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The Oshawa Times, 30 Jul 1959, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 30, 1959 3 @ 'Donevan Cost Too Hig Trustee Quotes Mayor Mrs. Shaw Hits Gifford Trustee Margaret Shaw, of the[at a luncheon prior to the meet- Oshawa Board of Education, to-| ing being called to order. day lashed out at Mayor Lyman| 'My remarks were overheard Gifford for what she termed his|by Mr. Saywell and passed along 'M "unforgivable treatment of re-/to the Mayor. ports of a confidential conversa-| "I cannot help but feel that Mr. Gifford has shown extreme. Fissa oh CHRLAGEER A css en Mayor Gives His Views Mayor Lyman Gifford today| '""My confidence in Mr. Saywell stoutly denied an accusation by|is more than sufficient to know| Board of Education Trustee Mar-|I can depend entirely on any- garet Shaw of '"'unforgivable|thing he says. treatment of reports of a confi-| 'After the meeting, I phoned) dential conversation". {Mrs, Shaw and asked her who| Mrs. Shaw claimed the mayor gave her permission to act as) had used remarks she made in a "private" conversation with Trustee G. K. Drynan t6 launch an attack on her by sending let- ters to the other board members. '"How can it be unforgiveable?" he said. 'I wasn't even there. That information was given to me by Stephen Saywell, chair- man of the board. 'Mrs. Shaw told the board that {my spokesman. i | "She replied that she had ac- tually said 'I presume the mayor [will oppose the expenditure'. | | "Mr. Saywell did not mention ithe word 'presume' and his word |is_good enough for me." | In her statement, issued to The Oshawa Times today, Mrs. Shaw criticized the mayor for taking a stand on an issue before it came | # legedly made by a Shaw has charged that the mayor sent out letters to all members of the board "which," she said, "are an attempt to be- little me, but in effect only suc- ceed in belittling the office of Mayor of Oshawa." She said the letter from the Mayor was dated Monday, July 15, and treatec with remarks al- "board mem- [ber at a meeting the previous ly poor taste in making an issue out of remarks which are not official, as witness the fact that they do not, as his letter implies, appear in the minutes of that day's meeting. "What I told Mr. Drynan very shortly became true -- three i members of City Council voted = against the $350,000 expenditure ** for a new administrative builds '3 | ing. LE EER TERS TIT ¥ & 1 would he opposed tothe -ex-Ibefore Hie City Council ' Thursday regarding support from| "I feel also that it is a mat B'NAI B'RITH EN These happy youngsters -- | Lodge of the B'Nai B'Rith at a | wiener roast in Geneva Park. | Oshawa and Quebec province | students under the summer ex- | Other features of the program change plan were guests | were volleyball, swimming and Tuesday night of the Oshawa | dancing and the entire pro- LJ TERTAINS ST = gram was under the direction the Oshawa Lodge and his com- mittee. The Quebec students are | in Oshawa for two weeks as the | UDENTS of President Murray Swartz of May Re-Zone Two Areas The city planning board dis-| cussed the possible rezoning of two areas of Oshawa at a meet- Name Ellegett To OPA Post guests of a group of Oshawa visited students who recently | with them in Quebec. Schedule For Hol | master, | | i Oshawa announced Moran, today _Oshawa Times Photo | 'Architecture iday Given Was Criticized |penditures involved in the pro |posed new administration build- ing. her as my spokesman. 'She did' not make marks in a 'private' conversa- The mayor replied to this by "1 aying vised am usually matters well scheduled "This was untrue. She will come up before Council well in never see the day when I appoint advance. ad- to "I feel that this is the duty of the re- the mayor." Mrs, Shaw also referred to a tion with Trustee Drynan, She time when the mayor criticized made them in front of all the the expense of the Donevan Col- 'board members in a discussion|legiate, saying she thought he did following the meeting, not he- it only "for effect". "I certainly did not say it just for effect,"" the Mayor counter- {fore it, as she claims |PHONES MRS. SHAW 'I received the information the expenditures the day follow- ing the meeting, from Mr. Say- well. that she said 1 would object to I ed "1 stood up and said then, and will do it again if I have to, hat the $38,000 