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The Oshawa Times, 17 Aug 1959, p. 9

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rd Jordan And 'Arabs Send | She Osha Times Diplomats | CAIRO (Reuters)--The United |Arab Republic announced Snn.| |day it has resumed diplomatic: relations with Jordan. King Hussein of Jordan sev- ered relations = with President !Nasser's regime last summer when Nasser recognized Iraqi's revolutionary 'regime which had overthrown the Iraqi monarchy, Until the Julsevo't, Hussein's regime been federated with, that of his cousin. Iran's K' {Faisal, who lost his life in the uprising. . A foreign minisixy statement said the U.A.R. hag/appr-vegghe | appointment of former Jo n' {foreign minister Mohammes {Pasha Shareiki as ambassador fi Cairo. | Fatthi Radwan, director of the © IU.A.R. Arab affairs department, has been nominated as ambas- sador in Amman, (In London, officials welcomed the announcement. They said| Britain is anxious to restore rela-| VOL. 88--No. 191 OSHAWA, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1959 PAGE NINE at least 59 persons died during the weekend with lities attributed to traffic acci- | dents. ada continue to punctual | end leisure hours with dgath. 59 Killed In Canada Weekend By THE CANADIAN PRESS two miles south of St. Thomas, Traffic accidents across Can-|Friday might. week-| Mary Black, 16, of Pricevilie after a truck in which she was a passenger overturned near Dur- ham, 30 riiles south of Owen Sound, on Saturday. Alan Mackay, about 40, of Red Rock, after a car in which he was a passenger crashed near shows iolently fatal- A Canadian Press surv Twelve drownings, three Dominican Republic' Foreign | they exchanged heated words . ¢ Dominican | bean, which the conference 1s Minister Porfirio Herrera | at Thursday meeting of Inter- | Republic and Cuba has been Baez, left, and Cuban Foreign | American foreign ministers | blamed as one of the Minister Raw! Roa, right, as | conference in Santiago, Chile. ' causes of tersion in the C Friction between . | trying to ease. main {| "°C 'arib- | --CP from AP Boat Blast Beneficial Experiences Made In Bomb Shelter PRINCETON, N. J. (AP)-- 31 and didn't emerge until Fri- What's it like for a family of five day. I basen to spend two weeks cut off'from They said parents the world in a small fatomic got to know each ¢ bomb shelter? than ever and de Not bad, say Mi Mrs A. Powner. They and their three |. children went into a shelter July as piped in. The temper- ature ged from 83 degrees af the ceiling to 71 at the floor. Of their 38-gallon water supply, the Powners used all but 10 gall- ons. The clothing Mrs. Powner Burns Youth washed took a day and a half to PARRY SOUND (CP) Six dry since humidity was a prob- youngsters were burned Satur- lem. day night when a 16-foot inboard boat exploded and burst into flames The tank had with gasoline. and children bed the ex beneficial." the Powner just been filled When James 20, of Stoney Creek nine a spark an- ggered an explosion ing accmmulated fumes. Leckie suffered back burns. Margaret Joan Leckie of Burlino. ho suffered face, chest and arm burrs. is in hospital in seri- ous condition. st weight except Tory WORDS RECORDED The Pow and know i + Leckie, the Univ ersit French Press Free TWO MAIN PROBLEMS Powner, 31, said the main it To Criticize problems in the confined "space Te BOUCHARD 4 France were heat and odors. Mrs, Pow )-- ch press Br. a] ; . : or, also 31, said she f 1 her to criticize the government as in oF iso 31, seid Se a. e the past, Premier Michel Debre co che was able to k declared here Sunday in response close eve on the Hovs~Scott to critics who say newspapers. ; Tory, 3%. -- and are less free under the Fifth Re- daughter. Hilary, 23 months public than before The Powners took with rofessor was tor v and they were not told" be- safet k the test would be sO mad were 1 as we ' Vernon sz of the boat were: Sis Mor enca, 12. and ane Henderson, 12, of Toropio; Barbara All Pr 4 1 Bill Ogilvie of Stoney Creek who d for minor burns when they istening but 3 a's t they heir wo them were tres were Lit 'fons with the U.A.R. which were {deaths by fire and six other broken off during the 1956 Suez ; Pie} 1 Yurig We nex Ontario had the highest traffic Red Rock, 55 miles northeast of Fort William, on Saturday. Police seid the other occupants €7€l n ni.