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The Oshawa Times, 30 Jul 1959, p. 17

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Pr wr wey www we Ww Seve THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 30, 1959 17 ¢ BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT $320,000 Factory For Steel Culverts turn out up to 1,500 feet of cul- vert a shift, The culverts vary from eight to 60 inches in diameter, al- though the plant can produce culverts up to 96 inches in diam- eter. OTHER PRODUCTS The company's Edmonton pranch also produces structural steel for buildings and bridges, handles - plate work for oil re- fineries, gas and chemical plants and produces steel barges for northern transportation compan- jes. The company has a foundry and machine shop here, Total cost of expansion into the culvert field was about $320,000, Mr. Bodie said. The company purchased a three-acre site and a packing plant building for $200,000 and spent another $120, 000 on equipment. The material used is copper- bearing steel, purchased in Ham-| TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS TORONTO Canadian ~~ oy The Canadian Press e Toronto Stock Exchange--July 30 Boek, Pa Hig low aia, Ch'ge (Quotations in cenis unless marked §, Ang 2. = d lot, 3d ~~ x-dividend, xr--Ex- Anglo Nfld 1190 Ye --- 3 rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Blue Bonnets 265 $103 10% 10% Industrials Net sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge $38% 38% 38% Net Stock Sales High Low Ll a.m. Uh'ge Mt Wright 2500 57 S4 5 +3 NCO wis 1860 139 135 139 +4 17 16 7 +% % 2 ' Net Seles High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge $20 20 18% 19 =8 * (1 * ++ FE + Stoc.. # x gts geuganzag TLR ss¥a B EDMONTON (CP) -- A $320,000 which it has been in operation, plant has been opened here for|he added. "Sales have been held the production of corrugated steel'down to Alberta so far, but we culverts, used chiefly in road- | hope to find markets in the other building. Production in the first western provinces and in the year is expected to top $1,000,000. Northwest Territories." The Edmonton plant is the first] The provincial government is venture by Dominion Bridge |the biggest purchaser of the cul- Company Limited into the cul-|verts, with municipalities also vert field. [buying a fair share for munici- J. L. Bodie, vice-president of pal road - building programs. the company's Edmonton opera- Some are sold to oil companies tions, said Dominion Bridge for construction of branch roads to oil fields. moved into the culvert field be- cause of the big road - building] The culvert plant increased to 550 from 500 the number program in Alberta and the po- about b tential market in Western Can-jof employees at Dominion ada. |Bridge's Edmonton branch. The "We set the production figure 50 employees at the new plant at $1,000,000 for the first vear| THEATRE GUIDE when the plant started opera-| tions in February," Mr. Bodie Brock (Whitby) -- "Rio Bravo" 7.00 and 9.30 p.m. Last com- said, "and have already sur- plete show 9.20 p.m. passed the $500,000-mark." IN OPERATION 5 MONTHS The culvert plant has become] Ww p.m. Marks -- "Rawhide", 1.15, al ilton from the Steel Company of 7.15, 10.20 p.m. "Lady in theicanaga and from the Dominion Mask", - 2.50, 5.55. 9.00\go dries and Steel Company. one of the largest producers in| Last complete show 8.45 os i AuL Alberta in the five months in featuring = gegty geli.d 88 FE Es EER 8% = Jz8y FEF 288% 3233 + FF sabasd F = BE, .n.23cEmaR S us 8B zs § § bE] Se seals Canorama C Monpas Fundy Merrill N Pac Coal N Santiago 7000 s¥seieiosliseta a iountistil PITT TLE CIR IES (EY 3 4 TT EEusardy seeps d.g Bsoupssnpasey Esssfiuns BERgaand a £28 F 5 wEEERE nal ® 8 EH 8 u g g osExpagss = w Ea835 § 3 gohaee 33 geBE.s FE 3 RL ER SL EE & ® 8s 1) t3 S + 2 FIRST SHOWINGS LAST 8 F = Sussusesyss = gad 640 640 640 21% 21% 21% 7 155 150 155 500 » Wendell 2000 % ah 4% Sales to 11:30 A.M.: industrials 37,900; mines and ofls 143,100. STOCK MARKET | pm. Black Ruins NET EARNINGS | In Woodlands whinimesmbond 6 mos. ended