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The Oshawa Times, 13 Aug 1959, p. 8

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omen, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 13, 1959 Dial RA 3-3474 '(Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart Nelson of Campbellford, and the bride- groom is the only son of Mr. and £ |[Mrs. Wilbert Harris of Oshawa. THE ANNIVERSARY COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kemp Celebrate 50th Anniversary Residents of Oshawa for 43) years, Mr. and Mrs, Clayton| ried in Brighton, Ontario, on Au- Kénip, Courtice, were honored atigust 3, 1909, by the Reverend a garden party recently at their|Frank Ebersal, Baptist minister. home on the occasion of their| Mrs, Kemp, the former Mary golden wedding anniversary, To receive her guests Kaémp wore peacock blue lace spider of Brighton. Mr. Kemp is Mr. and Mrs. Kemp were mar- over silk with a corsage of pink|the son of Mrs. James Kemp of Colborne, and the late Mr. Kemp. Toles. The three-tier anniversary They * have three daughters, cake, topped with wedding bells, | ceptred the tea table. Mrs. Stanley Cook (Maudie), The honored pair were pre-\ap.c' james Barron (Audrey) and sedted with a purse of money np." Ropert Beatty (Velma), all and numerous gms ¢ the/lving in Oshawa. Another daugh- One of the highlights of the .. vrs 0B. Hooey, (Theresa) day was a telephone call from died in 1957. Mr. Kemp's 98-year-old mo her, ; . : Mis. James Kemp, who lives in Also inclded in their family are x. |17 grandchildren. Maternity Uniforms For Nurses Allow Several Months on Duty TORONTO (CP)--The sack is|Hospital, two nurses have oon] helping to make it possible for|tinued to work wearing the new| married nurses who are expect- (uniforms. "They look very neat | ant mothers to stay on the job./in them," a nursing supervisor $acks and other specially - de-| sald | signed maternity uniforms are| The new fashions have also n the United States and the couple are living in Oshawa. | béing worn by a number of nur- heen accepted at the Hamilton According to the supervisor of ing authority said the practice mirses at one hospital, the nur-\would have been frowned upon ses look "very neat in the new|10 years ago. find them comfortable. doctor's permission to work it While most hospitals don't "i helps us both. It eases that nerv- courage nurses to continue WOrk-\,,¢ waiting period for the woman hdspitals will keep them on if aj, » cha caid. doctors' permission is given. Some work up until the sixth | a | Hughena Hatfield EASES SHORTAGE one hospital said this helped Lorne Mollen Wed ease the current shortage of reg- "There's nothing wrong, they're Hatfield and Lorne John Wesley still good nurses," said an offi- Mollon, both of Oshawa, was cial at the Sick Children's Hos-|Solemnized recently at North- By allowing the nurses to con- Reverend H. A. Mellow officiat- tinue, the hospital had fewer D8 : staff changes. Some left for a| The bride is the daughter of duty after their babies were born. Springhill, Nova Scotia, and the The spokesman said she per-|bridegroom is the son of Mr. and sonaly did not like the look of Mrs. Ellis Mollon of Little Brit- two-piece outfits modelled from| The bride who was attended by standard maternity clothing. |Mrs. Joseph Dzugan as matron- A mother-to-be who is expect-|of-honor, wore a ballerina gown months said she thinks the uni-|feta with white accessories and a forms are a good thing. She ap-|Pink corsage pfoves of nurses continuing on| The matron-of-honor was in tah's office after working for sev-|sories. egal months in a hospital. Mr. Joseph Dzugan acted as At the New Mount Sinai Hos-|best man. work nights in the nursery. WORK FOR A WHILE The Toronto General Hospital| pyrmit the nurses to continue REGINA (CP) -- A four-in-one daty for '"'a little while. vaccine designed to immunize Some doctors want them to|simultancously against polio, figial. The nurses wear their reg-|tetanus, wow is being used .in ular uniforms Saskatchewan regional health At the Salvation Army's Grace|services. ses in Toronto hospitals. General Hospital, where a nurs- uniforms." The nurses say they| "As long as they have their ing during a pregnancy, most|ang fills a vital job at the hos- mbnth. istered nurses. The marriage of Hughena Ivy pital. minster United Church with the short period, then returned to/Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hatfield, the sack uniforms, but preferred|2in, Ontario ing twins in less than three|0f turquoise blue nylon over taf- the job. She switched to a doc-|{Pink taffeta with all-white acces- pital, the nurses are allowed to| The honeymoon was spent .i and St, Michael's