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The Oshawa Times, 17 Aug 1959, p. 12

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the Edsél of 1961 appears in a|GM and Ford and its Vellet 12 THE OBHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Augum 17, 1959 d VITAL 60 DAYS : a a are velop. WON" De 00 Sole uni Jace Nove TODAYS TORONTO. MONTREAL STOCKS "0, Worn pammen si Sp oe vik mgs 2 ER 5" For Industry | 1" « § marked 8 Af Highly, Bt ei die : 'yd 8 EAE Eo # 6 1430 % DETROIT (AP)--The next 60/gFeeted with. cpen pocketbooks? days aré vital to the aitomobile|/Or will they fall flat on their Ni Hog A industry in the United States, |chromestrimmed bumpers? -- pve 8 bet Ta |COMPACT CARS. Ford, General Motors and wil | Tig LD & eooNOmiC Chrysler have decked this is the oye directly ofie of every seven|vear for their versions of a com- 2 n DS wage earners. pact ear. Two of these small ones ; There ave 'about 950,000 new Chevrolet s rear - engined Cor- FOR EXAMPLE: 1050 model to be sold. B vaif ahd Ford's Falcon--will be 4 ho Sars e sold. B¥ion sale by Oct. 1, two weeks You Monthly the end of the 60-day period. all} Receive Payments 7% A earlier than first planned. Tectiy E ! Quemint og Wa + {butt one 5 be 106 smodels should | te "vers Tush for them, it's $50 to $5,000 § 506.94 | $33.00 Radiore 8 80 8 + Alas 1000 ibe in dealers' sl TOOMS, certain that the Big Three will Without End si 536.7 "$60.00 Beaty 22 8 Z » | Any. substmitial carryover of speed plans to market additional| of gankable See 311520,72 | $50.00 on Rorhe 500 13% 13% year-old models slows the heW smaller cars. For example, Gen-| Lonms Life Insured | $2,500.00 $98.25 Rowan Cofs i! 15 model sales And a sales year efal Motors' three medium: ri thal gets off to & slow start USU- priced lines--Buick, Oldsmobile ally has trouble pieking up speed! and" Pontiac--have a small car {after Winter sets in. | almost ready to go. If the small The disposal of the 59s is a big 1960 cars catch on fast, this will |problem, especially since new be rushed into production. If not, car sales in July ran noticeably |it will be held off or scrapped in Opén Fri. Until 8 p.m. Closed Saturday During July end August below the ratc necessary for anlits present form. . orderly sellout Of even more in| Much the same Situation may 17 Simcoe St. North RA 5.6541 portance to the industry, how-|exist'at Ford. Trade gossip says ever, i& the public reception ofthe reception of the Falcon will OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO the 1080 ears. Will they be have much to do with whether a £ 1 70 = > LI e835 H $EBEYE | COTIR FLP BY & § EME iH agaan =H Fao £3 gals 52%. geifsgn.g Lguidses.dalenge CEH EH Ww 3 - 3 i he 2% * susissnesdl oH 588.c Ey H 3. .35:88% eu Ss Sil Miller Sisco ed pL J 22 Stdcona n Celan 23 ¢ n OG 2600 1 pi 5 Starratt € Chem 3 3 ra Steep BR v Sturgeon € Ice Mach A 300 Bud Cont CIL -~ %" 6 + Sylvanite Teck-H Temag A. cho Y Them L Alba Expl 2000 9 9 3 Tiara Anglo Hur 250 4 Wool Tombill 43; #4 Ansil 500 3 30 0 3 U Asbestos Cot. Gas B 4 Atlin Raf 3000 13% 13 - Un Fort Crown Zell 33 Auvbelle 3000 5 5 Violam Sessdussnusz lan = Tehil. Ru Dist Seag 6 831% 33 Avilla 500 5 Hl 3 Wr Harg 500 L] 5 200 455 * b-] - % D Brid 50 129 A 2 9 ' thige A Barnat 8500 3 ~5 Yellorex 5 7 7 7 3 5 + D Mammes ® 9 8 Base Mts 1000 15 15 Young HG Mylama 3 3 203 . Dom Stores - Beav Lod 2500 4 1 ; Zu 2 2 21 N Santiago 500 | Dom Tar * 1 81 181 4 Bethlin 300 13 13 N A Asbes 1000 | Doin Text $11 $3 p 1102 1 3 3 228 43 22 N A Rate M 1000 | Fam Play 5 3000 1 15% 15% : Onis Exp 1000 3 Fleet Mig 88 8 2 v 1500 5 5 5 Sales to 11 ami: 656,000 Pauvdash 1000 ; { Ford US 3 ; ify 2 ; s ¥ - . 