7 wesday, family visited Mr. and Mrs. T. las, Toronto, were guests of John Mr. and Mrs. Norval Wotten,|Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T ussell LJ He SHAWA TI, ¥ e Jy 28, 1) | Robson, Orillia. |Griffin and Mrs. E. Bennett, be- S.ina, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mar-| Bragg, Bowmanville; Mr. al an and { ENNISKILLE | Mr. an d@ Mrs. E, Trewin and|fore leaving for the west. shail, Victoria, B.C., called on Mrs, Stanley Chapman, tamily called on Mr. and Mrs, Mr. aod Mrs. R. Gilbert, Bow-|Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Clare, Kirby, visited Mr. By MRS, RUSSELL GRIFFIN |F, Carter, Maple Grove, and manville, called on F. Toms. Sun- Mr. and Mrs. J. Morgan, Mrs. E. A. Werry. bi ] ENNISKILLEN -- Mr. and|C. E. Horn, Oshawa, Sunday day. Bramiord, talled v ar aad 5 7 {Mrs. Austin Brownridge, Toron-| Doreen Trewin spent the week-| Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope and fam- | 8. Fn sr , Sunday, . to, and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Toms end with her grandparents, ily, Port Perry, called on L. took their moles, Mis. E Ben on-L0 ence [were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.| 0. 204 Mrs. M. Stainton call- Stainton, Saturday. pelt, for a holiday enelon [Frew ed on J. D. Brown apd Mrs| Mrs. A Filion and Ciara FATS ; : Ni bel | Mr. ang Mss, A. Leadbeater|Ada Tambiyn, Orono, Sunday. Page, Toronto, visited Mrs. E.| Edwin Ormiston --Courlee| Motions 1X iSr., Mr, and Mrs. L. Leadbeater Marguerite Wright, St. Cathar-| Page. x 8b : : ps jand family, Toronto. visited A. ines, spent the weekend with her] Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mr. and ™ arp. WINNIPEG (CP)--With mono [Leadbeater parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E.Mrs. O. C. Ashion, Lois and| Mr. and Mrs. Joun Sr aliace 10nous regularity, Premier Duff | Bert Hunter, of Monk, Mr. and| Wright, and attended the Werry Charles visited Mr. and Mrs. 8./family, Wu. and a aod Roblin's majority Progressive g Mrs. A, Hunter, Mount Forest, picnic. dmap, Seugog lsiand, Sunday. sell Griff 4 the Conservative government turned visited C. Ferguson. Mr. aud Mev. EV. Begley,| Elsie Oke, Totouta, visited 4. Can phon i Rog Cream aside 18 motions of non-confi- ! Mrs. F. g ki motor trip to the and Mrs. A. Oke. Friffin ic t Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett and|are making a p ra 1. Aston. andlor ley Park, Bowmanville, dence Monday family visited O. Beckett, Tyrone. | East coast. Carol and Bruce Beg- { AB. Clifford Hebb, of Toone: ley are spending holidays with Ronald Haydon were Sunday din-| Doreen McLean, Mary Jones. | The Conservatives stood alone WB Bonaventure, is spending a Gordon Shunk, Port Perry. ner guests of R. J. Ormiston. |Bowmanville, and Mary Griffin, jon only eight of the motions. The 7 |month's vacation with his sis- Lieut. James of the S.A. and| Mr and Mrs. Sid Lemen, Nes- Enniskillen are spending a week|10-man gee oe laughed 0 0 Oh, Iter, Mrs. Perley Terry. (family of Lakefield; Ricky Tug-|tleton, were Sunday tea guests at Bracebridge. : |tions > eight for iberal-] ; | 'Mr, and Mrs. Ed Cox and worth, Mrs. C. Smith and Doug-'of Mr. and Mrs. Perley Terry. | Winnifred Cole, Ward Gilbert, gressives. ~THE DISTRICT PAGE-W A GUIDE TO VALUES Whitby - Ajax - Pickering - Brooklin - Port Perry A More Personalized Service When You Shop Locally Readers of The Oshawa Times are finding this page a handy reference, with a wide varied range of services listed here. The merchants through their advertisements, invite you to take advantage of their services This is your community, contribute to its properity and growth by patronizing the advertisers within its confines. These busin- essess share in your taxes, they provide employment, they support local undertakings of all kinds, their payrolls add to the prosperity we enjoy. Your local merchant is your friend. He can be a helpful adviser and is glad to give this advice without obligation. F These advertisements are an invitation to you. The advertisers say 'here for your assistance, we list our services; we will be pledged to serve you whenever and wherever possible. PY FN Yas ERR Iie 'REESOR FUEL AND LUMBER Everything in