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The Oshawa Times, 25 Aug 1959, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 25, 1959 : SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE ACTIV YOUNGSTER WORKING WITH PLASTICINE Interest In OBITUARIES WEATHER FORECAST New Homes FRANCIS WILLIAM HALL [resident for fhe last seven years SESS G_GIG0G Sunny And Hot well known resident of Qsh-|of her life. She was born in Ryde 3 . . awa for about 27 years, Francis |township, Ontario on Mar. 24, 4 3 ' t 1 H h William Hall died at Fairview|1880. Her parents were the late | S 1 19 Lodge, Whitby, Monday morning, (Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ego. Jie" H | e i 18S ay | Aug. 4 _ -He was in his 88th She was predeceased by her hus-! While there may have been|year. band, the late Archibald" G.! . some slight drop in the number of| A pative of Perth. Ont.. Mr. |Skinner, on April 1, 1945. 2 3 p TORONTO (CP)--Official fore Regional forecasts valid until homes sold in the area by specu-|gall w ci ith Disney! At the time of her death, M: A casts issued by the publicimidnight Wednesday. ; , har Y 3 |Hall was associated with Disney , MIS. i oD & . ; : lative builders in the past few|Real Estate during much of his|Skinner was a member of the ; ? | weather office at 11.00 am. EDT:| Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Wind- months, there has been no slack-| ocidence in Oshawa. The pos. First Baptist church, Huntsville. Synopsis: Southern Ontario's|sor, London: Sunny today. Wed- ening of interest. The drop is|gescor of a pleasing personality,| Predeceased by her eldest son, : {heat wave continues unabated to- nesdav. mainly sunny with a few perhaps a reflection of a 8light|y. enjoved a wide circle .of Charles A. Skinner, on Jan. 10,| |day with still no immediate relief|isolated thunderstorms develop- increase in benk interest rates,| fronds. 1936, at Huntsville, Mrs. Skinner| lin sight. Wednesday will be an-|ing during the afternoon or even- and should be picked up as soon | Mr. Hall. who was pr ased|is survived by three sons: Sam- aud |other hot day in southern and|ing. Continuing hot and humid. as there is some slackening of|y. nic wife, the former M ret/uel A. Skinner 'and Harvey R.| " |central regions with afternoon|Winds light today, southwest 15 redit resirictions by the Bank of E. McLaren. of Perth, was a Skinner of Oshawa, and W. Roy temperatures again on the 85 to Wednesday. ada Imember of St George's Angli-!Skinner, of Peterboro. {95 degree range. As the air be- Niagara Lake Ontario, south- is is the general opinion of| on" oh ureh, Also surviving are three sis-| Lo {comes more humid Wednesday alern Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Oshawa builders who state that| "my. rinera) service will be ters and four brothers of Mrs. | isolated thunderstorms will Toronte, Hamilton: Sunny today. the labor market in the building|, 1+." 4" MeIntosh Funeral|Skinner: Mrs. Percy Robson, | i . |develop during the late afternoon| Wednesday mainly sunny with a } [industry here is fully occupied, pr = "a 1 Wednesday. Ethel, Aberdeen, Sask.; Mrs. | ? or evening. Northern Ontario will|few isolated thunderstorms de- ard this wif apparently be | Aug 26. Rev. C. D. Cross, rector Sidney Laws, Orna, Orillia; Miss] -STORE MANAGER |oet rove Wiceitled weather as 3|velopig pe fhe Merion = case until the winter sets in of St. George's Anglican Church, Edith Ego, Regina, Sask.; {band of showers crosses that part evening. Continuing hot with in- It is estimated that in three To Lo ihe services. Inter Sheldon Evo. Brantford: Har.| . Carl Knowles, who has 10 lof the province later today and|creasing humidity Wednesday. days over the past weekend near-| ©. "lol Tagawa Unionlyey Not l TRA Jo Ar"| vears in the men's furnishing |early Wednesday. Afternoon tem-| Winds light today, southwest 15 ly 3,500 people visited the new Comaiery ey, gh 2 Jay A Bay, YaHicoy, trade, has been selected by [peratures in the north will again Wednesday. Idea Home on Somerville street. ver, Roy, _Ardtree, Ont, Norman Beal of Toronto to (be close to the mid seventies) Northern Georgian Bay,«Kirk- 'Homebuilder Clair McCul- FUNERAL OF Mrs. Skilner leaves 11 grand-| manage the new Norman Deal | Wednesday. land Lake, North Bap, Sudbury: lough said Monday that interest REGINALD LOCKE children and 14 great-grandchil-| Men's and Boys' Wear store at |------ Sunny today. Wednesday mainly | the Oshawa Shopping Centre. cloudy with the occasional shower BIG WORK PROJECT IN SAN is not confined to the one fur-| pyneral services for Reginald dren : . 