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The Oshawa Times, 13 Aug 1959, p. 21

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44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale ig OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 3, ddl 41--Room and Board 4 or Rent a hh ns : tate For Aug are -- 5 : nish 4. THREE - room apartment, private |soLID brick ramed viyle nome. large [SACRIFICE for substantial down pay- NEARLY new, two store; brick I Home FOUR room bungalow with four-piece ROOM and board for gentlemen, clean, TWO rooms and Kitchen, furnish 2. FH th, lights, water. Apply 501 Green |iot, lanascapec. six cooms. bath Loeat t, six-year-old, three-bedroom brick orey d " Dhone L174 187 ghts, . y G t r ' » | th d; Sey bath, near GM South lant, $1000 | accommodation, - home cooked meals, Phone RA 8-1720 _ |Sireet. Whitby. 187 ed on quiet residential streei 9 Kredcr recreation room, tiled bath, paved ing a Hg Wl dow. Phone RA 53430, 188¢ Tedhatomsbios For Sale 47---Automobiles For Sale. youth diatriet, RA 53700 ONE clean, furnished housekeepin® | yy" "house, hot water tank; ik Avge Phone Bowmanville MA |drive, $10,995. RA 5-4049. 186¢ | MO 8.2625 Whitby. Wt (6% room rick aus: sors ROOM and board for gentlemen close | 1001 C0 on iitable for (Kitchen cupboards, ofl furnace, located La : : [NIX room, storey and halt brick, oll 00! cl se; big lot, app Bloor Street Kast, Available Septem. | e, also ndr 1 -- nd cherry trees; down payment. to downtown Apply 23 Elgin Street etic. alsa laundry facili cel Bast, Avi hes nice 1 tral, only | EIGHT room vungalow, priva private beach A . one girl. central. Apply 237 Athol East ei $10,850 FULL price, "tive. room brick healing, garage, nice lot, central, only Private, no agents. 2353 Verdun Road, East. Phone RA 3.7814 " fo7i [ber 1. Apply in persen. 7 Harria Street, (0 edroom bungalows, Don't let|$10,500 with $1500 down. W. McAuley 30500. Tub weiss, Tour. bed bedrooms, kit-'na sam. , en ele To Tis tomes |Realtor RA 32312 Whitty Mo 4. heh Jarge 23 oy 11 '6° Vinton oe Vie WRB Ol ) | | € e | W Rent {TWO - room, furnished apartment, | yx _ room house, close to downtown, 186¢ ! 43-- nted to | with parking. space. Apply 31 FIgin North GM and schools, immediate pos. AT hig in 2 very good and bide . 7 (rooms, three-piece bathroom, large (heating, full bath. Large lot, For par- FARM h house and |giie.i East. RA 3-3807 session. Children welcome. Phone JA manlike manner by a profess oo LARGE six room house, close to all dou- |ticulars phone after 6. tby, MO barn, within 20 miles radius of O:h.| oom' with $9285 Me |tractor. Features stained woOdwOM |, yools and church. Reasonable down ble garage. ideal for Swimming and 8-415. F share room with |throughout, better than average size | payment. Phone RA 5-4698 184f small or big crafts. After § BRA Vill pay excellent remt. Immedi- 3 oa hos = x s. close to hos: [FIVE room, semi - furnished of uR- kitchen and living room. Tiled walls in| : A $1750 EACH two nice building lots, 40 . Write Box 411. Oshawa Times. [P00 0 Div 241 Kendal Avenue. 188f furnished, two bedroom, self-contain- kitchen and HIvIng Koon. Hot water WELL furnished boarding bouse, two > Muskoka Avenue |X 165 ft. each, sewer and water. Wilson rr EE spletely . furnished rooms, [90 Apartment. ove and refrigerator |yany aundry tubs, sidewalks Your bathrooms, sparkling clean, central $2000 DOWN Ritson and Eulalie dis. [Road South area. Joseph Bosco Real. GLENGY SAR, newly assigned to wu. [THREE completly (EU, O0Ry (Available September | RA 5-308 396 | lee of color schemes. 365 monthly location, 8 going concern, only $3000 | riet, solid hrick, six rooms, modern tor. RA 5.8370. 185 pervision in this district, needs at once ean | 9 i a aa joe Jor 2 North, Apartment 4. 187 | ith fair down payment. Close to bus down Hurry for this one W McAuley kitchen, good renting area "A pr a three - bedroom Oshawa home. Call [3 . land liools. - Joseph Bosco Realtor Realtor, 26 Prince Teet 2 18-1773, RA 8.1179. 