BUI.DERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER -- COAL WE SPECIALIZE IN SUMMER COTTAGE NEEDS JOHN BURTINSKY Florist FOR WEDDING BOUQUETS, CORSAGES AND BOUTONNIERES SEE US PHONE MO 8-3324 124 Dundas St, W., Whitby BIBLE SCHOOL PARADES The annual Vacation Bible | Holy Trinity came to a close on | and their teachers took part in | Crescent, headed by junior Schools held in Ajax jointly by | Friday with a parade from the | the parade and the program | bandsmen from Oshawa and | the Salvation Army, St. Paul's churches to the Community which followed. The photo Whitby Salvation Army. | h of The | Centre. More than 300 children | shows the parade on King's --Photo by John Mill United and the Chur! h o e en re. ore than . 5 p King' y h 1] oie DIVER IN LAKE SCUGOG DISTRICTS PHONE YU 5.7951 PORT PERRY, ONT, "Woman Badly Injured Lisht Docket At Cobourg In Chain Of Crashes |: oo - we COBOURG (Staff) Mrs. bridge, who suffered a fracjured result of the first series of colli unusually light docket in police! Alice Smallbridge, 67, of 34 York|left knee and chest injuries. sions. : ; court here Monday morning street, Kingston, was severely in-| After treatment at Cobourg Dis- A car driven by Bryan O'Con- y..,..c Ruccer 18, Toronto, | jured, and several other persons trict General Hospital she was nor, 21, Division street, Cobourg, atid) We 8. deiving received minor injuries as a re-|transferred to the Hotel Dieu,|was in collision with a car driven Pleaded gully careless driving | sult of a series of rear end col-| Kingston. Keith Smallbridge re.|by Cyril Jonyea, 34, Montieth!and was fined $50 and costs onl lisions two miles east of Cobourg|ceived cuts about his forehead. street, Toronto. No one was in- One month in jail on Highway No. 2 Sunday night.| Lawrence Adams, 54, of 36 Jured. | Magistrate Baxter refused his| Four cars were travelling east. Paul street, picton, was unin-| Damage was estimated to be request for time to pay the fine. | In the vicinity of the Col. Massey jured about $500 ; Rugger was the driver of a car farm, the first driver, Robert, According to the drivers, the| Investigating officer was OPP (nat failed to round a curve at] Smith, 39, of Coverdale avenue! second and third cars stopped be-| Constable T. Parker Bewdley, ran into a ditch, struck | Cobourg, stopped to turn up al hind the first car When J stopped, a culvert and was then aban-! side road. The second car ran|but the fourth car didn't, push-| doned., into the rear of the stopped car. ing the stationary cars into the COBOURG Jetse Hier Va rcs " a | head : . J iemstra, 35, RR 4, Co- The driver was Carmel Taylor, one ahead. Frank N. Pickford |bourg, convicted of drunkenness, | Tel. FR 2-3676 18, of 475 King street west, Co-| Total damage was estimated at 'war vi bourg. Her father, Archie Taylor, $2000 | |¥ hs fined $s A Pid gaye. He OPP Constable E. Lunn invest-| was arrested following a disturb-| gated | PORT HOPE Tain Macdonald TU. 5-5737 VIGOR OIL STATION Operated by "VIC" VAN LUVEN DOMINION ROYAL TIRES Th: Best Deal on NEW and USED TIRES PHONE MO 8-3644 501 Brock St. N., Whithy WHITBY CLEANERS PHONE MO 8-2345 For Free Pick-up of Your Furs ond Apparel! WE OPERATE OUR OWN REFRIGERATED STORAGE All Garments Fully Insured 150 Colborne St. East ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY and Furni 9 OUR LOCATION AT 216 Mary St. East One Block North of Post Office, in Whitby is most convenient for buying needs. Quelity Goods et Prices Thet Seve WALTER WARD SANITARY SEPTIC TANK CLEANING NEW TANKS AND SEWER LATERALS INSTALLED PROMPT SERVICE WE NOW HAVE COMPLETE DITCHING FACILITIES PHONE MO 8-2563 204 Chestnut W., Whithy 0, dae alien, moived Jacer ance in a local beverage room In the third car, driven by July 4 | Keith Smallbridge, 35, of King-| TWO MORE Convicted of unlawfully wander-| ston, was his mother, Alice Small-' Two more cars collided as a ing abroad, Guy Morris, 30, ar- i ---------- -- ee - rested near Brighton, July 25, New Substation im | from the magistrate to get out of Prince Wears | town 'Hat At Last © LA SALLE HI FASHION Bid Is Accepted | COBOURG (Staff) -- Ferguson; Services and accounts of nine Electric, Port Hope, has been residents living on the property awarded the