June 30: 1959, $1,- gsela gl --- = 0 37 9% 107 105 105 100 430 430 430 { Iron m. C Collieries > Colli pr > Curt W 2 Sales fo 11 a.m.: 825,000. MONTREAL Stock July 30 (Quotations in cents unless marksd §, 3--04d lot, xd -- Ex-dividend; xr--Ex- rights, sw--Ex-warrants.) "Woman Obsessed", CinemaScope, color, shown daily at 1.30, 3.30, 5.25, 7.25, 9.25 p.m. Last complete show 9.00 p.m. Regent -- "Green Mansions" in CinemaScope and color, shown 2 3% gd CPR 2110 CWN Gas 5% 250 Con Gas 250 former star with a Corby vt 100 Crown Trust 225 Dist Seag 2330 $35 Dom Elect 220 Dom El wts 300 900 D Fndry Disco Dom Stores Dom Tar 105 225 Emco Fam Play GL Pow wis Gr Wpg G Gr Wpg vt Inld Gas wis 100 $200 $35 Int Pete 55 Inter PL 500 $53% 53% $6% 6% 5 $T2% 67% $14 $38% 37% $28% 28% $13% 120 125 sli 11% 39% 360 360 18 $14% 225 6 $33% $53% 14 12% $20% 85 11% 3 Mu 16 3» 15% 3 1900 345 600 2000 120 100 1000 30000 3000 650 23 2000 2900 625 1000 2000 2500 8 gSa8HEI sates PORT HOPE SIMPSON, Lab- Rita Randall daily at 1.30, 3.30, 5.35, 7.35, Webb Pearce Show rador (CP)--Mile upon mile of 136,640, $1.49 a share; 1958, $1,| 949" pm, Last complete show LH Industrials 11:30 Neb Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge yey o% Stock Labrador's woodlands were in blackened ruin today after two weeks of the most disastrous for- 055,000, $1.38. | Saguenay Power Co. Ltd. 6 mos ended June 30: 9.25 p.m. Star of Red River Slim 1959, $701,123, | Winnipeg Radio 17 14% 220 225 12 12 12 $13% 13% 13% 260 260 6 »n7 230 250 250 12% 5 8 - &2 Abitibi Atlas Steel Bank Mont 5650 6610 Bank NS Bell Phone Bowat Paper BA Oil BCE 5 pr BC Forest BC Pow Can Cem Can Iron Can Malt C Bank Com C Brew C Chem Cell C Husky CIL C oil Com Ent Con M 8 Corby A Dist Seag D Glass D Tar D Text Donohue Du Pont Ford US Fr Pete pr G L Paper Home Oil A Hud Bay Imp Bank rts Imp OIl Ind Accep Inind C pr Int Nickel Intprov PL G 37 17% 17% 2 2 Labatt MacMill B Mass Fer 15 15 » 2 6 33% 33% 53% 53% Mass-F S5lapr Molson A Mtl Loco Noranda NS Light Pac Pete 3%» 13 14 12% 12% 20% 4 8 11% = Hu 16 Royal Bank Royalite 11% StL Cem A +4 +1 16 3» I 13 18 st 3H MH --% -% +2 Mu Steinbg A 132 1 12 12 Trans 1] uU C Pipe Steel 250 50 535 300 240 2390 $100% 300 lass p 300 $16 325 $30% Mass F 4% p 10 $130 20 $110% 305 $28 25 100 300 125 Tor-Dom Bk 250 $67% 430 z50 $11% 11 ests fires the region has known. Conservative estimates place the burned - over area at 1,200 square miles. The greater part of this commercially valuable pulp- wood 38% 38% + % 4 40% --- 1% HY -- + FEF SWEDISH THEATRE $3.34 a share; 1958, $805,540, $3.84. 5 Sweden's leading theatre, the Hudson Bay Mining and Smelt- ing Co. Ltd., 6 mos. ended June|Royal Dramatic in- Stockholm, 30: 1959, $4,401,388, $1.60 a share; was founded in 1788 by King 1958, $2,740,169, 99 cents. Gustaf III, The fires appeared to be under control Wednesday. Most of the outbreaks are out of smouldering in isolated clumps of burned stumps. But the entire situation is still serious since there has been lit- tle rain. Fall Wheat Harvest Starts In Ontario OTTAWA (CP)--The bureau of statistics said Wednesday that harvesting of fall wheat began in Ontario last week and will be general next week, with yields somewhat below average. Almost all counties report good hay yields. Most of southwest On- tario needs rain and irrigation systems are being used to capa- city. FE EEF w SREFESR | + +11}]+ FF ++ ++ + sa px ¥ I+ FE $23% $53% I++] FEEER Ex-Newspaperman Dies In Ottawa OTTAWA (CP) -- Ron Nickere son, 46, former newspaper man who was a member of the CBC's public relations staff here, died suddenly Tuesday night. Born in Saint John, N.B., he worked three years with the Kingston Whig - Standard. His wife survives. +s _ $19 $ 53 $16% $14% $33% ++ + ss & FF +1 FEF RES SWEDISH CO-OPS About 90 per cent of all Swe- den's agricultural produce is pro- cessed and marketed through the farmers' own co-operative as- sociations. + 17% 30% 67% 28' Ye 1% 5% 11% + $29 Deficiency Payments On Hogs Are WINNIPEG (CP)--The Cana- dian Federation of Agriculture Wednesday opposed federal defi- ciency