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The Oshawa Times, 17 Aug 1959, p. 17

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Te SSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August Ww, 1959 eg 145--Real tie For Sale 43. Real 5---Real Estate For Sale 45 Snent Estate For Sole |47--Automobiles For Sale shea ig Alon in uty, Oil | 3500 4room insul brick bun. "58 VOLKSWAGEN, blagk, whitewalls, phone Vo 50-Articles For Sale 50=<Articles For Sale alow, spieet bath, large | Endo, 'private, 94 ington -- Wathy: vy, BO | nd Avenue, thon | E Bowmanville after 5.90, BS ¥ a anv RIB, is Ca Goin. Paved CAR radios nstained, roa 5. v, Goonkion saresties bate § 33 F 3 RRMINETR nob GENTLEMAN'S. bungalow, six large aRes, PRIVATE, six no eich Bouse tWh| and dual aerial hg Bo fo bd -- Toms, DFiGk. Abd stone, Fach style, streets. Approvad lor mortganes, fore AFAKE: | terms. Dowinion Tire Siere, i Bt Budget plan. : : modern ttached garage, open fireplace, many re pub es Fry rir iin been pther pe Kendalwood subdivision | KEW service btation For sale, t from bus stop. i 56147. 189F i k Dug to fn ark 220 heater ivy : 44---For Rent 44---For Rent IN OSHAWA, very central, large three. apartment, built-in cupboards, Agnes 5 room sink, = refrigerator, stove. Business Eouple preferred. MO Whitby. ATTRACTIVE furnished roo: Mery $8---<Male or Female Help Wanted bubgiow = 1 Poa "Gubdiesion, 1 5579, -INEW, aif - corfier lot, pa 188¢ | Schools, buses. 188) Courtice, RA 8-55! WANTED = tomato pickers, Apply Wil: dam Sack, orntén's Road South, first driveway south of the hydro sub. station, 189, PARE space, for couple. Al treet. 52008, ote ome aval h-- Rehr heii 2 th homme FIVE - room bck Bunga! and ga: pha | rage, central, located halt Peto BARA (A me op APARTMENTS for hor rent, 301 Cordova weil ee from Ritson Road school. RA 5-8188. Airlines Need MEN and ~ WOMEN Steady, well-paid positions, Airline Station Agents, Pas- senger Agents, Communica- tionists, Reservationists, Hos- tesses, Meet celebrities; route passengers to distont points. Help operate the nation's airlines. Men ond women, married or single, 17 to. 39, high school graduates, Find out if you ean quality * "for short training formulated under guidance of AIRLINE ADVISORY BOARD composi of executives from 25 major airlines, Preliminary training by Atlantic Airlines & Elee- tronic Schools, Ltd, Canada Building, Windsor, Ontario, need not interfere with pres. ent occupation Writs lihe Training Division, tic Airline & El Schools, Ltd. Box Oshawa Times 190b 41--Room and Board ROOM and board for young man 0 lady, 15 minutes from four corners Verdun Road or RA 35-8522. ROOM and board for six large, new, country home. week. Phoné Brooklin 854Ring?. ROOM and board, clean home, centrally sion immediately. RA 3 189 ROOM and board for gentleman, gle bed, near south GM. Ra 5.7754, Mill Street. ACCOMMODATION and rooms fof two elderly, quiet home betwe, ering. Phone MO ROOM luncnes girls, ial senarate active ladies in hitby and Pic 188¢ and board. packed five-day parking space, GM. RA 5.9452 1881 ACCO! MODATION for "elderly guests, | in lovply home in Port Pert¥. Reason: Write Box 167. Pickering or Pickering 11R for two wiling to share. RA 187¢ board for gentleman, share with same. Call = not A RA ROOM and board for ladies or gentle meh. Two can share, single beds Close te bus stop. Near hospital. Apply 20 Jones Avenue 186¢ ROOM and board for gentleman, close to downtown. Apply 29 FEigin t East. RA 8-5160 = oo Shey ROOM and 'board for gentlemen, clean modation, home cooked meals istriet. RA 5.3710. ROOM and board for gentlemen elose to downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Street East, Phone RA 3.7214. | 43--Wanted to Rent | HOUSE WA WANTED in Oshawa or "near, | $15 per | 191b housekeeping ng Li ONE large, furnished foom for gentleman, of block from Glecoff's. Apply Street. [Agen RENT -- three, and four - | | spartiment (furnished). Apply 9 Que bee Street. | LARGE foom for tent, refrigerator #0 (share, light housekeepihg. Suit young couple, or single. 25 Quebec Streel, near Simeoe 191f FOR RENT -- six - ok house, all conveniel near ag oy RA 5-3794. Dd se for _reni, hot water. 