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The Oshawa Times, 7 Aug 1959, p. 10

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, August 7, 1959 'Wilkies Raise Playoff Hopes Oshawa Wilkinson's Juniors im- proved their chances of catching and holding third place in the Leaside Junior Baseball League nace, which is the last and covet- ed playoff berth, when they whip- ped Doug Laurie's Sports 10-2, last night at Talbot Park, in Lea- | side, BIG THIRD INNING Bob Winter, Oshawa left-hand- er, went to the mound for Wilkin- son's and turned in a solid seven- hi performance. Laurie's got their two runs in the very first inping. Winter fanned the first two batters then Colin Fraser doubled, John Perkins followed with a single and Bruce McLean also singled and an error at sec- ond base on Perkins' drive, made possible for Perkins to score on cLean's bingle, for a 20 lead. However, Winter gave up only four scattered hits after that and shutout Laurie's for the rest of the distance, in spite of some shaky support in the sixth inning and again in the eighth. Fraser in McLean each had two hits the losers. to get past first on a single Wilkinsons a 6-2 lead. Gerry Wilks was the starting/favor of Barry Maines. the third inning. Wilkinson's got one run in the by Jackie Lyons, a walk to Johnny Ryan and a single by Jackie Cole,|3rd. plus an infield error throw on Roberts' grounder, with the bases Oshawa's total, although they loaded. The third inning was a big one| for the Oshawa team. Lyons| started it off with a walk then|Bob Winter strike out a total of Ryan tripled to centre, Cole fol- lowed with a walk, Ted Roberts singled. Myron Mech forced Rob-| erts but "Butch" Dowe singled. | Ted Bathe fanned and Bob Win- ter drew a walk -- that ended it for Wilks and Randy Arthur, an- Cole, 3 other left-hander, came in to|{oPe" pitch but Spike Minacs was safe powe, ss on an erro~ that let Dowe scoré Bathe, If, the fifth run of the inning, to give| Winter, P Arthur gave up a run in the fifth when he walked Dowe and Bathe followed with a two-bagger In the sixth, Lyons and Ryan both drew walks to start off the inning so Arthur was hoisted in Cole pitcher for Laurie's and he failed greeted Maines with a single and SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' OSHAWA "WILKIES" (Wilkinson's Construction Ltd. Juniors) pounced on a young Toronto pitcher nam- ed Wilks, last night at Talbot Park, to come up with a 10-2 victory over Doug. Laurie's Sports team, in a Lea- side Junior Baseball Assoc. fixture, It was a big win for the Oshawa boys--since they are currently battling it out with Laurie's for 3rd place in the league standing and third place in the final playoff berth in that loop. It was a great win for "Wilkies" and put them in a fine position to clinch third place in their next two starts-- the first of which will be here at Alexandra Park to- morrow afternoon. It's Ideal Welding Braves here on Saturday--a potent force in Leaside League action in recent years but like the Oshawa team, at present suf- fering from "graduation pains." If Oshawa can knock off ."Ideals" here on Saturday afternoon and again the following week, when the Braves are booked to come right back to Alexandra Park, then Jim Shaw and Mike McArthur should be able to steer their team into third place and a playoff position--after which they'll have as good a chance as any club, since the Oshawa boys have shown already this summer that they can win over all the others, at least sometimes. Oshawa sports fans, especially the *"soccer" variety, are in for a big thrill. We trust we 'are not divulging any "state secrets" but we learned yesterday--as the scribes say "from a usually reliable source" -- that the All-Ontario soccer final in the Carling's Cup provincial playdowns, will be played right here in Oshawa, at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium. The date according to Operator XXX is expected to be next Saturday, August 