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The Oshawa Times, 11 Aug 1959, p. 8

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omen Jo Aldwinckle, 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 11, 1959 Women's Editor Dial RA 38-3474 Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Betty Boyden, Malcolm Fraser Northminster United Church |was the setting for the marriage lof Betty Ann Boyden, daughter lof Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. | Knocker of Oshawa and Malcolm | Fraser, son of Mrs, Stanley F. {Fraser of Oshawa and the late |{Mr. Fraser | The double ring ceremony was permed by the Reverend H. A [Mellow. Mr. John Robertson {played the wedding music Given in marriage by her |father, the bride wore a floor length gown of white organza over taffeta, styled on princess lines with short sleeves, portrait |neckline and tiny hand embroid- lered flower clusters below the waistline. A small crown of seed "CATHOLIC NUPTIALS Mr. and Mrs Albert Arsenault and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Brideau, all of Tracadie, New Brunswick. --Photo by Mary's Studio ie Arsenault and au, both of Osh- awa, exchanged nuptial vows recently at St. Mary of the | People Roman Catholic Church. | The bride is the daughter of Mary C Adelbert Br Hilda Gabona, Roland Butler Wed in First Baptist Church Hilda Jean|jackets. Matching crowns stud- Gabona and Roland Jackie|ded with pearls and white acces- Butler both of Oshawa, was sol- sories completed their costume emnized recently in the First and they carried dew-drop white 3aptist Church. The bride is the shasta chry santhemums daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John| Mr. William Slywka of Oshawa Joseph Gabona, Oshawa, and the was best man and the ushers bridegroom is the son of Mrs. were Mr Harvey Gabona, William Butler of Botwood, New- brother of the bride, and Mr foundland, and the late Mr. But- Lawrence Butler of Botwood ler Nfld., brother of the bridegroom. The Reverend James Pierce] A reception held in the officiated assisted by the Rev-/Sunday School auditorium. To re- erend John Romanuk. The wed-|ceive, the bride's mother chose ding music was played by Mrs.|q streetlength dress in dusty M. Joyce and Mr. George Bate-|rose silk with white accessories length veil. She carried a white Bible crested with pink rosebuds and stephanotis | Miss Jill Angell, of Niagara Falls was mezic of honor. The other attendants were Mrs, Gary Ferguson, and Mrs. John Angell of Niagara Falls, They wore identical gowns of dotted Swiss nylon over taffeta in lavender- blue and shell pink, with feather ed sequin hats and carried cascades of white shasta chrys- themums and carnations. Miss Susan Hoagland, of Cincinnati, Ohio, cousin of the bride, was flower girl in blue dotted Swiss I'ne marriage of was pearls and sequins held her waist : MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL over taffeta. She carried a bas- ket of white shasta daisies and pink rosebuds. Mr. John Angell of Niagara Falls was his cousin's best man and his brother Mr. John Fraser, | and Mr. Bob Whiteley. Oshawa. | ushered The reception was held at' the 420 Wing of the Royal Canadian Air Force Association, Oshawa Airport. The bride's mother re- ceived wearing a sheath of] heavenly blue hand embroidered) organza over taffeta with match-| ing accessories and a corsage of | pink carnations. The bride-| groom's mother who assisted, | chose a sheath of Queen's blue| wau-le-soie with beige accessor- and a corsage of blue tinted | carnations | During the reception a cable of congratulations from relatives in Northern Rhodesia was read. | For the honeymoon trip the| bride wore a tailored suit of honey beige linen with green ac- cessories and a corsage of pink) roses | On their return Mr and Mrs. Fraser will take up residence in their new home in Oshawa. Out-of-town guests were pres- ent from Cincinnati, St. Cath- arines, Toronto and Niagara) |Falls man sang 'Bless This House" roses. The Wedding Prayer" and To- phridegroom's mother was in a and a corsage of | Family Plane Takes Pair 9000 Miles In Two Weeks GUELPH, Ont. (CP) -- Heavy traffic wasn't a problem when : their two-week vacation. i| Reg and Ruth Coady and their 15-year-old son travelled in their i jown four-passenger light aircraft. i| They spent four days at the Calgary Stampede before goin, '|to British Columbia, California, Texas, Arizona and other states. Flying time was 64 hours. Only once did weather interfere with | their plans, While flying north from Fort Wayne, Ind., they had travelled more than half of the 1,100 miles to their home when they were foreed back because of storms. Mrs. Coady says flying is a h--------" g|Coady bought a two - passenger common hobby among American families. Although the cost of an