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The Oshawa Times, 25 Aug 1959, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 25, 1959 1 > ABNER, UCGCTEER F 4 If ~AND FINALLY -MOUNT | THAT FINE DUST : j ging : - irs | AsHmore! ay |#] || RepreSENTS Sone oF r Wo A An : MAPLE GROVE MISS PIMPLETON WAS { SHRINKING EM ~AND | 14 }i AMERICA'S NOBLEST i z f \ / y RIGHT = iT was you, | Ji MONIC ORCHESTRATHE Hf i CONCEALING 'EM IN- | Ff] li INSTITUTIONS | ; oN, - pA, , By MRS. ML. E. LAVERTY 2 YouLi. SHRINKER- | | JL STATUE OF LIBERTY--- JI Kl -22- YES! = MY 7] ff WONDER whici-soar- FY | PF = Za ; ER any 5 Rs a . AVERTY 4 / AR > SUNDAY HATS? | 1B SEECK SIERO FHI 2 EY : : es % % )%8 Mrs. Gordon Beech, Janice anc + f - rr rr BERNSTEIN Bonnie and Mis. "E. C. Ashtor = £ attended the Ashton family picnic at Springhill Park, Whitby, Sum day . : Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Snovdes and Betty Lou are on holiday a Baptiste Lake as guests of Rev and Mrs. Stanley Snowden. o | Mr. and Mrs, Millard Blake | Mooretown, - visited their cousins . Mr, and Mrs, Stephen Jeffery 3 trans rn nis ------ A. Se a-------- yg i and Mr. and Mrs, Mark Munday . | iain ppt: fet Seater a= w -- y . - {Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stev ri-- ve) ("ACHE or f ; SUREY UNTIL 1) | FF WhieT Wee You Sh GREENS KEEPER I] other relatives. WOR: ) "JULIET JONES YOU REC == ! Y'KNOW. A LADLE E GET SOME GOLF USING TO GET OUT TOLD ME THEY WERE JUST 4 . : : aN 4 | & al "THE LARGE LD 16 NOW, ALA pi CLUBS IT'S WONDERFUL 3 Th ide, J1 | Mre, C. Thomas, Sarnia, anc Ka Ye 44 | LES vy od ECONOMY SIZE 4 ) FOR DIPRIN'UP EQUIPMENT} RUSE TS rig u OR Rica utrokt " QX SMOOTH oUF ROT. | Mrs. C. Bedford, Cha spent ] ; "4 Wr ed - J Big oF saND TRAPS! kl K cHiLe oippee?) ~ j§| [last weekend with Mr." Mirs. \ 3 ' NS 15 ad 7 RQ R ;| [Stuart Morton = John Pritchard, Manotick, # [visiting his grandmother, Mrs |L. C. Snowden \ Mr. . and Mrs, Rou Howell | Nancy, Brian and Charles camp ed at Norland for * two weeks. {They also spent a week at Pene tang. | Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Finney |are expecting a visit from their |oldest son Everett, his wife and sons from Winnipeg. "| Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Fawcett land family, St. Catharines, visit- - ~~ rp MAKE A {ed Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beckett TEN, DUKE. BY GETTIN 50 HE CAN'T DELIVER EVEN IF HE DOES ed WE CAN po foRAL 4% 0 OUR HANDS OM IT== DEAL WITH YOUR BOSS | Wednesday MAGS MININ' rs - | Mrs. E. Ashton, Mrs. Gordon 70C : |Beech and Bonnie attended the |Stainton family picnic at Hamp {ton Park Saturday Mrs, Ann Creighton. Oshawa {was a weekend guest of Mrs. ¥ [Swallow Robert Barraball and Bert I Snowden are attending camp at |Blue Springs scout reserve, near Acton Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty and family attended the Hannah fam- - | ily picnic at Cobourg Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Noble, Jim and Jane, were guests of Mr and Mrs. George Morgan, Toron -------- | ---------------------- ~ |to, Friday. WELL BE STAYING AT 1S HE WITH HE CANBE HIRED, Y WE HAVE BEEN OLD Mrs. A, J. Campbell and Mrs Phil and Toman bf i THE GRAND SPA! THE Aus or AND HE HAS HE CAN BE TRUSTED. HE} |, C, Snowden visited Mr. and 3 3 2 HA \ : | In TTLE : : ? pA 3 pa a y MAN WE ARE LOOKING AGAINST TERRIFIC WAS AN INTELLIGENCE | |). Fergus Abernethy, near DON'T RUN OFF, "~ [T% Jo / 7 I'LL PAY YC | ER A.A . 7/ Looper WE to Lg) } FOR 1S NAMED \ . OFFICER DURING THE | Manilla | BUMSTEAD =I WANT 2 | : 3 ghar £iigny i Jue WAR Hi JOU TO STAY AND Europe... . ) ; - - . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech 0! Apes = hug . 5 -- WES and Bobmié visited Mrs. T | Larmer, Soith Monaghan, and Doreen Larmer at Thurstonia { Park, Sturgeon Lake. | Joyce and Murray Fawcett, | Meaford, spent a few days with |their sister, Mrs, Dawson Beckett, | Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Jennings, Mr. end Mrs. Jim Gibson and Patty, all'of Acton, were Sunday {guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ' | Mills RR | Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burton end NG AT TERRIFIC DISCOUNTS fe Mr. and Mrs. Donald Plummer Less Than 5,000 Miles ee Song B BUICKS ond PONTIALS Jo] smo ie ois DONALD DUCK 3 Pp TTA T / GRAN'PA'S RHEUMATIZ Somwesr, rs A) 16 BETTER, TOO. THAT'S "SIGN OF GOOP -- ANOTHER GOOP- "WEATHER! J "1 WEATHER