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The Oshawa Times, 25 Aug 1959, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 25, 1959 13 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale Ristow & Olsen 45--Real Estate For Sale z=: | H GOLDSTEIN SCHOOL CONSCIOUS The young family who would REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 BOND T. EAST RA 8-516] like a six room, two storey, brick home, on Mary St. { Salesmen Fred Major Mike Dubyk 37---Male Help Wanted |44--For Rent 84--For Rent j44--For Rent EXPERIENCED wi BED - SITTING room and kitchenette, BEAUTIFULLY furnished home to rent THREE rooms, ground floor, unfur- for fulltime employment Sains Woe |fefrigerator and launary facilities, deal |Septomber | to May 1 or will Share nished. Phone RA 5-8985. 198¢ Specialities Ltd., Ajax. 19h (for teacher. Located on Oshawa Boule-|with dependable couple in return for FURNISHED room for rent in quiet _-- vard North. RA 5-3169. 197¢| services. Situated on Highway 2 north, Apply 240 Burk Street. Phone, WANTED -- Reliable man as dealer|iwo furnished co "ith sink. ve. side adjoining east end of town of RA 193¢ in Oshawa, Experience not necessary. RO Suuishen Jooms, Wit sink, sult newcastle. Apply at premises, Mr, Pick-|___ A fine opportunity to step into old pro- Y I 3 fitable business where Rawleigh pro-|Street W 45--Real Estate For Sale r ing. 198a | SINGLE le rool close working couple. Apply 31. Colborn proicr North GM, central, all conveniences. ducts have been sold for years. Bi ; profits, Products furnished on credit. EL) e aa ie Lo : 97¢|QUIET, middle-aged gentleman will annly 204 Bond Street East. Write Rawleigh's, Dept, ig - part -- rent room in apartment to gentleman | He csr msa H-310-163, DASE MENY Spariment, Suse children | with use of cther rooms, Reference ie [TWO unfurnished Some, siitabile or ONE MORT AGE --- ] M Phuc io . : {quired. RA 8-1717 198f couple. Appl . 4005 Richelieu, Montreal [usionme. Apply 218 Celina, Street op} TEI aja RT TRE RELIABLE man for installation of 1G Rous with sara e, cen-|Deated, modern kitchen, sliding glass. Must have chauffeur's BIoHY om ange = Pub. ag Possession September 1 licence. Call H. G. Designs, Pickering | reasonable rent. Phone 5-3501 Dbe-|5-6304 : 01 tween 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. 197¢ [FURNISHED bedsitting - - -- x - -- So" cooki ies, lephone, RELIABLE middle - aged man as truck| LARGE room, completely furnished for ing facilities, telepho: driver, ability to help in shop. Call|light housekeeping, including electric |hospital, Phone RA 8-5507 |$5900 down, Call us right away for first H. G. Designs, Pickering 810. 198f (refrigerator, use of washing machine, | FURNISHED room with refrigerator, | hance. W. McAuley, Realtor, 26 Prince AMBITIOUS young tan wanted bylcioee [0 Shopping Centre and downivery central. Apply 105 Court Street, off Street, RA 3.2512, Whithy, MO 83-3231, 45--Real Estate For Sale three-bedroom brick house, oil very central, 45 Real Estate For Sale Phone RA|RANCH STYLE brick bungalow, at- 982 tached garage, five rooms, plus room, full |dinette. A beautiful new home, - close to vately built, north of Shopping Cen- 198f tre. Real value at only $14,900, with close to North Simcoe Public | Schooi, "should inspect this | home now. A low down pay- ment may be arranged for a responsible couple and con- venient monthly payments on the balance as one first mort- gage. Total price $13,500 For inspection call Ray ot RA Solid brick bungalow -- Six rooms CALL MR. McMULLEN, RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. Som Goldstein ONLY $8,900.00 oom bungalow is going for the full price of only It has many extras, Easy monthly pay- This loveiy . $8,900.00 with reasonable "down payment low with built-in. his home is handy Excellent buy, many Sam Goldstein RA 8.6196 near bu sservice. RA 5-3686 unfurnished rogms. heat Apply 579 King Street 198a suit be room hous Phone RA or seven central THREE room attic apartment 9c | sink, vefrigerator, hot and cold water, ROOM and board for ladies, or gentle. Suitable for business couple or teach i goygE for family, good men. Two can share, single beds. Close | ers. 37 Arlington Avenue. a, one half 'o bus stop. Near hospital. Apply 20 Two furnished housekeeping land, : Write Box ATWO fur Jones Avenue 196f | pedroom and kitchen with ref stating place of ROOM and board. One single room and | and private sink, for couple, one to share. Phone RA 8-6382. Five dren. Apply 313 French Street ninutes S. plant Two furnished bedrooms with kitchen BOARDERS -- two working girls to|very central, young men office worker share house, with all conveniences, on short week preferred. Would consid Phone Ajax 92 195 | er partial board, RA 3-4935 196¢ SELL puppies or other pets? People THREE . room apart t, bath. Ar who want them check "Pets for Sale" ply 140 Bloor Street East or phone RA in Classified every day Dial RA 3-3492/ 5.5562 196¢ to start an ad that sells pets RODM and board available for men, self contained, single beds. | cation. 271 Simcoe Street Phone RA 5-1963 194¢ | 3-6516 BOOM and board, five-day week, good | ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and meals, lunches packed, parking space, bath, maid service. RA 3-4641, Geposha near south GM, close to shopping cen- | Hotel. tres. RA 5.9453 194 EXCELLENT office space with private ROOM and board for one gentleman. tiled bathroom, 24-hour switchboar 0 V4 ©, Apply 131 Park Road North. Call RA service. RA 3-4641, Genosha Hotel ed house, bath, oil furnace, paved| mortgage 5% %, $80 «o Soai3 Fryri bash Todd suit | driveway, garage, TV aerials. Suitable] month, principal, interest and thls BED-SITTING. room and kitchen, sult | io sublet. Oshawa Boulevard South. RA FURNISHED rooms for clean boys. one or two girls, close to hospital and |; gga, 195¢ Meals if desired, private, reasonable high school. Apply 235 Dearborn Ave- |. -- --. - a -- | rates. RA 8.1773. 193 | nue 96f | TWO rooms unfurnished, upstairs - built-in cupboards, kK, us : ROOM and board for six in MODERN eight - room brick bungalow | 0 a a Ea e of yore! large, new, country home. per on large lot, landscaped, four years rr -- kn rire week. Phone Brooklin 654Ring2. old, expertly painted iron ghout 2 FORTY ars Upper three rooms, | ACCOMMODATION ~aste | per cent NHA mortgage. 24 x 12-fi. din- completely private, own entrance. | ACCOMMODATION for elderly guests, P® Apply 149 Celina Street. RA 57663 or! vely i v ing living room, two kitchens, two in ovely home in Part Perry. Reason | piincoom, five pedmome: oi furnice: | MO §36%, Whitby. + KX for gentleman, in! electric watertank. Quiet, residential Gow phone Pickering 11R, location, near publie school, direct bus| ore "HA 3.7070 ROOM and board for gentleman, not to high school at door, Conant school| li crsett ones Box ob ol I : -- over 25, to share with same. Call RA district. RA 59854 4X a three bedroom bungalow. in 031 | = - ooklin, y pH R 3 dis + os [MODERN four ~ room ly furished oon, fully, decorica, arte pine ROOM and board for gentleman, close apartment, all conveniences, for work- | ooo from school. $90 a month to downtown. Apply 20 Elgin Street ing couple or two GM girls, $125 month. oy, East. RA 8-5160, ly. RA 3-7617. 185¢12 A eau ---- --- i ouble, wo ROOM and board for gentlemen, floor apart. | Apply 273 J p accommodation, home cooked meals, ment, residential street, separate en: |TCRTE SPPIY a3 Jarvis Street or south district. RA 5-3710 trance, suitable for couple, $65 month- bows ---- - renee - ~ ily. 180 Oshawa Boulevard North. RA BUNGALOW for rent, two Room and board for gentlemen, close 5-8266. 195f igarage attached, Simcoe South near to downtown, apply 233 Elgin St E.| omen Tor 3 » lake, reasonable. Phone Dr. Kaczanow- Phone RA 3.7814 ONE room in Bew hense, TOF 00% OF|cki, Ontario Hospital, MOhawk 8-586 | two gentlemen. Apply 637 Albert Street 104f 43--Wanted to Rent THREE - room apartment. Phone COTTAGE required at Lake Scugog or Drookin 8. ee | 1 Oshawa area. September 27 to Novem-| UPSTAIRS to let in new house. Electric 5. ber 14. Prefer insulated cottage to sleep stove and some furnitire, 3 rooms = - : dix. RA 3.4200, 4 194f with bath. Phone RA 37345 195¢ TWO Tie, moms TWO-. or three - bedroom bungalow re-|TWO-room, furnished apartment, stove Apply 135 Celina, quired by young couple with two chil- and refrigerator, private entrance, cen-| Em AS td Id ATTRACTIVE furnisk ms ai dren. Write Box 431, Oshawa Times, tral. Apply 96 Centre Street ove ua Road | North 4] 7 p.m. RA 8-86 SCHOFIELD ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail insurance Assoc. Ltd |able in private home. 82 Park Road si . RENTAL SERVICE Why worry, we will rent your property, to reliable tenants North 5 . 