15 and it will be an evening game, booked to start at 7.00 o'clock. Not since away back in the early 30's, when Oshawa Nationals played off with Canadian "Car" of Montreal, in the Dominion semi-finals, has this city had a soccer team advance so far in provincial competition. We recall that memorable event when Oshawa Nationals lost out, in a home-and-home, goals- fo-count series, by one goal in spite of a heroic display here--where they played most of the game vith only 10 men. Soccer here in those days, as in the Old Coun- try still, was a no-substitution affair, you s'arted with 11 players and that was it. Oshawa's Harry Boyd, a col- orful and stellar fullback, hurt his cartilage-torn knee and missed most of the last half of the game, But that's history -- getting back to current action, we learn that Hamilton City, undefeated in their own league for their last dozen games, eliminated Windsor in the othe semi- final bracket last week-end, so it will be Hamilton City ¥s. Oshawa Kickers, for the Ontario championship playoffs, If, and we have every reason to think it will be, the sudden-death game is played here in Oshawa, there should be a banner crowd at Kinsmen Stadium to see this classic. BRIGHT BITS: -- Three games in the Inter- County Softball League played last night all resulted in one-run margin wins for the victors. We don't know if Craw- ford's played in Port Perry, they were scheduled, but we received no report . . . OSHAW/ TONY'S, of the I-C loop, with a battery from last year's Tony's Senior #A" champions of Ontario, pitcher Normie Bagnell and catcher Bob Booth, played an exhibition game in Peter- borough on Civic Holiday and the game ended 1-1. Bagnell had 18 strikeouts while Ray Judd, the Liftlock City slingshot sensation, struck out 13, allowing three hits while Bagnell allowed four, Two errors gave the Peterborough team their run in the 6th inning after Oshawa had scored one in the opening frame . . . TO- RONTO ARGOS set a new attendance record for foot- ball games in Canada on Wednesday : night when they lost to Chicago Cardinals but it was a very costly af- fair. They already had a couple of import stars out with injuries and Wednesday they lost Norm Stoneburgh with 2 broken ankle and pass-receiver Boyd Carter with a broken wrist. Ross Coyle had his nose broken, It's a Mighty rugged game, especially the way the professional gridders play it . . . TORONTO LEAFS lost to Richmond last night and went down into the International League cellar again but that isn't the worst of it--they also have lost hard-hitting second baseman Joe Amalfitano for three weeks, with an injured foot. . +. SF. GIANTS clobbered Lew Burdette yesterday to win 7-1 over Mil- waukee and boost their National League lead . . . DE- TROIT TIGERS blanked Casey Stengel"s Yankees 4-0 yesterday and that looks to be just about it, as far as the Bronx Bombers are concerned for this vear's World Series hopes. . . . ELMER FREDIN, of Kingston Road East, is a happy holiday-fisherman. He landed a 6 1b. 3 oz. speckled trout (isn't that something boys ?) while teally enjoying his holidays, up at Lake Lookinto, which is near Geraldton, in Northern Ontario. Could be a "trophy" fish, Elmer! an error by the catcher, a bad throw after Roberts had walked, scored Ryan and Cole but Rob- erts was caught trying to reach Those three runs completed threatened in the 8th on hits by Roberts and Dowe, Cole, Roberts, Dowe and Bathe, all had two aplece for Wilkinson's, in this well-earned win, that saw pitcher j12 batters. BOX SCORE WILKINSON'S AB R H RBI | Minacs, cf 0 Lyons, 1b Ryan, 3b Cole, ¢ s, 2b rf eNO NE TALS: -- Laurie's McKnight, c-Vuchnich, Sheffield, rf Fraser, 2b Herkins, 1b McLean, 3b Jakeman, ¢ {Meallng, 1f b-Wright, 1f | Passeralo, ss Wilks, p a-Arthur, p d-Maines, p TOTALS: -- a-Replaced Wilks in 3rd, b-Singled for Mealing in 6th, c-Struckout for McKnight in 7th, d-Replaced Arthur in 6th RHE 200 000 000 2 7 3 105013 00x 1011 