0k wid I AN DBOX nished home on display. Most of; [ocke, 186 Cadillac Ave. S Mr. Knowles managed the Eg- or thunderstorm, clearing by ® Mesa ---------------- ost mi a 1 a § The body will rest at the Arm- t S ' the visitors are couples who have| ... died in Oshawa General strong Funeral Home until Tues-| linton Square Shopping Centre eva ua 10N evening. A little warmer Wednes- visited at least three of the seven : ab g 22 y at 9:3 wi i ing i wly day. Winds light today, southwest ey 2 h Hospital, Saturday, Aug. 22, day at 9:30 p.m. The body will] prior to moving into a zewly « CAPSULE NEWS CITY AND new homes in the project. were held at the Armstrong Fu- be taken later to the Addison| purchased home in Oshawa. He | 20 Wednesdey shifting to north- Most of the big be had ne | Home, chapel, Monday, Funeral Home in Huntsville. is married gud has two young | Of Mone T mine: Kapusks wot fv DISTRICT ® Sate The my Aug. 24, at 2 pm The funeral service will be held safe No yi be attending one | Y [ , Kapuskasing: Mainly seekers. By ar y AM , i Mir apti o f Oshawa's 8 Ss eo smny v Rev. Clinton D. Cross, rector|in First Baptist church, Hunts- {tonight and most of Wednesday. terested in fle new homes and| on ] (ville od Best S | IY Uh financing: and other|of St George's Anglican Church, ville, Thursday; Aug. 27, at 2) w [SUIT 20d Hoe! of needa: BOMB WN OLLISION , (oians, There's no doubt that some Officiated. Interment was . Il 1INAONEeS1A Winds tight today, southeast 15 MANVILLE (Staff)--Ger-| ¢"c0 people who visited the Mount Lawn Cemetery. Interment will be at Madill iil ers Iy | | tonight, shifting to northwest late ald Johnston, 38, 16 Lamb's Lane, |; ses are thinking of buying", Pallbearers were C. Baxter, cemetery, Huntsville. } | JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP)! Wednesday. : ? Forecast Temperatures hf | Rmanville, was 'treated for|, =. oigq Magill, T. Holder, W. Beare, | a slight cuts to his right knee ati ~ ~~ 1. Diederichsen and A. Peterson FUNERAL OF T B B 1 President Sukarno N y or| it Tempelare its ar et Bowmanville Memorial Hospital| / PAULINE LUCZKA 0 eat Y AW lieved a 90-per-cent devaluation of Hii Suit, . lighs edue, this morning, as a result of al | MRS. LUCINDA JANET High Mass was sung for Paul- . og + [Wi OTTAWA (CP)--One of Can loaded, a city © charged | LVO-car collision on Highway 2 at Check Your | SKINNER ine Luczka, who died last Friday| TORONTO (CP) -- Builders in large banknotes and froze most Windies = "nsvigs ada's pereunial best-seller's, the|/Monday in an 4 ' is . | the Prestonvale road. Police say Mrs, Lucinda Janet Skinner,|in Oshawa General Hospital, in suburban North York who have large bank accounts, [London : annual handbook of facts sndiweek's he rma Sn a the driver of the other car was . who had lived most of her life her 66th year, at St. John's Uk-|ignored zoning laws were warned| Sukarno's government--he calls | wingham I XR acts and woke y vn ackou Ted Arthur Virgin, 19, 128 rose H d in the Hunfsville district, died rainian Greek Orthodox Church, | Monday by Reeve Norman Good-|it guided democracy -- said the T f issued. Monday Titled Ri oh Luves oa don was ordered into | hil) boulevard, Oshawa. Virgin ire azar S Monday, Aug. 24, at the Oshawa by Rev. D. Luchak, at 9.30 a.m., head that the township vwery,| eres are: intended 40 | oon e 4 1959 it is put together by the bur-|el BY Wide system of privat-| was uninjured. Len James, OPP General Hospital. She was in her| Monday, August 24. The deceased very shortly will have power to! a : i (st. Catharines . eau of statistics. Canada or ui eq onsolidated