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The Oshawa Times, 19 Aug 1959, p. 11

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"If you are given a salad, you i Canadian Nurses' Assoc. Plans |Doctor Describes [imide i | Tips On Transplanting THE STARS SAY English Cookery [mS have wo vet earned tha {| Your Trees And Shrubs 7 Tass Packaged Tour Of Europe Bs Dull And Sogay or erst hess amt beet be oe | / Those who are enterprising and i 3 i + 0% | The transplanting of trees and|is no tight string or bandaging somewhat aggressive will fare| By CAROLYN WILLETT month-long overseas trip Jacked WINNIPEG (CP) -- Dr. Cyl SODDEN CanpasE the Fetish BE | shrubs should be more than just|around the stem of the plant. [better mow than those who sit] Canadian Press Staff Writer |lands hospitals where Canadians|Hamwee, an Englishman who has | wee Sa a {filling a hole in the ground. A| A few words about watering:/around and wait for things to| OTTAWA (CP)--Canadian nur-|will visit next year. settled in Manitoba, says *"Eng-| ung eon is a abl rom Joint llitfle extra care in this operation|never flood a hole with water|"happen." So, get busy! Stimu- 3¢S saving their pencies can look| The nurses' tour will includeflish cookery lost its battle With lll We a oe les i wd & [will assure home plantings a fairjuntil it is about three-quarters lating influences encourage all 'orward to a European tour next/Fdinburgh, London, Paris, Nice |out ever fighting for it." Feng solid Lig ol come! full of good earth that has Peon activities. summer. Rome, Florence, Venice, Geneva,| The Baldur, Man., physician/den cabbage, wretchedly boiled : ie 0 o! i rses' Associa, ih i isi i . It is malodorous in the inext spring. {suitably compacted about the FOR THE BIRTHDAY |, The Canadian Nurses Associa Lucerne, Brussels and Amster |was critical of English cuisine in|in Water ] | The main problem centres on|roots. Let the water soak in be-| If tomorrow is your birthda Hol; je V rolcss on $ National or-dam. ? i : comments he made recently to alcosking, disgusting to the eVs, fo |the size of the hole to be dug.|fore the addition of extra earth.iyour horoscope indicates fine/c™ 28 ckanan oy The proposed itinerary include: | foint meeting of the chambers of Yo 2 a wer {And no single rule can be laid|Po not pound down wet soil. Fillippospects ahead. ¥ you will do 0 i Sage of Europe's high- observational visits to such ir |commerce of Boissevain, Man. Co ih Ha down concerning this. The length|in the last layer of earth with your best to conquer a Leoite|jiohts both in seenery and nurs. |Stitutions as the Royal College © 1nd Dunseith, N.D. ul body. land spread of the roots, as well|just average firmness. tendency toward indolence, you! jo Gk i [Nursing in London, the World| *If you are ever tempted to go The typical English luncheon is Eas the nature of the soil, can] Im your fall planting, it's 8|chould be able to make fine! 3 Ae a A © |Health Organization and thejio England on a holiday," he told undoubtedly "the basis of some- i best determine the answer to|#00d idea to leave a mulehsyides in your career--if not im.| Pearl Stver, CNA general thai| League of Nursing Societies: injthe members, "I had better de-ithing or other--Whether it be of {this question {around the transplant. !mediately, at least by October. fe141Y , sd in an interview 3 | Geneva. scribe to you the typical Englishithe British Empire or of British ; Here are a few, suggestions eS December will be another excep-[ © P nha reat rt Me Siok There also is plenty of room to Tu heon. from the Ontario Department of M 5 tionally good month, but youlcooiation to include professional] Pe, Simply a tourist, with a goo- = | Agric: re specialists: Claims Deafness | 't "lie down on the job" inl i. date .ldola trip in Venice, a cruise on! {Agriculture specialists: can ; A J ivisits to hospitals and other in- the Seine irom Paris a Rhine | Be sure that holes: are wide | {the meantiine. Dowt take finan oijtutions overseas a = Geriany ond 3 trip | PHONE land deep enough so that roots Has Advantages [cial risks, either, since Sous '| Around CNA headquarters yp Mount Pilatus in Lucerne. | : |need. not be twisted out of their| you will not only offset the gains, po "the trip is known as a Estimated cost of the trip, fly-| Bi po J normal position. The sides of