expense for out- e work to the Donevan Col- |legiate was too much." Mayor Lyman Gifford released|the operation of your Board | the!to the press a copy of the contro-| knowing full well that you as a Mr. Fred Ellegett, a member|should develop all our abilities schedule of local postal service versial letter which he wrote to body have to face the ratepay- | MAYOR GIFFORD re | |City Council or the board's pro- posed new $350,000 administra- {tion building. |MAYOR'S LETTER | "The Mayor's letter referred {to remarks made by myself {which were reported to him by {S. G. Saywell, chairman of the {board, saying there would be op- {position to the expenditure in- |volved in the new building," she |said. "The actions of both, the Mayor |of Oshawa and the chairman the Board of Education, belittles the position they have been elect- | to. | "In his letter, the Mayor claim- led the remarks included him as {unwilling to support the expendi- {ture. He assured everyone, from |the contents of his letter, that he would not dream of criticizing | the board and that he would be |delighted to support the new ad- ministration building. "In view of the Mayor's letter, {I feel that an explanation is due Ito the trustees from myself. |letter is certainly myself. | "However, the remarks I made |were made in a private conver- "The 'person' referred to in the |ter of questionable procedure for {the Mayor to declare | openly in favor of something that had, at that time, not yet been | 'explained' or come before City {Council for consideration. In his letter and in public, the Mayor has made much of the fact that he would never criticize any decisions of the Board | Education. | CRITICIZED DONEVAN C1 | "I was present at the opening sudden iar ih SELL of of the Princess Margaret Publie School, when Mayor Gifford criti |ciezd the Donevan Collegiate as . {being too elaborate and costing {the taxpayers too much money. "Although his remarks were were made at a public gathering 1 think he was only speaking for effect. "The Mayor says he is interest. ed in clearing up any misrepre sentation. There was nothing in the statement made by me to Trustee Drynan which could pose sibly be misrepresented by any e. "I feel that this matter should be brought out in public so the .- citizens of Oshawa will know "4 what is going on and not be kept Aug. 3. the members of the Oshawajers on an Aro ha n + elected as an executive director| A landscape architect from To- There will be no letter carrier, | Board of Education. City Council. of ication by M. S Baty the Ontario Parks Association onto explained the composition Parcel post or rural mail delivery. | Margaret Shaw, a trustee, has| 1 believe your Board is well od oe ar will therefore be|8t @& convention in Windsor last|of a master planning board. Don| There will, however, be special (taken exception to the letter and aware of the fact that any criti-| proved. wee Pettit, involved in several plan-|delivey during the day and the issued a statement to the Osh-|cism I have to offer of them will of the Oshawa Parks Board, was|in this area. equal footing with ing this week. HARE OPTICAL JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist 8 BOND ST EAST -- HOURS -- 9 AM.-- 6 P.M. WED. UNTIL 12:30 P.M. SAT. UNTIL 2:30 P.M. PHONE RA 3-481 For en appointment Kitchener - i ¢ These four swimming in- structors from the Rotary pool closing of the Rotary pool |sation with Trustee G K. Drynan i, the dark in these matters, as asked to approve the rezoning of in Ontario, de- wicket service will be open from awa Times. {be done in public as I have done P A i business except money orders and X 4 ie - i | side of King street from Farewell Saturday |urban planning. | |criticized the architecture adopt-| wishes to the following resi TORONTO (CP) Unseeded '° {Office will be open from 8 am. | Mr. W. Gordon Bunker, | 9-0, A thority to any person to express | Stretch of the Inter-County senior] Mrs. J. A. Dove, 36 Bruce [tario junior tennis championships | : {patch il as usual. | An application from Rosslynilems. The following are some ex-| "There are two types of mas- pach of mail es usual 179 Si sired th 9 Simcoe street south ; ( further, I propose in Council, | TYoPhy- | Power, 346 Mary street; Mrs. . |ment favorite, had trouble before for any community. It deals with day afternoon collection time. | |tion of the