7 p.m i | DECORATED room (for rent for one or | We have a waiting list Call today-- {two gentlemen, cXoking = privileges DAYTIME--RA 3-2265 loca mile 205 0: em-| 4 : ployment Estate FOUR n flat in equipped with refrigerato lin cupboards, and sink. TV ly decorated. Apply 17 Elena Street Howe & Millen Real" Estate RA 5-7732 Jones Real Estate « J RA 5-6412 One half stone made grounds home built. new private stove, oms tural Garage to the north plant Estate aeria 93t 5. Hyman Real Estate RA B8-6286 Ok YOUR LOCAL CO-OP BROKER | THREE - room self ment, centrally located in Phone MArket 3-3100 INEW semi.de close to in Ajax pa OLEAN housekeeping room, for gentleman or two friends to sh parking available. Apply 229 Street. SEVEN contained apart Oshawa 194 town FERNHILL NEAR ROSSLAND ROAD ~ = SE GLIDDON AVE IMMACULATE CONDITION Here is ¢ home to suit the most discriminate buyer who likes a 11% storey home in good condition, well built good location, handy to school, landscaped, oil heat- ed, garage, equipped com- plete iwth aluminum storm windows and screens, large kitchen with tiled floor. Only $11,800. Terms MODERN BUNGALOW WHITBY $800 down would be consi- dered by the owner for this vacant 3 bedroom brick bun- galow about 1)% years old Has a large divided kitchen; aluminum storm windows and screens, High dry basement, forced air heating with oil nice lawn at rear, ched six-roomn house schools and shopping centre Phone Ajax 863 J after apartment choice lo- North. RA 6c SPACIOUS three room four | completely private, low rent By owner leaving City we can offer this 4. year old, 5V2- room brick bungalow on at- tractively londscaped lot " & id L room furnished or unfurnish Priced at $13,500. N.H.A taxes. CADILLAC AVE N The possibilities of this older home are amazing. It's in beautiful condition. First floor has a large living room, with natural fireplace, ad- joining dining room and spa- cious kitchen. 3 bedrooms on 2nd floor, and 2 on 3rd For a large family home in o choice location it can't be beat FOR RENT -- 4 yeor old -- 3-bedroom bungalow, with garage, and 2 acres of land Located on, Tounton Rd. E $85 o month Immediate possession Lucas Peacock REALTOR RA 5-4330 Roy Flintoff RA 5-3454 Pat. Winter Jean Peacock girls, $15 on 198a McQuay & Kidd REALTORS WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST..S OPEN 9-9 WHITBY MO 8-3414, TORONTO EM 3-9603 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WHY WORRY? About job security when you can have an active business of your own. .With only $4,000 down payment plus stock you can be the owner of this lucrative village grocery business on highway 12 Low rent, All equipment included in the total price of $8,000 plus stock New N.H.A. bungalows with RESTAURANT nothing but the best. Car- $13,500 down payment and you are the new owner of a well- ports, Glidorama windows, | astoblished restaurant business, including the 4-year-old building, extra large kitchens, sodded all fixtures and equipment, cnd owner's modern six-room apart- front laws, many more fea- ment. For full information, please come to the office tures. Priced at $13,800 up. FISH & CHIP Call Bill Millar for more par ticulars i . One of the best money makers we have had the privilege to list. Located in a good shopping centre, this business is complete, just move 'in and start ringing the cash register. Seating for 50, plus a terrific take-out business: Short 5}2 day week, Only $16,900 with $6,900 down. Come in and take o look at the audited. financial statement and then get out your cheque book: RESIDENTIAL--FARMS--ACREAGES--BUSINESS--COMMERCIAL 198a nm. Suit work girl, $8 weekly. Bruce. 