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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jul 1959, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 27, 1959 SMILE WAS REFRESHED at St. | after her arrival Saturday night from Trenton Times Staff Photo by Macdonald A smile from Her Majesty, | after church and a nod from His Excellency Marks The Queen seemed the Governor - General for the | much refreshed by her short | select few who were presented | overnight rest at Batterwood Quiet Cobourg Crowd Greets Tired Queen al cavalcade ar ere without so alks in town|cent Union Jack to wave I'he Royal party the police and local militia on the outskirts showed any enthusiasm service (of ten Onl unit the his COBOURG (Staff) Little jefore the much as a citement shown by the citi- rived, the zens of Cobour when Queen began to fill Elizabeth and Prince Philip pass-/was due to ar ed through the Saturday 7.15 p.m six o'clock the/parts they plaved on evening on their to Port/main street cleared of allitoric occasion Hope. The thousands of expected cars. Two had to be towed away Cobourg 'police and members visitors did not show up, and the At 7.05 all traffic through town the 33rd Medium Regiment crowd was spread thinly through ceased. The crowd waited (M) under the command of Chief the town. Only at the town hall Children became impatient and ©f Police Harold Pearse carried was the crowd more than two- pegan to play in the street. At/oul their duties with efficiency deep. and on the south side the 7 four red-coated mounties in a and dispatch street was clear plack car through, The Traffic and for several crowd stirred expectantly. But it controlled with The 15 minutes before the fuss tient provincial police Members wird vaited escort into! Regiment held post at all themselves. entering on the royal route. In citement came two. cars of police. fol vested with the powers of. spe car approached. Then the people owed closely by the open royal cial constables they contributed surged into the street to get a car escorted by four RCMP motor much to the orderly behaviiur of| closer look. Thay saw the Queen.|oyele escorts the traffic and the people. Walkie- They saw the Prir That was! "That was when the crowd show- talkies were wsed' to. Reép in the high point, and it was $000 ag some excitement. It surged for- touch. over. ward, near enough to touch the When ihe There were no rousing cheers, oval car. It saw the Queen. She passed, the no enthusiastic flag waving. Of ac smiling. but it was a tired, 20th sides of the street the hundreds of children there to mechanical smile.. without versed Cars again parked dow nj see their queen, hardly one had a a rmith. Even her hand waved Everything was back to normal. flag. tiredly The first sign of interest in the ghe did not even glance at Vic passing of the Queen began 1o|¢, iz Hall, the pride of Cobourg, appear shortly after six o'clock. of see Mavor J. D. Burnet and On the lawns and boulevards east mambers of the council standing and west of the business section, jy front of the entrance folding chairs had been set out.| prince Philip did glance up at They weren't occupied for some {ha old grey stones in passing, time and that brought a flicker of ap-| preciation to the face of Mayor Burnet. His grandfather had helped build Victoria Hall of excitement had had no- ex ro ide up ve By was was for town at this way of of wd minimum the the ev the of pavement blocks drove were orderly, pa monstrative. They ed quietly among motor ¢ The only flurry of ex- view when the royal] Then was another white-helmeted vele people but und They of the Medium cams treets it royal party had crowds quietly dis KING SIZE 100} LOTS OF ROOM An hour before the royal cou ple was due, a few people began to fill the streets, Blankets and newspapers were set down m, the curb, and soon were taken 2"'S€h jh _ come cver by the children. Parentsi;,. =o either stood or sat in folding ao chairs. There was lots of room for ENTHUSI everybody) From the In the east end, al the Ontario|definitely that Queen Elizabeth Training Schoo! for Boys, 180 would not ston Cobourg, en- voungsters from the institution thusiasm waned almost to the vere lined uv on the boulevard vanishing point alongside the highway. The royal. Not more than car slowed down here to eight|made anv attempt to decorate miles an hour their fronts. The few that did Picking up speed, it slowed were content to display a picture again al St. Peter's Church and |of the royal pair and let it go at proceeded this pace throughthat the town. Union In front of St. Peter's, the signs scouts, cubs and girl guides were hung listlessly along the main assembled, and a littie farther on, street, but the town hall stood at the entrance to Victoria Park, bare of any decorations until late W members of Cobourg Legion, Saturday morning Branch 133, BESL, and the wom Streamers, bunting and welcom en's auxiliary stitfly -at at- ing banners were conspicuously tention. absent Hundreds of children to the flurry uddenly royal gone to do as it cavalcade There was but go home The and left M WANED time it was known a dozen stores at | Jacks and Canadian en | bought by local merchants, Mitchell Hope one Robert drd Port 12, Troop the Boy enter of Scouts was of the prizing group which ordered stood huge quantities of hot dogs and other refreshments for pop sale Big Crowds CROWDS GREET 4 v4 or wr Hail Queen PORT HOPE (Staff) The weather was wonderful, but al- though HRH Prince Philip seem- ed to be enjoying himself, HM Queen Elizabeth was obviously tired and noi tee enthusiastic when the royal party arrived in Port Hope Saturday en route to a rest of four days at Batter- wood countr, home of the Massey family After an exhausting day which started in Winnipeg, featured a trip to a Sudbury nickel mine and ended with the drive from Trenton to Port Hope, the Queen's' smile seemed tired. Her 10- the cheering crowd listless, waves were area residents and tourists lined the route be- tween Trenton and Port Hope. Even in univhabited rural stretches of Highway 2 appeared crowds' cheeritig over fences, It estimated tiat crowd ol 75,600 turned out greel Her Majesty's arrival the area. When the reached Port p.m, . Saturday was at a preiv Thousands of was a to in royal entourage Hope about 7.50 sidewalk space the almost quite limousine, For was was black Courtice Involves BOWMANVILLE Damages totalling approximately $2000 cars spectators the unexpected adv for the surrounded Queen Nobody sleek by (Staff) assessed when six involved were were in a mishap at the intersection of Highway 2 and Courtice side road about 11.15 a.m, Saturday. Wiiliam Riznek Courtice, driving dump truck, was the only in jured Of the six a person vehicles involved the mishap, three were parked on the lot at Roy Nichols Motors body shop on 'the south-west cor ner of the intersection It was truck driven by Riznek was attempting to turn left onto Courtice road north, Dog Bites Tot At Ajax AJAX (Staft age 2'2 year in stated a Terry LeBlanc was freated at the Ajax and Pickering General Hos pital Sunday for a dog bite. He was playing in the Puckrin Park north of Ajax, Sunday when he was bitten on the right wrist by a dog owned by Elmer Pollard of Courtice, Several children have been bit- ten by dogs in this district in the past week. The dog was on a leash when it snapped at the child. HOT DOG: a square of red coated Mounties on motorcycles | As the people realized that the} tired young woman in the back | jof the car was indeed the Queen, | spontaneous clieers broke out, fol-| lowed by enthusiastic applause, | The entire crowd estimated to run as high as 25 -seemed to become imbued with the same intention as the motorcade pass-| ed | FOLLOWED PROCESSION They ran for their cars and followed the procession out to! Batterwood, five miles north- west of town Meeting the Queen al wood were their hosts for four) days, Governor-General Rt. Hon. | Vincent Massey, his nephew Lion-| el Massey and his wife ! Welcoming them on behalf of Hope township, in which munici-| pality 'Batterwood' is located, was Reeve o Hope township Victor Wilson Almost 1000 were on hand, or arrived later, to. see RCMP offi- cers salute the roya! car as it passed into Batterwood. The crowd stayed on about 9 p.m. at Batterwood. Sev- eral members of families of per y sons embloyed on the estate were ¥ p.. about 100 inside the gate "Hg when the r car arrived, but left about 8 m Crash 6 Cars when a car, towing another. driv en by Ronald Stapley, Oshawa, attempted to pass As the vehicle tried pass the car being towed bounced off the rear end, struck car on the Nichols lot, careened into a esty the Queen and Prince yp om RAs car parked on the lot, went be-| Philip entered Port Hope Sat- OPP unmarked cruiser, then tween a telephone post and guide| urday night. An advance guard | an RCMP official car, then post, struck two more parked, of several OPP motorcycles led | the royal