188¢ [SIX - room house, all convenjences, oil |45_Real Real Estate "For Sale RA 5.9870. Whitby MO 83231 STORE FOR RENT uri giao ~ pear, heat recreation room Good district, Sued ua tsa ---- -- reese | FIVE -room brick ranch bungalow, Early occupancy in new i EE EE wor iws top vom, (ore... Kitt osd bur, _seistensel fo TR wi larwe Kitchen, fully decorated and land: | building suitable for variety | 'ED' and 'STEW' HAVE HAD A w be attac garage. rite Bo: » [to six acres i v 3 t. R. .- he M Write Box 412, Oshawa Times. 187¢ | {Oshawa Times. 188¢- | 8.0 . | seared low down paymen fro bar, record shop, specialized | WANTED fo rent three rooms and wo furnished housekeeping room. ee room cottage for sale, must > N O O " | merry -------- | retail, etc. Excellent location . R 6323 ¥ y RA 5.7640. $12,300. FIVE room bungalow, 4-plece i ¥ nie | EE SEL dF SRE eed uy fe. Poe WA OIL 5 N.7 fm mm we ed) seo fish Shoal on bw | COMBINED CAR EXPERIENCE OF ---------- TWO-, or three . bedroom house with |parking space. for couple Apply 1 i Toons: near schools; large lot. Brook. line. Ristow ond Olsen Recl- garage if possible, One mile radius [Agnes Street. 188 FOUR bungalow, hydro and lin 265. 183¢ tors, 19 Athol St. West, General Motors north plant. Write BoX |ywo furnished rooms, ground floor, Fore $3500 with $700 down. W. ¥e io -------- a i --e-- RA 5-6165. 60 p S 0) TANTED 70 RENY = -- Apartment or Rg works Phone RA" 3 = sy LANGE oon lot, 85 by 20 ed McCULLOUGH HOMES LTD. Re TEE 46--Reol E Wanted YEARS. THIS ENABLES u T duplex within 10 minutes of Four Cor- tiled bath, modern kitchen, located between Oshawa and Whithy, il heated, | meer mri tee eros. 3 aaa : > by couple with two-year-old. Best ywo furnished housekeeping rooms Joseph fireplace in living room, of |ARE you thinki . O E : O B TTE C T seis, by & Soup $}n a mite area of sew. Lomes, st : 5 hardwood foees throughets, Boly Soc | ling your rind Fo pi] " Samy FF R Y U A F ¥ AR A La a armen ------ of ] RA 57709 after 7 p.m private entrance, private bath, suit A 5-9870. I'couple. No ehildren. Apply 325 Simcoe Boseo, Realtor. R orated and landscaped. RA 5-8476. W871 service call Lioyd Corson at RA orth. 44--For Rent Street South, M. Kies. $1,300 INCOME home, central, four-, (8:5123, 101 Simcoe Street North. Liovd : -- - a ) * | Realty. List with Lioyd then call your WwW P A rr Hed ONE lovely room for gentleman, in and five - yoom apartments, large lot, : 1a "itchen, furnis fa vate home. RA 37070, $66 CARRIES rents for $158 monthly. Wrife Box ho puta TR joe CE : Lv and farms wanted for clients. TT WE ATTRAGHIVE fubished sovmie; "avai NEW N.HA. Ostinya Time All cash or your eauily For quick sala ee Cadell Ix room bose 1 Hor bark jon" Sie Reshar, obra! 400 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS IN '59 W pa elie, unfurnished. For fam- x Rk "RA a8671. A 84 Westmount, RA 8-8780, [North 3 pm. H MES i garage, close to public and sePa- |giraet, Oshawa, RA 3.2513 MO Uy or single, 31, Wes APARTMENTS or or rent, 301 Cordova 0 rate school, low down payment. RA \33p5; Hs = IR 5-5895. d | rere wy WT Er Ty oad. Large all conveniences, TE th, : rt-- ANTED: :Three al ' ™O0 TWO rooms and ba Parking. available 15th of Juve. Apply| Extra large vitg_ voor on | Fi Nia Tesi srvle Fx voum avin: (Tikes bedroom bungalow Plymouth .. $195 53 Austin svar 3298 d P Store. RA 53576. 188¢ 44 Euialie oie three-bedroom. ome ] Y {house with aluminum windows, ™v . NHA re-sale, 30-day possession, A little rough. Economy plus, ONE "Tin new necse. for one of (ONE three- and six - room apart.| see, no obligation PRESENTED B | aerial, landacaied a A Have substantial down payment, BA Pontiac $295 : two gentlemen Apply 637 Albert Street [ment private baths, refrigerators and © onilily; $230 733 Ganpe 8-8602. Lo Custom radio, '52 Chey vv.. $393 stoves, private entrances, down town. RA 5- 8831 i SE SA ; rg Cel HOWE & MILLEN REAL ro --- Se 3 BE X00 Bach id district, $98 Pliohe: RA $9352 25. All a ist 188a | 4 Vroom frame house in "Port WILL PAY ing 9s floor " North, Apartment 3 yearly lease. RA 59854. 