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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jul 1959, p. 3

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Her Majesty Attends Divine Service GERALD MOFFATT, rector Mark's Church, Port Hope clasp the hand of Her Majesty the Queen in while Rt. Hon REV, of St Anglican bends to wanm greeting, Vincent Massey 7 Her Majesty looks radiant and happy as the ear proceeds back to Batterwood ~QOshawa Times Photo bys Joe Serge Church Asks Hall Use The application from the Pres- 10-foot | byterian Church in Canada ask- ing for the use of the Adelaide Mark's Church in Port Hope after services. Thousands lined the parade centre as the weath- er was clear and balmy for the QUEEN ELIZABETH waves & happy greeting to the crowd Sundy morning as Her Majes- ty and Prince Philip leave St. | Royal visit on the weekend. Man, 43, Hurt In Car Mishap COURTICE (Staff) An Osh- side and landed awa man, James Martincuik, 47,|deep ditch 5 d of 25 Division street, was reported] The Mushynski brothers were McLaughlin School for ; Sunday im "fair condition" this morning able to get out, but Martincuik,| services has once again been after being taken to Bowmanville, who was riding in the middle of presented to the Oshawa Board Memorial Hospital as the' result|the front seat was pinned beneath of Education of a mishap on Courtice side|the steering He had to bel At a special meeting of the road, about 8.10 p.m. Sunday,|token from the overturned ve- board held on Thursday it was south of Concession 2 hicle by ambulance drivers and decided once again to postpone Martincuik was a passenger in| police consideration of the application a car driven by Michael Paull He was rushed to Bowmanville until the following month. Mushynski, 21, of RR 4, Oshawa. Memorial Hospital by ambu.| The board last month appoint- The vehicle was owned by Mu-/lance, where he was treated for ed trustee G. K. Drynan to look shynski's brother, Peter, 22, also'a badly cut head, smashed left|into the matter insofar as it ai-| a passenger in the vehicle ankle compound fracture of the fected the janitors. It was stated the car ap- right ankle, and dislocated hips.| This was done at the sugges- proached a jog in the road at the He also suffered superficial cuts tion of Chairman S. G. Saywell| intersection of Concession 2 be-| The driver, Michael Mushynski% ho, last month, pointed out to the By THE CANADIAN PRESS tore the driver became aware of | suffered a badly cut left hand and board that the granting of the gg, 0" Ma James M the curve. The car went into a abrasions to the knees and face, | Presbyterian's request wouldip uo. 51 "or mer American skid, and remained out of con-| Peter Mushynski suffered a|™™ean that the school Janitor poo' pire, in the wheel. HON. MR. STARR Death List Of Famous | J Buck) pitcher for Boston Red ur Soviet Missiles | Estimate Given | WASHINGTON (AP) After dinner they visit Frederic ton Raceway and depart for their hotel THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 27, 1959 wn % # dia % morning. Matins service at St, Mark's. Crowds jammed along rope fence which separated church walk from parish ceme- tery, watching, waving, cheer ing, apolauding, and snapping cameras at the royal visitors Later, when Queen and Prince left, crowd shown broke police ranks to surge around the de parting couple, cheering and waving vigorously Oshawa Times Photo by Alex McCulloch looks on entered Governor General The Port sion from Batterwood flanked by escort, to had motor royal party Hope ny proces and had RCMP attend just arrived motores} cle k e French Troops | In Big Mop-Up | ALGIERS (Reuters) -- Nearly 30,000 French troops today began| Royal Coupl F ine C omp any | a Ba nen Prince Philip he described as|tionalist insurgent strength in the +Kahylie mountain region east of Royal | Algiers and| The only official announcement to|so far about the operation , one the biggest of the Algerian | to go into action when Her Majesty