the, VANCOUVER (CP) -- Arnitta possible, beginning in late No-|lupoc oonvention tour" because it. rs wi . f A ; Ile should Snot on and Benner can't hear the excited vember, but will hamper efforts, (uit June 25 from Halifax fol-|;8 hoth ways, Jrith most meals) cc "3 |the bottom flat and level, Spread | chatter of the board room tradersito further improve your financial|jowing the associations week- 18S and Mics Stiver expects] in con- at C. M. Oliver Company Limited status during 1960. {long biennial meeting. [about 30 nurses 40 sign up for the| J Si A {all roots so that each i ASSORTED MEATS FOR SALADS fic vi fe' new soi who whore she works "as a 'board Desembes. mn Jamuary shot ery', aman four | at the {the formation of air pockets. If|™ e 8. § f ; : i | Cold pork, ham and tongue | tion for a platter of meats to [the ground is stony, allow "for| But the attractive 22-year-old standpoint and, beginning with) Miss Stiver said the educational { make an interesting combina- | be served with summer salads. |enough new soil to give the roots deaf mute, a brown-eyed brun-|early December, the following tour ; In heeping with fe In| SLIPPED ON LIVER ! - ' hee : room to advance freely. « ette. does an efficient job of seven months promise a reat 10 romote study tau l BEDFORD, England (CP)--A| iZane eau y oppe 'have no desire to return to Save the topsoil dug from the chalking up share prices from deal in the way of recognition for| ' ! "slice of liver which fell from a . . . y : : and nurse exchanges. Twin Sisters Wring teaching," said Jacqueline. "We hole for use around the roots. |the ticker. [those engaged in creative work. | 8 | 3 4 | iz snaral socmol amv i it g : - oe [like the challenge and we like the| Either discard the poorer soil] "The only thing that bothers Both romance and travel will be| TUE Canadian geheral secretary shopping bask el in Bedfort RA 3-722] A Hard Living independence, even if we must|below, or mix it with better ma- me," she writes on her always. governed by generous J Council board meeting in through a shop window. She suf- , {work hard for it." terial. Use the poorer mixture handy note pad, "is that some-|in May and June and, except for| pe) BVeL aid a i En ! From North Cale | above and put a layer on top|times people call me when I am|a brief period in late DI: ! , ' a fel 5 | [that will remain porous and re-/marking up prices and I can't/domestic interests should prosper FORT SMITH, N.W.T. (CP)--| {sistant to sun-bake and harden- hear what they're saying." for the next 12 months. Her boss, Robert Chilcoot, com-| A child born on this day will| Where men had failed in this| ing | 1 | northern outpost, twin sisters) ? | It the soil is heavy or especi-Pany Vic-president, says that's be endowed with marked talents) Eveline and Jacqueline Bisson * , x lally wet, dig wide and deep, Then 10 Problem as far as he's con- for the stage and the musical | are Succeeding. Fort Smith - a4 a fill back with suitable mixed | cerned. field. i hey came to tort Smith, y / earth or drainage material and| "Our clients aren't supposed to y miles north of Edmonton, in 1957| 5 77 . ll 3 | a alloy talk to the board markers any- to teach school. Soon afterwards| plant shallow, o wed - they took over the management! 4 9 > Don't plant the roots too deep. way," he said. H of a small cafe that had forced] ES 1) Set them one or two inches below| Arnitta, born in Saskatoon and | three previous male owners out! & their original position. one of a family of 10 children, | of business. The girls, however, 2 © | A fertilizer, mixed in with the 0st her hearing when she was a| are making it pay. soil, is helpful, but do not let con. Paby. Her family moved to D "We knew the cafe was a risky centrated commercial fertilizers Daney, B.C., and then to Sechelt, ds ye {where her parents still live. Arn-! | I | 70 YOUR ve made up our minds to make gy | Peat and humus mixed with ir She proposition when we took come in direct contact with the : i : charge," said Jacqueline. "but| roots. lives in Vancouver with i it or break it." lithe soil In' the Tole ao attended school for the SATISFACTION "The first year was hectic and i . \ tot in the hole are often geaf put, she writes, studying is'| and CARPET SALES - ' = ] |} many times we felt like throwing A ¢ he pul to transplants for goodiglow' for the deaf. With