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The Oshawa Times, 25 Aug 1959, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Sunny with a few cloudy inter- vals Wednesday with a few thunderstorms. THOUGHT FOR TODAY Many a man has stopped drink- ing because of the exercise of strong will power -- his wife's. SIXTEEN PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy VOL. 88--No. 198 OSHAWA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1959 TYRVP YY , STRANDED IN DOWNPOUR | storm with winds up to 50 miles | the U.S. Aug. 23. The four-hour an hour which lashed south- | downpour left a river 12 't | of western Ontario and parts of | deep in places on two main | sewers burst Detroit expressways. Hundreds motorists were siranded as -CP from AP | This is the Edsel Ford ex- pressway in downtown Detroit . at dusk after a violent thunder- t p-- Nehru Tells Chinese Princess Authorized As Second Class Mail 1 | S | S 11 f TORONTO (CP)--The resigna- Ontario training centre at Bramp- | d ma d0s |68, deputy minister of the depart-|open institution, {ment of reform institutions, was| He will be succeeded by L. R. ¢ : : : ; ; Communist rebels filtering Minister Wardrope of Ontario. |Burtch Industrial Farm, who in TORONTO (CP)--The world"s|19-gun salute from ships of a through the mountainous jungles| Mr, Wardrope said Col. Basher turn will be replaced by John R. National Exhibition, opens Wed-| Lord Mountbatten will tour the encircled the province of Sam age, but Col. Basher himself said|dustrial farm at Monteith. | \nesday with something to appeal NATO ships on Thursday and on Neua, Laotian military leaders his resignation was prompted by| Mr. Morris will be succeeded The 81st annual fair will be Ottawa to confer with Prime| A senior army officer also| J. A, Graham, 54, executive as-|tendent of the Burwash Industrial lopened officially in the afternoon | Minister Diefenbaker. {said that the Communists had |sistant to the deputy, becomes the Farm. Ernest Bond, clinics -ad- miral of the fleet and chief of TAKES SALUTE SATURDAY |otian government troops in Luang if orm. i Britain's defence staff. Lord Mountbatten will return|Prabang province, - Re vas are. mn Re matey, will take over from features a display of warships urday at the Warriors' Day par-\were committing atrocities in an| ince 1039 : : nt. land ilitati i Fe a Tay OS UPS de. ad then leave for Washin sttempt to spread panic through | *%Y since 1952, said his depart-| rehabilitation officer ate dog and cat shows, ton for a meeting e Joint the area around the city of Luang|, . . . . sports events and a grandstand |chiefs of staff. Prabang, where the Laotian royal advice on reform matters from| Me show headlined by George Gobel, | "Everybody feels they know |Basher's resignation will be ef- § | : { cu aN' S y Si fective at the end re ea] Soman TOMATO CROP |cuT CHILDREN'S THROATS [better than those responsible for rg of the month. Post Office Department, Ottawa ' $ & LJ 'Rebels Gai riticism epeis udln | |tion of Col. G. Hedley Basher,|ton, Canada's first completely VIENTIANE, Laos (Reuters) announced today by Reforms|Hackl, the superintendent of the : largest annual fair, the Canadian| NATO navy. of northeast Laos have almost |is leaving officially because of his| Morris, superintendent of the in- ~ {to almost every taste, Friday will leave by plane for said today. |criticism of the department. by John Irvine, assistant superin. by Lord Louis Mountbatten, ad-| {smashed a counter-attack by La-|new deputy minister: Five other|ministrator at the Mimico Ontario i aa oT | 'NE a S Sat-| rr | International Year at the CNE|to the CNE to take the salute Sal-| He charged that the guerrillas| Col. Basher, who has been dep-| Edward J. Mexted, a parole | i [tached to Mimico ic, : om, Sev ment has been given too much "dod clinic, succeeds soni, ey |too many sources. Mr. Wardrope said Col diminutive American comedian. | The Communists cut the throats! such matters," he said. ormer special investigator for 'Hands Off Or Fight y. .yrer © NEW DELHI (Reuters)--Prime Minister Nehru promised today to defend Bhutan and Sikkim against any intrusions. His statement was interpreted as a warning to Com-! munist China to keep hands off the little Himalayan states Nehru told Parliament that] Ind» is responsible for the de-| fence of Bhutan and Sikkim un-| der treaties with the two remote states on the Tibet-India border.