needs of a specific i sm [lieve your Board held a luncheon H of $350,000 at that time. Tromley, 167 Nassau street; ant as | dividual needs of their parks. In ed, geared for the individual com- Finance Committee of City Coun- 3 Dr.; Jack Henry, 325 Baldwin | scope. access, and any outstanding de-| COOKSVILLE (CP) Ra tion building at the corner ofthe Mayor of this City and, for (to .391. In hot pursuit is Guelph their birthdays each day will Algae thrives on hot weather |ances, we must make local, pro- ning by referring to several" 2 conviction of stealing from Waterloo's George| b bi just t I A § attraction is "Green Man- promises to be a umper crop adjustments to be made on ex- Ontario cities of a phonograph and a tape re- ted to § rt the buildi f = 2 y pected to support the building off LYMAN A. GIFFORD| ona ne Brantford's Jimmy Wilkes hours of 8 am. and 10 am. decay. quate liaison with co-operating three addresses in a more in-|struck the court room wall with one of the members of Council {Ray Urban (.316) round out the the lake. Health officials claim| algae is a direct cause of a bad | contrary, a good sewage system | the sewage system, the algae. However, the situation was the only way to control the wife Paulletter arrived here Wed- "We hope to put the Queen "They are a paradise for nat- trip ever since." NOVEL BINGO on Gomes $6, $12, $20 | |has previously been the case." ettit, inv 4 Unseeded Player joining 617 King street| More than 100 delegates from ning projects Ik ; | | a A adjciling 6 ia the (all provincial centres met for the scribed the type of persons a.m. to 10 am. for the purpose Both 'her gipments and the jin the past and that has only . BIRTHDAYS In Te i U sel 1 Sy Sovnin eh i to" een" adel corso Kode of PUL pes Fb Bn, ben of scien, Sut + Batting Cupp | coo, m2 oT | i vi bank business. |LETTER GIVEN . | bah wigs Th hr avenue to Wilson road. The lat-| Tne major address of the ses-| "All planning should be done S37 "8* PAs ; | Following is the text of the rb | ents awa ar trict (Don McDougall of Montreal up- ter section was standardized 10/sion was oe --~ by A. H. Mac-by a team, not by one person. The public lobby. of the Pot! \rayor's letter, dated July 15: card and i LONDON, Ont. (CP)--With the| Who are celebrating birth- jet Gerry Goldman of Toronto conform with a section in the|j,,.14 president of the Ontario|This involves a landscape archi- to 6 p.m | never yet and never will give au.|16ams heading into the home| days today: |3-6, 6-2, 7-5 Wednesday as the On- area classed as Rd. (a lower clas-| parks 'Association. He discussed |tect, an engineer, the town plan- Tha will be receipt and dis.| Business Administrator and sification of residential area). the manner of solving park prob-|ner and citizen's committee. | 1p i Secretary-Treasurer, {a view for me as to where Jjraseball playoff race, the league| street; Dawn Hore, 517 Park opened. ly One complete letter box col- Board of Education, stand on such matters as your |{Dalling Tace Sows = Jessy SIX} Toad south; Douglas . Morsh. Bi 0... Sie sents, Della Estates, Cecil Stephenson, pres cerpts from his address. ter plans," Mr. Pettit explained. |lection only will be taken up 1m ve stre {new administration building, and Challengers for the Sam Manson| son, RR 1, Oshawa; Paul eedh oronto, a tourna- dent, was adjourned on the re-| bso ; . "The first is the overall demand gi '| Oshawa, Ontario. quest of the applicant. Jet The first step i Panning ate | That will be at the regular Satur-| po. gj. |when the recommendation comes| Stan (Gabby) Anderson of Lon-| Ruby Mouncey, 77 Cadillac |overcoming Wendy Davis of New- {park space is a complete evalua, , hon demands of any set-|-- A On Friday last, July 10, I be-|from our Finance Committee, to|don Majors continued his batting| street north; Mrs. R. K. Adair, |market, 64, 8-6. | tn tl nt, re less size." 1 support the proposed ex nditure Slump to drop 41 points from .471| 318 Hillside avenue; Gary {community. Then parks manag-| SHIN; sogardless ot Sue need-| T** at Adelaide House in company| pe {to .430. FB : Fit of Temper Hip Alisher, Sydvey T. Fo The writer is very interested in| Runner-up is Ernie Myers of| Mrs. Barbara Benson, 168 | "munity. It takes into considera- kins, Acting - airman of the|clearing up any misinterpretation|Listowel, who slipped five points| Central Park Rd. south; Iany