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The Oshawa Times, 25 Aug 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 Manager: Lloyd Robertson 5 ence wife paients and FOR HMS WHITBY CREW MEMBERS | As & souvenir of their visit to Whitby, the crew of the Royal Navy frigate Whitby will each receive a special Whitby pen nant, from the Chamber of Anne Mary Post Commerce, which has arranged | Chaytor, right show the the two-day visit for Sept. 6-8. | specially purchased pennants, Above, chamber secretary | Tiucy state "Whitby, Ontario, Fred Ollen - Bittle, left, and In- | welcomes HMS Whitby, Sept dustrial Commissioner Charles | 1959. Oshawa Times Photo | WATERLOGGING, SALINIZATION ght London -- Alfred J. Peters, SX coachbuilder to the Royal Family | for 58 years. or Personality WHITBY Brooks PERSONALS | Hears Metro 13 Per Cent Need |Brooklin the St. John The Evangelist| hd Postal Boxes w 11 ps Church CWL met the Grey Nuns| Silver Band . d 0) i | | : J; Whither their arrival on Monday. | The largest crowd of the sum- be s0 | 1 a ; equipped. i Tots Touched {mer season turned out on Sun. |P€T cent of them, are still waiting Early in 1969, the post office family, of Chatham, were callers|vetropolitan Silver Band at the(33 per cent apparently do 10t|mail could begin here as soon as By L. G. ARKSEY at the Divine and McCausland | whithy Centennial Park. care if it never comes but 13 per|go per cent of the homes had let-| BROOKLIN --. On a : [Faust is the former Miss Edith|g 5 nd, the champi ri 4 i " pion. Toronto|g of % .l N H t [eCausland, The Misses stalled fetter boxes sever: and Marie Snoddon of Black-|lunder the direction of band- ini tw idaving 2 | To rla dent Thomas R. Scott reported residents would have the mini-|squad, but the visitors saw little, |water are also holidaying at the master Allen Woods. a 5 I {Divine and McCausland resi-| Formed more than 25 years|today that a recent survey by|mum number of boxes. In July, alto be happy about. Even though. = 2. Sunday afternoon ' clear- has been recognized as one of |67 per cent of the homes checked had the boxes. Ome taken this| be doing their best, they were no [brass tubes with wires atiached leer and family of 301 Walnut|ception postman. Before home delivery|cent have acquired boxes during ated them to a 28-2 defeat. 3 > A street, are returning to Belgium.| Next Sunday, the Whitby Brass|can bgin, he again pointed out,'the month. At the end of the first 20 min- [lives (and a good spanking tol itime of 8.00 p.m. in the Certen-| locals, with the second period be- they found out they had been! : " a hg in i | playing with electric detonator Mr. and Mrs. A. Yeninga, of/nial Park to provide music for AT RLACKSTOCK }ing 2 cuplic a2 : the caps over a lawn and then | Maasden from Mog al to return ar | Brooklin ran wild and scored al A ker i" wh [to their home aller spending a |picked them up again without| [i pols ik oo caebutk | On Monday morning, officials | Visser and family, King street, |the opposition, {of Len-Rae Construction reported and other relativs. ; : . I= t ew 00 the home player with the most {had tampered with the caps in| Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Mitchell e in 2) !points in the game, which was |an unlocked construction shed atiand family and Mr, Frederick| {won by Don Craggs, who tallied |sional Building. |EKngland, father of Mrs. Mitchell, . fair grounds here have taken onling announced during the even-|a close second with eight | PC Kenneth Edwards investi-/are leaving for a two weeks' va-| ecu ation a new look for the 1959 edition|ing variety show, The last game of the schedule ft three little boys, none Detroit tl of the Cartwright Agriciliual So afternoons three 2 boys, | Detroit and various other parts of " ciety air, ay, Aug.|fruit, wi bles, sewing crafts, [29 when Acton will provide the [over 10, had been observed bY|the States LONDON (Reuters) -- The|29 'marks we official opening of es grain, seeds, opposition for the local squad. [gieest. He sew hem scattering Mr, and Mrs. L. Atchison and Governor Nelson Rockefeller and| The grandstand, judges' stand ne on display in the Community | . the small caps on his back lawn|, i." a0 ohare Debbie, of Don hi might have been less|and arena have received a fresh|Centre building on the grounds.