Hospital both| POTENT VACCINE | wp said a St. Michael's of- diphtheria, whooping cough and MARRIED HERE RE CENTLY phen Vorobec of Frankfort and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Schadan of Belleville. The couple will make their home in Belleville. --Photo by Mary's Studio Married recently George's Ukrainian Church were Mr. and Mrs Schadan. Formerly Miss Nina Vorobec, the bride. is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ste- | at Alex |Snider, is the daughter of the Mrs./]ate Mr. and Mrs. Christopher |ant-Colonel J. Keiller Mackay, ie Friends Honor | Miss Ray Lee The Reverend Dr. D. M. Smith performed the double ring cere- mony. Mrs. George Nicholls play- ed the wedding music and Miss June Eason sang "Wedding Prayer" before the ceremony and "Because" during the sign- ling of the register. Given in marriage by her |tather, the bride wore a full- |length gown of white silk chiffon over net and taffeta The boul- fant skirt wos emphasized with a draped bustle back. The shir- red bodice was offset with hand- made alencon lace and tiny sleeves, with matching mitts. A crown of tulle petals entwined with orange blossoms held her finger-tip silk illusion veil. . She carried a cascade bouquet of "Better Times" red roses with white nylon tulle. Miss Barbara Smith was maid- of-honor, gowned in shrimp pink silk chiffon over net and taffeta. The bridesmaids, similarly gown- ed to the maid-of-honor, were Miss Carol Locke and Miss Gwendolyn Jacobs in lime green. Their waltz-length sleeveless gowns were fashioned with deli- cately shirred bodices with a softly cowled neckline dipping at the back and caught with two flying panels. They wore picture hats of matching color and car- Douglas Harris, Margaret Nelson | 'Exchange Vows, Wedding Rings t. John's United Church, Campbellford, was the setting for a wedding recently, when Mar- garet Ann Nelson was united in marriage with Douglas Wilbert Harris of Oshawa. The bride is the daughter of a 1adinl ried of white with white nylon tulle. Miss Alice Marie Nelson of Oshawa, niece of the bride, was junior bridesmaid, wearing a floor-length gown of lime green identical to the bridesmaids, with an open crowned headdress of matching color The flower girl, Miss Heather Nelson of Oshawa, wore shrimp pink, similar to the junior bridesmaid with matching open crowned headdress. They s With the new craze of head- bands or jewelry for the hair, don't you think these head- bands are very becoming and very attractive? They certain- ly have a cute and youthful CROCHET HEADBANDS look and personalized touch, a combination of three which can be done easily and inexpensive- ly. Would you like to have the easy crocheting instructions? Simply send a stamped, self- A addressed envelope plus ten cents for handling, to the Needlecraft Department of this paper, requesting Headbands, Leaflet No. C-P.C. 9935. carried miniature cascades of white glaidolas with white nylon tulle. Master David Lymer, nephew of the bridegroom, wa sthe ring bearer. Mr. and the ushers were Mr. Glenn| Nelson and Mr. Robert Lymer, both of Oshawa The reception was held in the church hall where the bride's mother received in a Romance Blue chantilly lace sheath and white accessories. Assisting was the bridegroom's mother, whn chose a beige chantilly lace sheath with white accessories. Both wore corsages of pink an white carnations. For the honeymoon trip to Florida the bride donned a Carih- bean blue antique silk shantung sheath with matching jacket with which she wore white accessor- ies and a corsage of "Dark Beau- regard" bronze pompoms. On their return the couple will reside in Oshawa. Out-of-town guests were pres- ent from Toronto, Sudbury,|/CLOSER LOOK St. Thomas, Oshawa, Port] Women could get a lot more Perry, Peterborough, Bowman-|from the fashion pages of mag- ville, Whitby, Norwood, Kingstonlazines, she says. Although they and Belleville, may not like the styles of the |particular dresses shown, women Good Taste and B EDNA BLAKELY Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP) When it comes to clothes, Viviane Wilcox, fashion editor of a national women's magazine says it's taste and not money that constitutes a well-dressed woman. She stresses simplicity. Her pet peeves include too much jewelry, fancy gloves and clear, plastic purses. "I can't understand why women wear fancy gloves," she said in an interview. "You never [see a model in a fashion mag- azine with them. It's the same with a matched set of jewelry Unless they're the classic pearls, a model never wears matching earrings, necklace and bracelet." PERSONALS | jean glean the current length of {skirts and other fashion trends. "They should