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The Oshawa Times, 11 Aug 1959, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 11, 1959 For many teen-agers sum- mer means work. COBOURG STUDENTS ON THE JOB The jobs they hold are varied and inter- esting. Here are a few Co- bourg teenagers shown on the Job, Top left: Active CDCI stu- dent Judy McDonald is roiinded by local children at the children's library where she works. From left to right are Karen DeRainville, 8, Ste- phen MacDonald, 8, Bill Mac- sur- | school months Judy is active on the Students' Council, sings in the choir and participates /in sports. Next year will find Judy in fourth form. Top right: Working at Cortesis Jewellers, Lois Davey meets many inter- | esting people. Here she pol- ishes an earring for an un- | usual customer. Mrs. Christof- | Donald, 10, Judy, 17, and Eliza- | ferson, of Rockland, Maine, col- beth MacKenzie, 9. During the | lects earrings. She has 1035 pairs and 300 single pieces. From left, Lois Davey, Mrs. Christoffersen and husband Carl. Bottom left: Bob Parsons looks up from his work at Co- bourg City Dairy. In 'his off hours Bob is a busy boy but finds time to organize social affairs for St. Bottom centre: Taking stock of Michael's CYP. | Sprinkler System For Town Arena BOWMANVILLE (Staff) |A request to have the road al- |lowance on Cons. 8 and 9 called |"Queen street" was referred to "(the planning board by Bowman- {ville town council Monday night. | A letter was received by the {town clerk, making application "for the closing of this road al- ' |lowance. The survey affecting 'this road was filed March 26, 1882. The request was from Strike and Strike, barristers and solici-|B tors. Councii admitted that this was under serious consideration, but stated that it must be referred {to planning board before a final decision is made. | VACANCY A letter from the Bowmanville (A rena Commission informed |council that there is a vacancy lon ine: management committee, |due to the retirement of R. Watt. ouncii referred this matter to 8 [the property committee. things is fifth - form student | Ruth Fettes. Ruth is employed at Evans' Drug Store. Bottom right: This is Dave Ewart's second year as a playground supervisor in Cobourg. With him are some of his 30 young | taking | | home after a day at Victoria | charges, whom he is Park Beach. They were in too much of a hurry to give their | names. SPRINKLER SYSTEM The Bowmanville Arena will be lequipped with an automatic {sprinkler system when it swings into action for the fall and winter season. Council approved a request from the arena management committee to purchase an auto- matic sprinkler. Council explained that such a sprinkler system would save the town $5300 on a three-year policy. TAG DAY Permission was granted to the i and Professional Wom- en's Club to hold a tag day for the UNICEF in October. Two dates have been reserved by the club with the Chamber of Commerce to hold tag days. The tag days will be held Friday evening, Oct. 2, and all day Satur- |day, Oct. 3. BRITANNIA REACHES U.K. PORTSMOUTH, England (CP) The royal yacht Britannia re turned to port here Monday night after transporting the Queen and Prince Philip through the St Lawrence Seaway. Vice-Admiral Peter Dawnay, commanding the yacht, described the seaway as "a wonderful feat of engineer- ing." Better Brake System Urged ' In Resolution BOWMANVILLE (Staff) |Town council Monday night heart- |ily endorsed a resolution concern- arrie. Legislation is sought requiring all trucks and buses over a gross vehicle weight of four tons to be equipped with brakes having at least two means of application. Police Chief Bernard Kitney said that the police have been trying to get this resolution pass- |ed for years and appreciated the help of