| Increasing Communist pressure) has been reported on Sikkim and Bhutan since the Chinese crushed | agreed to accept India's guidance! the treaty. worried about playing to the huge audience. "I've played to audi-| >s just as large, and besides, | pderstand the new movable will be moved up to the gran¥stand," said George. CAN GO WRONG dren sud S04 thelr bodies CALGARY (CP) -- Nothing Rivers which flow into the Me-| went right for Roy Allan Sat- urday, Mr. Allan operated a green- | house in nearby Bowness. A (to have fled Luarg Prabang as hail storm wrecked it, Alice In Some 50 families were reported NATO SHIPS VISIT And although no swims across Lake Ontario are scheduled, To- ronto harbor will be filled with ships of the NATO navies and there will be swimming and water skiing displays. On each of its 16 days the ex-| hibition salutes a different group, ranging from W rs' Day (Aug But, she added, the Indian gov- in external relations while India erment is Sully Sive to its re-\undertook not to interfere in| Alice, Countess of Athlone, great of the oti a eservation Bhutan's internal affairs aunt of the Queen and widow of 3 od pr The treaty does not specifically Canada's Second World War gov- CLEAR -- CUT WARNING say India is responsible for Bhu-|ernor-general, had a rare and Diplomatic observers here said|tan's defence as in the treaty animated chat with reporters Nehru's clear . cut statement of With Sikkim--but Indian officials! Monday night mainly about the India's responsibility for Bhu- have said that it is implicit. Royal Family's anticipated happy tan's defence represents a major| In the past Bhutan has adopted| event policy declaration and a warning|/a strongly independent attitude| "The family knew nothing to China to take no liberties with|and rigidly excluded any closer|about it until they read it in the the Himalayan state {contact with outsiders--including papers," said the 76 - year-old Ni i i i 3 8 ' E s g, papers, §.- whrvs eua with guerrilla N Under a 1949 treaty Bhutan|India--than that provided for in| princess when asked if she had 10). NE will 1 ed b and, Sante INS. eckags : 2 Saties advance. news that the Queen The CNE will be open: y nC OnIng = REBELS NEAR CAPITAL VANCOUVER (CP) -- Princess Prior to the storm, Mr. Allan checked his crop and found two ripe tomatoes among hun- ment forces were regrouping in dreds of green ones. He picked [the southwestern part of Luang the two tomatoes and put them [Prabang province after their in his truck. counter-attack against the Com- The storm drove hailstones |Munists was smashed. 29) to Communications and Com-| through the greenhouse roof to | Laotian army mercial Travellers' Day (Sept.| destroy tomatoes, carnations hitting back at the rebels in Sam the March rebellion in Tibet. | R | Prime Minister Jigme Dorje told a Times of India correspond- ent in Calcutta Sunday that there was a definite danger of Chinese incursions into this country. He said Chinese troops often had come close to the border while pursuing Tibetan refugees "If there is any violation of the| border we will certainly fight," he added Dorje plans to visit New Delhi soon to discuss the situation with Nehru and other Indian govern.| ment officials Sikkim, covering only 2818 square miles, has a population of 140.000. Bhutan covers abonf 18.- 000 square miles and has a popu- pledge once again "America's de- lan, France's President de Gaulle try I have not visited," she said, . iw 4 Ya Susper ; I votion to peace with honor andland other Allied leaders in a pre- 'It has always been a dream of drawing Archbishop Francois archbishop's head while Premier Nikita mine to go there, but I suppose Poirier, head of the church in the the issue of his removal up to the| ye Vatican. lation of 700.000 REPORTS FROM TIBET Nehru said reports have reached the government of Chi- nese statements in Tibet that the Bhutanese, Sikkimese and Ladakhis "must once again be made a united family under China." The Chinese were reported to be distributing pamphlets calling for the "liberation" of these peo- ple from their "'capitalistic or pressor"--India--but Nehru said the government has no informa- ris Earlier, Mrs. Lakshmi Menon, deputy minister 'for external af- fairs, told the House the govern- ment was not aware of any Chi- nese plans for the formation of a Himalayan federation of the states bordering Tibet Khrushchev Gives Views On Warfar PUGWASH, N.S. (CP)--Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev today expressed concern over the dan- gers of chemica" and bacteriolog- ical warfare in a telegram to in- ternational scientists meeting here to discuss the problem. Khrushchev's message was re- ceived by Nove Scotia-born in- dustrialist Cyrus Edton, sponsor of the week-long conference The Soviet Communist party boss said we share the con- cern of scientists, who justly point out tha! the use of these weapons may have no less hor- rible a consequence than thé use of atomic or hydrogen weapons. He said the Soviet Union strongly supports the prohibition of all types of weapons of mass annihilation, "We hold that their use runs counter to humane principles and the conscience of all peoples * the cable said CHEAP TO PRODUCE British philosopher CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS ICE RA 5-1132 'FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 Bertrand : ary 1 A i 0 i his truck | i was expecting a baby early next Earl Mountbatten, who Ww ill ar-| Mr. Allan hopped into 1 Communist illas A ? vear rive in Toronto on HMS Scarbor-| --and sat on the two wipe || oo "0 "0 gugnllas are Te "We're all delighted of course » ough, which Ww ill be greeted by 2 tomatoes. | Vientiane, the country's. adminis- she said. "Oh! It was a delight-! {trative capital, and in a position {ful surprise." ide Haiti Asks Vatican o cut communication lines be- Ike To Explain Had any names been tween the northern and southern on for the royal infant? part of the country. "Good heavens, no,' units also were | : the department, he became super- FIRST OPEN INSTITUTION intendent of the Ontario reforma- - Mr. Graham joined the depart-|tory in Guelph in 1946 and held kong above the royal capital, he ment in 1946 and the following |that position until becoming dep- said. ; year was appointed to set up the|uty minister. with [the Communists gained ground LJ nd y damage estimated at $10,000. |and probed to within 30 miles of| 0 1 one the city | The army officer said govern-| Diefenbaker Says KITIMAT, B.C. (CP) -- Prime greatest reserves in their history, Minister Diefenbaker said Mon-|a figure in the neighborhood of {dav his government has no tight|®",000,000,000. money policy and is not respon-| "What has happened is the re- sible for the recent decision of sult of unprecedented develop. Canadian chartered banks to cur-|ment and the demand for money {tail supply of money for loans, to keep it going. There has been The prime minister told central [BO freezing of the mo: 'supply British Columbia business men|by the Bank of Canada. ' {the shortage of loan money is due| There was a tight money po- [to the greatest demand in Can-[licy three years ago, under the {ada's history for loans, the re-|former Liberal administration, is none to- » series initiated in {"that a nation nurtured in such|tions European Junket WASHINGTON ident Eisenhower said today purpose of his trip to Europe is liner will leave to pledge Western unity "'in op-/trip carrying him to Bonn, Lon- AP) --- Pres- hopes and aim: for one. At4am the Wednesday Journeay a jet air- here on a 10-day posing, by force if necessary, an don and Paris. He will return aggression" against the allies Sept. 4. The president also told a press' Eisenhower will be seeing West conference that on his trip; start- Germany's Chancellor Adenauer. ing Wednesday, he. wants to Britain's Prime Minister Macmil- justice." lude to Sovie Eisenhower met with reporters Khrushchev's about 14 hours in advance of Je month. scheduled departure for confer- ; Sod with leaders of West Ger- AIMS AT UNITY many, Britain and France It is ynlikely Eisenhower's dis His talks with them will be a cussions of a few hours each with prelude to his discussions with So- the other Western leaders can viet Premier Khrushchev in solve knotty issues of long stand Washington starting Sept. 15, and ing. But it is hoped here that the to his own planned visit to the personal contacts will strengthen Soviet Union later in the fall. [Western unity and make future . solutions easier WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- Reports from abroad indicated dent Eisenhower planned a final his toughest asks would be degl- visit here next day before taking off on-a series U.S, difficulties and of ventures in personal diplomacy some of the rancor that places in Europe. Britain on one side and France Following a White House meet- and Germhny on the other ing with Republican congressional]. De Gaulle was reported ready leaders, Eisenhower was to at- {o push for a greater French role tend a press conference at which in Western planning, U.S. help in he was expected to tell of his dispelling and American support of his cam- paign to retain rebellious Algeria. Eisenhower was pend Sept. 2 and 3 in Paris, in- cluding more than 10 hours talks and dinner meetings with de Gaulle TO BONN FIRST His first stop however, will be at Bonn. Adenauer, who has five hours allotted for his discussions with Eisenhower, has stressed close relations with France as a cornerstone of his actions and has viewed Britain as pursuing a po- licy likely to lead to damaging to concessions to Russia Russell said Monday there is a possibility of small countries re- sorting to such weapons because of their cheapness and ease of production. "This represents a threat world security." he said. Lord Russell delivered his opening address to the 25 scien- tists, representing nine nafions| including Russia and the United | |States, by a tape recording. He! said he regretted he was unable to make the long journey here from his homes in Wales The meetings are the fifth in a 1957 by Mr Eaton and held at the financier's {*Home . for Thinkers." Earlier meetings were concerned with nuclear