Edison! Bowmanville detachment investi-| What would yon do if fire|80th year. was the wife of Alexander Luc-/go in and rip out some of these mounting inflation and direct cap-|n- milton si a py -- ia big 5 Company gated {struck your home or apartment! wfrs Skinner, the former Lu-|zka, 197 Bloor St. E. buildings." |ital into development programs. zfuskoka ... J DESTRUCTIVE TYPHOON HOSPITAL REPORT (tonight? cinda Ego, lived with her son| Funeral arrangements were by 'Mr Goodhead said builders; The new regulations, broadcast Killaloe ... FINANCIALLY SOUND TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) -- De.| Following is the report of the| What escape route would VOU|Harvey Skinner, 509 Rossland|the Armstrong Funeral Home.|were continually attempting to|without warning after banks and |Earlton ... WINDSOR (CP)--Windsor is in|layed reports t ts De | sehawa General Hospital for the|!2Xe' Suppose # was blocked --|Rq W. Oshawa. She had been|Interment was in Oshawa Union peat the zoning bylaws. He made business houses had closed for the Sudbury ...... icf reports today said typhoon Pa x. | what then? in poor health 'or the last six|Cemetery. Pallbearers were: M.|y.. remarks in connection with a|day, reduces all 500- and 1,000-\North Bay A. ts re | the strongest financial condition|Iris left about 1000 pe week ending Aug, 22: Admissions| my i i : : i TSONS + i Anger i hese are questions most peo : H "k. S. Husick, S. Hercia, P.| : | jah ($43 and $87) bills in value 'K: skasin, of any city in Ontario, Crown At-|homeless i A : and | 269; births 48; discharge fult : months. usick, S. Husick, S. Hercia, P.|.,un0il report on Gronte Con-|rupiah ($43 and $87 s in value Kapuskasing y wn At-|homeless in the Pescadore Island |? 1arges, aculinle never think to ask them-| pp Grinner was am Oshawa Hercia, V. Galevich and Ww. Kueh. | gviotion Limited, which was is-|by 90 per cent. | White River torney Bruce J. S. MacDonald,|group west of Formosa. Other|239; newborn 47; major Surgery avec sccordi t ton R Y her |selves. according to the National| - lsued a permit fo build a four- Ninety per éent of all bank de Moosonee EEEEEE FEE EEE) president of Windsor Rotary|reports said' nine small fishing|39: minor surgery 76; eye, ear ix i r ary |repo nine small fishing| ) Safety Council | suite apartment building and then | posits over 25,000 rupiahs (2.10) Club, said Monday, Mr. MacDon-|boats with a total of 30 men|Nose and throat 27; treatments| wy : f - : a 3 - Yet, your life and the life of | Pegg Tie : ald said he recently received this|aboard were feared lost off south-|and examinations 55; casts 9 ir loved <" it said, 'may tt { ha Of began work on a six-suite' build-| were frozen and earmarked for information from Lorne R. 8 this] a Formosa because of the ty-|Physiotherapy 282 Yo I Pasion sal oa] awa nge uAar {ing the purchase of a 2,000,000,000-| BOLEYN) A: TAY 3 ming, chairma he z phioon Saturday bid sli i irda -- = |pupiah ($175,000,000) issue of gov-| 57 KING ST E. OSHAWA ONT E iairman of the Omtario VISITORS AT ROTARY yared in advanc for fire {runny ' Seine ; oh Municipal Board. In the 1980s : . ' enorance and: panic have cost ' . WOMAN RUN OVER Visitors at' the meeting of the lgnorance and panic have cost - : ; 3 ~~ ~ Windsor was: bankrupt. ONTARIO, Calif. (AP)An air-|Rotary Club of Oshawa, Monday thousands of lives in home fires. S emoranie vent Mic ey Of) {, Yilatus of he secguine Sai Th gn Tose -- azo craft worker pushed his wife/in Hotel Genosha, were Elgin In case of a fire in your Nome ae yo RA 8 6201 TORAPE PRICES HIGHER from an auto during an argument Savery, Jack Driscoll, Rev. Ae Council said. you should By DON PEACOCK corps, the troops marched up the jt oe fine. of 1,000,000 ruphsis, FERRELL inh a ? P) ~- price of and then drove bac d forth|Cathee - Sobol. 