airplane is greater than a car, there is little depreciation on the aircraft, she says. Mr.and Mrs, Coady first be- came interested in flying when they visited an airport while out for a stroll. One week later, Mr. plane, but he couldn't fly until he received his licence. Although Mrs. Coady can fly too, she pre- fers her husband to act as pilot. Their son is more anxious to receive his flying licence than a permit to drive a car. Sister Aquinas Hopes to Break Sound Barrier GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP)--A 65-year-old nun is looking for-| ward to breaking the sound bar-| rier in an air force jet. | Sister Aquinas, science super-| Bay Roman Catholic diocese, visor for schools in the Green| r - Cowboy's Wife Follows Rodeo CALGARY (CP)--The life of a rodeo bronc - buster's wife con- KEG sists 'of plenty of travel over a : " : 4 ' |cireuit that ranges from Boston ' i |to Mexico City to Edmonton. |says she has been promised an 'I first met Marty two years opportunity to go up in a jet woo LASY-TO-CROCHET PLAYMATES ago al a rodeo in New York's|at Hamilton Field in California. By ALICE BROOKS + HAL : Mi Yow W Madison Square Garden," said| She has ridden in a jet trainer Ror ius SN ae Howard 2nd Mo 3 a Me: |Mrs. Jean Wood. "We've been/--but next time she hopes to be! Look closely -- see how pine- pa Be | of Mrs Gina Ba Coen [travelling ever since and I just|able to serve as co-pilot and apples form a pretty flower de- are Cory James, two years old,| of Mrs. William Collins and |jove it." {break the sound. barrier ob : and Jo-Ellen Leslie, three. Cory | Mr. Alfred McGillis, all of Osh- | : or Arai arp [sign in this easy-crochet trio. and Jo-Ellen are the grand- | awa | Jean married the Canadian- | 18te quinas tame Inter-| So dainty on dresser, buffet children of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. | ~Photo by Ireland (born world brone - riding cham |G 0d Word War rior 1] uncheon mate. 'Even. ows, o ion June 10. She doesn't let her| ; : ok 4 {husband's wild and ' woolly job|UP flying "to become better |lovely gift! Pattern 7434: direc- P E R S 0 N | L S |worry her. (S2uipped' in jhe ey ha Soest. tions 12-inch round doily; 10, [ "All the wives are a little an-| and ve hla ibd Canice square; 10x14, oval--in No. 50. xious, I guess," said the green- ing time. - Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS . : eyed brunette from Springfield,| For her work in the science|(coins) for this pattern (stamps A group of friends who had not surprise parties, showers, anni- Mo. "After a while, I realized|field the air force cited the nun cannot be accepted) to The Osh- met together for 16 years held a versaries and comings and goings that worrying doesn't do any!two 'years ago for '"outstanding/@¥8 Times Household Arts reunion picnic on Sunday at the are always very acceptable and good." contribution to national 'security Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print new provincial park. They were for which there is no charge.| The Woods are undecided about/and world peace." "plainly NAME, ADDRESS, - PAT- Mrs. Ray Milner, Caesarea; M:suPlease write or telephone RA |their future but like most of the A young 65 "Sister Aquinas TERN NUMBER, Geotge Glasslon, Oshawa; Nis) 4 local 18 rodeo cowboys, - Marty hopes doesn't mind letting the world Our 1959 ALICE BROOKS man Breward, Port Hope with] Mr. and Mrs R. G. Collison eventually to buy a ranch and a| know her secret. | Needlecraft Catalogue has many thir husbands and families, Bloor street west, and Mr. and|Sri0€ of horses and settle down.| 'Hard work, that's the way to|lovely designs to order: crochet- and the Misses Vera Stinson and|MrS. Jack Collison and children stay young," she said. [ing, knitting, embroidery, quilts, . 4 . Ian and Annemarie, Townlin As for education, she thinks dolls, weaving A special gift, in athlee: to. e oro Rats een Thompson, Torosio. Jo road .south, have returned home there is "too much conserva-|the catalog to keep a child hap- BABIES UNHURT gifts were presented to Mrs. Ray Milner, nee Edna Wilkinson, from a vacation at Parry Sound, Pointe au Baril and Britt, and en route home stopped at Gull Lake Park GUYHIRN, England CP) -- A of -a house in this Cambridge- to keep up with progress. tism." She believes teachers!pily occupied -- a cutout doll and truck crashed into the front room |Mmust continue to work and learn clothes to color. Send 25 cents for your copy of the book. near Gravenhurst. Master Paul M. Andrews of Birmingham, England, is spend- ing his school vacation with his gether' jacket ensemble of light blue The bride was given in mar-|jazce. with white accessories and] riage by her father. She wore a medium pink her cor- full-length gown of white silk or-|ga0e ganza on princess lines, flowing nto a circular train. The