limousine, escorted cars, and came to rest in front - - ------ of the body shop. The truck was SELLS RARE COIN | pushed into one of the cars which had already been hit VICTORIA (CP) -- A rare five- Riznek was taken to Oshawa cent coin was sold here for $290 General Hospital suffering from|by Mrs. Elizabeth Barker. It was bruised legs and knees. OPP Con-|a 1921 silver coin. A second sim- stable Murray Joynt investi-|ilar coin brought $165 at an auc- gated |tion Four Injured In Road Crash PICKERING (Staff) A two- Migus Philip car collision near the V alley road, Toronto Farm road on No. 2 Highway Another passenger, Nadia sent four persons to Ajax and Reshytelo, 18, a student nurse at Pickering General Hospital short- the Hamilton General Hospital ly before noon Sunday. | was uninjured. ! All the injured were in a west-| Police said an eastbound ear,| bound car. In hospital is Jack driven by Eric Favager, 30, of| Hladun, 22, of 171 Indian road,|Kennedy road, Scarborough, Toronto, the driver. He suffered|struck the south shoulder, then broken right ribs and scalp lacer- went out of control and swerved ations. Natalu Hladun , lacerated!across the highway into the path! forehead, bruises and shock. |of the Hladun car. Robert Stodilka, 18, of 74 Martin, No one street, Toronto, multiple Jacera-|pavager tions to face, chest and legs; two other TIMES BUREAUS HIT GUARD POSTS Edward Ross, 22, of Kingston John Mills Batter-| until ards np dy the way, and was followed; as shown top picture, by an to Police cruisers preceded royal limousine when Her Maj- a in 49, of 171 Indian in the contained five chil- injured It and was vehicle adults Road, West Hill, and Charles] Jenkinson, 20, of 4 Dyson Road, Ajax 426 Rosebank, were treated at the| Ajax Hospital for lacerations and| |bruises suffered when a car driven by Ross clipped out sev- BOWMANVILLE era) guard posts on a sharp turn Rae Hopkins Ma. 3-7282/on Rosebank Road south, Picker- |ing. The accident occurred at 7 Sh | HELPS TROOP FUNDS in Port Profits troop equip crowds weekend. to finance purchase to royal visit Hope at the will be used projects and ment Staf Photo MacKenzie ° lime By ind two 10, and were Cardoza Susan They Douglas children ham, §. THE OVERTURNED BOAT dian Power Squadron of is shown off the lakeshore at Frenchman's Bay is pointing to Ajax. A member of the Cana- | the hole, in the keel. Inset is Gra mn the | wy y 4 ( $20.000 water they nearly an hour were rescued Photos by before John Mills ering and tying up the manager ithe Hotel Richelieu in suburban'money. Her Majesty smiles as she recognizes the beret and blazer uniform of the Canadian Legion | which manned part of the route BOAT OVERTURNS |p.m. Sunday. Fund Nearly Boy knockep QUEEN AT PORT HOPE Hy y when Queen and Prince drove to divine service at St. Mark's Anglican Church. Bottom pie- ture shows their arrival at the church Oshawa Times Photo by Joe Serge by motorcycle RCMP security guards. 'Picture was taken facing Ontario at Walton streets. Crowds which were { heavy Saturday night were | even heavier next morning, COBOURG LEGION HONORS QUEEN Governor - General at Canton near Port Hope Oshawa ¢ in the town through which the Queen passed on her way to a | four dav rest at Batterwood | House, country home of the Times Photo By MecCullock Doubled Ai OFF BICYCLE AJAX (Staff) -- Stephen Baric AJAX (Staff) -- Mrs. W. H. J aged 7, of Harwood avenue north, was taken to the Ajax and Pick Thompson, president of the Ajax- ening General Hospital suffering Pickering branch of the Canadian to his back and shoud Cancer Society, has announced oa ss the campaign results. The total proceeds handed into headquar-| He knocked from his bi-| ters up to June 30 have reached cycle on No. 2 Highway at 7 p.m $2,193. : 193.38 Sunday by a westbound car! Irs, Thompson said The re-| ven by Fred Korman of Law- sults in this our first campaign have been wonderful. The sum Po- donated represents aproximate the ly 184 per cent the branch objective." Work of the branch throughout the year. and aid is continually being given out. Reg war meetings will resume in Sep tember LOCAL CLERICS ATTEND SERVICE PORT HOPE (Staff) Several guest members of the clergy were observed attend- ing divine service at St Mark's Anglican Church on the occasion of the visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and". His Royal Highness Prince Philip Sunday morn ing Those present included Capon C. G. Lawrence, chap- lain of Trinity College School Rev. W. F. Wrixon (retired), of Canton; Rev, Winston Nainby, rector of St. John's An flican Church, Port Hope and honorary assistant priests Rev. T. A. Nind and Rev \. B. Payne Bandits Get $20,000 Loot MONTREAL (CP) lits escaped with an estimated from an east-end hotel ate Sunday night after overpow abrasions ders. was AJAX (Staff) Three adults (and two children owe their lives to the fact that they were wear ing lifebelts when their boat cap- sized in Lake Ontario a half mile off shore at Rotary Park beach, Ajax, at 12.30 p.m. Sunday I'he 22-foot boal was powered by twin motors. The owner, Doug- las Cardoza, 34, of Forest road, Ajax, said he was not quite sure what happened rence avenue west, lice attached no blame motorist Break-In Loot Is Recovered BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Provincial police here reported two week-end break-ins, both in houses on Solina road Saturday afternoon. Goods taken in each case included portable radios, cash and other small articles, with a total value amounting to approximately $80. The homes of William Sluys and Russell McQuaid = were entered Saturday afternoon while the oc cupants were out Toronto, to ol continues Russ Director Praises Actors STRATFORD (CP) Actors at the Stratiord Shakespearean Fes- tival were described Sunday by a Russian theatrical direc- tor the kind he would like to see plaving in Rus- sian theatres visiting as and quality All articles were recovered and a juvenile living nearby has been charged with breaking, entering and theft under the Juvenile Act COBOURG Frank N. Pickford Tel. FR 2-3676 PORT HOPE Iain Macdonald TU. 5-573 Professor Nikola Okhlopkov principal director of Moscow's Mayakovski Theatre and a guest Hero Of Dieppe Director Of Music TORONTO CP) Brian S.| McCool, a hero of the Dieppe as- sault during the Second World War, has been appointed direc-| tor of music for the Ontario de- partment of education. He suc-, ceeds Dr. G Roy Fenwick who retires Aug. 31 after 24 years' service Pointe aux Trembles told police a man, who was registered at the hotel, came into his. office and asked for a bottle of beer Mr. Casteran was counting the weekend receipts at the time Mr. McCool When he turned to get ring director of keys, the man and an accom-|a prisoner-of-war camp in 1942 plice attacked him. The pair then|He was wounded five times and fied him up and fled with the was made an MBE for his work at Dieppe. Two ban- been assistant returned from a since Maurice Casteran, manager of 3 Adults, 2 Children Rescued From The Bay He and his two children, Susan turned over. Mr, Cardoza said the and Graham, were accompanied ghilgren were floating any Whos a 1e swam oul to them and bronght by re Marks y Fred ; 3 them back to the boat, and sat Rovsevell road. They had started {hem up on the keel out from Frenchman's Bay, and, Apr Cardoza said. "Only the had anchored off the beach for a {act that we were all wearing our short time. When they started up|jifehelts saved us. There was no again an d turned back toward the panic, though we seemed to be 3ay, a large wave swamped the i, the water a long time." boat The and Harry of The boat was new and out on its second trip. A large hole was found in the bottom of the boat festival founder Tom Patter- when it was brought ashore. It said he was impressed with is presumed that it struck a rock other, submerged ob boat filled rapidly and of son the entire company at Stratford. OF some "On their enthusiasm hangs - . the success of the festival and ° r. Cardoza and members of ' SiR 4 ,/the Canadian Power Squadron ihe ftie of Canadian Seams, from Frenchman's Bay said this he said through an interpreter. [,. ident and rescue proved that lives will not be lost if a boat is properly. equipped. He said he enjoyed especially the production of Othello Canadian music would also be welcomed in Russia, he said,! after praising Louis Appelbaum's score of incidental numbers for Othello. SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSEL PAPERS AND BOWM. NVALLE'S FINEST TAXI! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you have not received your Times, phone your carrier boy first. If yo. are unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m FOR MISSED PAPERS If you have not received your Times by 7 p.m. call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 Al calls must be placed before 7:30 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7:30 p.m. only

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