3 E:--Roberts, Cole, Fraser; DP: WOOO 0OOCON~OOON SQN ~oNRNUe LI ts] = NO O0000D O00 N NOHO MM NON cf of w SEucunnacssawnd Fuvanaanun MH" QOO=~ON~ NOOO Lauries Wilkinsons® SUMMARY (2), Jakeman (2), Passerello to Fraser; LOB: |les:--4; Wilkinson's: -- 8; 2BH: -- | Bathe, Fraser; 3BH:-- Ryan; PO-A: --Wilkinson's: 27:~27-6; Lauries: -- |24-8. - Laur. ER BB 80 2 13 4 2 33 1] [ w | Winter (WP) | Wilks (LP) Arthur | Maines | U:--Smith (P), Steele % Tim Scorer: -- Jackie Fisher. WILLIE McCOVEY | 'HAS OWN THEORY | SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--WIil- | | He Lee McCovey, a long-legged | | kid with a ready grin and a | whiplash swing, saw his first National League baseball game { just a 'week ago He stepped into the uniform | | of San Francisco Giants and | promptly belted two triples and | two singles. Since then HR 97 223 3 31:3 2 2 6 | 2:48; singles as the Giants won five of six games during McCovey's {first week. "I figure that if T hit 'em, they're going to take care of themelves," first baseman Willie drawls. "And 1 figure I'm strong enough to hit 'em." Willie played football and | basketball in high school at Mobile, Ala., but quit as a 17- year-old to try his hand at baseball. In 1955 he was signed to the Class D Sandersville, Ga., club. He moved up to Danville, Va., in the Carolina League the fol- lowing year, to Dallas in the Texas League in 1957 and to Phoenix of the Triple A Paci- | fic League in 1958. Big Bill Tilden 'In Hall Of Fame SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY'S GAMES SOFTBALL South Ontario County League-- Scugog Cleaners Juniors vs. Brougham, at Brougham, 8.15 p.m. ' In the three Inter-County Soft- ball League games played last night, a one-run margin was all One-Run Margins For I-C Winners well, except for his bad first in- ning, in the 7th when he started the with a single. He was inning forced by Shepperdson then Wel- SCUGOG JUVENILES, Sud- Quebec Aces Go All Out For A Franchise in AHL QUEBEC (CP) President Ovila Cote of Quebec Aces Thursday appealed in a 1,500 word telegram to president Ri- chard Canning and the board of directors of the American Hockey 10 League to accept Cote's decided last month to suspend operations, Under Cote's present proposal the Aces would guarantee the 1. Fifteen cents on each ticket sold -- a minimum of $750 and the 21-year-old | A Fi d | Negro clubbed three home runs, two doubles and three more | Igos mn SATURDAY'S GAMES BASEBALL Leaside Junjor Assoc. -- Ideal Welding vs Oshawa Wilkinson's, at Alexandra Park, 2.00 p.m, Lakeshore Assoc. -- Newcastle vs Port Hope, at Port Hope, 3.00 p.m. : SOCCER Oshawa and District Assoc. -- Oshawa Old Country Club vs Osh- awa Italia, at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, .7.00 p.m.; Oshawa Polonia vs Oshawa Kick- ers, at Kinsmen Stadium, 8.45 p.m.; Oshawa Hollandia vs Port Hope United, at Port Hope, 7.00 p.m.; Oshawa Malta vs Peter- borough UEW, at Peterborough, 7.00 p.m. and Uxbridge vs Peter- borough Scottish, at Peterbor- ough, 7.00 p.m. LAWN BOWLING Men's Doubles Tournament; (Port Perry Cup) at Port Perry Club, 1.30 p.m. Mixed Doubles Tournament, at Cobourg Lawn Bowling Club, 1.30 p.m. that the winners could chalk up, in all cases. Fuel nosed out Scugog Juveniles 4-3; Hoy Pavers nudged Thomp- son's Park and in another game . |Alexandra Park, Foley's Plumb- ing nipped Tony's Refreshments Plumbing had the tightest game of the night, with the Pavers eking out a 2-1 victory. game, off Griffin, later on an infield out and a single by Hanna. The winners' other run came in the fourth on a solid blow by Kornylo, follow- ed later by Brabin's single and an infield out, but no more runs. Hoy's, kept Thompson's off the sheet completely with a no-hit, no-run performance for six in- nings. Campbell broke this open don was safe on an error. Cope- tion for a franchise in the ecir- land flied out to deep centre, scoring Shepperdson on the sac- rifice, Ulrich singled but