1874 p-- beer {i esses -- aluminum storms and screens, 'Se CHEV. $1398 THREE . room apartment, private MODERY, three . room. self contain 87 KING ST. E. RA '5-7732 |oit 'heat, all "convenionces, one block $9,000 CASH ford seen. $1295 Small mileage, deluxe ' d f choo! cf . 2 s ' bath, centrally located. Available Sept. adults only. Apply 335 King Street East. DOWNTOWN -- ---- Hem bi terms arranged. Phone ater for o good home anywhere or car, $105 radio, one local owner, ev. "rns 1. One child Welcome; Parking et 186 R NSFERRED 4.30 p.m. RA 8 Osh W d Apply 71 Albert Stree Em -- in Oshawa Vrite ,forword- i FOUR rooms and bath, stainless steel | THREE - a aa private en OFFICE SPA( E N.H.A. RESALE -- OWNER TRA oo Bp TR Radio. Chev. Tan Phin sink, heavy wiring, self-contained, pri. trance, Phone " Five-room brick bungalow in new subdivision -- only one year House for sale, --new 9 r Pontiac $1295 ean and reliable. Ine Saran, Vacant Sept. 1. RAlmX . room house, centrally oedted, LOCATED IN THE old. Aluminum storms ond screens, completely sodded. Only tiled both and kitchen, 4 ped | BOX 408 Station Wegon. radio, Silver S178 23 after 5 p.m | furnished, including piano, ofl heate $12 650 with $2,000 down rooms, oil heat, fireplace, solid | OSHAWA TIMES Hillwoh $195 ici TR y arden, § ) Puone RA |. ( DAR GLEN BUILDING | Wi NE furnished room, suitable for two [lovely garden, September 1 E sement with re- | ! oA urn concrete base 187¢| Good running condition demonstrator, girls, close to downtown and hoapital, 5-2181 after 5 p.m i A RESIDENTIAL GEM -- SIMCOE ST. NORTH creation room, '$2500--down | _ AE { RA 5-1401 THREE roomed ground floor apart CONTACT easy terms Location in ; bungalow, fenced yard, lment. Bulllin cupboards. Vers cen : | oy nearclake, schools aad |tral. Phone MO & 8 Whith, | One of Oshawa's outstanding homes of the executive type, con between 401 and No, 2 high. | Makes three people happy by AND MANY MORE 884 GM south plant. RA 85443 08 | om apartment, To HOWE & MILLEN sisting of 3 storeys, 10 rooms, 4 baths, double garage. Fully ways, Ajox-Whitby townline | Listing your property <-- we | Teer apartment. Nomi 134 hg ne. ent, Suits m title Ber landscaped. Asking $28,000 with terms Inspection by ap- Cre Soe oy as} house. pass of Sell it. You'll be happy, | BUYING A CAR? BEFORE YOU DO all conveni tp plied ; ession July or. Aug. '59. | ss TRY "HONEST ED" OR "IRISH STEW" EASY TERMS. WRITTEN GUARANTEE AND MORE AT 188¢ ly 460 Montrave Avenue. Also four pointment only the buyer will be ha 5 Stacey Avenue. . Sn. bungalow. . 1844 REAL ESTATE GA 6-7511 Beaverton. will ve. thot PPYy, $C 100) h il a p-- er rm------] 7 | yo oh PRE SO a, oa TWO single rooms, one double Tom, 67 KING ST. EAST H N EW N. H. A. BUNGALC( WS GRE | makes tree | u hoary ! | A FE RM RA S772 58 6 ROOMS COMMERCIAL | BERNEICE | ness girls. E awa Times. 2 184f | $712 or apply 273 Jarvis Street after _-- _ { ARMSTRONG BOON pn Se Lo Ennio ron, woes| NJH.A. RESALE | ALL SECTIONS OF THE CITY | ZONE wanes | WELLMAN MOTORS LIMITED or $12,950 Full Price 5-ROOM FRAME |_RA 5-3692 MO 8-3355 HILLMAN--RAMBLER - Elgin street be 7 | semi-basement apartment, full hath, 37 f-contained {large windows, on bus line, non $77.50 «-- FOUR-room sel a wv i so: | apartment, new stove and refrigerator, (drinkers, Must be seen to be appre ; al other five room at- | in apartment house, close So¥ sted, Ba S003. at tr Sh modern brick ON LARGE LOT 66" X |47 --Automobiles For Sale so town. Available September 1 38 [rier room. Janfurni ishe: a apart. Fighuand Ave $988 Down Payment and Up 132°, 2 BLOCKS FROM 7 GHEY. two doo sands, 31.0 NONQUON ROAD RA 3-443] h | oR 7 " oom, | light' wiring, private entrance, suitable th three bed 5. Beau: | " TARGE tirgisned