1! anv 4 Canada's largest shoe retailers, good 1 1 phone Li |anytime - 198b opportunity for advancemeni, good FR -- Se wr " HREE - bedroom bungalow, hardwood SINGLE furnished room, Bow SpHing|one double room, two to shares 5.6165. oil heating, hardwood floors, 3:pc. bath sharing plan. Two weeks' vacati ith | mattress, use of phone, centra 0ca- beds, in private home. Apply "garage, storms and screens, mear 4 ATX pay annually, For pes li ug Bn tion, Apply 180 Bruce Street, 5-7 p.m. sau Street 981 | school and bus. RA 3-9791. 198 NORTH-WEST ments, low taxes. Act NOW. 2% RA 5-6671, Mr, Chesser, between 9 THREE - unfurnished rooms with | Frye room frame bungalow, large : y . 95f bath, garage if desired. Apply 28 Royal hath. Apply . treet. | aluminum storms and screens, heavy [ ] : the discrimi ry cream -- - I ; . fo 1 for re-| e discriminating buyer can This beautiful S5-room brick ond stone 3 i y , suitable for two gentlemen, THREE bas ent apart t, wiring, oil heat, basement ideal for n r route, part week requirement only, per- ONE room. wijiable 313 Humber Ave- 360 a month Includes Hghts and water, | creation rocm, 14 x 24 ft. garage. Full . be_ found " is two and @ | garoge will be finished in about 3 weeks. wood Dairies Ltd., Port Perry, YUkon|n AGES a nin. Possession 30 dass. (Rossland Rd. W. & Gibbon St.) olf year old brick and stone | to schools, buses and shopping centre. vant n UNFURNISHED three - room apart-| MODERN three - roomy, self ~ contained | 198¢ | " EN "----------| ent, modern kitchen, large closets apartment, vacant Sepiembet 17, $75.| rr stone fireplace in the livin SALESMAN to call on beauty salons in (3 0™ Jove nace, washing facilities, [Phone RA 3.7617. 0 Rl Bon Tachinery room ep charming kit. McLAUGHLIN BLVD i m " sold separately, ven-room \! . hairdressing not essen Apply in FOR rent or sale - five-room house. | i * person to. Oshawa Beagly Supply couple. Preferred. 244 Gliddon Avenue. | ite Bax No. 347 Oshawa Times. 108) ak chen 'with divider between the This home is 'located in a very fine residential area close to King Street East. 5d | 4 " 5 ? - : oo pain ag . : Tn . i 00. h ng Stee Ea 195d | NO unfurnished Tooms and Kitchen.| BASEMENT apartment," heated, tiled ORE FOR RENT Beautiful New N.H.A. Homes There's move that could De Simcoe 'St. North, and 'the full price. is only $10,500.00. The ; i Tv | STOR ld but wh t for causes vacancy in Oshawa tlet, ing faciliti private, cen. |room, kitchen, bath, Tv outlet, B. { toi why not see pointment opportunity for year - round income. tral Apply 51 Nassau Street. 197¢ |5-7915 available Sept. 1 198f] 'gqrly occupancy in new IMMEDIATE POSSESSION yourself. Priced at $14,700 ¥or details write Rawleigh's, Dept. H p 5 FOR A SURE SALE, LIST WITH US lovely home, twin beds, North Oshawa, |trance, young couple desired. Near| .o ecord shop, specialized Full i d 5 and 6-room Bungalows intment call Hilda Ristow 7 7 th A and P Stor A 5-3576. 198c | : u equippe a poi la 38---Male or Female |parking. RA' 8-6718 after 6.30 p.m. 1974 [north A and P Store. RA 53576. 19c| rT TE client location Y equipp 9 aot RA 5.6165 or RA 5.3605 After Hours Call Help Wanted | FIVE room frame, all conveniences,| ATTRACTIVE furnished room for gen-| ria Jed x -- - o + | privileges, No other line. Ristow and Olsen Real- Mike Dubyk, RA 8- WANTED tomato pickers. Apply Wil. References Tite "Box 346 Othawa |ToOmers 198] tors, 19 Athol St. West, 78 TW al -- i s ws a sgn -- a aiveway South of Hoan Sorat Rimes. "19 wo and] RA 5.6165. ~~ | Ceramic tile bathroom Here so. veol family home 1982 | TWO room furnished apartment, sink 198¢ were] i es i in kitchen, small child welcome rea-| 98c | Solered pan 4 close to Coronation School REALTOR 5 --30dding-->torms and screens STEPHEN A LARGE. single room in good location,| TWO large unfurnished rooms, {ite home. Jew Diby avelcome. 133. Whot o bregk to find o 4 extra lerge kitchen. Lovely Apply Maple Street off Simcoe able for couple or two girls can LARGE " i dAoibic heyy bedroom home, at co price living and dining room. Only S 5. i 97¢|L +E roo agie an ouble bed, " . . 9 . South, RA 5-9712 198 | furnished, apply 29 Elena St 197¢ wl, kige 3 Wy | you can afford to pay. Spa --Clay brick, enamel hot water tank seven years old, can be pur- RA 0771 n a young lady, VE [single gentlemen to share. Apply 38) T p 5 Pleasani room. Stevenson "Road ares; ment, famisied, business couple Bre. (Bruce Street 195¢| path, with vanity. This 8 --Forced air and oil ment. A must, to see this a . ---iterred. 