2 ellen | KPO . " i . St ri |Driveyay beside historic Rideau | L tu ; ¥ A : ¥ $90 a ton, highest in 12 years and gver her Jove, ae k= Sh | Cather, Jack Petch ang Dudley|™y What escape route you win| Canadian Press Staff Weiter Canal' out across Confederation S eC rer | ports was set up ranging from 25 $5 above lest year, has been report. Mrs. Barbara Heisel, 24 | 2 ; use : | OTTAWA (CP)--Have the pos-/Square under the shadow of the ap, |PeT cent to 200 per cent in Jux-|- agreed on by grape growers and|mother of four. was dead on ar-|BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED 2 Who will help smafe chil- sible tourist attractions of Par- National War Memorial and in MIAMI BEACH, Fla. AP)--|ury goods. An extra _20-per-cent winery representatives, it was|rival at' hospital Monday. Robert| Two members of the Rotary|9Ten oldsters or invalids in case liament Hill been wasted all these hrough the centre gate of the More then 100 lawyers listened to/levy on all exports will Sontie. | ED WILSON SEZ: announced" Monday. The Ontario Heisel, 25, was booked on sus-|Club of Oshawa, who celebrate|®f, emergency. ° . | summers? Parliament grounds te Professor O'Brien" at a pro-| 4, exchange rate fixing the [ll wor Baby Bargains during Auge grape crop is estimated at 28 to|picion of murder. [their birthdays this week, were °, How to notify the fire Je- Anyone lingering on the lawns : rs {fessional seminar and "most of rupiah at 45 to 1 U.S. dollar also [ll ust -- Hi Chairs, $7.88; Lorge 30 per cent below last vear' 8 Th oo Ve partment. And when (Get every- l- this & 4 he AMERICAN TOURISTS {them appeared not to realize ed. The old rate was [| Size Cribs, $22.00; Crib Mat- per low last year's be oi honored by the club at its lunch- i ft of the Hill this summer while the \ > rs > : was. announced. The ra S ll fresses, $7.50; Strollers, $4.88 cause of hail damage and a dry MEMORIAL SERVICE leon meeting on Monday. Those O"C, OU Of the burning building | canadian Guards performed be.| BY the time they arrived on the their lecturer was Mickey Cohen. |yy 4 vipiahs to the American dol- os, i a it season, but of excellent quality. HOLLYWOOD (AP)--The 3rd presented With souvenir first then phone firemen was eastern square of the broad front| Cohen took part Sunday night), . 'ith a tourist rate of 29.9 WILSON FURNITURE "'lannual memorial service for si- n 3 Souven: Spoons ; I 20 CHURCH ST. {fore crowds of tourists tempted to wonder lawn, parched with the hot sum-| with Melvin Belli, San Francisco rupiahs. TOO HOT TO WORK lent screen star Rudolph Valen- a, i mer, the Hill was jammed with trial lawyer, in a discussion Belli| INDRO TCRy Bing i Scrat oi a 50 eC i ane or amar he, Th band of mactng mi (ois Pol "Seu over. rst Bel et week me. flames by ing up in a coat, , K operations at the Windsor plant S0ns. Also missing Monday--for| STREETS CLOSED i 3 flowed with cars bearing licence cessfully defended Cohen in a | of Hiram Walker and Sons H ere fhe fourth straight vear--was the! The following iin D ill pera or blanket. Don't run -- that [Spiels, ir go) of Yoo bands plates from a dozen states and Tos Angeles assault case. | LATE DEATH OSHAWA'S POPULAR cut in hal! Monday when ap-| woman in black," who hadiciosed today for construction: °MY fans the flames ) A(T gee bat he sind of Sm several provinces. | Cohen, who 'describes himself | f ; a ; aviv 7} gd i A : y: [7 - the Counsili g| SCY : - : proximately 150 workers decided|Made a yearly ritual of placing Ritson road south, from Bloor, Buf best of all." the Couns in memory From time to time the RCMP |@as a reformed hoodlum, told re-| ;,;veroN, Lancelot -- On Monday, | RENDEZYOUS it was too hot to work. A com. 0Wers before Valentino's erypt.\to Conant streets: Tecumseh ay- emphasized, "prevent fires his tried. to maintain some order in|Porters he would speak om thelaugust 24, 1959, at the Ajax and Pie: | pe ito- | 3S § art." | "a he 4 = " h x i : ie, oll big 5 A pany spokesman said on three Valentino died in 1926 of perito-lanye closed from Simcoe sireet fore they get a chance to sta | It was a stirving sight to see the parking chaos, as tourists stig [evils of crime but his five min. kering Hoomsat ori TALLY-HO ROOM earMer occasions the bottling nitis. {north to Somerville street: Pros- utes on the platform was devoted Johnston, Oily cleaning rags and painticarrying out the ceremonial| oc. 0 "0 0 oo park on the|Wer repartee with Belli, thony and Nancy all of Whitby. Rest-| sor area have been in the 90s for |blonde member of the Cristiani Orandview sreet south closed] 22° es : jeha e 8 ; Len) 2. Rubbish in the attic, base-|toric ceremony was new ot the that the Mounties just threw up | American Bar Association, said day. August 26, 1959 at 2.30 p.m. In.