look for the sil- houette to sec if the shoulders are wide or narrow, where the The Lieutenant - Governor of Ontario, the Honorable Lieuten- will attend the opening perform- ance of "The Heart is High- land" next Tuesday evening at Stratford, Ontario. The one- woman comedy - drama .is the creation of the Scottish actress, Lennox Milne who arrived in Montreal on Tuesday from the United Kingdom to give five per- formances at Stratford. Mr. Percy Skinner of Gagetown, New Brunswick, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Skinner, Thornton's road north. The Misses Irene and Gwen Pawson, Connaught street, have returned from a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia. En route home they visited cousins in Edmonton, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs, L. E. Bruso of Morrisville, Vermont, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Blow, Brock street east. Mr. and Mrs. Bruso are spending their alloted time with Mrs. Bruso's brother, Mr. Frank Gib- ney, who is recovering from a minor heart attack at the Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Adass of Troy, New York, spent last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rzany, Stacey avenue. Mr. Jerome F. McCartan of Huntington Station, Long Island, New York, and Miss Marie June Mrs. R. Stewart Nelson, ers, waist is and if the sleeves are huge or simple. Women look at sins, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reese, [the fashion pages but they never Beaupre street, and Mr. and Mrs. |Teally see them | Some women spend far too Jobu 1. Ryan, Oshawa boulevard| "one to lt se I |things perfectly instead of using ttle originality. A costume can Winkler of Smithtown, , Long Is- land, have been visiting her cou- ja li C -- $f M2. 0. Frank Sram co - ordinated with varying : {shades of one color. Others from a .trip to Vancouver and|® ol i p Victoria, British Colum bi over<do brightly colored acces 8,|sories. One or two flashes of a motoring west through the Rock-|cgior such as red is enough. ies and returning through the «There are tons of ways of United States. making inexpensive elothing look better," Miss Wilcox contends. Prior to her marriage to Mr. | Douglas Harris of Oshawa, Miss| EASY TO IMPROVE Margaret Ann Nelson was fetel] A dress may be improved by at a miscellaneous shower in|replacing fancy buttons with Campbellford given by Miss Bar-|plain bone ones. The machine bara Smith and Mrs. Russell|stitching on the bow of a blouse Hardy. In Bowmanville, Mrs.|can be taken out and the edges Robert Kent and Miss Gloria|rolled and stitched by hand. Gardner entertained at a shower |Cheap belts can be replaced with for the bride-to-be whose mother, enter- | tained many friends at a trous- Ay Geraldine Brady Guests at the School for Lead- | Feted Bride-Elect Ontario Ladies' Colleg:?, Cd Miss Geraldine Emelee Brady, Whitby, August 17 to 21, will in-| A i Es Chujo, le whose marriage to Mr. Kenneth ers will include the Reverend events. W. F. Banister, Mrs. Ernest E.| Miss Joan Fice was hostess at Long, president of the Dominion/a miscellaneous shower at the Board and Miss Ines Morrison of home of her sister Mrs. David Toronto. Haynes, Myers street. Those in |attendance were the girls from Mrs. Lincoln Elliott of Tweed |the credit bureau of Oshawa, who will act as receptionist at'several of whom assisted the the School for Leaders at Whitby [hostess in serving. next week, is the former Miss | Mrs. Gordon Hopkins and Mrs. Agnes Alger of Oshawa. |Arthur Smith were co-hostesses Earl Taft was best oo Makes a Woman Well-Dressed |adds, is for women to wear what ship student from Nagasaki, [Charles Edwards will take place: Japan; missionaries Mrs. A. Rus. in Simcoe Street United Church|: sell Graham, Central India: Miss|tomorrow evening, has been hon-| : Bessie French, Montreal. Spealk-|ored at several pre - nuptial | | . Seventh Day Adventist Church, | Not Money a good calf belt which can bel worn with many different outfits "You can save on hats too. By replacing sleazy veiling with good | veiling and removing flowers or| jewelled ornaments, a chic model So be made from a cheaper hat." Shoes, she says, are terribly important and should be the best quality that a woman can afford. She recommends a pair of basic opera pumps for every wardrobe. Clothing shouldn't be bought on impulse. It should start with a good coat, with thought given to every dress which will be worn under it. Miss Wilcox advises a good cloth coat instead of a cheap fur coat. It will cost less and look beetter for a longer time. The most important thing, she suits them. 