| Royal Engineers them up 2 " i pe y . n . = . and N W. Denison, of King : At 1 p.m. Saturday, a gigantic PC Edwards checked the shed "4% ne msn son's marriage to a former fam-Tparade will leave the high school Be Silaren, the above with the been missed when workmen ; . HAMILTON (CP)--Col. G. R. < ; rs "votes. fn n luded in the parade will be four- : ox A cleaned up and found three more! Jimmy, son of Mi Mrs. need "votes from somewhere else |C ' to be in by 1 p.m. Friday. Chetwynd, who served 31 years Leip : ; besides Wall Street." |horse teams, decorated farm and Ro joe ernie They Vote Hla i Trang rs 5ay5 | and clowns. ing of light and heavy draft/¢ers until his retirement in 1045, away for disposal. . . 4 {the marriage of 23-year-old] There will be two classes in the horses, Joties, Dostam soutty/ wine Club Achieve-| a spanking, for their part in the| First Company Girl G uid es Rasmussen, 21-year-old daughter|afternoon, the 2.25 Class and the affair, which could have cost| Joan Calder, Patsy Coutts, Char-lof a retired Norwegian fish|free-for-aii, with $200 in prizes. touchy caps been handled t00|garet Weaver and Patr and diversion over the week-{cycle races and a calf race for donated by the Canadian Bank of roughly | Yeates and Third Company Girl ig boys and girls under 15. Commerce in Port Perry, will be {by Saturday to spend two weeks|worked as a kitchen maid in her| camping at Doe Lake, Ontario/house, has now rounded the tale| L C d THE OSHAWA TIMES Tuesday, August 25, 1959 § arge Crowd! Members of the executive of] on hehalt of all parishioners on) hithy residents, at least 6780 per cent of the homes must H ille Mr. and Mis. E. J. Faust and|q,y evening to hear the Tdronto|for their mail delivery. The other that home delivery of Detonators. residence, Euclid street. Mrs.! Guests of the Whithy Brassle : n- | 3 cent could hastén it if they ter teceptacies. Since then, postal fog B in Me . | Joanig roup presented the concert Chambet of Commerce presi-|al surveys to find out when the ed host to the Huntsville Lacrosse | I 3 Three little boys who spent|; ago, the Metropolitan Silver Band Postal officials had shown that|survey showed that 64 per cent/the Huntsville players seemed to over 300 little nu und Mrs, Albert DeBracke-|Canada's top bands since is in- have letter boxes ready for the month showed that only three per match for the locals, who humili- {to them got the shock of their| boot) on Monday morning when They will sail on the Arcadia. {Band will be back at their usual utes of play it was 7-1 for the | 1 a) i ing a duplication with a 7-1 score.' caps. The three had scattered |Schettens, Holland, sailed on thelarea residents 5 | . Fairgrounds ERR mishap. {few months visiting with Mrs. J.| Rockefeller John Phillips donated a shirt to lto Whitby Police that someone| the rear of the Whithw Profes-| Dixon, of Salford, Lancashire, BLACKSTOCK (Staff) -- The, will be held with the winners be- ith nine markers. Carnegie was | gated and learned that on Sunday cation to be spent in Windsor, | Exhibits of flowers, plants|yill be held on Sat oR Rev. George McQuade, 105 Kent Guardian says today New York (he 94th annual fair. land special school exhibits will] and requested that they pick e ite. ir, 4 ean y Aw iy 1 Mills, visited their Mr. publicly entlusiastic' about: thelr coat of paint for the occasion. |Thene will also be a pet show for Di again to make sure none had Street. ily maid if Rockefeller did not|grounds for the fair grounds. In- Veteran 188 1y mai 1 ockKelelle 1 01 | BIC 8 8c a ex jon of animals are required | id a block of coment whieh Jud (G. Leitoitg. fo celebrating ais business £loats, autos, bicycles| Saturday, there will be a shaw. (With the Roval Canadian Engin. The Liberal 'newspaper The three boys received prompt offered to Jimmy v ) | ae i a of Steven Rockefeller to Anne Marie horse racing to be held during the 4-H Beef them a hand had one of thellotte Graves, Patsy Stacey, Mar-| dealer, "provided us with a pleas-|Other special events include bi- -- |Guides Evelyn Hickey, Kathy| "Mrs, Nelson Rockefeller,| 11 Second annual Oartwright given to the best showman of the |Kahn and Susan Miller, left Whit-| whose daughter-in-law once Summer Queen beauty contest Durham 4-H Calf Club. | Provincial Training Centre, ap-|off by explainifig that neither she| proximately 20 miles north of nor her husband, the governor of | Wed. In St. John's A very wedding took wore similar dresses one in yel- place on Saturday, Aug. 22, at|/low, the other in pink. Miss Netty 11 am. at St. John The Evan-|Vesters, flower girl, wore a green gelist Church, Whitby, when Anne nylon dress on similar style. They Mary Post, daughier of Mr. and all wore matching head bands Mrs. Sam Post, Whitby, was and carried cascades of bronze joined in holy wedlock to Wil- chrysanthemums and white carna liam M. Vesters, son of Mr. and tions pretty Mrs. Anthony Vesters, Pickering The groom was attended by Mr. Hu rille. District Guide Com-| missioner Mrs. G. Gregg and parents saw the girls board the] "'chartered" bus | Canada Helps Pakistan To Reclaim Arable Land By RUSSELL ELMAN (can see things we cannot point LAHORE, Pakistan (CP)--Pak-| out on ti "" : : a C Pakistan tne Be out on the ground. niece, Mrs. Victor Maffey. Mr. al phot taken by SOIL PATTERN Thompson, 86, is a native of Canadian pilots, are trying to re-| Aerial maps, he says, give the Whitby who moved to California Mr. George K. Thompson of Orinda, California, is visiting his soil scientists aphs York, placed any obstacle in the way of her son's choice of | D . . bride. be & ih List "The governor's wife has also| d left a thought that lingers in say-| ing that Mrs. Rockefeller, Junior,/] By THE CANADIAN PRESS will encounter no problems soci-| Montreal -- Mrs. Max Dunbar, ally and adding that 'the marri-|40, wife of professor Max Dunbar age would not have the same of McGill University. chance in Europe, and certainly] Montreal--John A. 'Miller, 83, Chicago--Charles H. Morse, 86, retired president and chairman of Fairbanks Morse and Company. | Montreal -- Charles E. Fraser, 86, famed Canadian engineer. Hamilton--Col. 'G. R. Chet- wynd, 73, who served 31 years with the Royal Canadian Engin- ® Enjoy a fune filled evening * where there's music, skates and laughter. A great recreas tion for all. EE ------------ Rev. Father L. J. Austin offic- Martin Vesters, and the ushers ated. were Mr. William Gerrits and Mr The bride, given in marriage Ted Vesters by her father, wore a floor length The reception was held at the white Chantilly lace gown on|/Whitby Community Arena and for Princess lines. The bodice was/the occasion the bride's mother adorned with pearls and irides- wore a pale blue silk organza cent sequins, boat neckline and dress with white accessories. She long pointed sleeves. Her waist-/was assisted by the groom's] line veil was held in place by a mother who chose a pale pink studded pearl and sequin coronet/ nylon taffeta dress with white ac- headdress. She carried a cas- cessories. Both their corsages con- cade of red roses and white car- sisted of white carnations. nations. | For their honeymoon trip to She was attended by Miss Betty | Quebec the bride donned a Royal Post, maid of honor, who wore a/blue wool plain color. suit and pale green dress, scooped neck- white accessories. On their return line, cap sleeves, cumberbund to! Mr. and Mrs. Vesters front with streamers in back, at 415 Byron street north harem skirt, nylon velvaray Bridesmaids, Miss Wilma Ves- Oshawa, Brooklin, Ajax, Picker ters and Miss Maria Vesters,ling, Toronto and Sarnia. AT FORMER CHURCH Grey Nuns To Open Convent Four Grey Sisters of the Im- maculate Conception will arrive in Whitby Monday evening from Pembroke to take up quarters at the new Grey Sisters convent in Whitby. The four Sisters Motherhouse in Pembroke, On tario, and belong to an 8000 strong order. The Superior for the nuns wil be the Reverend Mother Helena. The Reverend Sister Isaura will be Superior of the new Grey Sisters Convent in Whitby In all there will be four Sis ters of the order residing here and out in the western provinces The nearest convent to Whithy is in Port Credit, while others are Harbor, Ontario The old church of St Evangelist will become are John The on John street west, the new convent Earlier this year, the parish moved to a new church on Gif ford street from the ROAST BURNS The family roast was burned late Monday afternoon at 700 Sister Marie Rose will act as John street after firemen put out principal of St. John's Separate|Ue flame and smoke and found School, while teaching Grade 1/that a roast which bein wil be Sister Teresa Marie. Prepared for the evening suppe Housekeeper will be Sister John had been burned to a erisp. The of the Cross and the Rev. Sister fire was in an apartment building Isaura- will teach piano at the Which houses more than 100 per convent sons, many of them being at The order conducts hospitals in home at the time preparing the Saulte Sainte Marie, Penetang, evening dinner. BROCK "sy NOW PLAYING £5 nono £2 was LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 V /@ SAVAGE! SINFUL! 