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The Oshawa Times, 13 Aug 1959, p. 22

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ereign's lord high commissioner | FUTURE UNCERTAIN Miss Canad a Chur ch Loses EE ki THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 13, 1959 22 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | (Continued from Page 21) = |erroneously Aug. 5 that "all of |Canada's 18 governois - general so far have been Anglican. Lord Tweedsmuir and Lord Aberdeen were the exceptions.) The Marquis of Lorne, gover Yvon Durelle Dazed Pageant In 'Regal Patron SO--Atticles For Sale [SO--Articles For Sale Bartholo- member of St. Bartholomew's OTTAWA (CP)--St. ONE five foot used bath tub, one china basin, one used toilet. Phone RA Sail 18f ADDING and subtracting machine, nand operated, eight columns, two vears old, valued $200, any reasonable ler accepted. RA 3-4117. 1u8f BROADLOOM "and pad, 9 x 12,|better than new. For Hod p puir [call RA 8-6451. Evenings RA' al), new. | ---- . : 1882 COUNTER 12 x 2 feet, suitable for light green, e new; two of drapes, large size, beige, like RA 35-0243. USED Gravity furnace, good conditicn, with oil burner and all controls. RA 3-2496 1 an TT house. Write Box 415 Oshawa Times ZENITH television, with space com- mand tuning you can control the volume from across the room, change stations, etc. Available at Meag- her's, 5 King Street West. ZENITH transistor radios now avail- - |camera, 18ge |] 5 HP Buccaneer motor, has never been used, sacrifice. RA 8-6891. FRENCH provincial occasional chairs, new condition. RA 8-1150. 187¢ DON'T throw away those old chester- |field sets and odd chairs. Call Modern Upholstering and have them re-made free estimates |recreation room or bar. Apply Agnew Surpass Shoe Store, Simcoe Street 187 |EASY chair with matching ottoman, electric guitar with amplifier, movie mirror geiger counter, deer XY we fix them! At Bill Muring's Garage. 1373 Simcoe Street North. HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Ci Store, 19 Prince able at Meaghers's an very r terms. Many new models now to choose from. Be sure to see the Zenith before you buy. Meagher's, 5 King Street West. RA 3-3425 os FOUR ladies' wear mannequins, as new, bust forms and tees, valued $500, reasonable. RA 8-0712. _ 18? IS your basement damp? Then try an Electrohome dehumidifier. Special offer, one week's free trial, Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe North. Phone RA 3-3043. Store will be closed on Mon days during July August, ELECTRIC rang Nn makes, com- (597 F Street. Phone RA 8-1131, B. F. GOODRICH Stores--tires, batter |les, Kelvinator refrigerators, television | Thrifty Budget pl. RA 5-4543. AIR compressors "Brunner," 5 HP Mod. H31, also 1 HP, Mod H3, sacri fice for half price. Threading all $175. Degreasing tank, l tomatic heaters, $125. compressors, piston type, ge, with au- Portable two cylin ders, gasoline engine 8 HP, like new, | $60. Jointer 8-inch, 2 HP, new. Apply Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. RA letely reconditioned. 90-day warranty, (5.9216 o Bond from $39.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 lers sagged and his eyes avoided | |the crowd. He was dazed and] After Defeat By MARVEN MOSS him to fight in the heavyweight Canadian Press Staff Writer |He really had a tough time mal: does Yvon Durelle go from here? more so than the last fight." deeper than the sting of the|Durelle. blows he absorbed when be muffed his second chance at|NO PLANS Archie Moore's light-heavyweight| title. (t He bounced into the ring smil- ing and confident, Canada's hopes for a seventh world chan- pion riding on his broad should. ers. ai : 5 1ater-- ve ee are fro Ted Doncaster of Sackville tery a second time--his should-[N.B., Moore's sparring partner But nothing was certain N.B., land see." The fisherman's anguish Wed-| A reporter asked Shaban whal| The champion said the 85-do- [Preliminaries nesday night apparently went far|were his . immediate plans fer gree temperature in the forum| Queen of talents, chosen by the "I don't know," said the Mon:- storekeeper shaking | his head. "We'll just have to walt He said there was talk of a ro-/him away until the 11th." match with South Africa's Mike : Holt for Durelle's British Empire HAD TO END EARLY ititle. And a challenge had come] Shaban said he and Yvon will | probably return to the Maritimes machine, electric, range from % to 2-inch, for ads, with complete set of dies, air discouraged. For the 29-yeaf-old from Bale Ste. Anne, N.B,, the defeat obv!