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The Oshawa Times, 13 Aug 1959, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Not only do a number of people believe that the world owes them a living, but they consider themselves preferred creditors. Fhe Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Increasing Cloudiness with a few scattered showers Friday. Little Change in Temperatures. TWENTY-FOUR PAGES: VOL. 88--No. Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy 188 Authorized As Second Class Mo Post Office Department, Ottawa OSHAWA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1959 LEMME OUTA HERE from Puget Since then a dog 0 ating skin diver ashore from nd 10 days ago he has created qui lem for the G Bristow ly of suburban vue him over. § will only ! water-h Lo Cclambe Scuba, seal, tries bulk head after being take: a short swim by Terry Bristow 10, in Seattle, Washington. T' two-week- old 1 seal a So spon S ted wit canned He gaining five in AP Wirephot mon e a ob I rized nilk eighs 2 Ss after now mn week. I e 'uba Canada Line Work On B.C. Bridge To a VANCOUVER (CP) - $90,000,000 followed a | took Called 'Blunder' OTTAWA (CP) Group Capt Limbrick, retired RCAF i said today the Mid Warning Line was blunder and waste Mid-Canada Line, which went info operation in 1957. The decis- ion to build the line was taken five years The . detection systen He said be strenuously opposed trol the operat construction of the electronic ceptors and ar warning line along the 55th par as the Pinetree allel but "the scientists rammed south does it down our throats." AGREED ON RADAR "l was completely and utterly In talks here Tuesday, against this abortion of a Mid- Minister Pe: »s and U.S. 4 Canada Line and nearly lost my Secretary Neil Vicklroy|Settiem nt. proposal job over it," Group Capt. Limbr- rat more heavy radars ick said in an interview to he built in Canada|0D se I major projects incl "In fact, I was relieved of my interceptors and mis- ing a °s ¥0.000 bridge duties for a couple of weeks when Vancouver harbor, was one of t I refused to sign an order for the Capt. Limerick tele- Stormiest on B.C experimental equipment.' Canadian Press today front Group Capt. Limbrick ired : a published CP a Provincial Labor last year as RCAF director of ticle construction Wicks said the radio warfare. Before that, he|the "'colos- was director of guided missiles He was responsible for Canadian radar defences during the Second World War. "I'm no amateur ness and know what about," saia The group captain said he had proposed construction of eight big control radars similar fo the one at RCAF Air Division headquar- ters at Metz, France. He said these eight radars/the neces would have covered the width of dars now Canada at far less cost than the averted. NO INTERVENTION Steel Price Cut Rejected w ASHING TON AP) Charles wortl of following settlement sday of a seven-week stri Ironworkers sume Wedng and cannot con jons of jet inter- i-aircraft missiles|by chain farther| ternational Ass Structural and Ornamental Defence" s (CLC) voted by a De- per: it major to accept fi ence agreed tl il tA § te control He Group phoned the reading describing Mid-Canada Line as a goof "That Minister settlement ter ret of |W w mark a different trend in troubled labor-management re! th absolutely only dif- about it ar t icle is ne said "The is that I knew years ago." said the Mid-Canada Line qf $250,000,00¢ though the orig months." The Steel Erectors' Associati B.C. which represented companies involved he ral estimate was less than $100, dy met earlier in the Le i 400,000 accepted a new He said $100,000.000 could have worked out with the been saved by construction of his conciliation officer, proposed eight heavy radars and ny of Sullding More fa for an increase of hour spread over period on a former rate of $2. is one of the biggest wa gains in the nistory of B.C. relations. ce five He at this busi Pm talking he [2 union and a 57 a cents workers are entitled ing in profits. tion. With steel negotiations continu ton ing in a complete stalemate in 1- New York, these other facets of he situation became known: 1. The administration has no in- ention of invoking the Taft-Hart- labor national-emer- provisions at least until 15 or about Oct. 1. Officials ITE i- are convinced there will be no Blough'sizable steel shgefacd) until then on 2, Labor Setretary James urned | Miteh who studying the ground that strike situation. has conferred vhich b everal times with leading fig-| ure n the steel companies and the union. Mitchell's department has been gathering facts on steel and em- The report eel policy th: ed to regula at r stk ut ha that jt eut in lieu of crease in the ation The suggestion made Democratic representative Ch ter A. Bowles of Connecticut a letter to President E who in turn