191e oll} FIVE - room | Apply 413 Bloor Street East. FIVE - room briek, 1% - heated, and garage. Close bo Apply 8 La Salle Avenue. Vacant now. J 191a storey, To ion, Call L. 8 travel Large rooms, all parking, jratiable Fy of June. Apply 464 Eula Ash Snelgrove Con RA 3.9810 or RA by 1: road, immediate bossession. Phone 9088. Eri office, space wit with private hi 5 all RA 3-4641, Genosha Hotel. HOUSE for small family, good loea- south awa, one bali mile from GM, gardén land Write Box 205 {Oshawa Times stating place of em- ployment. SINGLE furnished room, mew spring mattress, use of phone, central loca: tion, Apply 180 Bruce Street, 5-7 p.m. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, aval. abl# in private home, 82 Park Road North 5 . 7 p.m, RA B-8671, AS Small two bedroom house, gas fufs ce, water heat, ¢hildten wel om. available immediately. S808. | FURNIS] © gent pre- un large, attractivi > War. rooms, private bath. Amy, ren Avenue. Phone RA 8-1 MODERN, thres - room ing base- ment apartment, private entrance, driveway and three-piece bathroom, plenty of cupboard space, Including sink and builtia eupboards, TV out jet and washing facilities. Call RA 8-830, 19145, HEATED premised, downtown, suitable for 'beauty . parlor. Could be used as offices with residences. Also unfurnish- ed three - riom and kitchenette apari- ment. Phone RA 5-5380. 181f FIVE - room self-contained - Avariment, 212 Oshawa Boulevard South, 191 ONE furnished room, suitable for two girls, close # down hospi RA 5-1401 T™WO THREE toom apartment, reasonable |-- rent, heat, lights and water, close to North GM, Cannot be 'seen after 7.30 pm, New baby welcome. Phone RA |8-8564 190¢ THREE unfurnished rooms, ehildren lweleome. Phone RA 8.5304 wo - bedroom apartment, t, 1, heat and stove supplied. A 10 Elgin Street East, Apt. 3. RA Fi 190f "furnished d kitchen, T apartment, nt, two rooms and kitchenette, unfurnished, For fam- ily or single. 84 Westmount, RA 3-8780, excellent meals, in| ONE room in new ®wase. for 008 OF Perry area; 1 , posses-|twe gentlemen Apply 837 Albert | Street | Call YUken 5:7625 after § p.m. "house THREE-bedroo two-storey sin-jand garage, central location, available jynn Heights, 147 | 189% | liable tenant. Phone RA 3.3501 between | immediately, reasonable reat to re- 190¢ | stainless steel heavy wiring 8 am. and 6 p.m fou R rooms and bath, builtin cupboird self - contained private nest | aparimeni for a kitchen private 16 TWO room | cupboards and sink bath Phone RA 3.330 | TWO-roony furnished spariment, stove, sink, refrigerator; cerdral, Phone Ra 8-0147. MODERN, three.r room basement a ment, completely, private (Garr d Road area, One child ( Phone RA 5-8107 YOUNG gentleman to si ar otis maf, y Safle bed : FIVE - room house, h kitchen cupboards, 611 fu ac Bloor Street East. Available * Septem- ber 1. Apply In person. 76 Harris Street. 187: FIVE poom, semi furnished. two ed ed apartment, Available mber Simcoe Noarlh, Apartment 4 ROOM .in pffivate home, very central spring maftfess: suit gentleman 102 Elgin Sfreet" East | ONE "lean, furnished housekeeping | room wilh sink, refrigerator and rang-| . Surnisha or un toom, seli-contain- stove a refrigerator. with good big yard. Will pay top rent. | ette, also Mundry facilities, suitable for Write Box 412, Oshawa 'Thues. FARM WANTED -- with house e and barn, within 20 miles radius' of Osh. awa. Will pay excellent rent. Immedi.| ately. Write Box 411, Oshawa T nes, | 5) 19%0¢ YOUNG man would like a large fur. Watied light housekeeping room. Write ox 921 Os e ™! or three - bedroom house with| garage if possible, One mile radius General Motors north plant, Write Box 239, Oshawa Times WANTED 10 RENT -- Apartment or duplex within 10 minutes of Four Cor ners, by couple with two-year-old, Best references. RA 35-7700 after 7 p.m | WANTED -- two : bedroom "apartment | with - stove and refrigerator supplied. Unfurnished. Cx RA 31340 between § p.m. and 7 p.m. 44--For Rent THREE - room a artment, ing, private bath. 3 FIVE toilet, Street heavy wir 191 room house, eity water, "outside | corner Harmony Road and Bloor] East, $55. RA 3.3898 191e | COMFORTABLE furnished bedeoom in a nice home, near OCVI and hospital, | Phone RA 8-8836, room for rent, - room apartment, private | bath, centrally located. Available Sept, 1. One child welcome. Parking spac Apply 71° Albert Street. 185 ONE Tovely room for "gentleman, in| private home. RA 3-7070, ! 190¢ {one girl, eentral. Apply 237 Athol Fast | 311.000, NHA resale, "furnished apart nt, | Vi ad 31 Eigin| 187 | TWO . room, { with patking space. Strect Eac 6 ROOM MODERN STONE AND BRICK BUNGALOW with recreation room. East end. Oil heating; immaculate condition. No small children | or dogs. Yearly lease aot | $125 monthly. 