council. The resolution reads: "Whereas several serious bus and truck accidents have occur- red due to the failure of brakes on the Bayfield Street Hill in the City of Barrie. "And whereas such accidents could and do happ d ling truck brakes by the city of to Barri quiring all trucks end buses over a gross vehicle weight of four tons to be equipped with brakes having at least two separate means of application and that with 'each means of application, the brakes or a means of auto- matic stopping in the event of failure of the regular braking system be sufficiently effective stop the vehicle within a proper distance." WI Meeting Caesarea Park By MRS. R. C. HILL BLACKSTOCK -- The Augusi meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the Community Park, Caesarea Wednesday. Mrs. Stanford Van Camp con- ducted devotions and read the scripture. Belgian King On Vacation BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- Bel- gium's King Baudouin left by mil- itary plane Sunday to spend a few days vacation in southern France, a palace spokesman confirmed today. Sources close to the palace dis- closed earlier that the 28-year-old king made the trip alone and kept ous inclines elsewhere in Canada, thereby endangering innocent people and causing serious prop- erty damage. "And whereas the present type of emergency brake is in reality only a parking brake and will not stop a vehicle in an emer- gency. ""Therefore be it- resolved that on it letely private. The report sparked fresh spec- ulation here that he was planning a secret meeting with 25-year-old Princess Marie-Therese of Bour- bon Parka, with whom his name has been linked romantically in the past. Rumors of a romance have been denied officially and only a week ago palace officials were During the business period Mrs. Lorne Thompson and Mrs. Mur- ray Buyers were appointed to at- tend the local training school on rug making. Final plans were made for the entries to Port Perry and Black- stock fairs and a donation was approved for the Blackstock fair. Mrs. Ford, Mrs, P. Van Camp and Mrs, Archer recounted some of the interesting points of the trip to Guelph. Mrs. J. A. McArthur, group leader presided for the program. Mrs. McArthur introduced dis- trict president, Mrs. Wiseman, who gave a talk on "Home Ec |onomics." Mrs. Ernest Larmer gave a talk on current events. Mrs. Ivan Thompson and Mrs. Neil Malcolm were in charge of recreation and conducted a pro- gram of games and contest. Lunch was served by the group. JOHN BURTINSKY Florist FOR WEDDING BOUQUETS, CORSAGES AND BOUTONNIERES Ip~THE DISTRICT PAGE-w A GUIDE TO VALUES Whitby - Ajax - Pickering - Brooklin - Port Perry REESOR FUEL AND LUMBER Everything in BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER -- COAL WE SPECIALIZE IN SUMMER COTTAGE NEEDS FREE DELIVERY IN LAKE SCUGOG DISTRICTS PHONE YU 5-7951 PORT PERRY, ONT. SEE US PHONE MO 8-3324 124 Dundas St. W., Whitby = | A More Personalized Service When You Shop Locally Local and district residents are becoming more and more conscious of the many advantages of shopping at home. Not only is it more convenient, but the quality of merchandise available here is the equal of any part of the country. Furthermore, the time and expense involved in a shopping trip elsewhere can be saved and is being saved daily by thrifty local and dis- trict residents. The merchants in Whitby and district take great pride in their community and endeavour to bring about all the improvements neces- sary to give their customers the best in shopping satisfaction, both as to merchandise and shopping service. "Shop locally' may be just a slogan of the local and district merchants, but it is more than just that. It is an invitation and a bit of wise counsel for the residents to patronize their local