had it re rectly to Chairman Ros of the U.S. Steel Corpor: Blough is said down the idea on the in settling the strike gan a month ago, the panies are going to have the strikers some of increase anywa) © 8o far the indust: that it cannoi. in terest, increase steel labor co and thus spur inflation Te st ing United Sieelworkers nion current st was law's to have is steel 'com- to give sort wage prod wices wages s (ployment n- 081 he public contends that Dn atte « Blast Injures hen! oh "Three Cadets CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 2211 WINNIPEG army officer ured (CP) cadets Three were in them erely, tile exploded pre ane amp west of here ed cadet suffe the left knee was in ialr condition in one of vhen a oroje tu We a A LITTLE with a dentifiec ¢ ( 5-1133 sday * at ( ROCK wid iicema 1 an Littl High School 135 mil unidentif nd ( es An VO choke 0 red He wspital.! Rock's welo at a3 ¢ al rigged h and 21 a Work on 3 of construction nada Line is only alin British Columbia will soon re late Members of Local 97 of the In- ciation of Bridge, mates today with police standing Advancement of Colored People. | Iron- 96. The disoute which tied up work Some 200 men, women and chil- across | 's troubled labor Pe: Lyle a major development which will legislature where Arkansas tions we have had in the last two the policemen agreement Observers say the settlement- 27-month (heads segregation forces here. labor un- old Train Robbery Averted MONTREAL (CP)--Armed rob-jto St. Antoine Street, south of the bery of a railway train carrying station. a large shipment of money was, CNR express workers joined foiled Wednesday night by discov-|the chase and the bandits fired ery of three hooded bandits in a/back over their shoulders. darkened smoking compartment, f Two of the bandits got into the A brakeman checking through/sedan but jumped out again' the cars of Canadian National when they saw that two express Railway's Scotian some time bé-|trucks blocked its route to Sto An- fore its departure for Halifax sur ote | Sheet, ed the trio. | R constables Edward Heath. efenbaker nts Shuffle Of Cabinet --Prime Minis- be made by it today or Friday and David Walker, MP for Tor- ter Diefenbaker today returned on which Canadian company willjonto Rosedale. Should Mr.) from a western holiday and indi-'get The coniract to build air Churchill move to public works, cated that he will make one. or/frames for the Starfighter Jet| Transport Minister George Hees! more changes in his cabinet in which the RCAF is equipping has been mentioned as a Prob the next few days. some of its NATO Air Division able successor He gave no immediate hint of squadrons. | Another cabinet post could be By i OTTAWA (CP) pri Division street, top- sn 13 stu- examina- class papers the dep exams story Castro Led ~ Field Battle * HAVANA AP Fidel led his troops in the field today person: dup of counter-revol lutionary holgont 8. The Cuban premier iwas reported to be in a Monts " |ainous area Las Villas prov The department said in a state-| ice 140 miles southeast of Hay- that drug manufacturers aha. Authorities said revolviio page Tranquillizers = Put On Drug List outh a new, OTTAWA (CP)--The health de- % bungalow five partment today added tranquilliz-| ment nd first arrived inlers to the list of drugs that may will be required to label all the ary Sovernment troops had en- sold only with a prescription. restricted drugs by Jan. 1, 1960, circled band of armed mem- acre to The tranquillizers were among to indicate they may be sold only bers of the 'conspiracy the Castro 32 drugs added to the list on the lon prescription. orces said they uncovered last recommendation of a commitiee| The revision of the prescription week Med- drugs list also includes six drugs, not identified, which now are con- sidered to be hypnotics--habit-| forming narcotics. Prescriptions also will be required for these, Three others identified by the names thethylphenidate, pagnel- zine and nialamide were added to the list of stimulants which re- quire a prescription, | Retailers will require a ree cription for these drugs imme- diately and wholesalers must con- | PURSUES MEN truck 43, of 655 dire 3 crushed level a police was bearded of they Guys only moved to Harmony road ctornv bic 'A 1 Viount one what the change or changes willl The prime minister was asked| created hy the reported imminent | hooded men, armed with 3 Nhs Eric Brown, summoned be but said cabinet has a heavy about the possibility of a visit to|move to the Senate of Veterans revolvers, fled through the from the station concourse area, agenda of work today. Canada hv Premier Khrushchev | Minister © Brooks, which likely | d station yard area firing|joined the ehase but lost the ban- He said a decisi on v vill 'have to when the Russian premier goes|would bring into the ministry |at pursuing BR employees. |dits when they took possession of -- {to the United States. Tom Bell of Saint John-Albert. TOP STUDENT Montreal detectives said the|a panel truck parked in St. An He said he does not expect an : ai : train which later left for the Mar- [toine Street aml roared away announcement today or Friday on REGARDING SECRETARI Seventeen-year-old Eleanor |; 0" "Coie carried a large| eastward. i Tuc that matier He wanted to catch Later, as the prime min Kratz, 338 hipm of currency in transit] up on the discussions of his cab- entered a 10:30 a.m. EDT nt NI Oshawa: Grade from Ottawa to the Roval Bank| inet colleagues on it first. meeting, he was asked whether| Ped all Oshawa Grade of Cunada:at Halifax. | [the appointment of parliamen- dents in the June I" The Scotian was on Track 10 % ot att e aC S ver [PREVIOUS REPORTS tary secretaries can be expected tions, Miss Kratz, the daughter | ait 5' for ao varture when! Reports of a cabinet shuffle] gp my. rs ol Aan WE PS A par n ked | have been circulating in Ottawa, |, " : | . of Mr. and Mrs, Philip Kratz, brakeman Armand Vachon poke for weeks, since Works Minister| Some." he replied. At the last) 004 13 first honor 'his head into the smoking com- | n S awa ir Howard Green took over the ex- |parliamentary session Provision ta artoiental pi irtment of a sleeping car and ternal affairs portfolio vacated | Was made for appointment of 16 5 § ed the bandits, hoods over| ST a d(C xi io : ap by the death of Sydney Smith, |secrefaries--MPs who get an I5ee - their heads otal . JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)---Rival Sila on H two hi . Ly Mr. Green still retains the| additional $4,000 annually to as- At the time, much of the city's|party factions clashed verbally Frank Guy, 51 Harmony road WOrkS post along with the House|sist cabinet ministers. senor Blin Rigg trai biti MGM 4 south, died instantly about 10.15/0f Commons leadership. | A reporter asked whether oh a sen-|paign entered its final week am. today when an Ideal Dairy! Speculation on his suecessor in planned to make Senate appoint timental fs vorite: Yvon Durelle of, Malcolm Hollett, Progressive Milk truck backed over her in- a Public works has centred on|ments soon and he' said or ig NB | Conservative leader. accused Lib neighbor's. driveway Trade Minister Gordon Churchill "wouldn't like to predict that." Sle, SIN, Nut leral Premier. Smallwood of dis- The accident happened between ER cussing wage increases with New- 583 and 587 He rmony road south The hooded men leaped to their |foundland civil servants "in the 1s the infant was plaving with a t and ran from the sleeper| {midst of an election campaign." plav-buggs : h Vahon in pursuit hollering: He was apparently referring to Police identified the ief a meeting scheduled Wednesday driver as Victor Mazar 1e fugitives, first headed north between the premier and officials vent ugh the station's dim track-| |of the Newfoundland Government child's skull : a beneath the concourse Employees Association. No de- stroller smashed, 'ers assemble. tails of the meeting were made headed for a tunnel public. ich trains roll under, Candidate Larry Daley in St. Royal John's Centre outlined the New- turned, scrambled [foundland Democratic party pro- acks and over the series|grem in a radio address. Also ips, side-by-side between|president of the Newfoundland wl headed for a new|Federation of Labor, he touched sedan near a ramp leading on unemployment, saying: months ago a 0 trom father with General have one other months. | Gillian was dead when a neigh- {bor, attracted by her daughter's |screams, arrived at the scene. about a Island fice Motors child, hawa the ago be emp! oyee \ her re The Guys Keith, four representing the Canadian ical Association, Canadian Phar- |aeparimen Association and the 3 $ an ol MONTREAL BEARS BRUNT Three Provinces LL H ar d Hit By P olio SCHOOL MAY COST By THE CANADIAN PRESS fatal. But this is triple the total help of Salk vaccine we hope to Polio is once again a major: ar and provincial authori-|limit the outbreak to 300 cases." 190 000 MORE Sumner Bs -- in fice vorried. This would be less than half the ? |Canadian pro oes dland with a popula- number recorded in 1946, an epi- AJAX (Staff) Council Montreal borne thé brunt, °" 0 oss fan 500.000 a 20 demic year. has been informed that the |of the crippling disease's come- Hae hey opollian prea had i WASHINGTON (CP)--The pub proposed mew high school in |back but Ontario and Newfound nd or ® and a Por o lic health service says 183 cases 3 west t i : a z report a She "is three, ¢ hit Sores 000 Fi will jisna a also report a shal PTe I} The situation was officially u poliomyelitis were reported in | ona nally estimated $540,000, | sh a erjtermed an epidemic. ho sited States: dor. the iat The increase of $190,000 re- [22 In the Quebec metropolis Maritime .Provinces| Te in July. sults from changes in plans new were regis ed to have largely escaped] which now include "a larger Mom' Fle department's food and drug di- rectorate. RRA SERS SOMBIE. 