52 ROOM MODERN | | | 12 STOREY BRICK Kawartha Ave, -- 1 bedroom and bath down, 2 large bed- $95 rooms up, Heating. monthly, J-storey semi-detached, - 3 | rooms ond sunroom down, 2 bedrooms and bath up, quiet street, close to centre of city. Adults only. $80 monthly R. VICKERY BROKER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RA 8-6228 WHITBY C LASSIFIED FEMALE school teacher requires room and board in good Protestant home, | North Whitby, starting September 8 Write | Box 424, Oshawa 'Times, oie HOUSE and bungalow ented down payments W MO 8-321. Oshawa oA asia "aLEX D HENRY Genera) Contractor Repairs, -Alterations. Cement. Carpen try RA 5.4548 FRESH WATER SERVICE, MO before 2 a.m. Md after 3 p.m GRAVEL & FILL | Pe Sept.17 Driveway Gravel $7 per load * Cement Gravel, $1 60 per yd For Delivery Phore ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2 2660 FOR C.I. L PAINT | coll DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South FOR RENT -- {wo . furnished bed . an, refrigerator ground floor, room apartment, sitting room and kitch- and stove supplied, privae entrance, Apply 190¢ Phone MO 8-421. FOR RENT = two - bedroom apart. pi te entrance, shower and tol. let ALO P-4220 1890 | ROTO-TILLin': gardens, fawns A Dennis, phone Oshuve RA 81386 LIVE POULTRY also feathefi wanted, Highest market prices paid. Phone nl lect MO 8-3486, Whithy Sept 14 BRICK, blocx and general cement work. For Jize timate call P. Wol- 0 Bet 3 Wholesale and n, Lambert Of] No. 3 Brooklin, Ont, . Aug. 5 to Sept, 8 SEPTIC TANKS clenned the sanitary way. new tanks installed Walter Ward 204 Chesnut West. Phone MO 8-236 Sept.7 FOR RENT -- three - room apartment, private bath, $65 monthly, Includes reat and hydro, MO _8-3700. 1s8¢ GRADING--EXCAVATING TRUCKING Sand, Gravel, Fill, Top Soil M. O. CRAWFORD, Pickerin J]; GAS, "stove ofl, fuel of retail, Phone 113 Broo! Co., 191f (and Alger Press. Phone 0f | Persons, - | kitchen, 1810,500 with $1500 down. MO '8-523 WANTED SALESMEN tor Canada's LEN' DeGEER, MO)8-3417 . --_ Sept. 12 IF YOU CAN'T BUY RENT Quitsare Motors 3, 5 FO, 14. 30 n.p. Boot, and Cabin Trailers; ond Camping | Boats. Canoes and Cortop | Boots; Lawn and Garden | Va Box Tents Equipment; Largest Retail Toronto area. Experience not necessary, full troining given. Salary and commission, -car essential, PHONE MO 8-4162 between 8 ond 9 om for appointment Nursery for Equipment; Cement Mixers; Miscellaneous Tools, etc Wilde Rental Service and Sales 1415 Dunda: East, Whitby MO 8-3226 189 Toy central ocknon. near Fittings, RA 5-1995 or) apply 64 Charles Sfreet, evenings. 186f ONE unfurnished room in néw house) near South GM for rent. Phone RA 8-5215. 5, 1864 DECORATED room for rent, cooking, fhivileges, also storage for boat. Apply All Street. 186F des by the week, tile shower and bath, maid service. RA 3-4641 Genosha 1, THREE . room apartment, private en- trance, lights, Heat, water supplied. Suitable for a business couple on High- way 2, 1% miles east of Town Line. Available September 1. RA 3.3051. 189% i: THREE . room apartment, private en- 86. 186¢ irance. Phone | RA TWO furnished roon en, abyMNners, available September 1. 7288, 212 Athol Street East 189 FU FURNISHED "yoom, "twin beds; for two Cooking privilege$, in private Apply SF Montrave Avenue after 5 p.m. 189 LARGE three-room, furnished apart ment for eouple, electrically equipped, all modern conveniences, Phone RA 5-5216 189 | -|#IX-room house, stove and refrigera- tor, oil heated, full basement, TV out- eh parking. space, $92 monthly et by Ajax, FOR rent, house, in Port 3-plece bath. 189¢ NEW three bedroom bungalow in Ros- with TV aerial and ear 52 Glenmore 189¢ two storey oil furnace, Ror, $100. E. Amestoy, Toronto {TWO or three apartment, hot room private entrance, 189f | and cold 'water, RA 5.2712 , phone 115 Alice Street, 'entrance, | veek. | vacant September 1. Phone RA 8-1723 | ot 190f | eouvle, | LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY i Qur tee is less than a va only screened and re tenants Lloyd Realty (O 101 Simcoe - St. RA 8.5123 SCHOFIELD suratece Assoc, Ltd RENTAL SERVICE Why worry, we will rent your property, to reliable tenonts We have a waiting list, Call today-- __ DAYTIME=RA 3-2265 45 Real Estate For Sale | {MUST BE sold at once, King ng Street! East, eight + room brick, garege, large lot, Low down payment. Phone CC Appleton, RA 5-8344 or RA 3-1308, John Ia. J. Bolahood, Ltd., Realtor. 