merchants and at the same time take advantage of the excellent ser- vice being offered right here at home. oy | AT BOWMANVILLE Big Crowd Out 'HysBaND CAN Observer Okayed For Kinsmen SEE DACHSHUND (Carnival | we awarded custody of the fam- At Works Board la BOWMANVILLE (Staff) ily dachshund at a pre- A. MacCellan, formerly of divorce hearing Monday. But | Bowmanville, and now employed| her salesman husband, Er- BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|sewage disposal plant. He said | at Goodyear in New Toronto, was nest, 45, was granted visiting The Bowmanville Ratepayersithat in some cases the stench the big winner in the Kinsmen's rights. Association was allowed by town/had even been a deterrent to|annual car draw at the big car- council Monday night to delegate business in this area. |nival Saturday. WHITBY CLEANERS PHONE MO 8-2345 For Free Pick-up of Your Furs and Apparel Mrs. Castle G, Smith, 324 Henry St., Whitby WE OPERATE OUR OWN REFRIGERATED STORAGE All Garments Fully Insured 150 Colborne St. East VIGOR OIL STATION Operated by "VIC" VAN LUVEN DOMINION ROYAL TIRES The Best Deal on NEW ond USED TIRES PHONE MO 8-3644 501 Brock St. N., Whitby WALTER WARD SANITARY SEPTIC TANK CLEANING NEW TANKS AND SEWER LATERALS INSTALLED PROMPT SERVICE WE NOW HAVE COMPLETE DITCHING FACILITIES PHONE MO 8-2563 204 Chestnut W., Whitby ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY Furniture and Furnishings OUR LOCATION AT 216 Mary St. East One Block North of Post Office, in Whitby is most convenient for buying needs, . Quality Goods et Prices That Save J. A. VONDETTE REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONES: MO 8-3322 MO 8-4841 We Specialize in Prompt Service LISTINGS SOLICITED INDUSTRIAL -- COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE WHITE ROCK DRIVE INN ROBERT THORNDYKE, Prop. Formerly HOWARD'S DRIVE INN TASTY SNACKS -- SANDWICHES SOFT ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN NEWLY RENOVATED PHONE MO 8-5451 2 Miles North of Whitby On No. 12 Highway "THE MIGHTY MIDGET" THE WANT AD Will Do the Job for You T. ZAYETTE UPHOLSTERING & REPAIRS CUSTOM SUITES MADE TO ORDER RE-UPHOLSTERING Compare Prices . , . THEN GIVE US A CALL Choice of Samples PHONE MO 8-2344 1111 CENTRE ST. S., WHITBY Geo. Hamers Lid. PLUMBING & HEATING ® AUTOMATIC HEATING UNITS ® GAS & OIL BURNERS eo EAVESTROUGHING eo GENERAL SHEET METAL WORK PHONE MO 8-3011 212 Brock St. S., Whitby BOWMANVILLE Rae Hopkins Ma. 3-7282 HARRY JERMYN, Mgr. 104 Dundes St. W., Whitby STAFFORD BROS. MONUMENTAL WORKS Mrs, Clifford Brown, 215 Henry St, Whitby Member of the Canadian Association of Memorial Craftsmen GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE STATION GEORGE POPESCU, MGR. LUBRICATION -- WASHING STAN'S RADIO & T.V. CLINIC a member to sit in on the board The draw followed the ball f B of orks Corandiios SEctiiB. a oe Wat sol by couch ei game between an NHL all-star 0 Y | oy Les Ne "dy Were reg y og. nade team, and a team of local stars Hannon of the Association tant oa ue ol I jp! ISPosal| Charlie Burns of Boston Bruins . Mr. Hannon. asked. that the(iant umes 3 ans yt Joquire | was the outstanding NHL player Found In Ditch member sit in on these commit-| (pe ar hig 15posa De S, bution the evening. He clouted a | tee meetings as an observer. One| 2 pan Will remain in the same| grand glam homer to form the PABOS MILLS, Que. (CP)--The| member of council noted that piace, . : |basis of a 17-1 win for the visi- Yodv of a boy With on. of lis there are occasions during ~a|, Council explained that accord-|tors. 1 04 iy 3 oy bg A una board of works committee meet-{\08_ to the town engineers, this| other prizewinners at the draw opt or or hoe: Res ea y ou ing when too much publicity|l0cation is the most feasible and|\ere