payments on hogs but favored such payments for Prai- rie grain. A resolution approved at the semi-annual meeting of CFA di- rectors recommended the federal government drop its proposed de- ficiency payments on hogs and stay with a market price support system, A statement issued after the closed session said delegates felt China Buys Cobalt Units OTTAWA (CP) -- Communist China has bought four more cobalt-60 cancer treatment ma- chines from Canada, it was an- nounced Wednesday by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. The so-called "cobalt bomb" machines, with their radiation sources, have already been shipped. The four machines, valued at $180,000, are in addi- tion to two purchased by Com- munist China in January worth Opposed a deficiency payment program for hogs, with no government of- fer to purchase in the market as under the present system, could result in a chaotic market situa- tion. "Further, it is the opinion of the CFA that such a deficiency payment program would most certainly endanger Canada's abil- ity to market pork products on its regular export markets." Holding Company To Be Dissolved MONTREAL (CP)-- Sharehold- ers of Canadian Chemical and Cellulose Co. Ltd., a holding com- pany, will be asked to approve proposals to dissolve the company and give its shareholders a dir- ect in t in the y's two operating STOCK EXCHANGE TORONTO (CP)--Western Oils Wednesday scored their best gain of recent weeks but industrials had a strong advance punctured by profit-taking in late trading on the stock market. Western Oils Score Best Gain 'GM Reports $590 Million Net Profit |ing more than 100,000 shares and! | NEW YORK (AP) -- General gaining pennies. | Western oils gained steadily | Motors Corporation biggest of the | |throughout the session, closing world's t with an index-gain of nearly two, hl eS ails a Outstanding Toronto Group ADMISSION The Tornados Red Barn Told with a blazing .44, % a burning kiss... and slarring rvrone POWER susan HAYWARD W. H. Hudson's romantic adventure M-G-M presents AUDREY HEPBURN ANTHONY PERKINS «+. the forbidden forests beyond'the Amazon Ca Stang LEE J. coss ond Cinemascope COLOR CARTOON FEATURE TODAY . . . 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:35 - 7:35 - 9:40 Produced by SAMUEL 6. ENGEL Dudley Nichols i serring il Lours HAYWARD + PATRICIA MEDINA ? A WANGER-FRENKE Production Released through 20th Century-Fox ACADEMY AWARD WINNER SUSAN HAYWARD "WOMAN OBSESSED STEPHEN BOYD COLOR by OE LUXE BOEHM Oincted by HENRY HATHAWAY |PLAYING "ALL WEEK AIR-CONDITIONED ] ll | EDED (3) The five most active issues. A few selected industrial is- helped swell the over-all volume |Sues held moderate advances. to its heaviest in 5% weeks,|Losses ranged to a point. 3,247,000 shares compared with| Index changes: Industrials off Tuesday's 2,404,000. Fo to 558.9% golds oi .49 to 89.54; & base "etals up . to 175.53; Bh los the P18 50g| Western oils up 1.89 to 118.56. shares, heaviest single volume in| several months, while adding five cents at 21 cents. Consolidated Northland turned over 444,589 Chrysler Purchases | points. Is six months of 1959. This was a gain of 77 per cent |over the $333,514,249 earned in the first half of 1958, | Sales of Chevrolet, Pontiac, |Oldsmobile, Buick and Cadillac |cars and other GM products rose {to $6,511,699,791 from $5,121,261, 436 a year ago. GM was the last of the auto builders to report for the first Cana-|y shares while rising 22 cents to a record high of $1.24 before settl- ing back to its opening price of $1.02. Other active speculatives were dian Chemical Co. and Columbia Cellulose Co., the an- rt, Yale Lead and Con- |solidated Beta Gama, all trad- nounced Wednesday. A special shareholder's meet- ing has been set for Aug. 20 in Montreal, Tenders Called Cattle Breeders Sweet Com Price Drops To Low BRANTFORD (CP) -- Sweet corn prices in Brant County dropped this week to a record low -- about one cent an- ear. Ernest Braund, a Brantford dis- trict farmer, said he expects to lose about $2,000 on his 60 acres of corn this year. He blamed the price drop in