190% private, ~six-room hawa) North ti house Aluminum widows, | aerial, landscaped. Principal terest $63 monthly. $2300 5-2873. 733 Gaspe Avenue, ITWO-ACRE registered building lot 10 H sale. Green belt area, well wooded, ] cation, Greenwood, Pickering 162J3. 4 1004 | SIX room, storey and half brick, oil, | heating, garage, fice lot, central, only | W. McAuley Realtor RA 3-2512; Whitby No Ei 13331 1088) STORE FOR RENT | Early occupancy in new building suitable for variety bar, record shop, specialized retoll, etc. Excellent location near High School, on bus line. Ristow and Olsen Real- tors, 19 Athol St. West, RA 5:6165 LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM EVENINGS 3 -- S-plex lots; 3 = build ing 'lots in North Oshawa be- tween Wayne and Russet Streets. For information call Lloyd Corson, RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty Ltd Realtors Simcoe St. N RA 8.5123 1 LIST WITH LLOYD | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 189¢ OPEN 101 N.H.A. RESALE | Once ogain we have for sale another five-room attractive ond modern brick bungalow on Mighlond Avenue with three bedrooms. Beautifully landscaped grounds with many fara, with low rote | of intérest. Close to public and high schools. Asking | price $11,600. Owner will exchange for a large home For information Stephen Macko REALTOR RA 5-0771 | 'room, 2-storey brick and clapboard residence CHOICE CITY OF OSHAWA LOCATION $12,500 THREE-BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, LUXURIOUS LIVING, DINING © ROOM, BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED AND MODERN THROUGH- OUT. OIL HEAT, ROTOR TV, AERIAL, STORMS AND SCREENS. REASON- ABLE DOWN. PAYMENT MAKES FOR EASY CARRY. ING. IMMEDIATE POSSES. SION W. P. MITTLEF Real Estate Broker Phone Brooklin 291, eollect NEWMAN SUBDIVISION WHITBY uality homes, 6- some with at tached garoges, 4 - piece baths, ceramic tile, divided basements, oil furnace, glass. lined Hot water tanks, laun- dry tubs, Sterting of $14 - 500 to $15,065, carry from $71.00 monthly, Access by | Gilbert Street off Henry and Annis Street South of Fair- i | LLOYD REALTY | OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS STOP PAYING RENT OWN YOUR OWN HOME FOR only $1,000 down, $5500 full price with payments of | $60.00 per month, This 5- | room home is locoted in the | south-east section of Osh- awe. Fot particulars coll Lloyd Corson, RA 8-5123. BE A HOME OWNER $500 DOWN buys this 4-room home on the outskirts of the ity, for $50.00 monthly- Large one- acre lot. For information tall Dick Young, RA 8-5123. , 3 | BEAUTIFUL |= ARBOUR COURT ag Rossland Rd. Gibbons end | Nipigon St. area, Make en | appointment today to these new homes. All N.H.A. N.HA. room bri view Lodge on No. 2 High- way. P. Thorndyke, MO B-4703. . G. NEWELL BROKER Pickering 143 Torme Empire 23628 ED: DISNEY REALTOR - INSURANCE See low as $74.00 per month, in- Featur- and f d, starting at $13,950 i gli and cartying for as $9, 400 FULL PR ICE | 1 Va storey,' excellent location, Ritson Rd. 5. A home for the family with children. All rooms large, double garage ahd big lot, Low down pay- ment, low monthly pay- ments. Call Art. Weinberger ®A 3.2333 or evenings RA 3:7244, COMMERCIAL SITE OPEN FOR OFFER Duplex, close to G.M. South Plant Zoned for nearly every type of business, Owner anxious to sell, will accept low price and easy terms Call Art. Weinberger RA 3-2333 or evenings RA 3-7244, EXECUTIVE HOME | 8V4-room bungalow on Sim- coe St. with triple garage. A home built with superb toste for the most discrimi- noting buyer. Excellent lo- cation close to stores and on spatidus ground: For appointment call Art Wein berger RA 3-2333 or even: ings RA 3-7244, ED DISNEY, 82 SIMCOE ST. $ RA 3-2333 . terest and principal ing Glidoroma windows, excellent workmapship.. For | full particulars, call Lloyd | Corson, RA 8-5123, | PORT PERRY $1,000 DOWN > buys this nicely detorated 8-room home located on an extra large, completely land: scoped lot. This home is in wonderful condition and could be easily made into & two-family home: For infor- mation, call Irwin Cruik- shanks, RA 8-5123. CAMP SUMAC $12,500 FULL PRICE S-room, stone and completely modern, shopping, buses. tance to school. Attached goroge. Down payment #6" suit your budget, Easy fihe anting, low taxes, large land: scoped Possession ar- ronged. Ow hr leaving eity For further information cell Doug. Gower, RA 8-5123 Lloyd Realty Ltd Realtors Simcoe St. N RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR itl 191a stucco, close to Short dis- lot 0) £5 wor MET ALF = REAL ESTATE! 