15 Division Street; RA 3 cre SINGLE furnished bedroom, clean,| year old brick and stone has Beautiful spacious kitchens home. Call Carl Olsen at RA 198(| FOUR room apartment, vacant Sep- preferred, abstainer. Will board. RA| 9 oftoched garage Blacktop 5-6165 or RA 8-5146 even p . ; . ROOM and board for gentlemen, to|tember 1. Three room apartment ; 5-38 195¢ 4 HE . Close to rs w '"ldea Floe ix rooms with Stiched garage share, separate beds, good meals, close cant now. Both at 32 Charles Stree NEW, two-bedroomi apartment, avail- scoped yard, one now r Prcfessionally lar.dscape grounds pave riveway. est to Fittings and Nort " y appointment to see. It will WN PAYMENTS COMBINED EFFORT aluminum storms and screens Living room 18 x 13 with stone Master Ave, Dundas, MA 8-6817 duplex, Completely Frigidaire equip-| not last long in this much : Two f ly h I ONE FEMALE boarder in private ped, garage, north east. Adults, ref wo tamily home located aot ¢ ; v y home, own room. Phone RA 81064 i | erences. Write Box 440 Oshawa Times. or Oshawa Blvd. and Glidd es room fixtures ond built-in Srity, JThes bedrooms. Large fin ishe eati x vith bai his home is in immaculate Tr -in Polic shed recreation room wit ¢ s WILLIAM ST. AT Ask about our Home ade Y first floor and three room ap condition. $5000 down payment. Please phone RA 5-0771, OSHAWA BLVD artment up. Paved drive and rooms, and sunroom, well Gord " garage. Total price $12,900 Goldstein Real / L pe ay black from King St. Large family home -- storey and o Living room hos. na: RA 25181 vs ye open morgage gl can also be used as an income home. Living room. with fireplace. Oil heating Bolahood Rea ®t hy Inspection is © fireplace. Four bedrooms two bathrooms. Provision S 1 + Conveniently located must here. Call Ray at RA Asking price $16,500. Call RA 5-077} | RA 53-6165 RA 5-3412 STONE STREET 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA 198a OVERLOOKING LAKE | Living room 19x 12 withsloping ceiling. Four bed- SIX ROOMS LLOYD REALTY | ~ all good sized with plenty of cupboard space. Bathroom $1500 down obtains immed- } | with built-in vanity. Youngstown kitchen with ample cupboards wate possession of this well OSHAWA'S BUSIEST to R.C. and Public Schools. Priced at only $14,500 -- monthly with stone trim: Has hardwood REAL ESTATE FIRM payments $67.00 Principal and Interest. Telephone. RA 5.0771, floors throughtout, alumin- um storm windows and scregn- NORTH END H IGH LAND AVENUE oil dy t hool, Full Ton io rio Hens $12,500 FLUL PRICE Close to R.C., Public and High School, Well kept, comfortable balance of itl 4 Fiverro stone and - stucco five room modern, brick bungalow -- many extras. Priced ance r $11,600 -- Monthly payments only $63.00. Owner will take living room Close to shop- ping, bus, and schools. At- Member ot Oshawa and District Re ; 3 al Estate Board SIX ROOMS tached garage, situated on 0 | \ : i $1,000 DOWN : ! ravine lot, asy $8900 full price. A well kept payments, low taxes. Owner leaving city. For full particu- Phone RA 55237. {ROOMERS wanted, one single room, | jon. Profit © floors, fireplace, oil heat, large lot and room apartment, sharing TWO clean 242 Cadillac Street South. | , oy ot, paved street, four-piece bath, All the extras asked for by ROSEHILL BLVD. manent , con) he 3 . € go any enefits. Sliver nue. 197 | Apply 230 Bloor Street West. 198¢ price $10,500 'or $2500 down, Bt { bungaiow. You'll like the extras included. Don't pass up this offer 198 WOODWORKING bi N city, two days a week. Knowledge jet h . Working | OPEN FOR INSPECTIO i a I ee nd machine shop, Phone Plekesing: dining and working area. MAN WANTED --Unexpected change ette, with stove and cupbodrds, Tv | floors, heavy wiring, hot water, living| owner is in poor health and must sell quickly, Call for an ap- 410-917, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal |ROOM for two refined gentlemen, in|TWO rooms with bath, private en! building suitable for variety with flexible terms. For ap- S5- 2 