arrives with Prince Philip. Alexandra was on her best behaviour for such an im- portant occasion, as the picture shows. LITTLE MISS ALEXANDRA Galbraith looks hopefully at the parade route as he waits Sunday outside St. Marks's Church, Port Hope, for the Royal visitors, flanked in the background by two alert press | photographers who are ready --Oshawa Times Photo by lain Macdonald "The Queen and the Prince are sparkling company. They seem to "dvnamic." be interested in everything." After introducing the These were the words of the couple at Sault Ste. Marie Hon. Michael Starr, MP, who|Port Arthur, Mr. Starr flew accompanied the Royal couple!Sudbury where he introduced the |of during much of the past two!Queen and the Prince to thelgiriiggle, is that it is going ac- weeks of the Roval tour mayor. He then boarded the cording to schedule Mr, Starr first joined the Royal Royal plane, and at Trenton in-| Troops scouring a 700- to 800- party when the Queen and Prince troduced the Royal couple to Air cq, ave.mile region of mountains Philip arrived at Port Arthur|Vice Marshal Bryans, and Group: |, 4 forests. are seeking to elimi-| from Chicago, He spent a night Captain Williams of the RCAF.| oo e. "5000 to 10.000 well aboard the "Britannia" and who were with Mayor Burt of trained and well aimed Tel] dined with the Royal couple Trenton in the welcoming party. Eents ; al "They are very easy to con- Mr. Starr then travelled with the od Sources in Algiers said th rel verse with," he said "They ap-|Royal procession through Co ba tot Deen Dinan SE Iw pear keenly interested in every- bourg and Port Hope, leaving the The rgel t "hav y al trvi | thing in Canada, and ask many procession at Batterwood House, |"€ MSUrgenis have n IVE almost claimed the lives of two|sn0.metre medley relay in which questions." "Everywhere 1 went with the to avoid a pitched battle with the ipen.age boys, who drifted 10 che swam the ening leg Contrary to reports, Mr. Starr|Royal party." he said, "I was|roops, who are supported by|miles across Black Bay in a 12-|° 8 op B > did not think Her Majesty look-|deeply impressed by the enthus-|Planes and helicopters. {foot boat before crashing on to aj The Dutch relay team bettered ed tired. "I think she was re-|iastic reception. Even in the little}, ve Operation is Expected to rocky shore. {the world ask with a 4315 markably alert and fresh," he towns where the Roval car did|last for several weeks. clocking, bettering own 4:52, said. "She did not seem to be not stop, everything was neat, . -------- Ora Zant Fant 16, of | mark established Sept. 15, 1968, tired. She seemed to be on her ciean and decorated, with people, - Whalen, Mich., were rescued by at the European championships toes all the time, interested in!lining the route to greet their Villa e Flees Alonzo "Nuttal in an aircraft Fri- at Budapest, everything around her." Queen." g |day afternoon. : The two boys left Dorion Bible 'Forest Fire camp, 45 miles east of Port . : Arthur, Thursday morning to | oS Wo ARD DES LACS, paddle to Wolf River. Provincial | Que Pp ' Swimming Marks 'Toppled By Dutch | | WALLWIJK, Netherlands (AP) Oshawa Boy, Pal Lucky |.xiummicmesan To Be Alive |r ve vas am ie un | metre backstroke in 1:11.7, bet. " tering the existing mark of 1:11.9, PORT ARTHUR (CP)--Vicious| established July 25, 1958, by Brit: vinds which turned Lake Supe-|ain's Judy Grinham at Cardiff. rior into a cauldron Thursday Ria's performance came in the FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL ) KING STE OSHAWA, ONT » J r : The entire population police said the boys got too far feat SREP AER 1000 |of this small Gaspe village today out in the bay and were caught - RA. 8-6201 {was ordered to abandon their/by a storm which blew their i RAGE SS ------ Mich. | homes in the face of a raging for-| small craft across the bay to soi oe nlest fire Mary Ellen point, The order to evacuate the town| The boat slammed onto the was given after the flames de- distant shoreline Thursday