ates, PIuper. progress will Thi ktm ey psuetas) Costly To Hand i ity Coun-|that may have been given toto .424. Steven A. Linton, 1220 Valley 1 Hine thet lana politi 29 facilities available and needed, | |cil, for the purpose of discussing your Board by one of its mem-| Moving from fifth to third) 1 6 or yond their immediate politica with him a $350,000 debenture is- hers when taking upon themself place was London's Don Mayes,| Street. I ot stunt. | ew t tak ' frauds ofa particilar grea." ea dd Toronto had 2 black|7,, 19 inguce 3 NSW Myminisirariiue right to express fhe Views of boosting his percentage 39 points| The gi we ig o The hot weather is not stunt-| "We must take advantage of} ap. petit 1 3 ._|day all around when he appeare: h ! ; or Tie on ing the growth of some plants. the existing provincial allow- planation x concluded Whi in court this week for sentence Roseland pi Bip lo) information, 1 om forward. Merchants' Dan (Thumper) Jack- at ing it was ioned | DE 2 copy of this letter to allison with .375. receive double tickets to The and grows very rapidly under vincial and federal governments go oc "qo. ioc fustrating a Toronto Township home. at that meeting it was Mentioned the members of your Board, | Regent Theatre, good for a v ditions more conscious of our needs Swings Liusirating Te i : by one of your members that| along with Dr. C. M. Elliott, your|, >: al | ] i ge dg ket t,|Th ; y correcti d Sults of similar master plans in Magistrate R. I. Blain sen-|there were certain members of Superintendent of Public Schools, Botiface holds fifth place with four-week period. The current The algae, along the lakefront, There are many corrections and g,.nia Toronto and several other|tenced him to one year for theft City Council who were not ex- by { '1.364, while Jim Wilson of Brant-| : ¥ isting 'botndaries t Work : Yous very truly, |ford is sixth with .361. { sions", this season and Siresey ne x isting bouncaries: Jo our wore. The 100 delegates separated corder. : |the administration office and Ii Reports on birthdays will $e shiny green pap i to| Too often we suffer from|into five discussion groups to, In a fit of temper at the ver- iam given to understand that the! [(.329), London's Gerry Ander-| be received only between the onto the aches In poor leadership and an inade- discuss the subject matter of the dict Medal swung around and!writer was definitely included as| FIRST CENSUS son (.321), Hamilton's Fred| {Thompson (.319), and Elgins'| As He Han Ypeays. a vile ode governments and committees. We'formal manner. 'his fist. He broke his hand. |who was not expected to Fuppont A | 18 Telos] ANC eS kat a ; WR : I -- [this project. erefore, am ltop ten. | obnoxious for the residents on |writing to your Board at this OF U.S. IN 1790 ge - the plant is harmless and pre-| gents no health problem. It is the common belief that sewage system. This, however, | was termed '"'an old wives' tale" by the health department. On the generally increases algae since many nutrients used by the al-| gae for food are by-products of | | The Parks Board started a| clean-up program of the lake front area Tuesday to remove will likely persist since this will| give only temporary help. : Health officials said that this odor. They added this situation is not peculiar to Oshawa. Of Naturalist VICTORIA (CP) -- Ontario na- turalist Allan MacFarlan and his nesday with a 17-foot kayak in which they plan to explore the northern Queen Charlotte islands. Charlottes on the map," said wiry, sandy-haired Mr. MacFar- lan. uralists, hunters and fishermen. I was up there six years ago and I have been planning a return Mr. MacFarlan is from Brant- ford, Ont., but he and his wife now live in New York. BINGO at the Avalon Thursday, July 30, North Oshawa Park. $6 and $10 and seven $40 jackpots. 