Mrs. Clifford Macklin, who fno (160 around Hs neck was would not be desired. practical for the sewage dis-|tik the second prize of a lawn Sound in.8 d/ich eight miles from Council unanimously voted for |S Plant. |set; and L. Macdougal, Bowman- "> 10e. lice said there! the approval of Mr. Hannon's re-| |ville, who won the barbecue set. ovine al po il said Tore quest, but added that they would| MAORIS THRIVE |Six puppies were won by Agnes|Wete aris oi vicoece on HAS prefer the same member of the| The native Maori population of Laie Of Newtonville; Bob Mar- Bocy and 1 J00ks : of Association to attend the meet-|,. > jorison, Bowmanville; Jo-Ana| Police identified the 'boy as| ings as often as possible. |New Zealand increased from 42 Thurtle, Bowmanville; Gerry|Arthur Grenier, 14, of Pabos| A suggestion that the press | 00 in 1896 to 147,000 in 1958. Soswinski, Bowmanville; and |Mills, a community 350 miles | also be invited to the board off Randy Hall, RR 3, Bowmanville. | northeast of Quebec City on Baie| works committee meetings was ; There was a big turnout for the [des Chaleurs. He left the home quickly vetoed by members was TIMES BUREAUS popular annual event which took|of his father, Vital Grenier, Sat-| council. One mémber stated, place in Memorial Park. urday night to go to a restaurant. | "the press, if invited to attend | tote ieetings ould be able to RJRX . te whatever they wanted to, & | mal man es Terre tote wis ass 40 Sah ool Debenture | ing apd undesirable on some oc- easions." ° mac steven Meeting Planned .- Hannon, on behalf of the 1 nn Rat@payers Association, com- | pigiged about the stench at the BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --, The letter stated that when all A special meeting was decided on|the replies from the municipali-| |by town council Monday night to ties were tallied, their proposal | ' |discuss the issuing of debentures|to build three new schools again| L O |for the Durham County District/drew a tie vote. {High School Board to build two| The four councils against the | CHCETV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte new schools. Council set ¥he datel ives - school project definitely | x [a x of the special meeting for Thurs-|expressed approval of two WEBW-TV Channel 7 Buffalo WROC-TV Channel S--Rochester g,, Aug. 13 at 7.30 p.m. ferhools one in Millbrook and one | WGR-TV Channel 2---Bnffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo| A letter was received by coun-|in Darlington or Bowmanville, cil from the Durham County Dis-|the letter stated. W. E. MILLER MIDTOWN TUESDAY EVENING 5.00 P.M. 11=Family Theatre 6--World Passport S~Playhouse 4--Cartoon Storybook 3--Three Stooges 5.30 P.M 7=Disney Time 6-8ky King 4--Difner Date 3--Woody Woodpecker 6.00 P.M. -$--News Early Show 4--Conquest 2-Willie Wonderful 615 P.M, 6=Life With Fether 6.30 PM 8-4-2---News; Weather F645 P.M. s-LHuntley-Brinkley * Report 2=West Point ' ¥es PML 6-Donna Reed 5-2Bold Journey 4=~Whirlybirds 2--Northwest Passage ho 8:00 P.M, 1144--One Step Beyond 5, 2---Steve Canyon 44Joseph Cotton ! 8:30 P.M. 11:8-Chevy 58-Jimmy Rodgers 7-<Wyatt Earp 44To Tell The Truth : 9:00 P.M. 7-32 Rifleman 4wsAlvénture Showcase 2-Fanfare 9:30 P.M. 114 Focus on Ottawa 7---<Nhked City Show 6--This Is Ottawa 5-2-Bob Cummings Vack Built 1---4Ateoa Theatre 8-24 David Niven 4-4Andy Williams 10:30 P.M. 11-6--Two For Physics 7-Man Without a Gun $-4Tombstone Territory 3-4Bold Venture 11:00 PM 11,76,5,4,2~News; Weather Sports 1:15 P.M, 7-+Playhouse 6-Viewpoint $-Movie 11:30 P.M. il--Late Show WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM, §,2--Today 4---News Roundup 8:15 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroo 9:00 AM. $--Burns and Allen 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--District