315 SIMCOE ST. S. DIAL 3-9829 or 5-655] GLENCAIRN STREET coutiful ésroom ronch style bungalow with attached gorage ig rio landscaped lot, completed both inside and out with 2 natura! fireplaces, retreation room, complete bosement floor tiled, extra washroom in basement. Broadloom in living room ond centre hall, Excellent centre hall. Built-in china cobinet in dining room, large kitchen with plenty of cupboard spoce, ceramic tiled bathroom with vanity and 3 good bedrooms. Twindow, jalousie windows, decorated nicely and priced to sell at $25,000.00 with substantial cosh payment required. OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH Just north of King =--=Jimmaculate 6-room home, natural fire place, extra steol in bosement, garage, chestnut trim, large rooms. 'modern kitchen with built-in breakfast nook, grounds well landscaped. Asking only $13,000.00 with $2,800.00 down DUPLEX 2 baths, 2 kitchens, 4 lorge rooms down and 3 room} up, ep- arate entrances, garage, house in good condition and close to schools, shopping, transportation, etc. Asking $13 900.00 with $3,000.00 down. After 5:30 call DieK Barriage ot RA 5.4243, $1500 INCOME HOME DOWN 5 rooms down and 3 up, oll' large rooms, Gluminum storms and garage, well landscaped lot, finished room in basement, fenced-in yard, nicely decorated. 'A real buy ot $10,500.00 with $1,500.00 down. Price just reduced $1,000.00 _ NURSING HOME OR RODMING HOUSE Nearly new modern 2-storey: building in good location with 6 modern rooms on main floor for owner plus 7 rooms, plus wash- room with 3 stools and 3 showers on second floor, each room with individual wash basins, 'Built for a rooming house or nurs. ing home and will show an excellent return. Only $3,000.00 down After 5:30 Coll RA 3-9290 Everett Elliott Joe Maga, RA 5-919] Meus REALTORS . WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST. §. OPEN 9 -9 | WHITBY MO 8-3414 TORONTO tM 3-9603 TREES! TREES! TREES! Many home Luyers are disappointed in properties. offered for sale because of the lack of mature shade trees. A new listing of a beautiful 2-acre lot covered with moture trees has reached our office. There are many varieties of trees and Is virtually o bird watchers baradise. After following the winding lane through the wooded ocreage you arrive at a fairly new 4-bed- A few features are -- separate dining room, panelled living room with fire- place and wali-to-wall broadleom. The rest of the nice features you will see when you inspect. Sensibly priced ot $17,000.00 with $3,500.00 down OUT ON A LIMB We are out on a limb it we do no sell this property fast. we were asked to list this property because we sold the neighbor's home two days after listing it, now the owners of this modern brick country residence expect us to do the some for them. It should! sell fast but we need your support. If you like the country, prefer large lots (this one is 230' x 328%), want your lendsgoping done, if Lo enjoy a fireplace ond want aluminum storms and screens, then this rty is worth inspecting Onl $14,500.00 with $3,500.00 down, a y MAYBE you like living in the country but prefer to build your own house. Then we suggest you inspect this two-acre lot overlooking g conservation area. The lot is 216' x 405 'and is only $3, 000.00. Terms are avoilable RESIDENTIAL -- FARMS -- ACREAGES BUSINESSES -- COMMERCIAL | | 191al 191a| 55 CONSUL, 1910 1006 NEARLY het, two storey Brick home, finished Sasement 500 down, 167¢ three bedrooms, pear ail sehonts. MO 8-2625 WELL Siro boarding house, ¢ bathrooms, Spatkiity Wong atom a A this one W. epues| 98 nee oR Sh biel yoo dubgalow, Hydro and water, #5300 with $700 down. W. Me. Auley, RA 3.2512, 186f SOLID brick ranch style home. Inrge fot, Jandscaped, six rooms, bath Loeat tion... 2 | oe. a 108 ¢ Celina Snel" hone = hina Auta Tnsiranes, Save & per cent. Six mont 3 Petsonal service at iy 5h DODGE, bik six _eytin ya '81 rh Ng Bowmanville foR, SUE. Ji J RA Sain Ry in today ed on Quie tijden tal, street. 