177s THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M, at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert ond Jackson Sts.) May be doubled or tripled $120 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 Department. pool was closed because of a high bac teria count blamed on inade- quate filter equipment. have been assigned to duty at | the Ritson pool following the | orders from the City Health | The The | ROTARY POOL INSTRUCTORS TRANS Ritson pool is available to for- mer swimming instructees of Rotary. Lessons will mence at 1 pm. The adults com- | swimming lessons, which were | previously held Mondays and Thursdays at the Rotary pool, will now he held at Ritson on Mondays only at 7 p.m. The FERRED adults swimming lessons pre- viously held Mondays Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Ritson, will now be held on Thursdays only. Left to right supervisors I Lynn Shaw, Sandy Dawson, | Sally Lawrence and Roy Flem- ing pose by the empty pool. --Oshawa Times Photo | and | {time to cxpress my views to the |effect that I am always prepared [to support the Board of Educa- {tion in their actions, having in| |mind that your Board is on a par| {with our City Council and our publie Utilities Commission {which are elected bodies and I {feel that it would belittle the |writer to take any exception to 'Union Officers Bll Re-Elected | ST. PAUL, Minn. (CP)--H. E.| Gilbert, international president, and all incumbent officers were re-elected by acclamation Wed nesday at the 37th annual con- vention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engine- men (CLC). Among those elected to a sec-| ond term was W. E. Gamble of Montreal, a Canadian vice-presi- | dent who led the brotherhood] through two major diesel disputes | with the CPR and CNR. Two Canadian officials are re-| tiring. They are vice-president] W. L. Druce of Vancouver and | G. M. Murray of Rainy River, a member of the board of direc-| tors. Photographers Made Masters LOS ANGELES (CP) -- Three | Canadians Wednesday night re-| {ceived the degree of master | photographer at a banquet of] the Professional Photographers] of America Inc. | The degree, held by only four other active Canadian photo-| graphers, went to Gerald Camp- | bell of Toronto, Douglas Paisley | of Sarnia, and Charles D: Phelan | {of Kingston, The first national taken in the U.S. was in 1790. Population 3,929,214. If you're interested in in- creasing the census of your ten- ants, Classified ads help you. Have any vacancies? Rent Ads rent them. Like to sell things? Place census | PEARKES SEES PLANES | LONDON (Reuters) Cana- | {dian Defence Minister Pearkes| saw Britain's fastest and most | [revolutionary aircraft--the Eng-| (lish Electric Lightning and| | Fairey Rotodyne -- at Farnbor- |ough Wednesday. The aircraft |display also included the -- : MEAT MARKET / Sale Ads Times. It's 3-3492. in EASY. The Oshawa Call RA freighter and the jet Provost. The four are reported being con- sidered for the RCAF. | Armstrong Whitworthy Argosy| A message to the partially deaf . . . Is the Ability to Hear Clearly Worth 15 Minutes of Your Time? OSHAWA"S POPULAR RENDEZVOUS TALLY-HO ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER the clothes . . 8 King St. E. Come In For a Free Hearing Anclysis and See the Newest Instruments FRIDAY, JULY 31st -- 1 P.M. - 6 P.M. THE OTARION CENTRE OF OSHAWA JURY & LOVELL | 69 ... Let Me Have This Time to Prove That The OTARION LISTENER Can Give You A New World of Sound In less than 15 minutes--without any charge or obligation to you-- 1 can prove how a modern scientific miracle called "Target Hearing" can give you wanted sounds -- clearly and distinctly--while shut- ting out the distracting clatter and clamor of "background" noises usually associated with ordinary hearing aids. And with exclusive, patented "Target Hearing", your secret is safe. There are no unsightly blobs in or behind the ear . .. no messy, cumbersome bands in the hair and no wires in .-a tiny, almost invisible tube leads to the ear. The Otarion Listener--termed a 'modern scientific miracle" ~is used and acclaimed by such world renowned personali- ties as Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Perry Mason's creator, Erle Stanley Gardner. Let me demonsirate how you can stop living in a half-world of semi-sound. Come in today for a FREE audiometric measurement. You will be under absolutely no obligation. Telephone RA 3.2721 | I 6-7 LB. AV, LEGS | «65° | «5 GENUINE NEW SEASON SPRING LAMB FLANK ON LOINS CUT AS YOU WISH--6-7 FRONTS 9° | «47° Sliced Layer, Rind On Breakfast Bacon u 92 Presswood's 2 Cryovac Small Bone, Ready to Serve 6-7 LB. AV. HAMS 63: First Four Ribe, Bone In, Short Cut PRIME RIBS OF BEEF 65: Caroline Luscious Red Ripe Large Size 18-20 Ib. WATERMELON c | | NEW CROP NIAGARA PEACHES 6 QT. SNOW WHITE LARGE SIZE CAULIFLOWER 19: 1 | |

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