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The Oshawa Times, 13 Aug 1959, p. 6

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1 KEDRON (Special) -- Efiza- Ea beth Davies, outstanding junior Welsh Junior Visits Durham Counties Clerk Gets Increase COBOURG (Staff) -- Mr. and Mrs. William Duncan, retiring superintendent Golden Plow Lodge, have been granted a pen- sion of $40 per month by the | Junior farmer club work is the principal form of entertainment | 4 i|farmer from the United Kingdom |for the young folk in the district ilhas been the guest of Durham Miss Davies hails from, she told {county junior farmers for the members of the junior farm past few days. Miss Davies, who groups here. Weekly meetings {hails from Pantrain farm, Pen-|are held from October 1 to ryhncoch, near Aberystwyth, March 31, and most of the meet- |Cardiganshire, Wales is an as-|ings feature lectures on farm |sistant scientific technician in bi-|and home subjects. ology and 'cystology. | According to club leaders, Miss She lives on the farm, but/Davies is extremely well inform- works in an agricultural stationled on all matters agricultural, |which specializes in the produc- and is particularly well versed tion of new strains of grasses,|in pasturage and grain produc- United Counties council. Counties Clerk Ken Symons has |been granted an increase in sal- ary of $500 per annum retro- active to January 1. OFFICERS AT CAMP COBOURG (Staff)--Capt. T. C. | | Manuel and Major T. R. Wil liams, officers with the 38rd Medium Regiment (M), and em- : [ployed at 26 COD, are attending the RCOC National camp at Ste.! |grains and clovers. The farm, which includes 90 acres devoted to dairy and mixed |farming, and about 110 acres {which grazes about 300 mountain Isheep, is located about 80 miles [north east from Cardiff, and |about six miles from the Irish Sea. Miss Davies arrived in Canada | with three other juniors from the | United Kingdom to make a tour. |She visited Timmins and saw the |gold mines, a lumber camp and paper thill before proceeding south for visits to Oxford, Wel- land and Simcoe counties. On arrival in Oshawa, Miss Davies was met by Eleanor | Mountjoy with whom she stayed tion. "I love Canada, and I am com- ing back," she told club mem- bers, She is intrigued by the Therese, Que. Capt. Manuel is taking his| examination for promotion to the| rank of major Major Williams is | bright attire of the young men, | acting as public relations officer. | but fears the young men of the Some 200 militiamen are at-| farms in Wales are much too tending the camp. cervive samen wre Expect Layoffs G prefers the smaller meals At 26 CO Depot or DOU wi served at home. With her] COBOURG (Staff) -- "We have Tel. FR 2-3676 fellow juniors, she admired the known this war coming. It is the work being done by Rotary for|result of de: ed work at the crippled children in Ontario, and depot," said Colonel T. F. Slater| PORT HOPE thinks that Canadians are the when asked about rumored lay friendliest people she has ever|offs at 26 COD. | met. Fortv employees have been| | ih, ELIZABETH DAVIES The meals served in Canada appear huge to her. She says she for part of her visit. Sunday, she| accompanied Kedron junior farmers on the Durham county tour and annual picnic and ves i [per service: at Brock district park. She was guest of honor at an '"at home" with Jeannine Werry as hostess. : come we have met everywhere," | "I don't think that any of us|notified that they may expect to|the local UIC office. have been be laid off by the spring of next'in consultation with year. Slater. Employees affected are mostly | laborers, with some members of the office staff. were prepared for the warm wel . | Colonel Slater, depot command she said. ant, said that everything is being The party will visit 18 coun- done to find alternative employ: ties in Ontario before sailing for ment for personnel affected. A Britain again at the end of the representative from the depart: month. ment of veterans' affairs and] SUBSCRIBERS BN Little Theatre At Orono Fair By MRS. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE -- The enter-/do a play. |tainment committee of Durham| |Central Agricultural Society is sponsoring a drama festival of |one-act plays for the two fair| nights in September. James Dean, Toronto, will be the adjudicator. i | The plays will be presented by| |the following groups: Oshawa Little Theatre group, with "The| ALFIE SHRUBB SAILS Alfie Shrubb, 79, former | British cross-country and the world champion track star. | French, Belgian, Australian sailed from Montreal recently | and New Zealand mile cham in the Ivernia, bound for a va- | piénships. He was British ter, Oshawa, is also bringing an- other group. Peterborough atre group will present "Mrs. | Brute" by Chekor, Russell Flut-|$ Community The- Peted for annually. | Campbell Wallbridge, manager of THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 It you hove not received your Times, phone your carrier boy first. If yo. are unable to con- | tact him by 7:00 p.m. y FOR MISSED PAPERS It you hove not received your Times by 7 p.m. call group, Peterborough, each will A group from Orono will pres | ent "Lovely Miracle", The first prize is $40 and the| second prize $30. Non-wimming AJAX TAXI groups will receive $10 each PHONE A special award is being de signed for the best actor aw AJAX 333 actress. The committee is hoping tha | omeone will donate an award | for the best one-act play, and =| best director's trophy, to be com: I TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7-7:30 p.m. only Al calls must be placed before 7:30 p.m, | Tain Macdonald TU. 5-5737 # Colonel IM | Head Office: 2041 Avenue Rd, Toronto NOW..GAS HEATING AT Canada's LOWES This BRYANT deluxe "lo-boy" only FORCED AIR 5390 (REGULAR PRICE $625) COMPLETELY INSTALLED e 75,000 BTU Input! ® Will more than heet 5-room house (or smell 6-room) ® Price includes up to 4 hot air ducts © Price includes 2 cold-air returns (other necessary duct work at § cost price) For 6- or 7-room homes, 100,000 BTU size available at slightly higher cost. -- Special Price On Oil Fired Equipment Deluxe Model 98,000 B.T.U., complete oil burner and controls, package regular $350 a, 2h luis : GUARANTEED LICENSED INSTALLATION AT COST 250} CALL RA 8-6871, OR CALL TORONTO COLLECT HU 5-3513 -- Visit our showroom 9 to 9 daily. Saturday till 1 -- & AIR CONDITIONING SALES LIMITED Servicing Barrie, Ockville end Oshawe districts, cation in his native England. | champion for the mile in 1902 | He held the world's record for | and 1903. Mr. Shrubb, who | the one, two, three and four | lives in Bowmanville, Ont. is | ; : pis mile distances early in the cen- | making his 16th crossing with ough, will present "Courage, Mr | Gre : Green', tury Other trophies include the | Cunard. en Saints Drama Group, Peter- 3 | borough, and Knox Theatre BROOKLIN By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- In the absence Phoned Warning Of Flash Flood oe Bev, S. 3. Tlie, gy PICKERING (Staff) -- Reply- water rose two feet over the 14-| United Church was conducted by ing. to criticism from Pickering| acre pond in 10 minutes. {Rev. Albert Osborne, Lakefield. township council that no warning| Local residents said the water Guest soloist was Mrs. Milne of was given of a flash flood Sun- rose as quickly as during the Cherrywood with Mrs. Mathew day evening in the west branch|*'Hurricane Hazel" flood, though |Agar at the organ. of Duffin's Creek, Orville Wilson, the volume was not 2 Word was received from Rev owner and operator of Whitevale| Mr. Wilson said he did not pull | and Mrs. S. J. Hillier of the pass- feed mill said in an interview any stop logs in the dam until iting of his mother, Mrs, J. Hillier, Wednesday that he had personal- was apparent some of the water|il her 94th year, at her home in ly phoned Deputy - Reeve Mrs. had to be released to save dam. |England Aug. 7. Jean MacPherson at her home age to the structure. He then PAPER COLLECTION on the Valley Farm road. phoned his warning. A paper salvage collection will] Mr. Wilson said that he gave| Mr. Wilson said it would take be held Saturday at 1 p.m. by the the warning to Mrs. MacPher-|an hour at least for the water to|senior bops under Mathew Agar. | son's daughter-in-law, He said|get down to the second conces- Proceeds will be turned over to he knew that the MacPherson's sion from Whitevale, [the building fund. kept®a pump in the creek for Mrs MacPherson charged al bERSONALS i watering the livestock, and it Monday's council . meeting that] Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pilkey | would have been washed away.|the Metro Conservation author-| ended the Luke-McInnes wed-| Mr. Wilson also asked that the|ities had failed to give any|ging in Brantford Saturday. warning be relayed to the Sun/warning of the flood. There is| wp and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Valley Pool owners, just a short'an arrangement in -effect for|tamily of Solina, called on Mrs. | distance away warnings to be given during thew A Ormiston. | Mr. Wilson said he received spring break-up period Mr. and Mrs. E. Acton and| warning from Stouffville of the| Jenny have returned from a 2 g flood, and he kept & y M 1 d the) gen Sp his mill ® AJAX REPEALS Si Lawrence Seaway. | i he > flood , the Dorothy Belyea, ton, | sid when the flood came. | WHE POLL TAX ves a wockens guest of Mr. and : AJAX (Staff Russia Reports Mrs. Sydney Lockyer. cil has repealed its tax On Galaxy Gas | Mr. and Mrs. Fred White left Saturday for a vacation at bylaw as a "nuisance." The [Georgian Bay, Temagami and! bylaw, passed eight years |Bracebridge, accompanied by| ago, has never been enforced (Mr. and Mrc. 