8 Freda i ine MA 195% A.J.8 competition model, ble, can be d. RA SIX room brick house: big Iot, appik and cherry trees; low down payment. Private, no agents, 253 Verdun Road, RA 5-5877, EIGHT room Bungalow, private beach 'D $8500 wall pr price, four bedrooms, kil ehen, large 22 by 11° 8" livingroom With naturdl fireplace, two dining rooms, three-piece bathroom, large screened verandah. all furnished, dou. eal for swimming and or big crafts. After § 35-6873. 55 Muskoka Avenue $2000 DOWN. Ritson and Ewiaiie dis friet, solid brick. six rooms, modérn good venting area. Call RA PRIVATE sale, beautiful five room ranch style bungalow, three bedrooms, tiled bath, modern kitchen, cul stone fireplace in living room, oil heated, hardwood floors throughout, newly dec. pratéd and landscaped, RA 5.8476, 187¢ SIX « room house, 114 : storey, bark brick; garage, close to public and sepa- rate school, low down payment, RA 5-5895 185¢ S11B00 TNHA re-sale private "six room house with aluminum windows, TV aerial, landscaped. Principal and in terest $83 monthly; $2300 down, Mov-| ing to USA. RA 52872 or 733 Gaspe Avenue {48 Resl Estate Wanted !ARE you thinking of selling or chang- ing your hime, for quick eouviteous service eall Lloyd Corson at RA 18-5123, 101 Simcoe Street North Realty, List with Lloyd then © | mover. HOUSES andl farms wanted for clients. { All eash or your equity For quick sale call W._ McAuley Realtor, 2 Prince 477g Oshawa, HA 3-2812: Whithy MO 8-323 WAN ED: with dinette, Three bedroom bungalow in Stevenson Road dis. triet, NHA re-sale, 30-day possession. Have substantial down payment. RA jo-8802 1861 Makes three people happy by | Listing your property -- Wwe Sell it. You'll be the buyer will be happy that makes three BERNEICE ARMSTRONG | REAL ESTATE | RA 5-3692 MO 8-3355 {47 --Automobiles For Sale heppy $0 will we | ereury sump, excellent eon Phone Ajox {738 FORD sedan, 44,000 original miles, |exceptibnal condition; $250 or best |offer. Phone MA 3:5278 9f I] PONTIAC coms ertible, condition, black top, turquoise with white, automatic, radio, White Apply 480 Eulalie Avenue. 191f immaculate eondition,| four few tires, Call RA 5-3661, 190f | ¥ Crusader Bi fordor fu | dition exeellent | body | walls. =1 RAS 4513 or RA 5:7456 before 7 p.m. Ki! CHEV, with many pare parts, a hone RA 8:52 0! 'white, radio, antomatie eighteen thousand niled $1 ig Motors, Oppotite TT CONVERTIBLE '52 METEOR $300 or BEST OFFER EE wl So a EA = Anal at Street West. MOVING to Rom Barr "Contents EA n com virything sold at Sacre cylinder, 567 Shane Ky "Avene Sin 3 ONE modern 2plece chested chair, recovered, grey, full prick $112.1 ---- MO id 1111 Centre South, Whitby. let 2, HE rE 189 = SALE=A quont RA 8-6412 | © 4 CELINA ST | +~Automobles Wanted Ii; AKESHORE Autp Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid, RA 5-116 or RA 35.1 WANTED: "31 -'32 Ford roadster, | © coupe; ete, with or without engine, any shape. Reasonable, Will pay eash. . Phone RA 3-9066 af LJ : 49 to 51 Ford er $200. Will pay eash. Good 2 ter § p.m, : | BUCK'S BODY SHOP Expert collision work--=weld- ing, painting, towing ond storage. Cars bought eh Id PH, MARLYN, Prop 361 BLOOR ST. E HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean ears. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. §. RA 3.9421 MACKIE MOTORS |} will | Poy ment, | NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 buy good clean cars. off liens, Sell on consign- Trade up or down. ARC ry Lincoln, 300 awps., 220 volts, 60 ey. single eas, AC: band fate model end p years old. writers, | =aw, Delta, metal and transiitesion type: jo'hter 8 nehes, + HP; metal iathe, South Bend; 4 ft; typewriters: bookkeeping ina- chines air compressors, piston type, from % to 5 HP, d to order with gasoline engines or pe threaders; Drees tion, reasonable. RA S605, HIGHEST prices No Jl ahd 189 [J ture, Alo sel exchange, Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-113] DINETTE set, four chairs, extending table, coral, black chrome, 0; ches- terfield bed, matching ehair, red tweed 812s. RA 8 8-8837. § = RUGR--810.08 value Show nt cleared out at $29.88. Jet at ast! Barons' Home od hdd 424 Simcok Street South. ; fal we USED tires, most all aizes, i) up. B. F Goodrich Stores, RA 54548. URED Wifes, #3, up, Terms Dominion Tire Store; 88 Bond Street West UARGE selection of re-conditioned TV's at Parway Television, 918 Sim: coe Street North. FLECTRIC razor service depot, eub ting heads, cords, ete., for all makes of electric razors. Meagher's, § King St. West. WE pay highest prices in the eit used furniture. Pretty's Used Fd ture Store, RA 83-3271, 444 