contract for the con-|west of Cobourg and recently an-| struction of a new sub-station on/nexed from Hamilton Township! Orr street, it was announced atlare to be transferred from the! a meeting of the public utilities Ontario Hydro to the local PUC| commission Monday 'night {by September 1, in accordance] The contract price is $44,523, with a letter received from the which is $1,275 less than the next Ontario Hydro lowest tender. Manager W. Woods asked if Construction is expected to get ihe offices could be air-condition-| under way in about three months. od He was instructed to obtain| It was also announced that an prices, extra 25 feet of land has been bought from the Imperial Oil i path" mie to CHURCHWRRDE TO PRINCE "WAIT from the Cobourg Legion Branch 133, BESL, for parking space I tront of the sub-station, which Is PORT HOPE (Staff) -- to be erected in front of the Le-| "What do we do?" whisper- ed Prince Philip to church warden Charles Haultain at gion Hall, | -------- i " | the conclusion of Sunday out ne morning's royal service at St. Mark's in Port Hope When the congregation rose the choir passed back = For Speeding through the nave. of the church, the Prince is report- ed to have leaned across the middle aisle and whispered his question to the warden. Apparently some doubt existed in the minds of the royal party- as to whether they should exit behind the choir, or wait until the Crucifer had returned the crucifix to its stand Mr, Haultain leaned across the aisle, and in' an equally audible low whisper, answer- ed "Wait!" AJAX (Staff) -- Fred Murray, age 22, charged with careless driving, speeding and carrying mproper lights pleaded guilty to poor lights on his vehicle, but not + guilty to the other two charges Magistrate C. W. Guest dis- missed the careless driving ¥ esharge but convicted the accused © on the speeding charge and poor lights. He was fined $20 or five days and costs on the speeding charge, an d $5 and costs for having poor lights. Constable Lawrence Huot told _ the court that he had followed " the accused along Harwood to © George street, west on George to Cedar streets at 1 am. on July 18 at speeds over 50 miles an hour. During the chase the lights on the accused's pick-up' AJAX (Staff) -- Mrs. Joan M uwuck went on and off several Williamson, 175 Tulloch Drove, # times. He caught up with the Ajax, pleaded guilty to a charge wruck after it had turned into alof shoplifting before Magistrate driveway on Beatty road, C. W. Guest in Ajax police court Murray said that the roads injon Monday. She was fined $25 question were curved and it was and costs. simpossible to drive faster than 0 William Taylor, a store em miles an h our, wr |ployee said he had watched the {accused hide some articles under |the mattress of the baby car. Issue Warrant ri After she left the store, she \ . h was followed and asked if she For Ajax Yout had something she had forgotten to pay for. The carriage was AJAX (Staif) -- Eight teen age searched and the articles, valued youths charged with wilful dam- at $6.10 were found age were sitmmoned to appear in Ajax police court Monday. Two failed to appear. One is out on bail on another charge. A war-| TIMES BUREAUS rant will be issued for the other. | The case was adjourned until] RIAX August 10, when it will be heard : in the Whitby police court Tokn Mills Charged are, Glen Carson Flood, Pickering: Martin Tony Udall Ajax; Adloph Trantau, Pickering; Wayne Thomas Har- vey, Ajax; Hazen Murray Wright, mio fixed address; Richard Me- ianes, Ajax; Norman A. Randall, Pickering: and Stuart Dollimo, Ajax Woman Fined Shoplifting Ajax 426 BOWMANVILLE Rae Hopkins Ma. 83-7282 FIND OLD MANUSCRIPTS LONDON (AP)---Moscow Radio Flood was represented bY reports a mass of manuscripts Heary Polak, an Ajax lawyer. and letters by authors such as He asked that the case be ad-| Jean-Jacques Rosseau, J. Fen- journed because he had been un- nimore Cooper, Heinrich Heine, able to contact his client. Randall Hans Christian Andersen, and Sir failed to appear, and a warrant Walter Scott have been found in will be issued to ensure his ap-|the Leningrad archives. Selec pearance August 10 in Whitby. 