Apert Street "atter. | for couple Highwas No, 2, west of tif a grounds { CORNERS : dition, $1625 or best offer. RA 3 OPEN TILL 9 PM J 1872 | eify RA 8.6408 after 6 p.m. 183f : Y on tras With. low REE wy b 1506 TA 5 eet FURNISH " ith pi h mony extras. V b 55 CHEV. station wagon, radio, t 5 room house, on Brock street [FURNISHED single room wih private] v0 of interest, Close to N FULL PRICE tone. Phone RA 57782. > ind 47 --Automobiles For Sale |48--Automobiles Wanted floor, heavy duty washroom, private entrance, 3 fur- | x 5 'ATE Auto Insurance all on 'ground floor, hea'¥ Tor {RE Ue room apartment, available blic and high schools. Ask ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save Ub |i57 DODGE Crusader V4 fordor tu. | . ----. Immediate (now, very central. Apply 98 Centre| ing price $11,600. Act now, Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 ' to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For '51 TO '55 Chev. or Pon! me | 9 PPINg | personal service at your home call RA |{008, blue. deep tred tires, tmmaculate | Motor and body must be 5 Sour rer wri water, clean, also garage rb WwW. J. MOWAT 2:02 {ondition throughout. Only $1583 Van dition. Will pay cash. No. dealers. , . Heusen Motors, open till ten. Phone RA 8.0755 or apply 150 Prince 1881 West, RA 35-8384. 1871 | CXCELLENT office space with private | After Hours Please Call: = er S ROOM Ji i i mitchboard 'S MAC KO Bill Norris--RA 5.6588 : Dave Dongld--RA 5-8522 MO 8-2601 | oy AUXHALL Tike new, 13 12,000 miles. wi) HOUR money) back guarantee on Te e p34 x 1 oo ¥ " imma i----b-- ---- ontiac sedan, MODERN {HOUSE for small family, good loca REALTOR Doug Wilson RA 5-5625 | EVENINGS--MR. BAKER {ss 00 Mercury Gump, excellent eon. |tWO-tone dark metallic green and | PRIVATE party will pay up to $2200 APARTMENT Ition, south Oshawa, one hdlf mile MO 8-2478 dition. Phone Ajax 431, cream, white walls, powerful custom |cash for best Chev. or Pontiac offered [from GM, garden land, Write Box 205 RA 5-077] radio, safety lock rear doors for the Phone RA 5.0687. 185¢ |'36 DODGE on 630 Sim- |Oshawa Times stating place of em vs, 3 Mondreh. 5 Inirnatona, cu children. $1205. Easy terms. After '50 2 large bedrooms, N to | ployment. -- ee - ~ |and cl y Fi call RA 3-3721 WANTED: '31 th 32 Fo roadster, coe Street North. Tew OU. SINGLE furnished room, new spring half-ton, "4 Ford ome- ord 5 CHEVROLET Geluxe tudor, veally | COUP; Cle» with or engine, matic stove relngefeior, im tires, use of phone, central loca-| NO MORE RENT ( | Ie) | THIS IS Im i Sikes, hth sharp, red and white tutone with iB Tig ge poy, cath, when fa . rkin: t Apply 180 Bruce Street, 5 | 50 is almer » matching upholstery, custom radio, after Jou ary Rigi I pe kine lon, AE Ie oon And your monthly payments CHANCE OF A Bowmanville MA 3.5756 white walls, ONLY $795. Van Heusen | WANTED: 80 to '51 Ford or Meteor, dults pply ¢ ATT hy on this 7-room brick is less LIFETIME THREE-quarter fon pick up, for sale, | 1olore, King Street, W, not over $200. Best condition accepted. or 341 Division Street. able in private home. 82 Park thon rent, Well built and | . wu a. h Good ~---- [North § ..7 p.m. RA 83671 f . ] | R Al TOR six 8-ply tires, $300. Phone RA 3.3779, |SACRIFICE "51 Desoto convertible, pay c motor, Phone RA o : E S 1864 | perfect condition, Phone RA 5.3423, 307|3-9066 after 6 p.m. Private. solid home. New oil furnace. | MALL two bedroom house, gas fur. t m---- . ------ HOFIELD as Not 'water heat, children wel.| All" large rooms. Centrally | SOLID BRICK 51 FORD, good condition, Apply 30 | Claus i _SCHOF ICI Ltd Ba vain | immediately 1 located. Priced at only $8,- WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST. S DUPLEX . | Varcoe's Road » 744 GAR radios instal ; BUCK'S BODY SHOP 3 , Ltd, omni 00 oui ai Ob. down. ond 1988 A.J.8. competition model, priced | 2nd dual aerials optiona budget| g.oert collision work--weld- RENTAL SERVICE ONE tires Toom, nd ne room upiu| owner will carry the mort- | OPEN 9-9 reasonable, il be financed. RA 3.4362 terms. Dominion Tire Siore, 48 Bond bp Scio Wot) weld, m -- wn vor went rt you ict hed, BEECH 2°90 0% PEN UY | WHITBY MO 83414 TORONTO EM 3.9603 | "FOUR CORNERS" |S.oMer. un EE Ar il we Son Sought sre o : lied, locat g Stree " . 