war. Johansson Signs For Title Bout GOTEBORG, Sweden (AP) - = Ingemar Johansson, the world's WANTS FACTS KNOWN heavyweight ¢ h a m p ion, today Mr. Eaton urged the delegates signed a new contract with to give the world the facts ""how- Rosensohn Enterprises postpon ever terrifying they may he." He said the United Statesichampion Floyd Patterson until should take particular interest in|"sometime between March and the conference for ethical rea-| June 15 next vear." sons i The revised contract, agreed he said lon after three days of negotia- between the heavyweight high moral standards, and so|champion and his Swedish advis- strongly dedicated to the allevia-lers and a six-man American del- tion of human suffering should! egation headed by Jack Demp- ever for a moment consider em- sev, gave no definite date or site barking upon a lunatic campaign!/for the nrn match to ravage and destrov defence The contract left it open for the less women and children with|promoter to choose the site and monstrous disease." date, "It is 'inconceivable' scheduled to in next month because of the prov- the ing the return match with former said Prin- cess Alice. The princess met reporters at the home of her host, Hon. E. W Hamber, former. British Colum bia lieutenantsgovernor, after a tiring train journey from San Francisco. She chatted also aboul her love for travel and her in- terest in youth LIKE TO SEE CHINA "China is the only large coun By HAROLD K. MILKS I A spokesman for President Fran-| can end the rift between Haitian government and the Ro- man Catholic church by with- Caribbean Negro republic. Presidential Secretary Clement v I shall not realise it now." She said most of her travelling has been unofficial old 'friends around the world." IN NEWFOUNDLAND, QUEBEC c¢ay he thinks the Vatican will re-|t Schocl Opening making France a nuclear power! By THE CANADIAN PRESS | admitted 33 polio patients, Newfoundland announced Mon- from out-of-town points in recent t day it will delay school openings|yweeks, Three have died. British Columbia reported ince's polio epidemic, Quebec education move The two provinces the hardest hit in a surge of polio across the coun-|another lung. try, in which the total number of| Besides Mrs. Gibbs and cases now exceeds 500 sister, only one other polio case Three children have Newfoundland since outbreak began there 13 youngsters now treated in iron lungs SEPT. 14 OPENING Dr. G. A. Frecker, Newfound-| have been pital 24 hours after she was ad- the lio in ee JRON LUNG CASE are being, At Ottawa, where lold girl was taken to hospital. | She is the seventh polio case in'cs To Recall Prelate : E prelate, who has openly criticized PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti (AP) |the government cois Duvalier says the Vatican of supporting factions opposed: to the Duvalier's regime. "Just visiting Bardot told au interviewer Mon- officials face excommunication if| Polio May Delay tion about the validity of the re- public expression of his views 10- ing with de Gaulle and Franco-| Hospitals in Quebec City have|week, the first iron-lung case oc- all curred Sunday when a five-year- its | new first polio death, a 234vear-old\Was that of a Montreal family in| authorities mother of two children. Mrs. gvhich four of eight children have, : meet today to discuss a similar Marguerite Gibbs of Duncan died come down with the crippling in an iron lung at a Victoria hos-|disease. Two have died. Authori- summer mitted. Her sister lay nearby in|Without 3 : y {which moved into the city two her years ago. died inlhas occurred in B.C. this year.|Deen in the fresh country air and = never exposed | germs' so prevalent in big cities," free Salk|a doctor said. "As a result their vaccine clinics are to open this|resistance to the polio was low." ieve the 86-wear-old French-born Bardot accused the archbishop Today's account of the rebels'|Sult Of a great economic upsurge. he said, "but {progress by the senior army of-) Mr. Diefenbaker's comments|2Y: {ficer broke a news blackout in came when he departed from his| effect since last Thursday. prepared address to the Central » j---------------- {B.C. Associated Boards of Trade Oil T {convention to "say a few things an . Mystery Bomber {which need saying" about the . {loan situation and the recent in-| Broke Up In Bir Jeeest in the Bank of Canada dis Burn In LONDON (Reuters) -- The He denied a contention that the The ait 3s hold] News Chronicle today reports Bank of Canada's action in rais- ' le government is holding aipyitain's missing top-secret Vie-|ing its rate to a record 6.41 per ) spended arrest order over thei,. jot homber broke up in mid-|cent meant the chartered banks d oma Putting! air more than eight miles above|could not advance" loans at six ; Spd Welsh coast. {per cent, the legal limit. : ¥ al Vatican sources have| yt says the plane, carrying