F 01 | Slose to Number 2 Highway, Pickering. |tleman in private home, TV and home| near High School, on bus FEATURING RA -5-6782 red Major, | : : liam Sack, Thornton Road South, first| month lease LARGE FAMILY hydro. West 41--Room and Board sonable, 242 Court St 197f {TWO rooms, private bath, in new pri-| CENTRAL PARK N consisting of four bedrooms --Sliding windows - ee TV privileges, hot plate. V: ventral, : , ROOM and board for oniral 3 Foam large apart |TV. privileges, hot plate. Very centra cious kitchen, 4-pc. tiled chased with a low down pay- six. eg Sop Tuibed Semin Row LAW STREET ) drive. Attractively land- --Some garages and carports igs '0 rittings and North GM. Apply 252|apply downstairs, or phone 30 Me: bp), gotohe Top floor, split level : : EE in fireplace and brocdloom. Large modern kitchen. Colored bath sought after location 195 Ave. Five lovely rooms on the FOR INFORMATION CONTACT STEVENSON ROAD NORTH constructed brick. All large with $3,900 down. Balance RA 5-6544 5.6165 for kitchen upstairs. Aluminum storms and screens. Fenced and down 2 Fi svel design f ly home -- § $ VERY CENTRAL | Joi design. Large family e seven room: Pierson Beautifully decorated -- grounds landscaped and fenced. Close built' 2 storey brick home OPEN EVENINGS in with . 3; Jorced 'giv hegting, Wi Orly ong left of smaller family-type bungalows -- N-H.A. resale. bungalow with extra large ' time terms. May be seen anytim $3,300 down. Coll RA 5.0771 lovely large landscaped: and fenced-in home of brick construction with 3 rooms down including lars call Lloyd Corson, RA a nice size kitchen with built | g.5)23 in cupboards, tiled floor plus a comfortable sunroom and NEAR G.M. PLANT 3 bedrooms upstairs and bath Six-room brick home, nicely decorated, with large lot and Qil heating. Owner will take garage. Carries for only back the mortgage for the balance at $75.00 monhl 7 Y $70.00 per month, with one mortgage for the balance For more information, call Dick Young, RA 8-5123 | ONLY $1,500 DOWN | ERNIE HOLMES Eins home with garage, in very REALTOR single housekeeping RA 194 | bedrooms, TWO furnished rooms in private home, ts and water, central. Phone RA 194f Of selling or buying @ property, give wld call, our experienced with service is at ygur disposal gentlemen single beds; only TWO-, or three . bedroom house With garage if possible. One mile radius General Motors north plant. Wrife Box 239, hawa Times. WANTED -- two - bedroom apartment | with stove and refrigerator supplied. Unfurnished. Call RA 8-1349 between 3| p.m. and 7 p.m. WANTED TO RENT -- Apartment or duplex within 10 minutes of Four Cor- ners, by couple with two-year-old: Best| references. RA 5-7709 after 7 p.m {ough Avenue. RA 38-6968 192¢ WHITBY CLASSIFIED osm ses FOR SALE -- Wooden double bed and NEW NHA homes, Newman Crescent rooms, sink, use of washing machine, RA 5-6544 springs, coffee table, two end-tables, and Bell Drive, from $13,500 to § 50,{ adults, Apply 48 Drew Street, RA one side-table, all matching in blond; carry from $71 per month. C ed |3-4152. 192f - two matching lamps, one trilight, and tube and ceramic tile, sliding doors, oil ROOM in private home, very centra $10,500 PRICE four-burner heavy duty range. Cail MO heat. G: Newell, Broker, 216 Brock | ring mattress; suit gentleman 102 - 8-068 after 5 p.m 198c | South, Whitby. Call P. Thorndyke, MO |p iF greet Fam ? CAR GARAGE these features: dec- M a Rh Tae am 18-4703 or MO 8-4743 198a | LOST Fox hound, black white and tan, Be ~ |THREE room apartment, private bath, tattoo on right ear, LOB; 2L on left APARTMENT for rent at 11 Dundas TV aerial, washing facilities, plots of rote hardwood floors ear. Reward. MO 8.2417 198¢c Street West, Whitby. Phone MA 3.5833 5.1783 [oe ost] - © ated 00! -- : throughout, oil heating, 2 rey design, See it now . . . parking space. RA 5 - i as Bowmanville 198¢ | " WANTED _ Three boarders, abstain- I WE Pag FOR RENT -- Furnished room, cook-| ers, $15 weekly. Apply at 111 Trent FOR rent -- Five large rooms and ing privileges, central. Phone MO 3 st Street West, Whith; 198¢ bathroom, newly decorated, hydro, cal Bill Ratcliff at RA 5-6544 NT -- Tw ree Foom. PPR heated, use of kitchen