entire gown was appliqued with roses and studded with rhinestones. A velled crown held her shoul r-length veil and she carried a shire village but the babies in the cab and a baby sleeping in the room. were unhurt. Couple Go Steady For 2 Years [ores Suns SL But Now She Loves Another Mrs. John Munro of London!Sister, Mrs. K. R. Claxton-Old- | California, is v ng her mother, | [Mrs. Arthur White, Leslie street. | Haworth: 1 have|vorced, you say: and so is the|,.; Aherdeen who is visiting her|field, and Mr. Claxton-Oldfield, going - steady for the past|older man, I take it, who appar-| 3. pie. Mrs, Harvey Hall of| Simcoe street north. He will also| ' é princess style two years with a girl who works ently has no intention of re- Detroit, is the guest of her niece, visit many places in the United | lace dress over silk with a pale|;¢ the same place T do. We each marrying." Presumably all these|., son Heolto. Lakeshore Toad. Mrs States and will return to Eng- z ..- pink duster coat, white accessor pave heen married and divorced abandoned marriages were felt to| = . : ,land on the Empress of England | ade of pink roses and white [To 40 orsage of white baby|1 am 46: she is 36 be intolerable But what profit | MTs. Munro 'is accompanied by from Montre: S arnations "hrysanthe . q . ver. has the break for freedom her grandson, Master John Halll Montreal on September 1. | . > us {| chrysanthemums Alice is a wonderful little per- has the rea; or reedom | f Detroit i : . ind Misses Evelyn Sonya fe Mr. and Mrs son and T am very much in love bronght you? The opportunity for © 10 ! Over Sixty members of the zabeth Gabona attended their| *° : : with her. 1 am very fond of her another try at "the good life?"| o . Nite i at the Senior Citizens" Club of Buffalo of bridesmaids They ing their home at ° PY 3 Sunday evening guests at the... ped for lunch A h ister as ridesmaid ey avenue, Oshawa lovely children and they seem to Is that what you thhink? If so, home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Col-|" PD or luncheon in Oshawa stree tlength dresses, a like me too. But before we met, look at developments lison. Bloor street west. were yesterday on their wav by char- yarem style, of shrimp pink silk, Guests she had fallen in love with a man i } Horo Bo d son| tered coaches to Montreal for a organza, the waists accented katoon, some 20 vears her senior; and STICKS TO PATTERN rs i oor ; Fennian an (five-day excursion | ith pleated cummerbunds and ville, Toronto still is hopelessly in: love You're atiracted to Alice Pavid, of Toronto u wes iny butterfly bows at the back, Falls, Ontario , , r. and Mrs. James Luke and | stirred bv the fact that she cares| env ; Soci him 3 | You are invited by the Social Wayne tari a | topped with short-sleeved Newfoundland The man thinks of her only as Wholly about somebody else, asin qitment to send in any little bib Ths reek, nd Mr. eh tly has vou knew from the first. And she|; : of inter: Jew a good friend and ev ident: Jas One bon) wraves the person -who items of interest. News of teas, | warren, Jarvis street, have re- Bt He notion] doesn't want her, who loves only jusned Home yin a vacation: at realizes gotistical, Ls ie. i for ray. Ul igeon" River, , selfish and self-centered, in addi- /himse If, in a self centered way, SOCIAL NOTICES | Bf memee. tion to being too old for her: and [and probably would resent chil-| | Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Gill, Sim- coe street north, have returned that he probably would make life dren as rivals in any case. - - wes for her and the chil-| In short, all three of you are ENGAGEMENT {home from their visit to Great dren. Yet, if he would let her, operating in an identical "fix-| Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Russellip,itain Dr. Gill attended the she would marry him tomorrow ated" pattern of missing the boat,|of Oshawa announce the enn ajioq] convention in Edin-| and take the consequences. She|as usual--not coming within a gagement of their daughter, | pop says she knows he wouldn't be|mile of getting on the beam of Eleanor Jeanette, to Mr. Arthur" good for her; but she can't loved reciprocal 'real relationship, | Donald Wearn, son of Mr. and| anyone else s0 long as he is on that might make emotional ful-| Mrs, Laurence Wearn of Enais- her mind fillment possible i killen. The marriage will take You ask how to win Alice's place on Saturday, August 29, KNEW FROM FIRST love. Before that could happen,|1959, at 2.30 o'clock in Simcoe] What can I do? I've known her great changes would have to|Street Pentecostal Church, Osh- problem almost from the first. transpire in your personality, and awa. She hasn't misled me, so any|in hers RTP Ry i i unhappiness 1 suffer is my own| As of now, neither of you is| - ENGAGEMENT - responsibility. She is