- ously carried a feeling that he {had let Canada down. And that hurt far more than Moore's stil fest punches. | UNWILLING TO TALK tonight and any decision will he |made there. | Meanwhile across the foruia {the old ringmaster Archie Moore [stalked jauntily into his room, |calmly accepted the hand-shakes {of "well-wishers, and annoupred a {$1,000,000 offer had been cabled | | | | i Second Day | .|_ "He hit me with a vicious let, HAMILTON (CP) -- Nine di- -/hook to the body in the second |ferent talents were demonstrated MONTREAL (CP) -- Where|ing the weight for this one--even round. But I counter-punched and Wednesday during the second regular vice-reg {hurt him just as bad." {night of the Miss Canada contest] | was "a blessing." He said that seven judges, was petite Darlene jin his first meeting with Durelle Hirst, from Willowdale, Ont. She [last December he went into the sang the Habanera from Bizet's {ring cold. Carmen "That's why he tagged me The bathing suit trophy winner learly and 1 wasn't able to put was Rosemary Keenan of Roth- say, N.B. This brings the total number of "But this time I was warm trophy winners to four. . right from the start. When Yvon Tuesday night Anne Marie '|started slugging the way he did Clarke, of Galt won the talent '1 knew the fight was going to @ward and Hamilton's Friedel end early. It did. But I was Neumann the bathing suit com- {geared to go from to 15 petition rounds anyway." | Norman Henry, Moore's secre- |tary, said he was sure the 4i- one During the preliminaries the [23 contestants are divided ino | two groups to compete in the {mew's, an unobtrusive little Ang-|COD: lican church near Government gregation. These were from when Lord Aberdeen was gover- Duke of 1893 to 1898 was nor-general from 1878 to 1883. another Scot, son of the Argyll, chief of the House, soon will be without ainor.general, and from 1935 lo{Campbells. However, the records first time in 19 years and ing the royal coat-of-arms, haie|---------- Wo LE DOVER! OSHAW been reserved at the front of the 1250-seat church for the vice-regal | |party ever since Lord Monck, {Canada's first governor-general| |after Confederation, laid the cor {nerstone in 1868 More often than not the seals have been filled. In all, 16 gov-| lernors-general have attended S).| Bartholomew's regularly The appointment effective Sep' | 15 of Maj.-Gen. George Vanier, a| {Roman Catholic, as governo™ | |general recalls only two previous the reigning so/ al patron for the 1940 when Lord Tweedsmuir held show that he worshipped at St. { 1] y ; for| the post. Both were Presbyteri-| Bartholomew's jonly the third period since 1867. ans and each on separate occa |wife Princess Louise, Queen Vie- Three pews, one of them bear- sions served as along with his -'toria's daughter. DRIVE-I terms during which the Queen s| representative has not been a three categories -- bathing _-- evening gown and talent. The other classifications--per- sonality and poise--are Judged | privately | Tonight's finals will choose lyear-old belter from San Diego, | |Calif., would win "as soon as I| {saw what kind of fight Durelle |was making." {| "Yvon wanted a slam - bang The first balloon tires were i troduced on U.S. cars in 192 Last year the tire and tube dustry increased its investment in daily newspaper advertising TONIGHT - AT REGULAR PRICES! Cast of THOUSANDS! Cost in MILLIONS! | TENTS, camp cots, camp stoves, sleep. | Durelle refused to talk to any- to Sweden's Ingemar Johansson battle. This gave Archie a big PAINT. interior. exterior, $2.95 galion,|\E Dass, tarpaulins, dunnage bags,|one for half an hour after enter-|for a heavyweight title match. ledge. With his bog - and - weave . . » F | : | : : " 3 all colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osh. Tonals, Han Hardware, 8 Chureh ing the dressing room. He came| Moore, dripping sweat heavily style Archie can tease a guy to awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church/ 0 {through the door quickly, re-|{in his white ring robe, was un-|make him miss. And meanwhile Street. RA 3.7624 ELECTRIC ozo Savice depot, cut moved his ring robe and walked marked. But he fingered the he scores with his punches Moors i0p Juuiiipsses, 52 ool) a |electrie razors. Meagher's, 5 King St.