Biicoe South, BOATS, motors and trailers. New and used, Easy terms at Domihion Tite Store, 48 Bond Street West, , Oshawa. AWNINGS, "plain, colors, or gay stripes, prompt service, Free esti: mates, Order now for early delivery (air and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North. o LAWN Cruiser 18 in. deluxe our huge sale, low low sale a genuine dis, it {be disappoinfed, Hurry out to top Snack Bar on Highway 2 between Oshawa and Whitby. RA 8-689. lawn mowers 25; owers, just arrived for gular price laced by new are in first elas condition. rice each, $75, en excellent yf for | students, Phone RA 375. | These fay be seen of the Ofhawa Business Cell _ege, betjeen B ohd 5 960 T.V.'s ARE INOW IN STOCK SEE THEM SOON AT PARKWAY TELEVISION oe SIMCOE ST, NORTH SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 NO PAYMENTS ON ALUMINUM DOORS & WINDOWS UNTIL FEB. 1st, 1960 DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 377 SIMCOE S. RA 8-1651 FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 © week per family of four, includes- approximetely 90 per cent groteries and freezer. No down payment, For appointment (no obliga tion)--phone RA 5.3709, 0, Aud 0ODnG {ton ne ae deep tred tire condition throughout only "$1595 Vas Heusen Motors, open till & '54 tHEVROL ET deluxe iE "really | sharp, and white tutone ir Wi upholstery, eustom white walls ONLY $795. Motors, King Street, W |'s% VOLKSWAGEN Micro bus, months old, seats nine or sleeps five, Wonderful for family, tips and eamp- ing. 32 miles to the gallon. Like new {Also 1930 Ford deluxe town sedan, ex- cellent candition, original 47,000 miles RA 3.3033. 108¢ | radio, FORD, coach, good condition, Apis, Street South. | ., four-door, custom a |very clean, very reasohable for aah {150 Burk Street 30 CHE {Phone RA Yea] good condition, L BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res. 5.5574 Thé Supreme "UNBEAM RAPIER rformonce and Safety Endurance, Reliability --~NOW ON DISPLAY WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. NONOQUON ROAD--RA 3-431 | | SABYAN MOTOR | © SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA ONT TEL. RAndolph 3-346) FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSLER PRODUCTS . . . TRY Van Heusen Motors | 149 King West RA 5- -3557 CRANFIELD MOTORS USED CARS B-A SERVICE | RAMBLERS, METROPOLITAN | MORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY | RILEY SALES AND SERVICE MERCEDES BENZ D.K.W. FIAT Authorized Sales & Service ANDY 'NAGY'S BODY SHOP | 408 King St. W. RA 37132 { SEE THE NEW VOLVO sensutional built family sports car ner of over 100 major Swedish | | | American and European | | | Win The speed, economy and endar- ance contests. NOW ON DISPLAY AT WILBAK MOTORS Authorized Deales 137 KING STREET WEST | RA 5.0732 with Van denser] SALES LTD. _| 1271 SIMCOE NORTH B89 RA 5.6036, RR 3, Thornton's Road. 180¢ {from $38.50. Irvine t bile Repairs BRAMLEY MOTORS PHONE RA 3.4675 | in Ford Service Whee! alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, of | 30----Articles For Sale PIGEONS for sale, bara Specialists and parts. BARTAINS of a life time!! spring-filled Mattresses, regular $49.95 «three only, 50, ment chrome suites, Arborite table matching ehairs, regular $50.95 seven only $29. 95. Car bed baby carriages, $28.50 Pontinenta beds, single size, complete $27.50. GE floor polishers, regular $40.05- slashed to $36.95. Fabulous savings dufing the liquidation sale. Wilson Furniture, 20 Chureh Street. "the spectacular hew Buccaneers! 3 10 35 hp with twp starting models. Come ia and choose yours and terms. Cy Preece J Garage, po ciladon at Verdun Road. X07 Jresk Shen. ve Xe Sheri A Bi, Moring's Simeoe Street North. one | USED television seis, ditioned. Free 90-day war pletely recon ry SMALL cook stove for cool evenings|ranty on labor anda at your cottage; also four wooden kit. |pliances, 50 Bond E {chen chairs, Phone RA 5-2000 after § {pm 190b | (Qu 10K sale, used Hecla "(gas) Soa al {and burner; ohe used No. 30 Ruud hot | {water heater, good condition; hast |offer. RA 5.9588 ot {ocM hieyele, good condition. a {RA 8.0055 190f ONE five foot used bath tub, one chin | I basin, one used toilet. Phone RA 5.4241, | 4 {ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER, Reming. | ton, excellent condition, $105: 35 mm camera Retina III cf2 lens, 1.500 shut ter, LVS lightmeter, casz, $150. E. Rowe, MO 8-5881. 