loving, kind, |positively oriented towards inti-| The engagement 1s announced sweet and understanding: and macy in terms of genuinelv|of Mildred Elizabeth, daughter of! would make a perfect partner. I wanting, and feeling prepared Mr. Peter J. Bolahood of Osh-| feel, if she could just be sure of [for partnership sharing in mind, |awa, and the late Mrs. Bolahood, herself. body and spirit. Rather, each is|to Mr. Ronald Michael Bouckley, Please don't advise me to for- strongly biased towards self-|son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward roses in The couple took a wedding trip Niagara Falls and Buffalo, Dear Mary New York. As they left the bride been was wearing a Shop WOOLWORTH'S First! VISIT OUR NEW MODERN STORE Air-Conditioned--Self Serve--Saves Time THREE WAYS TO ENSURE BETTER HEALTH FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY PARAMETTES JUNIOR PARAMETTES PARAMETTE YUP Butler 131 are max Patricia vore were present from >as- Saskatchewan; Streets- Virgil and Niagara and Botwood, with and IMPORTED WIRE FLOWER BASKETS 1.49 VISIT OUR MODERN LUNCHEONETTE Wanton Destruction in Parks Makes Decent Folk Despair and 21 VITAMINS, MINERALS, AND TRACE ELEMENTS vaca All of these occurrences took tionists that "parklands are tol time and money to rectify your enjoy, not destroy," District, money and mine besides spoil- Parks Supervisor W. H. Cantelon ing an otherwise perfect day. No n this part of southeastern On-/upright Canadian citizen enjoys tario comments seeing what is theirs taken or The majority of park visitors despoiled 1se Ontario's provincial parks as 'On the brighter hey would their own well-kept and buildings. However, park periodically reports nalicious damage or theft r example, at Outlet 1 Park the following dis- g occurrences were re- ed as having occurred within ingle week: Reminding visitors wl. 4780 Ses side, some of lasting and with a park ranger or superintendent. For ex- ample, one badly crippled lady took time, on breaking camp, to scrub the campsite table, re- move garbage and ashes, spray garbage container left-over food te another and thank the camp manager on her our patrons leave awns pleasant memories each RUGS eguler City-Wide Deliveries King St. E. RA 3-4621 PENNYWORTH'S 21 BOND STREET WEST WEDNESDAY IS BARGAIN DAY AFTERNOON SPECIAL LADIES' BLOUSES Pre-Shrunk Broadcloth Pro- R 28 give camper PrHEmo dE A ENamas doors were bolted inside in beach change entrance gained through he small space under the doors. "At Lake St. Peter Park dur- the past few weeks, metal campsite marker numbers were cut and disfigured or completely removed "Visitors walked or drove over freshly seeded areas at Black Lake Provincial Park. "Ninety-six from the 'A purcelain sink with fittings get her. Tell me rather how to containment, or evasion of emeo-|Bouckley of Oshawa. The mar- torn from the wall of a new win her love. Are there any tional sharing as involuntary riage is to take place on Satur. | Be ymfort station books we might read that would protection against ingrained fe: jay. September 5, 1959, at 11|% More than 200 recently plant- |help us? Thank-you very much. of disappointment and heart-|am. in St. Gregory's Roman'p ed trees were pulled out of the IG.E ache, in attempts at loving |Catholic Church, Oshawa. yund 2 ie i \ 1] K ' whe . | - - -- ---- Fon BN Jon fo de Se io) Swan's Wings {DOCUMENTS THEORY BASIC PROBLEM ol en but planted again, provid Dear G.E.: What stands out in Likely your unconscious gambit| ng the guilty party with some N H : D this picture is the all-around evi-|is to love" somebody who! neasure of tarnished enjoyment ew alr-vo dence in support of Dr Edmund doesn't love back -- an arrange 4 "Two screen doors were Te- - . |Bergler's testimony that Di-|\ment that allows more or less | moved from change houses on PARIS (AP) The swan hair-|vorce Won't Help --the title of! free play to day dreams, in which the beach : do, with wings of hair swept for-lone of his earlier books, shed-/you don't have to face your deep | : ward on the cheeks, is the sea-|ding light on mixed-up charac-|conviction of personal inadequacy) son's new style from the Paris|ters. in respect to loving. No doubt] Hairdressers' Syndicate | Who is it that divorce. won't/you would stampede in panic, if| The swan style sweeps a mass help? It is people like you and true love were to greet you open- PeadaaBuinaf bine Alice, for example, who gravi- armed i : ant tate determinedly to romantic| For helpful reading, trv Dr. ing that looks almost like a highly nments that guarantee frus-|Bergler"s book aforementioned, | chignon. But short ends are|pa¢ion You aren't emotionally published by Harpers: also, Dr brushed down on the nape in what|yoanized for happiness; rather Alexander Magoun's "Love and used to be called a duck tail you are conditioned to expect bad Marriage" (Harpers). M.H. Now, naturally, it's a swan tail.