'Mel Smith and to any extent, and not at all [family of Oshawa. | CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP)--| since Ajax became a town Alice Olver spent a few days | Harvard astronomers expressed | Councillor in Smith told |in Ottawa last week and attended] interest Wednesday in reports by| council the bylaw was ex- [the funeral of her nephew, O.! Russian observers of 18,000 - del pensive to enforce, and was gree temperatures in a dense nu-| inequitable as many people clelis of hot gas at the centre of the Milky Way The Hervard scientists pointed out that astronomers have for Clayton White. could be missed. The amount years heen exploring the galactic) Methusela'. St. Alban's Players, Peterbor- great Ajax coun- poll Ajax 426 BOWMANVILLE | 3-7282 MOSCOW (AP) Hungarian freedom fighters were cast as| Xan villain in a Hungarian film ver-| AYE. sion of the 1956 revolution shown | Kathleen Hilary of Toronto Ras which could be collected was Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alves nucleus. That is the centre of the Sunday after a trip to Graven- One astronomer said it has long C titi thé observations reported the John Mills -- connection - with Blackstock Approve Zone Nestleton; Glenn Larmer, Nestle Rae Hopkins Ma. togoning bylaw, as instructed by|Carnaghan, Blackstock; Arnold law .when the amendments were the contestants must show either | here Wednesday. Those whn| major objections were made at|fiélds entered this year were returned home after two weeks stay with Miss L. B. Mowbray. negligible, and the bylaw was | Ed Lee has been admitted to| in fact just a nuisance to |Port Perry Hospita everyone were visited by her sister, Miss | Milky Way svstem--a galaxy or 9 Milne, of Cherrywood, Sunday. cloud of some 200,000,000,000 - Mr. and Mrs. George Boake, stars, one of which is our own| I ]@ Iop June and Ralph arrived home sum. |hurst, Parry Sound, Collingwood | béen known that there is a strong and Beaverton radio source at the centre of our galagy. oy . EAU | One Harvard astronomer sai At Cartwright TIMES BUR S I | Russians might be new but, on ST 1 the sother hand, might only add| BLACKSTOCK The field AJAX new" facts about an object pre- Crop competition conducted 'hy viously known. Cartwright Agricultural Society Fair was judged by Russell Mor |rison of Beaverton recently. Prizewinners, in order of standing were: Harold Swain Bylaw Changes ton; Harry McLaughlin, Nestle AJAX (Staff) -- Council bas|ton; Roy Werry, Burketon; Law-| i giVeh third reading to a bylaw rence McLaughlin, = Nestleton; - hol which makes minor amendments |Roy McLaughlin, Nestleton; John| Russian ovie | the Ontario Municipal Board at a Taylor, Nestleton; Ralph - recent hearing in Ajax Larmer, Nestleton and Walter| 0 H g | The board said it would give|Wright, Nestleton. | n un arians| final approval to the zoning by-| In order to qualify for prizes, | made. a bushel or a sheaf in the g Councillor Elwin Smyth said/class at Blackstock Fair the town could be weil satisfied 29 with OMB ruling. Only threc| Mr. Morrison said that all the|.. vot the uprising were the! thé "hearing, and the OMB took very good: The score sheet show-| no.action to change the bylaw to ed a difference of only 10 points meet' the objection. The few between first and last listings changes made were only ------ L 2 . heroes The film storv asserted It was {loyal Hungarian army officers land reliable neasants who put| down the rebellion and the Rus-| minor and did not ater the by-| 70 AID U.S. STRIKERS [sions had little or nothing to do| law's' intent SYDNEY (CP)--Local 1064 of with it f Mayor William Parish said the the United Steel Workers of] There bylaw gives the town excellent America (CLC) voted here Wed-|of svmn; protection and residents can be pesd y to donate $1,000 a week to|tion of assured that residential areas/striking steel workers in will mot become commercialized. United States was a certain measure hv In the characteriza some rebel leaders but the the bulk of them were shown as iseedy, unshaven types. | 0 --- ; * Exactly As Illustrated KROEHLER'S NEWEST DESIGNS 9 and comfort, ONE A beautiful bedroom with beautiful savings -- 81.00 to be exact. finest. Flat cut walnut veneers used throughout, centre butt-matched on centre drawers. Pulls are plain rings in brushed chrome with edges high-lighted in copper . . trays and the mirror is guaranteed for 5 years. Yes, you can be confident with Kroehler -- your best buy for quality . . . style See the "Poise" beautifully finished in Shadow Brown Walnut, now on display Bed Nationally Advertised Reg. $399 Value! the NEW "POISE" Group KROEHLER 3-pc. BEDROOM Double Dresser . . . Chest . . . Bookcase Bed The "Poise" group offers modern functional styling at its . Backplates of brushed chrome. The 5-drawer chest is fitted with shirt dividers and pin Floor (Di

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