5 ' al $123 or 118 property, to relicble tenant Fast, at bus. siop. Laundry facilities in| to inspect. M "WHITBY radio. Phone A #521 Naa pion 3 LIN TT H. MARLYN, Prop We have © vai list, | tment I RA '56 CHEV, stati Vo . basement. For appointment call radio, new So a EL Soon {1947 CHE i. conch, Al eon condition, Rr 361 BLOOR' ST. E. Cait toda |5:5973. dée R140 lo. $100 meen __ DAYTIME--RA \ 3.2268 COMFORTABLE six. foom brick house, 5 Va % N.H.A. WOULD YOU LIKE FULL PRICE bityemn 2 348. BA ram, 184e | sonis © Bag Bovate "iibc| RA 5:-4513 or RA 5.7456 near public, high and separate schools| This 5)2-room brick bunga- : A h H 57 BUICK fordor hardtop, blue and gong WiLL fake '33 Studebaker Chaim. and GMC. Avallable P An executive brick bungalow with ottathed garage on Henry $10 000 | white, spotless interior, and finish, | pion overdrive, radio, directional 49---Automobile Repairs low is only 4 .years old. : ING Phone RA 3-9923. 1j86e Siuated on ATA dh fords Street in Whitby that you could move into and retire from | ' radio, automatic transmission, (jignis ete. Good clean, sound, econom- | On a | } eighteen thousand miles $1795. King |i.a} automobile. RA 54944. 1088 FURNISHED rooms, gentlemen - pre- work for the next few years, except to cut the lush green grass 1 ral location, near Fittings,| scaped lot, with stone planter : ; West Motors, Opposite Shopping Cen- i i CR Phone RA 5:1998 or in front. 17 ft. living room ond pick the flowers, There are seven rooms, all tastefully WITH ONLY re od "#6 PONTIAC six cylinder, good conic BRAMLEY MOTORS al i 3 NEW MODERN apply 64 Charles Street, evenings. 1861) pp ing greg, and built Segoratee facturing 3 gente hell ling tom win, frspioce, $3,000 DOWN " OLDSMOBILE, "48 NT tion. Apply {09 Celina Street or phone SALES LTD. 3 shed in new house : ining room bedro s, de x ' pan: | ocette motor bike, 500 To - UNE: Safes oo {| in china cabinet. On Fern- 9 : Gi PL "54 FORD Skylioer, a-1 condition. Very APARTMENT near South GM for rent. Phone 22 hill, heer Roisiand "Rd and aluminum windows and screens, broadloom in living room, | \A/ J MOWAT pick-up, all in good condition. Must sell, IRD § a a bo 1271 SIMCOE NORTH 8-521. . Priced ot onl $13 500 dining room and hall, drapes included. Lot is 90 x 175, paved | y : make offer. MA 3.2880. dest iv fo gee Rig oe hey Sires: BUILDINGS DECORATED room or amy OW ow Panera e driveway. Total price $25,200.00 with terms MO 8-2601 38 PONTIAC, V4, automatic tranemis: Horo ghout, RA 54050 iss] PHONE RA 3-4675 sivilezes, sin stor ; : | EVENINGS--MR. BAKER 6 radio 708; HH Albert Street. 188 carries for $80.90 a month | ; 59 VOLKSWAGEN Micro bus, six | >, PLYMOUTH, 3000 miles, including Specialists in Ford Service IN OSHAWA THREE - room basement apartment principal, interest and taxes { SPLIT-LEVEL | MO 8-2478 !months old, seats nine or sleeps five. Sxiras, Can be financed. Write Box self + contained. One child welcome. | . 18a, Wondertul for family, trips and camp. J Times. 187t| and parts. Wheel alignment, Two-bedroom Jui, ro 1 Hot water heated. 472 Drew Street after APPLEHILL is 1ever.foom, i wd slepbosrd Sungaiow x Fairview |__ enn ------ ing. 32 miles to the gallon. 