SIGN! ) 3 / \ ~---- O a ?, i &, ZA (XL) LX, eT } FS mm yy led home after holidays with her | daughter, Mrs. 8. May, at Sun- dridge. Mildred Snowden ahd her > R TT T WILL YOU PLEASE FIND * 3 fe GRANDMA, | | [THEYRE OBUECTIN' T°] || [60 IF YOU DON'T MIND... i" SE FINI We omits rv WO ir Ef SAMY PECPLE ARE | | TH" TOMATO STAINS hy = : ANEW TARGET ¥ |nevhew, Jobs Prichard' of Mab: i, 1 THANKS, BUT IM | | NNT | ON TH! MALL { = | Munro, Muskoka | SEARCHING FOR wa. | | (REE 5 \ So \ 11 : " : | Mr. and Mss. Jim Laverty and IL WAIT FOR THEM TO PICK | | J x ! Z ' # i family spent Wednesday with [om ME UP, | | wy | : kG Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ireland, Nor- : Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bothwell spent the weekend at their cot tage on Twin Lakes. Mrs. Aylmer Beech accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa, to Hampton Saturday, where they attended the Stainton t | V7 . : : us y re WT picnic MUCH LONG. ; = . R suds iy Marion Snowden, has returned SRE oy, to Toronto, after holidays with 4 - -- -- -- ------ Tt r---- : --_-- "ther parents, Mr. 'a Mrs. ' | THERE'S SOME~ LET ME LOOK {§ [Charles Sowden. - BRICK HOVERS OVER THE BARGE THING WRONG AT IT! YOU TAKE THE SCOPE 18 WORKING, PAM! Linda Fawcelt, St, Catharines, HES | HAPPY TO RESCUE | YANKEE SURVIVOR. YOU WAF PADDLE N RAFT. PUIZ TO ER ------ GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER HARBOR WHILE PAM SEARC, HERE THE X-Ray OVER THE CONTROLS THOSE BARGES ARE LINED WiTH Wl i| |is spending holidays with her WITH THE X-RAY SCOPE. COPE BNT (\ OF THE din | LEAD OR SOME OTHER METAL uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 00 YOU SE ; WORKING! nd THAT CANNOT BE PENETRATED), Dawson Beckett. 2) i WE WON'T FIND KRIS | iid ORONO By MRS. J. FORRESTER ORONO. -- Joan and Carol Vagg left Thursday to visit rela. tives in Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. Don Staples, {Sally and Paul, .are spending a week at Lake Baptist, Bancroft. Tony Mitchell, Kenne, is visit- . . , ---------- TT ERR PRN a ¥ graridparents, Mf. and a-------- YES'M, BUT GEE~ HONEY-MAYBE I WAS ONCE, BUT GOLLY, ZERO - I'VE HEARD OF Mus. . Mitchell. IT5 A BIG WORRY OFF'N MY WHAT CAN A ho I'VE BEEN BURIED IN THE SWAMPS . KIDS BEIN' BABY-SITTERS - Mrs. Roy Barraball and Mrs. MIND NOW THAT YOU'VE PROMISED | KID DO To HELP FER SO LONG I'M A'SCAIRT.OF BUY [ BETCHA I'M THE Charles Wood spent Tuesday with TO STICK WITH ME WHEN WE YOU ? YOU'RE LOTS | PEOPLE EVERYTHING ~ You'LL FIRST KID TO BE A 4 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Osh- REACH OLORIVER CITY~TD BE | \ SMARTER THAN § . LADY-SITTER- pqs: | 0 SCAIRT 70 DEATH ~ ALONE - Ny ME- THINGS \' -- Mrs. Don Lennahd, Beverly k ~~. >, a y and Ronda, are spending a week at their cottage at Balsam Lake, Kirkfield. Mr, and Mrs. W, Grady and family have returned from holi- days at Port Perry. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Taylor and and family, Ottawa, are spend- ing holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor. Mrs. Milton Dunbar, Peterbor- ough, and Mrs. Elliott Dunbar, London, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred El liott, Willowdale and Mrs. Reg. Elliott, Kendal, visited Mrs. Wes Ellioét, ; Marion Brown RN, Oshawa, spent holidays with Mr. and Mrs, D. Brown and Mr. amd Mrs. = TAPERED {4Y FATHER HOMESTEADED , --. | [Mss gine 1% J ER. TIME FOR YOUR J SE --N -- i 21 (A | LEGS OUR RANGH BEFORE HE AND : C ADJOING Mine, {\_PiLLS, SIR: -- NL; : 1 FE i & A MOM DIED, MR. PRESTON | IT WiLL : jl | ROGERS! I CAN'T fr' ) 4 | Me ; : TAKE MORE THAN MONEY TT-- / BECOME THE BIGGEST \ - - WN : In the modern trend TO MAKE ME SELL IT... J| { . CATTLEMAN IN THE 1 a) (| ; ESPECIALLY [ , hd AE ANY 3 H : 5 i 3 : i of Build yow own fumiture . .% t eal | t Ab ; Sa \ |} The tough job is done for you with these .easy-to-install legs, All ready to pgint or varnish MILLWORK & : ------ Sh da BUILDING ale Dian Production SUPPLIES LTD. | ".®Aunt Harriet ? She went to the moon last Monday!" 1279 Simcoe N. -- RA 3.4694 DOESN'T] E ELSE # EET ANOTHER MAN AND- BRICK BRADFORD LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY JANE ARDEN ord Tights reserved. Wi HE'S ALIVE...BUT HE NEEDS A ) | DOCTOR. 60 FETCH ONE, PATTY HURRY | / COME ON, RUSTY, BEFORE THE THING GETS Us! RUSTY RILEY 9, King Features Syniiuse, ius, Werid clghte reserve: ROY ROGERS

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