| SEVEN CARS DERAILE Mie i Voi ot i ami : closed to wes i Fi ILED Iniss Vier Cristiani, 19, a high- o westhound traffic from, oc that are dirty and in| |with the ABA. He was not in- 4 4. What you should do if some- Were James Allen and John, e catches on fire. (Use water! Check your home for such haz-|the soldiers in their red - coated jy," cong" into any opening in! {Upton and dear father of Eileen, Rob. | plant was shut down because of CIRCUS STAR HURT [pect street closed from King |changing of the guard. The his-|my "pt usually it was apparent| Ross Malone, president of thejing at the W. C. Town Kuncral Chap several days. family rh {from King street east to Bloor q . I {family of circus fame broke her ent, garage Hill this summer, and went only ci yo a" eo" iter the show, [ie wanted to emphasize Cohen's |oay Meet 2 ov Cemetery, Port gy ouiforme and bearskin hats, sight--much to the chagrin of Principally to question-and-ans-| eri, Gerald, Douglas, Margaret, An- HOTEL LANCASTER heat. Temperatures in the Wind-| LOS ANGELES (AP)--A pretty | Street east to Athol street east;| el, for service in the chapel Wednes- ! i street east andl King street west ™ 3 3 3 ) {ankle in a fal: from an elephant :] Fireplaces, chimneys, flues. daily from late June to Aug. 13. | shen the guards paraded backt © visit was not linked in any way | Whilhy. SeHing Your Home? TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) -- Seven! wi ing Park road to Gibbons street ex-| FIC 3 Cartier Square | of 2 hiteor Biltmore: wire performer, tumbled during cept nights and weekends. When. | need of repair. BIG TRAFFIC JAMS a Sq a |vited. | as . i i a performance Sunday night of ever sible. th po "v1 Other hazards to beware of: The crowds grew steadily un- Six guards were also mounted I y Otto passenger train were de-/the Cristiani Brothers Circus. gv ossH h ase Siredts willi Smoking it bed [til an average of 3,000 turned out daily at entrances to Government | ORGANIST PHOTO 00-0P raed Fit Toweme In Her father, Oscar, is ringmaster. movement of Tem tron ELL 2. Leaving matches within the every morning to watch the color- (House, official residence of the Ei h ! uburb: ysburg, 2 . 3 Me | governor-genen: fi | . i - lat 15 Dron ona POISON POTATO SALAD treme. weather conditions, such "2 Lot Sddren ail. refoce ip ful ceremony. They created the | eto general, from 8 a.m. to 1Sen ower : : Nightly at Sells First! taches said none was badly hurt] CHEYENNE, Wy. (AP) (as heavy rain, may result in the, = oR lead of 0 3 mit biggest traffic jams Susie ist ol HOTEL LANCASTER 4 : Food poisoning that felled an es-|cloding of other streets. Several... "incinerator daily hour in the memory of the Contact Your Local Realtor LLOYD'S REJECT POLICY |timated 300 persons here Sunday miles of street are being surface "~~" "77. _.|Hill, And no one can recall when y rogram il Ladies and Escorts Room DURBAN, South Africa (Reut- had been traced to potato salad|ireated with asphalt and. stone - the Hill offered anything with FEAR OF WASPS | | ers)--Jack Forsdick, chairman|served at two group picnics. chips. Motorists are requegted to) Relaxation Of such steady drawing power | LONDON (Reuters) -- Presi-| of the Durban city council fi-{State and county health officials/obey all signs, not to drive on Civic officials urged that me CAUSES DEATH |dent Eisenhower will receive | nance committee, said Monday made the announcement Monday [barricaded streets and to drive Tariffs Urged ceremony be continued, but the] WROTHAM Spanish Foreign Minister Fer-| that Lloyd's had turned down an|night after tests of food served |slowly after streets are opened) soldiers are bound for Germany| : England (AP)-- pando Castiella in London Mon- insurance policy for £31,471,082/both groups by the same cater. to traffic. KITIMAT, B.C. (CP)--Relaxa-|and had to get some home leave ho Pindar, 37, was haunted |day afternoon, it was disclosed ($88,239,029) against riot damage |ing service x ition of tariff and frade restrie-'hefore sailing. ig foar--of Wasps. today. . to Durban's municipal property i ; -. - |tions was urged Monday by . i Mo . WoO years ago he discovered, The official program for Eisen- D) Pp N He said that i ; riod AILOR DROWNED Fraser W. Bruce, president of The ceremony, identical to the| he was abnormally suspectible |powes' trip. % ita 1 LA | } {A | d that in Lloyd's opinion] ROTTERDAM (Reuters)--One Retired President; - Aluminitm aay of Can.|one performed by British guards-| 4 'their poison flows Jip 0. Brian sevesled the Durban situation had deter-| " . . » men at Bucki ace, 'was he sr He was stung ithe date of the previouslv an- orate sce to doe of the or ler vas drowned ad four! Of Fairbanks Dies|i, en to ent suoomoon|ner,t Buckoéiam Pisce, Ner| on the arm and iaken weon- nounced meine teiween wiser | Mi PANH o NAO NA SN BNE NY JH 3 p 2% s - | i g § city wild- y i Ss spital. yi ) T aig i quotation about a monthisene being loaded into the Dutch| CHICAGO. (AP) -- Charles H.|erness. He told the Associated Wis fom the 181 Bavalion of the! "That is when his nightmares |foreign affairs chief, who will fly , vaircraft carrier Karel Doorman Morse, 86, retired president and Boards of Trade of Central Brit- anadian Guards Regiment. Reg started. Pindar, father of four |here from Madrid. STAN BRYNING RING FARIS BELLS caught fire and set ablaze a|chairman of Fairbanks, Morse ish Columbia: imental headquarters are at the| children, 'dreamed repeatedly | Eisenhower is due in West Ger- PARIS (AP) -- Church bells|PaT8¢ alongside the vessel inland Company, died Monday in| "Canada has never consumed Peavaa army camp about 90 that he was being stung to|many Wednesday night and in OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE rang throughout Paris Monday to Rotterdam harbor Monday his home in suburban Lake For-|more than 15 per cent of the alu- miles northwest of here. The two| death {this capital Thursday evening of 420 ELIZABETH RA 8.5358 " | : : g "mi i uards' groups were barracked | vy vi el 1: : : in II emorate the 15¢ om vas iE . lest. He retired in 1935 minum produced in the country. |S! : | On Monday his wife Haz Bonn-London-Par i 8 fhe 0 vers-| FIVE DIE IN STOLEN CAR | ______ ___ [This means that Canadian alum. | Ottewa during the summer| went to clear a nest from out he ol PEP i ary of the city's liberation from| NEW ORLEANS (AP)--Police CRASH KILLS S RE : i ye NEW ORLEANS: (/ i C LLS SEAMAN |inum is a-world commodity and [Ceremony period. ? | of the garden Khrushchev's visit to th it C the German occupation said seven teen - agers speeding] NEWPORT, R.I. (AP)--A sea-|needs a world market ) | Every morning they marched, An angry wasp buzzed past States Sey aE e Uniteq HAMBERS FOOD a . , more than 100 miles an hour in'man aboard the destroyer Hazel-| *T. ; A ph 3 A aint] Wap tlraial " | SAY SYSTEM INADEQUATE ar ol ig bo ver Hazel-| "To expand and develop world (from the drill hall in Cartier| her, straight for her husband. | Informed sources here said tha NEW YORK (AP)--The BOWER Lap en. tat Fos unged over a I wood was killed and four ship- markets, the industry needs, and (Square, some four blocks south| It stung him on the thumb. tslks this Be oe § that, CLus network serving this huge metro night. Five To a canal onday | mates were injured Monday when indeed must have--a maximum |of the Hill. Paced along briskly Pindar died in his wife's ways the West can beat the So- 65 UNDERWRITERS RD --- OX. 9.1188 polis. adeuaie od ao. fo ied and two escaped. |a helicopter crashed after land-|relaxation of tariff and trade re-|by the regimental military band arms 10 minutes later viet bloc in peaceful economic | ' . {Tires of the dead were sisters. ling on the ship. letrictions throughout the world." land the lst Battalions own drum | competiti gis

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