ine eats at wer rices: in the sponge. But the initiation | ; rooting "Being deaf, however, has one $e is over, thank goodness, and the| § | 'The removal of burlap from advantage. She never loses her NU - A cafe is beginning to grow now." | oy 1 3 3 transplants of ot necessary. temper. "It's easy to be angry| n Born near Quebec City, the! % Roots - can Pirate burlap, when you can hear what people] 174 Mery St. RA 5.0433 WE 1 t } Ra. - twins moved with their parents,-! which will rot alid eventually dis- say to you. I can't hear so I, seven sisters and three brothers i appear, Just be sure that there never get mad." into the Peace River district of | a : : a / SHANKLESS, SMOKED hern Alberta 15 years ago. FTEMPERAMENTAL COOK - - i ® ® SEE measure Your rook | Picnic Shoulders = 39: temperamental cook became| - : angered when a customer| changed his rier. Be Tiped | ago . - LEAN, PEAMEALED his apron and stalk Y t " das er rs oc See How Little It Will Cost To Cover It until they persuaded him to re-| «382 f turn { & age Oo S . . The .twins said roughnecks in| . '/ . a" nse eavsher ERSIEST DOLL | Wall-To-Wall with "Hardings wr hem Wie wiz hss, then every-| By ALICE BROOKS 2 FRESH KILLED irs Seti oi ew te draw sas org | LUXUrious VISCOSE BROADLOOM | Ol ¥ ANG ¥F OWL Ib 29- | job themselves. cotton for her hair. : . "People still think the North is poner i Ea |! a.yooting - tooting - shooting land : : rk, © ag i : - . ; a 7382: directions for doll made of [fi BEREES oy I £m ne A vv of wild Indians, saloons and man- A oy % sd 4 PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY anil rolvoe?' : reli wy/man's Size 12 sock, pattern for hy ea % . ro a = he - cating wolves said Eveline. 70 CRE 2 : : CUT-UP Legs, Thighs, Breasts 2 lbs, 1.00 | s why $ . 41bs. 1.00 ron i fg | Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS Rp 8 rer Food (coins) for this pattern (stamps Ea Oh 0 # WINGS come in by rail and air. During Saung; be Sccepied) lo Toe i { EAN geht NE : 1 . . : some months, the cafe ships in/2Wa mes, ousehol Arts il Fe N87 /8 : od of " | as much as 2,400 pounds of meat.|Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print A er o : H BACKS and NECKS . 2 ibs. 25¢ supplies for the town The former school teachers go to plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- a, movie or a dance for entertain-| TERN NUMBER. , ment, and never miss church. | Our 1959 ALICE BROOKS "It's hard work and lots of Needlecraft Catalogue has many oo he moment welll tne rier es Vf 1 SHOULDER CHOPS 1b. 65 EN HR ie he alan to hee a chil hap : € -. os V r A SHOULDER STEAKS : Ib. ge J as S-| pily occupied -- a cutout doll and gh y CUBED VEAL . ' ' | . ters in Sweden's Lutheran State clothes to color. Send 25 cents| HB _ STEW (Bone In) 4 lbs. 1.00 Church was approved in 1958. for your copy of the book. I "a hd a THURS. SLICED, BREAKFAST ony! BACON 2w:83c | CLUB STYLE Se ww 60° | DINNER HAMS wurrose uw 89° DINNER HAMS (REGULAR) wu 89 REGISTRATION fl || ute eer || LOIN PORK CHOPS =v 69: NOW AVAILABLE Our school trains the professional | § o & i 3 : : jj Stuffed and LEAN PORK ROAST C S [64 CSE J Ready for BONELESS VEAL ROAST Ib beauticians whose skill AP goes to your head. If you E- BUSSES [fl The Oven' MEATY SPARE RIBS ore interested in Uk A Remarkable Buy At This Price a Beauty Career, please all | : ) Heavy hi-low 100% viscose carpet in 9° and 12' widths. It is easily Fd BARBECUE SPECIALS SPRING LAMB a . cleaned, easily to maintain and with its non-slip lostex packing it or visit our Lev Rk, Saddle Brow, TRRDIOITS, eis Gnd orca Grete vad To ob # MEATY BLADE STEAKS LEGS ee 69c Ramples In your own home, Cherney's 'wit measure veut noon hats B TENDER CLUB STEAKS LOIN &RIB CHOPS ........ 89¢ DELICIOUS RIB STEAKS SHOULDER CHOPS . ...... Ib. 59¢ School at... 3 : rh you with the selection of color, give you an estimate of the cost with I 16A ONTARIO ST. | Xn yy iain i | SKINLESS WIENERS ........ 21bs. 75¢ STEW CUTS .............oc;. 1D. 33¢ no obligation Prop. MAS: IANA YALL SEE OUR DISPLAY LUXURIOUS BROADLOOM | 4 | | ; : | . fnjoy | | : a Wi ~X p ; ow" + k | : PHONE 1 § bere hk RA 34212 dll 8 7Tender EAT'N er nmee || RT | RITE 113 | DOWNTOWN OSHAWA YT a \ « + » OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. 12 KING EAST RA 3-3633

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