|silently to the shower room knuckles on- his right hand gingi-| Former lightweight champ on ar welt, | West. ___ an | His co-manager Chris Shaban erly while talking to reporters. |Bob Montgomery was among the Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe [LAWN Cruiser power mowers, only offered no excuses for the defeat "How'd that happen Arch?" first to congratulate Moore in the Street South five oot lo be cleared out at cost. Byt he said: "I don't think someone asked dressing room Ee illtop Snack Bar, Highway 2. between | : Loc pot ) an] "Rwent i ALUMINUM windows, doors, railings | Oshawa and Whitby Yvon should ever fight again iv Why don't you ask Durelle Sweet as can be, Arch, sweet Average window 319.95 complete. Ca the light-heavyweight division." |quipped Moore grinning. as can be," said Montgomery '"He's a big man with big bones| Archie said the Canadian "Yah, it sure was." laughed RA 5-7405 USED television sets, 17" and 21", com - |pletely reconditioned. Free 90-day war. ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, he ' A Kea completely reconditioned. 90-day free 'an, OP Jaber and parts. [rvine Ap-iand it would be a lot easier for(him only once. Moore warranty, from $69.50. Irvine Appl. |PL2nces. ond East ba -- nm nn er om ------ via hint ances, 50 Bond East | BENJAMIN Moore's Moorcraft profes BD " fonal exterior paint in white, $6.75 a E y i , air matresses, | ® propyl B picnic cool. | gallon; also 2000 colors in exterior or vf interior to choose from at Edgar's e d lanterns. Best prices. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West {Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King West. | 185¢ Vv UUM clean repairs, all makes, | - - - -. ACUUM eleancr rer SELL your livestock in "The Farm parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- ; . . rebui hines. Estimates free |6I'8 Column', Classification 26 in the {eed rebuilt machines mates {Want Ads. It's where interested buy Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv ers look, Dial RA 3.3492 now. ice. RA 8-1081 anytime | Jobst. AWNINGS, plain, colors, or BARZAINS of a life time! ! Serta stripes, prompt service, Free esti.|SPring-filled mattresses, regular $19.95 mates. Order now for early delivery|--three only, $22.50 Apartment size Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412|chrome suites, Arborite table and Simcoe North, matching chairs, regular $59.95 sul - - -- |seven sets only $2995 Car bed baby LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 25; (carriages, $28.50 "ontinenta beds. | 18 in. deluxe mowers, just arrived for single size, complete $27.50. GE floor| our huge sale, regular price $90.75, our polishers, regular $49.95 slashed to] low low sale price only $50.95, This is|$36,95. Fabulous savings during the a genuine discount of 36 per cent. Don't liquidation sale Wilson Furniture, 20 be disappointed Hutpy ut 1 the Hil: [Chureh Street | n Wa, etween am ---- - - Se RA. 8-6891. [SEE the spectacular mew Buccaneers! | Oy, [3 to 35 hp with two starting models. ¢ x 9 RUGS--$49.05 value--now being Come in and chonse yours now. Trade cleared out at $29.88. Wh hey last! land terms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe |at Verdun Road this year's queen out of the 10 best entries in the three categor- ies BOGUS PRODUCER PUTS ON AN ACT PANAMA CITY, Fla (AP) The hunt is on for a bogus television producer who staged pain -- quite an act here | The man | BIG MANOEUVERING beach might elu, Diane Siert 170 U.K. Newspapers Swallowed By Groups 2. Left the girls holding a $40 | charter fee for a gulf boat trip By JOHN MILLER The fourth deal in the industry ink caused by sympathetic LONDON (Reuters) More came in July when Roy H. Thom- strike among the ink workers than 170 British newspapers, son, 65-year-old Canadian mil- BRIGHT SPOT East. by 11.7 per cent over the previ: {ous year. The MIGHTY SAGA OF THE WORLD'S MIGHTIEST Man! COMING CCA hut COMING COMING fa RESPECTFUL W PROSTITUTE ® 1 REEVES EASTMAN COLOR by Pathe and in DYALISCOPE ! PLUS MORE THRILLS IN COLOR! PHIL CAREY in "RETURN TO WARBOW" BOX OFF'CE OPEN AT 8:00 -- SHOW STARTS AT DUSK CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CART a Sure, we never lost a war... but we never had an officer like him before! VISTAVISION A Paramount Release Regular Car, Truck Checks For Ontario? TORONTO (CP) Ontario's cars and trucks--more than 1,| 500.000 in number--may be sub- | jected to regular. compulsory fit- ness checks. An official of the transport de- | partment said Wednesday that mobile and permanent units would cover the entire province to provide the service if a plan AT _ | being studied by the department is adopted A recent safety check run by| a private organization reported| an '"'alarming'" number of ve- co-slarming DINA MERRILL TODAY 1:30 - 3:25 - 5:25 - 7:30 - 9:35 72 of re-conditioned LARGE n Television, 918 Sim- TV's at Parway coe Street North. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- ture Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South awnings, 50 El per: BOATS, motors and trailers. New and used, Easy terms at Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West, Oshawa. NO PAYMENTS ON ALUMINUM DOORS & WINDOWS UNTIL FEB. Ist, 1960 DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 377 SIMCOE S. RA 8-1651 NEW COLOR CARTOON TRAVELOGUE IN COLOR eo SPORTLIGHT 3. Duped a motal manager into turning over his private suite to him for five days 4. Passed a $187 bad cheque to pay the motel bill. The girls said the man told them he was here to prepare for a series of films. He also promised them a spot on a na- tional TV program. The first film to be made | magazines and periodicals have |lionaire, successfully bid for the A here, he said, would be cailed | been swallowed up by big groups |Kemsley newspaper groun An encouraging feature of the| yo "cant Take it with You vy press situation as seen. here at four deals in the last nine Already the owner of a Group n..c... ic that circulation has Street South. - _ |KROEHLER chesterfieids, Sofabeds | Months. : of newspapers and radio stations joc little affected by competi- 97s CUBIC ft. Kelvinator refrigerator and Sectionals -- all new floor samples.| The manoeuvring began in De-|in Canada and the United States tion from television. Many 1 for sale. 200 Gliddon Avenue. RA Reduced 20 to 40 percent. Save $40-8110|cember, 1958, when The Daily as well as of the Scotsman group |p ji ve ino » Many peop'e 53353. 185f) -- while they last! $10 down delivers. pp; newspaper group took of newspapers based ir Edin- elieve that the loss of advertis- GSED fires --mosi ali sizes, $3 up. | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe |ML[TOr newspaper group > spap i bv this INE revenue suffered in the early ul res; "ISt. S. Lowest prices guaranteed -- or Over the Amalgamated Press, burgh, Thomson gained by this 4 la B. F. Goodrich Store 4 . 4 ; days of commercial television 3 mee | YOUI money back. [which produced more than 70 deal three national Sunday news- |) 'o'p oo oo hed its peak NE Oe i Street after 4 p.m.|THREE rooms of furniture for only publications and claimed to be papers and a number of provin-| "a "ip hed 4s.p apply 184¢ $299. Pay only $20 down. This includes |ono of the world's biggest pub-|cial newspapers n the debit side, the national -- es ci amit 184) Chesterfield, bedroom suite, kitchen [OC AR " id ei hikes g 3 newspapers, which have an es HMoOLARY fwooven stove, four burn. |set, mattress, coffee and step tables, lishing houses. The price was : im timated 50,000,000 readers a day ers, two time clocks, 42-inch stove.|lamps, etc, etc. Guaranteed better £18,000,000 ($50,400,000) ALSO IN TV ; 0,000.00 a day, Phone MO 8-2638 anytime after 6 p.m. value than anywhere else! Barons'| mha next move came from He also runs Scottish Commer-| are spending large sums to main- paar TY | Lome Furmishings, 41 Simeve 81.5, |odhams Press Limited publish. 'cial- Television, which merged | tain circulation. The drop in sales ES he, Son Comes] |ers of two newspapers, The Daily With Kemsley under the terms of | Which threatened a few years ago n pet West om ITEXTRA!'! |Horald and The People, and athe takeover has been arrested, but little pro- [number of magazines including] The Thomson deal came at an gress has been made. . For a better buy on aluminum mya Weekly Woman which has anxious time for some British To some observers of Britain's storm-screen windows, flair- 13,000,000 readers. In March this newspaper proprietors. press giructure, the four deals ; 0dh d successful | The 1,200 proyincia' newspa- seemed to indicate that a need vent doors, porch year, ams mage a successiu imin.