'tions will be published. !time Prince Philip has worn the PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Prince | Philip reserved a certain honor for Port Hope and Hope town ship Saturday night He wore his brown fedora for | the first time on the present tour. i 3reey The Prince has been carrying a brown fedora with him, appar- ! ently for show, since he landed § to start their tour. At least two persons who lined the route Just at the westerly { limits of Port Hope swear that as the car passed out of town into the township, His Royal Highness donned his hat It is believed to be the first hat he has been carrying for more than a month now. JUDGE ROY WILMOTT Rector Glad Set Date To 'Service Over Swear Judge PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Rev. COBOURG (Staff) -- Roy Will: Gerald Moffatt, rector of St. mott,, QC, recently appointed al [Mark's Anglican Church at Port|judge for county and distriot| {Hope, said last night he's happy | courts, will be sworn in Friday, | and relieved now that his royal|July 31, it has been announced service is over. {by Justice Minister Fulton. Rev. Moffatt officiated at the! Judge Willmott has sent in his| service in S(. Mark's Sunday|resignation as solicitor for the| morning which was attended by|town of Cobourg and will resign the Queen and Prince Philip. |from the law firm of Willmott "It's a great relief to have it 504 1rvine, He will also relin-| all finished," he said, "after allio ich duties as a member of the |those, long months of Prepara-|Cobourg District Collegiate | Asked about his sermon, Rev. | Board. Moffat said it had not been finish- led until Saturday night, but that lit had been firm in his mind {when he preached it. I didn't ad lib," he said Mr. Moffat was greatly im: pressed by the beauty and charm of Her Majesty, not just as a : Queen, but also as a woman. HAMILTON (CP)--The driving] "She has a beautiful complexion knowledge of every motorist] and face," he remarked should be reviewed at least once "Her Majesty asked me about every two years, Justice of the| the age of the church," he re- Peace William Farquhar, said in| called, "and commented on the traffic court Monday renovations to the chapel. She 'I believe it should be compul Revision Of Driving Asked had seen the front of the chapel sory," he told a man who was through the small door beside her sent to Hamilton traffic clinic for] pew." two sessions. Mr. Farughar said there are; "just too many changes in the Ile De France Highway Traffic Act for the av- . erage motorist to keep up with | Scrapping Ended tem» OSAKA, Japan (Reuters) -- A "It doesn't matter how good a salvage firm has written the last river they are," he said. | chapter in the history of the liner The man had pleaded not guilty He de France. to failing to stop at a red light| Work was finished Monday on before making a right hand| scrapping the 44,356-ton vessel, turn. f which was launched in 1927 and sailed its maiden voyage from Le Havre to New York the same year. SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES | BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 FOR MISSED PAPERS If you have not received your Times by 7 p.m. coll T. ZAYETTE UPHOLSTERING CUSTOM SUITES MADE TO ORDER RE-UPHOLSTERING Compare Prices , . . THEN GIVE US A CALL Choice of Samples PHONE MO 8-2344 1111 Centre St. S., Whitby PEOPLE DO READ SMALL ABVERTISEMENTS, YOU ARE! HAIR STYLISTS HAIR STYLING - CUTTING COLORING - COLD WAVES Air Conditionin, At Ne Extra Che PHONE MO 8-3621 109 Byron St. §., Whitby Dryers ae CONSTRUCTION Sond - Gravel - Fill - Loam Screened & Crushed Materials PHONE 643-R-5 R.R. 1, BROOKLIN W. E. MILLER BUILDER OF FINE HOMES Commercial - Residential Construction of All Types of Buildings from Ground to Roof PHONE MO 8-2739 1805 Dufferin St., Whithy J. A. VONDETTE REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONES: MO 8-3322 MO 8-4841 We Specialize in Prompt Service LISTINGS SOLICITED INDUSTRIAL -- COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE HARRY JERMYN, Mgr. 104 Dundes St. W., Whitby STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS Member ot the Canadian Association of Memorial Craftsmen Distributor for . . ROCK OF AGES BARRE GRANITE ond EVENTIDE GRANITES UARRY GUARANTEED MO' 8-3552 WHITBY WHITE ROCK DRIVE