the shortstop's "heady" play pre- vented Weldon from scoring and Kornylo got Stinson to pop up, ending the game. HOY PAVERS: Lyzun, 3b: Brown, 1b; M. Kornylo, ss; Hanna, ¢; Milne, cf: Brabin, rf; Sutton, ; Wrubel, 2b; h Kornylo, p. THOMPSON'S: Oldfield, ss; Campbell, 2b; Shepperdson, 3b; Weldon, e; Copeland, 1b; Ulrich, cf; Stinson, If; Cole, rf; Griffin, p; Gillespie, rf in 6th, FUELMEN NIP JUVENILES McLaughlin Fuel was extended all the way to beat out the Scu- gog Cleaner Juveniles, in. their game at Lakeview Park last night, which ended 4-3. The winners nipped Scugogs on bad base-running in the first period two singles being . 4 "wasted" when runners were Hurst's two-bagger, then a wa! dard, 3b; Sadowski, ef; Mapes, ss; Garrow, ¢; Judd, 1b; Cross- mas, If; White, rf; Solomon, 2b; Henderson, p. McLAUGHLIN FUEL: O'Reilly, 2b; Jones, 1b; A. Lawrence, rf; G. Lawrence, ss; J. Lawrence, If; George, cf; Claus, ¢; Vann, 3h; Keeler, p; Corrigan, 3b in | 6th, ult. maximum of $1,000 for each The appeal set forth specific fi- game to help defray clubs' trave nancial guarantees, Cote said the elling expen : matter is urgent and suggested) 2 "$25,000 this year, $15,000 telephone acceptance, He said a pe Jus, $100,000 the fol- tif] ) ' fortified cheque for $10.000 has 5's osit of a $00,000 bond te cordance with AHL regulations, [ShoW. good faith; The AHL a few weeks ago 4, Payment of all costs of re- turned down, applications by the vising the 1950-60 AHL schedule, ces a fontre: vals for irectors discuss entry in the 1959-60 season. Both Moni iu Pip meeting the Aces and Royals were mem- probably about mid-August, Jim . bers of the Quebec League which Ellery, league secretary - treage urer, said in New York Thursday BISONS SELL HURLER Inight, BUFFALO, N.Y, (AP) -- Buf-| "We'd hoped to have a meet- falo Bisons sold pitcher Bob Con-|ing next week but because some ley back to Miami Marlins in the of the directors are on vacation, International Baseball League, it probably won't be until the fol At Lakeview Park, McLaughlin Plumbing 2-1 at Alexandra at RUNS SCARCE HERE NY' Hoy Pavers and Thompson's FOLEY'S EDGE TONY'S Foley's Plumbing and Tony's Refreshments both got their runs early in their game last night at Alexandra Park, with the former edging out a win, 8-7. With two out in the opening inning, Coverly walked then Jos- kowski and Beer both hit safely {to make it 2-0. From that point, Foley's added one in the d {on a walk to Shearer followed {by Hurst's double and got an- other in the third when Joskow- ski homered. i Walks to Shearer and Green- tree in the fourth, followed by Lyzun singled to open the and scored] Thursday. lowing week," Ellery said. Dan Kornylo, pitching for SUNDAY'S GAMES CRICKET Toronto West Indians vs Osh- awa CC, at Lakeview Park, 2.00 p.m. Sugar Ray Meets Pender For 'Title' NEW YORK (AP)--Sugar Ray Robinson has signed for a 15- round fight against Paul Pender in Boston Dec, 5, promoter Sam Silverman said Thursday night. The National Boxing Associa- tion has withdrawn recognition of Robinson as the middleweight king but Silverman said he has an assurance from Massachusetts Boxing Commission chairman Herman Greenberg that the state will consider it for the. world crown. Pender, a fireman from Brook- line, Mass, has won eight straight fights in a comeback, in- cluding an impressive 10-round decision over Ralph (Tiger) Jones. Silverman said Robinson ' has signed for a 42'%-per-cent guar- antee of the live gate. Sugar Ray also will get 75, per cent of auxil- iary money, including television rights. Ex. Game A Costly One TORONTO (CP) Toronto Argonauts were still counting the |cost Thursday after absorbing a {55-26 drubbing by Chicago Car- |dinals of the National Football League. The U.S. club, doormats of the league last season, met the last- place team in the Big Four Foot- ball Union in an exhibition game Wednesday night. Thursday, Argos learned through X-rays that Boyd Carter, one of their most reliable pass- catchers, had suffered a broken right wrist. It was also disclosed that Ros Coyle, University of Oklahoma rookie halfback, had his nose fractured during the game. NEW YORK (AP) -- William |T. (Big Bill) Tilden and Helen| Wills Roark, who ruled U.S.