Attorney 15 AM, 7--Devotions 9:30 AM, 7--Romper Room S5--Favorite Story 2--Helen Neville 4--Life of Riley 5,2--Dough Re Mi 10:30 A.M, 7--Morning Show 5,2--Treasure Hunt 4--Sam Levenson 11:00 A.M. 5,2--Price Is Right 4-1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM, doTop Dollar WEDNESDAY P.M. 5:00 P.M, 11--Family Theatre 6--Albert's Place 5--Playhouse 4--Cartoon Storybook 2--Three Stooges 5.15 P.M 5:30 P.M. 7--Mickey Mouse 6--Huckleberry Hound 4--Dinner Date 2--Bengal Lancers 6:00 P. M. 7--Early Show 11-6--News 2--Jet Jackson 6:15 P.M. 6--Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M. 11---Family Theatre 5-4-2--News; Weather 6:45 P.M. S5--Huntley-Brinkley 7:00 P.M. 6---Tabloid 5--Leave it to Beaver 4M ation 12:00 Noom 7--Across The Board 5,2--Tic Tac Dough 4--News and Weather 12:15 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. 7--Pantomime Quiz 5,2--It Could Be You 4--Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. 7--Music Bingo S5--Feature Mavie 4--Meet the Millers 2---Mid Day Matinee 7--For the Ladies 4--The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 11--Anything Goes 7-Day in Court 4--Better or Worse 2--Queen For a Day 2:30 P.M. 11---Movie Matinee 7--Gale Storm 5--Home Cooking 4--House Party 2--Human Relations 3:00 P.M. 7--Beat The Clock §-2--Doctor Malone 4-The Biz Vayoff 3:30 P.M. 7--Who Do You Trust 5,2---From These Roots 4 Verdict 1s Yours 4:00 P.M. | 11--Bugs Bunny | 7--American Bandstand | 52--Truth or Conse- quences 8 Sorinis 30 PM. 11--Popeye 5-2--County Falr Edge of nignt 's Raiders 2--Playhouse 15 P.M, 7--News: Weather 7:30 P.M, f--Summer Night Music 6--Disney Presents 5-2---Wagon Train 4--Playhouse 8:00 P.M J1--Ontario This Week &--Keep Talking De Live a Borrowed e 7--Ossie and Harriet 5-2--Price Is Right 4--Trackdown P.M. 11---Wrestling 7--Donna Reed 6-5-2--Music Hall 4--The Millionaire 9:30 PM 7--8an Francisco Beat 4--I've got a secret 6-5-2--Bat Masterson 10:00 P.M, 11--8an Francisco Beat 7--Boxing 6---Studio Pacific 4--Steel Hour 10:30 P.M. 11-TBA 6--Close Up 5--Special agent 2--Official Detective 10:45 P.M. 7--Time kor Sports 11:00 P.M. 11-76-5-4-2--News Weather: Sports 11:15 P.M. 7--Playhouse 6---Viewpoint S5--Feature Movie 11:30 ®.M, 11--The Laté Show 6--Feature Film 4--Theatre 3Jack Pam 6--Rope Around the Sun 5-2--This Is Your Life trict High School Board regard- ling a recent meeting of the board |{in Bowmanville. Flight Cadet Killed, Second Hurt In Crash AUSTIN, Tex. (AP)--A resolu- tion asking the Texas House of Representatives to declare Soviet Premier Khrushchev unwelcome in Texas touched off a brief fist {fight between two members | Thursday Veteran Jerry Sadler popped youthful Louis Dugas with a right after the resolution was voted down overwhelmingly Sadler, who spoke against the resolution, lashed out after Dugas remarked: "It looks like Khrush- chev has won again, and Sadler, his sidekick." Others restrained the two, who shook hands later. HOOVER 85 NEW YORK (AP) -- Herbert Hoover, fit and smiling, spent imost of his 85th birthday Mon- |day helping six secretaries |" As a result, the board decided Ito seek approval to build two schools, one in Millbrook and one in Darlington. This decision was passed bv the board by a vote of 11 to 3. The board will be asking for $700,000 in debentures payable {in three years to build the two | schools. Former Mayor Dies In Sudbury | SUDBURY (CP)--W. T. (BilD)| | Waterbury, 71, former mayor of Copper Cliff and until his retire- | ment in 1953 assistant to the vice-| president of International Nickel Company, died Monday. During 30 of his 44 years with INCO, Mr. Waterbury was gen- eral purchasing agent." He be- came assistant to the vice-pres- ident in 1947, and had served on the Copper Cliff town council since 1918. He