|4 crisis). | Noted Benny Fields Dies In New York NEW YORK (AP) Fields, song ard dance men of {the old vaudeville era who came utes, sending back loud, clear back in recent years to hesMine in night clubs and television, died Sunday. He was 65. At his side when he suffered a heart attack at their hotel was Benny Blossom Seeley, his wife of 37 " 3 h . 4 . 2 | : ' : South Pole on mtg | | | & Le | 1 | CAPSULE" SNARE FLOPS | shows | upper left, point to spot in ! north = south polar 'orbit of Dis- Hawallap Ytande Miicre 2 | Aen : a orce planned to catch the satel- coverer V. The satellite was | lite's _ ejected 308-00 ose launched from ¥andenberg Air | capsule. Eight C110 flving box- | Force Base, Calif. and is cir-| cars were poised on Hagaii for | cling the earth every 94 min- | the anticipated catch. No cap- | sule showed up. ; | --AP Wirephoto Solid line on diagrar | | signals. Dotted line and arrow, Railway Unions years and a former Broadway! | star who helped her husband to show business fame. Thé couple recently from a month-long : ight club. by first eroone: 1 once r as Ameri . with Miss Seeley for 3° vears. Benny always credited Blossom with his success vaudeville when she -di me while in Chicago, and dancing with a trio," Fields once said. "She started promoting me right then and she's been at ii ever since." The fields were one of the few in singing returned engasement Bing dent of the Brotherhood of Le "Blossom was the biggest star bership of 250,000. slumming one Merger Planned | CLEVELAND (AP)--The presi-irail labor unity and insirucied i i | I he os Teh {him to make contact with the molive Firemen and Engineersie.. organizations with the con-| proposed Sunday consolidation of dalse | the five railway, operating unions. |0lidation proposal so labor can The five have a combined mem- 'present a united front against the Association of American H. E. Gilbert addressed a letter | Railroads and other railroads on t # her i hi S 3 : 2 . jlo_the four other union chiefs,|ye Noth American continent. asking them to join in a discus.| | ta Ei . sion for uniting all engine, train The lelier went to Guy L. and yard service employees on! Brown, grand chief engineer of) |the railroads of the North Amer- the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; W. P. Kennedy, pres- ican continent. ident of the Brotherhood of Rail- | mishaps completed the count. i lings 'mishaps -- including a man's |death by heat prosiration {the total for the province to 21. |during the period from 6 p.m. a two-car collision HUSBAND, WIFE DIE Mr. and Mrs. Milo Ellis of Sombra Township when their car crashed late Friday near Wall |aceburg, 16 miles northwest of {Chatham, 15 QUEBEC MISHAPS | Joseph Kane, 69, from Coven- Quebec's 15 fatalities included try Eng., after being struck by a nine in traffic, four by drowning'ear Friday as he crossed a sub- and two in falls. (urban Toronto street, British Columbia led the west-| PFillito Sbroechi, 67, 'struck by a provinces with three traffic|car in Toronto early Sunday. deadhs, three drownings and one| An unidentified man found dead other fatal accident. {Sunday on railway tracks near The swvey includes violent Beamsville, 15 miles west of St. deaths and other fatal accidents Catharines. connected with holiday activities, James Munsie, 71, of Detroit in x 3. Pp Sunday 20 local time Friday to midnight miles northwest of Cottam in Es- Sunday. : [sex County. Seven other persons Fatalities for other provinces were injured. with traffic deaths shown in| Lynda Felsburg, 4, who was brackets: drowned in the Credit River near Alberta 5 (3); Saskatchewan 5, Churchville, 15 miles northwest of all traffic: Manitoba 3 (1) and Toronto, Saturday. Nova Scotia 3 (2). New Brunswick, Newfoundland NECK BROKEN and Prince Edward Island re-| Charles Laws, 52, of Brantford, ported no fatalities. | who suffered a DN neck 8 while diving into e Simcoe ONTARIO LIST ; [near Orillia Saturday. The Ontario dead: . Donald Hunter, 16, of Simcoe Fred Balender, 17, of Niagara when his cycle collided with a Falls, N.Y. who was drowned car near his home about 30 miles (near South Cayuga, 35 miles southwest of Hamilton on Fri. south of Hamilton, Sunday. day. | Gregor} Metinuk, 73, of Dela James MacGregor, 35, who was| Wien struck by a car near his drowned Friday night in Oakland homie, pout 25 miles southwest N ileg so Brant- ore, Pond I? salles South of } Seve Zsoldos, a Joven im- Mrs. Wilism Wood, 53. ¥iled