'Like new. D MOT whee! balance, with latest ie i ou! H mos: iscrimir gb r r 0f eux: , eX cally equipped "range, refr rive in y Si ple e d nating buye e town sedan, ex CRANFIEL (0) ORS type equipment, Newest type | | Once again we hove , three-piece bath, gerator, bamboo drapes, Yoni by the week, tile shower aa Don't miss seeing this 5- Roomy kitchen with dinette, dining room 10 x 12, living room cellent candition, eriginal 47,000 miles broadioom carpet throughout. bath, maid service. RA 3.4641 Genosha | room brick bungalow, all | 19 x 15V2 with fireplace. Three bedrooms, master bedroom LLOYD REALTY RA 10038, = -- a NY USED CARS | electronic tune-up equipment, ' '49 MERCURY sed radio, good con | Laundry facilities, lockers, Hotel a newly decorated. - Aluminum with 2-pc. wasnroom. Family.room with 2-pc. washroom. Alum ur > TV and parking. $95-$120 | MODERN three - room apartment. pul res ad serene Only'3 | ium storms and screens, Lot 85 x 150 $24,000.00 wit OSHAWA'S BUSIEST [dition $175 'or best "cash offer." Phone B-A SERVICE |50--Articles For Sale = information call J. A. |in cupbohrds anc On oth. Apply 513| years old. Excellent financ- $7,000.00 down | REAL ESTATE FIRM [i VAUXHALL wuper, 41000 miles | RAMBLERS, METROPOLITAN |i t uti ble. Bes g307. Daly, evenings. MO 8-4775. |picimond Street East ee] ing. 5% NHA. mortgage | ppuppyial FARMS ACREAGES BUSINESS Bone Ha Saw MORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY | GE dubia sid one since bed with I eel | f -- S - y 6. and one $50.82 a month, principal OPEN: EVENINGS 4 CHEV. 00d a is o RILEY SALES AND SERVICE |springs. Phone RA 3.317. it A) SCHATZ LLOYD REALTY and interest. Possession in COMMERCIAL : u ae , TTRETT outhoard mi 3 ne | RENTAL AGENCY | 30 wy For more informa. | : . 1880 ONE OF THE oe JIETEOR, 4 oor Nia . MERCEDES BENZ RA 5.2035, 254 Kaiser Crescent. 187a REALTOR and | Our fee is less than o va BETTER ONES tion; °55 Oldsmobile, Holi door {BABY carriage, in A-1 condition; alse GENERAL INSURANCE ry. Only screened ond re: READY TO MOVE IN -- Well built, spacious, seven-room, | Excellent N.H.A. Resale with |hardtop, -automatie, = pow . D.K.W. FIAT |trilight. Phone RA 5.3813, 167a | Hl tenants LUCAS PEACOCK! brick, two-storey home. Just five minutes walk to the North garage -and completely land- radio, heater, whilewsl) wes; ow {ENAMEL laundry tubs, complete with WHITBY--MO 8-3337 ! io: . R ji 0 y G1 GM Plant, school and store: Must be seen to be appreciated scaped lot, fenced-in, with [fred Sondit i en ay Authorized Sales & Service |taps, trap, etc. Phone RA 5-3858. 183 | Lloy ealty (Oshawa) d : ie 3 " 8 . 4 PO CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $26.66 OSHAWA--RA 5-8461 101 Simcoe St. North REALTOR INSPECTION INVITED -- In good condition, location and will good sized kitchen and din- Motors, Dundas and Centre - Streets, ANDY NAGY'S OUIFTP = Shiy 305%. 184+ i o inu in -4793, 1883 This cludes full size erib, spring, 3 3 3 ofitab ey : 3 ing room, aluminum storms | Whitby, MO 8-4 } s RA 8-5123 RA 5-4 0 t make you a good home and a profitable income. - Five rooms ond screens, and: doots, patio. BODY SHOP | atisess i bumper, pads. Unde. down for the owner and ao three-room apartment upstairs , : 188a | Don't miss this one 'with BUYING OR SELLING SEE 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 |ishings, 424 Simeoe St 8 that rents for $72 per month. Price $12,900 | 9 [Fri y TET a. | freee ee eee only $1,500 down, carries | -- WHITBY CLASSIFIED Temas | SUT peau -- se oo mem rons | SS meio | TED CAMPING [TT orgy La SEMI HE | s 0" OF terest, princi nd taxes in- | 2 , nf ve | in popular North end location. Many special features ond erest, p pal and | RA MOTORS [MOVING rooms. Everything must be | { extras are included in the price of $21,500. N.H.A. financed cluded. Coll Bill Millar, id at sacrifice price; also '49 Olds. 6 ROTO-TILLING, garden: lawns. | B 0 L A H 0 0 D 8-5123 | CONVERTIBLE | cylinder, 567 Shakespeare Avenue. Tost ROOMS, I ouskeepiod A | Darate: sauce Oshawa: RA 82306 LIMITED THIS IS IT -- A perfect place for the large fomily. One and o £07 KING ST, cri SHAWA '52 METEOR | MOFFAT, completely automatic, heavy with sll Sunven ences. App! 186e en TT = | REALTORS INSURANCE half storey clapboard home with large kitchen, living room, DUPLEX fos gos of Wilsen, 78 { duty range, in good condition. RA 8.0127 OY sisi tmimesnnesss v JLTRY also feathers wantec ! o . Y 3 > b ke oscib - es. 5- | FOR RENT -- room, in ow bungalow, [Highest market pric A. Phone col- | fous 2 0d Sized liedsooms, Wo bsthioms ond. @ possible tec $1,000 DOWN ESO PE BL SE) $300 = orth, Whitby. 