47 P SPECTACULAR! 83 i of {tion from starving. C will reside |; I Out of town guests were from located in Midland and Victoria |! claim thousands of acres of un- department an accurate pre-fixed 48 years ago. productive wheat lands in West idea of patterns of soil distribu-|™ Pakistan tion over the whole area for the Once known as the gramary of first time. In search of more wa- the Indian sub-continent, : ROS | 'No doubt this was partly in-| MINOR LACROSE tended as a sturdy blow for the| West [ter, it now is possible to locate The second game of the On-| United States -- coming fittingly | Pakistan each year is losing 50.-|0ld channels of dried river beds tario Minor League Lacrosse Ags| fron} Sorrieone who may gue day| 000 acres of arable land because and creeks. sociation juvenile playoifs, be be the Tir Bly at an ; of soil salinization and waterlog-| Although Punjab has an old and |, Thithy A | "Perhaps, 3 e marriage, ging. highly - developed irrigation sys-|. cc", Whitby and Alderwood,i, "st have received quite | . Bow 70 |gets underway Wednesday even-| } blic acclaim fr h The problem has become so tem, scientists say there still is ing, in the Whithy Community| Such public acclaim from the par-| acute that an area formerly self-not sufficient water to prevent|,.. ~ . |ents of the prince charming if| sufficient in grain now must im- seit from rising and deteriorating : . | Mr. Rockefeller, as a Republican| port food to prevent the popula- soil wih the ultimate destruction| The playoffs climax the end of| millionaire aspiring to live in the| nadian gifts|of crop poential and eventual|the season for the local squad, in| White House, did not need to col-| totalled {abandonment of the land. Salin-|Which they had a successful year, |lect votes from somewhere else ization is also coupled with a rise This is their second game against | besides Wall Street Pak- |in the water table causing water-| Alderwood, in a five-game series,| "Not for nothing is the story yma- logging because of poor drainage. the first game being won by Whit-| of Cinderella one of the most pop- ef by to the tune of 17-10. ular in the world." annual loss and TEMPORARY RELIEF -- - - y salt soaked! In trying to correct the situa- tool in the depart-|tion the scientists first had to| : m» " ment's research is a Canadian diagnose the causes of infertiliy | alone of wheat have nearly $20,000,000 n ut photographic survey of Pakistan, and undersand processes of salin-| y ization. They now have gained AERIAL SURVEY sufficient information and exper-| Under the Colombo Plan Can- ience of reclamation techniques | ada spent $3,280,000 for the 163,- (to begin practical reclamation 000-square mile aerial resources work .in the field {survey of West Pakistan in 1951-5: A temporary relief program is and a 139,000-square-mile surv being undertaken to reclaim 25, for agriculture purposes in 1¢ 000 acres by additional irrigatiom | 54. Detailed land use surveys from existing water supplies. The| were made of 85,000 square miles. [West Pakistan water and power Films, maps and reports were [development authority has also made in Canada and most now begun the first phase of a perma. | have been returned to Pakistan. nent reclamation scheme, which | Additional prints of photographs includes a long-term expensive have been distributed by the geo- [program of lining canals, sinking al survey of P: an . at [tube wells and establishment of particularly for use by|power drainage land reclamation and soil con-| Permanent reclamation can| servation departments only be truly successful, however, | al photos have defined the once salinity has been checked, | have to work in and in-|the w table lowered and scien. sed our progress," says H. 8. tific icultural pattern followed. Zaid research . officer in soil|{Says Zaidi: "Unless this problem | chemistry The maps cover ais settled there can be no agricul- large area and from the air we lture stability in Pakistan.' Twin