| {tennis during the 20s. Thursday |were added to the hall of fame. | They were elected by the board | |of governors of the National [Lawn Tennis Hall of Fame and | Tennis Museum Tilden and Mrs, Roark gener- {ally 'are ranked as the greatest |man and woman tennis players {developed in the U.S. SPORT BRIEFS The injuries were in addition to the big one of the night--of- fensive centre Norm Stoneburgh, one of coach "Hamp Pool's few Canadian first - stringers who snapped his left leg during the encounter. Linebacker Don Caraway also suffered a leg injury but may be back within a month. Carter will be out of action for two weeks and then will be avail- able only for defensive duties be- cause of the cast hewillbe wear- | | CANADIAN LEADS VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) {Barney Hartman of Ottawa, took |the lead in the high over-all divi- | sion of the 1959 world skeet shoot- ling championships Thursda vl! |when he shattered 100 straight in| the final 250-target all « gauge! competition. Hartman, with 396x400, leads Miner Cliett of Childersburg, Ala., Edward Brown of Birming- ham, Mich., and Ed Calhoun of Salisbury, Md., by one target in the race for the all-around cham. pionship, Dave Yaeger of Anoka, Minn., broke 99x100 to keep the lead in the professional high over - all division by two targets, TITLE FIGHT SET LOS ANGELES (AP) -- World featherweight champion Davey Moore of Springfield, Ohio, and ex-titleholder Hogan (Kid) Bas- sey of Nigeria formally signed High for their 15-round fight for the crown Aug. 19 at the! Olympic Auditorium. Moore won thet itle on a 13-round technical knockout over Bassey March 18. | VERSATILE STAR | SYDNEY, Australia (AP)--Tisa [Ronrads, who has 'a hatful of |world records as a swimmer, (held a record in another spot |Thursday. Tlsa won the javelin throw Wednesday at a track and |field meet with a throw of 81 feet {10 inches. Since the javelin event {was included in the frogram for the first time, Ilsa's effort be- FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Los Angeles--Raymundo (Bat- fling) Torres, 134, Reynosa, Mex- ico, outpointed Paulie Armstead, 182, Compton, Calif., 10. MILD-COOL EVEN BURNING VoGue CIGARETTE TOBACCO d Maple Leafs of the International League Thursday night an- nounced purchase of righthander Joe Presko from Charleston of the: American Association. 3.5 record and average of 4.72. was returned to Charleston from where he was optioned to To- ronto earlier this year. Susce won three and lost seven here with nounced that second baseman Joe Amalfitano will be lost to the team for and possibly the rest of the sea- son fielding smoothly, suffered torn ligaments in his right foot in a collision at the plate during Wed- | nesday {Richmond. oh aap [fo M. Oshorne and Joskowski's Divped Sieg {OF 38 exis Jase, double with two out, produce" right up in their first inning to|fhree more runs. R. Osborne score three runs on four hits, |nomered in the fifth and thal O'Rellly started it off with a|onc,Proved Foley's last and win single, Jones singled and A. Law- Bing om, rence forced O'Reilly at 3rd base| TORY'S got two in their first in- but G. Lawrence hit a double|Mng,. after two out, when Ber- and J. Lawrence followed with|Wick doubled and Varga hit a another double, to make -it a/homer. In the third, Wilson three-run start. {singled and McAllister doubled The Juveniles tied it up They|2M4 Varga singled. Snow singled scored two runs in the third when 1p) oben He tows au Maxwell Suddard hit a homer then with K two out. Garrow doubles and | SNOW and Maxwell came home scored on an infield error In 'the|" 2 passe) ball and an infield next inning, Scugog Juveniles got| ot wy