3 4 5 hl UN, a | Sf} let EA SA I n.d Mona J i ni Bo MONTREAL hl EER ~ N [] 8 By The Canadian Press A 2 Can sathey 10% 3 51 Stock Eronangs- ang. 1¥ Frit 500 805 305 305 ) 17046 1 (Quotations In cenis unless marked §. Figo | 'A813 1% +--0dd lof, 24 -- Ex-dividend, 2t -- Ex. 000 31 ! r 11 1 7 $ Hghis, tw = Ex-warranid.) by H 5 5 8 3 3% +1 "hi! 6 iy Imp Bank 55 $74% hid 3 a Imp Invest A 200 4 5 1 - INDUSTRIALS mp Of 330 5g - C Den wis 1100 216 - 11:30 Net 5 : . : -- Imo Tob 365 y C Discvry 200 39 5 Sales High Low p.m. Ch'ge 1 u, " Ind Accep 300 $4734 C Halliwell 2500 73 me i 100 $3716 3M 8TH a 1 Ac wis 200 $15 3 C Marben 3000 31 £75 320% 20% ¥ $3 3 8 - . Inglis 200 1 5 Con M and § 435 an Inland Gas 400 $5% 5% 57 C Morrison 1000 38 38 Ang C Pulp p 100 $524 82% Int Bronze 100 $ | C Nrthind = 19800 7 5 3 Argus 235 $38 37% 38 % Inter PL 235 8 5 " _ C Persh 500 12 1 I Asbestos 50 $321 32% \ Inv Syn A 100 $3 38% 38 Con Sud 4000 : 5 : Atlas Steel 827 0 Jockey C 100 5 S Cop Corp 10000. 35 3 5 4 Bangue Cn 5 $578 OTA Kelly D A 150 7 Cop Man 500 12 i 12 227 $58% 37% Lafarge A 100 i' y Coprand no us 2 2 + Be'h Pow 50 $47 41 AT Lakeland 100 20 200 200 Cournor 1000 10 1 1 1 42% «2 - - fobG B pr 00 8 rian 3 yvater Pap z50 Ea g SN By Cd at A Province M Leaf Mill 290 $1 3F 2 2 ox A Oi 33 $i | Mass-F : 14% 7 { Jid 1 1 15 re 4 Mase F mM Ri Dos Jo ; Baw i 4 13% 13k DURBAN, South Africa (Reut- Mont Lace TH ; 300 09 glo gl Can Cem 25 siaia : #9). Police putrid (dey vere Moore = 3 Faleon 1 915 294 4 C Bank Com 170 $821: 62% " sen two centres southern Nat Drug 4 1 § + F'West Tung 1000 = | € Ce 224 $23 23% i N § % iv Nat Trust 36t4 : Frobisher ~~ 1100 $20 : C Ciem Cell 200 $14% 14% Natal province 8s renewed native NL Nos Geco Mines 100 % 17% sky 00 412 aa if 1 Sgturbantes ere Lepuned alter Orange 250 sav slacier 30 39 Y b 1% . #50 §18% 18% 4 re widesprea ¥ 4 Gold Eagle 1500 ie 3 S98 8 0M Ro ong GF Uran 1000 40 Pa 5 SETH 2TH | y Gunnar 25 $13 y ek 0 $141 14% 14% lice lek out a . Gutmar wie lot 3g" 20" % NEM a ww wt at Pon sige or con Heva 2000 5 1 Coiby 16 $19% 19% 1 : : Hollinger 150 Dicl Seag $33% 33% munity store Ifata village in Hud Bay 130 4 W 3 D Dairies Pr 215 $3 2% 2% answer to reports that a eérowd thd Lake 300 ¢ 6 D Stor 867 7 Int Nickel D Tare 3 on Tas of demonstrating Africans eut 1740 1 Irish Con 200 M8 he b Text Silt 1% telephone lines, 8 ron Bay 3 1 Dow Brew 0 $45 45 | ai Shawin A 2% $3 34 Jellicoe Fam Play 0 $B BO» Police arrested 84 womeri Fe Simo ns xd : 8% =» Jonsmith, Ford us 50 $75 73 day and £2 Saturday for creating am , err 5 5 tr Pete pr 750 150 , ? in Suh & Rie Min radi AP i Ym disturbances at Ifafa in the Yai- ; 1% pofu district. is Stee! Can ws i 84% v L Share Lencourt 20 i] 1% + a dn 2000 nw » Int Nickel ARMORED CARS Ie 9 Lorado wis 30 iit 11% Intprov PL 7 { Two armored cars carrying 18 Mactlé ° A a + Jroa Glass p25 policemen left Pietermaritzburg Ma tt 50 for the southern Natal community Malartie 110 110 - Lewis Bros 75 $11% 11 freon a re Maralgo 2000 28% BBA + Mass Fer 150 $14 ue . of 8t. Faith's Mission. Americans Maritime 4300 x Molson A 65 $M NU there were reported planning to artin 5 1% olson 217 TWH TH Maybrun 5 15% 15% Noranda 405 858 33 53 hold a big meeting. Hoa Ro 2 0 ys Lignt Fo je 0 - African unrest simmered else ent 3 ac Pete 14% 1 "+ Merrill 800 134 126 Page Hers 0 20% where under the guns of extra Milliken 400 133 Powell R 112 police patrols. Rioting and arson Nama Or 1000 1615 16% 16% Power Corp 30 1 hit communities in southern and 2 nt a 8 Nat out a0 central regions of this east coast H bri pris riod 3 N Hari 1000 12% 9 19h "1% : al ce province during the weekend. : BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Easy-Term Stock Market Look what Pierson et Earnings Japan Cuts Textile Loan Bank |umcuetre can do for your home! $3,812,575 deficit (Comparative ; hI Develo ed Bigwey for previous year mmavail- Lot the bei £ shadow light Imports to Canada oeded & =] woot Tancord \ [Oaited hot will propose next : mont * creation of a