1910 |TV aerial, $12. Apply 858 Burk Street. | |Phone RA 8-68 1914 {usin TV set, gas range and refrig- jerator. Apply from 4 - 6 pam. at 237 {Simcoe South, 1014) ONE chesterfield and ehair, dark ies suitable for summer cottage' Make an| offer; also two pictures. Apply 787) Grierson Street 101a | | PEPSI Cola vending pop cooler, slight. | {ly used. Call MA 3.5056, Bowmanyilie. a] | ZENITH transistor radios now rl {able at Meaghers"s on very reasonable | terms. Many new models now to choose {from, Be sure to see the Zenith before | {you buy. Meagher's, 5 King Street | West, _RA 83425 18 your basement damp? Then try an! Electrohome de-humidifier, Special | offer, one week's free trial. Parkway | Television, 918 Bimeoe North. RA 33043, Store will be elosed on Mon days during July and August. | ELECTRIC ranges, al makes, com. | pletely reconditioned. 90-day warranty, Appli Bond 3 d, fl: awa Hardware and Electrie, Street, RA 3. 7624 SMOOTH top mattresses, 252 coll, all | sizes, $59.95 value, now only $29.09. This is a repeat of a previous sellout. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe | Street South. $10 FOR YOUR oLD MATTRESS ON A BEAUTIFUL THER- A - PEDIC SMOOTH - TOP MATTRESS WITH A TWEN. TY-YEAR WRITTEN GUAR- ANTEE. DICK BRADLEY'S FURNITURE DRIVE-IN 299 Simcoe St. South GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS | PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS | Trode-ins acceptid:~ Finance. Terms, Open evenings and" weekends MARINE STORAGE » & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT,, PHONE 87 | Phone | INO. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX, ONT, SELL your vege) in The Farm: er's Column', Classification 26 the Want Ads, It's where intere buy: ers look. Dial RA 33452 now KROEHLER 90f| and Sectionals -- new Pp | Reduced 20 to 40 percent. oA $40-$110 -- while they last! $10 down delivers. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe St. 6. Lowest prices gu teed | your money back. | THREE Tooms of furniture for only $200. Pay nnly $20 down. This includes thestertisld, bedroom suite, Kitchen set, matiress, coffee and step tables, lamps, etc, ete. Guaranteed better LES EVENISS SALES LTD. ALUMINUM AWNINGS DOORS, WINDO' SCREENS CUSTOM Cif FIREPLACE |ES 15 PRINCE ONE er RA 5.4632 1 EXTRA! For & better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair vent awnings, - doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and gorages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St, RA 5.243) Whitby, MO 8-4633 52--Legal Notices {value than anywhere else! Barons' {Home Fur a 4 Simcoe St. S. I will not be responsible for any debte COLONIAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS AND AWNINGS Monufactured in our Whitby plant Before buying come to our show room at 134 Sifhcoe St. S. ond see our display or for a home dem- onstration call Oshawa RA 8-8571. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL ALUMINUM = | 134 SIMCOE S., OSHAWA | YOU'VE TRIED THE REST | now TRY THE BEST Open Evenings FROM 12' CARTOPS to 21" CRUISERS SCOTT OUTBOARD SALES AND SERVICE EASY TERMS AJAX MARINE CALL 1266 AJAX in my name, from this date on, by my wife, Annie L. May. August 15, 185. -- Gordon May. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received un til Sept. 4th at 4 p.m. for the erection on on addition to ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH, OSHAWA, ONT, Drawings ond specifications may be obtained fromes HERBERT G, COLE, ARCHITECT, 111 SIMCOE STREET S. OSHAWA, ONTARIO RA 8-0221 upon deposit of $50.00. Lowest or any tender will net necessarily be accepted. 19le Mother And Children Found Alive SYDNEY, N.S. (CP) -- A 3 a HARLEIGH'S WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SALE Odds ond Ends ¥ Cupboards, Flooring, Arbor ite, Walnut Plywood, Cab- inet Hardware, etc. Some Antique Chairs, Wed., July 27th -- {| p.m.. td 9 p.m. Thurs, July 28th ~ 6 pm, to 9 pm 121 McMillan Drive Corner Colborne St. W. year-old woman and six children were found safe early today in a Maliestin elser n dense woods at nea ra ake after being lost more than 13 hours. Mrs. John McNeil, her four children and. two children of Mr. {and Mrs. John Gillis, all of Syd- ney, became lost on a blueberry- [Picking expedition Sunday after Tal combed the Eh, Jou Bh rahout ihe together just hefore daybreak. Mrs, MacNeil sai . "T built a shelter children and st

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