migrant from Hungary who ap- in as two-car collision Friday Darently died of heat prostration toll with 15 deaths. Three drown- and three miscellaneous OCH "Freedom in the face of power $130 worth of canned and pack- Forest Free Press and released. |career couples in show business| Gilbert said the idea is not new night near her home in Rige-|0n 2 tobacco farm near Tillson- "fears np one." has need for another means of aged food, ranging from raviol . Di bs expression," he said. "This ex-/to peanut butter. They cooked in | : ing - pression is the press which a chafing dish. Publisher 1es : lengthy illness. A lifetime resi- should dispose, without official The parents had a scrabble set. LONDON, Oni, (CP) -- Victor dent of forest, he took over the control, of the right to criticize. The children had games, books, A. Pettypiece, 61, editor and pud- Daper ] goa Kliowiay the death Tom thi: nt of view France crayons and other toys. There lisher of the Forest Free Press, is father, H. J. Pettypiece, . his hi no radio. died here Saturday nivh! a'who had published it since 1883. afer lwho were married for almost and that his unions recent con-|road Trainmen; J. A. Paddock, [four decades. 'vention reaffirmed the belief in President of the Order of Rail- AN h ener | WAY Conductors and Brakemen; NO WAY T0 EXPLAIN land N. J. Speirs, president of the town, about 15 miles east Chatham. |Switchmen's Union of Northiton, following a two-car smas! "of burg Friday night. An unidentified woman killed in 1 21. of Pres- a two-car collision 15 miles south- Russell Alfred Foe, 21, of Pree rem y- night. Edward Wilson, 21; his wife America. | aes 2.0%, 5 RATN DANCE contracts to replace the three- HAS BENEFIT |year agreemenis expiring Nov. Lj In Montreal A, R. McCormack, BRANTFORD (CP) -- The secreiary of the Brotherhood of! Six Nations Indians put on | Locomotive Engimeers (Ind.) for| their rain dance Saturday eastern region Canadian Pacific] night for the second time in | Railway employees, said the en-| a week--and for the second gineers' union is opposed to con-| time the rains came. | solidation. It had rebuffed previ- Two Fridays and Satur- ous consolidation suggestions. days the Indians presented - -- their annua! historical! pag- eant under the stars on the reservation south of here. The rain dance was omiftted both Fridays, for fear of washing out the Saturday pogeant. But both Saturdays the rain dance wound up the Deaf Mutes' Baby Saved CLEVELAND (AP)--John Bi-| The child was huddled F a ven and his wife didn't have the ¢orner of the crib, unconscioys. |words to tell--both have been Hoisting Scott Biven on his hid, | deaf mutes since hirth. There|Pfaff felt slong the wall to find was no way ther could explain his way out 3 Massey Expects that their three-year - old child] «ry copldn't see," he said. . To Leave Hospital was trapped im their falming "Thank God 'I found the win MONTREAL (CP) use. dow. nor-General Massey Gover-! expects to James Pfaff, 31-year-old Chi-| Half falling, half : y leaping, he cago insurance executive, and'emerged through the window driving past the burning home in rr » ] {suburban Olmsted Falls early Sunday. They stopped and saw 4 Biven gesticulating wildly. "What's wron Pfaff shouted. The parents led him by the arm aroufid to a bedroom | window. d Pfaff kicked In the screen and | climbed into the room. He groped laround but became dizzy in the {heavy smoke and came out |SINGLE WORD | By this time Mrs. Pfaff had got one word from Mrs. Biven: *'erib." 2 "There must be a baby in a crib," Mrs. Pfaff shouted, and her husband, his eyes still water- ling from the smoke, went back lino the bedroom. "1 stumbled around," he said later. "I didn't think of the fire, 'but 1 kept saying, 'There's some- one in here There's someone in here.' "' "I knew there must have been a child in a crib." | Pfaff finaly: touched a rung ol ithe crib. Then he felt a leg. New France Asks To 'Be Heard Plymouth right now at the lowest price of | LILE BOUCHARD. Fran.e the year. And you can expect top-dollars (AP)--Premier Michel Debre re- for vour present cz ! 