'Bridal Showers For Myrtle Kozar Miss Myrtle Ann Kozar of To- ronto whose marriage to Mr. Ernest George Lukawesky will take place in St. George's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Oshawa, on Saturday afternoon, August 15, has been entertained at several pre-nuptial parties. : Mrs. George Lukawesky, the mother of the prospective bride- groom, arranged a shower. Mrs. G. M. Peters, Cedar street, Oshawa, entertained at a cup and saucer shower, A miscellaneous shower was given by Mrs. William Boyda at her home in Toronto. A rehearsal party will be held tomorrow evening, at the home of Miss Sonja Lukawesky in Osh- | awa. Miss Lukawesky will be one| of the bridal attendants at the] wedding on Saturday. i ks ; CATHOLIC Pictured after their wedding recently at St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church are Lois Wilma Mullen and Arthur Leslie Johnstone, both of Osh- awa. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest NUPTIALS Mullen, Easton, Digby, County, Nova Scotia, and the bride groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Johnstone, Carle. ton, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia The couple will live in Oshawa, Photo by Ireland Albert street. at a bridal shower held at the SOCIAL NOTICES " Mrs. Joseph Anderson, Col- Entertaining for Miss Marietta Ray Lee whose marriage to Mr. James Jackson will be solemn- ized in St. George's Memorial Anglican Church Saturday after- noon, August 15, were the girls from the Office Services, Gen- eral Motors, who arranged a din- ner party at the Cadillac Hotel, and presented their co-worker with a portable mixer, a ham- ENGAGEMENT |borne street east, entertained at Mr. Allan Mackay, Jr., of Osh-la miscellaneous shower and was awa, announces the engagement |assisted by her sister, Miss Jéan of his daughter, Donna Marie, to| Anderson, in serving. Mr. John Stanley Simpson, son of| Following the rehearsal this Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Simpson of evening, the bridal party will be Oshawa. The marriage will take entertained at the home of the place at St. George's Memorial | prospective bridegroom's par- Anglican Church on Saturday,|ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Ed-| PICKLE September 19, at 2 p.m. wards, Oshawa boulevard south. | mered aluminum cake plate and serviette Holder. | The Sewing Club, of which the {future bride is a member, ar- ranged a pot luck supper at the summer home of Mrs. C. A. Powell, Cedar Beach, and pre- sented her with a shower of kitchen gadgets, also a crystal plate and a white linen bridal handkerchief. Out of town guests included Mrs. A. D. McMaster of Zion and Mrs. Eric Mason of Bobcaygeon. Mrs. Ernest Reading, Masson street, entertained the wives of the officers and past masters of Temple Masonic Lodge when the future bride was presented with a shower of pantry shelf articles also a bridge table and chairs. From the Alta Guild of St. George's Memorial Anglican Church, the future bride received ia crystal cream and sugar on a tray. The building services of Gen- eral Motors office staff present- ed three settings of crystal and a set of salt and pepper, and carv- ling set rests. | Following the rehearsal tomor- row evening, the bridal party will be entertained at the future bride's parents' home on Elena street. | | HOUSEHOLD HINT | For a breakfast treat, surround baked apple with ready-to-eat cereal, sprinkle with flaked coco- 2 85 H+ nut and serve with milk, 75 KING ST. E. (opposite Genosha Hotel) | »~ JURY & SHOP Woolworth's FIRST Visit. Our NEW MODERN STORE Self-service and air-conditioned for your convenience and comfort. New, Colorful; Floral, NYLON DUSTERS Wonderful Value only 8.98 Harding ORLON HIGHBULK WOOL 33cea.0r 30r97- Back-To-School IVY LEAGUE PANTS Sizes 8-16 -- Guaranteed washable. 2.29 voir BOYS' | BOXER SHORTS ie pair SHOES FOR LITTLE GENTS Back-To-School Special EXCELLENT 2 9 # % VALUE Anniversary Special SOLID LEATHER LOOSE LEAF BINDER we sso now £3.88 SEE OUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL DISPLAYS PICKLES! PICKLES Sweet or Dill--obtain the famous LOVELL Pickle Mixture NO FUSS -- NO MUSS Just add the contents of the package and three tablespoons of salt to one gallon of cider vinegar, stir and dissolve. Mix cold PRESCRIPTION 011 INN CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. J PHONE RA 3-2245) OSHA STORE CLAVIV NIT NN [530 SIMCOE ST. 5. WA | "phone RaS-3536 SIN & WHITBY PLAZA Visit Our NEW LUNCHEONETTE DELICATESSEN AND BAKERY COUNTER Serving you with wonderful food made from Woolworth's world-wide famous recipes. a0 PEACH 43 SHORTCAK OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. FRESH PEACH PIE FRESH

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