone in the Anglo-French|our desire for peace and its over intervention riding importance is axiomatic.' Since the 195 dispute, EgVPl| Dayan quit the army to enter has barred the Suez Canal to Is politics, and now is leader of a |raeli ships and ships carrying Is-|jarge group of so-called "angry racli cargo, The Danish freighter|young "men" in Premier David Inge Toft, carrying a cargo of Ben . Gurion's Socialist Mapai g Blonde Po Ws Home & Gay's father, Ralph A. Hart, |executive vice president of the, |Colgate-Palmolive Company, and his wife had a quiet Sunday with Gay in the family's 12-room Duteh colonial home in this hionable suburb. Gaines also the home [a was at POLICE PLAN NO ACTION Joseph Weldon, the Newark po- lice director, questioned Miss Hart for 10 minutes on the plans before she debarked. Then he an-| nounced nothing eriminal had oc-| Cabinet | Greece Applies For Market Membership BRUSSELS, Belgium (Reuters) ministers of the six-na. tion European Common Market have 'favorably received" an ap. plication for membership from Greece A communique issued at the end of a ministerial session Sat urday said the market's commis. sion had been instructed to start exploratory discussions with the Greek government over the ap: plication The tariff cutting common market came into existence on Jun. 1. Members are West Gere mny, France, Italy, The Nether. lands, Belotunw and Loyvemhn 1 "Rescue Breathing" -- New Way to Save Lives Here's a new way of artificial respiration , , . mouth-to-mouth breathing (which supplies 12 times as much air as the old out-moded methods), In August Reader's Digest is an illustrated article which tells you how te do it and explains why this new method will save many more lives this summer. Get your Reader's Digest today -- af newsstands everywhere, FROM HFC: Bigger loans for today's greater needs Borrow up to $2500 and take curred and he was through with | up to 36 months to repay the case she with Miss Hart was grim as walked down the ramp Gaines holding hey arm SURPRISINGLY LOW INTEREST Hart announced later: *'As far as 1 know, they will be married." But George Gaines, brother of | Stanley, sald Sunday there had] heen some discussion about| Publications Limited of Winnipeg has announced it has acquired control of the Lethbridge Herald Company Limited The controlling interest was purchased from H. P. Buchanan former president and publisher of The Herald, and his brother, Aug. 29 wedding to Gaines changing the wedding date, lidget Mob Robs Bank MICE ARE NICE MISS EXPLAINS Compare HFC's service with that of other lending Institutions RATES. HFC's charges on loans over $1500 are equivalent to less than 8% per year discount on 30 and 36 month repayment plans. LOWER MONTHLY PAYMENTS, HF C's new long-term loans mean smaller payments that fit your budget better. BANKABLE SECURITY not required. INCOME INTERRUPTED ? If you can't make a payment prompt. ly when due, you get helpfulness and understanding in rearranging your payment schedule. BACKED BY 8) YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Unlike most lending instie tutions, HFC"s only business is making instalment cash 419 late Charles Evans Hughes, who 1950 Donald The Herald the late Senator W has a daily circulation of slightly 18,000 It w over 295 Steinbg A 7% y James ) 867% 67} pointed )- 3201s 4 of The ) $36% 36% nadian tinue ai H.P director CLJH-TV Formation Net High Low 11 a.m Ch'ge 7% ! ) $134 ) 820 ) $4214 } $2 tions w Victor Maxwe SHE $46 $16 Et) ) 130 ) 824 5 $13 h 340 ald the Weekl toria T 'Big Four Ministers Resume Negotiations GENEVA (Reuters)---The Big Four foreign ministers resumed their negotiations in Germany to- day amid reports of a policy rift between the United States and Britain British Foreign Secretary Sel wyn Llovd was entertaining Rus sla's Andrei Gromyko at a pri vate lunch and later was giving a "working tea party" with all foreign ministers attending. Lloyd returned here Sunday night from talks with Prime Min- ister Macmillan and met immedi- ately with U.S. State Secretary Christian Herter for a policy dis- cussion The British loreign secretary was reported trying to convince Herter and French Foreign Min New Chairman For Canada BMI TORONTO (CP) H. Gordon Munro has been appointed chair. man of British Motor Industry in Canada, a group of 11 Canadian subsidiaries of British automobile and car-component manufactur ors Mr. Munro, who is president of Rover Motor Company of North America Ltd., succeeds Geoffrey H. Roost, managing director of oseph Lucas (Canada) Ltd STOCK MARKET NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Fraser Companies Lid, 6 mos ceded une 30: 1959, $1,766,362 79 cents a share; 1958, $2,016,484, 90 cents; 3 m sanded une 30: 59, $804,791 40 cents; 1938, $1. 