if required -- as FOR RENT -- big i re gyri P na | Write Box 607 Oshawa Times, Whitby. ATTRACTIVE. spacious five - room CHOICE' LOT Melita, pivait bath, Rhis, wates and|Avallable Septentber 198c |apartment, central location, washer, heat. Apply 501 Green Street. -- idryer, TV outlet, only $85. Also bache- ' 65 x 200 lot is located on King Street West near Thornton's Road. Buy the lot and build yourself or the Owner will -- 3m lor apartment, completely furnished, § % $50 monthly. RA 8-1203 98f r, & y Whit id . Write Oshawa floor, suit couple. Between hitby an 196¢ build a home to suit you. Call ca Bill Ratcliffe at RA Oshawa. RA 86408 evenings 198{ HOUSE to let, Three small and three 5.6544 clean condition. Oil heating, hardwood up and down, fenced-in back yard. For in- formation, call Irwin Cruik shanks, RA 8-5123 GIBBONS ST | Phone RA 5.6662 96¢ | HOUSEKEEPING room one or two, off Park Road South 207 Sinclair Avenue, or RA 8-6389. BASEMENT apartment, clean, bright, { unfurnished, closets, drapes, private en |trance, bath, kitchen cupboards |heavy wiring, garage, east end 15-2074 THREE unfurnished rooms, kitchen cupboards and sink. Apply 176 Ro 204 KING ST. EAST KELLY BOLAHOOD RA 5.2363 RA 5.2363 198a ARE YOUR RENT SLIPS SHOWING? Ther see this lovely 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Only 2 years old, beautifully decorated, fully landscaped, with fenced yard. One of the coolest spots in town. Don't delay -- call Dave Donald to-day at RA 5-6588; after hours RA 5-8522. N.H.A. RESALE-$48 CARRIES Three bedroom brick bungalow ail aluminum storms and screens, T.V aerial, landscaped. Bus passes door, close to school. Only $12.500 with terms. Ask for Bill Norris, RA 5-6588. LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER APPLE HILL-N.H.A. RESALE 1980 6 room brick bungalow, basement garage. Close to public and high schools. Beautifully decorated. Aluminum storms and screens, & SONS LIMITED, REALTORS suitable for Apply 96c REPRESENTATIVE BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR -- INSURANCE 169 SIMCOE $ Lloyd Realty Ltd Realtors Simcoe St. N RA 8.5123 101 Check 4-pc. tiled bath, The kitchen in this home will delight any homemaker. Full price only $14,800 -- terms. Ask for Jack Sheriff RA 5-6588; after hours RA 3-3775. NEW N.H.A. BUNGALOWS {5 & 6 ROOMS--ALL SECTIONS OF THE CITY * $12,590 FULL PRICE $988 DOWN PAYMENT AND UP WILSON Realtor | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- RA 5-6588 i 198a L.S. SNELCROVE OTD, 43 PARK RD. SOUTH $900 DOWN--BOWMANVILLE BEACH LAKEFRONE -- 5 room cottage just a few years old, could be winterized with very little expense, all furniture included, shallow sandy beach. $3,600 full price and $35.00 per month, Co-op no. 266 $1,500 DOWN WANTED room house, yard. Reasonable rent Times, Box 705 Whitby, THREE room apartment, bathroom | light wiring, ground floor, private en. "Rout: " FOR rent -- Three-room apartment, house for A private bathroom, light wiring, main --_ tre ee large rooms o-piece hat clean, JUNIOR clerk wanted large rooms, two. ce bath ean, | Apply Toronto r h vy tous Imodern house, decorated throughos Dominion Bank, Whitby, = 193 /c mer of Grandview and Bloor Street| trance, suit couple; between Whitby ALL hinds of furniture for sale; ast 198¢ and Oshawa RA 8-6408 evenings 193f Olds; any reasonable offer accepted: wo furnish-| ra - - y -|also wanted to buy several trunks. MO ed including HOUSE and bungalow wanted. Good|y sige: 509 Walnut Street 196¢ alectric refrigerator, TV: outlet, use of down pavments W MeAu Realtor | - -- -- electric 13 MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3-2 t housekeeping Washing machine. Central to down town oe -- es i », TV in room and shopping centre. Suit working ALEX D HENRY. General Contractor, |, 3 5 193f couple, 215 weekly. Phone RA 5.322 Repairs, Alterations, Cement, Carpen -- i *, q8f try RA 5.4548 |LIVE poultr; also feathers, wanted THREE FRESH WATER SI = | High et rices aid. Jake " FRESH WATER SERVICE, MO 8.4172 Hiatiest 10 4 Pept 13 /ed, with al large rooms, completely for light housekeeping take pleasure in announcing the appointment of MRS. AMELIA VINCENT | 460 KING ST. W. -- OSHAWA