Bed Swing In US. And UK By STEWART MacLEOD | It removes the open mouth Canadian Press Staff Writer [from the innocent party's ear LONDON (CP)--The foundation | LIKES DOUBLE BED | Joe 2 happy marriage, says Stan Lukes, incidentally, still clings! by aikes, rests firmly on twin to the double bed. "But I am not eds : a snorer, cover-snatcher or bed- In other words, double beds are nog risky. They should be approached How about his wife? "I'd get hs ia Caution. ny Hoa _|into trouble if I said." | ¥ ~eS1 this Teyoutionary theory | Ng statistics are available yet, | guaw on nerves of double- hut Lukes says there has been al ed occup it. should hastily (strong swing toward twin s in| be explained that Lukes is not athe United States. He predicts! certified marriage counsellor that bed buyers in Britain will He is, by profession, a - soon follow suit. maker Luk If this does happen, he and tL LUuKes is a conscientious i other bed manufacturers will do bedmaker, one who takes a keen |, big business. Two single beds interest in the type of people who ost about twice as much as one {occupy his products. It was! double | through this interest that he de- veloped his twin-bed theories TOURED U.S. Believing that gin in the United decided to take a four cre Och, my bonny wee gas bills! Your Renault Dauphine will give you 48 miles (aye, 48!) to every gallon. And at $1798 purchase price, the down payment and terms are budget-easy too. (Mon, what's holding ye back?) Firemen Keep Test-drive a Dauphine today, at your Renault dealer. trends be States, Lukes most London -- Lord Catto, 80, gov- ernor of the Bank of England from 1944 to 1949. ton, 48, librarian and radio and record columnist for the Ottawa : pot AA England, that it will have pioneer newspaper photographer ois beiore Aine 4 BG COMMUNITY ARENA Skating Every Tues. end Set. Citizen. Ad yy Goodric SAFE DRIV THIS WEEKEND! SPECIAL LABOUR-DAY TIRE SALE! New B.F.Goodrich Tires at money saving prices "rege o guaranteed quality * long wearing economy * 4 rugged p lies of Tyrex cord e proven, safe stopping tread design sa or 6.00-16, ube- blackwall and recappable diy 4 Plus 50¢ for mounting N° oN BLL LAAMAN Tregrevv\t 6.70-15 tube-type and your recappable trade-in Tube-type 6.70-15 and your secappable trade-in The BETTER your tire the BIGGER your allowance! Blinker On BEGoodrich suvertownsres ~~ Smileage/ starts here SUL FTUOUS el , week i OO\GR 3 | "sleep study' tour of that country 80 he could see the latest develop- BRANTFORD (CP) -- Village| e--$U8B8DB5 EN ---------- -- 5 I OR son, CARICOLOR NZ eyes wil see the glory... RTA : STAWART HAYWORTH - GRANGER 1% SALOME | CURE STOR of Boel SYDNEY - Mewrior SONWARTZ Armcid MOSS Als BADEL ments in beds 'He inter makers sellers, buyers a dence he g three distinct problems council in nearby Waterford has bed: decided volunteer firemen's cars| along. with should have some dittinctive| Tbe evi marking to prevent squabbling | vointed: to between police and fire depart-| ments. | marriage wrecking viewed countless like | I Fire Chief Clare Tench has| complained that the police de-| partment has stopped firemen's| cars while the volunteers were| on their way to a fire | Ame ns, he | B. F. GOODRICH STORE 88 King St W,, RA 5.4543 ad Oshawa, Ontario Meades Sunoco Service |Whitefield's Sunoco Service 588 King St. E. RA 5-8161 - -- | 531 Ritson Road $. RA 5-8531 ALEX NATHAN SUNOCO SERVICE says, call But, police, chief Robert Ger-| ncompatibilities." |rard 'said the cars were stopped | Lukes points out that the cover- to keep the way clear for fire-| snatcher and g clearly from a double bed t« 'sleep twins. And| Council decided firemen ans-i not give wering calls will keep their left | against the turning signal on until a perma-! certain degree nent vehicle marker has been provided. while this action may eomplete prot 1 norer, it offers & of relief. defes ted bey og nan Pe Silty Le wich wee VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LIMITED 149 KING STREET WEST i RA 5.3557 CBFG | 215 King St. W. Meades Sunoco Service |E 74 Simcoe St. 5. | RA 5.0512 RA 5-662] ARENA SUNOCO SERVICE Brock St. S., Whitby MO 8.4032 N ileage/ | | | | | UBFG Whitby, MO 8-2252 ARL PASCOE'S SUNOCO 132 Brock St. N., Disney's Sunoco Service ah 1123 Dundas St E., Whitby, MO 8.5621

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