a| The chartered banks do not og SAHOMA, CITY (AP) Fire varned that Haitian government|..ow of five, was seen to break borrow from the Bank of Canada of Es 3 ks burned out f Sor : fect up last Thursday by radar equip-|except on rare occasions to hold and Grea ay at the Cato Oil he order is put into effect. ~~ lment and its exact position was|up their reserves, he said. Today| Firenrn fon any here. nth sind oy contain the know i the chartered banks had the four-aldrm blaze to the-plant but ade little: headway dousing it. ey Oil tanks and railway tank cars exploded as the fire reached them. One tank broke at the bot- tom and a gush of flaming oil sent firemen scurrying back. Two firefighters suffered facial burns and police had their hands full trying to keep the thousands of spectators out of the danger area. BOUGHT FOR $2,500,000 The plant, owned by Kerr-Me- Gee Oil Industries Incorporated is at the east edge of Oklahoma City. Kerr - McGee purchased it about two years ago for a re- ported $2,500,000. Two hours after the blaze started an official of the firm, L.A, Woodward, estimated dam- 'age at more than $500,000. Night watchman Homer Rogers said the fire started shortly after 10 p.m. in the oil building, one of three giant sheet - iron ware. © |houses. He said it spread so . |quickly the building was virtually engulfed when firemen arrived a (few minutes later, b No Relief For he capital this summer. The most tragic case in the reports across the countiry| the case Monday es reported the family identifying "These children .had always to the diverse| ? None of the children had re- eived Salk vaccine shots. land minister of education, said| the scheduled Sept. 1 school open-| ing has been postponed until Sept. 14. A further delay may be| ordered, depending on the situa- LATE NEWS FLASHES Hay Fever MONTREAL (CP)--If you suf. fer from hay fever the best thing to do is get away from the hay fever belt, a federal government tion Two new cases were reported at St. John's Monday, both boys, running the provincial total for 1959 to 48. Health officials in Montreal said 32 new polio cases had been admitted to Montreal hospitals since Friday to bring the total this year to 444 28 deaths (AP)--Presi Nikita S. WASHINGTON he intends to meet ed as chief of state or as head TORONTO (CP)~The INCIDENCE DROPPING senior football championship wil Weekend figures showed a 30 sity Stadium here Nov. 14, it per-cent drop from the previous as a week and authorities said the epidemic may be starting to ease In Quebec City the civic healfh director called Monday for a {postponement of schoo! openings until Sept. 14. Roman Catholic {schools are scheduled to begin |classes Sept. 2 with Protestant schools starting Sept. 9. will meet the best from east Mangled Body Found On SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. Harry Wester was found where they cross the railway br Abitibi Power and Paper plant struck by a train while making Ike Will Meet Khrushchev At Airport when the Soviet premier arrives here Sept. 15. This resolved the protocol question of whether Khrushchev will be receiv- There have been A]].Canada Football Championship first miniature Grey Cup game, name agreed to by Sir Winston Churchill early "weed expert" said Monday. Clarence Frankton, supervisor of the weed investigation section of the federal Plant Research In. stitute, held little hope that rag- weed--the principal tormentor of hay fever victims --would be * |eradicated in the near future. i | Southwestern Ontario and Que- bec are the worst spots for rag- : (weed, Mr. Frankton said, but the | Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia : {and Winnipeg are also places to avoid. {| "It's almost impossible to er- adicate all the ragweed at the present time even though there are sprays that will kill the plant," he said. "The weed is just so abundant the cost of de- dent Eisenhower said today Khrushchev at the airport of the Soviet government all-Canada intercollegiate 1 be played this year at Var- was announced today. Billed the best from the west for the Churchill Trophy, a DEPARTING SMILES Sir Thom as Beecham, 80- | hand to see him off. They were year-old . orchestra eonductor, | mairied sceretly in Zutich, (CP)--The mangled body of | walks beside his young bride, | Switzerland, Aug. 10. She was today on the CPR tracks the former Shirley Hudson,.27, | his secrctary before marriage. |cal," . idge near the headrace of the | at London airport. Beecham | It is her first marriage and she | Mr. Frankton spoke to the In- Wester had apparently been | was en route to Geneva, Swit-' | is the third wife for Beecham. {ternational Botanical Congress, of his way over the bridge, zerland, and # wife was on --AP Wirephoto which he is secretary-general ' Tracks stroying it would be astronomi-

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