2 ferred caustically Sunday to the } po ur-p i car, too See y our dealer exchange of visits between Presi- now for an eye-opening demonstration ride. |dent Eisenhower and Premier Save now with a big deal on the perform- |Khrushchev. Then he warned ance-champ Plymouth for "59! QUALITY-BUILT BY CHRYSLER OF CANADA Any way you look at it, Plymotith packs the big performance punch in 1959. The kind of snappy response you want in traffic or out on the open road. Big savings, too... with either the lively, gas-saving Econo-Jet Q: I. » un EY . ar that France no longer will toler- Six or V-8. You can own a peppy new ate: alliances that mean subjec. tion to foreign powers. "History moves quickly and surprising changes can occur," he told a meeting of his constitu- ents in this Loire Valley town in west central France, "Who would have. said only six years ago that visits by the chiefs lof state would be carefully organ- ized between Moscow and Wash- ington? "To avoid being crushed by the agreements between very great powers, a nation like France . : must be in a position to make itself heard and understood." Debre said that the policy of a France reviving, under President {Charles de Gaulle is not isolation. | "It is a reaction against the alliances which, through our Take a look at Plymouth's feature list: * THsion-AIRE Ride % Swing-out swivel seats % Total-Contact brakes * Push-button automatic drive % Safety-Rim wheels % Independent parking brake % Foam rubber front seats (all models) x Electric windshield wipers PLYMOUTH rrICES START LOWER than those of any other full-sized car in Canada. CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONT, A {hesitate to oppose our essential interests." his 'wife, Susan, happened to be, with the child. Scott and his father were In| 3 ion ig "i '. hospital Sunday night. The child | LEY infection Is "progressing sa {was being treated for smoke in- halation. | | The father suffered second and third-degree burns as he stumb- ed around the house, into the fire once before he got out. | He and his wife each had] Sunday. The 72-year-old governor-gen- eral was out of bed for an hour {Sunday and "was feeling fine," said his son, who is Mr, Massey's private secretary. be out of hospital by the end of| {this week. Treatment for a kid-| isfactorily," his son, Lionel, sail| pageant. Last week the rain came within a few hours. This Saturday the dance was hardly more than over when a badly needed downpour came, benefiting drovght- stricken crops throughout this area. Edith and Morris Skally, 21, of Windsor in a car collision Sunday. near Sundridge, about 60 miles south of North Bay. Two persons whose names Afere not released. were severely injured. Formosa Quake Kills 90, Hurts 80 TAIPEI, Formosa (Reuters)-- {A one - minute earthquake in southern Formosa Saturday killed 16 persons, injured 80 others and reduced the: thriving town of Hungchun to "a heap of tvins," police reported Sunday. The quake struck as Formosans were clearing away the wreckage left from a disastrous flood ear- lier in the week. About 650 per- sons died and 250.000 were made homeless by the floods. " SPREADS PAIN WYTHENSHAW, Eng. (CP)-- An advertisement in a news lagent's window in this Lanca- | shire community read: 'Vacancy for experienced painsprayer." {thought the other was getting | re their son out of the house. | Teachers In Canada May Split What has the steel strike done so far to the American economy and when will it really hurt? Sam Dawson, AP Steel Strike Effect Not Until September (President Eisenhower. How long before the strike becomes a threat to the over-all economy? A nation-wide survey by Assoc ~~) or foreign mills. A few have been paying higher prices. A. 0. Smith {says it must close its pipe mill {in Milwaukee now. Some firms | HALIFAX (CP) -- The 96 000- member Canadian Teachers Fed-| eration, in an attempt to appease! its largest participant--the 42.-| 000 - member Ontario Teachers' | business news analyst, sum- marizes a nation-wide survey | of present conditions. By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK (AP) -- The gov- Federation -- has named a 15-| ernment will step into the steel member committee to outline all strike when it's a national emer-| opiate gam for its af-lgancy and not before. So says Li [211 S. ares -- en . a Whether Ontario will stay with; the parent body was sfill uncer- tain as the federation's annual A rift occurred between On- tario and the parent body over a 25-cent-a - member membership | fee increase instituted last year. Ontario is withholding approxim-| ately $10,000 in fees. AURORA, Ont. (CP)---Mr. and The federation has agreed to Mrs. Ross Parry stepped Sunday | waive the arrears if Ontario