188¢ [lect MO 8.3486, Whitby Sept.14 169 SIMCOE S regtion, room: i9 for only re $11,200 PULL PRICE The Supreme ' ci . | : 1 | -- one or two Iarge fur |Top GALE -- Electric typewriter OWNER OCCUPIED = Two and half year, three-bedroom, brick For rental location and price 4 o 1960 T.V.'s nished bedrooms each with attached Remi ngton, exc condition, $195; RA 5-6544 bungalow in popular Apple Hiil district. Has Hollywood kit- Joo can't beat. This 7-room SUNBEAM RAPIER ! BEST OFFER ARE NOW IN STOCK bathroom. One reom his covered ver- 1. cAMera : Ml cf? lens home with | . . a in: of? : garage, p Sat andah, new house. Apply 1736 Dufferin > 500 shutter, LVS lightmeter, case, | chen, living room, two fireplaces, recreation room and four- d | ertormance and ety J igh r h separate meters for 3-room | Reliability RA 8-6412 SEE THEM SOON AT | | Street, Port Whitby. 188c $150. E. A. Rowe, MO 8.5831 | piece tiled bath. Monthly payments only $89 including Prin Endurance, = ee Sr : 5 - ANY F : apartment upstairs and 4- ' TOE Ss Br ei (notte, none, xn S00 2] WERE in the unr now | on meet ond Tene om opariment down. See | NOW ON DISPLAY--_ | 4 CEINAST | PARKWAY Be ie LyX hm 'to| with a great big house and WOULD YOU MISS THIS ONE? -- Six-room, two-storey, brick | this home before you invest! [WELLMAN MOTORS LTD.|™ SEE THE nw TELEVISION | - erie | police station FOR RENT -- Six roomed self con- Freddie usco at Hurley's Restaurant.| property, This is your dream home in popular North end section. Only five minutes walk Coll Dick Young, RA 8-5123. { NONQUON ROAD--RA 3.4431 tained apartment. Phone MO 8.3785. This i§ very important. Thank you. 187b| go" oy ho ith to North Simcoe School, Northminster Church and bus ser gs 91 N RT 187b | -- i | a four-bedroom home with A A Ra TA BEAUTIFUL SABYAN MOTOR VOLVO | 8 SIMCOE ST. ORTH | a ~-------- |BRICK, block and general cement| modern bathroom. A beauti- FOR SALE -- New home built trail. C 3 4 $600. Awply 630 Brock Work. For free estimates call P. Wol- ful new school for your child 0) ARBOUR COURT | | poly rock i ters, MO 8-2294. Sept, % y i AND Rossland Rd., Gibbon and | SALES LTD The sensational Swedith LES EVENISS | ? in { ren. This magnificent loca- eh bi GAS, st il, fuel ofl. Wholesale and| ip tilt tamil A FOR RENT -- two - bedroom apart- | i stove ofl, fuel oft. Lambert ofi| 1ion offers you a hard sur- |' OWNER LEAVING CITY -- Locoted on Harmony Road North Nioigen & alec, mage Sn STUDEBAKER. VOLKSWAGEN | Bui lm y "Sor Bi SALES LTD ment, central location, inciudes stove f d h 0 ALAR _StOVe ico. No. 8 Brooklin, Omt, ace road right to your door Three-bedroom, custom built bungalow with kitchen, dinin terator, TV. outlet, balcouw Aug. 5 to Sept. 5] Coll Bill Ratcliffe i . i ' : iy Msirhe '9 these new homes. All N.H.A. SALES and SERVICE | American and European | RH : Je immediste grea ond ponelled living room, Freedom of financing. Don't | inonced,' starting of "$13, 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH | speed, economy ond endur ALUMINUM ret ee SEPTIC "TANKS cleaned the sanitary| ly at RA 5-6544 ' TA help Tequired -- 390 toot ie A ta leq. Walter a y | delay : 950 full price and carrying OSHAWA ONT { - ance contests AWNINGS y oN y-Friday, & Jos. 9:30 pum, Monday-Friday =F 3 Chemet wen. vrs Mo'e263, | $11,100 FULL PRICE LOVELY SUBURBAN HOME -- Forget the hot weather ond | for os low as $74.00 per TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 NOW ON DISPLAY AT CHIE. on [Brosk" Sirest Sou x NEW--NEW-_NEW enjoy the cool breezes from. the huge maple tree that stands onth, interest and principal. - WILBAK MOTORS DOORS, WINDOWS, SCREENS CUSTOM FIREPLACE CCESS 5:30 p.m 'FOR RENT -- three - room apartment, } Featurin Glido 5:30. = _ 0 Nr 5 Rie 5 s» proudly in front of this five-room brick bungalow with 9 dorama win- FOR SALE = Vaal 5 Beat" tna" hydro, Mo" 8.5706. on) nly Jew of these new forge kitchen ond oHtached garage. Just ome look: and youll | dows, and excellent work. FOR THE FINEST sharp, sr s HA. " payments or low trade. Can be seen 100 full price. Carries for . f 3 Ok Vic" call Lloyd , FORD - RENAULT . CHRYSLER STR frees pi Te | GRADING --EXCAVATING | $59.00 month, interes: and ios mo wentioned. Stop locking. This 4 « god or | BN, Hiv Comm, RA PRODUCTS. . . 