160,598, 52 cents, Lower St. Lawrence Power Co 6 mos. ended une 30: 1959, $252 623, $2.28 per preferred share $1.03 per common share; 1958 $251,770. $2.23 nd $1.01 |suggested instead that semi-per- (the vice EAST COAST BREST Scatiop have been found of British Columbia coast, but |commercial fishery is confined to Atlantic provinces the of Herald operations. He will con- Publications addition peg F Colonist Buchanan of Ottawa founded in 1905 by A. Buchanan, HAVANT, England (AP Miss Stella Thompson thinks mice are nice She would rather have a mouse than a house, The which Miss has the roomed will Miss Thompson, 37 been left a large modern house by her late father, but she has decided not to move as announced July 16 by "1 don't think Will would Sifton of Winnipeg and G. take to new surroundings Il Bell of Calgary. F. P. she explained. 'He is shy and owns or controls in cannot fend for himself, and to the Lethbridge Her- I just can't leave him." » Ottawa Journal, Winni rec Press, Free Press Calgary Albertan, Vie 'imes and Victoria Daily as also announced that M. Manson has been ap executive vice - president Herald and is in charge mouse, a wild one hompson tamed run of her flat. She calls one him § general manager Buchanan is to remain a of The Herald .and h as of F. P. Publica Ike Prays For People In Tyranny Pa Eisenhower that enough progress has been {je background of Soviet denun made here to warrant a summit|eiation of his captive nations pro (AP against GETTYSBURG ister Maurice Couve de Murville president meeting, The United States and|q France were holding out for some settlement of the East-West dis- pute over Berlin before any heads-of-government conference. 4 Eisenhower MAIN BLOCK pastor indirectly endorsed the The main conference stumbling proclamation so sharply criti block still was Gromyko's insis- cized by Russia's Premier Niki- tence on linking an interim Ber- ta Khrushchev in a Moscow ex- lin agreement with the establish- change with Vice-President Rich- ment of an all-German commit: ard Nixon tee to negotiate on German re:| poy Rovert A unification his sermon Gromyko backed down slightl last week on his demands that the two topics should be linked but still did not completely break He ties between the two Propos-| 1 eady pronounced." The West has turned down| Eisenhower later he had Russia's committee proposal and received from Nixon a report on president's exchange manent negotiations should be!Wwith Khrushchev last Friday in continued on Germany under the Moscow. Eisenhower remarked supervision of the foreign minis. the exchange apparently was not ters. as bitter as he had thought in Gromyko posal joined in those living prayer Sun under ty amation day for ranny At ices Church attended serv the Presbyterian Macaskill said in "Communism is doomed. It is dommed because it denies the de- vine origin of humanity and the authority of God. The veredict is said rejected this {pers earlier \ MILD - COOL ~ EVEN BURNING IN THE CONVENIENT 25° PACKAGE "Suggested fren pro-|reading about it in the newspa- LONDON (AP) A burglar| loans. That's why HFC is gang spearheaded by a child or midget made off with £20,000 in| immediate wants and needs, best equipped to serve your a weekend raid on an east Lon! How much don bank 10 you need? of the gang between the bars pro. tecting a lavatory window, The Phone or tiny one then let the mob in i through the front door Trop in The burglars used acetylene it any HFC torches to cut through the steel door of a strong room, then blew fice today. open a safe with dynamite T AMOUNT] oF | LOAN 36 Police said they got into the bank by pushing a tiny member 1600 2200 2500 MONTHLY PAYMENT "wr 72.30 79.58 90.38 PLANS | a0 2 | « MONTHS | MONTHS | MONTHS > [3s on | >» | s001 41.45 58.10 66.62 93.19 83.27 116.49 91.60 128.14 104.00 145.61 | The job apparently took several hours, and the culprits paused from time to time to brew and drink They forgot to wash the teacups. which were sent to Scotland Yard for possible finger. prints The tea, cups and teapot were taken from a cabinet where they were kept for the use of the Above paym: HOUSEHOL 64 King Street East . Oshawa Shopping Centre . , ts Include principal and inte and sed on normal repayment, but do not include cost of life Insurance, D FINANCE + + + . Telephone RA 5.6526 Telephone RA 5.1139 OSHAWA bank's staff When you are considering a new home with more features see H. Kassinger's | an invitation to fine living in fine homes built to suit your taste and your budget 4 uv, | K KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Some people wish they had it others make sure by saving regularly at IMPERIAL z BAN IK ez sorcece kM a a a att

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