08 [= Peace In Sight In Little Rock LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP)-- will go back today, said Mrs. L Four Negro children headed back/C. Bates, Arkansas president of] to school with their white class-|the National Association for the| ke She said Elizabeth Eckford, went the first day of school only| fire to talk with her counsellor. Eliza-| of bea has gained enough credits] through correspondence to enter| High School] college. | opened| That leaves Jefferson Thomas, but|16, as the only Negro at Central, sight! He is a senior. today. Thomas said The demonstrators, ¢ omin g|Central "didn't from a rally in front of the state say anything." as Gov addressed GIRLS WELL RECEIVED at! 'At Hall High school three of Negro girls were to return to| classes today. "Everyhiing was okay," Elsie said of first-day classes, The 'violence at Central broke out after the crowd marched NO RALLIES PLANNED from the legislature rally. Police One segregationist sald he Chief Gene Smith shouted for a'knew of no plans for any rallies/them to di sperse, {today. He is Rev. Wesley Pruden, | When they didn't the police {past president of the Capitall imoved in on them with clubs. an Citizens Council, which spear- Several men were struck over Ithe head. A fire truck stood by| 62| Faubus advised the rally Wed- |and Smith ordered a hose turned £€ nesday to avoid violence. |on the crowd. The crowd broke Two Negroes went to Central|and reformed later, but this fe High Wednesday but only onelit only jeered and held back. by to erush any further protests by segregationists. Officers used clubs and hoses to break up a parade mass has 9 he br near Central 0' case integrated classes schools Wednesday, apparently was in dren when two ce 1d- heat cases the students at| do anything or Faubus "Cowards!"' Twenty-three were arrested the 'schools themselves als said everything was Orval shouted, ernor he them la nem on In 15 fic 18- nd of nor- 206 ing y given ee More 110 § to mal three ci or Cruelty In Home For Aged CVANSVILLE, Ind resent i Wedne sday, civic health aut break Neither Nova Sco-| ties called a special medical| i or "prince Edward Island re-| gymnasium, other additional council meeting for Thursday to yorted anv cas and New Bruns-| items. and increased con- [decide whethe, the outbreak had iyo" 2 ioiol of five -one| struction costs. {reached epidemic proportions. |. all reported last month. Mayor William Parish told Thus far authorities have scrupu The outbreak did 5 nothing council that he had received ously avoided the term. lessen confidence in Salk i | our oom his information from a school | hd e bus vie- trustee, which indicated that |Y¢ar's total in the area or: had been Vaccinated and (has a population of about 1,800 were suffer only ~mild| take car: 3 000--to 2 13 of them fatal. Last Ft} n ake care of most of the in- ani dorms of the disease. In Ontario creases. The town's share [Fear us ibid five ore re wo of the victims had been| will probably be increased ne AN Ure A the complete program of| HAMPTON (Staff) -- Mrs: Bere $10,000 Quenee, six raves Terre shots {tha "Mom" Whyte, intending this boos pars of A Baws than two-thirds of On- morning to appear at the hear- been registered of them adults have not bothered ing to determine custody of the protect themselves against|107 children formerly at the per cent of school children have court room 'weeping before court rus C ev ree |been immunized was in session. | Deonty Heelth Vimeter Dr, W.| This is the second time Mrs, G. Brown warned polio can Whyte has left the court room in strike any time of the year, and [tears since the hearing began i 0 oe . e it do sn't take any particular age Wednesday. Bert Whyte said his | . swacket or location to strike. |wife was under 'nervous pres- i {sure. gd FREE CLINICS GETTYSBURG, Pa. (AP)-- have said Khrushchev should be Mon eal met its problem by| Not as many of the parents of President Eisenhower says Ni- shown some of the power he setting uo free clinics thap gave the children in question appeared kita Khrushchev will be invited wouid encounter if he misjudged first shots to nearly 20,000 pe ople|in court today as Wednesday. to tour some military installa-|U.S. might an intentions and ig- in two davs and closed the wad-| County Judge W. R. Philp of States Jest month, . Oh | In addition to visiting military which had boon Jopvily patron. ie, pubile and press should be e Soviet premier has said he projects, Eisenhower said he izéd during he hot, humid {isn't interested--that he is com-!would like to have Khrushchev her this summer. | There are 107 children ranging {ing here as a man of peace, with whirl with him over Washington s a precautionary measure in age from infants to 15 which ino rocket in his pocket. in the presidential helicopter to (he y appealed to the federal will be affected by the findings. Eisenhower Wednesday told the view all the fine, modest homes. depariment health for addi.