in- from the eight-by-10-foot voncrete| dicates by Jan. 15, 1960 that it shelter that had been their home will pay its 1960 fees. If Ontario for exactly a week and the first fails to meet the request, it will|thing they wanted to look at was {be suspended. something distant. The study committee will con-' Parry, 37, a Torono Telegram |sist of representatives from each reporier, and his 35-year-old wife, | of the 15 organizations within the Kay, both said they felt fine al- federation, This gives Ontario|though they were a bit weak in! five representatives bec ause|the knees and had diffienlty fo- there are five organizations| cussing their eyes ai first, Ross| |within the Ontario federation. [lost five pounds but Kay's weight Sr ------------ remained the same as when they entered. Milk Producers p Purpose ky their stile Neg to . § ind out what life wou 3 e Secretary Dies |after an atomic blast. A series of, |articles which appeared daily in , TORONTO (CP) -- Clarence E. the newspaper record the physi-| Lackner, 66, secretary of the On-|eal and psychological aspects of tario Milk Producers Board for maintaining life in such a con-| the last four ycars, died Sunday. |fined space. Mr. Lackner was born in Ches- | ley, Ont, and attended Ontario HEALTH GOOD | Agricultural College at Guelph. A erowd of about 500 were-on He was a member of the OAC hand to see them emerge. A docs |dairying for the' agriculture de-|theck was unnecessary. { partment. After a reunion with two of| ne Tessier aa J ONC Shelter Bothers Mind |radioactive fallout, it affords no liated Press reporters shows thai{say they. will run out of steel vith few exceptions users of steel|after Labor Day. More say they are well stocked. Unemployment can hold out till October or later. has hit the transportation and I 'mining industries, where closely SUB-MAKING PROCEEDS tied to steel production. At Groton, Conn., the Electric But most steel users were able Boat division of Geneval Dyna to lay in supplies from domestic mics says it ordered steel so far SRS ree |in advance it can- continue work ion seven A-subs for at least a lyear, The auto industry, which uses jabout one-fifth of all steel output, repens large stocks on hand be icavse the strike seemed so sure for so long. It has a breather ahead because no steel is used iduring the model changeovers. their four children--the others Also Detroit Steel Corporation are away at summer camp--lisn't on strike and Ford's own Parry told the crowd they were|sieel plant isn't affected. happy to see the sun shining, It Appliance makers say the was raining when 3 ey went in. pinch may come in another A copy of Parry's stories Will 1 onth--altiiough some can go be given to Charles Rea, mem: |.m ionoer, 'A few put Labor Day |as the trouble date. ber of Parlioment for Toronio Spadina riding, who plans to turn | them over to the minister of APPLIANCE MAKERS health and welfare. | In Pittsburgh, Westingl. The shelter, in a subdivision of says its supplies of various steel this town 20 miles north of To | products will . last from 60 to 90 ronto, was built by Consolidated | jays In New York, General Elz. Building Corporation according | gr says various divisions have to specifications and information|yarying apounts and there may supplied by the Canadian and pe sonfe trading between plants United States governments | Helped by a two-weeks vaca- MORALE PROBLEM [tion just ended, International In a story written after six Hatvesier of Ciel Sr x = days underground, Parry re. |P€cis to run eas een ported "that while the shelter|[0f September. Fairbanks Morse "would shield us from lehal|may bave trouble after August. The International Business Ma protection from the phantoms of chine plant in Lexington, Ky., has the mind." He said their morale 'a four-months supply. had *"hit rock bottom." { In New York, Continental Can "Nothing changes here -- only S& vs its over-all steel t e is weakness, led to our subjection teaching staff for about 12 years. tor said- the Parrys were obvi-|the hands of the clock. And time high, but demand toy various {to foreign powers which did notiIn 1987 he hecame director of ously all right and 3 medical has no meaning unless it is re- [kinds of cans varies widely, and lated to day and night or going |its Chicago plant expects to feel places and doing things." |the effect in October, !

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