after- stroyed four or five farm build-| noon, and the two boys started ings on the outskirts of the re-|to walk back along the shore. mote community, 350 miles north. They slept overnight in the bush, east of Quebec in the tinder-dry then started walking again in the, Gaspe Peninsula, morning. ,It was not immediately known| The boys suffered no ill effects] how many people or homes were from their trek although they| {threatened by the blaze. No Injur. had no food. They still had one| |les or deaths were reported. |paddle and two lifejackets. Save on floor coverings, wall to wall, only 37¢ per foot. Heavy duty, conves back, inlaid lino- feum at half price, 99¢ per sq. WILSON FURNITURE H REET to PREFAB GARAGES For all the wear and tear thot your cor receives during the winter months (AP)--With the 87-foot Wisconsi n| M d yawl Sabre in the lead, the 88] Inearly becalmed Sunday night as CRAWFORD NOTCH, N.H. they sailed toward the finish line, | & : race began Saturday dropped off! who killed a pulp mill worker af-|¢, "510ut three miles an hour late Mountains by Roamn Brotz of Sheboygan, |" Eli Gendron, 51. of North Wood-|was in first place about 70 miles | looked on. Another shot glanced|th e northern shoreline of Lake off Gendron's artificial left arm.|Huron. which the shooting took place and about 95 miles from this resort] stele a wallet containing between island Gendron's wife said she and| 0 S her husband were parked in a RGANI T picnic area when the man ap- Nightly ot the Woodstock police chief to in- form Gendron that his mother) Yor Picnic | In Yacht Race or 1CN1C | MACKINAC ISLAND, | ships in the annual Port Huron to | Mackinac Island yacht race were (AP) A widespread manhunt Strong southerly winds which] was under way today for a man|had pushed the craft since the| ter sharing a picnic lunch with sunday him and his wife at the White| At that time, the Sabre, owned! stock, N.H., was shot in the chest/from the finish.The rest of the Sunday as his wife, Retta, 49, /fleet was strung out behind on| The gunman then forced Mrs,| In second place was defending Gendron leave the car in|/Champion Dyna. Tt was reported $175 and $200 from the, vietim 's!™ body proached them. He said he had been sent by| HOTEL LANCASTER Ladies and Escorts Room was dying trol until it struck a cement ahut-| cut nose and bruises. would be tied up for approxi- "ggg, Thomas ment about 500 feet south OPP Constable Wes Reimer in- wialely jour Jours each Sunday. O'Brien, 77, spithall oh . t vestigated r. Drynan sal e had ehi _The vehicle flipped on its left egtigal not yet had a chance to talk to Le worki Ehampion the janitors = i ag allay Trustee G. A. Fletcher express-|, Jerusalem Isage Bale vi Jer | ed his disapproval of the practice 8, 71, chief rabbi of lsrae oy | of Zoing 10 the Janitors first und London--Brenda Dean Paul, 49, asking them their thoughts on the a baronets daughier end sage) matter before laying down a ji of the 1930s Who spent thie} Iti | De- Board decision best years of her life in hospitals 1nera fence Secretary Neil H. McElroy baie rn . eo and jail for drug addiction y | said Sunday that Russia has one Suestion Shona be are Wi Columbus, Ohio Raleigh W {fewer than 10 intercontinental oF rr hss ay * hg Lo Lee, 83, internationally known as By THE CANADIAN PRESS | range missiles capable of hitting dom uk g » €an amateur golfer in the 1920s y " [the United States 930 Tuesday, July 28 the Doiied Stale Sins a telavi I want to see the board state a md BS hariuss. Ont. Jerry The Queen and Prince Philip sion interview that U.S. defence policy on this matter and not de- yo. oo "os Coon stock car leave Batterwood House for chiefs believe the U.S. over-all pen on Be cae Stalkers A8Tee-| river in Ontario and New York RCAF station Trenton. weapons system "could more , BO gh state t Trent they set civic and! than match whatever the Rus- W. T Werry disagreed with Toronto Rev. Dr. David H. A nton, they meet clvic and c «will have in intercontinen- Mr. Fletcher saying, *"I