new $1,. I i i indows PIL --- Japan as Roni Fleming Sua tat Sader dia are to be resumed, but at 000,000,000 organization to hi to mar your view with PIERSON wind sharp eu er new setup be pos-|sharply reduced rate. {money to under-developed . isi i even tendo SION 10 a: itu to avoid 3 Jeculrance of the| "For the remainder of 1959, the tries on easier pri a oe ! Instead, full vision windows of erystal- ' inance Minister Flem! an-| situation that developed earlier issuance of licences for garments obtainable from the World Bank. i i LS iri nounced Sunday nigh. [this year when heavy shipments|of spun rayon and mixtures of A cabinet committee headed by|| § : clear glass. Available in a complete range of Exclusive two position Jock lets e Japanese government," apanese products--mainly of [spun rayon be limited to 58,-|¢ "of ti ; H i i Fleming said is 2 Statomens, | Spy rayon hit the Canadian|000 dozen Houses and SPOT] aera y 2 te The ry Soba Sizes. Approved by Central Mortgage and Jou slide panes click! SEGOLLIY. "has decided or the re- market. shirts and 43,000 dozen of knit-| ] ; i i Ome Tao. mainder of hi yea Tcence hg "Canctan mamutactoers of wear } ozen of ni post fv fhe Senate hi Wl : i Housing Corporation. Make Pierson lock securely open or closed. provals for garments spun | garments fabrics," he said,| "For miscellaneous products in-| : recommended 1 i1di i rayon will be kept down to very|"can look forward to the future | eluding slacks. and Produ he en in Semivtin loin be i i pert of your building or remodelling plane low levels. [In the expectation that there will|licences will be limited to 40,- otrins aL eh: Dei Sov- I : In addition, the Japanese gov-|be no recurrence of the problems|oog dozen for the period extend 2 : meeting here Sept. oil ent has Jdetaken a Sou-| (hak have been ud, ze at pres-|ing to March 31, 1960." | ™ Rt. to w 4 prehensive check system |ent confronting the industry." pr n---- ra a-- he new instit ly I : nl : signed to keep under surveillance jknown as the International De- 1 There is only one PIERSON window . . the whole field of textiles and to VALUABLE MARKET Orange Crush [velopment Association, would|| # fil insist on the Original ensure that Japanese exports to 'Japan was a valuable and {lend money to under - dev. | |nations on long terms and atl] (Hilifswew----" ion -- reasonable rates of interest, re- ; y OS mn payable in full or in part in local Canada are kept on an orderly|2rowing market for Canadian occur in the future. He looked forward fo develop- Changes Name 4 3 currencies. World bank loans } : "FULL VISION" basis and that no 'flooding' should | Wheat, barley, metals and pulps. "In the operation of this sys-|ment of exports in other fields. tem, the Japanese government Incuding wal 54 ania. Loli TORONTO (CP) ---.A special Jormally must be repaid in dol-|} TEES i | ORTENTED has undertaken to keep in close] new action by Japan fol- meeting of shareholders of lars. . {it contact with representatives of l0Ws earlier moves this year|Orange Crugh Lid. will be held] Of authorized capital of $1,000, |} EH: f BASHLESS : wiNDOWS i easier than ever before the Canadian government." [which consisted of a May im- here Aug 2 to consider chang-000,000 the U.S. subscription] if i : See us for further information - you'll be glad you did. ind d Hove [position of quota controls by|ing the name of the company, would be about $30,000,000. i f Windows and screens are FOLLOWS PROTESTS |Japan on textile exports to Can-| decreasing the 188UEd CAPHAL AIK | errs Same ie me eatemant § storing for convenience. The action follows prolonged ada and a June suspension of ex-|increasing the authorized capital! ? i protests by spokesmen for man- port licences on spun rayon gar-|stock of the company. agement 'and unions in the Cana- ments, at the request of the Cana-| J. M. Thompson, president, in t tan ar dian textile industry that cheap|dian government. la letter to shareholders said facy Japanese goods have been under.