Bojaess, z the tying run when White was In the fifth, with the score 8-5, safe on pitcher Doug Keeler's Tony's crept up close, with two own error. Solomon drew a walk|TUnS: scored on a walk to Me- then with ome out, Suddard| Allister, singles by Berwick and doubled, for his third hit in suc. ¥arga, followed by sacrifice cession, scoring White, Keller Punts by Bryan and Snow. Tha got Sadowski on strikes and made it 8-7 but Tony's couldn't forced Mapes to ground out, with Bet the tying run, in spite of an two potential runs on bases, oP "8 double by Maxwell in After that, Keeler retired the|te 6th. Juveniles in 1, 2, 3 order for] FOLEY'S: Hurst, ss; M. Os the last three innings. borne, 1b; Coverly, of; Joskow- With the score tied, J. Law-|ski, 2b; Beer, p; Lowery, ¢;| rence opened the 6th for Mc.|Shearer, 3b; R. Osborne, rf: Laughlin's, with a homer. Later| Greentree, If. with two out, Corrigan singled] TONY'S: Wilson, 1b; McAllis- and Keeler was safe on an error ter, 2b; Berwick, If; Varga, ss; but there was no more scoring Bryan, c; Snow, cf; DePratbo, off Henderson, who pitched very!3b; Maxwell, p; Mackness, rf. | Toronto Leafs Buy Joe Presko Off Charleston TORONTO (CP) Toronto The 30-year-old pitcher has a an earned runs Toronto pitcher George Susce Meanwhile, also the extra dependability that's built inte every full power Willard Battery. Guaranteed up to 4 yearns «+. dry-charged or factory-filled .. « both 6- and 12-volt types in sizes fo fit every car . . . prices fo fit every buyer. See your nearby Willard pecler. Po at least three weeks because of a foot injury. Amalfitano, hitting .308 and night's game against Now! appointed by Chrysler vou SIMCA Suggested retail prices start from $1810 BAST COAST P.O8, gorgeous, tailored interiors; reclining foam rubber seats; heater and defroster; extra large brakes for safe, sure stops; a big, roomy trunk; panoramie, distortion-free, safety glass windshields; Quiet. Tone soundproofing; Unitized construction that's sound, and solid; balljoint suspension, and many, many other extras. See and drive the fabulous SIMCA, today! Specifications, Equipment, and Prices subject to change without notics, SIMCA Ineo pon Fos Clgel Chrysler of Canada is pleased to announce the appointment of these SIMCA Dealers Its here! The great new SIMCA from Paris. Take one drive and you'll know the truth. That of all the world's economy cars, Chrysler of Canada has hrought you the finest. SIMCA outperforms anything in its price class. For SIMCA is The Economy King of cars, with front engine safety and 4-door family-size room. The car that holds 14 world's records for performance and endurance. The car that's proven maximum miles per gallon economy. The car you'd expect to cost much more than the low, low price on the tag. Check the SIMCA against its competition! You get IN THE CONVENIENT 25¢° PACKAGE Suggerted Price McMAHON & ELMS MOTORS lana Pete Cooper of Lakeland, |came a record Veteran In Lead {Fla., both 44, gave the youngsters " 0 P th Skill |8 lesson as they manufactured POLICE PLAN SHOOT n ru ing 1 lentical 35:84 67 scores over the| LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Some 150 ! neca Golf Club's 6,955 - yard, crack marksmen from across APE LAND AP! Nifty par 35-36--71 course. {Southern Ontario will take part RE a A Stroke nt the Jace with 68s i the London Police Revolver opening. round of '(he $35.00 wets . gen Ry olph, Doug Ford [Club's fourth annual shoot here - ---- x ry. |Aug. 12. Forces from Windsor, Seveland open golf tournament | Among the 152 starters was Kitchener, Galt, Guelph, Hamil. 401 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY, ON TARIO PHONE ad 8-2993 rig . |one Canadian, Jerry Magee of ton, St. Catharines, Niagara Ferrier, the Australian|Toronto. He found trouble on the |Falls, Toronto and Kingston, will from North Hollywood, Calif.,|back nine and took 35-41--76. be represented.

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