137 X00 Siac win RA 5.4632 _-- Se he ++ TRUCKING | principal combined. 6 rooms, | : RA 5-0732 hn pay a i I brick construction, divided SPOTLESSLY CLEAN -- You'll be proud to play host either in Lloyd Realty Ltd Van Heusen ere TT Automebies Wanted | want to be the proud owner of this home that has many manship. For full particulars, REPAIR SERVICE ON | Authorized Dealer is PRINCE STREET MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3-25 | Send, Gravel, Fill, Top Soil = | " ' ' basement, modern kitchens, the large living room or the finished i Realtors LEX 0 HENRY, General Contractor, | ' . 3 le | recreation room with h 149 King West | Repairs, Alterations, por con M. O. CRAWFORD, with exhaust fans, 4-pe. tiled built-in bar in this spacious, six-room, brick bungalow that 10] Simcoe St. N RA 5.3557 ye LAN MORE 0 TIotkers want HARLEIGH' S try BA S48, Pickering 3721; bathroom, 3 bedrooms, sod- hos many special features. Reasonable priced at $18,500 LIST WITH LLOYD | ri Or teking, Highest prices paid, ded fronts, many mo X~ c THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | . GRAVEL & FILL LEN DeGEER, MO 8-3417 | tras; located fo ER EXCELLENT INVESTMENT BUY -- Variety store in protected .188a|45--Real Estate For Sale HIGHEST PRICES WAREHOUSE district near children's park. Fast turnover for better thon Sept.12| ping centre, West of Steven- Driveway Gravel' $7 per ocd | -- . --=| sons Read at King West. To $75 weekly net profit PAID FOR CLEARANCE Cement Gravel, $1 60 [IF YOU CAN' T BUY : fripact phone. now for Jack NEED MORE ROOM? -- It so, 'see this seven and o half room STILL THE BEST VAL | Bood ciean care. Trade yp or ppleby at 5-6544 home which includes kitchen, living and dining room, thrée | down. Liens peid off, per yd RENT $900 DOWN $900 bedrooms, tamily room, laundry room and four-piece bath- DODD MOTOR SALES SA LE E 0s < : ; For Delivery Phone | : room. Nicely decorated 'and landscaped Just' listed, be the ) | 'Qutboare Motors, 3, 8, 77s, | You wanted o resale with first to. inspect . HOMES BUILT BY BANFIELD 314 FARK £0.13 Odds ond Ends ERIC BRANTON 10, 14, 30 hp. Boat, Box | beautiful landscaping, alum. : RA 3.9421 8 Sone 1 ' . 5 Cupboards, Flooring, Arbor- and Cabin Trailers; Tents inum storms and screens al Es on mi ipmen ready installed ome | DESIGN -- CONSTRUCTION en LOCATION ite alnu 00. a= MO 8-2660 RE fg RGR Ristow & Olsen |" 5 & 6 ROOM, N.H.A. FINANCED MACKIE MOTORS | £5 : throughout. One look af Anti Cha r | Boats; Lawn ond Garden : Will bi dd ntique irs OR aL PAINT Equipment, Cement Mixers Ws Pome: will convince you REALTORS PLANNED FOR THE MODERN FAMILY | pay off liens. Sell on consign: Wed, July 27th -- 1 pm. iscellorieous ools, etc, C 0 Tor | | cal oreo Ou Phe Bl meas or coh : CONTACT | ment. Trade up or down. | .? om. Tuts, July 28th DODD & SOUTER Wilde Rental RA 5.8544 Rey Lothangue, RA 5.6165 Ben Hil BA Saai? NEW LOCATION | 121 McMillan Drive Paint 8 Wallpaper Store Service and Sales Open Evening Poul Ristow, RA 5.3412 : HOWE & MILLEN REAL ESTATE KING STREET EAST Corne: Colborne St. W 1415 Dundes East, Whitby Members of Oshowe and 107 Byron Street South istrict Reo tate ' | 19 ATHO | ormerly Varcoe's Drive-In ve 45 MO 8.3225" | Pee boom, | le ST. WEST OSHAWA | 67 KING ST. E. RA 57732 | "RA 5.5743 | (Coutowes en Page 2

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