INN ROBERT THORNDYKE, Prop. Formerly HOWARD'S DRIVE INN TASTY SNACKS -- SANDWICHES Mrs. E. Hutchings, 903 Bayview Ave., Whitby, Ont. SOFT ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN NEWLY RENOVATED PHONE MO 8-5451 2 Miles North of Whitby On No. 12 Highwey Geo. Hamers Lid, PLUMBING & HEATING © AUTOMATIC HEATING UNITS ® GAS & OIL BURNERS o EAVESTROUGHING o GENERAL SHEET METAL WORK PHONE MO 8-3011 212 Brock St. 5., Whithy STAN'S RADIO & T.V. CLINIC A WORLD OF SERVICE IF YOUR T.V. IS SICK CALL US MO 8-4016 707 Athol St, Whithy WILDE ELECTRIC (RUSS WILDE, Prop.) For Adequate Wiring HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY COMMERCIAL-DOMESTIC PHONE MO 8-3174 1107 HENRY STREET WHITBY, ONTARIO GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE STATION GEORGE POPESCU, MGR LUBRICATION -- WASHING MOTOR TUNE-UPS HAVE YOUR SPRING CHANGE-OVER DONE HERE LICENSED MECHANIC PHONE MO 8-4232 932 Brock St. N., Whithy RONALD PASCOE BUILDING CONTRACTOR AND CARPENTER ALTERATIONS --- REPAIRS KITCHEN & RECREATION ROOMS GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP PHONE MO 8-2257 403 Chestnut W., Whitby MIDTOWN FURNITURE WE BUY, SELL & TRADE APPLIANCES - PIANOS SEWING MACHINES We carry Trilon, Deltex end Tintawn rugs end carpets. PHONE MO 8-4981 113 Byron $t., Whitby R. J. HARDING CONSTRUCTION Builders end Developers of Modern Communities Specializing in RANCH STYLE BUNGALOWS PHONE MO 8-2716 429 Palace St, Whithy OSHAWA Ornamental Railings ORNAMENTAL METAL WORK FURNITURE -- RAILINGS FIRE ESCAPES GUARANTEED WORK Phones: OSHAWA RA 3-4161 WHITBY MO 8-2681 AJAX MARINE SCOTT OUTBOARD WEYMOUTH CRUISERS GREN-ELL & LAKEFIELD BOATS SERVICE & STORAGE PHONE 1266 No. 2 Highway -- Ajox Look 156" FREE W. A. SMITH BUILDER'S SUPPLY See Our GARDEN SUPPLIES Picnic Tables, and Posts, etc PHONE MO 8-2379 701 Brock St. N., Whitby Fence Pickets WHEN THINKING OF QUALITY Drop in at McCULLOUGH'S McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS LTD. PHONE MO 8-5051 WHITBY PLAZA For Your Kame See if your name is in one of these advertisements. This page is a weekly feature of The Oshawa Times for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week two names and addresses of people living in Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin or Port Perry. Read the advertisements carefully and if you find your name, clip out the advertisement in which you found your name and present it along with a sales slip or label to The Oshawa Times office in Whitby, showing that goods or services have been purchased from any one of the advertisers on this page and you will receive absolutely FREE a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise with one of the advertisers on this page. Winners must advise the Oshawa Times on which advertiser they wish to spend their order. WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS specializing in RE-CHPOMING CAR BUMPERS & GRILLS PHONE MO 8-3232 No. 12 Highway One Mile North of Whitby DAN'S Mexican Chili Grill Specializing in CHILI - SPAGHETTI BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN TAKE-OUT ORDERS Mrs. A. Bruce, 515 Dunlop St. W., Whitby Ont. ALWAYS TASTY FRESHLY COOKED PHONE 475 PICKERING, ONTARIO AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All cells must be placed before 7:30 p.m. It you have mot received your Times, phone your carrier bey first. If yo. ere unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAX) Colls Accepted Between 7-7:30 p.m. only D. G. SPENCER CAR MARKET LTD. '56 CHEVROLET BELAIR SEDAN Automatic, radio, 2-tone. $1,650 PHONE MO 8-485) 146 Brock St. N., Whithy Need .An Electrician? CALL McTEAGUE Electric Limited R iol '= C Industriel Wiring 24-Hour Service Free Estimates PHONE MO 8.4278 415 Cochrane St, Whithy BILL MOWAT B-A PRODUCTS LICENSED MECHANIC FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY PHONE MO 8-4701 Brock Sr. 5. & St. Lawrence BESTWAY MOTORS TEXACO GAS & OIL VOLKSWAGEN SALES - SERVICE - PARTS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS PHONE MO 8-4792 Dundas St. W. ot Centre St. Whitby, Onterie KEMP MOTORS WHITE ROSE GAS AND OILS Cleaned." SPECIAL 4.25 Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE MO 8-4932 620 Dundes Sr, L., Whithy