Phone RA. 5-5376 as our representative for the Oshawa Area SPIC SPAN & SPACIOUS ngl And best of all it's ideally lo- cat in North district, close to schools, 2 storey, 6 rooms, living room with fireplace, 2- car garage and all for only $12,700 This won't last room apartment, self-conta 1 conveniences, inclu and use of washing 98 LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less thon a vo- before 8 a.m. and after 3 p.m. Sept.17|_ oo O 3-3488 collect. ---- | stove, refrigerator, as - - = |ROTO-TILLING, gardens, lawns. achine. RA 5-3366. Dennis, phone Oshawa RA '8-1386 --- Pd ! EON BRICK, bloc and general cement THREE ROOM | GAS, stove oil, fuel oil. Wholesale and APARTMENT ong, call now for Bill Swar- Owing to the fact that ticket fzatan, Prose 1 Prooein, Lambert Of! Children welcome, Apply brick at RA 5-6544, |way, new tanks installed pear on the stub of this [304 Chesnut West. Phone MO 8.2563, | Available September 1st | going to be sold now. A 2- ticket would the person please Sept? i" __197f} bedroom brick bungalow with contact G | large Iviing room and dining CORB STINER MO 8-2816 GRADIN EXCAVATING room: We've really got it this bus at the door. And thet M. O. CRAWFORD, cancy. only screened ond re- iat all, the owner has his Pickering 372J1; isle Hants property clear and is willing te | oy ealty k |LEN DeGEER, MO 8-3417 101 Simcoe St take a low down payment, __ Sept.12| we RA 8-5123 IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO BUY OR SELL IN THIS AREA CONTACT 196¢| GRAVEL & FILL Driveway Gravel, $7 per load|------------------ (Oshawa) Ltd work, For free estimates call P. Wol-| ters, Mo 8-2294. Sept. 3 No. 2675 has won the draw | Aug. 5 to Sept. 5 780 Simcoe St. 5. or $8,900 PRICE but no name or address ap- TI ene Waiter Ward. PHONE RA 5-7081 | Wont to ses a house that is TRUCKING time with schoo! ust up the BEFORE TUESDAY, Sand, Gravel, Fill, Top Soil street, store at the corner and AUGUST 25TH North Don't wait eall Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5.6544 OSHAWA BROOKLIN Cement Gravel, $160 per yd For Délivery Phone ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 FOR C.I.L. PAINT call DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-523) t IF YOU CAN'T BUY RENT Outboard Motors, 3, 5, 7V4 10, 14, 30 h.p. Bgas Box and Cabin Trailers; Tents and Camping Equipment Boats, Canoes and Cartap Boots; - Lawn and Garden Equipment; Cement Mixers; Miscellaneous Tools, etc. _ Wilde Rental Service and Sales 1415 Dundos East, Whitby MO 8-3226 APARTMENT 630 Simcoe North, Two large bedrooms, new outomatic stove and refrigerator. Laun- dry facilities, Parking, adults. Apply after 6 341 DIVISION ST | MASSON STREET | FIVE-ROOM | PHONE BUNGALOW | Venetian ind tiled bat MA 3-2812 193¢] oil heating DON'T BE CRAMPED If small rooms give claustro- phobia we invite you to in- spect this attractive modern home which is more spacious than average, Features invit- ing living room with fireplaces, Large lot, located in West area. Close to school. On Hazelwood drive. Must be seen call Bill Swarbriek at RA 5-6544 OPEN EVENINGS . MEMBERS OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD 1980! forced air Mrs. Amelia Vincent Phone RA 5-5376 Mr. Mervyn Bird, Phone 255-W 8 room 1%; storey brick home located near Courtice, with oil heating, 100 x 150 fi. lot. $8,800 full price. NORTH SIMCOE DISTRICT 6 room ranch bungalow, ultra modern kitchen, spacious living reom and dining room, 3 good bedrooms, 4 piece bath, cok and tile floors, forced air with oil heating, aluminum storms and screens, carport, only one year old. Asking $15,300 LOTS FOR SALE Nerth west suburbs, 100 x 214 ft. $1,200. [Nort east suburbs, 109 ft. frontage $1,200 Cartrat near Park Rd. 4814 x 101 $1,800 Park Rd. S. comer lot, 50 x 137. Asking $3,800. with terms For further particulars please call RA 3-9810 or RA 5-4162 evenings. 1980) J. A. Willoughby & Sons Limited offer you 59 years of Realty Experience with over 30 sales represer in cities and towns in Southern Ontario. SPECIALIZING IN HOMES -- FARMS -- SUBURBAN PROPERTY SALES HEAD OFFICE -- 46 EGLINTON AVE. E., TORONTO

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