| "Now with the conclusioh of|will be asked to approve chan Conference Set il : i I A Special Message To Present Pierson Owners cutting the market for Canadian discussions," Mr. Flemin'sg/of the name to Crush Interna-\ products. Istatement said, "licence approv-itional Ltd | § Se | mer | ering to decreasing the fs | TONONTO (cP) The foun | {8 | THERE IS STILL 2 MONTHS OF INSECT MALAYAN CLEAN-UP the directors believed the ence will be held in Ottawa Aue. | Hf gon WEATHER. ORDER YOUR PIERSON WINDOW, SCREENS NOW amount of $4,092,729 which has|2 to Sept. 3 Seven countries, in- appeared in the annual reports|cluding Canada, will attend the Re Bor Shr fee aie, of TenRl THE HALF New Weapon Chrysler Corp. recive nd crave" ** . JAL-O-SEE | Your Home Building/Remodelling Headquarters view present methods of col 0 nn G an i T Di 3 laboration among Commonwealth [| Perfect controlled ventilation : irector 1€e8 ghandards bodies, will exchange wih these special 1 Jsatures: : ° {information and will seek -|] ® Seven operating plate alass i WINDSOR (CP) -- Tom C.'ment on common Boal louvres -- fully controlled by || By JAMES FLANNERY (ordinance, are Malaya's latest at- McCall, 49, director of public re- insi KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters)-- tempt to curb a growing wave of lations for Chrysler Corporation working a ----r a ---------- inside Jer 0 Sara eewy Malaya a using & dreaded. sew open lawlessness of Canada for the past five years, - concealed piano-type stainless . 'weapon smash gang violence| . TH {died suddenly in Toronto Sund i : a simple mark against the| STRONG MEDICINE {He was a member of pis a. Cotton Mill Slump Steel hinges Fully backed by x L i M § T E 0 Qpames of notorious thugs | Action is being taken 'aguinst|ation's executive council Siuminurm Screens, or Summer f A black "x" is being stamped Members of secret socleties, : HET At R ord L use on the identity cards of these gangsters, thugs, extortioners, BOrn in Port Dover, he was ec ow 3 3 hoodlums and troublemakers. [Opium dealers and keepers of educated I Simcoe and entered MONTREAL (CP) -- Domestic ® Downtown Showroom ® Main Office and Showroom Their names then are placed on|brothels and gambling dens, {newspaper Wor cotton mills opened 18,327 500- LES e--RA a special register, which means| "This bill is strong medicine," | In 1938 he assumed charge of (pound bales in July, a record|}, 84 Simcoe St. S.--RA 8-1617- ~-- Courtic 8-161 that. they must live under super-|Inche Suleiman Bin Dato Abdul |Public Relations Jor He Ontario low, compared with, 30,642 inl}/ f vision 'in certain areas of the| Rahman, minister of interior and government's travel bureau, and| june and 18,670 in July, 1958, the EVEN ISS country, | Raima told Parliament recently. [following the Second World War| previous iow since 1987)the Cot-|| ' 7 : 3 Telephones To Serve You ¢ If they. continue their. carcers, The how law may help. the gi. |served as deputy minister of the Lon Tnstittee. ob Corn Hoey | SALES Bowmanville--MA 3-2130 7 Ajax--ZEnith 2-9600 in crime, they may get' double ernment to overcome two prob- [Provincial travel and publicity| "fye institute savs the sl the normal maximum punish- lems in wiping out the powerful department for nearly eight peeping Sod J ment and possibly 8 whipping. | minority of gang bosses Who prey VETS ee us Sandi io DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. ® These sweeping measures, | on petty tradesmen, hawkers and! He was an RCAF public rela- tion caused by pressure of im- 15. PRINCE RA 54432 -- under, the prevention of erimes prostitutes. tions officer during the war. , Iports IN

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