bacme mayor in 1947. Born near Selkirk, Ont., survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Ramsay Park of Trenton and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mar- garet Waterbury of Niagara Falls Ont. | his {handle a huge pile of birthday {greetings from all over the | world. SUBSCRIBERS | | FOR MISSED PAPERS il ¥¥ you have not received your Times by 7 p.m. call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All colls must be placed before 7:30 p.m. THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you have not received your Times, phone your carrier boy first. It yo. are unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7-7:30 p.m. only BUILDER OF FINE HOMES Construction of All Types of Buildings from Ground to Root PHONE MO 8-2239 1805 Dufferin St., Whitby R.J. HARDING CONSTRUCTION Builders and Developers of Modern Communities | Specializing in RANCH STYLE BUNGALOWS PHONE MO 8-2716 429 Palace St., Whitby WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS Specializing in RE-CHROMING CAR BUMPERS & GRILLS PHONE MO 8-3232 No. 12 Highway One Mile North of Whitby Distributor for ., . . ROCK OF AGES BARRE and EVENTIDE GRANITES QUARRY GUARANTEED MOTOR TUNE-UPS HAVE YOUR SPRING CHANGE-OVER ONE HERE LICENSED MECHANIC PHONE MO 8-4232 932 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY A WORLD OF SERVICE IF YOUR T.V. IS SICK CALL US MO 8-4016 707 Athol St. Whitby MO 8-3552 WHITBY OSHAWA Ornamental Railings ORNAMENTAL METAL WORK FURNITURE -- RAILINGS FIRE ESCAPES GUARANTEED WORK Phones: OSHAWA RA 3-4161 WHITBY MO 8-2681 156 FREE their order. W. A. SMITH BUILDER'S SUPPLY See Our GARDEN SUPPLIES Picnic Tables, Fence Pickets and Posts, etc. PHONE MO 8-2379 701 Brock St. N., Whitby FURNITURE WE BUY, SELL & TRADE APPLIANCES - PIANOS SEWING MACHINES We carry Trilon, Deltox and Tintawn rugs and corpets. PHONE MO 8-4981 113 Byron St., Whitby HI FASHION HAIR STYLISTS HAIR STYLING - CUTTING COLORING - COLD WAVES Air Conditionin Dryers At No Extra harge PHONE MO 8-3621 109 Byron St. S., Whitby Look For Your Name See if your name is in one of these advertisements. This page is a weekly feature of The Oshawa Times for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week two names and addresses of people living in Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin or Port Perry. Read the advertisements carefully and if you find your name, clip out the advertisement in which you found your name and present it along with a sales slip or label to The Oshawa Times office in Whitby, showing that goods or services have been purchased from any one of the advertisers on this page and you will receive absolutely FREE a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise with one of the advertisers on this page. Winners must advise the Oshawa Times on which advertiser they wish to spend DAN"S Mexican Chili Grill Specializing in CHILI" - SPAGHETTI BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN TAKE-OUT ORDERS ALWAYS TASTY FRESHLY COOKED PHONE 475 PICKERING, ONTARIO WHEN THINKING OF QUALITY Drop in aot MecCULLOUGH'S McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS LTD. PHONE MO 8-5051 WHITBY PLAZA Need An Electrician? CALL McTEAGUE Electric Limited Residentiol. .. € Industrial Wiring 24-Hour Service Free Estimates PHONE MO 8-4278 sal 415 Cochrane St., Whitby PEOPLE DO READ® SMALL ABVERTISEMENTS. YOU ARE BILL MOWAT B-A PRODUCTS LICENSED MECHANIC FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY PHONE MO 8-4701 Brock St. $. & St. Lawrence KEMP MOTORS WHITE ROSE GAF AND OILS Motors 'Ste Cleaned. 'SPECIAL 4.25 Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE MO 8-4932 620 Dundas St. E., Whitby BERS -& 4k fe Bow aon ns A Tew

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