|for consolidation has bec offer for Hulton's Press, which/pers, whose numbers are dimin-| Suc aly as. Decome 8 railings, pre-fob cottages and al > 19 na. lishing each year, had b hard [potent factor in determining the then was publishing about 12 na-|ishing each year, had been nar (rature sf f te i 2 gorages, stone tex siding, call {tional magazines and four chil- hit by a prolonged dispute with uture shape of the industry. [dren's weskiles the Printe Trade Union which| To others, it seemed that the HOLODY » led to a strike by printers and | Prices paid showed that there {MAGAZINE MERGER the consequent non-publication of Still are people who believe that ALUMINUM At the same time, Odhams ac- many newspapers. Those who did Substantial profits are to be made quired the title and goodwill of manage to publish were only|from publishing newspapers and 30 Grenfell St, RA 5-2431 |Everybody's, a weekly magazine able to produce skeleton editions, [Periodicals Whitby, MO 8-4633 which Amalgamated Press had The nat ional newspapers, | - nu decided to close down. It was helped by air transport to the {merged with Odhams' own mag- more distant parts of Britain, are azine, John Bull able at the best of times to Odhams Press then bought, for compete to a considerable extent £12,460,000, the George Newnes with the local newspapers. The group of 57 publications after out- printers' strike, which stopped bidding The News of the World, publication of many of the local owners of the 6,700,000-circula- ones before it was settled, left tion Sunday newspaper of that the national ones virtually unaf- name. The News of the World fected, except for some reduc- bid £11,110,000. tion in size due to a shortage of SALES AND SERVICE | YOU'VE TRIED THE REST now TRY THE BEST Open Evenings FROM 12° CARTOPS to 21' CRUISERS SCOTT OUTBOARD ADVENTURE'S MIGHTIEST HERO LIVES HIS MIGHTIEST ADVENTURE! GORDON SCOTT - ANTHONY QUA SARA SHANE - NIALL MACGINNTS £3 FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries ond freezer. No down payment, For appointment (no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5-3709, co ve YOUNG MAN IN PRISON AJAX MARINE FOR WOOING RICH GIRL NO. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX, ONT SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance Terms. Open and veekends MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD BROOKLIN, ONT, PHONE 87 evenings $10 FOR YOUR OLD MATTRESS ON A BEAUTIFUL THER- A - PEDIC SMOOTH - TOP MATTRESS WITH A TWEN- TY-YEAR WRITTEN GUAR- ANTEE DICK BRADLEY'S FURNITURE DRIVE-IN FOR SALE--A quantity of late mode! typewriters, 3 a 4 years old. These have been replaced by new models and are in first class condition Price each, $75, an excellent buy for students, Phone RA 5.3375. These may be seen at the Oshawo Business Coll ege, between 8 and 5. COLONIAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS AND AWNINGS Manufactured in our Whitby plant. Before buying come nto our show room at 134 Simcoe St. S. and see our display or for 0 home dem onstration Oshawa RA 8-8571 FREE call ol ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL ALUMINUM 134 SIMCOE S., OSHAWA CALL 1266 AJAX 51--Swap and Barter |CEMENT finisher, table and skill saw, garden tractor, pop cooler, power mower, outboard motor, plumbing sup- plies and piping of all kinds, Chinn's, corner of Hillside and Park Road South 183 $2-=koge! Novices TENDERS Tenders are invited for var nishing beams and trusses in the Oshawa Children's Arena. Varnish material to be supplied by the Arena Commission Specifications for this con tract may be obtained from the undersigned Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Tenders to close 1:00 pm August 21st, 1959 BILL SMITH, Secretary-Manage:, Oshawa Children's Arena Commission | | | | TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY | ASPHALTING STREETS Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned until' 5:00 P.M., MONDAY, AUGUST 17th 1959, for Asphalting approximately one-half mile of streets, School Parking Lot, and School Walk in the Village of Brooklin. Work at School! be completed by Septem 28th, 