|luck as your portion in life, and] Mary Haworth counsel Side "wings" are curled for-/unconsciously you choose it, as/through her column, not by mai ward, just showing the ear lobes.|a familiar wave-length or personal interview. Write hes -| Both you and Alice are di-'in care of this newspaper. | CHILD GUIDANCE How To Tell If Child TWO-IN-ONE By ANNE ADAMS Double-feature neckline! Go cool-'or covered-up thanks to the button-on bolero. Princess mid © BRIDE.-TO-BE 3." 8RF388 .SR&888 BH8LQ | Is Ready To Begin School CLEVELAND MYERS [He has enjoyed the privilege of signs indicate that a|conversation in the family and well-prepared for begin- with other neighbor children and adults. He acts no younger thaw He eats|he is | By G. : These child is ning school next fall: He is well and strong [proper food and enjoys it. He ENCOURAGED LEARNING {sleeps wel e has good toilet py atonis habits. He waits on himself and Pi us ty har dle does for himself what he is able him and kindly answered his lo doo He takes good care of his questions. They have encouraged own things his curiosity and zeal to learn. He has great respect for the ; rights and possessions of others,| He has been drawing or paint- for fun, cutting, He obeys his parents. He con-|I8 pictures : ; forms to the family regulations.|Pasting and creating things with AMUSES HIMSELF Raper, o ay, Sandiosr, wood and $ ps and new ma- | He can amuse himself forijo.iaic He has be creat appreciable periods at a streich with wor rd en Sealing $ ords as well 'as things He spends abundant time out- {doors and indoors with other TRAVELED WITH PARENTS |children near his age and gets lon well with older and younger|parents on foot, by car, bu |persons, He participates in the|train, boat or airplane and vi rough and tumble of neighbor- ited museums, zoos, farms, air- |hood play. He feels comfortable Ports and the like, He has gained |for short or longer periods out of abundant experiences useful to the sight or hearing of his him at school mother If he is to enter the first grade, His parents have been reading being able to identify some of the {fo him for several years, so helletters of the alphabet and a few has had good practice in listening numbers to 10, and being able to |attentively and good practice in'count to 10 objects, should also concentration. He has a good vo- prowe usefu! to him cabulary and a keen imagination.' Best of all for the child who WEDDING PRINCIPALS Edna Elean Abbott of Toronto | Abbott of Victoria Harbor and Henrv Joseph Legere of Oshawa were united in mar recently at St. Greg Roman Catholic Church bride is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. C and | the bridegroom is the the late Mr. and Mrs Legere of New Brunswick. The couple will live in Oshawa. Photo by Mary's Studio son of ge Leonie The He has gome places with his iof this newspaper.) |PARENTS' QUESTIONS {which give him trouble. Often a | The engagement is announced | today of Miss Eleanor Jean- | ette Russell and Mr. Arthur' | Donald Wearn The bride-to-be, who is a graduate of class '58 { of the Oshawa General Hospi- | tal, is the daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. Herbert Russell of Osh- awa and her fiance is the son {of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence | Wearn of Enniskillen. The mar- | riage will be solemniezd in Sim- coe Street Pentecostal Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, August | 29, 1959. will enter school in September is for him to be champing at the| bit like a colt eager to go. riff slims and sm-o-o-ths shorter, fuller figures. Tomorrow's pat-| tern: Misses' play-suit. } Printed Pattern 4780: Half Sizes 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 2215 | 24%. Size 16% dress takes 4% | yards 35-inch; bolero 13% yards. Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate. i Send FORTY CENTS (40c) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME. ADDRESS. | STYLE NUMBER. { Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. (My bulletins, "Parents Cam Help Child Succeed at School' and "Self-Reliance", may be had by a self-addressed U.S. tamped envelope to me in care | Q. Our son, who is entering first grade in September, does not say some words plainly. A. Read to him a great deal] from rhymes or prose containing] some of the words and sounds kind older brother, sister or play- mate can do most to help this! | CARPETS | From The Four Corners of THE WORLD All shapes and sizes NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 Mary St. RA 35-0433 child's speech. Sleeveless SIZES 12-20 -- © SHADES Reg. NO 99¢ w 49: Hundreds of Other Bargains to Choose From TT CU HA A UR U3 Sr a

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