super-market prac- tises. In Simcoe, growers reacted to price drops by appointing a com- mittee to study the possibility of bringing their crop under the Farm Products Marketing Act next year. George Bramhill, Norfolk County agricultural representa- tive, said some growers are leav- ing. the crop in the fields rather than market it. He said about 10,000 acres of sweet corm is grown in the county. Break Records CONCORD, Ont. (CP) -- Cattle breeders broke a handful of Canadian records Wednesday in fast buying at the sixth Ontario Guernsey classic sale. Twenty-eight cows were sold at an average price of $1,257, high- est of any previous Canadian Guernsey sale, and $300 above last year's average. A. V. Gundie of Newmarket paid more than any other Cana- dian on record when he bought the Guernsey cow Ollasses Pre- diction Dame for $3,250. E. N. Shultz, secretary of the Guernsey Breeders Association of Ontario, said the turnout of farm- ers and breeders was "exception- ally good." Of the cows sold, 16 brought more than $1,000. Second high price of the sale land of Newmarket for a cow con- signed by farmer-breeder Mur- ray Budd ef Ingersoll. was $3,100, paid by Ernest Cross- | For Brass Foundry LONDON , ?nt. (CP)--Tenders are to be called Aug. 1 for con- struction of a $750,000 brass foun- day here for Emco Limited. half. | Its profit lifted total earnings of (U.S. auto manufacturers for the frst six months of 1959 to nearly GM earnings were equal to $2.08 a share, compared with $1.17 a share in the first 1958 half. Profit for the second quarter of Land In Toronto | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Ron W. {Todgham, president of Chrysler lof Canada today announced that the company has purchased a large tract of land in the Metro- politan Toronto area. The property, he said, will be held for development at some|1959 totalled $296,803,222 or $1.05 future date. It comprises more|a share, compared with $148,912,- than 29 acres of land in Etobi-|983 or 52 cents a share a year coke township. learlier. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT $3,865,000 Net Income VANCOUVER (CP) -- Crown Zellerback Canada nounced Wednesday it had a net income of $3,856,000 for the six- month period ending June 30. The company said it has de- clared a divident of 25 cents on class A shares, payable July 2. This was a second dividend of 25 cents paid this year. The company, which has pulp and paper and timber operations in British Columbia, said dollar sales for all forest products totalled $47,293,000. It says the sales and income {figures compare with $38,524,000 |and $1,601,000 respectively in the same period last year. Ltd. an- QUALIFY AS A PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT Applications for registration as students, 1959- 1960 season, now being received for a limited time, Five-year course conducted by the Department of Extension, University of Toronto, plus acceptable practical training in business or public accounting fields of your own choice. ; Write immediately for further information to-- THE CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO, C.P.A. Building, 228 Bloor St. West, Toronto 5, Ontario. a ---- starring CHARLTON YOL ANNE SIR CEDRIC NINA EDIE ED I) ED EDD) 0) ED ED) (5) ED ED ED ED) iD) (ED ED ED PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ONLY -- ADULTS $1.00 FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE . . . CHILDREN UNDER (2 ADMITTED FREE ! BoxOffice Open at 8:00 -- Show Starts at Dusk = ons) EDWARD G. HESTON - BRYNNER - BAXTER - ROBINSON - DE CARLO + PAGET - DEREK MARTHA HARDWICKE - FOCH - SCOTT - ANDERSON - PRICE Written for the screen by AENEAS MACKENZIE + JESSE L LASKY, JR. + JACK GARISS « FREDRIC M. FRANK Besed upon the HOLY SCRIPTURES and other ancient and modern writings * Produced by Motion Pictuss Assosioten, Ine. A Poramount Picture © TECHNICOLOR® « VISTAYISION® THE BUILDING OF PHARAOH'S TREASURE CITY. Cecil B.DeMillés Che Cen Commandments WHE DRA JOHN JUDITH VINCENT TONIGHT ---- EE et i eT Eo eee ep ]

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