1959 Further informatior ticular may be from Road | dent Lowest or any Tender necessarily accepted MURRAY ROBINSON Clerk klin | to ber and par obtained the Superinten- not Broo Ontario MERRILL ROSS, Road Superintendent, Brooklin, Ontario 187b 188¢c By HAL R. COOPER LONDON (AP) A poo young man who flouted the law | to woo a rich girl admitted the error of his ways Wednesday | but was sent back to simmes some more in the jail he en tered 28 days ago The thoroughly thwarted lover--27 - year - old Edward Langley, a truck driver without a job--learned - at the same time that heiress Dowsett, 20, has renounced him forever and sailed to Af rica to forget Langley was committed to Brixton Prison July 16 for con tempt of court He admitted he eloped to Scotland with under age Katharine in defiance of a judge's order obtained by her | father, Harry a wealthy ship builder The indefinite jail sentence was decreed by Justice Sir Harry Vaisey, who is on vaca tion. Seeking his liberty, Lang- ley came before Justice Henry Phillimore Wednesday, said he | was sorry for what he had done and asked to be set free. | Justice Phillimore declined. "This case," he. said, "ap pears to be one where love was tempered by considerations of finance--the squalid attempt of Katharine | a pemiless adventurer to marry the daughter of a rich | man. "I will adjourn this mo | tion until the first day of the next term, which begins Oct. 1, for Mr. Justice Vaisey to deal with it." A Katharine's father said the girl | now realizes that her romance | with Langley was a mistake. "She has made known to her father her firm resolve to have nothing 'whatever to do with Langley in the future," the solicitor advised the court. He added that Miss Dowsett sziled last Saturdav '"'of her own free will" on an African cruise to forget the whole thing. Langley had already ad- mitted that he was not, as he | had hinted, of noble birth, put the son of a British policeman living in Bombay; was living on money borrowed from friends in the London night club set where he met Katha- | rine; and had recently been living in lodging houses and paying the rent with rubber cheques. Under British law. persons found in contempt of court may be held in prison as long as the judge desires There is no appeal. 'Not So Gifte d Child' Challenge To Teachers HALIFAX (CP) -- Mayor Charles A. Vaughan challenged {Canadian teachers to meet the {growing problem of "the not so- gifted child" here Wednesday in an address to the Canadian Ccl- lege of Teachers' second annual meeting Mayor Vaughan said there is an increasing number of pupils mentally incapable of proceeding 'beyond grade six. Many of them eventually become social and welfare problems Mayor Vaughan said seleClive labor practices now eliminate many persons who 20 or 30 years ago were absorbed in general ia- "Steps to meet this problem," he said, "are the responsibility of those in education." PHILOSOPHY DEFICIENY Earlier a Winnipeg school prin- |cipal said the lack of consistent philosophy is Ition's greatest weakness Sybil Shack told delegates the| weakness is most apparent at the classroom level. If there is to be |a real teaching -or permanent learning, it must be on "a rea- sod, organized meaningful tasis,"" she said liss Shack doubted if there were many teachers who would question the perfection of dem- ocracy or point out virtues of cer- |tain aspects of communism in Itheir classes. on | solicitor representing | Canadian educa- | NOW PLAYING COLUMBIA PICTURES presents Stripped for action-- 'Geared for glory! «JODY LAWRANCE gilbert Roland Kieron Moore - George Tobias seroen Play by ROLAND KIBBEE arg FRANK DAVIS - Produced by HAROLD HECHT TECHNICOLOR ON THE SAME PROGRAM (cost ROMANCE! THRILLS! ROGUES of: SHERWOOD |} of the Son of yo" Here's all that goes on bh behind the greasepaint and glamour, the lions and the clowns, and the roaring crowds! The giant movie that captures all the thrills and loves, | suspense and intrigue of the biggest show of all! THE DEATH-DEFYING TIGHTROPE WALK ACROSS 3 NIAGARA FALLS! FoREsT Screen Play by GEORGE BRUCE Directed by GORDON DOUGLAS Produced by FRED M. PACKARD 7 VICTOR MATURE KATHRYN GRANT RED BUTTONS VINCENT PRICE SPECIAL PRICES for this Engagement RHONDA FLEMING . PETER LORRE Siding TODAY, |

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