don't Gallagher, secr etary of the air force officials. The royal| (a1 pallistic missile capability." |think that we can be arbitrary United Clvoich board Az "vel sare olane leaves for Fredericton, N.B. obi ~ and demand that a. caretaker| . : At Fredericton, the Queen and - - {give up his time for something rishi --- prince drive to the legislature Miner Killed [that is not schoolwork Sod are met by. Preniter Hugh Mr. Fletcher then decided to French To Get John 'Flemming, They drive to| In Derailment compromise slightly by saying the Lord Beaverbrook Hotel and that perhaps the board should At 1 Ww then to the square where they| SUDBURY (CP)--A miner was Should look for a caretaker with- omic eapons are received by the mayor. Later killed in a collision between an in? e school system wil wold PARIS (Reuters)--P: Mi ttey go to old Government House underground ore train and a agree to do the job rather than a M 3 Bele x Time a for a reception and then back to mine car late Friday at the In- depend on the one at the Ade- ister Michel Debre was quoted the Lord Beaverbrook Hotel for ternaticnal Nick el Company's laide McLaughlin School. Sunday \ in ne Ihe 7) on h the 1 - M's ate Murray mine, the company an- ET IND CATF A NL we hbpeg With ne lieutenant-governor's private i Satria bat 25-POUND CATFISH | atomic weapons "in some months dinner Rounced Saturday. | TORONTO (CP)--Ricky Matsu-| time." Wladyslow (Walter) Aniol, 34. moto, 14, who has equalled his| . This was understood to be of suburban Gatchell, was pinned father Roy's catches of pickerel | reference to France's forthcom-| under the last car of the ore train|and smelt, has put dad to shame|ing atom bomb. Debre addressed | oa before it was derailed. |by netting a .25-pound catfish.|a closed meeting of delegates of Monday, July 27 | The Polish - born miner was Ricky made his catch in: the|the major party in the National | The Queen and Prince Philip|standing by the car when the ore Nottawasaga River, near Wasaga| Assembly, the Union for the New holiday at Batterwood House |train collided with it, Beach. He used a worm. ! Republic. pd Selb " ' 1] AT ST. MARK'S CHURCH SUNDAY Her Majesty greeted the rector | ed to be eyeing the Navy mast hated with him | head north of the church rv of the church oor, from which flew a Union e. Prince Philip Jack and a Canadian Ensign seen between the Queen and | Seen at far left, Mrs. Lionel the Rev. Mr. Moffatt, appear- | Massey with daughter, Susan,' Second from left is Governor neral Vincent Mas hile his h! and rear nephew-secretary sey, Oshawa By 7 G to IS Rev SHOWN ABOVE rerald Moffatt ector of St warml and set « hes Mac Photo hl hou®: past hist ri appro Lionel Times after th at 1g happy mo rvic ment as Royal moves up front walk to enter church part) Iain Macdonald all the added depreciation, because it is left in all kinds of weather, is it not worth the small cost of a PREFAB GARAGE to save countless dollars on your car, Not only does it protect your car, but it is storage spoce for oll sorts of implements such as lawn mowers, hoses and all kinds of garden tools, At MILLWORK and BUILDING SUPPLIES we have 6 designs to chose from, you have your choice of 2 roofs, the Gable roof and the Cot- tage roof. The garage is made of strong pine siding and each one is equipped with a steel overhead slid- ing door. These garages can be erected by two men in just one week- end. The price of these garages starts ot only $470.00. So why not come down and see one on display in our yard. Easy budget terms may be are ranged to suit you, Millwork & Building Supplies LIMITED RA 3-4694 12 King E.--RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Tues. & Wed.! SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS SHOULDER VEAL STEAK CUBED VEAL LB. 59¢ VEAL STEW". 4 .. 1.00 Country Sausage 5 ... 1.00 Chicken Wings 5 .. 1.00 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY . 49° | w DO* / 1279 SIMCOE NORTH

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