| Judge Philp "can rule the chil- first full-scale press conference He said he would liké to have tional iron lusigs to augment the dren be wards of the Children's 'he has held as president outside him go to Abilene, Kan., the supply of 17. Six were immedi-|Aid Societv, make a temporary § Washington that he would give prairie town where he grew up, ately Hown in from Winnipeg and|order that the children be re- Khrushchev 'a fairly wide and learn how hard the president another six held in readiness in turned to their parents after a way of defence establish-\wants the premier to visit indus. seven lungs to Newfoundland in (find that the childrer were. not ments. {trial plants and housing develop- reply to an appeal. /neglected and they would go back But Eisenhower also ald at} ments. City health officer. Dr. Adelard| jie Vuysanyen. Crows Attorney 'l am not going to push an » president's remarks give Groulx said Wednesday + 'with the Harry *vman said. press it," and "if he doesi't want ane rosie ours Sema ks Dive . . Mh. Mr. Deyman said that #f the fo, that is that." soln ooing lg proach |children are made wards of the Much of the pushing andj Is lop vig Sy [Children's Aid Society it would pressing has come from mem-| : Ss visit. : {have to be decided which muniei- bers of Congres Some of them He is known to feel that if he palities are responsible for the | ----|Ccan create the right kind of at children. mosphere for the he might the stand Wednesday. lin the way of easing tensions be Some of the mothers cross {tween the two countri \ (AP) --lexamined witnesses from the | Eisenhower 1s entirely nails were pulled from the provincial and municipal welfare ful, however at any sugs et of patients as punishment | |departments following the offi- that. he Is Softening In hig ati for Alleged Sniscondu L" a grand cial' evidence. according to a & € ommu- jury said Wednesday in a report | croum Attorney Deyman NORFOLK. Va. (AP) Gar. Dist threat. He has made it clear (on its in igs tion of an Evans-| "Mrs. Whyte left just before silo F 33, ldn't fight to his associates that his policy|ville nurs home act : . {SU QW rancesco, Son 4 toward Russia remains un-| The grand jury asked prose- [the testimony She should have [back the thought that this was Chianzed tor OH orts Jr. to take heard," one welfare official said, {| finito--the end. ua cutor : th Is to alte ne would at 8 # a 3 TR > } medical evidence that was pre. the Atantic mare than 40 miles 1i°1i, (0% 1 Khrusichiev the po the nursing home. Roberts aif. sented. Provincial welfare de. from the Virginia coast. His ship, |; in Laos, which Washington |davits but did not say what the Partment officials from Toronto he Liberian collier White River |g, pects is inspired by Commu- cha vill be were first witnesses to present on a course to The Netherlands. pists from China or Russia The report also said that pa-| crown" evidence, Wednesday, i i Shaler in fhe distance. | both. e punished for bed wet- followed by municipal welfare or two hours Francesco used, Eisenhower said 1 depart t officials and Ontari on . = 4 x e ; € E £ pouring disinfectant department officials an 0 a 08, alien to he what little swimming skill he had sisting on me on parts their bodies." Fire Marshal Greville B. Bent. i oday is second |to stay afloat. Death was not only toward settling prob-| The nursing home lost its state] The parents will be allowed to of school. |a prospect but merely a mafter len ad ] } --AP Wirephoto 'of a little more time. meeting of chief id nts w he. still "by surable pro East-West of any of government in-'t re him toward a is a wagon just after -a riot broke e | out at the school grounds. Set I, | eral pérsons were loaded into | n the pushes padds The new cases raised In Mon only seven which larger provincial grants will Ith officials said, But 90| Whyte home, rushed from the {tions en his visit to the United |nited a third world war. ing pools and public beaches Peterborough' ruled Wednesday, choice" of what he could see in\worked as a lad. He said he Toronto. Earlier, Montreal sent certain length of time or he may Nine witnesses were called to be dble to accomplish something al Roberts They were referring to the There he was treading water in The president also, indicated he action against operators of summit eJ n it did not file give evidence later in the hear. ince a renewal d@plication ing, Mr. Deyman fid.

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